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Srila Prabhupada pastimes

Story told by Dasaratha P. from Tucson, Arizona: Once Prabhupada came by plane to Chicago airport
called "O' Hare". He noticed the name and suggested to devotees: We should persuade airport
authotities to rename it as "O' Hare KRISHNA" airport. Jaya Prabhupada! ys bh. Jan

Srila Prabhupada ki... jaya!

During an early-morning walk in Vrndavana, devotees were asking Srila Prabhupada about the moon.
A pale remainder of the moon could still be seen in the sky and various birds were cooing and calling
from the trees. Prabhupada said the moon is shining and therefore has heat, and yet its effect on the
earth is cooling. Visakha dasi was one of the few women who regularly accompanied Srila Prabhupada
on his walks, because of her assignment as photographer. On this occasion, she stopped taking pictures
and walked closer to ask Prabhupada a question about the moon.
"Prabhupada, it is stated in your Bhagavad-gita purport that because of the moonlight, vegetables have
taste. So why is it that the moon makes the vegetables have flavour?"
Prabhupada stopped walking to consider her question. His demeanour was mellow and soft, but his look
penetrated into her eyes. "Why don't you ask him?" was his only reply, and then he walked on.
****************************************************** One evening in Bhaktivedanta
Manor in London, Srila Prabhupada was sitting in his room with his disciples and a few quests, including
a woman reported who had come to interview Srila Prabhupada. Despite the chilly English summer
weather, the reported was dressed in a scanty mini skirt. Her first few questions revealed her sceptical
and almost cynical attitude toward the Hare Krsna movement. As usual, Srila Prabhupada coolly and
expertly answered her questions. Somewhat exasperated and in a challenging mood, she brought up the
old question. "Why do you people have bald heads?" Srila Prabhupada immediately retorted, "Why do
you have bare legs?" She was speechless. Srila Prabhupada then offered, "Better to have warm legs and
a cool head." Everyone, including the reporter, laughed with delight. Prabhupada added, :You must
have a cool head to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy."

**************************************************** There were many inconveniences

Prabhupada had to face due to old age and disease, but he was never affected in his pure Krsna
consciousness. Even externally, he often refused to bow to the dictates of his maladies, variously
diagnosed as diabetes, poor digestion, and many others. He or his followers would call for doctors
periodically, but Srila Prabhupada rarely took their prescriptions or followed their diet regimens. He was
not what you would call a good patient.

When in New York an Indian allopathic doctor visited and gave Prabhupada medicine and antibiotics,
Prabhupada was polite and agreeable. But his servant Hari Sauri was doubtful.

"Will you take your medicine?" he asked.

Prabhupada patted the little pills on his desk and said, noncommittally, "We shall see." And he never
took them. Some of the devotees thought that Srila Prabhupada was seeing doctors just to engage them
in devotional service.

He rebelled against strictures on his diet, even when he was quite ill. A kaviraja in India ordered that
Prabhupada couldn't eat rice, potatoes, sugar and certain fruits. When he called in his cook Daivisakti in
Vrndavana and asked her to make panjab boli, a hot potato sabji, she dutifully reminded him, "But
Prabhupada, you can't eat potatoes." He endured it for a few days and then overthrew the order. He
called for his old lunch of rice, dal, capatis and sabji. At that time another well-meaning servant,
Upendra, intervened and tried to restrain him. "But Prabhupada the doctor told you not to take all these
things. You're going to get sick." Prabhupada replied, "We are not doctor dasa, we are Krsna dasa." So
from then on he resumed his normal diet.

In Mayapur, his cook Palika dasi attempted an even stricter discipline, based on the instructions of a
famous kaviraja from Calcutta. In this case, Prabhupada was to follow an intricate schedule by which he
would take pills and eat and drink only at certain hours. This was in 1977, when Prabhupada was so sick
that he was rarely coming to the temple to give classes or go on morning walks. One afternoon, a
devotee named Anakadundubhi, unaware of the tight schedule of Prabhupada's drinking and eating,
brought Prabhupada a fresh coconut dob to drink, as usual. Although Prabhupada knew very well that
he was not supposed to take anything at this time, he quietly accepted the dob and poured it into his
cup. But just as he started to drink it, Palika came by and admonished him, "Srila Prabhupada, you're not
supposed to take anything..."

Prabhupada became defiant. "Who said?" he challenged, and immediately drank down the whole cup of
juice, although it was usually his custom to sip it slowly. "All my life," he said, "I have done whatever I

When Syamasundara dasa was in charge of ISKCON England, he bought very expansive crystal
chandeliers. They cost three thousand pounds and the devotees had to take them back because they
couldn't afford them. On this occasion, Prabhupada was talking about the crystal chandeliers. He said,
"This reminds me of a story of a nawab. Nawab means 'rich one'. He has so much money he doesn't
know what to do with it all. One nawab had one servant cleaning a big, big crystal chandelier. So as the
servant was cleaning the chandelier, a crystal fell, and as it crashed onto the marble floor it made an
unusual tinkling sound, which the nawab heard from his room. The nawab came running out and asked,
"What was that sound?"

"The servant was petrified and asked forgiveness. "I'm sorry", he said. "When I was cleaning the
chandelier, one of the precious crystals fell and shattered on the floor. I am very sorry."

"The nawab said, "Oh, this is a very nice sound. Throw one more down."

"So the servant smashed another onto the floor. 'Very nice sound", said the nawab. "Throw another one
down. And so in this way, every single crystal of the chandelier was thrown and smashed on the ground.
Because the nawab had so much money at his disposal, he could do anything he liked.

"Similarly" said Srila Prabhupada, "Syamasundara thinks he's got so much money he can just throw it..."

Starting the 1970s India became more and more Srila Prabhupada's home base and his travels to the
West became like tours away from home. While travelling to America in the winter of 1973, Srila
Prabhupada caught a cold and tried to get rid of it by moving from Los Angeles to Dallas, which he had
heard was sunny and warm. But Dallas was also overcast. Prabhupada began talking of returning to
Mayapur as the only place where he could be at ease and get well. It would be a long trip back, and so
he made no definite decision. But one night about 1 a.m., he walked into the room adjoining his and
woke his servant and his secretary.
"Let's go back home, back to Godhead," Prabhupada said to them, while standing in the darkness of the
unlit room. His disciples awoke and offered their obeisances at Prabhupada's feet, wondering what he

"Prabhupada?" they asked.

"Yes," he repeated. "I want to go back to Godhead. I want to go to Mayapur."

So they returned there as soon as possible. Once in Mayapur, Srila Prabhupada's health recovered. There
he was most informal and pleased. In those early years, there was not much building development, and
the devotees were undergoing austerities just to live there. Srila Prabhupada mixed with them freely and
in a friendly way. They would walk into his room, and sometimes he would walk into theirs. Sometimes
even his own servants didn't know exactly where he was at different times of the day. He might be on the
roof alone, or sometimes he would walk unaccompanied out to the front road. The devotees at Mayapur
couldn't help but appreciate that Prabhupada was special when was living in the dhama. They felt it was
like the informality of Krsna in Goloka, as contrasted to Krsna's opulence in Dvaraka. Srila Prabhupada
in Mayapur was special and informal in that way.
************************************************** Dhanajaya told another story of
Prabhupada's visit
to Rome. He related how ones they were driving to
the temple from the airport, and Prabhupada saw the
crops in the fields and asked what they were.
"Grapes, Srila Prabhupada."

"Oh, they like grapes?"

Dhananjaya answered, "No, Srila Prabhupada, they

grow them to make wine. They like wine in this

Prabhupada then said a little wine is good for


"But Prabhupada, they are drinking *many* bottles of

wine." Prabhupada then said, "That's not good."

As they continued driving, they came to a sign on

the highway that said *sunca unica*. In a low voice
Prabhupada asked what it meant. Dhananjaya explained
that it meant 'one way'. A little later they came to
another sign with same words on it. Prabhupada
turned to Bhagavan and said, "Bhagavan, what does
that sign say?"
"What sign, Prabhupada? I don't see it."

"*Sunca unica*, what does it mean?"

Bhagavan said, "I don't know Prabhupada."

Then Prabhupada said, "It means 'one way'. I know

Italian and you do not."


Journalist: I think an awful lot of our readers, and an awful lot of people in the United States, are
terribly confused with the many people who claim to be gurus and gods and who pop up in this country,
one after the other, and they say that--

Srila Prabhupada: I can declare that they are all nonsense.

Journalist: I wonder if you could elaborate on that a little bit.

Srila Prabhupada: I can say, furthermore, they're all rascals.


Prabhupada calls them nonsense, and when asked to elaborate, he terseley adds that they are rascals.
Given the grave mood with which he must have said that, did anyone besides me find this to be a
laughing riot? Personally, I loved it!

Jaya Prabhupada!

In an attempt to make Srila Prabhupada's quarters in Los Angeles attractive and pleasing for him, the
women used to change his vases daily, putting in abundant fresh flowers. One day Srila Prabhupada
entered from his morning walk and noticed that the flower vases were missing.

"Where are the vases?" he asked.

The servant replied that the women had probably taken them to put in fresh flowers.

"The flowers in it were fine," he said. The he began complaining. "Why do they change these flowers
every day? Why are they so wasteful? Who is doing this? Tell them to change them only when they go
bad. Where is the vase? Go find it immediately.

Prabhupada's servant went down to the kitchen and found the girls changing the flowers. "You'd better
stop changing these flowers everyday," he said. "Prabhupada doesn't want it. Make sure the vase is
never out of his room." When his servant returned to the room with the vases of flowers, Prabhupada
continued on the same theme. "Just do it when it is necessary," he said. "You shouldn't waste so much
on flowers. This is your custom in America, simply wasting. If you have some extra cloth, you cannot
fold it, you cut it off and throw it away. Whatever goes wrong, you solve it with money, and it appears
good. You make some accident, and you cover it quickly with money. It is not that you are very capable,
but with money, you can cover your deficiencies.

Prabhupada Nectar book by Satsvarupa Maharaja

Brahmacari: Srila Prabhupada, I always want to sit at your holy lotus feet! Srila Prabhupada: That will
be very difficult because I am always moving!
Just see Srila Prabhupada's sense of humor! This took place at Vrindavan, Radha Damodar Temple
during the month of Kartik 1972. YS, Srutakirti dasa

Excerpt from letter dated October 7, 1972 This morning we were walking in Meit Park in downtown
Oakland. We were passing a small zoo with a large sign in front of it that said "Children's Fairyland".
Prabhupada said "Children's Fairyland" and then pointing to the skyscrapers said,"adults fairyland". YS,
Srutakirti dasa

October 1972 One day in His room in L.A. a psychiatrist was criticizing the devotees because they force
the public to accept their services. Srila Prabhupada quickly pointed out that this made us better than
him. He said that we give our services to all for free by going to them and he makes the people come to
see him and then charges them. The psychiatrist suddenly fell silent. YS, Srutakirti dasa

September 1972 This evening in the garden Srila Prabhupada sat with His back very straight and with
His eyes opened wide chanted, "Govindam adi purusam tam aham bhajami. This is our pride. We are
servanats to the most regal person, Krishna. Everyone is servant but our pride is that we are servant to
Krishna. Govindam adi purusam tam aham bhajami." YS, Srutakirti dasa

September 12, 1972 These last few days have been the most wonderful days I have had in KC despite
the fact that I don't know what I am doing. I have given Srila Prabhupada three massages, His only
comment after them was "Thank you very much". Yesterday He came into the kitchen and showed me
how to prepare His lunch in the cooker. He made dahl and vegetables using the same chaunce and
showed me how to roll chapatis without a pin. He said they are better that way if you can do it. Today
He again cooked His lunch for my benefit, this time three vegetables, dahl, and rice were all prepared by
Him in the cooker and I made the chapatis. For His other meals He said He desired a little fruit with
milk in the morning and fruit in the late afternoon, nothing more. He stressed the fact that He only
wants small portions on His plate. YS, Srutakirti dasa

October 1972-Radha Damodara temple, Vrindaban, India

Brahmacari: Srila Prabhupada, it says in one of the Krishna book stories that Krishna and Balarama
jumped off a mountain 88 miles high. Where is this mountain located? Srila Prabhupada: After pausing
for a moment answered, "In the sky". YS, Srutakirti dasa
Devotee: Srila Prabhupada, it's very difficult to control my mind when I chant. It wanders. Prabhupada:
So what is the controlling of mind? You have to chant and hear, that's all. You have to chant with your
tongue, and the sound you hear, that's all. What is the question of mind? Ys, Narakara das

October 1972 Radha Damodara Temple, Vrindaban, India (Excerpt from a letter)
It is about 5:30 a.m. and Srila Prabhupada just called me into His sitting room. He asked why
Shyamasundara and Pradyumna are still sleeping. I say, "I don't know." He tells me to bring them to His
room. When we returned Srila Prabhupda tells us that we must conquer over sleep.

He says that rising early and taking a cold shower are not austerities, but just common sense and good
hygiene. His Divine Grace says that by chanting 16 rounds, following the regulative principles, rising
early, reducing one's eating and sleeping, one gets spiritual energy. He also says, "If one follows these
guidelines for 12 years, all he says will be perfect!"

