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" ;i$;;
fi6t-qa1-Eiqtr qg
Ieat a mango (qfr qsF qq rllt) I

A mongo is eaten by me (qllR q-<f qsF qT qls$ ET t)

5q<lrSi' Subject Ri I
\K <lCSi Subject € A mango
)I <ftTt Object {Fl a mango
qT ilrfl Object {61 me (i €;{ objective case)
)c <I6sl' Verb "eat" qE cfuT 1o-6t o-<q) ffi
q{ qr+l Verb "is eaten" R{ fifrT (T.-6T Sq< EfqIffi <q)
q<lR {rs] Etr{ "ftqN " R-q s6q< E-s(T{ <s<i qst r a{F
<ilell{ EE verb. ){ {lC$I eat $r{ qR"-
"ltE, lR <lr{,t is eaten {lr{' "{t€Tt
q<rqR<-tlqcqit, c+Q cq{fifrTe-ft{frrfrrrRrfrffi<Ertq[FE I )r verb fr (eat-
?flt) m"@ c{ T\if< 0 qsFr cffiqf$k{ qc{ Elcrf, qr <tc$K verb (is eaten-

"ltsrt E{)-fr cq{Fr

vf{ +-6f* +q Tcl' 'trg 4t r verb q< qt ftR< 1fi +O<;
{er$ <rq volcE.
sR[{ <{l rfs, verb q< R fr'f (form) sI{ subject >tfu'{ (act've} 1t fifrT
(passive) vt Frcq1 $r{ E|rS Voice {| <lDi qfq
(Voice is the for4q of the -velb in the sentence that shows

whether,tbc€irbiect icts or is acted upon.)

$o169{ qffi cclroQ -E {<il {l{ f,rr vcice eR efor< c

(1) Active Voice (e{<fui')

(2) Passive Voice (ofum)
(1) Active Voice : 6{ voice Elsll i} verb q< CS'S't-Effl subject frCS Sfq
C*ldO6{ Smfl {<|l{ El(-$ active voice ?l-FI I qHlcq< qfClf< €qfgrq
I eat a mango Rfl Active voice.
Grammar : The Voice 389

(2) Passive voice : qel{"16s, sentence €K subject I"F frfrT allfs q<e.
qc{f< T'M EI{ S"K qTKl't 4-fi q-{, Erl{ verb-€K passive voice {3i I q[5IfCqS
A mango is eaten bY me.
<fs1m< verb {3tr voice FI passive voice.


jr.:? (Active voice 6$ passive voice-€{fll${)
ql':r<I q?ild{ C+F uqssR "{qftTg active voice cs frst'6{ passive voice-
q (ft(4 passive c$ active-€) {"tlsfrs +Kcs E{ vl ft{< I ffifr860 qq-{-str<
S"fql"n +.-{F 6E?t s-fl qc{ 6{{ Sl-€ATfr<] TIml cfCFI qPlE fu active voice
6$ nassive voice-€ <"ngRs"O-*Cg "ffC< r

qrcffiEqrq<qF €"ll-6{ 6'{l<FF s

Active: I eat amango'

Passive : A
mango is eaten bY me
*l?Q c{Rll cq active-€F subject tRqs qr-TcS passive- €K object-4 (i

-; me); active €3t object (a mango) tftq,s qCXfq passive-(itr subject-€ t eqz1-<tr
verb cifrr+srls-( 3 Active €R verb (eat)Fl[T passive-€ Fe.
sml qffi{ {F"l TcrQ; qdR is (be) t eaten (V p.p.) (l is eaten.
\'rqm ccTl3t;FF6T tense ql q-{t qsF {t{l{'t {q-& Fl"R, "R-{ "ffit
iflTl;ti <qqq-{ S6{ R& tense-4 qC$tt F<?t I

ql{l?ct "R'& a
passive,!9, ) * be + V1o.o1 !-l

<i$t s S"rr<< -f qirc*-tr< qd SE active-€K object (O) F passive-€
€ryT subject (s) q flfrq-\9 Ecr6q
Passive , I it done bY me.
q{'c1;c(rs-e-F{ qdqE active-€3l subject (S) fr passive-€ €C{ object
(o)-q qRqs Em-cq I R{-{ 3

Passive: lt is done trnrel
be = am/is/are/was/were/being /been
390 A Passage to the English Language
qkTstr &R''{ Est s? B active- €i I TrF passive-€ object
ftqi< <lTqs
qiR-cqEfieR objective case-me <Kq\e- RlTa r qqrE subjeci 'l'{ffi
Er< me €i( object 'me'ECE subject Et-< 1,. LC{< CET{<J case_qfit{ Fft{S r

u{s ml'IIcF{ xRvn wi q{c{ R&T pronoun-€3tr subjective (nominative) r3

objective {1 Cq$ EE
tive Case (Active Voice-eR Objective Case (Passive Voice-€K
' :3.n

cT${61 :rc{ <l{r{ I qfi q'Nil tense q< uo[Zffi

qlC.llSidT +-{-< |

NOTE. Active voice-€.{ object g6{ passive voice-€i subject-{ flR{E

ET q fi{{ qq-fi Fi[{Q r Sfr u.tiun sentence-q f,+'l{ object if .fr+ q.tfq
<]-sjB-< verbfr qA intransitive, EICCq EF passive voice R{ dI I

({:F{SActive:She dances
s -T-
{rllf,{ object Ot <g €it passive {s<tr cltr I


Present indefinite tense-€K active Tlei frq1 sr sr{ qtrR E? csT:ifcF{
{RqR qrf' €rltc{ tense F{ active <il-sjT'i-t{ cq{l{ Rq s
Active t F; V(e/"r)* q
CT:l{8 Ieatrice..
She reads a book.
€Q tense- q< mlT <lTj-6$ passive oa< fr'<q SE e

Io+ amlis,/are Js
: S + V(p.p) + by (to) +-6-
C{rFT 3 Act: She reads a book.
qr$ ql:I-fl S"[<-< q-x:ilt< passive +-+< r €"icr< structure- q qal:I
cclrs fr ft q-<-$t< Et ql{.{t frcu< xs nr< ffi c
J3l active q< O = passive-q qf,{ S : A book
sK"l-{ :is
Verb ,g< (p.p) past participle : read
q<"R ,by
[il active €K S, passive-q {C{ O : her
Grammar : The Voice 391

16fli Passive : A book is read by her. (E"i'K'< word el4f6$ 'lf'll

qc{-{FEqf<q a
Active : You give me a book.
€rllf,{ object RF e .n € a book.
({ C$F{F 6$ subject {rdQ passive F-<l {-s I

's.i 5 : A book
3:; \51{"iK :is
V(p.p) : given
4Tft object <c{ {6{ :me
-O ' i bYYou
qufit Passive : A book is given me by you.
or, I am given a book bY You.
"fa.&frql-{-gq{'Fs(qfiffi exercise ft +-<re qr< r

IEXERCISEI l+rur3 iable-qK R&T
s-cftr word Kfrrr qr-g <fsiemfcs
--passirre * 1 gEqF s13 ffi?tf{ RE I

