Examining The Importance of Laboratory and Diagnostic Testing When Treating and Diagnosing Onychomycosis

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Examining the importance of laboratory and diagnostic

testing when treating and diagnosing onychomycosis
Mahmoud Ghannoum1, PhD, Pranab Mukherjee1, PhD, Nancy Isham1, M(ASCP),
Bryan Markinson2, DPM, James Del Rosso3, DO, and Luis Leal4, DPM

Case Western University, Cleveland, OH, Abstract
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Onychomycosis is a fungal nail infection caused primarily by dermatophytes. Several other
New York, NY, 3Touro University Nevada,
nail disorders, including psoriasis, can simulate onychomycosis. Accurate diagnosis is
Henderson, NV, and 4PharmaDerm a
division of Fougera Pharmaceuticals Inc.,
therefore vital for the ongoing treatment and management of onychomycosis and to avoid
Princeton, NJ, USA misdiagnosis and treatment delay, which can be both lengthy and costly. Often, a
combination of histologic and laboratory techniques is used to obtain an accurate
Correspondence diagnosis. The potential diagnostic challenges associated with the differential diagnosis of
Mahmoud Ghannoum, PhD
onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes and the most common techniques used to
Case Western University
confirm the diagnosis are discussed.
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106
E-mail: mahmoud.ghannoum@case.edu

Disclosure: Writing and editorial assistance

was provided by ApotheCom, Associates,
LLC, Yardley, PA, and was supported by
Sandoz, a Novartis Division. The authors
were fully responsible for the content,
editorial decisions, and opinions expressed
in the current article. No author received an
honorarium related to the development of
this manuscript. L. Leal is an employee of
Sandoz, a Novartis Division.

doi: 10.1111/ijd.13690

that, in addition to exposure to environmental risk factors, leads

to chronic onychomycosis.3
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail caused primarily This disease is reported to affect approximately 10% of the
by dermatophytes, which include Trichophyton, Epidermophy- general population, with prevalence increasing with age.2 In this
ton, and Microsporum spp.1 Infected patients experience discol- regard, prevalence is approximately 20% in patients over
oration, nail plate thickening, and onycholysis.1 Dermatophytes 60 years of age and up to 50% in patients older than 70 years.2
are transmitted via contact with floor and ground surfaces and Onychomycosis can be classified into distinct clinical categories
occasionally through personal contact, including people living in based on the region of the nail unit that is affected. These cate-
the same household.2 Toenails are more commonly affected gories include distal/lateral onychomycosis, proximal subungual
than fingernails, as they are in direct contact with reservoirs in onychomycosis, and superficial white onychomycosis.4 If left
which dermatophytes commonly colonize, are often confined to untreated, onychomycosis will often worsen in severity, leading
the moist environment within shoes, and grow more slowly.1 to marked dystrophic changes in affected nails. Furthermore,
It is well documented that environmental factors are involved onychomycosis has been reported to have a significant impact
in the establishment of onychomycosis; however, some individu- on patient quality of life due to a variety of physical changes
als exposed to those same environmental risk factors do not (e.g., pain, discomfort, difficulty trimming thick nail plates, and
contract onychomycosis, while others will develop a chronic difficulty walking) and psychosocial consequences (e.g., embar-
infection.3 There is emerging evidence that suggests a genetic rassment and avoidance of intimacy).2
component in the susceptibility of an individual to fungal infec- As nail dystrophy because of fungal infections represents
tion (e.g., defects in the innate and adaptive immune system) 50% of clinical manifestations, obtaining an accurate diagnosis 1

ª 2017 The International Society of Dermatology International Journal of Dermatology 2017

