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TABLE I. Quantal Equivalents of Photometric Units and some Other Useful

Photometric Unit E q u i v a l e n t in Q u a n t a
1 cd m -2 4.46. l 0 s q u a n t a ( 5 0 7 nm) (deg 2 s) -t
through 1 mm ~
pupil, scotopic
(1 scotopic td, h u m a n )
1 cd m -2 1.26.106 q u a n t a ( 5 6 0 nm) (deg 2 s) -1
through 1 mm ~
pupil, p h o t o p i c
(1 p h o t o p i c td, h u m a n )
1 l u m e n (scotopic) 1.4.1015 q u a n t a ( 5 0 7 nm) s -1
1 lumen (photopic) 4 . 2 . 1 0 is q u a n t a ( 5 6 0 nm) s -1
Other Useful Equivalences
Unit Useful Equivalent
1 q u a n t u m ( 5 0 7 nm) s-' 4 . 1 0 -'9 w a t t s
1 q u a n t u m ( 5 6 0 n m ) s -I 3.5" 10 -'9 w a t t s
1 deg 2 o n h u m a n r e t i n a 8.5" 10 -4 cm 2
1 deg 2 cat r e t i n a 4 . 8 - 1 0 -4 cm 2

is based on more recent estimates of quantum light levels. Thus we would become blind to
efficiency by Barlow, 1977). However, Sakitt (1972) reflecting objects in bright daylight. This would not
has shown that if one relaxes the stringent be a stable survival strategy, and therefore there is
requirement of no false positives, human observers a biological need for adaptation. In fact, as our
can do better than chance when on the average only review of the psychophysical and physiological
a single quantum of light excites the retina. This results will show, the contrast sensitivity and
must mean that a single quantum response is contrast gain of humans and animals generally
comparable in magnitude to the intra-retinal dark increase as the illumination increases, finally
noise. Comparable sensitivity is possessed by other levelling off to asymptotic values in bright light. At
animals. this point we will demonstrate how the saturation
The high sensitivity of a dark adapted eye poses o f neural response would lead to a decline in
a problem when the observer moves into brighter contrast gain. Then we will present a suggestion for
surroundings. Almost all neurons have a limited an adaptation mechanism which offers an escape
response range, from small signals to the peak levels from the "saturation catastrophe".
set by biological constraints such as ionic First let us consider how the N a k a - R u s h t o n
equilibrium potentials. The range of responses is no equation, which approximately describes the
greater than a factor of one hundred from noise to i n t e n s i t y - r e s p o n s e function of distal retinal
ceiling. The problem is obvious. How can the rod n e u r o n s , would lead to a " s a t u r a t i o n -
pathway in the retina encode three to five log units catastrophe" if the retina did not adapt. This is the
of stimulus level when it only has a factor of one N a k a - Rushton equation:
hundred in response to work with? The answer is
it cannot, and it does not. The retina adapts R = ( I / ( I + Is)) Rmu (6)
(reduces its gain) in the presence of large average
inputs in order to represent only modulations where R is the response o f the neuron measured as
around the average level when the average becomes the change in membrane potential from its totally
too large to handle with the high dark adapted gain. dark adapted level, I is the illumination of the
This problem of saturation of neural responses stimulus. Is is the semi-saturation constant also
is related to the need for stable contrast sensitivity, equal to the illumination at which R reaches its half-
which we have argued is the main purpose of maximal value. This equation (Naka and Rushton,
adaptation. If the retina did not adapt, the contrast 1966) is called the Michaelis- Menten equation by
gain and contrast sensitivity would plummet at high Baylor and colleagues (Baylor and Hodgkin, 1973;

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