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

YS, Srutakirti dasa

September 12, 1972, Camp Dallas, Iskcon (Excerpt from a letter)

The other day Srila Prabhupada rang His bell to call me. I went into His sitting room and paid
obeisances. When I sat up He smiled and said, "Srutakirti, your name is too long. I will call you Sruto."
The next few days His Divine Grace playfully called me "Sruto". My affection for Him increased
immensely. Srila Prabhupada's personalizing my name was so relishable.
Last night Srila Prabhupada stayed up until 11:30 at night enlivening a few of us philosophically. I
felt tired but was unable to pull myself away from such nectarine talks.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

YS, Sruto .
In light of our 1,000,000 book marathon we'd like to share this nectar lila for the pleasure of Srila
Prabhupada and all His disciples and grand disciples.

October 7,1972; Camp San Francisco, Iskcon (excerpt from letter)

Recently Srila Prabhupada said that our real preaching is to distribute books. He said, "What can you
say to a person in three minutes, but if he reads one page of a book it may turn him around". He said,"
However you have to do it, that is okay but if you get the person angry and he doesn't take a book then
that is your foolishness." By this we can understand the difference between our words and Srila
Prabhupada's words. Purity is the force, Srila Prabhupada is the pure devotee, we are His humble
servants. It is our good fortune to distribute His words in book form.

He said that His Guru Maharaja printed a small paper daily that cost a few cents and whenever a
brahmacari would come back from the streets and said he had sold one He would become very happy
and say "Oh, that is very nice what you have done. You are a very good boy".

YS, Srutakirti dasa PS. Dear Godbrothers and Godsisters, I've gotten many requests & inquiries
regarding if and when a book of Prabhupadamrita will manifest, the answer is yes a book will be
forthcoming. When depends on how much help I get. Due to the mercy of His Divine Grace and His
enthusiastic devotees, I have become serious about sharing Prabhupadamrita during His centennial year.

Fortunately, Srila Prabhupada is sending nice devotees, offering help and inspiration. Together we are
beginning the process of transcribing and editing about 20 cassette tapes. I need all of your prayers and
encouragement to make it successful. If anyone is interested in helping in anyway, we would be
eternally grateful.

HH Umapati Maharaja was telling this morning at breakfast some things he remembered from the first

The initiation where he was initiated, was the first initiation that Srila Prabhupada gave. The devotees
would ask him what initiation means, but he would say: "I'll tell you tomorrow." So he initiated them
without them actually knowing that they would have to surrender and worship the spiritual master as
God. That was the first time they would bow down to Srila Prabhupada.

In an initation shortly after, Prabhupada asked one mataji: "So what is your name?" She said "Nancy."
He said: "Your name is Nandarani." "No,no," she said, "Nancy!" And when Prabhupada said they should
bow, they understood they should blow, and they were blowing in the fire. When Prabhupada gestured
how they should hold the bananas inbetween their hands, some started peeling and eating them. Then
Srila Prabhupad simply said: "Now chant Hare Krsna."

October 25, 1972 Camp Vrindaban, Radha Damodara Temple (excerpt from letter)

While taking morning walk along the Yamuna Srila Prabhupada asked one of us to get some water.
Shyamasundara prabhu brought a handful to Him. Srila Prabhupada sprinkled some on His head and
told us to do the same. He then said, "This is as good as bathing in the Yamuna".
While we were all at the palace at Keshi-ghata Srila Prabhupada warned the devotees not to dive into
the Yamuna as there are too many large turtles in the water and injury is possible. Srila Prabhupada is
always looking out for our welfare, in every way,

YS, Srutakirti dasa

July 16, 1972

Today my wife, Kusa devi, my son, Mayapuracandra, and I took a small sparrow that was in the
backyard bird feeder and placed it in a spare cage with food and water. It looks sickly and may be dying
but we could not let it happen without trying to give it some special attention. We put it next to a
continuous play Hare Krsna CD in case he was leaving his body. We will see if he gets better by living
or dying. Sometimes, we devotees may not respond in this way. I always heard that it is better not
to get entangled in the affairs of other living entities. After all we are not our bodies. We are spirit soul,
constitutionally part and parcel of Krsna and His servant. If we serve the bird perhaps we may have to
take birth again to get the pious benefit of serving birds. The following story may explain why we did it.

It is spring of 1973 at New Dwarka. Srila Prabhupada rang His bell. I immediately went to His room
and paid obeisances. When I sat up, His eyes widened. He looked at me with great concern and
pointed to the floor near my legs and said, "Do you see that bug?" Looking around for a few moments,
I finally spotted the small insect. I nodded in agreement having no idea what was to come next. In a
very serious voice His Divine Grace said, "I have been watching that bug for some time now and he has
not moved. I think he is hungry. Get a prasadam flower and take him outside. Put him on a plant so he
can get some nourishment." I immediately did what my most merciful Guru Maharaja asked and
returned to my room. Neither of us spoke of the bug again. It was just another wonderful occasion in
which He showed me just how merciful the most pure devotee is. It doesn't matter how insignificant
we maybe, if we are fortunate to get the glance of the nityasiddha our life will be immensely benefited.

I had seen His compassion many times previously but this incident surprised even me. Now, just seeing
the smallest of insects, I am forced to think of my beloved Srila Prabhupada. His Divine Grace is
indiscriminately merciful. He didn't feel it was a waste of time to transcendentally mitigate the suffering
of even the smallest of living entities.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

April 26, 1973

Camp: Los Angeles, Iskcon (excerpt from letter)
Since we've come back to Los Angeles, Srila Prabhupada has come into my room a few times and
shown me how to cook some new preparations. It is really indearing the way He comes in, sits down on
the floor and directs the activities.
The other day Jayatirtha gave Srila Prabhupada a desk clock that tells the time of any city of the
world with a turn of the dial. Prabhupada was quite pleased with it and said the man deserved the $300
it cost for taxing his brain so much making it.
At this moment there is a designer upstairs who wants to outfit Prabhupada with a whole wardrobe
of clothing. He is the man that designs the clothing for all the various millionaires all over the world. I
can't imagine what he can do to make a kurta and dhoti different and still have Srila Prabhupada wear it.

April 26, 1973

Camp: Los Angeles, Iskcon (excerpt from letter)
Since we've come back to Los Angeles, Srila Prabhupada has come into my room a few times and
shown me how to cook some new preparations. It is really indearing the way He comes in, sits down on
the floor and directs the activities.
The other day Jayatirtha gave Srila Prabhupada a desk clock that tells the time of any city of the
world with a turn of the dial. Prabhupada was quite pleased with it and said the man deserved the $300
it cost for taxing his brain so much making it.
At this moment there is a designer upstairs who wants to outfit Prabhupada with a whole wardrobe
of clothing. He is the man that designs the clothing for all the various millionaires all over the world. I
can't imagine what he can do to make a kurta and dhoti different and still have Srila Prabhupada wear it.
YS, Srutakirti dasa September 1975 Calcutta

Srila Prabhupada is being driven in a car. Paramahamsa Swami and I are with Him. As we go past a
playground Srila Prabhupada smiles and says, "I played football there when I was young. I would be the
goalie because I was lazy. I didn't like to run around. That was the position I liked.

Time and place unknown

Today while massaging Srila Prabhupada He points to a scar on His leg and says, "See this scar? That
happened when I was young. I was out in front of the house and I had matches. Somehow I started
some fire and my clothing immediately went up in flames. It was very bad. I do not know what would
have happened but out of nowhere some man appeared and put out the flames and then he left."

Srila Prabhupada did not get more specific about the gentleman who came out of nowhere. He
definitely made it sound as though the person came directly from the spiritual world. I know I couldn't
ask Him to be more specific. After having been with Srila Prabhupada for so long I knew that He had
already told me as much as He wanted. In the course of two years that I was with Him Srila
Prabhupada never made any statement in my presence that He had come down from the spiritual world.
He is so compassionate and merciful that He encourages us by saying we can become Krishna
Conscious in this very lifetime.

He is the acarya, teaching by example. He never asked us to do anything that He wasn't doing. He ate,
slept, chanted rounds, rose early, read Srimad Bhagavatam. He never acted superior to His disciples.
Sometimes He would say, "It is my duty to chastise because you are my disciple." We are His children
and His responsibility is to teach us.

We know that Srila Prabhupada has been sent to us from the spiritual world by Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, but one reason I am so attached to Him is because He allowed us to be comfortable with
Him by acting as if He were "practicing" Krishna Consciousness rather than the embodiment of it.

Personally, I have always felt that the person who put out the fire was Krishna, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead.

Stay tuned for tomorrows story about another of Srila Prabhupada's scars. YS, Srutakirti dasa

A morning massage with Srila Prabhupada!

Srila Prabhupada is a very young boy walking in the marketplace with His mataji. "I saw some toy
guns" He said, "and immediately I had to have them". His mother did not want to get one for Him so he
started crying. Finally, He prevailed and His mother said, " all right, all right, I will buy you a gun". He
looked at the gun in one hand and then looked at His other hand, that was empty. "I didn't have a gun in
it. I must have one for each hand", He said. His mother said, "No". Prabhupada was just getting
started. His determination could not be shaken by anyone, even at such a young age. He was able to get
what He wanted. "At that point" He said, "I lay down in the street and started to kick my hands and feet
and bang my head on the ground". He called it a tantrum. Pointing to a mark on His forehead, He said,
"this scar is from that time. I was very sure that I had to have two guns. So, then she got me the other

He said, "When I wanted something I had to have it and My mother would get it. Otherwise, I would
tell My father and he would get very upset with My mother and then she would have to do it". "I don't
know, He said, "maybe my father knew".

Srila Prabhupada makes a very brief statement here about His father "knowing" what the position is of
His beloved son. Prabhupada does not get any more specific, giving us the opportunity to come to our
own conclusions. Here, again, we are able to see the great humility that the pure devotee of the
Supreme Lord has.

Jaya, Srila Prabhupada! YS, Srutakirti dasa


September 8, 1972
Camp: Iskcon Pittsburgh
This is my first full day as Srila Prabhupada's personal servant. The sum total of training to be Srila
Prabhupada's servant consisted of getting to watch Sudama Maharaja give one massage. as well as
being told, "when Srila Prabhupada rings the bell go immediately to His room and see how you can
serve Him."
It is now about 2:00 p.m. The bell rings. I nervously trot into His room and pay obeisances. Sitting
up I inquire, "What can I do, Srila Prabhupada". He smiled and said, "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to see
how quick you are." After successfully completing my first mission, I relaxed and went back to my
room. Srila Prabhupada was expertly putting me at ease with His sense of humor, gentleness and
kindness. YS, Srutakirti dasa

October 7, 1972
Camp: S.F. Iskcon

In New Dwarka, every evening around sunset, Srila Prabhupada would go into the garden for two to
three hours. Here we were, in the middle of smoggy Los Angeles, but when we entered the garden we
were in another world. The light filtered gently through the trees casting a surreal glow on the foliage.
Sometimes, we would be alone. At other times one or two devotees would join us. When we were
alone, Srila Prabhupada spent much of His time chanting japa while sitting on His small raised asana .
The garden is cozy, and lushly decorated with an arch, laced with flowering creepers, and a trickling
fountain. Very often His Divine Grace commented how much He liked the garden. He said that
after traveling around the world several times He concluded that this place is His favorite spot. I think it
is due to over 30 beautiful Tulasi plants luxuriously growing in His garden. Srila Prabhupada said,
"Wherever there is Tulasi, it is Vrindaban." YS, Srutakirti dasa

November 31, 1972

Camp: Iskcon Bombay (excerpt from letter)
I received your letter and I was happy to hear some of the current news of the western world. None
of the items were known by Srila Prabhupada. One item was especially interesting. It involved the
separation of men and women in the New York temple. Srila Prabhupada received a letter involving this
matter at the same time yours arrived. When He heard that the women were only allowed in the temple
at certain times because of agitating the brahmacaris He said that the brahmacaris could go the the
mountains. It wasn't possible to have such rules in a temple.

In Srila Prabhupada's letter to Ekayani He said, "I don't know why these inventions are going on. We
have already got out Vaisnava standard. It is sufficient for all the big big saints and acaryas in our line--
why it shall be inadequate for my disciples so they must manufacture something? That is not possible.
Who has introduced these things, that women cannot have chanting japa in the temple, they cannot
perform the arati and so many things? If they become agitated, then let the brahmacaris go to the forest,
I have never introduced these things. The brahmacaris cannot remain in the presence of women in the
temple, then they may go to the forest, not remaining in New York City, because in New York there are
so many women so how they can avoid seeing? Best thing is to go to the forest for not seeing any
women, if they become so easily agitated, but then no one will either see them and how our preaching
work will go on?" YS, Srutakirti dasa
Although I certainly didn't have enough association with Srila Prabhupada to write a book, Srutakirti
gave me permission to play, too. Here's one:

When Srila Prabhupada visited Honolulu in August 1970, we had a large contingent of devotees to greet
him and his party (Kirtanananda swami, Madhudvisa Swami, Devananda Swami, and Tamal Krishna
prabhu) at the airport. We had rigged one of those old-time devotee umbrellas, with red vlvet, strings of
beads, and gold fringe. I got to hold it over his head as he went through the airport to his car. That
night, Srila Prabhupada came to address an overflowing crowd of more than 200 guests, which spilled
out of the temple room down the stairs to the basement prasadam room, and out the front door into the
yard. As Srila Prabhupada took his seat on the vyasasana, which had been built into a bay window and
was completed less than 10 minutes before his arrival, one of the brahmacaris climbed up onto the bay
window and dutifully held the umbrella over Srila Prabhupada's head. Srila Prabhupada looked at the
boy, smiled, and said, "I don't think it will rain in here."