2 Review Diagnosing onychomycosis by laboratory testing Ghannoum et al.

is critical when treating onychomycosis in order to avoid misdi- Samples for the latter two types can be collected with a nail drill
agnosis and treatment delay.4 This article discusses the impor- to enhance precision.11 Moreover, the type of sample collected
tance of obtaining an accurate diagnosis and reviews the also depends on the laboratory test being used. Periodic acid–
different laboratory techniques available to confirm the diagno- Schiff (PAS) staining requires nail plate clippings but will not
sis of onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes. distinguish fungal species. On the other hand, subungual debris
sent for fungal culture may provide viable fungal elements of
dermatophytes, nondermatophytic molds, and yeasts that can
Differential Diagnosis of Onychomycosis
be identified to genus and species.12,13
As mentioned previously, only 50% of nail dystrophy is because
of fungal infection, with several other conditions, including
Diagnostic Techniques
inflammatory disorders such as psoriasis and lichen planus,
presenting nail changes that clinically mimic onychomycosis.1,5,6 A diagnosis of onychomycosis is confirmed when fungal hyphae
Additionally, the clinical appearances of onychomycosis caused and fungal viability are demonstrated and the fungal species
by different fungal species are often indistinguishable, thus indi- identified.14 A variety of laboratory and diagnostic techniques,
cating that laboratory testing is required for identification of the described below, are currently used, all of which have benefits
infecting organism.7 and limitations; thus accurate diagnosis is often achieved using
History and clinical evaluation are not sufficient to make the a combination of these techniques.14
diagnosis of onychomycosis, and empiric treatment of pre-
sumed onychomycosis may lead to lower than expected cure 10% Potassium hydroxide
rates and missed diagnoses. A diagnosis based solely on physi- The potassium hydroxide (KOH) test is a popular method used
cal examination/clinical signs can be incorrect,1,8 and various to confirm onychomycosis, with accuracy dependent on proper
laboratory assessments would be useful for confirmation.5 specimen collection, preparation, and examiner experience.
Physicians should be aware that laboratory confirmation, Specimen obtained from the nail bed and undersurface of the
when used in conjunction with their clinical expertise, can avoid nail plate is allowed to dissolve in 10% KOH solution after
delays in treatment.9 Traditional diagnostic techniques are placement on a glass slide for examination by light microscopy
based on microscopy, fungal culture, and histological examina- (Figure 1).10 The test is inexpensive,15 and the results are
tion. New technologies such as molecular assays and mass quickly available.1,10 The simplicity of the test enables it to be
spectrometry are expanding the clinical laboratory capabilities to performed in a clinician’s office.10 This test allows the examiner
correctly identify dermatophyte to the species level. to observe septate hyphae indicating that the patient is infected
with a dermatophyte, but no definitive information on the causa-
tive agent (i.e., genus and species) is obtained, and fungal via-
Optimal Specimen Collection Technique
bility cannot be determined.10,15 As such, positive results from
Obtaining clean samples is vital for the diagnosis of onychomy- KOH tests can be misleading if used as a test of cure.
cosis, as sample contamination is common. Simple steps to Inconsistent sensitivity has also been associated with KOH
prevent or minimize sample contamination include the use of a preparations.10,15 Sensitivity can be affected by a number of dif-
sterilizing solution such as 70% isopropanol to cleanse the nail ferent factors, including the experience of the examining clini-
plate and surrounding soft tissue prior to sample collection.1,5 A cian/technical staff, the preparation of the sample, and
sterile nail clipper should be used to clip the nail plate, and a differences in how samples are obtained. Moreover, a high rate
sterile curette or blade should be used to obtain subungual deb- of false-negatives, ranging between 5% and 15%, has also
ris from underneath the nail plate (i.e., the exposed nail bed been reported because of low visibility and sparse distribution
where the infection resides).1 of hyphae on the slide.5,16
Another critical factor is the collection of enough sample for
microscopic examination and culture,10 as too often, inadequate Calcofluor white
nail samples (either in quantity or quality) have led to failure of Calcofluor white is a fluorescent agent that is mixed with KOH
fungal diagnosis. The location from which the sample should be in order to stain the chitin in the fungal cell wall, thus making
collected varies depending on the category/type of onychomy- fungal elements more easily visible against the background of
cosis:1 for distal and lateral subungual onychomycosis the sam- host cellular material; however, as with KOH, the identity and
ple should be taken from the most proximal location after viability of the infecting microorganisms cannot be determined.17
clipping of the distal onycholytic nail plate;11 in proximal subun- Calcofluor white binds to the beta 1-3 and beta 1-4 polysaccha-
gual onychomycosis, the upper nail plate should be debrided rides in cellulose and chitin and fluoresces when exposed to UV
and a sample containing the underlying nail debris should be radiation. Peak excitation and emission wavelengths for
collected; and for superficial white onychomycosis, the speci- calcofluor white solution are 365 and 435 nm, respectively
men should be obtained from affected superficial nail plate.1 (Figure 1).10,18 The sensitivity issue associated with the