1. They do the work. 2. Iseeabird.

3. You write a letter. 4. He catches fish.
5. Ram plays football.
Passive :
Jo am,ls by Verb 4l p.p Js
5 <f Active 4[6ff{
[ 4l Active €K Subject
q{lC{ Object qC<
Object €1116{ Subject
f . ihe work ls done by them.
B. -I{iqFerf,l l36i T-<tr 3
1. Act : I know him
Pass : I is known to [ (€:Itcl by TlTdv qc< {)
2. Act: She cooks rice.
Pass: Rice cooked by !
3. Act:Iseeabird.
Pass : A bird is I bY me'
4. Act : They dig a pond.
Pass : A pond is f by I
392 A passage to the English Language

p+ a-71.7 u[*llfi-@
Cqa"lS n.t,Sffi

Act : you are drinking milk. etc. (qfr qq
"n_{ $_{S t)

+ am/ is/ are+ being +V(p.p) n Uv * 13

',r* C{'{{ 3 Act : you are a.inking;ifl.
!:1 ;

passive S3FI 1

(Active (R object:€rlft-r subject)
: Milk
'- Auxiliary verb :is
: being
V (p.p)
: drunk
6 (Active -€K subject, €{l-F{ object) : You
q{<blrffi word arEl-c$ q<"RclrqlQ
Passive : Milk is being drunk by you. (CsNl{ El-<l {}€TI
q<l:l frru-{ exerciseF E{ E6q)
r-< | 6h{r< +s fiqr cglqK qr+-<lt{ +{q EIrf6R!
-Table-sl Tal-qlqem T<q s-{ I

Active :
1. She is eating rice.
2. Rita is making tea.
3. I am writing I lntte..
4. Biva is reading a poem.
5. Shuman is beating (qRT{ srCR) the
Passive :
T amo is are being v(p.p) by
l. Rice ls being oy
is being
3. A letter by
is being
4. by me
is being
5. by Biva.
l5 beinq beaten bv
1. Active : We are makinq baskets.
Passive : Baskets are being made by us.
2 Active : She is doinq thJsum.
Passive : The sum is done by her.
Grammar : The Voice 393
<l(qFI Active s Passive q{ EFI qTctt q-{t frrF-{ EFR<.lent l-s;
Act : I am making a chair. (qtfr esF cbxn ZoA +-<e r)
Pass: A chair is being made by me. (q-ql< Sm qn,D olt< M T-fl
EcR r)


Active : S + have,/has + V (p12.; 1 g
C{';FI3 She has broken the glass. (Cq aI{F CEIv(Q t)
We have bought it. (q-{-trt €Bt ftrqe r) etc.

Passive :
f + havelhas + been + ,;
V(p.p.), + ,-Js
by +
C{iFI 3 Act : She has broken the glass.
<r+Jrrrc+ passive iF3ICS Etr{ |

,lActive-€R Object=passive -€T Subject) 3 The glass
EK'l{ B has
EIT'I{ B been
V(p.p.) B broken
eRT{ s by
6 (Active ({ subject : passive €i object) B her
sl{[{ Passive : The glass has been broken by her. (Solc<-< word
a(Efrs "RT< ct&cs t)
ql FmrF qqjslr{ <g T-{cE Dlse ro1-q6q fr60-{
exerciseft <r< I {tq r_ms
frfi? "r<I cq"k<qfr qfillwl{{ef 6q.c{ c,tR I

:- _..-..-.
passive-€ {'llVRv O-A;
1. She has called me.
2. Mother has given me a one_taka note.
B. fr65-{ <f+lefql3tr passive form Table-€
of words <tfrct table q<
6qTt qE rE"qw word {l group
WqFerqt T{61s-{ I

Active : 1. He has told this.

2. Father has bought (ftFcRq) this house.
3. We have seen him.
4. I have killed a rat.
5. you have sold your house.
394 A Passage to the English Language
have, has been V(p.p) by
DE en oy
l_l': has been ::19 by father.
has been seen by
A rai been -.---- by me.
has been sold bv
rrect no
1. Active : I have read the books.
Passive : The books has been read bv me.
2. Active : They have understood this.'
Passive : This have being understood by them
3. Active : She has caught a bird.
Passive : A ,bird has caught by her.
€<K ,cq tense €i passive T"iF <t(qltt ff<|l.{ q-dt fuo< <lof nTb qV c
Active : You have sold the house. (ER q&F frfu +r<q r)
Passive :The house has been sold by you. f<&D cslTk sR'l fr-6\o
ccfts t)


Past indefinite tense {K active R"l Er{ glrq l tense qcrfl-cr
"Ksp r s{s
€?fir{ qfc<+-<k T-{"i sRl.{ CPrTt qE s

Active , lS + V(p".t)* Ol
CST-{.s I ate rice m sfs, c"ftTQfi{)
They dug the pond (E]<f T-{TIE 1544 413Q6q4 1

Passive :
$ * *url*ere + V(p.p.) + by + o
CqqT, I ate rice <t"-Sftr< passive ft qf<t
Structure q{'ffC< s

fr {n.tiun €< Obj = passive -€< Subj) 3 Rice
gi<qK 3 uras
verb 4( past participle (p.p.) 3 eaten
EKl9R 3bv
Js,(active cl{
O Subj. = passive-€R obj.) g me.

sf{14 Passive : Rice was eaten by me.

Negative (Passive) : Rice was not eaten by me.
Interrogative (Passive) : Was rice eaten by me?
Grammar : The Voice 395

EXERCISE]1. Slt-<-< fi<.cl nru< <fsierEl-rs passive-q mqlsRv T-{ r

(a) She broke ((scskq) the plate. (b) He saw me. (c) Mother cooked
rice. (d) Alifa killed a rat.
2. Tfl-t{ T{q s< (E9lr-<-< struchrre ,4< {f{In1 qI€) s
(a) Active : He caught the bird.
Pass : The bird-caught by -
(b) Act : We wrote the lettters.
Pass : The letters - written by us.
#; (c) Act : She sold the cow.
't. Pass : -was-by-.
(d) Act : Biva made a doll.
Pass : A doll was - by -.
q<mfiItr<fiT{erqt o:t e
A. Negative : Active : S + did not + V (present) + O
cqT{ s She did not make tea. (cq'51?ofi +ffi r)

Passive , l$**urZwere+not +V
(p.p) * Uy * f
CT:FI B Tea was not made by her. (ieK q<l Dt ?sR WR r)
B. Interrogative : Active : Did+S+V (present)+O?
c{'{T s Did she break the glass? (c{ft $fqF rwv&nr)
Passive : Was/were*
? * V (p.p) * uy * t'z
C{:ll. 3 Was the glass broken by her? (ER Ek1ft $cE Wtt {cT&el)
FXERCiSE] A. Chanse the following into passive :

1. Did you do it? (Yffi qsMsmQffir)

2. Did Shuma see the picture?
3. Biva did not drink milk.
4. She did not feed (rlls*lrql) the baby.
B. Change the following inio Active :
1. She was ordered to do this by her mother.
2. The pat was killed by me.
3. Was the man killed by some one?
4. Was your brother beaten by the police?
Ans. qviE struciure e(qt< qlqfrlt 4ls I


Active : S+was,/were+V(ing) +O
C$F{ 3 She was making tea. 6{ut?sR+-<Fq r

We were reading books.

