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Luz Elvira Gutiérrez García.

José Edmundo García Mendo.


Biography of the Luz Elvira Gutiérrez
My name is Luz Elvira Gutiérrez García, I´m peruvian, I was born in Trujillo city, I´m fifty years
old, my birthday date is on march twenty third. I studied at 80006 Elementay School in Palermo
housing estate and then at María Negrón Ugarte High School; and my career at Indoamerica
Higher Pedagogical Institute of Trujillo. Nowdays I´m working in Niño Jesús 1709 kindergarten,
I´m the Pincipal there and it has been 28 years since I started. My mother is Hilda Garcia Smith,
she is a retired teacher; she worked in Antonio Raimondi Institute from Trujillo for a period of
twenty five years; my father is Carlos Eugenio Gutiérrez Ibáñez, he was a taxi driver, he died for
more than a year, victim of cancer at sixty nine years old; this brought grief and sorrow to me
because I loved him much. I have two sisters younger than me; Hilda and Carla, the first of them
has four children, she is a single mother. My nephew and nieces are Ruben, Elvira, Christina and
Rosita, we all live in my mother´s house located in Apurimac Street, Palermo housing estate. My
another sister is married with Alfredo, Who is a carpenter and they have three children, Katherine,
Hernán and Karlita. I´m separated from my only son´s father for more than twenty six years. My
son´s name is Carlos David Placencia Gutiérrez, he is thirty years old and his profession is
musician. He studied in the Regional Conservatory Carlos Valderrama, he has a very cute child,
my grandson is one year and five months old and his name is Leonardo David, his mother´s name
is Mariela and she´s a nurse, she Works in Regional Institute Enfermedades Neoplásicas of La
Libertad. After the separation from my husband I met José Edmundo Garcia Mendo who is also
teacher; we fell in love each other and he´s my couple until now.
Biography of the Jose Garcia

My name is José Edmundo García Mendo, Im 54 years old, I live in Trujillo city; my mother was
Agustina Mengo Gallardo, she died on 2014 when she was 69 years old; my father was Esequiel
García Flores , he died whe she was 40 years old, it has been a long time; he was a showmaker. I
have 3 brothers and 1 sister. We have the same mother.

I was born in Matara District, Cajamarca Province. I studied at Jorge Chavez Private Elementary
School in Casa Grande and at Gran Unidad Escolar of Casa Grande High School; then I continued
my higher studies at San Luis Higher Institute of Trujillo especialized specialized in Information
and Computation; then when I realized about my real vocation I decided to study Pedagogy and I
did it at Virgen de la Puerta Higher Institute getting the Primary Teaching Certificate; nowdays I
work in Julcán Province, Huaso District, in Religion speciality.
A.- Completa el dialogo con las expresiones que tengan lógica o que guarden
coherencia con el todo:

Secretary: Where are you from?
Josephine: Im from Trujillo.

Secretary: Is Uruguay a city or a country?

Josephine: It`s a country.

Secretary: Where is Uruguay? In north America?

Josephine: No, it is in South América.

Secretary: And what’s your nationality?

Josephine: is peruvian.

Secretary: How old are you, Josephine?

Josephine: I’m 17 years old.

Secretary: Thank you, that´s all.

B.-Lee las preguntas que siguen y luego el dialogo para escribir o completar sus


Santiago: What’s your full name?

Johnny: Johnny Vigo.
Santiago: Is Johnny your first name?
Johnny: Yes, it is.
Santiago: Where are you from, Johnny? Are you from Lima?
Johnny: No, I’m not. I’m from Trujillo.
Santiago: How old are you? Are you thirteen?
Johnny: No, I’m not. I’m twelve.
Santiago: And your address? What’s your address in Trujillo?
Johnny: 245 San Benito Street.
Santiago: where is that? In La Merced?
Johnny: No, not in La merced. It’s in San Andres.
1. What’s the last name of Johnny? It’s Vigo
2. Is Johnny from Lima? No, He isn’t.
3. Where is Johnny from? He is from Trujillo.
4. How old is Johnny? He is twelve years old.
5. Where is San Benito Street? In San Andres.

A.- Completa las respuestas con la forma correcta del verbo. To be (am - is - are)
1. Where is Josephine from? She is from Uruguay
2.-Where is Uruguay? It is in South America.
3.-Where are you from, Johnny? I am from Trujillo.
4.-What’s your nationality? My nationality is Peruvian
5.-How old are you? I am twelve.