International Journal of Dermatology 2017 ª 2017 The International Society of Dermatology

Ghannoum et al. Diagnosing onychomycosis by laboratory testing Review 3

(a) (b)

Figure 1 Microscopic images of fungal

hyphae visualized using varying diagnostic
techniques. (a) Potassium hydroxide test
under a light microscope (9400
magnification). (b) Calcofluor white test
under a fluorescent microscope. (c)
Perdiodic acid–Schiff stain (9400 (c) (d)
magnification). (d) Grocott’s methenamine
silver stain.10,14,41 Reprinted from Clinics in
Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, 2004;21
(4):565-578, Alberhasky RC, Laboratory
diagnosis of onychomycosis; and Clinics in
Dermatology, 2013;31:540-543, Gupta A
and Simpson FC, Diagnosing
onychomycosis, with permission from

traditional KOH test is overcome using calcofluor white if a removed from the site of infection.20 In order to reduce the like-
proper specimen is collected, although both techniques have lihood of obtaining false-negative results, the specimen should
shown similar effectiveness.18 However, the significant barrier be collected as proximally to the infection as possible – an area
to the regular use of this technique in office practice remains most likely to contain viable organisms and least likely to con-
the need for a fluorescence microscope.18 tain contaminants.5 False-positive results may very rarely be
caused by contamination from organisms present as transient
Fungal culture-based methods flora or contamination of growth media.16
Fungal culture has been considered to be the ‘gold standard’
technique in the diagnosis of onychomycosis.10,14 Clinical sam- Histopathology
ples are plated onto a properly selected general media such as Histopathological techniques use direct microscopic examination
potato dextrose agar with added antibiotics to inhibit overgrowth of tissue sections that have been stained with specific dyes to
by bacterial contaminants and a selective media such as Myco- visualize fungal growth patterns, which may suggest the pres-
sel containing cycloheximide, which inhibits the growth of sapro- ence of a dermatophyte.10,14 They cannot, however, determine
phytic fungi.10 Using a curette to obtain adequate subungual fungal viability.10
debris or multiple smaller fragments of nail plate and nail bed
has been suggested to improve the chances of obtaining a posi- Periodic acid–Schiff stain
tive result. Distal nail clippings should not be submitted for fun- The periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) stain is a histopathology stain of
gal culture because they often carry bacterial or saprophytic fungal polysaccharides performed on a nail plate biopsy speci-
mold contaminants that can easily overgrow dermatophytes on men. It is highly sensitive and, when coupled with fungal cul-
culture media. Although the cultures are then incubated for at ture, increases the overall sensitivity to 96%.1,15,21 The sample
least 4 weeks at 30 °C before being considered negative, the is taken using a nail clipper which removes as proximally as
culture could become positive for a dermatophyte within a possible the full thickness nail plate and hyperkeratotic nail bed
week. A significant advantage to using fungal culture is that it is if the latter is easily accessible. The sample is placed in forma-
able to identify the causative agent,5 thus being more specific lin and subsequently sectioned and stained with PAS stain,
than KOH testing.15 which reacts with the aldehyde groups in the fungal cell walls to
However, saprophytic mold or bacterial overgrowth may produce a magenta-colored stain (Fig. 1).10 PAS staining
occur, and there is a relatively long delay (e.g., 2–4 weeks) allows spores, hyphae, pseudohyphae, and yeast to be visual-
associated with obtaining the results, which may lead to frustra- ized. In addition to high sensitivity, PAS staining results are
tion for clinicians and their patients.10,15 The sensitivity of fungal available quickly, usually within 24 to 48 hours.10 However, as
culture is also lower than a properly performed microscopy with KOH testing, the main disadvantages of PAS staining are
test,10,19 and false-positive or false-negative results reduce the that the specific causative agent is unable to be confirmed and
reliability. that viable and nonviable organisms are indistinguishable.15
False negatives can occur for a number of reasons, including Furthermore, the cost associated with PAS is often higher than
insufficient nail material or improper sample collection too far other diagnostic techniques.22