Passive :
$ * *url*ere + being +V (p.p) + by + .o_
396 A Passage to the English Language
cq{;{, qFFT.l She was making tea <l{lfrf$ Passive-€ mql9Rs qSre di r

gRCS'E'qLT{ structure e W$f<

(Active-u< ObJ, = €rltr* Subj.)
f 3 Tea
slTrFl 3 was
EFII{ 3 being
Verb €i Past Participle 3 made
\5lTrl{ 3bv
I c
fr {e.tiun 4it Subj : qqr{ Obj.) 3 her.
vfqC{ Passive : Tea was being made by her. (g1-{ SFn EI?gR qftq 1;
$q63 q-6-apal wlll alr+-rs alrslE fi-c5-{ exercise fr s-{, ElqcE q<RE
qlsrs qrc{16{ I

T"fl-gRE S-{ S

1. They were cutting down trees.

2. People were making a noise (ctiF{l{) .
B. froK <FFlarqI{ passive {"1 "i-<-{-6 Table-q ch-TI EE I Table q< t{l-qr{
T<cts< r

Active :
1. Kanti was drawing a picture. 2. Kunta was making a basket.
3. She was writing a poem. 4. They were helping me.
5. The men were catching fish.
Passive :

1. Active : We were weighing (efnQ<-s9l s<fuI) the bottles.

Passive : They bottles was been weighed by we.
2. Active : She was reading a novel.
Passive : A novel was being reading by she.

A. Negative frel q-om <fsl qQ tense-€3t active € passive T1 CR{ I

Active : S + was,/were + not + V (ing) + O

CSFI 3 Tuhin was not counting ({fiTS-{t) the coins ({&t).
Grammar : The Voice 397

**u.,r*nre + not + being + V (p.p) + by + Is

Passive :
$ o
R5l-{ 3 The coins were not being counted by Tuhin. (Ef{!-{<
xtsfr c'fiql q&q It r)
B. Interrogative
Active : Was,/were+S+V (ing) + O?
C{;FI3 Were they ploughing the land? (,01-Tf ft qffi utq o-<Rqr)

Passive : Was,/were.
*. being + V (p.p) * Uy *$ z
C{:l{ 3 Was the land being ploughed by them? (81fi-< CK ft qffi uts
EXERCISEI 1. Passive-€ s-{ 3

(a) He was requesting me. (mvWr+qxt$qF-{fu t)

(b) Shuman was not ftying a kite (1Q).
(c) Was Sultana calling to (E{ colrs URI) the baby?
(d) Were Rima and Ruma taking tea?
2. Active-4 "tffio sK e
(a) I was being punished by her.
(b) They were being advised by their teacher.
(c) Bithi rvas being given a mango by me.
(d) We were being followed by the policemen.
Ans. QEts Structure q<qEqT8qefEt 6q"l I


Active : S + had + V(p.p) + O + clause
6{:FI 3 He had eaten rice before I went there.
(qfi 6{qTnrts$<sk't frErs nkaEdRq r)

Passive' had been + V (p.p) + by +

l+. $*.turr"
Str-<* <lolfr?s qfmt structure fr WIn< passive-€ n4f\itRs FR e
y| {A.tiu"-c< Obj=ur{Ir{Subj) B Rice
EKfi 3 had been
Verb-€n Past Participle 3 eaten
El<'ld s by

X (Active-.{< Subj : Passive-(i Obj.) 3 him

.1uuss-€s{ cslg ,{<t r

ffTIt Passive : Rice had been eaten by him before I went there.
fr60-{ exercise fr q*'pr qEsq Fk?tq \fl csrql< Ti{ltR qlsrs .f6{ <tc< I
398 A Passage to the English Language

seNgRs 4-{ r

(a) Mother had cooked rice before we completed our study.

(b) The cat had drunk the rnilk be{ore we could see it.
Z. firr< <f$]euEfrc Passive-€ ft"flsRs sr< "KTq Table-q( T1{lcr
s"r{"rqeKtqE rTable q..tT{jql{ecsi t(cfs1l g
Active :
(a) She had called me before I awdke (qllfl).
(b) I had read the letter before I burnt it.

(c) They made the planks (vsl) after they had cut the tree.
*, (d) The audience 1r{e , ce.lsl; praised (q"iccl o<l) ttre singer after she
had sung a good song.
(e) We had completed our task ($tE) before we went to sleeS'.
Passive :
.io .LS
T bad been v (p.p) by o clause
nad oeen oy clause -

had been by me before

comptereo betore
_5 JS
Clause had been v (p.p) by o-
atter had been cut bv them.
alter a qood her

€<F frCX efoi< <lIe' €Q tense (i voice qil ffi<-.fT E{F]s-< s

A. Negative :
Active,fS+l-rdn"ot +Vhtp) +O+.1"*a
CT5F{ 3 I had not com work before my boss came.

Passive :

G'{"{ s My work had not been completed by me before my boss

B. Interrogative :
Active : Had + S + V (p.p) + O + clause ?

r work be{ore boss came?

nua + + been + V (p.p) + by +

(T:Fi s Had your work been completed by your boss

EXERCISE exercise-(K \{( ECS< {lslec{ff$ active negative,

active interrogaiive, passive negative, € passive interrogative-{ S
Grammar : The Voice 3gg
Active, lS+Sh"ly*ilt+V+Ol
CTsl{ S I shall eat rice. (ffi gs :lR r)

+ willlshall + be + V (p.p) + by + Js
f o-
€"irfr{ I shall eat rice <ffiJFrs qm .€ structure q{qlC{ passive €
q1ffie-s-tr{ r

Jo (Active-€< Obj.
q = q?lrf{ Sub.) 3 Rice
\5RtK 3 will
EK"FI 3be
verb €R past participle (P.p.) 3 eaten
El{el-?T 3bv
J s (Active
6 -€< Sub. = qel1C{ Obj.) ime
p{i( Passive : Rice will be eaten by me.

.{-{R RrD< exercise F o,m G"S$ #]i**1"#iERt s,c{ qr€ r

IEXERCISEI A. Eeir<< flqfus {ker {rcar FrD< <rTi--ffi passive*{

m1rsRss-{ I

i. They will buy rhe T. V.

2. Biva will learn (FFII) this language.
fr5F{ aRIs5ql-R passive s"t ffi Tabte -q cqrl EE r Table -qtr
T{rql.IEFil T{qa3 t

Active :

.1. Rumpa will love the cat. 2. Tumpa will take it. 3. Shahina and
Babu will play the game. 4. The man will tring it. 5. I shall real ihese
five books tomorrow.
Passive :
5 shall, will be v(P.P) by __I
The cat

The game


It will ;-;,h. by
will ;; read by iomorrow.
rrect t passtve sentences :
1. Act I shall help you.
Fass Your will be helped by I.
2. Act Thev will see me.
Pass Me will seen by them.
J. Act She will cook rice.
Pass Rice shall be cooking by her.
A Passage to the English Language
.c-{K ft&d efok <lrsl tense fi{ voice -43tr Tel ffF q{ 3

A. Negative :
Active : S + shall/will + not + V+ O
c{:li{ s I shall not help you. (qlfi (ET{P6$ CRttI' F-fi { l)
Passive :
$ + shall/will + not + be+ V(p.p) + by + d
RT{ s Yoy willnot be helped bv me. (9fr qlTR sKlclCt'$$s Er{
ql r)
B. Interrogative :
Active Shall/will+S+V+O?

ff{{ s Will they do it? (qfi ft q slq s-{K?)

