Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT 178.35

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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 178.


at drop must be statistically random, (b) Inspections and analyses. Chemical

but direct impact on the valve or valve analyses and tests required by this sub-
closure must be avoided. chapter must be made within the
(2) Criteria for passing the drop test: United States, unless otherwise ap-
The containers must not break or leak. proved in writing by the Associate Ad-
(b) Design qualification testing must ministrator, in accordance with sub-
be completed if the design is manufac- part I of part 107 of this chapter. In-
tured with a new mold or if there is spections and verification must be per-
any change in the properties of the ma- formed by—
terial of construction. (1) An independent inspection agency
[75 FR 73, Jan. 4, 2010] approved in writing by the Associate
Administrator, in accordance with sub-
§ 178.33b–8 Production tests. part I of part 107 of this chapter; or
(a) Burst Testing. (1) One out of each (2) For DOT Specifications 3B, 3BN,
lot of 5,000 containers or less, succes- 3E, 4B, 4BA, 4D (water capacity less
sively produced per day must be pres- than 1,100 cubic inches), 4B240ET,
sure tested to destruction and must not 4AA480, 4L, 8, 8AL, 4BW, 39 (marked
burst below 240 psig. The container service pressure 900 p.s.i.g. or lower)
tested must be complete as intended and 4E manufactured in the United
for transportation. States, a competent inspector of the
(2) Each such 5,000 containers or less, manufacturer.
successively produced per day, shall (c) Duties of inspector. The inspector
constitute a lot and if the test con- shall determine that each cylinder
tainer shall fail, the lot shall be re- made is in conformance with the appli-
jected or ten additional containers may cable specification. Except as other-
be selected at random and subjected to wise specified in the applicable speci-
the test under which failure occurred. fication, the inspector shall perform
These containers shall be complete as the following:
intended for transportation. Should (1) Inspect all material and reject
any of the ten containers thus tested any not meeting applicable require-
fail, the entire lot must be rejected. All ments. For cylinders made by the bil-
containers constituting a lot shall be let-piercing process, billets must be in-
of like material, size, design construc- spected and shown to be free from pipe,
tion, finish, and quality. cracks, excessive segregation and other
(b) [Reserved] injurious defects after parting or, when
[74 FR 2268, Jan. 14, 2009, as amended at 75 applicable, after nick and cold break.
FR 74, Jan. 4, 2010] (2) Verify the material of construc-
tion meets the requirements of the ap-
§ 178.33b–9 Marking. plicable specification by—
(a) Each container must be clearly (i) Making a chemical analysis of
and permanently marked to show: each heat of material;
(1) DOT–2S. (ii) Obtaining a certified chemical
(2) Name or symbol of person making analysis from the material manufac-
the mark specified in paragraph (a)(1) turer for each heat of material (a ladle
of this section. Symbol, if used, must analysis is acceptable); or
be registered with the Associate Ad- (iii) If an analysis is not provided for
ministrator. each heat of material by the material
(b) [Reserved] manufacturer, by making a check anal-
[74 FR 2268, Jan. 14, 2009] ysis of a sample from each coil, sheet,
or tube.
Subpart C—Specifications for (3) Verify compliance of cylinders
Cylinders with the applicable specification by—
(i) Verifying identification of mate-
§ 178.35 General requirements for rial is proper;
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

specification cylinders. (ii) Inspecting the inside of the cyl-

(a) Compliance. Compliance with the inder before closing in ends;
requirements of this subpart is re- (iii) Verifying that the heat treat-
quired in all details. ment is proper;


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§ 178.35 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(iv) Obtaining samples for all tests (1) Each cylinder must be marked
and check chemical analyses (NOTE: with the following information:
Recommended locations for test speci- (i) The DOT specification marking
mens taken from welded cylinders are must appear first, followed imme-
depicted in Figures 1 through 5 in Ap- diately by the service pressure. For ex-
pendix C to this subpart for the specific ample, DOT-3A1800.
construction design.); (ii) The serial number must be placed
(v) Witnessing all tests; just below or immediately following
(vi) Verify threads by gauge; the DOT specification marking.
(vii) Reporting volumetric capacity (iii) A symbol (letters) must be
placed just below, immediately before
and tare weight (see report form) and
or following the serial number. Other
minimum thickness of wall noted; and
variations in sequence of markings are
(viii) Verifying that each cylinder is
authorized only when necessitated by a
marked in accordance with the applica- lack of space. The symbol and numbers
ble specification. must be those of the manufacturer.
(4) Inspector’s report. Prepare a report The symbol must be registered with
containing, at a minimum, the applica- the Associate Administrator; duplica-
ble information listed in CGA C–11 tions are not authorized.
(IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter). (iv) The inspector’s official mark and
Any additional information or mark- date of test (such as 5–95 for May 1995)
ings that are required by the applicable must be placed near the serial number.
specification must be shown on the test This information must be placed so
report. The signature of the inspector that dates of subsequent tests can be
on the reports certifies that the proc- easily added. An example of the mark-
esses of manufacture and heat treat- ings prescribed in this paragraph (f)(1)
ment of cylinders were observed and is as follows:
found satisfactory. The inspector must
furnish the completed test reports re- DOT-3A1800
quired by this subpart to the maker of
the cylinder and, upon request, to the AB 5–95
purchaser. The test report must be re-
tained by the inspector for fifteen
years from the original test date of the DOT-3A1800–1234–XY
AB 5–95
(d) Defects and attachments. Cylinders
must conform to the following: DOT-3A = specification number
1800 = service pressure
(1) A cylinder may not be constructed 1234 = serial number
of material with seams, cracks or lam- XY = symbol of manufacturer
inations, or other injurious defects. AB = inspector’s mark
(2) Metal attachments to cylinders 5–95 = date of test
must have rounded or chamfered cor- (2) Additional required marking must
ners or must be protected in such a be applied to the cylinder as follows:
manner as to prevent the likelihood of (i) The word ‘‘spun’’ or ‘‘plug’’ must
causing puncture or damage to other be placed near the DOT specification
hazardous materials packages. This re- marking when an end closure in the
quirement applies to anything tempo- finished cylinder has been welded by
rarily or permanently attached to the the spinning process, or effected by
cylinder, such as metal skids. plugging.
(e) Safety devices. Pressure relief de- (ii) As prescribed in specification 3HT
vices and protection for valves, safety (§ 178.44) or 3T (§ 178.45), if applicable.
devices, and other connections, if ap- (3) Marking exceptions. A DOT 3E cyl-
plied, must be as required or author- inder is not required to be marked with
ized by the appropriate specification, an inspector’s mark or a serial number.
and as required in § 173.301 of this sub- (4) Unless otherwise specified in the
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