ª 2017 The International Society of Dermatology International Journal of Dermatology 2017

4 Review Diagnosing onychomycosis by laboratory testing Ghannoum et al.

Gomori’s methenamine silver method, demonstrating the potential clinical relevance of a

Gomori’s methenamine silver (GMS) staining is another com- PCR-based approach.
mon histopathology technique. The principles behind GMS Baek et al.25 evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of cul-
staining are similar to PAS staining, as the technique is also ture-independent PCR amplification of fungal DNA in differenti-
based on the acid oxidation of fungal cell walls to aldehyde ating between fungal species causing onychomycosis. These
10 investigators extracted DNA from both the nail plate and subun-
groups. In GMS staining, chromic acid oxidizes polysaccha-
rides in fungal cell walls to aldehydes and reduces methena- gual debris. Primers TR1 and TR2 amplified a 581-bp region of
mine silver nitrate to metallic silver. The resultant stain shows the 18S rRNA for all fungi tested. Amplification of template DNA
dark brown-colored cell walls on a pale green background using different primers generated specific fragments of the 18S
14 rRNA gene of fungi. Digestion of the amplicons with the restric-
(Fig. 1). GMS staining is the most sensitive technique used to
identify dermatophytes and has been shown to be superior to tion endonuclease HaeIII resulted in a characteristic band pat-
PAS staining.21 In one study, GMS stains detected an additional tern and allowed differentiation of T. rubrum isolates. Combined
23 digestion with two or more restriction enzymes allowed differen-
five cases of onychomycosis from 51 PAS-negative stains.
Furthermore, GMS stains were shown to be qualitatively supe- tiation between dermatophytes, yeasts, and molds.
rior to PAS stains. However, both PAS and GMS staining tech-
niques expose laboratory staff to such chemicals as formalin PCR-ELISA
and phenol, which are known carcinogens and acute skin irri- A recent modification of the PCR approach is the combination
tants that should be handled in a chemical hood. of PCR with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PCR-
ELISA), which facilitates rapid identification of species-specific
Molecular assays DNA segments directly from clinical samples. Isolated genomic
DNA of nails is amplified with species-specific primers, with
Common targets and technologies PCR products subsequently detected using biotin-labeled
The ability of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify min- probes. Beifuss et al.26 recently reported using the PCR-ELISA
ute amounts of target DNA from cells renders approaches method for detection (within 24 hours) of the five common der-
based on this technique particularly attractive for identification matophytes, T. rubrum, T. interdigitale, T. violaceum, M. canis,
of dermatophytes. There are many new molecular approaches, and E. floccosum, from clinical specimens. Genomic DNA was