October 7, 1972

Camp: San Francisco Iskcon (excerpt of letter)

One evening while in His New Dwarka garden, Srila Prabhupada looked into the sky and said, "So, is
the sky the color of Krishna?" A disciple said, "In Krishna book it says that Krishna is dark bluish like
the thunder cloud." Srila Prabhupada said, The sky is the color of Krishna. It is the light from Krishna's
bodily effulgence that makes the sky blue."
Sometimes after leaving the garden, He would go back to His room and listen to the recording of
that morning's Srimad Bhagavatam class. Then He would have me pick night blooming star jasmine
growing on the bushes just outside His garden. The flower's scent is especially fragrant at night. One
evening while holding a sprig of blossoms up to His nose for several minutes, He said, "Ahh, this is
Krishna!" Often times I would bring them to His bedroom just before His evening massage.
Throughout His massage He would smell them off and on. H would then keep them on His pillow
(close to His nose) all night. The following morning, I would find the flowers gently laying on the
pillow exactly where they had been the night before. The flowers looked as fresh and fragrant as ever,
looking as if they had just been picked. His Divine Grace is always showing us how Krishna is in every
part or this material creation. YS, Srutakirti dasa

Krishna Balarama Mandir

Vrindaban, India
Today I am alone in Srila Prabhupada's quarters giving Him massage. I feel very awkward. He is
sitting on the mat cross-legged and I am sitting in front of Him massaging His head with sandalwood oil.
I am embarrassed because it is very apparent that He has been staring at my feet for awhile. I don't
think, I have ever felt this self conscious in the presence of my spiritual master. To my amazement
His Divine Grace says, "So, your mother is very beautiful?" Now, in the state of shock I answer, "Well,
she is almost 50 now, but yes, she was a very good looking woman". He said, "Yes, I can tell. I was
noticing your feet. Your feet are very nice. They say that means that your mother is beautiful. I was
checking. I wanted to see if it was actual." Srila Prabhupada is very personal with His disciples. He
cares for us, looks out for us and is interested in us. Jai Srila Prabhupada!

YS, Srutakirti dasa


Camp: New Dwarka ISKCON

Srila Prabhupada's Garden

Srila Prabhupada was in the garden with the parents of a young devotee. They were responsible for
landscaping the garden for Prabhupada. They had the good fortune to please Srila Prabhupada.
Kirtanananda Maharaja and I were also present. Srila Prabhupada said, "A devotee is very proud
that we are Krishna's servant. A devotee has that pride. We are not ashamed that we are Krishna's
servant." Srila Prabhupada spoke directly to the parents saying, "Your son is a very nice boy and a good
devotee." They were very pleased by His Divine Grace's sweet words. They were put at ease, but with
concern they mentioned to Srila Prabhupada, "The devotees don't seem very ambitious." Srila
Prabhupada said, "That's right. A devotee has no ambition. He simply wants to do some humble service
for Krishna. He is not trying to do anything big. A devotee is not ambitious. We have no ambition."
At this point Kirtanananda Maharaja observing the discomfort of the parents interjected, "What
Prabhupada means to say is that the devotees have no material ambition." Srila Prabhupada
emphatically replied, "No! We have no ambition. The devotee is not at all ambitious. We just want to
serve Krishna." Srila Prabhupada always knew the exact point He was making, even if others
didn't. Sometimes disciples would interrupt Srila Prabhupada to interpret His statements, thinking that
Srila Prabhupada didn't understand the person due to the difference of cultures. Understanding the
exhalted position of our beloved Srila Prabhupada, one could appreciate that His Divine Grace knew
who He was dealing with, what they meant and exactly what He wanted them to understand. Srila
Prabhupada doesn't compromise the philosophy to please anyone. He speaks the absolute truth!

Jai Srila Prabhupada!

YS, Srutakirti dasa

Summer 1973 Bhaktivedanta Manor, England

Allen Ginsberg just returned from India. He brought a harmonium with him when he came to
have darshan with Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada asked, "You are chanting Hare Krishna?" "Yes, I
still chant Hare Krishna" he said, "Oh! Some other things I am chanting. Is it all right if I play the
harmonium for you and chant?" Srila Prabhupada said, "Yes, you can do." Allen Ginsberg began
playing the harmonium and chanted, "Ooooommm." Each time he chanted "Om" his voice would get
deeper and deeper. All the while, Srila Prabhupada reclined comfortable behind His desk. When he
finished Srila Prabhupada said, "You can chant what ever you want to chant, just keep chanting Hare
Krishna. As long as you are chanting Hare Krishna everything else is all right. You can chant whatever
you want, but don't stop chanting Hare Krishna." By this time, there were many devotees in the
room. Srila Prabhupada said, "So have kirtan." Allen Ginsberg began to lead the kirtan, playing the
harmonium and chanting the Maha manta. After a couple of minutes Srila Prabhupada looked at
Hamsadutta and said, "Your turn to lead." Then, turning to Allen Ginsberg He said, "He'll lead, He'll
chant." By Srila Prabhupada's mercy all of us were engaged in ecstatic kirtan. Srila Prabhupada
knows how to encourage everyone irrregardless of orientation & background. His Divine Grace
inspires us on the path back home, back to Godhead.

Jai Srila Prabhupada!

Your Servant, Srutakirti dasa

Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja 1973

Bhaktivedanta Manor, England I have been a brahmacari now for two and a half years and I feel
restless. My senses are pulling me. Srila Prabhupada explained innumerable times that one must reduce
sleeping and eating to make spiritual advancement, so I decided to utilize the two upcoming fast days to
reduce my eating. When breaking fast at midnight on Janmastami, I ate very little. The next afternoon
after Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja celebration I again eat sparingly. I don't feel very hungry. I suppose
my stomach has shrunk. The next day after I again ate a small lunch, Srila Prabhupada called me to
His room. After skimping on only a few meals Srila Prabhupada already observed "Your face is
looking thin. You are not feeling well?" I said, "No, Srila Prabhupada, I feel fine. I was trying to cut
down on my eating." He said, "What is this!? You have service to perform. You can't, this is nonsense.
You shouldn't cut down on your eating. You have to be giving massage and doing so many things. You
should eat. Don't cut down. You should eat whatever you can digest. That is what you should eat."
Amazingly, this is Srila Prabhupada's second conversation with me regarding my prasadam intake
in our first 16 months together. Finally, I've decided not to worry about how much prasadam I eat at my
meals. Just see how merciful Srila Prabhupada is! His Divine Grace has keen powers of observation
and is always looking out for our welfare. Sometimes, we are busy concocting how to make
advancement. Srila Prabhupada guides us and cares for us at every level.

Jai Srila Prabhupada! Your Servant, Srutakirti dasa

Dear Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! It has
been brought to our attention that the Iskcon community is crediting Vrinda Trust with the public
posting of grievances regarding the New Nabadwip, Honolulu Temple Management. Our email address:
15 is not the address publishing such grievances. The Honolulu Vaishnava's have been using the
email address Vrnda Please note the distinction. We are dedicated to glorifying our beloved Srila
Prabhupada. It maybe bitter sweet to some, but it's nectar none the less. We don't wish to be drawn
into the circumstance of possible Vaishnava aparad and we apologize to anyone who may be
inadvertently hurt. Vrinda Trust is dedicated to the restoration of the holy places in Vraj, especially
the restoration of Vrinda and Gupta Kunds. We maintain the worship of Vrinda-devi, maintain her cows,
and feed the sadhu's of Nandagaon. We pray to refrain from controversy.

Your Servants, Srutakirti dasa & Kusa devi dasi

June 1973

Mayapura Candrodaya Mandir Srila Prabhupada's godbrother Damodara Maharaja came to visit
Him often this month. Srila Prabhupada was not very anxious to see him. Once He said to me, "If
Damodara Maharaja comes, I do not want to see him. He simply comes and talks, 'this math, they are
doing this and that math, they are doing that and my disciples they are doing like this.' " Srila
Prabhupada said, "I am not interested in these things. I would relish it if he came and talked about
Krishna or talked some philosophy, but he talks all these nonsense things. I am not very interested to
hear it." I told Srila Prabhupada that I would try to prevent Damodara Maharaja from coming in.
The next time he came to see Srila Prabhupada, I told him that His Divine Grace is resting and cannot be
disturbed. He was not satisfied with my reason. Damodara Maharaja said, "Prabhupada said I could
come whenever I want. Why don't you let me see Him?" Again I said, "I cannot disturb Him while He
takes His afternoon nap." Now he angrily paced about determined to have his way. I was sweating.
Thankfully and miraculously, Srila Prabhupada came to the verandah from His room and started
for the bathroom at the end of the building . Immediately Damodara Maharaja called out, "Prabhupada!
Swamiji!" Srila Prabhupada replied, "Oh! Come on, come on. I will be right with you." Finally we all
returned to Srila Prabhupada's sitting room. Damodara Maharaja said, "Your disciples are giving me
such a difficult time. They won't let me come in and see you." Srila Prabhupada turned to me and
said, "Why are you giving him such a hard time. I told you whenever he comes, you should let him in.
He is my godbrother. When he comes don't give him such a hard time. He should be allowed to come
in right away." I submitted, "All right, Srila Prabhupada." I was thrilled to have been able to serve
Srila Prabhupada in this intimate way. I felt blessed to be privy to Srila Prabhupada's inner views. Srila
Prabhupada was able to endear His godbrother to Him and I was given the opportunity to assist. Srila
Prabhupada showed us how to treat a godbrother no matter how we feel. He was a transcendental
diplomat, I relished being Srila Prabhupada's confidant.

Jai Srila Prabhupada!


Your Servant, Srutakirti dasa

July 1974

Camp: New Vrindaban I just rejoined Srila Prabhupada after six months away from His personal
service. Today devotees have been talking about the proper way to make rasgulla. Srila Prabhupada
said, "I will show you how to make rasgulla. You get everything ready today." All the devotees were
excited. Most would get their only opportunity to see Srila Prabhupada at work in the kitchen. Srila
Prabhupada explained how to prepare the curd and to make the sugar water ready. When everything
was in order Srila Prabhupada entered the kitchen and began to cook the rasgulla. All eyes were on
Srila Prabhupada as He artfully coaxed the balls to rotate in the syrup. All except for one sanyasi who
was looking at the rasgulla. Srila Prabhupada chastised him saying, "You have already half eaten these."
After a little while Srila Prabhupada turned to Kirtanananda Maharaja and said, "Now you can
take over." The moment Srila Prabhupada took His hand off the spoon the rasgullas collapsed, shrinking
to half their size. Kirtanananda Maharaja tried to save the offering but it was useless. They were ruined.
A few of us tasted them just to make sure, unfortunately, they tasted terrible. By the causless
mercy of the Spiritual Master all things are possible.

