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Read the following questions and THEN read the text ‘Can reading
make you smarter?’ to answer them.

Link to the article:


1. 1. What is the thesis the author supports in this text? (20 points)

The author’s thesis that reading text in specific literary fiction can help to improve
reading comprehension and then improve the three kind or categories of

2. 2. Write TWO arguments that the author uses to support the thesis. (20
points, 10 points each argument)

Argument 1:

In the paragraph he wrote: ¨But if reading can increase fluid intelligence, the
converse is also true: increased fluid intelligence also improves reading
comprehension, according to studies by Jason Chein of Temple University in
Philadelphia¨ in this paragraph he to explain like the reading comprehension
improve the second type of intelligence, the fluid intelligence.


In the paragraph before of the last, he wrote about a third type of intelligence:
the emotional intelligence. In this paragraph he to explain like the reading can
improve the emotional intelligence. So, he justifies this whit a study published by
the journal science. This study showing that reading literary fiction can improve
people´s theory of mind (ToM), this is the ability to understand others mental

3. How does the author use the narration of his experience in the text? (10

The author uses the narration of his experience like evidence for to show like the
reading literally fiction, improve and tuned into a straight-A student.

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