including nested and semi-nested PCR (targeting specific genes isolated from skin and nail samples from patients with sus-
such as subtilisin, DNA topoisomerase II, and chitin synthase), pected dermatophyte infections and was amplified with species-
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, ran- specific digoxigenin-labeled primers targeting the topoisomerase
dom amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Southern blot II gene. PCR-ELISA was performed using 204 microscopy-
hybridization, electrophoretic mutation scanning, PCR-ELISA, positive samples in two university mycological laboratories in
PCR-reverse line blot, sequence analyses (rDNA, rRNA Munich and Tubingen, and 316 consecutive specimens –
regions, and mnSOD), cDNA representational difference analy- regardless of mycological findings – in a dermatological practice
sis, oligonucleotide array, multiplex qPCR, and loop-mediated laboratory. PCR-ELISA was confirmatory for one of the five der-
isothermal amplification (LAMP). In addition, non-PCR matophytes in 79.9% (163/204) of the clinical samples found to
approaches or methods that combine PCR with other technolo- be positive using microscopy.26 Cultures were positive for der-
gies, such as mass spectrometry, have been utilized. In this matophytes in 59.8% of the same cases. A statistically signifi-
article, we will discuss only those that have been used to detect cant difference between these two methods for dermatophyte
dermatophyte fungi directly from clinical samples. detection was demonstrated.26 These findings suggest that
direct DNA isolation from clinical specimens coupled with PCR-
PCR amplification of target genes ELISA could provide a rapid, reproducible, and sensitive tool for
In one of the first studies to report the use of molecular tech- detection and discrimination of five major dermatophytes at
niques to identify dermatophytes, Bock et al.24 employed a species level, independent of morphological and biochemical
PCR-based approach using a primer set targeting a fragment of characteristics.
the gene coding for the fungal small ribosomal subunit 18S
rRNA. The DNA of seven dermatophytes (T. rubrum, T. menta- Multiplex real-time PCR detection/identification
grophytes, T. verrucosum, T. terrestre, M. canis, M. gypseum, Arabatzis et al.27 used gene sequences to design a real-time
and E. floccosum) was amplifiable by these primers but not PCR assay for rapid detection and identification of dermato-
DNA from 42 normal human skin samples. In addition, these phytes in clinical specimens. Two assays based on amplification
investigators collected 69 routine skin and nail specimens and of ribosomal ITS regions and employing probes specific to rele-
showed that PCR was more sensitive than culture in detecting vant species and species-complexes were designed, optimized,
dermatophytes. Among 38 positive specimens, 35 were and clinically evaluated. The protocol was clinically evaluated
detected by PCR, while only 28 were detected by culture over 6 months by testing 92 skin, nail, and hair specimens from