YS, Srutakirti dasa August 1973

Bhaktivedanta Manor I have been with Srila Prabhupada for one year. I have become
accustomed to Srila Prabhupada's transcendental rhythms. At times as I sat in my quarters I would hear
the sweet sound of the harmonium coming from Srila Prabhupada's room. I knew I could invite any
devotees who happened to be nearby into Prabhupada's room while His Divine Grace sang, but today no
one else was around. So I went into His room and offered my humble obeisances. As I sat up I was
filled with the nectar of Srila Prabhupada melodious bhajan. Everyone was put into ecstasy just by
hearing Him play the harmonium adding the sound of His voice softened my heart of stone. I sat there
quietly listening to Him, not moving. I didn't want to create any distraction when He was in these
moods. It amazed me how He could have so many responsibilities but was always able to sit in His
room and chant rounds, do bhajans and read His books. After a minute He looked up from the
harmonium and nodded to me. I knew that meant to get His karatals and accompany Him. He
continued for some time. When He was finished I said, "Srila Prabhupada, your kirtan and bhajans are
always different from any others I have heard." He started laughing and replied, "Yes, I have my own
style of chanting." Of course Srila Prabhupada's style was sometimes imitated but never duplicated.
After all who could create an international society by chanting under a tree. Jai Srila Prabhupada!
YS, Srutakirti dasa Sruta was sick the last couple of days, we apologize for not posting. YS,
Kusa devi dasi Winter 1972
India On my first tour of India, fall and winter of 1972, Malati devi did some cooking for Srila
Prabhupada. She was the wife of Shyamasundar das, Srila Prabhupada's secretary. They had a daughter
named Sarasvati who was about 3 years old at the time. She was the most fortunate little girl. She was
the only person I knew who was able to go in and out of Srila Prabhupada's quarters unannounced.
She seemed to pop up out of nowhere, like a tiny Narada Muni, in different temples around the
world. She would always wind up in Prabhupada's room for a few moments, then as quickly as she
appeared, she disappeared.. He enjoyed her company. Sometimes she would sit on His lap. Other times
He would give her some difficulty, teasing her affectionately like a grandfather might. One thing about
her, she always had prasadam in her hands or mouth. Srila Prabhupada observed this and sometimes He
supplied her with sweets from a container on His desk. One day she walked into the room as I was
massaging Srila Prabhupada. As usual she was eating. Srila Prabhupada started laughing. He said, "You
are always eating. You know what you remind me of Sarasvati?" She looked at Him with her mouth
full of food and shook her head indicating she had no idea. "You remind me of New York City--the
garbage trucks." He said, "Do you know the garbage trucks in New York City? She nodded yes.
Prabhupada continued, "In New York City they have these big garbage trucks. They go down the street
and workers put the garbage in." At this point Srila Prabhupada stretched His arms out wide, one over
head and the other towards the floor. "They go down the street and put garbage inside the big mouth of
the truck and then the truck goes zzzzzzzzuuuuummmmmmmmmmm and it closes and the truck eats it.
Then it goes iiiimmmmmmm and opens back up. Like this." Exclaiming this, He imitated the up and
down crunching movement of the jaws of the garbage truck extending His arms in an opening and
closing motion. "Your mouth is just like that. You are always putting things in. Just like the garbage
trucks in New York." He amused her, but just as quickly as she appeared Sarasvati disappeared.
Perhaps she went to get more prasadam from her mataji. I continued massaging Srila Prabhupada,
amazed again by His greatness. I wondered what pious activities she must have performed to be able to
play with His Divine Grace on such an intimate level. My getting to witness Srila Prabhupada's lila was
certainly a sign of His causeless mercy. Srila Prabhupada's affectionate playfulness continues to soften
this stone heart.

Morning walk Perth, Australia Going on a morning walk with Srila Prabhupada was never dull.
Sometimes His Divine Grace wouldn't say a word, chanting japa throughout the walk. This could be
disappointing for some disciples who may not get such an opportunity often. They might ask a question,
hoping to get Srila Prabhupada engaged in debate or conversation, but this was risky business. Srila
Prabhupada was not subject to our whims. Sometimes He would give a short response to such
questions and continue walking in silence. Today, however, Srila Prabhupada was in a talkative,
humorous mood. Smiling He asked the devotees a question, "Is a devotee simple or crooked?" One
devotee answered, "He is simple, Srila Prabhupada." With a rascally gleam in His eye He asked, "Are
you sure? Is He simple or crooked?" His disciple again enthusiastically responded, not realizing they
had fallen for a trick question, "Yes, a devotee is simple!" Srila Prabhupada sprung the unexpected
punch line, "Actually, the devotee is crooked!" Everyone stood there with their mouths gapping. Srila
Prabhupada explained, "Take me for example, I came to your country and everyone was eating meat,
taking intoxication, doing so much nonsense. I tricked everyone. I've tricked all of you into becoming
Krishna Conscious. So, in that sense the devotee must be crooked, because he must be able to trick.
Just like I have tricked everyone. No one wanted Krishna Consciousness, but I have tricked you."
Srila Prabhupada is the acarya. He teaches us by example. He demonstrated His art by tricking
us again on the morning walk. YS, Srutakirti dasa

Entering Srila Prabhupada's quarters was always an enlightening experience. Sometimes Srila
Prabhupada sat and read His books. Whenever He read it seemed as if someone else had written His
books because He didn't read with the mind of an author who might be looking for editing mistakes or
grammatical errors. He read them with the relish of a pure devotee reading the pastimes of the Supreme
Lord to whom He was completely attached. One day in Los Angeles I went into His room to perform
my duties and He was sitting & reading "Bhagavad Gita As It Is". After I offered obeisances He looked
at me and said, "If you just read this one book and understand, you will become Krishna Conscious in
this very life." A few months later when I went into His room, He was reading "Nectar of Devotion".
He looked at me and said, "This book is so nice. Just by reading this one book you can become Krishna
Conscious." Srila Prabhupada teaches us by example. He does everything He asks us to do. He
requests us to read His book and He does, too.

October 7, 1972 Berkeley, California

Tonight Srila Prabhupada spoke at the University of Berkeley penetrating the heart of the neo-
intellectual hippie capital. The San Francisco devotees enthusiastically received Him and relished His
lecture. They had prepared barrels of popcorn and were distributing it following Srila Prabhupada's
lecture. Srila Prabhupada asked, "What is that?" Jayananda, who had been instrumental in
cooking and distributing popcorn prasadam on street sankirtan in Berkeley for some time, said,
"Popcorn Srila Prabhupada, would You like some?" Srila Prabhupada said inquisitively, "Yes, give me
some." The devotees distributed popcorn in little popcorn bags printed with the "Hare Krsna"
mantra. Srila Prabhupada ate the fluffy spiced kernels with great relish and said, " Oh, this is nice". All
the devotees, especially those who cooked and distributed the prasadam, felt so much pleasure. Now
they were sure their offerings had been accepted and their lives were successful. When Srila Prabhupada
finished eating the popcorn, He endeared Himself to all the Vaishnavas present by contentedly leaving
His hand in the little popcorn bag. It was sweet. All the devotees attention hung on each of Srila
Prabhupada's movements. The childlike action of His Divine Grace continued to enthuse the hearts of
the devotees. Overjoyed the devotees ecstatically performed Hare Nama Sankirtan on Telegraph
Avenue, a place famous for it's hippie inhabitants. On the way home, Srila Prabhupada continued to
enthuse the devotees by driving slowly past the sankirtan party. All the devotees blissfully chanted and
energetically danced being encouraged by Srila Prabhupada's present supervision. The next night Srila
Prabhupada had another preaching engagement. This time the devotees brought Srila Prabhupada
popcorn and offered it to Him. Srila Prabhupada said, "No, I am old. I cannot do things like that very
often. It is good, but it is very difficult for me to digest." He refused saying, " It is very good. I like it."
Jai Srila Prabhupada! YS, Srutakirti dasa and Kusa devi dasi (yes, I was also present)

April 1973

Camp New Dwarka, Los Angeles, California Whenever there is privacy and the weather is nice, Srila
Prabhupada takes His massage outside with His back to the morning sun irregardless of location. Often
times His Divine Grace has said, "The morning sun gives you energy and the afternoon sun takes it
away." Today is a beautiful sunny day and Srila Prabhupada has decided to take massage in "His
favorite place", the garden. After I placed the mat on the grass with sandalwood and mustard oil
alongside it, Srila Prabhupada sat down cross-legged. Today something out of the ordinary
occurred. While massaging Srila Prabhupada's back a kitten crawled under the gate. Perhaps the kitten
wanted to get some association with the pure devotee. This little fuzzy thing started licking Srila
Prabhupada's back and affectionately rubbing his fur against His Divine Grace. Much to my surprise
Srila Prabhupada allowed this to go on for a few minutes. Finally, Srila Prabhupada said, "That's all,
take him out.". Quickly, I grabbed the cat and put him over the fence. Being very small and extremely
determined to get more association the kitten immediately crawled under the gate, again......and
again......and again......Three times he came in and three times I dropped him over the fence.
Finally I found some cinder blocks and put them along the bottom of the gate. The cat could no
longer sneak under and get another taste of His Divine Grace. Even though the cat was thwarted, he
cried loudly meowing outside the gate for the duration of Srila Prabhupada's massage. Howling, he
lamented his misfortune. I learned something from that kitten, I should be so eager for the association
of the pure devotee. Just see how even a moment's association with the pure devotee can change the
life of even a little animal. The cat must have been attracted by the transcendental nature of Srila
Prabhupada. He wanted to bathe in Prabhupada's nectar no matter what obstacles were placed before
Him. I pray that someday I will be as determined as that kitten to associate with my Guru Maharaja in
loving service. YS, Srutakirti dasa

Spring 1973
Camp: New Dwarka Iskcon-Los Angeles Today Srila Prabhupada described some of the differences
between Vedic civilization and the western civilization. "Boys and girls" He said, "Now a man, he wants
to do something. He sees some woman and says 'I'll get that woman'. He'll go up to her and say, 'What
are you doing? Why don't we go out?' "

"When we were young," He said, "The same desires were there. The desires haven't changed at all. We
also had desires like that. You see a girl, you become attracted. But the culture was there. The culture
was so strict you couldn't even look at her, what to speak of talking to her or making some proposition.
Everything was the same, except the culture. Now, there is no culture. You just go up and say anything
you want. We had all these desires, talking like school children but you could never approach a woman.
It was unheard of. You wouldn't think of it."
Srila Prabhupada left Vrindaban dhama and the Vedic culture to save us from our so-called advanced

All Glories to Srila Prabhuada! YS, Srutakirti dasa

Morning Massage, 1975 At around 11:00 a.m. Srila Prabhupada would commence his morning
massage for about one and a half hours. There were no hard and fast rules for the length of time Srila
Prabhupada took massage. Sometimes during massage Srila Prabhupada would get very busy. His
secretary would read him the mail and take dictation for replies. Also his Sanskrit editor might come in
with questions regarding Srila Prabhupada's mornings translation work. One day during massage the
sanskrit editor came in and out of Srila Prabhupada's room several times. The first time he entered he
carefully offered his obeisances. The next few times he entered he knelt quickly, momentarily touched
his head to the floor and hastily sat up and asked questions. Again he left the room. The next time he
entered the same thing happened. As he sat up, Srila Prabhupada chastised him saying, "What is this
hatchet? You pay your obeisances. This hatchet is not good". Srila Prabhupada would always care
for his disciples. He protected us from making careless offense. This incident happened 22 years ago. I
was never sure what Prabhupada meant by the word "hatchet". I know that part of the meaning was the
abrupt quick hacking motion one associates with that particular tool. As I am writing, I see
another meaning to the word. Our devotional creeper is very fragile. While rendering personal service
to the spiritual master, we can easily damage our devotional creeper by carelessly swinging our hatchet
like egos. Krishna Conscious means we must be conscious of our activities at all times and never take
short cuts respecting our Guru Maharaj... All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, the most expert gardener
lovingly tending our devotional creepers.

Jai Srila Prabhupada!

YS, Srutakirti dasa

Camp: Iskcon New Dwarka-Los Angeles During the two years I personally served His Divine Grace,
he spoke about retiring from management duties many times to concentrate on translating the scriptures
for humanity at large. My first experience was as follows: At about 9:00 this morning, Srila
Prabhupada called me into his room and told me to call Karandhara. This happened often while we were
in New Dwarka. Srila Prabhupada seemed to have great faith in Karandhara's abilities. I remember
Srila Prabhupada praised Karandhara as he pointed to the concrete stairs on the way to the garden that
Karandhara fixed, "Karandhara can do anything". If we were in L.A. and a problem arose, Srila
Prabhupada would call for Karandhara feeling confident that he could solved anything. When
Karandhara arrived Srila Prabhupada stunned him by saying, "I don't want to be involved in management
so much. I want to translate books." Karandhara answered enthusiastically, "Yes, I can do all of your
secretarial work from here and you can stay here to translate. We'll keep everything very nice for you."
Srila Prabhupada said, "Yes! We'll do it immediately. I want to have no business. No more business. No
more management. You handle all of my affairs for me." Karandhara left the room, ready to organize
Iskcon from his office on Watseka Ave. I thought, "This is amazing. Prabhupada is going let the GBC
run the society. New Dwarka was perfect. It had all facility for Srila Prabhupada. He could stay here
for years and translate all day if he wanted. Srila Prabhupada did say that his garden here was his
favorite place." It is now 10:00 a.m. Srila Prabhupada rang his bell. I paid my obeisances as I
entered Srila Prabhupada's quarters, but before I could raise my head from the floor he said, "Call
Karandhara." When Karandhara entered the room he offered obeisances. As he did Srila Prabhupada
noticed a letter sticking out of Karandhara's kurta pocket. Srila Prabhupada's eyes grew large. "What
is that? he said. "Oh! It is a letter for you, Srila Prabhupada", Karandhara replied. "Open it", Srila
Prahbupada said. Karandhara opened and read the letter to Srila Prabhupada. It was a typical letter
from a senior disciple, managing a temple from somewhere in the world. Srila Prabhupada listened
intently and then dictated a reply. Srila Prabhupada's retirement lasted for a little over an hour. It
was the first retirement I had experienced, but not the last. Srila Prabhupada relished translating Srimad
Bhagavatam for us. He also relished teaching his children how to walk on the spiritual path. His
patience was endless. On a daily basis he picked us up as we stumbled, encouraged us to try to walk
again. No matter how much he dreamed of retirement he would not leave us alone until we were able to
walk on our own. The time has come for us to walk. Jai Srila Prabhupada! YS, Srutakirti dasa

