Rank 3

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Rank 3-:

Taijutsu: Gouken - Konoha Reppuu (Hand-to-Hand: Iron Fist - Leaf's Violent Wind)
Taijutsu (Strike) [Kick or Punch] Rank: 2 (D-Class); Learn DC: 14, 1 success; Perform
requirements: 2 ranks (DC 13); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M; Range: Touch; Target:
One creature; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 1.

The user makes a trip attempt that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the trip
attempt was successful, he gains an attack of opportunity against this opponent. The user
suffers a -4 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Gouken feat.

Taijutsu: Gouken - Konoha Senpuu (Hand-to-Hand: Iron Fist - Leaf's Spinning

Taijutsu (Strike) [Kick] Rank: 3 (C-Class); Learn DC: 16, 2 success; Perform requirements: 4
ranks (DC 16); Time: 1 full-attack action; Components: M; Range: Melee Attack; Target:
Adjacent creatures; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 4.

The user makes an unarmed melee attack against all adjacent creatures. If it hits, the attack
deals normal damage, but does not activate feats such as Cleave or Great Cleave when felling
an opponent. The user suffers a -4 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the
Gouken feat.

Taijutsu: Shotei Uchi (Hand-to-Hand: Palm Heel Strike)

Taijutsu (Strike) [Punch] Rank: 2 (C-Class); Learn DC: 15, 2 success; Perform requirements: 3
ranks (DC 15); Time: 1 attack action; Components: M; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One
creature; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: Fortitude partial; Chakra Cost: 2.

The user makes a single unarmed attack at his highest attack bonus that deals normal damage
if it hits, and forces the target to make a Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1 round.
Creatures immune to sneak attack or critical hits are not affected by the stun.

Kenjutsu: Iaido (Sword Art: Iaido) (5 masteries)

Taijutsu (Strike) [Armed] Rank: 2 (D-Class); Learn DC: 14, 1 success; Perform requirements: 2
ranks (DC 13); Time: 1 full-attack action (see text); Components: F, M; Range: Melee Attack;
Target: One 5-ft. square; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 2.

The user performs a slash after quickly drawing his sword, a maneuver using momentum to
gain power named 'iaido' and the basics of the iaijutsu style.

This technique can only be used while the user's weapon is sheathed and his size category or
smaller, or is a katana. The user makes a single attack with his chosen weapon that deals
damage as though used with two hands (Strength modifier applied 1.5 times) and gains a +2
bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. He suffers a -2 penalty to Defense until this next
turn after using this technique.

This attack can be made as part of a charge. This technique cannot be used while prone. This
technique can be performed as an attack action with the Quick Draw feat. Material Focus: A
piercing or slashing weapon with a solid sheath no larger than the user's size category, or a
Rank 3/4: 12
Kenjutsu: Dachi - Jigen Ryu (Sword Art: Stance - Jigen Ryu)(2 Masteries)
Taijutsu (Stance; Requires Power Attack (f) or base attack bonus +6 and Taijutsu 12
ranks) Rank: 3 (C-Class); Learn DC: 16, 2 success; Perform requirements: 4 ranks (DC
Time: 1 swift action; Components: C, M; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration:
Stance; Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 3.
In this stance, the user is only able to make a single attack per round, regardless of the
abilities he may have. He may take no attacks of opportunity, nor use another
technique that would allow him to make a melee attack against any creature in the
same round.
Should the attack be made as an attack action, he gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls if
it hits. If the attack was taken as a full-attack action, he gains a +2 bonus to attack and
damage rolls for every 5 points of his base attack bonus, up to +8 with a base attack
bonus of +20. This attack can be taken as part of a charge, though no additional
bonuses are granted.
If the attack missed, the user provokes an attack of opportunity against the creature he
targeted. The user may choose to take a normal attack action while this stance is
active, but must declare doing so before his next turn.
Mastery The first step of mastery grants the attack kawarimi defense 1. The third step
of mastery grants the attack kawarimi defense 2, but requires base attack bonus +10.
The fifth step of mastery grants the attack kawarimi defense 3, but requires base attack
bonus +20.

Kensoku: Iaiken (Swift Fists: Undodgeable Fist) (3 masteries)