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Ghannoum et al. Diagnosing onychomycosis by laboratory testing Review 5

67 patients with suspected dermatophytosis. Real-time PCR (m/z) ratios. These ratios measure how quickly charged ions
detected and correctly identified the causative agent in speci- from the fungal sample move through the time of flight (TOF)
mens from which T. rubrum, T. interdigitale, M. audouinii, or tube. Once spectra are generated, comparison of the m/z ratios
T. violaceum were cultured and also identified a dermatophyte to a reference database leads to fungal identification. Protein
species in an additional seven specimens that were negative by compositions differ between fungal species, which allows for
microscopy and culture.27 This highly sensitive assay also discrimination between closely related organisms.29
proved to have high positive and negative predictive values Several researchers have reported good correlation between
(95.7 and 100%, respectively), facilitating the accurate, rapid dermatophyte identification by conventional or gene sequencing
diagnosis conducive to targeted rather than empirical therapy and MALDI-TOF analysis.30–32 However, all have had to supple-
for dermatophytosis. ment current commercial databases with data generated from
their own reference dermatophyte strains. Alshawa et al.31
PCR-reverse line blot reported a correlation rate of 91.9% of dermatophyte strains
In a recent study, Bergmans et al.28 developed and successfully using conventional methods, while Jensen et al.33 matched
used a PCR-reverse line blot (PCR-RLB) for rapid detection 99.3% of identifications derived by gene sequencing. Clearly,
and identification of nine dermatophyte species in nail, skin, and MALDI-TOF will prove an invaluable methodology for rapid
hair samples. The developed method was based on ITS1 identification of dermatophyte isolates once commercial data-
sequences using genus and species-specific probes in isolates bases become more robust. However, another current limitation
obtained from 819 clinical samples (596 nail, 203 skin, and 20 of this method is the necessity for isolating pure dermatophyte
hair). In this method, membranes containing immobilized colonies from clinical samples before MALDI-TOF assay can be
oligonucleotide probes were exposed to denatured PCR prod- attempted. Further research to enable detection of dermato-
ucts, allowed to hybridize for 30 minutes, then subjected to phytes directly from clinical samples is required.
stringency washes and detection using streptavidin-peroxidase
and chemiluminescence. The investigators reported a positive
Mixed testing results
PCR-RLB reaction in 93.6% of 172 culture-positive and micro-
scopy-positive samples. The frequency of inconsistent results (i.e., opposing results from
different diagnostic tests) remains a challenge in onychomyco-
MALDI-TOF sis diagnosis (Table 1). A study conducted by Clayton et al.
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight showed 11% of 2113 toenails were KOH positive but fungal cul-
(MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) is being adapted for use ture negative.19 A negative result obtained from fungal culture
in microbiology laboratories. The ability to analyze large biologi- can be misleading, as it has been reported that almost half of
cal molecules by MS is made possible by the application of soft all onychomycosis samples fail to yield a positive culture.5 Prob-
ionization techniques that generate a spectrum of components. lems with obtaining a suitable sample contribute to the high
In a MALDI-TOF analysis, a saturated solution of an organic false-negative rate for fungal culture, with results as high as
compound, or matrix, is added to a portion of a fungal colony, 60%.34 Despite this, it is widely regarded that onychomycosis is
and the mixture is then applied to a metal plate. Upon drying, confirmed most accurately by positive results from fungal cul-
the crystallized mixture is subsequently irradiated using a laser ture.5 In addition, false-positive results from KOH tests do not
beam to force sublimation into a gas phase, followed by ioniza- ascertain that the observed fungi are viable and may accurately
tion of the fungal sample.29 reflect the state of the infection. Examples of differences
Ionized proteins within the sample are analyzed by a mass between KOH and culture results have been observed in many
spectrometer analyzer to produce a spectrum of mass-to-charge clinical trials of new antifungals being developed to treat

Table 1 Diagnostic Tests for Onychomycosis.

Sensitivity Specificity Confirm Viability of Identification of Cost of Time for

Test (%) (%) Fungi Organism Testing result

Visuala 77 47 No No $
KOH 67–93 38–78 No No $ 5–30 min
Culture 31–59 83–100 Yes Yes $$ Up to 4 weeks
Periodic acid–Schiff 92 72 No Yes $$ 24–48 h
PCR 95 100 No Yes $ Within 24 h

Culture and periodic acid–Schiff staining.

ª 2017 The International Society of Dermatology International Journal of Dermatology 2017

