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Tgl. Berlaku


Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari :
Kelas / Semester : X/2 Jam
Waktu : 120 Menit

Please choose correct Answer, A, B, C, D or E

Read the text 1 answer question 1 to 5

Our Trip to the Blue Mountain
On Friday, we went to blue mountain. We stayed at Ronald and Della’s house. It has big garden with lots of
colorful flowers and tennis court.
On Saturday, we saw the tree sister and we went on the senic railway. It was scary. Then, mom and I went
shopping with Della. We went to some antique shop and I tried on some old hats. On Sunday, we went to Scenic
Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockattos having shower.
In the afternoon, we went home.

1. The text above belongs to ......

a. Narrative c. Spoof
b. Report d. Recount
e. News item
2. How many days did they take their trip?
a. Six days c. Three days
b. Five days d. Two days
e. Four days
3. Whose trip is actually stated in this text?
a. The writer and his/her mother
b. The writer and the reader
c. The writer and Ronald
d. The writer and Della
e. The writer and his/her mother and Della
4. “Our trip to the Blue Mountain”
The underlined word has the same meaning as .....
a. Gift d. Experience
b. Journey e. Mission
c. Desire
5. When did they go home?
a. On Friday afternoon d. On Friday morning
b. On Saturday afternoon e. On Saturday morning
c. On Sunday afternoon

Read the text 2 answer question 6 to 10

Fine Clothes

The Emperor always wore the finest clothes in the empire. He was very proud of his fine clothes, so when
some men started adverstising a new type of clothes “ finer than the Emperor’s” he immediately went to see for
himself. He asked the men why the new clothes were finer than this, but the men would not tell him. “that is
our secret, “ they said. Finally, the Emperor decided to buy all of the new chlothes so that he would still have
the finest chlothes in the Empire. As he walked out of the shop wearing some of new chlotes, a child shouted. “
look! The Emperor understood the “ secret of his fine new chlothes.

6. Which of the following examples shows that the Emperor was proud of his clothes?
a. He always wore the finest clothes in the Empire
b. He went to see the new clothes
c. He bought all the new chlothes so that he would have the finest clothes
d. He understood the “secret” of the fine new clothes
e. He didn’t wear any clothes
7. A secret is.....
a. Something that is not true
b. Something about which people will not tell others
c. A special type of cloth
d. A special way of making clothes
e. Something that one knows
8. Which statement is true on the text?
a. The Emperor didn’t always wear the finest clothes in the Empire
b. The Emperor decided to sell all of the new clothes
c. The Emperor was very proud of his fine clothes
d. The men told the secret to the Emperor
e. The Emperor didnt buy new clothes
9. What tense is mostly used in this text?
a. Present Tense c. Present perfect e. Present perfect continuous
b. Past Tense d. Future tense
10. What text type is this?
a. Recount c. Procedure e. Spoof
b. Narrative d. Descriptive

Text 3 is for number 11-15

Text 3
How to make a Balloon Powered Rocket
You will need a balloon, sticky tape, sensors, string, a plastic drinking straw.
1. Thread the string carefully through the drinking straw.
2. The one end of the string to an object (tree, door handle, post, and so on)
3. The other end of the string to something ten meters away making sure that the string is tight.
4. Cut two pieces of sticky tape.
5. Gently blow a little air into the balloon.
6. Hold the end of the balloon tightly so the air does not escape.
7. Tape the balloon firmly to the straw.
8. Blow more air into the balloon and again hold the end tightly.
9. Quickly release the end of the balloon and watch it travel along the string.

11. What is the genre of the text?

a. Procedure c. exposition e. spoof
b. report d. narrative
12. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
a. To tell the story of a balloon
b. To retell the event
c. To explain the steps how to make a balloon power rocket
d. To describe the balloon
e. To inform the reader how to do something
13. What is the goal of the text?
a. Telling about the balloon powered rocket
b. Making a balloon powered rocket
c. Making a rocket power balloon
d. Powered rocket with balloon
e. Powered rocket is a balloon
14. “You will need a balloon, sticky tape, sensors, string, a plastic drinking, straw.”
What do we call this part of the text?
a. Goal c. Event e. Materials
b. Step d. Coda
15. How many materials are needed to make a balloon powered rocket ….
a. 3 b. 2 c. 4 d. 5 e.6
Text 4 is for 16-18

