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News & Analysis

News From the Food and Drug Administration

Domestically Produced Radioisotope Smart Watch Detects Seizures The FDA’s approval was granted to
The FDA and the Nuclear Regulatory Com- The first smart watch used to monitor sei- Empatica Inc of Cambridge, Massachusetts,
mission (NRC) have collaborated to estab- zures has received FDA approval. Marketed which is spin-off of the Massachusetts Insti-
lish a stable, domestic supply of the most under the name Embrace, the watch uses tute of Technology Media Laboratory.
widely used radioisotope in medical imaging. advanced machine learning to detect grand
TechnetiumTc99m(99mTc),whichisused mal or generalized tonic-clonic seizures and New Treatment Option for Pneumonia
in more than 40 000 imaging procedures to alert a caregiver for help. The FDA has approved a third indication for
daily in the United States, helps in diagnos- a fixed-dose combination of ceftazidime
ing heart disease, cancer, infection, and in- and avibactam to treat adults with hospital-
flammation. However, it’s often in short sup- acquired bacterial pneumonia and
ply because of a complex supply chain. ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia
Technetium Tc 99m is the decay product of (HABP/VABP).
molybdenum 99 (99Mo), which is produced The newest indication is for HABP/
from highly enriched uranium. Because all of VA B P c a u s e d by s u s c e p t i b l e g ra m -
the reactors used in the production process negative bacteria including Klebsiella
are outside of the country, the United States pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, Esch-
shipped enriched uranium to those facilities erichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and
and the resulting 99Mo was shipped back. Haemophilus influenzae.
Those procedures created a “compli- “Health care professionals have not had
cated, at times uncertain, and potentially access to a new treatment option for pa-
risky supply chain,” FDA Commissioner Scott The technology senses movement and tients with HABP/VABP due to gram-
Gottlieb, MD, said in a statement. “Because electrical fluctuations in the skin that may be negative bacteria in over 15 years,” David
of frequent supply disruptions—or even the associated with seizures in people who have Nicholson, PhD, chief research and devel-
threat of disruptions—clinicians have shifted epilepsy. When a seizure is detected, the opment officer at Dublin, Ireland-based
to alternative isotopes that may be more ex- watch sends a command to a paired wire- Allergan plc, said in a statement. Allergan
pensive or may expose patients to higher less device that’s programmed to alert a des- holds North American rights to the drug.
doses of radiation.” Supply disruptions oc- ignated caregiver. The watch records and Marketed as Avycaz, the combination
curred in 2009 and 2010, Gottlieb noted. stores data that a health care professional drug was first approved in 2015 in combi-
Since Congress passed the American can review. The device also analyzes sleep, nation with metronidazole for adults with
Medical Isotopes Production Act in 2012, rest, and physical activity. It was approved complicated intra-abdominal infections.
the US Department of Energy has worked last year in Europe as a seizure-monitoring Last year, approval was expanded to treat
with the private sector to support projects medical device. complicated urinary tract infections,
that could produce 99Mo domestically for In a trial, researchers used continuous including pyelonephritis, caused by certain
medical purposes without using highly video electroencephalography (EEG) to gram-negative bacteria.
enriched uranium. A broad collaboration monitor 135 patients with epilepsy who Approval of a third indication was
between additional federal agencies and wore the watch. Over 272 days, researchers based on results from a phase 3 trial
industry led to the development of the gathered 6530 hours of data that included involving 870 hospitalized adults with
RadioGenix System, which produces 99Mo 40 generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Com- HABP or VABP. They received either Avy-
without highly enriched uranium and gen- pared with seizures that independent caz or meropenem given intravenously
erates sodium pertechnetate 99mTc as a experts documented from video-EEG data, every 8 hours for 7 to 14 days.
clear, colorless solution given by injection. the watch’s algorithm detected 100% of The primary end point was the 28-day all-
Sodium pertechnetate 99mTc is a radio- the seizures. cause mortality rate. Among patients treated
active diagnostic agent used in preparing The watch “offers the potential to alarm with Avycaz, the rate was 9.6% compared
FDA-approved diagnostic radiopharmaceu- family members and caretakers that with 8.3% in the meropenem group. The
ticals. It also is indicated for use in adults for a tonic-clonic seizure is occurring,” Orrin most common adverse reactions were diar-
salivary gland imaging and nasolacrimal Devinsky, MD, director of New York Univer- rhea and vomiting.
Bruno Gallizzi/Empatica, Inc.

gland drainage system imaging and in adult sity Langone Health’s Comprehensive Avibactam is a non-β-lactam β-lacta-
and pediatric patients for thyroid imaging Epilepsy Center, said in a statement. “The mase inhibitor that protects ceftazidime, a
and urinary bladder imaging. scientific evidence strongly supports that cephalosporin, from degradation by certain
The FDA has approved the RadioGenix prompt attention during or shortly after β-lactamases. − Rebecca Voelker, MSJ
System and the NRC will license it and issue these convulsive seizures can be life-saving Note: Source references are available online
guidance for its use in medical procedures. in many cases.” through hyperlinks embedded in the article text.

1086 JAMA March 20, 2018 Volume 319, Number 11 (Reprinted)

© 2018 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Downloaded From: on 03/20/2018

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