Passive : Shall/will . + * be + V (P.P) + bY + l!'

G:H s Will it be done bY them?
(Em< Erd ft q slq Ts sc<r)
C. Negatve-I"lgqgg"tlyq j
Active :
RT{ s Shallwe not get the letters? (sl{fl ft ffiefr "il< all)

Passive : **u,.
!f+not+be+v(P. P)+bY+ !|?
c{-{ s Shallwe not gnt th" lnttnrr? $ffi ft ffierEI "tl<
Will the letters not be got (gotten) bv us? (s'l{lcq-< sFI fr
G$erfl $e

T{sil n*nt.ise-€i A s
B-q< C"<qfEI <fsl-fs negative-{

active s passive; interrogative-€ active g passive; €Ki negative-

interrogative-4 active s passive <fcfl {RKffi$ s< r

Ans. *t {31-6[il structure s €R-€qtFl m€3i]qc{Tq I


Active : S + shall,zwill + be + V(ing) + O
6sq-{ s I shallbe eating rice. (Wfr qs c{F ells-< l)
qf$r< l)
They will be reading books' (Eld <R Esrs
l]o] +shall/will + be + being + V(p'p) + bv * b:
' ltll
q.ll-fi i shall be eating rice-{r$Ifrrs €1 structure q-{clc< passive
q4lefis s-<-{ r
Grammar : The Voice 407
Jo (Active fi Obj. = Passive q< Sub.)
g 3 Rice
ER"r< 3 will
ER'IT 3be,
EITt{ 3 being
verb 4R Past Participle (p.p) 3 eaten
\d<"K 3bv
6 (Active -€{ Subj. = Passive {< obj.) 3me
:.i' stqfE Passive : Rice will be being eaten by me. (qlrfl-< srflqs
{ts$q(g eFsr{ t)
\reicTn li-{'{t6 <affs.rlslr{ Tlr{t qrql1] w-gl <g Gl-Ctr 5ts7 E.|{[q fir5<
- a-
exerclse lt, <D< I

A. tr"lr{'ehfu lisa {lc"l {k"t fi"ru< <roi ntre

passive-€ "lRK6o TK I structurefr qtTc{ cqlETI <l{ I

1. Mother will be cooking rice (II qE Tf$ <i{rs cl|Sr<-{ t)

2. We shall be reading our English books.
B. firF-{ <l$rsrdfK passive {1 "l{-{-ff table-q 6q-{t qrsre r table-€K
Ttrql-{Q1m T<cls-{ I

1. A man will be making a doll. 2. She will be binding (<l{E F-<t)

books. 3. I shall be looking at her face. 4. The doctor will be advising the
patient. 5.
5 We shall be ootball,
+o JS
5 Shall, will be being v(p.p) by
I ":i will
oe belng
A man.
-.----- will looked at me.
I he patient will be being by
1. Act You will be selling pens.
Pass Pens will being sold by your.
2. Act They will be beating the dog.
]he dog will be being beating by them.
J. Act We shall be looking for good men.
Pass Good men will be looked for by we.
q<IT RGT q-SI{ <lf$i .{Q tense-q{ voice-elfll qsFl S-.T S

A. Negative :
Active : S+shall,/will+not+be+V(ing)+O.
c{.:li B I shall not be ftying a kite then. (trfi qtfi qFtr {&
€Ws ar+crllt r)
402 A passage to the English La,nguage

Passive ,H . shall/will+not+ be being+ V(p.p) + by + Js.

CT:l{ B A kite will not be being flown by me then.
B. Interrogative :
Active : Shall,zwill +S+be+V(ing)+O?
c$l-{ 3 Will Rubel be teaching his brother?
(ffi{q ft EI-{ sFrs 6{{trc q]+rEr)

Passive : Shall/wiil+$+be being+ U to o f.O**,

RT{ 3 Will his brother be being taught by Rubel?
C. Negative-Interrogative :
Active : Shall/will+ 5 1 no1n6"J y6nn;1 92
C<rl{ 3 Will Babu not be eating rice? ({l{ ft vm crlcu eX-6.6a a1r;

+l . not + be beins+V(p.p.l . o, . *rf
Will rice not be being eaten by Babu?
(Ti1n Et-{ fr W .nqt qoe qr$r{ rt?)

EXERCISE exerciseqSl A € B qn ]RSrqI <f$ff$ negative- Lqsl

active € passive; interrogative-q< active € passive <tr+l qffi +-< r

Ans. qr*FTft{ q?cFsr structure s bqR<q 6h-{t qcTftq I

{E{t(frrqq {Trr< I


Tense-H{IlC{ €t tenseF< active.S{ csFrfi Fk{S I qrl. qlrqs?
cs'Ffch-< lRq< qir' ,{qfF qlt.<-€{r{ tb+F cq$ qa I

Active' Lb!Vyiltt.r"""*rtp.-L + o-t!,-@]

6{'{"{ He will have known it by this time.

(cvqsq c{,481 ffir{'qrSr< r)

Passive :

$ onnn*@
tr"tc-*< qffir+ qTil si structure
ffi r

$ {a.tiu"-cR obl=Purr,ue-qn Subj.) :lt

ER"K : will
qTgR 3 have been
verb (l past participle (p.p.) : known
slT'liT 3bv
Grammar : The Voice 403
fr (Active-,S< subl= p6rr1u"-q< Obj.) : him
ElTekt 3 clause,/phrase
q<l<b"R3< word,/phrasesrq-lrs
"Rl-{{l&c-T "|lR passive : It will have
been known by him by this time-(ev sccl El3t EI-{I .<llfiq t)
'!if isl4.| {cT
..fiKfur-n exercise8$< tElqcqEffin r<m
FFt< oF<ttR qFrs qc{
{lc-< r

{Ic"l {lc"l, €:t( structurefr <]zl{ln s'6{)
!#3 frct-<<l+lqtrc passive-€ "fffiso< c
1. I shall have completed my work before he comes (€{16{ before he
2. Shepa will have eaten rice before she will go to bed.
B. G'll-T{ structureF rflT6{ crtw arrf I q'<k frrE<.Fjqq ecnt {nct o-< s
1. Act : I shall have ddne the work by Sp.m.
pass: ----- will ---done by
2. Act : They will have kilied the--by
tiger by 7p. m.
_ pass: Ther tiger---- killed by --- by---.
3. Active : Mother will have made tea before we finish our study.
sive : ------ have been ----- bv ---- before ---
q-<T{ ftC{ efrR <fsj q! tense-q< voicea(41 FfrR F3( I

A. Negative :
Active :
S+shall/wiji + nof + have + V(p.p.) + O +-p-nraseZctuuse
3 He will not have heard this by this time.
(ei ca."cT"{ qkof7trc<l cc qran sr+ qfsm t)
Passive :
f+shall/will + not + have been +V(p.p.)+ by +*+ph.ase,/clause
6{:l{ 3 This will h_ave not been heard by him by this time.
(cvq6q qs?ll stfi cF{I qc{ eltoc< r)
B. Interrogative :
Active :
shall/will + S + have + V(p.p.) + O lpttrase/ctaus"f
C{'{'{ 3 Will she have written the letter by this time? (C{ ft e\5wq
Passive :

Shalllwil+$+have been+V(p. p.)+Uy+EO +phrase/clause?