Picasso was one of the most outstanding and important artists of the 1990’s. He is the known for his paintings.
Almost every style in modern art is represented in Picasso’s works.
Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain as the son of an art teacher. He studied painting with his father and also
in Madrid.
From about 1895 to 1901 he painted realistic work in a traditional style. Then he entered what was called the blue
period. During this time he only used shades of blue in his paintings to show poverty he saw in Barcelona.
After 1907, he entered into the style of cubism. Among his well known cubist paintings are “The Three Musicians”
and “The man with a guitar” which depict the destruction of a Spanish town.
Picasso died in France in 1973
(Adapted from: Golden Home encyclopedia. p. 4751)

16. What a the genre of the text

a. Narrative b. Procedure c. Descriptive d. News item e. Personal Recount
17. Who was Picasso?
a. Painted realistic works a traditional style
b. One of the most outstanding and important artist
c. Best known of his paintings
d. Called the blue period
e. The men with a guitar
18. What tense is mostly used in the text?
a. Past tense
b. Past continuous tense
c. Simple present
d. Present continuous tense
e. Present perfect

Text 5 is for 19-20

Pay attention!
Our school will have a debate competition.
 Participants : all students in our school
 Time : December 15th, 2011
 Prizes : I Rp. 2.000.000
II Rp. 1.500.000
III Rp. 1.000.000
Please join us!

19. What is the announcement about?

a. A school debate c. A debate competition e. Teachers’ debate
b. A school competition d. Extracurricular activities
20. According to the text, the competition…..
a. Is only for students with good English
b. Will be held in December 2011
c. Is in the form of written arguments
d. Will be held after school hours
e. Will be held in December 2010
Text 6 is for 21 to 22

