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Background of the Study

In the field of education and psychology, learning has been discovered all over
the world to be a highly complex problem. Several researchers have tried to explain it
differently and the description of each is partially true. Over the years, researchers on
factors that influence academic performances of students have attracted the interest of
not only researchers but concerns of teachers, counselors, psychologist, and school
administrators as well. Study method is the knowledge and application of effective study
skills or techniques by students. The term “study habits” refers to the way in which
students study either systematically, efficiently or inefficiently. In line with what has been
said above, we can deduce that good study habit with definitely yield positive academic
performances and achievement and also inefficient or poor study habits leads to
academic failure. Students attitude and study habit towards any subject has been
describe and as a function of passion coupled with their belief on the particular which
has a long to go on their academic performances.

In Anda National High School, many factors have been highlighted to influence
the ability of students to cultivate effectives and efficient study habit. Such factors
include the following; state of health, motivation, anxiety, and the state of mind,
conducive and suitable environment for studying, availability of textbooks and well
equipped libraries. In a research carried out, the causes of poor academic
performances among the students of Anda NHS were thoroughly examined through a
survey. In which some of these factors identified include: low students intellectual ability,
achievement motivation, lack of goals, low self-esteem, low socio-economic status of
family, poverty and lastly, poor study habit as a major factors.

A survey was carried out in some selected Anda NHS students to identify some
major’s causes of low academic performances of students. Some of the problems

identified included inadequate facilities in the school, problems caused by poor parental
background, unfavorable government policies and low educational sector funding.

The concept of study habit is broad as it combines nearly all other sub-topics
under it such as study attitude, study method, and study skill. Study habit is a gateway
to successful achievement in studies. In other words, positive academic performances
are a function of proper study habits and skills. Since study habits are an important
factor in learning, it becomes necessary to investigate into its nature.

The objectives of this study was to examine the correlation between study and
academic performance; to examine the effect of study environment on study habit; and
lastly, was to determined factors affecting students study habit and academic


The problems associated with study habits might have a major effect on
students’ academic performances, it is believed that everyone has a different study
habit. It is important to find out the best personal way to study. Studying with friends has
a long way to go in students study habits. It has a positive influence in which they
discuss what had been read together but also has a negative effect in which they might
not read together but (also has a) discuss throughout the stipulated time for reading
which boils down to time wastage.

A very good and conducive environment encourages student study habits and
might have positive impact in their academic achievements but the students reading in
an unfavorable environment might find it difficult to study which might affect their
academic achievements. Students with financial constraints might also find it difficult to
perform excellently well in their academics.

Based on our survey, sophomores are between ages 13-14 years old. 60% of
them are female and 40% are male. In their social status, 30% are not so rich and 70%
are poor. According to their academic performances, 40% are studying better and with

academic standing. Seniors are ages 16-17 years old. 50% of them are male and 50%
are female. 40% of them are not so rich and 60% are poor. In their academic
performances 20% of them has Academic Standing and 80% of them do not have
Academic Standing.

There are (contributions) three questions we need to found out.

1. What is the correlation between study habits and academic performances?

2. What is the effect of study environment on study habit?
3. What are the factors affecting students study habits and academic performances?


Hypothesis 1:
HQ: There is no significant relationship between study habits and academic
HA: There is significant relationship between study habits and academic performance.

Hypothesis 2:
HQ: There is no significant relationship between study environment and students’
academic performances.
HQ: There is significant relationship between study environment and students’
academic performances.

Hypothesis 3:
The following are the factors affecting study habits and academic performances:
 Low students intellectual ability
 Achievement motivation
 Lack of goals
 Low of self-esteem
 Poverty
 Poor study habit as major factor


The outcome of this study will help students, teachers, parents and DepEd in
understanding the effect on study habit and study their environment on their academic
performances and helps in serving as a guide for a positive result.


STUDY: Application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading,

investigation of reflection.

HABIT: An acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost

PERFORMANCES: The accomplishments of given task measured against present

known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed.

STUDENTS: A person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school

or college like in Anda NHS.

ACADEMIC: Courses of study taken at a school or college.


This study on the impact of study habit on academic performances o0f students
will cover various approaches to study and its effect on the academic performances of


Leave all anxiety behind, you must be worry free and focus. Mainly on your study
and lessons. Say no to every temptation that your friends and or classmates are inviting
you to.

According to Nonis and Hudson, note that the Higher Education Research
Institute at UCLA’s Graduate School of Education has found that since 1987 the time
students spend studying outside of class has declined each years, with only 47%
spending six or more hours per week studying outside of class compared with 34% in
2003. Nomis and Hudson (2010) identify and need for empirical research to determine
the impact of students work on academic performances, and its impact on the design if
which the effectiveness if study habits occupies a pivotal place.

According to Nonis and Hudson, in order to check the influence of study habits
on the learning outcomes of the students, you should conduct a survey. The results
indicate a strong impact of study habit on the educational performances of learners.

As said by Wells. Students nowadays are very laid back. Students may
mean studying anywhere from 6 to 10 hours per day, 5 to 6 days per week, for 6 to 10
weeks prior to the exam. This advice is often lost on the some students. Relying on tried
and true low school study habits, which may have been developed in college, these
students do not follow the advice given to them to put in the required amount of time.

To help you in your life, you need study habits that work for you. The results
would be completed school work turned in on time and that you have learned what you
need to pass test. Your habits may not match everyone since each person has their
own speed of learning you develop the habits you need to be successful.

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