B.- Escribe cinco oraciones con tus datos personales (Nombres y apellidos, lugar de
procedencia, edad, número de teléfono en letras, dirección, nacionalidad, etc.)
1.- My full name is Luz Elvira Gutierrez Garcia.
2.- I was born in Trujillo.
3.-I am forty nine years old.
4.- I live in Trujillo on Apurimac Nº 454.
5.- I work in Puerto Malabrigo.


Mr and Mrs. Vigo are Husband and wife; they are Johnny’s parents. Mr. Vigo is Johnny’s father and
Mrs. Vigo is his mother. His father is forty years old and his mother is thirty eight.

Johnny has a brother and sister. His brother’s name is Danny and his sister’s name is Dalia. Danny is
fourteen years old , Dalia is thirteen and Johnny is twelve.

Dante and Lily are Husband and Wife too; They are Miriam’s parents. Dante is Miriam’s father and
Lily is her mother. Her father is forty – four years old her mother is forty –two.

Miriam has two sisters. Patty and Olga. Patty is Twenty years old, Olga is eighteen and Miriam is

A. True- False.- Lee el texto para desarrollar lo que se pide. En el espacio de cada una de
ellas, escribirás la letra T (true) o la F (False) para indicar que lo que se dice en cada
una de ellas , con respecto al texto si es verdadero o falso.

1.-Mrs Vigo is Mr. Vigo’s wife - T 6.- Dante is Lily’s husband. T

2.-Mr and Mrs. Vigo have two Children. T 7.- Dante and Lily have three children. T
3.-Dalia has two brothers and a sister. F 8.- Dante and Lily have two daughters and a son. F
4.-Johnny is Mrs. Vigo’s brother. F 9.- Dante and Lily are Miriam’s parents. T
5.-Dalia is Mr. Vigo daughter. T 10.-One of Miriam’s sisters is 13 years old. F

B. Lee nuevamente el texto para complementar o escribir las respuestas de las preguntas
que siguen.
1. Who are Dante and Lily? They’re husband a wife.
2. Does Miriam have any sisters? Yes. She has two sisters.
3. Does Miriam have any brothers? No, she has not.
4. How old is Miriam’s father?. He’s fourty four years old.
5. How old is Miriam? She’s thirteen.


A. 20 points.
A1. Completa las oraciones de la derecha llenando los espacios en blanco con I- She-

He-Her o His : 10 points.

1. That is my father. His name is juan.
2. That is my mother. Her name is hilda.
3. Who’s that. He is my father.
4. Who’s that. She is my mother.
5. How old are you? I am twelve.

A2.Completa las respuestas llenando los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del
verbo en la pregunta: 10 points.
1. how old are you? I am twelve.
2. How old is Johnny’s sister? She is thirteen
3. Who are Patty and Olga? They are Mary’s sisters
4. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes. I have one sister.
5. Does Miriam have any brothers or sisters? Yes. She has two sisters.
6. Where are your parents from? They are from Trujillo.
B.- Escribe cinco oraciones sobre tu familia ; tres con el verbo To be (am- is – are) y

Dos con el verbo To have ( have – has) : 20 points.

1.- My uncle is from Otuzco.
2.- My suret is studyng in Otuzco.
3.- They are from Otuzco.
4.- My uncle has two sons.
5.-My sunt and he have two homs.

A.- Reading

Miriam and Johnny

Miriam and her family usually wear Doctor Vigo and his family usually wear
Casual clothes at home. Her father is working Casual clothes at home such as T-shirts, shorts
today, so he is wearing overalls. Her mother is jeans, dresses, sneakers and sandals. Today he
working at home; she is wearing a dress and is at work; he is wearing a shirt, a tie, a jacket,
sandals. Her sisters are at work too; they are pants, socks and shoes. Dr Vigo’s wife is at work
wearing uniforms. Miriam is in class now; she is too; she is wearing a uniform and shoes. Johnny
wearing her school uniform; she is wearing a is in class too, so he is wearing his school
while blouse, a gray skirt, socks and black shoes. uniform; he is wearing a White shirt, a tie, gray
pants, gray socks and black shoes.

B.- Completa el diálogo con expresiones que guarden coherencia con el todo:

A.-What does your father do?
B.-He’s wearing overalls.

A.-Where does he work?

B.-He work at home.

A.-what does he wear at work?

B.- He usually wears casual clothes.

A.- What’s he wearing today?

B.-he is wearing school uniform.

A.- And what do you wear in class?

B.- They are wearing uniforms.
A.- Escribe en los espacios en blanco las respuestas correctas.