CT{{ 3 Will the letter have been written by her by this time? (sT* qKl
ft <vq'6"yS6E eq7frRsEcr qr<rm?)
404 A to the English Language

c. Negative-Interrogative :
Active :

Will Rahim not have understood the problem before

sunset (qfrv)r

Will/shall+f + not + have been + V(p.p.) + b y *tf

Will the problem not have been understood by Rahim
!$ti before

lrl:EIrLr:E,l T{\9l exercise_€i A € B _€-<t <lsj.erEl-fs Elr<_< R, s,

q< ffib T{sF structure ETffC{ nffis s-<
I r

Case-q{ft{ fiI?R Cs Csl;I CfiFI verb€i indirect ((( directql
[tff 66'".* allsls "fr6i r firu-{ Eqr{<qF cq?rq 6srqkq-{ g ql<Fs 16{ ,igm
(Tw case-qqt{ q<( Verb-v{ilcfitr Transitive Verbs with Doubre objects
section 6?rl t)
He teaches us English.
<rFis EtE q6.i".a : indirect object (etfiulno) qo * €R( direct object
(<-q <l'Fs) Rf, English- <{sTFrs qT$ qakq
We q'{( o|CT English_c$ subject
{'6l Elsk{ passive-€ {flgRs +R a
Passive : We are taught Enghish by him.
or. English is taught usby him.

(t6{i active-*i ,,
Qrtrr passive ,*",<-T.q
I frg objectcel
qffi TcT {t{ (English). qtr "*t;::t
ft-q 8+ qrf< rEQ verb_€{ * *H,
{FT Retained object ([.OU; 1. q9l(< frqT passive
il6$I us EE R.Obj. {sfl(
q qK6{< qRi C{ tense-€-Q aff$' Cl
C+;t, qlT-{t tr{.{ structure <icq6 3*p 6-
fr\ sk<A qerql{ passive STitr qr< (ffi tense q< 6S-6E frG{ structure
SRTqI) I ts{ c{ objectFro passive_€ subject
foqr< cTT qr{ 11 (mq..{.B"lt3n
Eqfqft{ English €{( us) sEs verb q<
"K ffs fi-s[R R{ (objective case_ €)
ofq lqufrrser< r

€-<t( Bl-qcE R6D-it exercise fr o< r

Passive s flRqE s-{ s

....1. She gave me a flower. 2. Mother showed me a picture. 3. She
yll^!"-l:":h'ng us English 4 9he h"; ;;;";';e a pen. 5. She will have
given me a pen before 5p.m. 6. Father
Grammar : The Voice 405
should, would etc.
Verb €K glCrt auxiliary verb R{lC{ can, could, should, would, must
ffi ell=ntq e{ verb giC-Bt passive utbEF qt e{"l ;
can/ could / should / w ould/-u.t+b" +\4p. p J
cTsI;{ 3 Act : I can do it.
Pass: It can be done by me.
rt"l €<R fr[D-{ exercisefr S-{, EI{rE 6q"l-cq q1 verb a6fi Csl.{.K Eir{j q]<
cslqqT4ilT{ r

<ISiqffl< passive Tef Table- ,C 6T{l Eq I

TableF< giql+errt T{ct s-r I

1. You must eat the mango. 2. He would sing (rflttg{) good songs in
his boyhood. 3. she should love her husband. 4. They Lay use this
tubewell. 5. Man can eat every thing.

T Aux.v+be V(p.p.) by
should etc.)
eaten by
I T l_":s" '.-.-'-.-
nlm ln hls.
loved 9:
This----- in"n,,
Everything bv
B. g'lc{< <l$l efEI neqative Efq can. shoJld must RE]IiFil el{ not {ll\5
cT5t{ 3

Act : You must not eat the mango. (yR Effi qmF rlfr< ql r)
4(( passive-4 "be"-4n Wkrl not Trls;
Pass : The mango must not be eaten by you.
<fr <t'or Qf{l Interrogative Qp vlccE tsl can, should ffi <-fFr< qT'f
Tll$ I fgffi 3
Active : Can man eat every thing? (ffi ft q<ftR C{1s fl53?)
E?F[ passive .tl6€lrg can, should lqffi ql6rl {Cs I CT5F{ s
Pass : Can every thing be eaten by man?
Sfr {Sjeffl negative-interrogaiive qE vRCE {tfaTil qqlli
Can,/should/must----+S+not + be T:ig 1

6T{;T 3 Active :
Must you not eat the mango?
Pass : Must the mango not be eaten by you?
€-<lT ERcq QeF qq3 (A-q<) <lsj afE1-fs negative-€
active € passive;
interrogative-4 active € passive; €T( neg-interrogative- € active € passive
<tr+i qRqss-{ r
406 A Passage to the English Language
when, how, why, whom
4QFTI active € passive B-w <n+f< q?f6{ allfs I <l$1fr R{ interrogative (T
efi-6<t{s I active sentence 4l subject "who" EC{ passive-€K qckXE "bV
whom" (+f< 4<1) <rrt r

Active Passive
Who dicl rt/ Ity whom was it doner
When will he read the book? When will the book be read by
How did you do it? (how-Rslr<) How was it done by you?

EXERCISEIChange the following sentences into passive :

1. Where have you found her? 2. What does he want?
3. Who did ii? 4. Ivfhen has he killed the rat? 5. Why will he be
writing a letter to Biva?


€E section 'l9l-{ 9l[ti verb q<fiC{ intransitive verb used transitively
q-$-{t< 1e q{ rElilErE$lls elKGtct, ftS<I{<l'ffisqFm<q.| |

Active : She ran a race.

Passive : A race was run by her.
Act : Ishall singasong.
Pass : A song will be sung by me.
Act : She slept a sound sleep.
Pass : A sound sleep was slept by her.
Act : We look at the picture.
Pass : The picture is looked ai by us.
Act : They laughed at the poor man.
Pass : The poor man was laughed at by them.
Imperative sentence-q csl-{ qlcqrt, E'lcq{, <l q{6<l{ <l(s EF I qi $f6-{
sentence q< q{Cq affirmative- q ($-F,I<|-S) principal verb (Q{T frTI) q<.
negative-€ auxiliary verb qll6s I ql {s'Cfi sentence-(K passive CT frtT-{

Affirmative : r-et+ +be +V(p.p.) +(by you)

Negative : Let not+
f *0" +V(p.p.) +(by you)

C{:FI 3 Active Do the sum (Affir.)