chapter. applicable specification, the markings

(f) Markings. Markings on a DOT on each cylinder must be stamped
Specification cylinder must conform to plainly and permanently on the shoul-
applicable requirements. der, top head, or neck.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 178.36

(5) The size of each marking must be (iii) To calculate the maximum lon-
at least 0.25 inch or as space permits. gitudinal tensile stress due to hydro-
(6) Other markings are authorized static test pressure, the following for-
provided they are made in low stress mula must be used:
areas other than the side wall and are S = A1 P/A2
not of a size and depth that will create
harmful stress concentrations. Such where:
marks may not conflict with any DOT S = tensile stress—p.s.i.;
required markings. M = bending moment-inch pounds—(wl2)/8;
(g) Manufacturer’s reports. At or be- w = weight per inch of cylinder filled with
fore the time of delivery to the pur- water;
l = length of cylinder-inches;
chaser, the cylinder manufacturer c = radius (D)/(2) of cylinder-inches;
must have all completed certification I = moment of inertia—0.04909 (D4¥d4) inches
documents listed in CGA C–11. The fourth;
manufacturer of the cylinders must re- D = outside diameter-inches;
tain the reports required by this sub- d = inside diameter-inches;
part for 15 years from the original test A1 = internal area in cross section of cyl-
date of the cylinder. inder-square inches;
A2 = area of metal in cross section of cyl-
[Amdt. 178–114, 61 FR 25942, May 23, 1996, as inder-square inches;
amended at 66 FR 45185, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR P=hydrostatic test pressure-psig.
51652, Aug. 8, 2002; 68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003;
76 FR 43531, July 20, 2011] (b) Steel. Open-hearth or electric steel
of uniform quality must be used. Con-
§ 178.36 Specification 3A and 3AX tent percent may not exceed the fol-
seamless steel cylinders. lowing: Carbon, 0.55; phosphorous, 0.045;
(a) Type size and service pressure. In sulphur, 0.050.
addition to the requirements of § 178.35, (c) Identification of material. Material
cylinders must conform to the fol- must be identified by any suitable
lowing: method, except that plates and billets
(1) A DOT-3A cylinder is a seamless for hot-drawn cylinders must be
steel cylinder with a water capacity marked with the heat number.
(nominal) not over 1,000 pounds and a (d) Manufacture. Cylinders must be
service pressure of at least 150 psig. manufactured using equipment and
(2) A DOT–3AX is a seamless steel processes adequate to ensure that each
cylinder with a water capacity not less cylinder produced conforms to the re-
than 1,000 pounds and a service pres- quirements of this subpart. No fissure
sure of at least 500 psig, conforming to or other defect is permitted that is
the following requirements: likely to weaken the finished cylinder
appreciably. A reasonably smooth and
(i) Assuming the cylinder is to be
uniform surface finish is required. If
supported horizontally at its two ends
not originally free from such defects,
only and to be uniformly loaded over
the surface may be machined or other-
its entire length consisting of the
wise treated to eliminate these defects.
weight per unit of length of the
The thickness of the bottoms of cyl-
straight cylindrical portion filled with
inders welded or formed by spinning is,
water and compressed to the specified
under no condition, to be less than two
test pressure; the sum of two times the
times the minimum wall thickness of
maximum tensile stress in the bottom
the cylindrical shell; such bottom
fibers due to bending, plus that in the
thicknesses must be measured within
same fibers (longitudinal stress), due to
an area bounded by a line representing
hydrostatic test may not exceed 80 per-
the points of contact between the cyl-
cent of the minimum yield strength of
inder and floor when the cylinder is in
the steel at such maximum stress. Wall
a vertical position.
thickness must be increased when nec-
(e) Welding or brazing. Welding or
essary to meet the requirement.
brazing for any purpose whatsoever is
(ii) To calculate the maximum longi-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

prohibited except as follows:

tudinal tensile stress due to bending,
(1) Welding or brazing is authorized
the following formula must be used:
for the attachment of neckrings and
S=Mc/I footrings which are non-pressure parts


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