1.- What do you do? 6.- What is your father doing now?
I am a student. He is working
2.- Where do you study? 7.-What’s your father wearing today?
I study in a private school. He’s wearing a jacket and pants.
3.- Where are you going now? 8.-Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I’m going to class. Yes. I have one brother and one sister.
4.- What do you usually wear at home? 9.- Where does your brother study?
I usually wear casual clothes.
5.- Where does your father work? 10.-He studies at Abelardo Gamarra School.
He worked in a hospital.

B.- Escribe cinco oraciones: dos en presente Simple y tres en presente Progresivo
1.-He is working in a hospital.
2.- They are wearing overalls.
3.- Miriam was wearing in class.
4.- Her father was wearing today..
5.- They werw wearing usual clothes at home.


Johnny’s father is a doctor and his mother is a Miriam’s father is a mechanic and her
Nurse. His father Works in a hospital and his mother Mother is a housewife. Her father Works in a
Works in a medical center. He studies in a private garaje and her mother Works at home. Her
School. His parents get up at six o’ clock and have father usuallly get up at seven and has
Breakfast at seven thirty. After breakfast they go breakfast at eight. After breakfast he goes to
To work. Johnny get up at eight. After he gets up he work. Miriam get up she has breakfast, and
has breakfast. After breakfast he does his homework. after breakfast she does her homework. She
He usually has lunch at twelve and goes to school usually has at twelve, and after tat she goes
after that. to school. After school she goeshome, and
after she gets home she has dinner.
True-False Lee con cuidado las declaraciones que siguen y luego el texto para resolver lo
Que se te pide. En el espacio en blanco de cada declaración. Escribirás la letra T (true) o la F

1.- Johnny’s parents have breakfast before they get up. F

2.- Johnny’s parents go to work after breakfast. T
3.- Johnny gets up before breakfast. T
4.- Johnny has breakfast at home. T
5.- Johnny goes to school after clases. T
6.- Johnny gets home after clases. F
7.- Miriam’s father has breakfast at home. T
8.- Miriam does her homework after breakfast F
9.- Miriam goes to school after lunch. T
10.- Miriam get home after dinner. F

B.- Completa el diálogo con expresiones que guarden sentido con el todo.
A: What time do you get ug?
B: at eight.
A: What do you do after you get up?
B: I get up and I have breakfast.
A: Are your clases in the morning or in the afternoon?
B: In the morning.
A: What do you do after school?
B: I go to school.
A: And what do you do after you get home?
B: I have dinner.
A.- Escribe en los espacios en blanco de cada respuesta la forma correcta del verbo.
1. What time do you get up? 6. What time does Johnny’s father have breakfast?
I get up at eight o’clock. He has breakfast at seven thirty.
2. What time do your parents get up? 7. What time does Miriam’s mother have breakfast?
They get up at six o’ clock. She has breakfast at eight thirty.
3. What time does your father get up? 8. What time do you go to school?
My father gets up at six o’clock. I go to school at twelve thirty too.
4. what time does your mother get up? 9. What time does Johnny go to school?
My mother gets up at six o’ clock too Johnny goes to school at twelve thirty too.
5. what time do you have breakfast? 10. What time does Miriam get home?
I have breakfast at eight thirty. Miriam gets home at seven thirty.

B.- Escribe en orden cinco oraciones acerca de tus actividades diarias: 20 poinst.
1- I’m studying Englesh now.
2.- I have to go to studying Trujillo.
3.- My mother is an englishs teachers.
4.- My sister Hilda is a nurse.
5.- I have three sisters Hilda , Carla and Rosa.


A. Lee los textos y luego las preguntas que siguen para escribir o completar sus respuestas.

“I don’t live in an apartment, I live in a house. My house doesn’t have a
garden, but it has a garage. I live with my parents, my brother and my sister. My
address is 432 fatima Avenue and my telephone number is 283344.
My house has two floors. On the first floor (downstairs) we have the
garage, the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, a studio and a visitor toilet.
On the second floor(upstairs) we have the bedrooms and the bathroom. There is
a bedroom for my parents, one for my sister’s bedroom is between my parent’s
bedroom and my bedroom.”
“ I live in an aparment. My address is 234 sucre Street, Second floor “B”
and my telephone number is 290604. My aparment has a small kitchen, a living
/dining room, a small visitor toilet three bedrooms and a small bathroom.
Although my apartment is small, it is my home, my sweet home.”
1. Does Johnny live in a house or in an apartment? Live in a house.
2.- Does Johnny’s house have a garden? No, the house has not a garden.
3.- Does Rosa live in a house too? No she doesn’t.
4.- How many bedrooms does Johnny house have? Has three bedrooms.
5.- How many bedrooms does Johnny’s house.? On the second floor.
6.- Is there a toilet for visitor in Rosa’s apartment? Yes there is.

