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November 20, 2018

Dear DePauw Faculty,

We are disappointed to learn of the outcome of the faculty vote of no confidence. While only 31% of the voting-
eligible faculty supported the motion, it is disheartening nonetheless.
As the Executive Committee wrote you before the vote, the Board understands how difficult addressing the
university’s challenges – which we’ve asked Dr. McCoy and the senior administration to do – can be. The insights of
our faculty and staff are important and we appreciate the desire for more inclusive governance. As you know, at
last month’s Board meeting, we met with faculty representatives at the Academic Affairs committee, faculty and
staff in the Strategic Planning Committee, and many students. We’re committed to continuing to listen to the
DePauw community and specifically improving our dialogue with faculty. This process will continue.
As proud alumni and DePauw supporters, we have always held our faculty in high regard and believe you are at the
core of supporting our efforts toward excellence in our student experience. We, the Board of Trustees, take our
responsibility seriously for ultimately ensuring DePauw University is delivering an exceptional student experience
while ensuring our institution’s future for generations to come. We pledge to continue to invest in that experience
while making prudent, if at times difficult, financial decisions. We remain confident that DePauw’s dedicated
community of students, staff, faculty, trustees, and alumni can bridge differences and work together to ensure that
students remain our highest priority.
We are aware of the faculty’s frustration and appreciate their right to voice their concerns about the actions of the
president, administration, and trustees. We believe, however, this vote of no confidence in Dr. McCoy is
unwarranted. As a board, we commend Dr. McCoy and his administration for taking on the difficult work we have
asked them to do. We remain confident in his ability to lead this institution toward a financially sustainable
position within this challenging – and dramatically changing – higher education landscape. We believe he has the
best long-term interests of DePauw at the core of his work, and the Board of Trustees remains in full support of
Mindful of the faculty’s voice in shaping DePauw’s future, and consistent with Faculty Chair Howard Brooks’
statement yesterday, we ask that you work with us on planning an on-campus forum for a representative group of
faculty, administration, and trustees to continue the dialogue that has begun toward a better DePauw. The
purpose of this forum would be to more clearly understand the faculty’s concerns and to share the challenges the
University will face in the coming years. We already share a strong common goal: to continue to ensure the
success of each DePauw student.
As Dr. Brooks said in his transmittal letter yesterday, “The time is now, and it is our time to work together for the
common good.”

The DePauw University Board of Trustees

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