Taijutsu (Strike; Requires Speed rank 1 (a)) [Punch] Rank: 4 (C-Class); Learn DC: 17,
2 success; Perform requirements: 5 ranks (DC 17); Time: 1 attack action; Components:
M, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One
creature; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: Fortitude partial (see text); Chakra
Cost: 4.
The user makes a single unarmed attack at his highest attack bonus with a +2 bonus to
attack roll. The attack deals normal damage plus 1d4 points of damage every 3 levels
(maximuim 4d4, not multiplied on a critical hit). If the attack scored a critical hit or
exceeded the target's massive damage threshold, it will be dazed for 1 round (Fortitude
negates the daze effect). A spot check (DC equal to the attack roll), high speed sight 1
or speed rank 1 or higher (even while dormant or suppressed) is required to clearly see
the movement.
The user must have a set of clothing with waist-level pockets or suffer a -4 penalty to
meet the technique's perform requirements.
Mastery With the fifth step of mastery, the technique can be used on a target 5 feet
farther than the user's reach if there is no obstacle between them and the target has no
Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu - Ryu Sou Sen (Hiten Mitsurugi Style - Double Dragon
Flash)(2 masteries)
Taijutsu (Strike; Requires Proficiency in Katana or Large Katana) Rank: 4 (C-Class);
Learn DC: 17, 2 success; Perform requirements: 5 ranks (DC 17); Time: 1 full-attack
action; Components: F, M; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One creature; Duration:
Instantaneous; Saving Throws: Fortitude partial; Chakra Cost: 6.
Using this technique, the user makes a full-attack action against a single creature, and
gains an additional attack at his highest attack bonus against it. All attacks made during
this round suffer a -2 penalty. This technique's effect do not stack with other
nonpermanent bonus attacks (ie, other techniques that grant additional attacks outside
speed ranks). Material Focus: The user's katana, or large katana.

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu - Ryu Shou Sen (Hiten Mitsurugi Style - Rising Dragon Flash)
(2 masteries)
Taijutsu (Strike; Requires Second step of Mastery in any 2 Hiten Mitsurugi techinques)
Rank: 4 (C-Class); Learn DC: 17, 2 success; Perform requirements: 5 ranks (DC 17);
Time: 1 attack action; Components: M, F; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One creature
of the same size category as the user; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: None;
Chakra Cost: 4.
To properly use this technique, the user must be at either of his opponent's side, rather
than facing it. The user makes a single melee attack with his held weapon, which he
must wield two-handed. If the attack hits, the target suffers an additional 1d4 points of
damage of the appropriate type per 2 levels (maximum 5d4, not multiplied on a critical
hit), and the target will be thrown upward 1d3x5 feet, only to start falling on its next turn
and become prone. While it is airborne, the target is denied its Dexterity bonus to
Defense and can take no action. This technique cannot be used on a falling or moving
target. Material Focus: The user's katana, or large katana.

Rank 5: 12
Taijutsu: Gouken - Konoha Daisenpuu (Hand-to-Hand: Iron Fist - Leaf's Grand
Spinning Wind)
Taijutsu (Strike) [Kick or Punch] Rank: 5 (C-Class); Learn DC: 18, 2 success; Perform
requirements: 6 ranks (DC 18); Time: 1 full-attack action; Components: M; Range: Melee
Attack; Target: One creature; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 6.

The user makes an full attack action that deal normal damage on a successful hit. Each attack
has varying effects and gain different bonus, as described below: 1st Attack: The first attack
gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. 2nd Attack: The second attack knocks the target
back 5 feet at the end of the user's turn. 3rd Attack: The third attack deals damage as though
one size category larger. 4th Attack: The fourth attack knocks the target prone unless it
succeeds a Reflex save, as technique, or Tumble check opposed by the user's attack roll. 5th
Attack and higher: Target is stunned for 1 round unless it succeeds a Fortitude save. Duration
is cumulative with each successful attack after the fifth.
This technique does not allow the user more attacks in one full-attack action than normal, but
simply has different effects depending on his number of attacks. This technique can also be
used in conjunction with Renzuki (unarmed).

The user suffers a -4 penalty to Learn checks with this technique without the Gouken feat.

Kenjutsu: Ougi - Zankenteki (Sword Art: Secret Skill - Hand Cutter)

Taijutsu (Strike; Requires Kenjutsu Ougi - Iaido (3)) [Armed] Rank: 5 (C-Class); Learn DC: 18, 2
success; Perform requirements: 6 ranks (DC 18); Time: 1 full-attack action; Components: M, F;
Range: Melee Attack; Target: One creature; Duration: Instantaneous and 5 minutes (see text);
Saving Throws: Fortitude partial; Chakra Cost: 5.

The user performs a iaido attack against his target. If it hits, the user applies his Strength
modified 1.5 times to damage and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage every 2 levels
(maximum 4d6).

The target must make a Fortitude save if hit to avoid suffering 1d4 points of temporary
Dexterity damage for 5 minutes. The target gains a +2 bonus to saves against this technique
each consecutive time it is targeted by it during the same 24 hours period. Material Focus: A
piercing or slashing weapon with a solid sheath that is no larger than the user's size category,
and no smaller than two size categories below the user, or a katana.

Rank 6: 12
Sandan Jouryoku (Rank Three Strength)(1 masterie)
Training (Taijutsu; Requires Strength rank 2 (a) and Taijutsu 9 ranks) Rank: 6 (A-
Class); Learn DC: 21, 4 success; Components: X, Mas.
The user gains the Strength rank 3 extraordinary ability.
Mastery At the fifth step of mastery, the character may activate his strength rank 3
ability for up to 5 rounds every day without paying chakra. The ability does not need to
be used 5 rounds in a row, but begins to cost chakra after the fifth round. This does not
stack with mastery granted by other Strength rank training techniques. Expendable
Components: Specific nutritional supplements (equivalent price Purchase DC 18).