September 1974
Camp: Vrindaban- Krishna Balarama Mandir ISKCON Srila Prabhupada has been very ill for
several weeks. It has been a very difficult time. His eating has been almost nil and he is requiring
assistance to walk. After much time improvement is being made to the relief of all of his disciples.
Some of the GBC members have been meeting. Their discussions are focused on relieving Srila
Prabhupada of his management responsibilities. They feel if they can efficiently carry on, then Srila
Prabhupada would be relieved. They are hoping his health will improve if he doesn't have to be
concerned with daily management of Iskcon. They called for a meeting in Srila Prabhupada's
presence. They began saying, "Srila Prabhupada, we've decided that we can handle all the management,
and you can be free to do your translating work. You don't have to worry about managing the society.
We are competent to do it." Srila Prabhupada became very angry. He said, "When I want you to
manage, when I want to stop managing, I'll stop. Don't tell your spiritual master when to give up the
management. Who do you think you are telling your spiritual master that he doesn't have to manage any
more? I'm quite fit to know when I don't want to manage. When I decide I don't want to do it, then I'll
stop managing. That is up to me to decide. Not for you." Meeting adjourned! YS, Srutakirti dasa

October 1972 Radha Damodara Temple-Vrindaban, India This evening Srila Prabhupada is
speaking in his sitting room. He has been doing it regularly since his arrival. Some of the local residents
bring offerings of fruits and flowers and place them by his lotus feet. Suddenly, in the middle of his
lecture a monkey darts into the room lunging for the bananas. Within a few seconds he is gone. Srila
Prabhupada managed to get one of the bananas from the bunch but the monkey got the rest. Srila
Prabhupada said, "Just see how intelligent this monkey is. This shows that in their own respect all living
entities are intelligent. How long do you think it would have taken you to do that, run in and out of
here and get the bananas? This monkey is so intelligent in regards to his eating. He can do it in a few
seconds. Practically no one even saw him. He just took the bananas and ran out. This is what it is like
in the material world. Everyone is very expert in their own sphere. So, we have to become expert
devotees, not expert like the monkeys. What was amazing to me was that Srila Prabhupada was
able to get his hands on the bunch of bananas at the same time as the monkey. The whole incident lasted
about 4 seconds. Even though Srila Prabhupada was in the middle of his lecture he was aware of
everything going on around him. Srila Prabhupada was always aware of activities around him. Srila
Prabhupada was expert at doing more then one thing at a time. YS, Srutakirti dasa

October 7, 1972
Iskcon, San Francisco Mandir, Camp Berkeley I have been Srila Prabhupada's personal servant for
one month. I am beginning to feel comfortable and knowledgeable in my duties. Little did I know this
qualified me for the following set back. As soon as I think I know, oh, oh! This evening Srila
Prabhupada called and asked me to prepare some puris, potato chips and hot milk. We were not staying
at the temple. We were at a young couples cottage. They were friends of the devotees. The local
devotees spent hours cleaning the house to make it presentable before Srila Prabhupada arrived. The
kitchen facility was not very good. Fortunately, there was ghee on the stove, so a meal could be
prepared. Srila Prabhupada had asked for "potato chips". I was anxious to prepare them, but had no
experience . Making the puris was easy enough but took some time. It was getting late and I didn't
want Srila Prabhupada to have to wait. I peeled some potatoes, sliced them as thin as possible with a
potato peeler, and fried them in very hot ghee. They came out mildly resembling potato chips but not
exactly like any chips I had ever seen. I felt very fortunate to be able to serve the living
representative of Krsna. Srila Prabhupada was my living deity, the special mercy being he reciprocated
with me directly. With affection I rushed to His Divine Grace with a dish of potato chips, one hot puri
and a cup of hot milk. Srila Prabhupada pointed to the potato chips and firmly inquired, "What are
these?" Bewildered I said, "Potato chips Srila Prabhupada." "They are not chips!" He thundered. "This
is not what I wanted." Seeing my pain he said, "Anyway..... go on, leave it." I felt terrible. This
was the first time I had bungled my service to my Guru Maharaja. I felt like dying. The offering had
been unacceptable. I went back to the kitchen cooked the next puri. Returning to Srila Prabhupada's
quarters I placed the puri on his plate and offered my obeisances. When I sat up he looked at me with a
big smile. Assuringly he said, "These are very good. It is all right. They are very nice." I breathed a
sigh of relief and replied, "Oh, good! Thank you, Srila Prabhupada." I was in bliss. I didn't know
whether he really liked them or if he just said it to make me feel better. Either way was wonderful. It
felt terrific to have someone care about me so much. I made another puri and brought it to him and
waited for him to finish. Picking up his plates, I was thrilled to see that he had eaten all of the so-called
potato chips. Srila Prabhupada mercifully accepted my bumbling efforts. Months later while in India, I
finally realized that "chips" are the British equivalent of American "french fries". Having limited
experience I misunderstood. I realized Srila Prabhupada wanted what I knew as "french fries". Later,
I made Srila Prabhupada's chips according to his instructions, "thin and cripsy". Note the spelling
discrepancy. It is not an error. Srila Prabhupada often uses endearing words. I preferred his use of the
word "cripsy" for "crispy". It has a crunchier sound to it. Jai Srila Prabhupada! YS, Srutakirti dasa

October 6, 1972 Iskcon Berkeley Today Srila Prabhupada arrived and stayed for a few days at the
cottage of some of his well wishers. His disciples showed him around the house. Srila Prabhupada sat
down and asked, "Is there any prasadam?" There was nothing available. He said, "So, bring some fruit."
He said, "Bring something for washing my feet. Bring a towel and some water. This is common
etiquette. You should wash a persons feet when they arrive." Srila Prabhupada needs nothing from any
of us, but he mercifully showed us the proper way to honor a guest, what to speak of the spiritual

The devotees present hurried about preparing the items. As his disciple began bathing his feet Srila
Prabhupada said, "Wash up to my knees. This kind of foot bath refreshes one's whole body after

One very hot day in Vrindavan, Srila Prabhupada again mentioned this same fact after coming back from
an engagement. Returning to his quarters, he went directly to the bathroom and washed his feet and legs
with cool water. He said, "After going out, doing this the whole body becomes rejuvenated.

He taught us the ancient standard of Vedic ettiquette complete with practical application. He enlivens us
with this knowledge. Jai Srila Prabhupada! YS, Srutakirti dasa

September 15 to October 28, 1972 Camp: Iskcon Juhu, Bombay

It was Srila Prabhupada's greatest pleasure to speak about Krishna and His associates 24 hours a day.
He relished every opportunity to speak the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. This contrasted
sharply with his economic use of words when it came to his own bodily maintenance. The dichotomy
was ecstatic .

Daily Srila Prabhupada took a short nap after taking lunch prasadam. After rising His Divine Grace
would walk through my designated area to get to the bathroom. Often times I rested, too. As soon as I
hear the sweet sound of his shuffling feet, I would get up and pay my obeisances. Srila Prabhupada
walked by saying, "Dab" in a deep voice. By the time he returned to his sitting room it was my duty to
go to the kitchen, cut open the coconut, place the gold straw through the opening and place the sweet
water on his desk. This was the daily ritual. Every time I heard the word "dab" the same ecstatic
opportunity availed itself.

Particularly in Vrindavan, Srila Prabhupada often boasted to guests about how his servant could cook
lunch so quickly. He would say, "Srutakirti, he can cook my entire lunch, rice, dahl, chapatis, and three
or four subjis, in just 45 minutes." Then he would look at me and say, "Is it not?" Nodding I would
respond, "Yes, Srila Prabhupada and I give you massage while the cooking is going on." Now, widening
his eyes he said, "Just see, 45 minutes and all bodily maintenance business.... finished. This is Krishna
Consciousness. We minimize bodily maintenance as much as possible, so we have more time for
devotional service."

Another example that demonstrated Srila Prabhupada's efficiency with minimum effort would takes
place in the privacy of his quarters. Srila Prabhupada instructed me without saying a single word. While
sitting in his room he would look up at the ceiling fans. If they were on, it meant I should turn them off.
Conversely, if they were off... turn them on. Other times, he would look at the french doors. If the
curtains were open, I closed them. If they were closed, I opened them. Srila Prabhupada said, "This is
the first class servant, he does his service without being asked. The second class servant, you ask him
and he does it. The third class servant, you ask him and he does it begrudgingly or doesn't do it at all."

I pray to hear the shuffling of his feet, see his glances, hear his words and get the opportunity to serve
him life after life. Srila Prabhupada is Acarya. Jai Srila Prabhupada! YS, Srutakirti dasa

June 1972
Camp: New Dwarka-Iskcon Los Angeles

Today after the morning walk a group of 5 or 6 devotees stood in the downstairs hallway watching Srila
Prabhupada walk with his cane up the stairs to his room. As he walked, we were all gratefully chanting,
"Jai Srila Prabhupada!"

He turned and endearingly said with a beautiful smile. "I was just thinking, when I was young I would
run up the stairs. Now that same desire is there. I still want to run up the stairs but due to this body.....
now I can't run. I still want to do all these things, like when I was young. I want to be active but the
body is very limiting." He continued walking up the stairs as we paid our heartfelt obeisances.

A light went on in my mind, I realized momentarily how Srila Prabhupada voluntarily accepted so many
inconveniences to save us from this foolishly gross bodily conception of life. I witnessed the majesty of
Prabhupada's lila while personally serving him but there were many painful periods as well.

My heart ached as we witnessed the suffering His Divine Grace underwent due to willingly accepting the
sinful reactions of fallen souls such as myself. The fact that Srila Prabhupada experienced these
discomforts does not diminish his greatness but magnifies it. This is the unlimited mercy of the pure
devotee. Who can be this magnanimous? He is our ever well wisher having taken the unbearable
responsibility to save us from our fallen condition.

Over the next few days I will attempt to describe some of these sweet and bittersweet pastimes of Srila
Prabhupada in the hopes that I can meditate upon and appreciate his greatness. I beg forgiveness to all I
offend having shared my imperfect perceptions. If I wait till I become perfect before I attempt to glorify
our beloved guru I'm afraid all memory may be lost. I recognize my inability to properly glorify our
beloved shaktavesh avatar Srila Prabhupada. I realize that His Divine Grace being nitya-siddha wasn't
susceptible to any material disease, but still he granted us his merciful association walking amongst us in
this land of misery, Martyaloka. He came to deliver us, and he voluntarily came to this place of misery.
This is his causeless mercy.

YS, Srutakirti dasa.

April 2-4, 1973 Camp: Saint Moritz- Zurich, Switzerland


While in Bombay one senior disciple showed Srila Prabhupada an appealing post card of Saint Moritz
complete with colorful wild flowers and rolling green meadows. It was beautiful. Considerately Srila
Prabhupada's devotee said it would be nice to take a break on the long trip between Bombay and New
York. Srila Prabhupada could get some rest in Saint Moritz. Anyone having traveled between USA and
India knows it's a bone crunching, grueling trip. Srila Prabhupada had been traveling quite briskly,
spending no more than a 6-7 days in each location. So, stopping in Saint Moritz appeared to be a
gallant proposition.

However another motive for disembarking at Saint Moritz was gold speculation. A few senior men were
thinking of fortifying ISKCON's reserves by investing in gold before the price was deregulated. Zurich
was just the place for investment in gold bullion, however Srila Prabhupada nipped the idea in the bud.

Saint Moritz is a ski resort area and this time of the year snow lay on the ground as far as the eye could
see. The hotel we checked into had a central lobby with an elevator. When one got out of the elevator
and entered into a hotel room, it opened up into a spacious three bedroom condo, with a complete
kitchen. The large living room had sliding glass doors leading to a verandah that had a fantastic view of
the snow covered mountains. By many persons standards it was breathtaking, but not to Srila

Srila Prabhupada was very regulated. It didn't matter where we were, life would go on like clockwork.
Srila Prabhupada's schedule remained constant. This morning was no different. Srila Prabhupada put on
his warm saffron hooded coat and prepared to go for his morning walk saying, "We shall go for a walk?
Shall we see how cold it is?"

Since we were on the ground floor His Divine Grace opened the sliding glass door to walk on the
verandah to the big outdoors. Suddenly a huge whistling blast of ice cold air filled the entire condo. It
was blizzard-like. Srila Prabhupada opened his eyes wide and exclaimed, "Ooohhh, this is much too

Whenever I witnessed these childlike expressions my heart melted with joy. Srila Prabhupada exuded
the innocence of a child, while most disciples experienced his powerful determined preaching, I felt
fortunate to see Srila Prabhupada's face light up with endearing intimate expression. His Divine Grace
felt the cold. He didn't like it, so he said, "We shall walk in the hallway inside the building."