Passive Let the sum be done (by you).
Active Do not tease (Q14il8;l T-d) the boy.
Passive Let not the boy be teased (by you).
Grammar : The Voice 407
.c<14 fr-6-{ exercise F +-< r

El+:l' qIEl-{ passive- S't Table [FCg cq-fl qE I

Table !F< T{]tt4 el{ct T< I

Active :
1. Do not beat the dog. 2. Take this book, 3. Help him. 4. Take care
gf, your health 5. Do not liugh at the poor. 6. Do not eat this banana. 7.
Write a letter. 8. Read this book.
Affirmative : Passive :

NorE. Active sentence- €R eql[r let eltsFl passive sentence- q< qtrl
Let {C{ t

Act : Let him do it. (slrs (sIq T-{cs ql\e)

Pass : Let it be done by him (by you).
Act : Let her eat rice. (vf5q €le- c?kE ril\s t)
Pass : Let rice be eaten by her (by you).
4"t : Lel them see the picture.
Pass : Let the picture be-seen by them (by you).
EXERCISEI Passive-€ Sftr 3
1. Let him hear this. 2. Let her cook rice. 3. Let them dig the canal.
Q{c{ verb gvft'{ reflexive verb sectionfr qt€ r sr-rrcK fio< Eqrq<q
ec{l cE:l r

Active : S+V+Reflexive Pronoun

Passive S+be-verb+V(p.p.)+by+Ref . pron
6{:FI 3 Active He killed himself.
Passive He was killed by himself.
Active She fanned herself.
Passive She was fanned by herself.
Active Ram punished himself.
Passive Ram was punished by himself
408 A Passage to the English Language
Quasi-Passive verb .Fl6tF TrE q.l;T? II 6q'rq aFsrE qA sectionfr "fg|<t qkrt
el ql{I q-$Fl-?l r
Verb-9{ilc{str euasi-passive Verb-sectionfr qF-<K flrg 4ls r

ulgffi frrr-< Bnf{<.| srqt t-v I

Quasi-Passive verb Ui qqrg-* (tl Complement F{Ft? q<( (2)

Complement ffi16qq'{g
Act : Rice sells cheap (Ef{
"fq ffi
qq 1;
-tv. <fsfltrcs quasi-Passive verb € sells. frE q< qcfr$ {Rtfvl cq-{f< u'-fl
cheap 'FtF* efc{l9;l Rt{6Q r qfr Cq complement.
Passive voice € 4E complementqolffi e11f6 t

6{:FtB Pass : Rice is when it is sold.

ftqfrcu<<tsi6 lg c .
Act : The house is building. (q&F tsR {re r)
€{fC{ quasi-passive Verb {fl building q:I( €3T 6$.Ft complement 6{E r q<
passive qr< firql e

pass : The house is being built.

Complement RFE quasi-passi verb-cf,Fl <Ir$]' {IsrE El6s passrve
s-{Cs frCF-{ structure qT'F<"i $..f(s qT s
+ + ment + w +it + ver
+ V(p.p))
Active : Iron feels hard. (C{l{ rl\F EI{EE q.{)
C{:FT 3
<T-siF< passive s-it(e fiir-{ frr5< {lflarqt qT{-{61 T-<l <rc s
S(active €i( passive q< qTq subject) : Iron
be-verb : is
complement : hard
EK"K 3 whenz'if
EKfi 3 it
be-verb : is
verb-€K past- participle : felt.
Word eml6s "tT "K{lGeT 9ll8
Passive : Iron is hard when (if) it is felt.
€-li complement Rfu quasi-passive verb 65.FI {|f,€l passive-q S1;gfts
s-{cEqrE cFtrIqcTrq-l CCaftD Cq-StEE S

Passive : S+be-verb+being +V(p. p.)

CTiFI 3 Active : The house is building.
<fs]ftT E'lr< fiarq passive $TKE q54 1

qelr{ s
(N. B. quasi-passive verb C{ <lCsj ell-C-$ Ekt active-fi( passive Bv-g form
4'{ sublect-cnQ e1i'66;
Grammar : The Voice 409

Subject (S) The house

be-Verb is
gK9FI being
v(p.p.) built
'ils{l {l{ Passive : The house is being
€*TEI6p "Ft"l3t :TMI5q built'

lexrnctsel e. i
*-,t '

{t"t) FIITT <t+i [f]tr$ passive-q 6'usRE s-{ I

1. The book is printing' F?F RI"fi
qrq t)
2. Mango tastes sweet ' (qIC{< ?lq'fi? S{ t)
B.q<r< {hts structure 6q-Crl q-{lqR ({lc'l {rct {T) firr< <rs] sr{lrs
tRqo <-<
passive€ r

Complemenl-$ Quasi-Passive Complement-Rh Quasi-Passive

Verb Verb
-TLRice sells cheaP' **qu" (ll1Gn) is

2. This flower smells sweet. 6. The drums (cW{, ffs) are
3. The pili (<Q) tastes sour (R+)' 7. The cows were milking (cqRq
4. These books read good 8. The book was Printing'
GierEI "lws sls Ef i.)
qfrs 9l3t fir*"1
C' Qusi-Passive verb-6{ <ft-si structure c

Quassi Passive verb with Complement

Active : S +V(s,/es)+ Complement

(Passive : qr1 (h3l'l

9l(5I m"f{ <t3lcE t)

(Tffi 3 Active : Rice seils cheaP'

q< ffiCq
Complement ffi Quasi-Passive verb 3

Active : S+be-Verb+V(ing)
(Passive : glctl cq{F qc{'cq t)

6{51{ 3 The house is building.

q<K B qrf< Bgrtr{ sT{] c{ passive <l-qsrffi't'o-q nr<fuq m erEI calrs
S"lcfit structure ETb <I{qf< T'6 slKl-<rg active KI{i eIfl
tit{ $-< q<( B-q<
qlcql firels
Table-€ qq-s <f$]qrEF r


q<]'l-c{ ql:Kt cq{<
i",*,.,iaiun Tlrs <[E sI fr-sTRss]r{ aa-ffi 6$-l{ '{$

€"lIF infinitive <6rcE e{ f to+;61-<'c{ cfil EE I

410 A Passage to the English Language

@ <fr mrq active irrsl adjective .r to+verb elrs

- \5Rr{ s];t
lG+ "erul-v<.iE< con qnG qs
passive-{ ql
C{:Fl, Active : I found it t. a;l
passive : It was found
F*v t. a"-l by me
Incorrect : It was found easy to be done by me,

EXERCISE <IslqlEln passive qs ftr E-ur-<l qts@Et
1. A rat o
[@f .Gn<sTilqEq r)
2. A flower is
Food a;,].
3. Mangoes ur"
4. rr is F;AtoJigesE. (digest_qql+_<D
5. This stick is
i;"sv t.E.*il
6. Mathematics is .,otl eisy to .
Answer : it, qT lt r T-R"t, etfrfr ilrsl
fffi";d6l q$tr-g< (6sT_{
easv to ffi) 6rFr passive ET Tr r qE q<'6
aq m*-ft; .*
*T^T_ls passive {s< T{ i qsfm easy to"i,".,
good to be eaten-qfr"t Cqrlt fO q.{
be kilred,

frgq-r <rfio srqil-{ 6+-@ lnf1n11;ye (to+v)

frgl-1. Passive voice {f,{ I R5FI
Active : He orderld to punish the thief. C

I Tffi:jT"T::,ffi@
by him

-. @I Double passive lfru gru--ur *,

fiRT q-{Ttfr ffo uns e<
sRt W vdqp6"6 affrs TCE sD <rrq<
cl s_{E ee r Rq_{ s
passive, Theu nroposed (ef6fS FGIRE) to
hold a meetino.
f;"";,.,..i-iA'_""ii"s"';;J ;,oi;;j,,;;,,dr; hetd by
(rlK4 was Dronosed €R(
to be held ql E?frR passive.
Correct : 'tt was
f:qo;E.iiI.-io"iora a meeting.
or, To hold a meeting was proposed -thZm.
fOTE=l Transitive verb-€K complement
active € passive tv{
voice-€ complement R--cal cqfs {Etr; subject
RcW< nFl'qs qfs gIrc< ql I crl{_{ s
Active : We elected him fEcr"turul .
Passive (lncorrect) , S""Et.ry#s
elected he by us.
(Correct) : He was elected.
Fec.etarvJ Uyus.
Grammar : The Voice 411