B.- Completa el dialogo con las expresiones que tengan coherencia?

A: Excuse me
Do I live in a house or in an aparment?
B: I live in a house.
A: Who do you live with ?
B: I live with my parents and my wife.
A: How many floors does your house have?
B: It has two floors.
A: And what’s your address?
B: My address is Apurimac 454 , urbanization Palermo in Trujillo city.
A: By the way, what’s my telephone number?
B :My telephone Numbers?
My telephone numbers is 945508286.
A. En los espacios en blanco de cada respuesta ,escribe la forma correcta del verbo.
1.- Does Johnny live in a house or in an apartment?
He lives in a house.
2.- How many floors does Johnny’s house have?
Johnny`s house has two floors.
3.- Where are the bedrooms in Johnny’s house?
They are in upstairs.
4.- What do you have in the kitchen.?
We have a stove, a table, four chairs and fridge.
5.- Does your house have a garden?
No it doesn’t But it is a garaje.

B. Escribe 5 oraciones, que no estén en este examen acerca de tu casa, apartamento, para
ayudarte pùedes usar el verbo to be( an-is-are) there is- there are, to live (live-lives) o
to have (have-has) : 20 points.
1. My house has two floors.
2. My house has two bedrooms ,one kitchen and a garden.
3. I’m living in the first floor.
4. In the second floor is living my sister Yolanda.
5. My house has a kitchen, la dining room and two bedrooms.


A. Lee las preguntas que siguen y luego el texto para poder desarrollarlas.

1.- Where is the coast located? Between the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Andes in the coast.

2.- How are the main coastal cities connected? By the Pan-American highway.

3.- Where is the Highland located? Between the coast in the west and the the coast.

4.- what language(s) do people generally speak in the highlands? In thes región speak and spanish.

5.- What’s the jungle famous for? For Madre de Dios.


A.- En el espacio en blanco de cada respuesta, escribe la forma correcta del verbo.
1.- How many geografical regions are there in Peru?
There are three.
2.- What’s the jungle famous for?
It is famous for its forest and big rivers.
3.- What language do people speak in the jungle?
They speak spanish or native language.
4.- Where does the President Live?
He lives in Lima.
5.- Lima is in the highlands, is that right?
No, it is not lima i son the coast.
B.- De entre los pronombres que te damos: I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, WE, YOU, THEY, escoge
los que remplazarían a los sujetos de las oraciones.
1.- The coast is a geographical strip.
It is is a geographical strip.
2.- Lima and the major cities are connected by the Pan- American highway
They are connected by the Pan- American highway.
3.- The Highlands is a región dominated by the Andes.
It is is a región dominated by the Andes.
4.- This región is located between the coast and the jungle.
It is located between the coast and the jungle.
5.- The jungle is a región where we can obtain Wood and oil.
It is a región where we can obtain Wood and oil.


TEST Nº 08


La libertad is a región located in the northwest of Peru. It borders the región of Lambayeque, Cajamarca
and Amazonas in the north, San Martin in the East, And Huanuco and Ancash in the south.

Five provinces connected by the Pan American highway are on the coast, five in the highlands and two in the east
or upper jungle. Likewise, five rivers irrigate the provinces of the coast the jequetepeque, in Pacasmayo, the
Chicama in Ascope, the Moche in Trujillo, and the Viru and Chau in Viru. Also, La Libertad counts on the three ports:
Pacasmayo port in the province of Pacasmayo, Malabrigo in Ascope, and Salaverry in Trujillo.

In each province of la Libertad is important there is a capital. Thus San pedro de Lloc is the capital of Pacasmayo,

Cascas is the capital of Gran Chimu, Huamachuco is the capital of Sanchez Carrion, and Tayabamba is the capital of

Each province of la Libertad is important for something. Thus Chepen is important for its rice fields, Pacasmayo for
its rice fields and cement Factory, Ascope for its sugar cane plantations, Trujillo for its ruins of Chan Chan, Viru for
its CHAVIMOCHIC Project, Otuzco for its Virgin of the Door, julcan for its commerce, and Sanchez Carrion for its
Markahuamachuco ruins and Sausacocha lagoon. Likewise, Santiago de Chuco is important for its Santiago Apostle
and Cesar Vallejo poet, Gran Chimu for its grapes, Pataz for its mines and Pias Lagoon and Bolivar for its agricultura
and animal life.
1.- What’s the text about? About Trujillo city
2.- What’s La Libertad? It´s a Region of Peru.
3.- Where is La Liebertad located? In the northwest of peru.
4.- What regions are the north of La Libertad? Lambayeque, Cajamarca, Amazonas.
5.- What region is to the east of the La Libertad? San Martin.
6.- What regions are to the south of La Libertad? Huanuco y Ancash.
7.- How many provinces are there in La Libertad? Twelve.
8.- How many rivers are there on the coast of La Libertad? Five.
9.- What’s the name ofthe river in Pacasmayo? Jequetepeque.
10.- Where is Malabrigo Port? In Ascope.
11.- What’s the capital of Pacasmayo? San Pedro de Lloc.
12.- What’s the capital of Sanchez Carrion? Huamachuco.
13. What’s the capital of Gran Chimu? Cascas.
14.- what’s the capital of Pataz? Tayabamba
15.- What’s Sanchez Carrion import for ? For its Markahuamachuco Ruins and Sausacocha