21. Do not use it for more than two weeks. The underline word refers to …
a. Skin cream c. Skin irritation e. Helps burn
b. Relieve minor cut d. Body lotion
22. What is the type of the text above?
a. Announcement c. Invitation e. Letter
b. Advertisement d. Recount
23. Clara: “my friend gave me a surprise party. I cant say how pleased I am.”
The underlined expression shows
a. Happiness b. Boredom c. Disappointment d. Sympathy e. Asking attention
24. Two years ago my family … my grandmother’s house in Paris.
a. Visit b. Visited c. Is visiting d. Has visited e. Had visited
25. Romora : “my brother has got a scholarship to continue his study in one of prominent University in
Widura : “ ……………..”
a. I’m glad to hear that c. it’s common e. I’m not satisfied
b. I’m sorry to know that d. I’m not surprise
26. Deni : I haven’t seen Dody for a week. How has he been ?
Tony : Fine. I met him two days ago
Deni : Did he tell you something
Tony : Yes, he told me that …
a. I had to help my mom at home
b. He had to help my mom at home
c. He has to help his mom at home
d. He had to help his mom at home
e. I have to help his mom at home
27. Axel : how are you doing?
Ririn : …..
a. Hello b. Bye c. Very well, thank you d. Morning e. Hi
28. Fandi: Hi, Feri. Do you feel like coming to my party to night?
Feri : …….
a. Amazing b. That’s fantastic c. Whatever you like d. Dull e. Yes, I’d love to
29. A : I think it was a boring holiday
B: yes I agree with you
The underlined expression show
a. Happiness b. Boredom c. Disappointment d. Sympathy e. Asking attention
30. Robert:“I failed my driving test three times. ”
a. Dull b. Great c. It’s real shame d. Good idea e. Pardon me
31. An hour ago my father…… to market.
a. Go b. Went c. Gone d. Goes e. Has gone
32. Rani : Have you visited Sonya? She got an accident yesterday.
Dody: …….
a. Fantastic c. I’m so sorry to hear that d. Don’t mind
b. I think so d. Sorry, I was in a hurry that time
33. “She’s so clever”.
“What did he say?” he said…..
a. That she is so clever d. That she was so clever
b. That she has been so clever e. That she had been so clever
c. That she will be so clever
34. Leoni : …… there’s the wounded man lying on the road.
Reham : Oh, my! What’s the matter with him. Let’s help him.
a. Great b. Sure c. Extraordinary d. How interesting e. Look
35. Alif: ………….., Miss Sara?
Miss Sara: yes please. Thank you. This tea tastes good. I like it.
a. Would you like a cup of coffee?
b. Want some
c. No, thanks
d. Would you like a cup of tea?
e. That would be very nice
36. Andi : “ Nola’s mother passed away yesterday. She must be very sad now.”
Rony: “……..”
a. It’s good news c. I’m sorry to hear that e. Terrific
b. It sounds nice d. I’m happy to hear that
37. Pete : “How about having dinner with me tonight?
Kate : “Thanks you, I’d love to.
From the dialogue above we conclude that …..
a. Kate declines the invitation d. Pete invites kate to have dinner together
b. Pete want to have dinner e. Pete make a date with kate
c. Kate love pete
38. Neta looked…..after her mother gave her present
a. Glad c. Bored e. anxious
b. Sad d. Disappoint
39. Student: “….. I don’t want to disturb you.”
Teacher: “No, no. it’s quite all right .Can I help you.”
a. Would you help me, sir c. It’s satisfied e . Excuse me, sir
b. I am very disappointed d. it’s terrible
40. Arif : Do you know the man …. In the corner?”
Bryan : “ Of course yes. He is Sergeant Harris.”
a. who is sitting c. which sit e. who are sitting
b. which is sitting d whom sit
41. Nurse: “Good evening anything what I can do for you, Madam?”
Mrs. Susan: “… to have the doctor look at my eye.”
a. Yes, I’m sure c. I’d love to e. I beg your pardon
b. I’d like to make an appointment d. That would be great fun
42. Dennis: “Mom, you go to the movie with me tonight?”
Harriet : “Oh …”
a. How pleased I’m to hear that d. What do you think of celebrating it
b. It makes me relieved e. All are correct
c. you must be very satisfied
43. Yoga : Hi, Ryan. I haven’t seen you a long time where have you been?
Ryan : I’ve been to Jakarta. I’ve got a job. I’ve been working for a logging company.
Yoga : Really?___ .
a. you are very good c. that’s all right e. Oh my God
b. I’m sorry to hear that d. I’m glad to hear that
44. Asih : I’d like to go on sightseeing this afternoon. What about you, Fina? Will you accompany me?
Fina : ___, what time shall we start?
a. Yes, sure c. See you later e. I’m sorry to hear that
b. Sorry I can’t d. It doesn’t matter
45. Mrs. Sumi said “I don’t know who wrote the article in the magazine”.
The reported speech of the sentence is Mrs. Sumi said that ….
a. I don’t know who wrote the article in the magazine
b. I didn’t know who writes the article in the magazine.
c. She didn’t know who had written the article in the magazine
d. She didn’t know who wrote the article in the magazine
e. She didn’t know who was writing the article in the magazine.
46. “Can you come to my party?” asked David.“_______.”
a. David asked me to come to the party
b. David asked me whether I could come to the party
c. David wants to know if I could come to the party
d. David said that he could come to the party
e. David told me to come to the party
47. X : Hi, what’s going on ? Why do you look so sad ?
Y : Hmmm. I’ve lost my money
X : …….
a. It’s my pleasure c. Oh, it’s great e. don’t mention it
b. I am sorry to hear that d. forget it
48. The girl …. gave me the flower is Rita
a. which d. when
b. whose e. that
c. who
49. I spoke to the man…….. wife had been admitted to hospital
a. who c. Whom e. in which
b. whose d. which
50. Reidy : “How about having dinner with me tonight?
Farah : “Thanks you, I’d love to.
From the dialogue above we conclude that …..
a. Farah declines the invitation d. Reidy invites Farah to have dinner together
b. Reidy wants to have dinner e. Reidy makes a date with Farah
c. Farah loves pete
PERIODE 2014-2015

1. D 11 A 21 A 31 B 41 A
2. C 12 C 22 B 32 C 42 A
3. E 13 B 23 A 33 D 43 D
4. B 14 E 24 B 34 E 44 A
5. C 15 D 25 A 35 D 45 C
6. A 16 E 26 D 36 C 46 B
7. B 17 B 27 C 37 D 47 B
8. C 18 A 28 E 38 A 48 C
9. B 19 C 29 B 39 E 49 B
10. B 20 B 30 C 40 A 50 D
Jl.Pelajar No. 39 Telpon 0768 22057 TEMBILAHAN HULU.


