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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Intern: Megan Dykstra Date: Nov.

Grade Level: 4th grade Subject/ Topic: Science/Energy Transfer
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 45-50 min
*The template will expand as text is added.*
Main Focus/Essential Questions:
What is heat energy?
How can we observe changes associated with the transfer of heat energy?
Brief Context: Taking our new knowledge of energy from the previous lesson and seeing how energy is reflected and
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills: Characteristics of energy.
Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments
Consider formative & summative tools
Please number objectives and the aligned assessment measures.
The learner will: I will assess learning by:
1. Describe heat as a form of energy. 1. Observing their group discussions.
2. Observe changes associated with the transfer of 2. Looking over their student work packets.
heat energy. 3. Answers during the wrap up, class discussion.
3. Observe how different colors react to heat
4. Discuss why the black balloon produces more
heat energy that the white balloon.

Standards Addressed in Lesson: (Include full standard.)

4-PS3-4 Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another. *
4-PS3-2 Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric

Instructional Resources:
For each student:
5 Student pages
For each group of 4:
1 black balloon
1 white balloon
2 thermometers
1 stopwatch
For the class:
2 clamp lamps
2 bulbs
Teacher provides:
Extension cord, if necessary
Masking tape
Calculators, if necessary

Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners? Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement, Representation,
Action & Expression) & principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual accommodations you will make
in response to needs or interests of students.
-I made sure my students had something to do that was productive while they were waiting 10 minutes in between each
temperature measurement.
-For one of my students I would make sure he was fidgeting with only his fidget.

-I have a few students with ADD or ADHD, so I stated the instructions for the activity multiple times and demonstrated
the procedure.

-I picked the groups for the activity so that they would run smoothly.

-There were multiple “jobs” in the activity so that each student was involved.
-I monitored a few of my students to make sure they were involved.

-I made sure I was asking different types of questions to different students based on their higher order thinking abilities.

-One of my students would need to be monitored by me to make sure that he was facing the front of the classroom.


COVENANT MANAGEMENT: Relationship & community building (Note any specific ways in which you plan to build or
strengthen relationships and community: student-student & teacher - student.]
Putting students in groups that would work well for them is a way that I strengthened student relationships.

CONDUCT MANAGEMENT: (Behavioral expectations, strategies to encourage self- regulation, etc.)

Identify at least 2 ways you will gain whole group attention:
“Clap twice if you can hear my voice.” – Student respond with two claps
Clap in a pattern and the student respond with two claps.
Talk in a quiet voice so they have to pay attention to what I said

Strategies you intend to use to redirect individual students:

Simply say their name.
Ask them to repeat what a classmate or I said.
Have them flip a card
CONTENT MANAGEMENT: Note procedures/routines that are expected or embedded.
Ask for a bathroom or drink break
Do not sharpen your pencil when the teacher is talking.
Raise your hand and be called on in order to answer a question.

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: Note any specific ways you will use the environment to contribute to the learning.
I used table groups to put my kids in groups for the experiment.
I used the tables to put the material on so that the students could use it to perform the experiment.

Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]
Quick do a review from yesterday with energy poster.
-Talk about the energy transfers that we observed. Mechanical  heat

Ask for ideas of how the Earth gets warm or heated. – Share with table groups then share with class
-Point out responses that relate to the sun warming the earth.
Write on the board, “The sun provides the Earth with light, but the sun is too far away to provide the Earth with direct
-Pause and let the students think about this statement.
-Have them share anything that is confusing about this statement

We will be exploring the meaning of this statement by using a variety of materials and a lamp to represent the sun.

Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
During this activity you will have to record data:
-Show a sample chart on the overhead and tell the students that they will have to create a chart to record their

Go over the instructions for the upcoming activity

-Turn the heat lamp on
-Place one thermometer in each of your balloons, and take the temperatures.
-Place the balloons under the heat lamp.
-Start your timer
-Student must check the temperature of the thermometer every 10 min.
-Demonstrate how to use a stopwatch to time 10 min intervals.

Distribute the student work packet and quickly go through each step with the students again.

-Read through the next step of directions in their activity book as a class and have them follow the steps.
Circulate among the students and ask questions:
-Can you explain what you have done so far?

Give the students time to write a prediction of the outcome on the back of the packet.
-Will some of the balloons receive more light than other balloons?

Distribute the materials to each table and tell the students that their tablemates are their group for this activity.

Tell them to closely follow the directions on their Heating Up Activity page 1 and begin.
Adjust the height of each clamp lamp so that it is approximately 30 cm above the table. Tell the groups to place their
balloons next to each other under the light.

While they are waiting to take the temperature after the first 10 min. Ask the students…
-What do you think will happen to the temperature in each balloon?
-Why do you think that?
-What do you mean when you say…?
-Tell me more about how the investigation represents a model of the sun and Earth?
-What do the different balloons represent? Why do you think one balloon is white and one is black?

When they have completed the data collection and recording. Have them work in groups to calculate the average
temperature change for the black and white balloons. – Explain how to find the average on the white board.
-Distribute calculators

Discuss how…
Black absorbs more light and that, in turn, gets converted to more heat.
Have the students get into groups and have them pull out the information that they recorded from the previous day.
Have each group report their data and observations to the rest of the class.

Review what that the data and information told us.

Record the temperatures of the black and white balloons from each group on the overhead.

Ask the question: What kind of energy is the clamp lamp giving off? Heat and light or just light?
And ask “what happens to the light when it strikes the different balloons?”
-Give the groups time to talk about the questions and walk around.
-Prompt groups when needed. – What can you tell from your data?
-The light energy is converted to heat energy.
-The ground is heated up by the light energy. Not the air around us.

Write on the overhead: light energy, absorb, and reflect.

-Discuss the meanings
-Ask the students how these terms could fit into this activity. And why the black balloon was hotter than the
white balloon.

Come up with a class conclusion statement for the activity.

-In the summer how does it feel on your bare feet to walk across the blacktop?
-How does that relate?

Why would a black shirt, black pavement or a black balloon become hotter in the sun than white?

-Some students may say it is absorbing more light.

-Yes, but why does it absorb more light?

Show as “picture” of white light on the overhead. Explain that white light is made up of all the colors.

Black absorbs all the colors.

White reflects all the colors.

Vocabulary: Talk about how each of these relate to our experiment

Absorb – to take in – the black balloon absorbs the light energy.
Energy – energy is the ability to do work or cause change. Things change when there is a transfer of energy.
Energy transfer – energy transfer is the passing or movement of one form of energy to another. Light energy from the
lamp transfers into heat energy from the balloon.
Heat energy (heat) – heat energy is energy associated with the difference in the temperatures between objects. Heat
energy can change things. – Temperature.
Reflection – reflection is light that bounces off a surface. The white balloon reflects the light.
Solar energy – solar energy is energy associated with the light that is generated by the sun. Solar energy can be
transferred to heat energy.

Closure: (Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work. Think beyond giving an assignment or
independent practice.)
Who can tell me something you learned today about heat energy?
What happened in our activity?


EVIDENCE OF PROFESSIONALISM: Please note recent evidence of your efforts as a professional.
I dress professionally.
I have a positive relationship with my students.
I work collaboratively with my mentor teacher and other teachers.


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