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Subject Chemistry Form 4A

No. of students students
Theme/Topic Matter Around Us / Chemical Bonds
Time minutes
Learning Objectives Synthesising ideas on formation of covalent bonds

Learning Outcomes (a) Illustrate formation of covalent bond by drawing electron

(b) Illustrate formation of covalent bond
(c) Compare and contrast formation of ionic and covalent bond

Success Criteria (a) Illustrate electron arrangements for the formation of covalent
bond including Lewis structure
(b) Compare and contrast between ionic bond and covalent bond
Previous Knowledge Students able to:
(a) Understand the formation of ionic bond
(b) Understand the formation of covalent bond
(c) Illustrate the formation of single bond molecule
T&L Activities As written bellow.

EMK ⬜ Creative & Innovative ⬜ Science & Technology

⬜ Entrepreneur ⬜ Language
⬜ Environment Education ⬜ Patriotism
⬜ ICT ⬜ Moral Values
HOTS / iTHINK ⬜ Circle Map ⬜ Brace Map ⬜ Bubble Map
⬜ Flow Map ⬜ Double Bubble Map ⬜ Multi-Flow Map

⬜ Tree Map ⬜ Bridge Map

Teaching Aids ⬜ Computer , LCD, Revision books, Stationeries
⬜, ball and stick” model.
⬜ connecting wires and crocodile clips
Evaluation ⬜ Worksheet ⬜ Work product ⬜ Observation ⬜ Quiz
⬜ Oral ⬜ Drama ⬜ Assignment ⬜
Reflection _____ /_____ students able to achieve today’s objective and
exercises are given to them.
_____ /_____ students not able to achieve today’s learning objective
and exercises given to them with teacher’s guidance.

Learning T & L Activities Notes

Engagement ACTIVITY 1
(5 minutes)
 Students see and observe the
diagram shown.

What you can see? Explain what

you understand about the diagram?

Exploration  Students are divided into small - Each group will be asked to
(30 minutes) groups of students that consists of 4 present their models.
students per group.
 Each group will be given ‘ball and
stick’ model.
 Students are asked to build variety of
model that related with covalent
bonds as they already know how to
build model of single bond molecule.
 Students then need to draw the
structure of the model that they build.
Explanation  Each group will be asked to Learning Century 21 :
(20 minutes) present the structure formula that Bus Stop.
they already draw in the ‘majong
Teacher explains that the variety of
paper’ or they can also present them
structure build is known as double
in slideshow form. bond and triple bond formation that
related with covalent bond.
What is meant by double bond and
triple bond?

Elaborate  Each group is given a ‘majong I-think Map: Double Bubble Map
(15 minutes) paper’.
● Students are asked to draw a Explain the similarity of ionic bond
mind map or i-thinks maps to and covalent bond?
compare between ionic bond and
covalent bond? Explain the differences between
ionic bond and covalent bond?
Evaluation  Students summarize the lesson that Moral values that can be enhanced
(10 minutes) they have learnt today. in students.
 Students answer 3 questions that the - Students can work
teacher asked orally. cooperatively in a good
1.Give one example of double bond environment.
molecule? Answers :
2.Give one example of triple bond 1. Carbon Dioxide
molecule? 2. Nitrogen Gas
3.Explain the different between ionic 3. Ionic bond is form by transfer of
bond and covalent bond? electrons while covalent bond is
form by share of electrons

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