Khaled Sandpit

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October 2018

Teacher Liz

Khaled now that you are more mobile, there is so much to explore! Today you climbed all by yourself up
the sandpit steps and sat down right in the middle of the action. You busily explored items in the sandpit
and smiled & laughed as you played. You scooped the sand up then used the spring thing to flick it up
over and over. You are learning about the properties of the sand and the spring. You are exploring your
own movement and manipulation of objects.
Khaled it was a joy to watch you freely and naturally explore today. I will continue to provide you with
opportunities to manipulate objects and movement and to explore and gain confidence and control of
your body.
You are drawn to sensory exploration through your natural curiosity and you are taking an interest in:
Mathematical concepts—distance, space, pattern
Science concepts—properties of sand, experiment-forming working theories
Physical skills—co-ordination, strength, fine & gross motor development
Khaled today you were a self motivated learner, exploring and building new ideas about how things

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