A little arctic blast wasn't going to interfere with Srila Prabhupada's morning walk. So His Divine
Grace, Pradyumna and myself headed for the hallway. Now, this presented a different set of problems.
Considering this was 1973, the resort was super high tech. It was designed to operate with very little
waste of energy. The system was that if someone walked in the halls the lights would automatically go
on for a specific amount of time, probably timed exactly to get you into the elevator, then the lights went
out automatically. So as we walked up and down the corridor we were required to push various buttons
along the way to keep the lights from going out. Otherwise we would have been walking in the dark.

Pradyumna decided to go back into the apartment. Srila Prabhupada and I walked up and down the
hallway. I ran from button to button pushing and chanting, pushing and chanting. This went on for
about a 1/2 hour when Srila Prabhupada mentioned, "The cold weather has given me an appetite. You
can go in a make me some halavah." I replied, "All right Srila Prabhupada, do you want me to wait till
after your walk or should I go now?" The lights stayed on for about thirty seconds so I was concerned
about the button pushing. Srila Prabhupada humorously retorted, "No, I will walk. You can go make
the halavah."

We always loved it when Srila Prabhupada had an appetite. It was a joy to cook for him. When I went
in I said to the others, "Srila Prabhupada is still walking in the hall. Someone needs to go out to push
the buttons to keep the lights on for him." We all peeked out the door to see Srila Prabhupada chanting,
walking and pushing the buttons to keep the lights on. It was quite humorous.

April 4, 1972
Zurich, Switzerland

After leaving San Moritz we spent one day in an exclusive hotel overlooking the river Rhine in Zurich.
Srila Prabhupada had a room and his entourage stayed together in the room next door. They were not
adjoining rooms. When it was time for his massage I had to go into his room to put on my gumpsa, so I
wouldn't walk in the hallway in my gumpsa. When I was finished giving massage, I inadvertently left my
bead bag in his room.

The japa beads were not the set Srila Prabhupada chanted on at my initiation two years earlier.
Unfortunately, I lost them in New Vrindaban. I considered asking Srila Prabhupada to chant on another
set of beads for me but I didn't want to admit how careless I had been. My bead bag was prasadam given
to by His Divine Grace. To my delight when I returned to Srila Prabhupada's room I noticed his hand in
my bead bag. For the next half hour, I sat and joyfully watched as he chanted on my beads. Again Srila
Prabhupada fulfilled my desire without me verbally asking . I waited until he put my bead bag down and
took my newly sanctified beads to our quarters. Elated I bragged to the others how I just benefited by a
miracle that had just taken place.

From Zurich Airport we headed to San Moritz by way of a luxury train. Srila Prabhupada, myself and a
young brahmacari named Jai Hari boarded the train. The others devotees had investment business to
attend. The train ride through the Alps was magnificent. Following the contour of the snow covered
mountains the train circled continuously in different directions. The awe inspiring scenery had the full
attention of Jai Hari and myself. Srila Prabhupada sat and quietly chanted as we pointed out the different
scenic views to one another, completely oblivious to our Spiritual Guide sitting beside us.

Breaking our meditation Srila Prabhupada calmly said, "What do they call this place?" Feeling delighted
to have the opportunity to answer such a simple question I quickly said, "San Moritz, Srila Prabhupada,
Saint Moritz!". He immediately responded, "They may call it Saint Moritz, I call it Saint Hellish. This
place is hellish. Look out there. There is no life anywhere, simply branches of trees and snow. There is
not a living thing for miles."

Srila Prabhupada had effectively turned our illusion into an opportunity to instruct two of his fledgling
disciples. Jai Hari and I spent the rest of the journey with our heads down, quietly chanting and hearing
the transcendental sound vibration of the Maha Mantra, just like Srila Prabhupada desired. Being with
Srila Prabhupada was the most fortunate position. If you followed his example you knew you were
rightly situated.

If you had a question and asked him, the answer you received was the absolute truth. He pacified
thousands of disciples regularly, answering their questions, alleviating their fears and engaging them in
Krishna's service. Srila Prabhupada, please free me from my attachment to the mountains of maya so
that I can hear your kind and gentle instructions. YS, Srutakirti dasa
This morning I was cutting the lawn. Srila Prabhupada's mercy gives me the opportunity to think of him
even during such mundane activities . February 26, 1975 Camp: Iskcon Miami

This morning Srila Prabhupada took his walk on the temple grounds in Coconut Grove. While walking
in the yard he turned to the temple president and asked, "Why everyone else's yards are clean? Here
there are only leaves on the ground?" The devotee responded, "Well, under the leaves there is nothing
but dirt. The leaves keep the dirt from rising." Srila Prabhupada remarked, "There are lawns
everywhere. Why, here you have dirt?"

June 1975 Camp: Iskcon New Navadvipa-Honolulu, Hawaii

The grounds in New Nabadwip had always been very nice but this time when Srila Prabhupada arrived
they were not being maintained. On a walk in the temple grounds Srila Prabhupada asked, "Why this
garden isn't taken care of?" Sukadeva, the temple president, responded, "Srila Prabhupada, there is no
one to do it." At the time there where approximately 20 devotees walking along with Srila Prabhupada.
He looked around at all of his disciples and said, "How is this? No one to do it."

To make advancement on the path of devotional service one must facilitate the pleasure of the Spiritual
Master, then one certainly gets the grace of Krsna. We are dasa dasa anu dasa.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

March 18, 1973 Camp: Iskcon Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir

The first International festival has taken place here for the Iskcon devotees. The bengali form of kirtan
has had a major influence on many of the devotees. Srila Prabhupada expressed some displeasure about
the chanting of so many different mantras. He said, "They can chant their 'Nitai Gaura, Hari Bols', but I
will chant Hare Krishna and go back home, Back to Godhead."

Some of the kirtans did get caught up in the 'Hari bols' too much. If we understood the translation
maybe we would know what to do. Srila Prabhupada enjoyed chanting the Maha mantra.

April 26, 1973 Camp: LA Iskcon, New Dwarka

Brahmananda Maharaja and I have introduced Bengali style of dancing at the kirtans. We picked it up at
the Mayapura festival. Many of the devotees love it. Srila Prabhupada has also been seen smiling as He
watches the devotees dancing before him. Pradyumna asked him if it was all right to dance like that
because some of the devotees thought it was strange. Srila Prabhupada replied, "Yes, of course!"

Srila Prabhupada loves to see his disciples chant "Hare Krishna" and dance in ecstasy.

Srila Prabhupada distributed his mercy without distinction. This is the kindness of the pure devotee. On
a flight from India to the west, we had a two hour stop over at the Bangkok airport. We had to wait in
the transit area.

Srila Prabhupada said to me, "Get my things. I am going to shower." I went to the baggage area, opened
Srila Prabhupada's bag, grabbed his lota, towel and fresh change of clothing. It took me a few minutes,
then I returned to His Divine Grace. He asked, "Where is the bathroom?" We walked together to the
bathroom. Unfortunately there were no bathing facilities.

Srila Prabhupada was never easily discouraged. When he wanted to do something there was no such
thing as an obstacle. Assessing the situation he turned to me and said, "All right, I'll bath from the sink".
He put on his gumpsa & with lota in hand he proceeded to pour water over his body again and again. He
washed with soap and then rinsed again. I stood by, watching in amazement, as he refreshed himself.
He was completely transcendental to all other activities going on around him.

Watching from a corner of the bathroom was the attendant. He had a disturbed look on his face seeing
the extra work that was being created for him. He had no idea that he was being benedicted by a
Paramahamsa. He was getting the opportunity to do pujari work by the causeless mercy of Srila

When Srila Prabhupada finished I gave him a towel. He dried himself off and put on a clean dhoti and
kurta. After he finished we began walking out of the bathroom together. The attendant approached me.
He was obviously complaining to me, although I had no idea what he was saying. While this was going
on Srila Prabhupada was laughing. On the way out I said, "Srila Prabhupada I think he is a little upset."
Srila Prabhupada replied, "Oh well! I had to take bath. I was feeling very tired."

Being with Srila Prabhupada during travel was always an incredible adventure. He never felt the need to
conform to any social conventions. On airplanes he would use the restroom when the seat belt sign was
lit. He would take prasadam when we weren't allowed to have our trays down. If anyone said anything
to him he ignored them. They would turn to me and I would shrug my shoulders and say, "I can't stop
him." They inevitably walked away defeated realizing they were no match for a Vaikuntha person. All
Glories to Srila Prabhupada! YS, Srutakirti dasa

Feb. 19, 1975 Camp: Venezuela Airlines

Srila Prabhupada influenced everyone he was around. Traveling with him was an enlightening
experience. Being with Srila Prabhupada at his temples was ecstatic, seeing how he was able to lift
everyone's spirits to the transcendental realm but being with him in planes and airports offered us the
opportunity of seeing how he changed the lives of those who knew nothing about him. It must have
been his effulgence. It could be seen, even by a quadruped such as myself. Once a stewardess passing
by said, "This man looks very wonderful." Others would ask what they could do for him.

The incident on Venezuela Airlines stands alone, however. It was most unique. Srila Prabhupada,
Paramahamsa Swami, Nitai dasa and I were traveling from Mexico City to Caracas. I did not prepare
any prasadam for the flight but just before we boarded the plane a Vaishnava Indian lady handed me a
bag with some puffed rice in it that she made for the trip.

Shortly after takeoff Srila Prabhupada said, "All right, let's take prasadam." I said, "Do you want what
is being served on the plane?" He immediately responded, "No, no! We have our prasadam. That's all
right." I said, "Okay." I didn't even ask for a plate. I put the tray-table down, unwrapped the aluminum
foil and placed the puffed rice before my spiritual master. He immediately started eating. He finished
about half of it, although it was not a very large portion. Without even looking at me he said, "All right,
now you can take." This is the nectar for which we were always anxious. Srila Prabhupada always
took great care of his entourage. This quality was one of many that I greatly appreciated.

Srila Prabhupada sat by the window. He always sat by the window. I was in the middle. I always sat
next to Srila Prabhupada, unless I succumbed to the wishes of a GBC member. Paramahamsa was in the
aisle seat. I took the puffed rice from His Divine Grace and split the foil down the middle, keeping half
for myself and giving the rest to Paramahamsa Swami.

We were happily eating Srila Prabhupada's remnants when a young stewardess walking down the aisle
looked at us and spontaneously reached past Paramahamsa and placed her hand in my maha. Grabbing a
fistful she tossed it in her mouth and exclaimed, "Oh, this is very good. What is it." Trying to keep my
composure I answered, "It's puffed rice. It's made from rice." Srila Prabhupada was looking at her with
a broad smile. Again she said, "Ah, this is very good." "I'm glad you like it." I said, still a little shocked
about what she had done. "Are you having anything else to eat." she inquired. "Well" I said, "were
vegetarian. Unless there is some fruit, we can't have anything." She eagerly responded, "I will go up to
the first class section and get you a basket of fruit." In a moment she was back with fruit and knives.
She again asked, "Is there anything else I can get you." Turning to Srila Prabhupada I said, "Prabhupada
would you like some milk?" He said, "Yes, hot milk." I said, "Okay, he will have some hot milk and we
will also." She quickly went to first class and immediately came back with the hot milk.

I have heard Srila Prabhupada speak in many lectures about Supersoul residing in the heart of the living
entity. I had never experienced His presence before this day. I am convinced that only Super soul within
the stewardess's heart could have inspired her to act in such an unprofessional manner. Sometimes
devotees would offer me money to get a taste of Srila Prabhupada's remnants. (I never took it) They
would beg for the opportunity to do some personal service. Here was this flight attendant boldly going
where no one had ever gone before by the mercy of Krishna and His pure devotee. All Glories to you,
Srila Prabhupada for distributing your mercy to all living entities that come in contact with you. YS,
Srutakirti dasa

Flying TWA (Transcendental World Airways)

Wherever the pure devotees resides is Vaikuntha and he distributes his causeless mercy to the fallen
conditioned souls whether they like it or not. Srila Prabhupada always kept me smiling while traveling
by air because he never changed his habits. In the presence of materialistic persons these activities were
sometimes unusual.

Srila Prabhupada liked to look outside during the takeoffs and landings from his window seat. He
seemed to especially enjoy looking out the window upon landing. If we took a long evening flight, Srila
Prabhupada's secretary and I would leave our seats next to Srila Prabhupada so he could lie down and
take rest. On this particular occasion, Srila Prabhupada's transcendental body was stretched across the
seats. His head lay peacefully on a pillow by the window. He appeared completely relaxed, something I
still don't know how to do on a plane.

His feet went under the armrest reaching about 10-12 inches into the aisle. They looked so beautiful,
with or without saffron socks covering them. This evening his lotus feet were snugly covered. As he
rested for about an hour the passengers walked up and down the aisle brushing against his kamala padas.
Sometimes when they hit them, he would move slightly, but he never pulled his feet in. He left them
there the entire time he rested, benedicting everyone fortunate enough to pass by.

Srila Prabhupada's entourage watched the show from the next row, wondering what these people had
done to be given such an opportunity. Perhaps Srila Prabhupada forcibly benedicted them with causeless
mercy whether they liked it or not.
Thank you Srila Prabhupada for compelling me to have a glimpse of your unabashed divinity. Please
force your benedictions upon me again and again as you have compassionately done so many times in
the past.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

My dearest Prabhus,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

My family and I will be leaving for Vrindaban tomorrow. I will be returning on September 17 and should
be resuming my installments at that time.

