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Inglês 10º Ano

Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

A. Read the following text:

American children watch an average three to four hours of television daily. We all
agree that television can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and
shaping behavior. Unfortunately, much of today’s television programming is violent and
When television is good, nothing – not the internet, not the magazines or newspapers –
nothing is better. But when television is bad, nothing is worse.
Reality TV shows are a big hit around the world. Viewers are attracted to the dramas
that take place on reality TV sets, while producers and advertisers are pleased with the
significant revenues that reality TV generates. However, in order to create the dramatic
scenes that characterize the reality TV shows, the producers often have to stage and
heavily edit scenes. What is worse in reality TV shows producers make it a point to put
people in painful, humiliating, and embracing situations so the rest of us can get a laugh.
The only reason why reality TV shows continue to be broadcast is because many
people watch them. But are reality TV shows ethical and should we even be wasting our
time viewing them each week? Many people arte attracted to reality TV because they
find it entertainment to watch other people suffer and get humiliated.
On one channel, contestants are eating live cockroaches on Fear Factor. Another
station features a man on Survivor lying about his grandmother’s death in order to
enhance his chances of winning $i million.
Gerry Testar, an executive producer, said “People watch reality shows because they
have conflict, win-lose scenarios, victorious conclusions, classic plot devices such as
betrayal and they satisfy people’s curiosity concerning the way other people behave in
Although, quality programming skills exists, the wishes of the nation are influencing
broadcast choices. Paige Marchus said “I think the reason we are so attracted to reality
television is because other shows are predictable. The audience is tired of comedies and
shows where you know what’s going to happen at the end of each episode.”
The main reason producers in the television industry are not making more quality
television is that reality shows are the “cheapest dramas you could possibly make.” For
example, while each of the six cast members in Friends makes $1 million per episode, only
one of the “cast” on every episode of Fear Factor wins the prize.
However, after a lifetime in the television and film industry, Testar said he still believes in
the potential of television to give information and entertain. “All the little kids went to
school knowing their ABCs and colors because of Sesame Street. Isn’t that great?

I – Read the first 5 paragraphs and complete the sentences by choosing the
right answer. (4 X 7 = 28)

1. Reality shows are an important source of profit for…

a) All participants.
b) b) Advertisers.
c) c) The viewers.
2. Producers ……………………………. To please the viewers.
a) Make the contestant suffer.
b) Respect the contestants.
c) Don’t change the contestants’ scenes.
3. Some viewers feel shocked…
a) And turn away.
b) And protest.
c) But keep watching.
4. Many people enjoy watching…
a) Other people being humiliated.
b) Stupid people suffer.
c) Strangers suffer.

II – Look again into paragraphs 6 – 10 and find evidence for the following
statements: (4X8= 32)
1. In reality shows people can do unbelievable things for money.
2. The audience wants to know about the contestants’ intimacy.
3. The unpredictability of reality shows makes them so successful.
4. Quality programmes are more expensive than reality shows.

III – Now answer these questions on the text. Use your own word as far as
possible. (2X11=22)
1. How do TV channels decide what to broadcast?
2. Does the author give a positive or negative image of television? Explain.

C – Grammar
I – Complete these sentences using the correct form of the adjective in
brackets (Use the comparative of superiority or the superlative) (4X4=16)
1. The radio is still _____________________ (easy) way to access information
2. The radio covers a _____________________ (wide) area of the globe than
television or the net.
3. Films are _____________________ (interesting) than soap operas.
4. BBC is _____________________ (good) than RTP.

II – Connect each pair of sentences with the appropriate connector: (3X4=12)

Although / However / Because / As soon as / So that / Wherever

1. _____________________ my grandmother wakes up, she turns on the radio.

2. _____________________ she is 70 years old, she reads the news online every day.
3. She is always at home. _____________________, she can contact anyone in the

III – Rewrite these sentences without their meaning and beginning them as
indicated: (5X6=30)
1. “Last month they broadcast a program about the effects of TV violence
on children.”
She said _________________________________________________________________
2. “Why do people love reality shows?”
She asked _______________________________________________________________
3. “Don’t believe everything you watch on TV.”
He advice me ___________________________________________________________
4. Some people participate in reality shows because they want to become
Some people participate in reality shows _______________________________
5. People demand privacy but they don’t mind watching other people’s
private life.
In spite of _____________________________________________________________

D – Composition (45)
When television is good, nothing – not the internet, not the magazines or
newspapers – nothing is better. But when television is bad, nothing is worse.
Write about your opinion about television:
Be careful to present new arguments that are not referred to in the text.
Write about 120 words.

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