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teacher Dounia Rouchdy

Date 26 November 2018

Class level 2nd year baccalaureate
Class period 55 minutes
Text book Ticket to English
Unit 3 formal informal and non-formal education
Lesson type Teaching reading
SPOs By the end of the lesson, students should:
 Interpret and talk about graphs
 Extract the main ideas of paragraphs

Time Procedure Working

5 minutes Warm up:
T greets students and asks about formal and non-formal education
T elicits answers

Motivation stage:
10 minutes
T asks ss to look at the graphs on page 42 and describe the graphs using the expressions they
were given to talk about visuals
Ss to T
T elicits answers
T asks ss to look at the pictures and predict what the text talks about.
Ss: literacy/ education / non-formal education
5 minutes Pre-teaching vocabulary: T to ss
T: look at the first picture. What is she doing? She is giving a... speech
Literacy/illiteracy literate people find jobs/it is hard for illiterate people to find employment.
Enrolled in a literacy circle: to go to a non-formal class to learn how to read/ write
15 minutes First reading:
T asks ss to read the text and answer questions
1. Why did Zahra not know how to read and write, even though she was enrolled in school?
2. Who helped Zahra to be confident and have a strong personality?
3. What do organizations and ministry officials ask Zahra to do?
10 minutes Second reading:
T asks ss to read the text again to find out if the statements are right or wrong (page 43 ex 6)
10 minutes Exploitation stage: In pairs
T: in pairs, give the main ideas of each paragraph.
T writes the best product on the board.

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