Merespon makna RECOUNT TEXT X  Melakukan teks PILIHAN 1-5
dalam teks SEPULUH monolog GANDA
monolog sederhana
sederhana yang NARRATIVE TEXT X PILIHAN 6-10
berbentuk recount
menggunakan SEPULUH GANDA
ragam bahasa  Menjawab
lisan secara pertanyaan teks
akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam PERSONAL X sederhana PILIHAN 17-18
berbagai konteks RECOUNT SEPULUH berbentuk GANDA
kehidupan sehari- procedure
hari dalam teks:  Melakukan teks
recount, narrative, monolog lisan
dan procedure berbentuk
 Mempresentasika
n teks monolog
lisan berbentuk
Merespon makna ANNOUNCEMENT X Menjawab PILIHAN 19-20
secara akurat, SEPULUH pertanyaan teks GANDA
lancar dan lisan fungsional
berterima dalam ADVERTISEMENT X pendek sederhana PILIHAN 21-25
teks lisan SEPULUH (misalnya GANDA
fungsional pengumuman,
pendek iklan, undangan
sederhana dll.
iklan, undangan
dll.) resmi dan tak
resmi dalam
berbagai konteks
kehidupan sehari-
Grammar in DIRECT SPEECH X Memahami PILIHAN 26,33,45,46
action in AND INDIRECT SEPULUH penggunaan GANDA
narrative text SPEECH kalimat lansung
dan kalimat
tidak langsung
Merespon makna GREETING X Merespon dengan PILIHAN 27
yang terdapat SEPULUH benar terhadap GANDA
dalam tindak tutur:
percakapan berkenalan,
transaksional (to bertemu dan
get things done) berpisah
dan interpersonal
resmi dan tak
resmi yang
ragam bahasa
lisan sederhana
secara akurat,
lancar dan
berterima dalam
kehidupan sehari-
hari dan
melibatkan tindak
tutur: berkenalan,
menerima janji,
dan membatal-
kan janji
Merespon makna EXPRESSING X Merespon PILIHAN 28, 38, 42,43
yang terdapat HAPPINES SEPULUH berbagai tindak GANDA
dalam tutur dalam
percakapan EXPRESSING X wacana lisan PILIHAN 29
transaksional (to BOREDOM SEPULUH interpersonal/ GANDA
get things done) EXPRESSING X transaksional: PILIHAN 30
dan interpersonal DISAPPOINTMENT SEPULUH dalam berbagai GANDA
(bersosiali-sasi) acara secara
resmi dan tak EXPRESSING X senang , bosan, PILIHAN 32,36,47
resmi yang SYMPATHY SEPULUH simpati dan GANDA
mengguna-kan kecewa.
ragam bahasa
lisan sederhana
secara akurat,
lancar dan
berterima dalam
kehidupan sehari-
hari dan
melibatkan tindak
dan kecewa,
Grammar in PAST TENSE X Memahami PILIHAN 31
action in SEPULUH tenses yang GANDA
narrative and digunakan
recount text dalam narrative
dan recount
Merespon makna ASKING X Merespon PILIHAN 34, 39
dalam expresi
percakapan INVITING X meminta PILIHAN 37,50
transaksional (to SOMEONE SEPULUH perhatian, GANDA
get things done) OFFERING X menawarkkan PILIHAN 35
(bersosiali-sasi) sesuatu kepada
resmi dan tak SOMEONE seseorang,
ragam bahasa
lisan sederhana
secara akurat,
lancar dan
berterima dalam
kehidupan sehari-
hari dan
melibatkan tindak
dan menawarkan
sesuatu kepada
Grammar in RELATIVE X Memahami PILIHAN 48,49
action in PRONOUN SEPULUH penggunan GANDA
narrative text relative pronoun
Mengetahui, Tembilahan, November 2013
Kepala MAN Tembilahan Guru Mapel B. Inggris


NIP : 196704031993031005
PERIODE 2012-2013

11. D 11 A 21 A 31 B 41 A
12. C 12 C 22 B 32 C 42 A
13. E 13 B 23 A 33 D 43 D
14. B 14 E 24 B 34 E 44 A
15. C 15 D 25 A 35 D 45 C
16. A 16 E 26 D 36 C 46 B
17. B 17 B 27 C 37 D 47 B
18. C 18 A 28 E 38 A 48 C
19. B 19 C 29 B 39 E 49 B
20. B 20 B 30 C 40 A 50 D

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