6 Review Diagnosing onychomycosis by laboratory testing Ghannoum et al.

onychomycosis. For example, in a clinical trial evaluating tava-

borole, 5% topical solution, it was observed that the positive
KOH test results were notably higher than positive culture Distinguishing onychomycosis from other disorders such as
results (68.8–62.9% vs. 14.6–13.0%, respectively), presumably psoriasis can sometimes be challenging for clinicians based on
because dead fungal elements were detected from the residual physical examination alone. Despite the availability of a variety
nail specimen.35 This is just one example of the importance of of laboratory and diagnostic techniques for onychomycosis, no
properly obtaining a suitable nail specimen and its preparation single routinely available technique is both highly specific and
to permit growth in a culture medium15 and the importance of sensitive, able to identify the causative pathogen, and able to
using a sensitive technique (e.g., calcofluor white staining) and provide rapid results at low cost. The diagnosis of onychomy-
having an experienced person to read the direct examination. cosis could therefore benefit from improvements to existing
techniques in order to ensure improvement in the quality of
results. Alternatively, new techniques could be developed with
The importance of confirmatory testing
the aim of combining the advantages of several individual
Prior to prescribing an antifungal treatment for a suspected fun- techniques. At present, the fluorescent calcofluor stain or nail
gal infection, the American Academy of Dermatology recom- plate biopsy with PAS testing combined with fungal culture are
mends the positive identification of a fungal infection (i.e., most commonly utilized as the most acceptable and practical
positive mycology).36 This confirmed diagnosis of onychomyco- means of confirming the diagnosis of onychomycosis in clinical
sis and the correct identification of the causative agent are laboratories, although MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry is
imperative, as treatment can be lengthy and costly. Further- becoming more widely used. Currently, the cost of PCR is the
more, a misdiagnosis may expose patients to the wrong therapy limiting factor in its routine use for onychomycosis diagnosis
or impact the patient’s perception of therapeutic effective- within general practice. Although direct examination by 10%
ness.4,36 Performing confirmatory testing before the initiation of KOH is often performed as a preliminary test at the physi-
treatment is associated with substantial savings as compared to cian’s office, it is recommended that the entire sample be sent
costs involved when treating empirically.37 to the referring laboratory in order to ensure the best chance
The treatment approach for onychomycosis is dependent on of obtaining both positive microscopy and positive fungal cul-
the severity of the infection, degree of involvement of the nail ture. Optimal management of onychomycosis can be costly,
plate, and medical history of the patient. Oral medications are requires highly skilled personnel, and requires management
administered over a relatively short treatment period (e.g., over a lengthy period.
12 weeks) and have high mycological and clinical cure rates
(i.e., clinically normal nail with negative mycology), but they are
Questions (answers provided after
associated with systemic adverse effects and possible drug
38 references)
interactions. Topical medications are recommended for use in
mild-to-moderate infection and are associated with fewer
1 Why do some people develop onychomycosis while others do
adverse events but have a longer treatment period.
not when exposed to the same environmental factors?
Obtaining a correct diagnosis and mycological identification
a. Differences in personal hygiene
of the causative agent will inform the course of action for treat-
b. Genetic predisposition
ment. For example, it has been reported that nondermatophyte
c. Wearing sandals or open-toed footwear
molds are resistant to the usual antifungal treatments pre-
d. All of the above
scribed for onychomycosis, and thus a confirmatory diagnosis
2 What inflammatory disorders can mimic onychomycosis?
of a nondermatophyte pathogen such as Fusarium or Candida
a. Rheumatoid arthritis
albicans would be crucial to prescribing alternative treat-
b. Psoriasis
ment.29,39 Therefore, confirmatory testing would dictate the use
c. Lichen planus
of a drug that is effective against both dermatophytes and non-
d. Crohn’s disease
dermatophyte molds. For example, a recent case report involv-
3 Why is it important to clean the nail before collecting a
ing Paecilomyces lilacinus-induced onychomycosis – which is
extremely difficult to treat – was identified through proper labo-
a. It softens the nail for easier cutting.
ratory technique and treated with the topical combination of
40 b. It protects the hands of clinical staff from contamination.
tavaborole and efinaconazole.
c. It removes contamination bacteria and saprophytic molds.
Patients who have undergone a treatment plan directed at
d. It protects the patient from possible infection during collec-
addressing the specific causative pathogen are more likely to
tion procedures.
have a better outcome, including a better quality of life because
4 Microscopy is a more specific test for dermatophytes than
of resolution of the infection, than patients who received untar-
culture. True or False?
geted treatment.

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Ghannoum et al. Diagnosing onychomycosis by laboratory testing Review 7

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International Journal of Dermatology 2017 ª 2017 The International Society of Dermatology

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