I want to thank everyone who has been encouraging me to write. I never would have gone this far if it
were not for the responses that received over the last month. I hope to exhaust my memory banks
before stopping.

I will leave you with the following pastime, which is my favorite. I'm sure you will see why.

August 1973

Camp: Bhaktivedanta Manor

I have been with Srila Prabhupada for about one year now and I have had the good fortune to massage
him every day. I think I have become very efficient and expect that today will be another blissful
massage. Srila Prabhupada said, "The manor is wonderful and when the sun is shining there is no place

Srila Prabhupada is sitting on a straw mat directly on the highly polished hardwood floor and along side
him are two bottles. The large one is filled with mustard seed oil and the small one contains sandalwood
oil. The sun's brilliant rays filter through a series of windows and Srila Prabhupada's golden complexion
is effulgently sun drenched. I am sitting behind His Divine Grace rubbing his head with sandalwood oil
for it's cooling effect. After massaging his head for about 15 minutes, I moved on to massage Srila
Prabhupada's back. Mustard seed oil is used on his body, so I picked up the bottle to put a small amount
on my hand.

Many times Srila Prabhupada said, "You can massage my back as hard as you can." He really meant it.
It was truly amazing. I could put all of my strength into massaging his back and continue that way for a
half hour or more and he never, ever said, "not so hard". Sometimes I would deliberately do it harder
than normal, thinking there must be a limit to how hard he likes it. I didn't find such a limit. Srila
Prabhupada sat perfectly relaxed during this "passive wrestling" as he called it. He didn't have to brace
himself in order to accept my strength. He just sat there, as if nothing were happening at all.

He always enjoyed his massage and today was no different, then I stood up to change positions. As I
took a step to the right to massage Srila Prabhupada's chest, I knocked over the bottle of mustard oil.
Over the past year His Divine Grace had warned me many times to always keep the lid on the bottle.
Unfortunately, sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't. Today I must pay the price. Immediately he
yelled, "You fool, you will be intelligent when you are 80. Go get a cup and bring it here." I ran out of
the room, reappearing with a stainless steel katori. Srila Prabhupada said, "All right, put your hand in the
oil and then scrap it into the cup." The two of us sat there until all of the oil from the floor was in the
metal cup. "Now use that oil to finish the massage," he said. Srila Prabhupada never, never wasted
anything. More about that in a later pastime.

Now, the atmosphere seemed almost too quiet as I continued to massage Srila Prabhupada. I felt that he
was angry because of my foolishness, so I began to think, "What can I say to mitigate my offense?" I
mulled over it again and again finally I go up the nerve & blurted out, "Thank you very much Srila
Prabhupada, I thought it would take much longer for me to become intelligent." Srila Prabhupada
started laughing loudly. "Yes" he said, "that is an old phrase they would say in India when someone did
something foolish. 'You'll be intelligent when you are 80.'"

Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee & Krishna is obliged to keep the word of His devotee. I have no
chance of ever becoming Krishna Conscious but if I can just live to be 80, I am sure, I will finally
become intelligent. Real intelligence is to be Krishna Conscious, so I pray to live to be 80 and live up to
the expectations of my beloved Srila Prabhupada.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

August 1973 Camp: Iskcon London-Bhaktivedanta Manor

Today during Srila Prabhupada's afternoon massage Rebatinandana Swami entered the room with a
problem he thought only his spiritual master could solve. He said, "Srila Prabhupada, Syamasundara is
the GBC and he's making all these decisions. I want to accept his authority but I had to come to you
because he is not chanting his rounds. I know this for a fact. He doesn't chant any rounds. Also, many
of the devotees in the temple find it difficult to follow his authority. I wanted to know how we should
handle this."

Srila Prabhupada was silent for a moment and then replied, "Syamasundara, he is very busy. Arjuna
when he was fighting the battle of Kuruksetra, he did not chant his 16 rounds. When you are fighting a
battle, where is the time to chant your rounds? So, perhaps Syamasundara is too busy. Anyway, you
should see it like that. As long as he is in charge, you should follow, and encourage him to chant if he is
not chanting."

In Calcutta during an afternoon massage a devotee entered the room and asked what should be done
because Gargamuni Maharaja, the temple administrator was not chanting his rounds. Srila Prabhupada
responded, "He should not be in office. He may be materially qualified in so many ways but it is not
enough. In management one has to have his transcendental aspect. One has to be following the
regulative principles and chanting, otherwise it is simply useless just to have some management

Srila Prabhupada did not remove him from office at that time. He is the acarya and is able to make
adjustments according to time, place and circumstance. We can see this in letters and hear it in
conversations. Sometimes instructions in a letter were meant only for the person receiving the letter. It
was not meant to be general policy. For the absolute truth we can read his books. He often called them
"lawbooks for the next 10,000 years. I am beginning to realize that Srila Prabhupada's personal
presence on this planet was so potent that he could carry fallen souls such as myself and keep us
engaged in Krishna's service, even when we were not following his regulations strictly. Since his
departure it has become most apparent to me that if I want to associate with him and perform devotional
service I must follow his instructions strictly. This may seem like common sense to most devotees but to
me it is a revelation. Srila Prabhupada lives eternally in his instructions and his followers live with him.
Srila Prabhupada, please engage me in your service.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

October 15, 1972 Iskcon Vrindaban-Radha Damodara Temple

I have been with Srila Prabhupada for 5 weeks, cooking for him and massaging his transcendental body
daily. I will never understand why I was given this great fortune. Today something new has happened in
my service. Yamuna devi is in Srila Prabhupada's kitchen preparing lunch. This was always one of my
main services, after all, he taught me how to use the cooker in Dallas for two days. I learned very
quickly how fortunate I was. It took so long to do anything in India.

After massaging Srila Prabhupada I took a bath and dressed. I didn't know what to do with myself since
I didn't have to get his lunch ready. I started walking around the temple compound. I had never been
there before and felt a little lost both in my service and in India. It was so different being in Vrindaban. I
was trying to appreciate my good fortune being in Krishna's home and with his pure devotee. I finally
made my way to Srila Prabhupada's kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and offered obeisances. I never
considered how offensive I was to take such liberties. Srila Prabhupada was sitting there taking
prasadam. It was the very same spot he stayed for years devising his plan to conquer the world with
Krishna Consciousness. He looked with his beautiful glance and asked, "So, you have taken prasadam?"
"No, I replied, "I have just taken bath." Srila Prabhupada responded charmingly, "Oh, so you haven't
taken prasadam. Yamuna, fix him a plate of prasadam." I said, "No, that's all right. I will wait until you
are finished." He said, "No. Sit down and take prasadam."

I happily complied with his instruction, rascal that I was. I now realize it was one of the sweetest
moments of my life. Here I was taking prasadam with Srila Prabhupada. Just the two of us. In
Vrindaban. At Radha Damodara Temple. The mercy of the pure devotee has no limit.

Neither was I prepared for what followed. I realized that I had never tasted prasadam before. Also, I
have never cooked anything that was fit to be offered. Yamuna devi is an empowered devotee of the
Lord, sent here so that Srila Prabhupada could be feed sumptuously. Everything was incredible. The
chapatis she made and cooked so perfectly on the stove. The subjis were definitely from the spiritual
world. Sitting there with Srila Prabhupada I realized what I disservice I had been performing by cooking
for him. Sometimes he would say that I cooked "nice american prasadam." I knew what he meant by
that. What Yamuna cooked was transcendental.

It seemed like I had never eaten before. As we were finishing Srila Prabhupada said, "So, you like?" I
enthusiastically replied, "Yes, Srila Prabhupada. Very much." He smiled and said, "So, today she has
fixed your lunch. Now, tomorrow you cook for her. This is the Vedic custom. Today she has done some
service for you, now tomorrow you must serve her." I said, "Oh, yes Prabhupada."

At other times Srila Prabhupada said, "One has to always be ready to serve a person, not simply you are
always accepting service. You call someone 'prabhu'. Prabhu means master. What is the question of you
accepting service from your master. You are servant and you are calling them prabhu and accepting so
much service from your master. So, I am calling you 'prabhu'. It means I must render service. This
attitude must be there, that I am everyone's servant because I am calling everyone 'prabhu' ".

I never did cook for Yamuna devi. That would not have been service. It would have been an austerity
for her to have to eat my "american prasadam". Mataji, please forgive me for accepting service from
you. Srila Prabhupada, please forgive me for not following your instructions. I pray to be given the
ability to serve my spiritual master with the expertise of a surrendered soul, such as Yamuna devi dasi.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

p.s. Please forgive my errors. My wife, Kusa devi, is still in Vrindaban. She goes over my stories and
sanitizes them before posting. I have no ability to make them flow as my mind is a jumbled mass of
thoughts trying to spill out into print at the same time.

October 1972
Iskcon Vrindaban-Radha Damodara Temple

Since arriving here on October 15th Srila Prabhupada has been giving classes on the "Nectar of
Devotion" every evening in the courtyard near the Bhajana Kutir of Srila Rupa Goswami. This took
place during the month of Kartika. Srila Prabhupada had spoken about doing it on many occasions
before arriving. He was very excited. He said that all the classes would be in English, not in Hindi, for
the benefit of his disciples. On the plane to Delhi he said to me, "you can read from NOD and then I will
give purports." I was very happy to be given such an opportunity.

On the first evening Pradyumna took the service of reading from NOD. That was all right with me. I
had to record the lecture and take care of Srila Prabhupada's personal needs such as fanning him when
required. The courtyard was filled with his disciples and also many Brijbasis. Most of them didn't
understand English but that didn't matter. They were happy to have the association of a saintly person.

It was still light out during class. Parrots were busy getting back to their branches for the night. The
monkeys were creating havoc, as usual. The atmosphere was very transcendental, except for the flies.
They were buzzing around Srila Prabhupada while he was speaking. It was a great opportunity for me
to do some service. I picked up the camara fan and stood by my guru. I twirled the fan just like a pujari
performing aroti before the Deities. I felt so proud being able to perform such a service in front of my
Godbrothers. Up and down I waved the fan hardly noticing the flies were still bothering him. At one
point he lifted his arm and waved it across his face to chase the flies away. I was so absorbed in feelings
of grandeur it never occurred to me that I wasn't doing any service. I never came close to solving the

Finally, the cow dung hit the fan. My Spiritual Master glared at me and shouted, "Get someone up here
with some intelligence." I stood motionless for about a year. Immediately a young brahmacari by the
name of Kunjabihari took the fan from my sweaty hand and stood by Srila Prabhupada. He was
considered by some to be a rather eccentric devotee. At the time I would not have picked him for this
particular service.

I went back to my tape recorder. My mind was reeling along with it. I finally realized what it meant to
be 1/10,000 part the tip of a hair. I watched Kunjabihari. It seemed like he could put out a forest fire
with the intensity of his fanning. No fly was foolish enough to hang around as long as he was in town.
Seconds later all the flies were gone. Srila Prabhupada never stopped speaking to his disciples
throughout this ordeal. Just as I was starting to breath again Srila Prabhupada looked at Kunjabihari
with a smile and nodded approvingly of his disciples devotional service.

All I remember was getting up at the end of the lecture and walking alone towards Srila Prabhupada's
quarters. Before I could get inside a brahmacari came up to me and said, "Srutakirti, you are so
fortunate to get chastised like that by Srila Prabhupada." I forced a strained smile and said, "Yes."

It was the first time Srila Prabhupada chastised me before so many. It was difficult to accept. He was
so very kind to have cut down my false pride. He has blessed me with that again and again over the
years. He must do it because I still haven't learned the simple truth that I am "fool number one". He
keeps trying to teach me that service is for his pleasure not mine.

Srila Prabhupada, please give me another chance to fan you. No! I am still puffed up. Please, bless me
with the desire to fan your disciple, Kunjabihari das. He has pleased you by his service. That is the way
to make advancement in Krishna Consciousness.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

On a morning walk in Mayapur a devotee asked Srila Prabhupada, "Does the spiritual master know
everything?" Srila Prabhupada said, "The spiritual master knows everything that Krishna wants him to
know. Only Krishna can know everything."

It seemed that Srila Prabhupada knew everything about me. On a few occasions I would try to match
wits with Srila Prabhupada only to be quickly and utterly exposed and defeated. The following story is
the first example.

I was given brahmin initiation by Srila Prabhupada in New Dwarka Temple in August of 1971.
Kirtanananda Maharaja myself and a few other devotees drove from New Vrindaban to Los Angeles in
an enclosed van in 4 days. The ride was hellish but worth every minute.