Sandan Kousoku (Rank Three Speed)

Training (Taijutsu; Requires Speed rank 2 (a) and Taijutsu 9 ranks) Rank: 6 (A-Class);
Learn DC: 21, 4 success; Components: X, Mas.
The user gains the Speed rank 3 extraordinary ability.
Mastery At the fifth step of mastery, the character may activate his speed rank 3 ability
for up to 5 rounds every day without paying chakra. The ability does not need to be
used 5 rounds in a row, but begins to cost chakra after the fifth round. This does not
stack with mastery granted by other Speed rank training techniques. Expendable
Components: Specific nutritional supplements (equivalent price Purchase DC 18).

Shuugyou: Kuma no Dairiki (Training: Bear's Exceptional Strength)

Training (Taijutsu) Rank: 6 (C-Class); Learn DC: 19, 2 success; Components: F, X.
The user gains a +1 inherent bonus to his Strength score. This bonus is permanent.
Material Focus: Sophisticated training equipment (including weight). Purchase DC 20
Expendable Components: Health drinks and pills. Purchase DC 20

Shuugyou: Neko no Binsoku (Training: Cat's Graceful Elegance)

Training (Taijutsu) Rank: 6 (C-Class); Learn DC: 19, 2 success; Components: F, X.
The user gains a +1 inherent bonus to his Dexterity score. This bonus is permanent.
Expendable Components: Health drinks and pills. Purchase DC 22

Rank 7: 12
Kenjutsu: Ougi - Shiryuuga (Sword Art: Secret Skill - Piercing Dragon Fang)
Taijutsu (Strike) [Armed, Kick or Punch] Rank: 7 (B-Class); Learn DC: 21, 3 success;
Perform requirements: 9 ranks (DC 22); Time: 1 attack action; Components: C, M;
Range: Melee Attack; Target: One creature; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws:
None; Chakra Cost: 4.
The user uses focus and precise movements to give the illusion that the attack comes
from a different direction than intended. The technique has roots in Kenjutsu, but can
excecuted with any weapon (or lack thereof).
The user makes a melee attack with his held weapon, or unarmed, and gains a +2
bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. The attack gains a kawarimi defense 1
every 6 levels (maximum 3).

Taijutsu: Gouken - Konoha Gouriki Senpuu (Hand-to-Hand: Iron Fist - Leaf's

Herculean Spinning Wind)
Taijutsu (Strike) [Kick or Punch] Rank: 7 (B-Class); Learn DC: 21, 3 success; Perform
requirements: 9 ranks (DC 22); Time: 1 full-attack action; Components: M; Range:
Melee Attack; Target: Melee Reach plus 5 feet; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving
Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 8.
This technique is the same as Taijutsu: Gouken - Konoha Senpuu except as above and
as follow. Each attack deals damage as though the user was one size category larger,
and adjacent creatures targeted are knocked back 5 feet if an attack connects.

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu - Ryu Kan Sen (Hiten Mitsurugi Style - Coiling Dragon Flash)
Taijutsu (Strike; Requires Tumble 6 ranks) Rank: 6 (B-Class); Learn DC: 20, 3
success; Perform requirements: 8 ranks (DC 21); Time: 1 attack action or 1 instant
action; Components: M, F, Mas; Range: Melee Attack; Target: One creature; Duration:
Instantaneous; Saving Throws: None; Chakra Cost: 4.
Using this counter-technique, the user makes a single melee attack with his held
weapon that suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls. The particularity of this
technique is that the user may make a five-foot step before or after using this
technique, even if he has, or plans to, moved before using the technique. Once per
round as an instant action, if he was missed by a melee attack from an adjacent
opponent, he may use this technique instead of a defensive move such as Kawarimi no
Jutsu, Shundou or any such techniques.
The penalty to attack and damage rolls is reduced to -2, and he may still take a five-
step if he has not already taken one this round. This extra attack counts as an attack of
opportunity, and cannot be used either if his maximum number of attacks of opportunity
has already been reached.
Mastery The fifth step of mastery in this technique reduces the standard penalty from
this technique to -2, and to -1 when used as an instant action. Material Focus: The
user's katana, double katana, hansori or large katana

Kensoku: Iaisouken (Swift Fists: Two Undodgable Fists)

Taijutsu (Stance; Requires Speed rank 3 (a) and Kensoku: Iaiken (3)) [Punch] Rank: 7
(B-Class); Learn DC: 21, 3 success; Perform requirements: 9 ranks (DC 22); Time: 1
swift action; Components: M; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: Stance; Saving
Throws: None (see text); Chakra Cost: 8.
While in this stance, all of the user's attacks count as iaiken attacks (as per Kensoku:
Iaiken). The user suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, but each of his attacks deal an
additional 1d4 points of damage per 5 levels (maximum 2d4, not multiplied on a critical
hit). The user gains a +2 bonus to rolls made to confirm iaiken critical hits, and the
target becomes dazed for 1 round on a critical hit, or when exceeding its massive
damage threshold (does not stack).

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