ffi passive-c n"ns,qs r-< 3

1. They elected me captain.2. She called him a fool' 3' People

elected, him chairman of the union council. 4. The Head
master selected
monitor of the class. 5. They regarded me as a doctor (sl3ll qI:IIrc
r) 6. We consider (ti$ $R) him great'
Eelc{<<fsierclco captain, a fool, chairman of the U' C''
monitor of the class, a doctor qgf,{l EE complement'
$45g4 a1-4iq6164fr6D;t structure q'{'fic< Passive sif 3
'l-il:; ---- ^'
I P *u"-"rb+ V(p.p.) +Complemen,*uv*31

ffi"oo.,u.r*, #. passive fi{-fi. u,-{6o

ln He
Y5 (A.tiue €< Ob'iect: Passive €< Subject)
be-verb was
Verb €3 Past ParticiPle elected
ComPlement captain
sl<'K bv

!9 {O",,un {<l Subject = Passive €< Object) : us

EolC<K word t&Ell-s T{"f< C'l&C{ fr,

Passive :He was elected captain

Question : ft-cm <l+ierqr< c€Ft passive Kq q{ ftr E-sra<

q4sw1@ cn<ts r

1. She dances. 2. I go to Dhaka' 3' You laughed.loudly' 4' A

7.The train is running'
*un.u., notsee. 5. She is walking. 6. It is raining.
Answer : T[, {{{l I Tf{q, qfuF iICfJSl verb qt c+tr intransitive verb
qF f$1-{ object 64.{ I 9tK active {6$i object {l elf{6E passive-€{ subject
fuqr< ft <q1.<?
q\5q<, Intransitive rtl6€Iit passive voice {T {l I


(Passive Voice T{{ {f{{ld S31s C{)
il +'m Passive voice Tl€lit s'6< <qrEQ <l$i wi-< qr ql, {<(q{q< q{ I

qf<f< Ae ftE cTlq passive voice-{3t<KSK {<q-fft qc{ "i69 I c{5f{ s

(1) ffi +5ii a1T ErAq o<f< q<TR qt R'6{ 3 The bad people are
punished (T-{ 6fs[q-{'Cs'nfr Cqn {T l) fuq. are punished by-whom?
- om o-rr{tfur
R-{ 6-a q1 5a-a, ,{?I|rq c{ <l vl{l q{q T{ I ffiTII €f,scdt passive {Fl{Rl
q<fR lgrt< I qvl6{ Jute is grown in Bangladesh <frsl< 6"lC{ by the
Banqalees €K ETF"I ells?6q €rs active-€ @{l{R 3
--- Thn Bangalees grow jute in Bangladesh'
412 A Passage to the English Language
Rq c",tr* <Iflfi<l' q-{fl lIft s6i csB qrq n3R co1<rt R.t{ by the
Bangalees qffi r ,qgT;li, €l subject (the Bangalees)C$ Eq' KC{ 6qTt q-q {Fi,
<I$ttrr$ passive-€ e-$Ft +-fli sl{ r

(2) {fi Subject-€K 4lr 9.I{ <R ql cTT-{ B Rahim

stole my pen (<itE
qtqR R-fitr qR rrKQrf t) <l-stft€
o-6 qq Rahim. €6$ passive s-rcq flt€Rt

My pen was stolen by Rahim.

q?F qfr {fr qE sRr{ by Rahim e(-lDcs <th frLT fr?fts
6DI-{tr< qlq q,'l
" !i! RR My pen was stolen (qfq;g s-fifr ffi qg-{aITR{ r)
<r$l carrc subject q< ffi'"rscq {4rc {|-<le ; qs"i cs-ca subject-,rrT
csl{ ercrM-{ ffi I 6q.'{-{-1he thief was given to the police
(c'ffiT "{frfir s-frs chrl qE r) ft-q co frer ffi qR <t&c\5 qa # *r
sfu r qrsl ffi+t?{R r

(4) rfi{ Tqtr-s csF Et-Ttqr*

TR.eR <qcs {rq s
Tuhin : Did you beat him? (qfr EIc$ Or<Rqr)
Biva : Yes, he was punished (ql,.ff+.nfu Cqil RC-<eq ly
.{rlfF Biva El-< sentl qR[T <rEcq r ql, str+
@ *.e qT1 T,- cc
frrq< sks ffiFbr {{r{R Dt"ffi r T{( er6<rs-strc< <rErR c{ Err-{ .nfr
$lul, T{)
fiTI{mRq I

(5) Frqq, q-1c<t( ffi gqi-q g

You are invited to my house today.

All guests (m{{.|;I) are requested to take rest for sometime.

f XIV. Fassive Voice of Complex Sentence :

q erF crause qsF subject nr object
complex sentence
Rrqc< <I{qE
qr I {E<l( active (R object rft €sF clause ErEC-q
c{ passive-€K subject
fu-cr< & clauseF <r<q. << r ftcul active-(K. subject 6er;t clause
passive-€st object RCT6{ Et <Ftr'dE {-{ I clause q< q<IoR
verb 4K csl;l
flR{6{qmqt | ff'{-d s
Act :
I know what he thinks.
What he thinks is known to me.
Pass :
Act : He showed me what he had made .
Pass :
Act Whut he haa 'nu;;*u;h;;;;ty him.
: She said what she knew.
Pass : Whafshc-knew *ut ruia by her.
Act : We will explain whv we wint to do it.
Pass : lvtry_ruc_lqant-lq_dajt will be explained by us.
What he has done will save his family.
Act :
Pass : His family will be saved by what he has done.
Grammar : The Voice 413

t@ q<rnq l.I frR Ftrts st sfr sffi{ qErs srr fi€ vrqm €l exercise
Fo-< r q.sFe$3<Fr<kli<r<lI ri
1. qErqtr{ ?'q{(frq'tqrt "fr'c{{ r

(a) Passive voice-4 C-{CSIEE verb €3tr past participle <Ii-qs q-T I

(b) Passive verb 4K CICq q?r C$lqt qSF be-verb elff$ t

(c) <ltrsi-< verb intransitive Q 6{, qdtl <fc+i object cl elforE, El{ passive
fr'lcs<iR I

(d) I eat rice-iIfiF{ passive Set qs?t I

(e) I go home-{lrF-IF< passive {1 Cg{4S I

2. cs 6$Ft tense-qi verb-q< passive form uttt €t.rt {{q

Tense frli 12 ersR, qt qr firF .ccq-{ 4N mrl qq I

(i) Present indefinite (vii) Past perfect

(ii) Present continuous (viii) Past perlect continuous
(iii) Present perfect (ix) Future indefinite
(iv) Present perfect continuous (x) Future continuous
(v) Past indefinite (xi) Future perfect
(vi) Past continuous (xii) Future perfect continuous.
q"F frcE qsFrlq structure q< ${Kq qq {<srEl tense (iv, viii, s xii i(
tense gGIl <lrh)-q< passive form Ca{;l € t

Structure- € E1-<qs n( (i), (ii), (x) tioT|fr eM €eic-T{ Elft-st{ & F(-q< t"tts"-
ffi verb €i[ passive <1 {<tR{l EC{(R' I

