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#9 Read-Aloud +

By: Bri, Jamierin, & Hannah E.


1. Learning Targets
2. Why/how the strategies are helpful for ELLs
3. Reading Strategies (Focus 3 - Physicalization, visualizing, paraphrasing)
4. Other possible extension activities
5. Discussion and Exit Slip
6. Suggestions
Learning Objectives

Content Objectives: ELP Standards:

- SWBAT identify the main idea from the - ELP.4-5.1. construct meaning from oral
text. presentations and literary and
- SWBAT apply one of the strategies taught. informational text through grade-
appropriate listening, reading, and viewing.
Language Objectives: . - ELP.4-5.2. participate in grade- appropriate
oral and written exchanges of information,
- SWBAT paraphrase the story read using
ideas, and analyses, responding to peer,
descriptive discourse (at least three
audience, or reader comments and
- SWBAT describe the students acting using
both oral and written language.
How & Why this is helpful for ELLs

● Visualizing - Hands on. Picture what the main ideas happening in the story are.
● Paraphrasing - Rewording what they read in their own words so it makes sense
to them
● Physicalization - Acting out what they heard.

Making a movie in your head of what you read

Using pictures, realia (real objects), and drawings.


Acting out a reading or creating

Physical movements of a reading.


Reading a story then shortening it using

Your own words.

The Magic Tabo (Tagalog)

Vocabulary Terms:

-Tabo: coconut shell cup or a scoop and a bucket of water

-Multo: monster or ghost
-Destitute: not having the important things in life
-Forlornly: sad
-Puzzled: confused
How the Moon and Stars Came to Be (Bukidnon)

Vocabulary terms:

-Mindanao: One of the many islands of the Philippines

-Mortar: A bowl made of hard wood, metal, or hard stone
-Pestle: A tool used to grind things up
Exit Slip

1. How could you use this in your own classroom?

2. Which of the three strategies that we went over would you use in your
3. Any suggestions?

Herrell, A., & Jordan, M. (2015). Fifty strategies for teaching English language

learners (5th ed.). New York City, NY: Pearson.

Sechrist, E. H. (1949). Once in the first times: Folk tales from the Philippines.

Philadelphia: Macrae Smith Company.

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