TEST Nº 09
2.1. True or False Lee las declaraciones que siguen y luego el texto para poder desarrollarlas.
1.- the text is about Trujillo City. T
2.- Trujillo City is a friendly and colonial city. T
3.- Trujillo City is in the north of Peru. T
4.- The most important part of Trijillo City is downtown. T
5.- Downtown is a the city center of Trujillo. T
6.- We can find money at the slot machines. T
7.- The city hall is near the main square. T
8.- The mayor’s office isn’t in the city Hall. T
9.- According to the map, there is a swimming pool downtown. F
2.2 Lee las preguntas que siguen y nuevamente el texto para escribir las respuestas.

1.-What’s the text about ?About Trujillo City.

2.-What’s Trujillo City like? It’s a friendly and cultural city.

3.-What’s the most important part of Trujillo City? The most important part is downtown.

4.-Where is the main square of Trujillo? In the Plaza de Armas of the city.

5.-Where is the city Hall? On the square.

6.-Where does the mayor have his office? In the City Hall.

7.-According to the map, is there a library in Trujillo? Yes, there is.

8.-Where is the library? Next to the pool is.

9.-Is the fire station far from the main square? No, there isn’t . It’s the center of Trujillo.

10.-Where is the fire station? On The National Bank.

11.- According to the map, Where is the pólice station? On the Grau st. And Ayacucho st.

Chan Chan is a pre-Incan archaeological site. It has an aproximated área of 20 square
kilometers and it is located about 5 kilometers from the center of Trujillo. This archaeological site is
one of the largest cities of adobe in the world and you can get there in 10 minutes on a tour bus.

Chan Chan is composed of 10 citadels: Squier, Gran Chimu, Bandelier, Uhle, Chayhuac, Rivero,
Laberinto, Velarde, Tello and Tschudi. The last one in a process of restoration. All the citadel are
protected by high walls with beautiful decorations. Generally these decorations include figures that
represent marine animals such as pelicans, fish, and otters. Also they represent geometric and other
humanoid- shape figures.

Because Chan Chan is constructed of adobe, it is vulnerable to rains, storms, winds, etc.That is
the reason why we should take care of this invaluable world Heritage.

1.1 Lee las declaraciones que siguen y luego el texto para poder desarrollarlas. Encerrarás en
un Circulo la letra T o la F para indicar que lo que se dice en cada declaración con
respecto al texto , es verdadero o falso.(T or F)

1.- Chan chan is a group of Incan ruins. T F

2.- The ruins of Chan Chan include ten citadels of adobe. T F
3.- Tschudi is one of citadels of Chan Chan. T F
4.- The Citadel of Tschudi is in a process of restoration. T F
5.- On the walls of Tschudi there are beautiful decorations. T F
6.- Tschudi is the largest citadel of adobe in the world. T F
7.- In Chan Chan we can see pelicans, fish and otters. T F
8.-Chan Chan is very far from Trujillo. T F
9.- We can get to Chan Chan by bus. T F
10.- Chan Chan is a wolrd Heritage. T F

1.2 Lee las preguntas que siguen y luego el texto una vez más para escribir o completar sus

1.- What’s Chan Chan? It’s a pre- Incan archaeological site.
2.- What’s the extensión of Chan Chan? 20 square kilometers.
3.- What’s Chan chan made of ? It’s made of adobe.
4.- How far is Chan Chan ? it is 5 kilometers.
5.- How long does it take to Chan Chan on a tour bus? Ten minutes.
6.- How many citadels are there in Chan Chan? Ten
7.- what citadel is in a process of restoration? Tello and Tschudi.
8.- What can we see on the Walls of Chan Chan ? marine animals.
9.- What marine animals do the decorations represent? Pelicans, fish, and others.
10.- Why is Chan Chan vulnerable to rains, storms and winds? Because it’s vulnerable.
11.- Why should we take care of Chan Chan ? Because it’s a constructed of adobe.

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