StructureF {t<-qK s-<'R qlc't fislqFcq-{r$ q-{$e tense q{Ils c?lrr {l{fr{
Q?Flitr tense-€K 45{ s <f€-{ q-FTE EC< I Translation
q(Crt tense q{lT[T q"<erql
tense eiqf{ .{SF 5.{sTR ffiq-q 6qTI qrscq I s"ll-{ celc{ 65r{ qls r qFr

Tr{ <l{r{, tense {i[6.t'Eldt {|dcl[ qFqrq fu5-{ cfr'rq q€T{ FGl voice
FRro c-c-l{fcq< qFfrT{Eq{sqt{rs r

Structure for Passive verbs (General Structure)

am, is, are (i)
am, is, are+being {ii)
have, has +been (iii)

iI"l was, were (v)

E] was, were +being (vi)

had been (vii)
shall, will +be (ix)
I shall, will+be + being (x)
i shall. will + have + been (xi)

Structure tr<lqqfd+-+rg cfrtq c

Active : He is eating rice.

qe <|ElfrR c{R.| <ls I €K tense {q (ii). qdTeb Ti{trqFrst q-{ck< present
continuous 1sn5s. glqFt General Structure c4"Cs (ii) fiRs verb q< TqE 6{'cq
474 A Passage to the English Language
firs << l€l * 9d R4-active-€R object 6$ passive €( subject Rrcr<
<l{{l< s-<ls Rrq r q-q5q p|l€{l crlq-
Passive : Rice 913'l{ structure-€n (ii) fiRs be-verb q< Sq
<qlF Er<-
Passive : Rice is being . . . . . sR'R verb (EI (p.p) <l past participle
T{lF qc<-
Passive : Rice is being eaten uR"lC bV fr{re qC<

Passive : Rice is being eaten by . . . . . sKeFt

f;r gdQF-active-
(K subject-Cs passive-€i oblect ftct-c< <KqR S-{F {c<; q4e,-
Passive: Rice is being eaten by him (he-{*).
q?lR ER(E bILTI structurefr {t<-{< s(<
frcEsr active <FFIerEIrs passive-
q 4?qss-{ s
(a) He reads a book. (b) They are digging a pond. (c) you have seen
the man. (d) She broke the glass. (e) Wi were making dolls. (f) The man
had called me after he saw me. [)E q$F{ verb €i passive {f,{ structure
F< (vii) q( E{clc{ rl (g) she wiil wear her dress. (h) I shail (or, wilr) be
enjoying ihe play. (i) Mother will have cooked rice by g p.m.
3. :lC{ 9lrq s fof{ verb €t EtF object cf"ffiE & verb 6{ <lrsi qtrq gI-{
passive fr-v-tr< o-<Cs e3? FlTIcq-{ 11ITK
{fr<T< q-qi q+F Sqp3q cq-{t q{ r qE
6qc{'lf{q<lslqrqlrs passive-q qtffiu +-< r

(a) He teaches us English.

Ans. Passive :
English is taught us by him.
or, We are taught English by him.
(b) She showed me a picture" (c) The teacher explained us the poem.
(d) H.e brough! me a pen. (e) She plucked me a flower. (f) He has'done
me this favo(u)r. (g) Masud bought me a book from the market. (h) She
gave me a pen.
* 4.-lmperative^-sentence-(it passive ftqr{ S*dl€ qT {6{ qfiq sl frru<
\5ql{{ql6 firal'lf<€l<isjsfflr$ passive-€ nflf$Rs T< r

(a) Give me a pen.

Ans. Passive ; Let a pen be.given me. (or, Let me be given a pen.)
(b) Dc it. (c) Call him. (d) Let him write the essay. (e) I_eiit
nappln. it)
Read the book. (g) Do not beat the dos. (h) Take care of your n'nlrtr-t.
Do not laugh at the poor. (i) Do not look down upon the poor.
5. Active sentence-4 object-€ir 6sFt complement elFF(e passive vRI
cofq qffiqP4 r

C{:Fl 3 : We made him chairman.

Passive : He was made chairman by us.
9q firq< <lsltrqfd passive q"f ft qr< <q r

(a) They chose us captain. (b) The villagers elected me member

the union council. (c) The Headmaster selJcted Mr. Rahman leader of
the picnic team. (d) we named her Biva. (e) she called the
-an . ioot.
Grammar : The Voice 415

Quasi-passive verb-€K passive form 6$.l;t q{ Efd' ql6q s? Bq|{3"tft
cq-cq 'f<-{-6f <fqerqfr+ passive q {tlgRs +-{ I

Active : Iron feels hard.

Passive : Iron is hard when it is felt.
(a) Rice sells cheap. (b) This pillow feels soft. (c) Mango tastes
sweet. (d) This pill (nQ) tastes bitter. (e) The poem reads interesting. (f)
The rose looks beautiful.
7. Interrogative {lC€fitr passive-Csl;t f€f{ lE"q GRq q{ I 4h-€ General
Structure <iT{l-{ T[<I El s-fl q€< I sr{ be-verb q< qeN E(:iF 5u!1s61-q1
qk{ Tqllsrs qC{ I q"IIF be-verb i6KE 51ru61ure-€K (i), (ii)ffi EEII fifu
q(.tB"Trs {<tl-q qcq I qTK g'l-<E fr-66-1 36iq6a16a passive-€ SqlgR15
T?tr I

(a) What did you do? (b) Who said this? (c) Which pen do you want?
(d) Whom do you want? (e) Do you play football? (f) Is she making tea?
(g) Are they reading books? (h) Have you broken the plate? (i) Was he
writing the essay? 0) Did gour brother play football?
8. ftcu-< <l+lsrEfcs passive-€ s{fsRu s-<T {l{ ftr mrql
(a) He laughs. (b) I go home (c) He comes here everyday. (d) Birds fly
in the sky. (e) A little baby can not walk. (f) A blind man can not see.
9. ftR fr! intransitive verb CS qTF S'Cl cognate object (objective
case-E{flC{ m{; qftqq, verb 9{flC{ Cq.t)frfE C{$r{i transitive verb q< $o
<]-qqe {'cE elR-T I s"f{ \9-r6n<rS passive-€ T"i-lgR]5 €l ${ I vr{cq frrD-{,
<lsiedElf,s' passive-€ "fRqio +< r

(a) He ran a race. (b) She dreamt a good dream. (e) We saw a good
sight. (d) I have slept a sound sleep. (e) He laughed a laughter.
10. frCD-< passive <f{ielfrlfs active-€ q4ls,Rs S-< g
(a) My pen has been stolen. (b) Rome was not built in a day. (c) He is
believed to be a sorcerer ({lE s<). (d) He was considered dead" (e} The
shops have been closecl. (0 The city was built many years ago. (g) He was
11. froT complex sentence gfEtfs passive-( nffi+-< :
(a) I know ihat he is a doctor. (b) He thought that you are a player.
(c) He can say when she will come. (d) She calculated how much her
husband should give her. (e) I have given him what he had wanted very
12. Change of voice CSITR SI'R
sftT <'6E {C{ qn? fi {r+ qr$ cfifs
vl{n r+-qr q? vn-sfuq cqrfi< FlT-$rs cq"tt\3 r

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