The process of getting brahmin initiation was extremely blissful. I went into his quarters and offered
obeisances. Then as he held the new brahmin thread with his he whispered the Gayatri mantra into my
ear. It happened very quickly. When I left his room I was given a sheet of paper with the mantra on it.
After staying for a few days we took the long drive back to New Vrindaban, however, it didn't seem so

Soon tragedy struck. One morning about 3:00 a.m. I was bathing in a muddy little pond in total
darkness. I was hurrying because I had to prepare the Deities plates for the Mongala offering. While
throwing a bucket of water over my head I must have washed my sacred thread off my body. Hours
later when I discovered it I was brought to tears. The very thread that Srila Prabhupada gave me was
gone forever. My connection lost. A very bad omen.

October 1972 Iskcon Vrindaban-Radha Damodara Temple

Now, one year later I am Srila Prabhupada's personal servant. It is my service to place a new brahmin
thread on his desk every month. I would do it either on the full moon day or on an Ekadasi. Srila
Prabhupada went to take bath after getting his morning massage. While he bathed I laid fresh clothing
on his bed. Then, I would go into his sitting room and open up his mirror, place his ball of tilak beside it
and put his extremely small lota with water in it next to these items. After dressing he would sit at his
desk and put on tilak and say Gayatri mantra before taking lunch. Today was special because he would
chant on the new thread while holding his old one. It was special for me to because I was going to take
his discarded one so I could be connected again.

After he chanted Gayatri he walked across the verandah to the kitchen where Yamuna devi was cooking.
I walked into his sitting room and picked up his discarded thread only to discover that he had pulled
apart each of the threads. I couldn't believe it. In the two years that followed he never did that again. I
walked out of his room with the thread in my hand and sat on the verandah. I tied a knot in each of the
six threads, determined to make my connection again. It didn't matter to me that he had broken them. It
was still HIS thread. I sat contentedly on the verandah. Srila Prabhupada walked by after finishing his
lunch. I offered obeisances and sat up. He smiled at me and said, "The brahmin thread, you have
disposed of it?" I said, "Not yet, Srila Prabhupada." He said, "You should bury it underneath the Tulasi
plant in the temple courtyard. Put it in the dirt under the roots." All I could say was, "All right."

I couldn't believe it. He never said anything like that to me or any other servant before or after that. I
got to experience this mystic power of Srila Prabhupada's on other occasions. If you wanted something
he made you ask for it. He seemed to enjoy exposing my desires. I also enjoyed it very much. I could
have told him about losing my thread but that was not something I could do. I didn't like to ask Srila
Prabhupada for anything and I tried not to ask him questions since so many others were doing that on a
regular basis.

Srila Prabhupada please forgive me for not following your instructions. I never did bury the thread as
you asked. Thank you, Srila Prabhupada, for tolerating me.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

YS, Srutakirti dasa

December 1972
Iskcon Bombay

Before Srila Prabhupada's quarters were available in Juhu he stayed at one life members flat. His name
was Kartekeya Mahadevia. The facilities there were nice and Srila Prabhupada seemed comfortable.
Every morning Srila Prabhupada, Syamasundara das and I would take Kartakeya's car, an Ambassador,
and head towards a waterfront area for walking. The pavement was very wide and uncrowded.

One day while walking we passed a man laying down at the edge of the sidewalk. This was a somewhat
common sight on the streets of Bombay. On the way back we passed him for the second time. Srila
Prabhupada turned to us and said, "See that man lying there? He is dead." Srila Prabhupada continued
walking without further comment.

Once, when we got back to the car, Syamasundara could not get the key to work in the ignition. He
tried for several minutes. He said, "Srila Prabhupada, something is wrong. This is not going to work. I'll
go get a cab." He ran off leaving Srila Prabhupada and I sitting in the back seat of the car. After a few
minutes two well dressed Indian men opened the car doors and sat down in the front seat of the car. I
became frightened. Srila Prabhupada started talking to them in Hindi and appeared very calm. There
was even a smile on his face as he conversed with them. Suddenly, they put their key in the ignition and
the car started right up. They began to drive away.

I finally realized that we had been sitting in the wrong car. This is not so hard to imagine. Twenty five
years later the Ambassadors still look alike. The gentlemen insisted on taking Srila Prabhupada back to
his flat. Srila Prabhupada spoke to them the entire ride. He said, "We are sorry." They said, "No
problem. We'll take you back to where you are staying." They drove us back into town. When we
arrived Srila Prabhupada said, "You can come up and take prasadam." They replied, "No, we have to go
to work. We have business meetings. Thank you very much, Swamiji."
After getting out of the car Srila Prabhupada said to me, "This is the difference between India and
America. In America they would have said, 'Hey, what are you doing. Get out of my car.' Possibly beat
you. In India, still there is some culture. In India they see a sadhu and they have some respect. But in
your country they kick you out. They say, 'Get out of my car.'"

It is interesting to note that even in this situation Srila Prabhupada tried to get them to take prasadam.
This is something I saw on countless occasions. Srila Prabhupada wanted to see that everyone he came
in contact with received prasadam. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! YS, Srutakirti dasa

Summer 1973 Iskcon London-Bhaktivedanta Manor

In yesterdays uvaca Srila Prabhupada mentioned that some culture was still there in the Indian
community. This was apparent with Indians all over the world. Often times Srila Prabhuapda and his
disciples would be invited over to a life members house for a feast. His disciples were always very eager
to attend such a gathering as they would get Srila Prabhupada's association and opulent prasadam. I
don't ever remember Srila Prabhupada refusing an invitation. Sometimes he would give a short lecture
before prasadam was served. One such gathering took place when Srila Prabhupada was staying at the
manor. Several dozen devotees went to an Indian gentleman's house. The prasadam was opulent.

Srila Prabhupada described prasadam in different ways. He said, "The devotees should get sumptuous
prasadam. Simple but sumptuous. Sumptuous means very tasty. If the prasadam is tasty, you can go on
eating even if you are not hungry and if it is not tasty then you'll immediately loose your appetite.
Prasadam must be very nice for the devotees then everything else will be all right." He said, "Opulent
prasadam means ghee and sugar."

At the feast there was puris, halava, sweet rice and many other preps. I remember watching Srila
Prabhupada eat. It was always special. Normally, he would take prasadam alone in his room. I can not
do him justice by trying to describe the heavenly way he moved his fingers, hands and mouth as he took
prasadam but it was possible for even me to see that he was honoring Krishna prasadam. We all ate to
our full satisfaction.

When we returned to the manor Srila Prabhupada rang his bell. I trotted to his room and offered
obeisances. "So everyone has enjoyed prasadam? Everyone has enjoyed the feast?" he said with a smile.
I said, "Well actually, Srila Prabhupada, some of the devotees, they are not feeling so well. They are
saying that everything was fried in oil instead of ghee." Srila Prabhupada replied, "Well, what do you
expect.? I was watching them and I saw, Pradyumna, he ate so many puris and another devotee he ate so
much of the vegetable."

I was amazed. I noticed Srila Prabhupada eating but I had no idea he was observing so much. He could
do so many things at the same time without ever appearing to be doing anything at all. However, I still
had an observation of my own to give. "Yes, Srila Prabhupada." I said in agreement, "but I don't feel so
good, also, and I didn't eat very much at all." He said, "Yes. I know this. You didn't eat so much but I
do remember you ate four puris." In disbelief of what had just happened I could only say, "Yes,
Prabhupada, I guess I did." I offered obeisances and left the room still trying to figure out how he knew
all of this. He knew more about what I eat then I did. It was remarkable to me how he was so aware of
everything that was going on around him at a simple function. Thank you Srila Prabhupada for paying
such close attention to this useless person. I pray that I never forget all the time you spent patiently
instructing me in countless situations. You had such monumental service to perform but I am more
impressed by all the wonderful little things you did for me and still do for me every day. Please, let me
remember your kindness birth after birth. Separation from you is so very bitter sweet. It is a taste for
which I can't get enough.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

Summer 1973

Iskcon London-Bhaktivedanta Manor

Being with a pure devotee of the Lord for two years was the most wonderful opportunity to learn how
to act in Krishna Consciousness. For a person like me it was also an opportunity to make innumerable
offenses to a great soul. There are many activities etched in mind that bring joy but many others that
give me sorrow.

An Indian devotee at the manor had a son who was about 12 years old. This boy wanted to cook lunch
for Srila Prabhupada. His Divine Grace agreed to the proposal. I, having the mentality of a twelve year
old and no service attitude, thought it was a chance for me to take it easy in the morning. I did not
oversee any of the boys activities and had no idea if he was qualified to cook Srila Prabhupada's lunch. I
gave Srila Prabhupada his massage and then went back to my room.

The youngster brought Srila Prabhupada his lunch. The dahl was burned. The chapatis were hard
because they didn't puff up. The rice was undercooked. Srila Prabhupada sampled everything. The boy
returned to the kitchen to cook another chapati. At that time I went into Srila Prabhupada's room. He
said, "This prasadam, didn't you help?" I answered, "No, Prabhupada. I thought he was going to do it."
He said, "Yes, but you should have been with him, to make sure everything was all right. This is very
bad. How can I eat this?" At this moment the boy came back into the room with another chapati. Srila
Prabhupada said to him, "Everything is very nice. You have done very well." The youngster was very
happy. The boy had performed devotional service to the best of his ability and pleased his spiritual
master. I, needless to say, had committed a great offense by my lethargy. Srila Prabhupada didn't even
yell. It was difficult for me when he yelled but when he was angry with me and was silent that was more

I want to tell this incident to show another part of Srila Prabhupada's greatness. He could have had any
number of spiritually and materially qualified assistants with him to make his life easy but he accepted
service from me. He never asked me to leave him at any time. He accepted my incompetence gracefully.
He always made me feel appreciated despite my many shortcomings. I have seen Srila Prabhupada
forgive his disciples for so many offenses. This was certainly not the worst thing I have done to my
spiritual master but it involved serving him directly and that causes me sorrow.

Srila Prabhupada, don't kick me away. There is no safe place in this material world except at your
beautifully golden lotus feet. Please give me the desire to serve you and your movement for the duration
of my lives.

Your aspiring servant,

Srutakirti dasa

October 1973 Iskcon Bombay-Juhu Beach

I have to be honest and divide my association with Srila Prabhupada into three different categories. the
first would be wonderful. Yesterdays story, despite my inadequacies in serving him was wonderful
because I was able to witness Srila Prabhupada's mercy and kindness. The second type is more
wonderful. This would include being able to massage him and cook for him on a daily basis. Massaging
him was particularly sweet for me. But, better then that were some very special moments which can
only be described as being most wonderful. Today I need to tell such a story.

It is around 10:00 p.m. and Srila Prabhupada is ready for his evening massage. Here in his Juhu flat he
had a separate bedroom. It is especially nice in Juhu because of the mosquitoes. Yes, because of the
misquitoes, I have to get under the misquitoe net with Srila Prabhupada. It is very intimate for me in
this situation. Srila Prabhupada laying down and me sitting on the bed by his feet. I felt like I was
camping out with my spiritual master, like two youngsters in the woods. Tonight, Srila Prabhupada
assisted me in this fantasy.

While I was rubbing his body gently he said, "One of my favorite things, when I was young was my
shoes. Once, my father bought me a pair of shoes. They were imported from England. They had soft
leather uppers and hard leather souls. At the time, perhaps they cost six rupees. That was a fortune. In
India 70 years ago 6 rupees was a lot of money. I liked my shoes very much. I remember I used to wear
them to school."

At that point he stopped speaking for a few minutes. I was caught up in Srila Prabhupada's bliss. I tried
to imagine him walking around in his shoes. Still massaging his transcendental form I smiled and said,
"Prabhupada, when you walked to school, did you look at your shoes as you were walking?" He began
laughing loudly and said, "Yes, I would look down at my shoes. I liked them so much, these shoes."

He spoke about a few other childhood memories that night. Some I mentioned previously and others I
will tell later. That was a "most wonderful" night for me. I could have stayed there forever massaging
him and listening to these stories. It was like hearing Krishna book stories for the first time. His memory
was so incredible. When he spoke about his childhood it seemed like he was there. I couldn't imagine
what my qualification was to be able to have shared these moments with him. Now, I can understand
that he wasn't describing these pastimes for my pleasure alone. He was telling me so that I could
describe them to all of his followers. I hope that I can relate them with at least a hint of the nectar that I
felt as he told me such sublime pastimes.

Thank you Srila Prabhupada for sharing your memories with me. I had no qualification to hear them
from any source and somehow was able to hear them from your Divine self. I have no qualification to
describe them but I must because you have told them to me and it is my pleasurable duty to spread your
glories all over the three worlds. I will never understand this.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupda! YS, Srutakirti dasa

March 1973 Iskcon Mayapur

This was my first trip to Mayapur with Srila Prabhupada. It was before the guest house was built. The
facilities where he stayed were very austere. Basically, it was the goshala, a thatched hut. It had been
prepared for his stay. Srila Prabhupada stayed in one room and the rest of us stayed on the other side of
a partition.

I had never seen so many mosquitoes in my life. It was so bad that by the time I had the net over his bed
there were already mosquitoes inside the net. One night, after we both climbed under the net I was
massaging his legs. I said, "There are so many mosquitoes. Should I kill them, Srila Prabhupada?" He
said, "Yes! They are attacking. According to Sastra, if one is being attacked, you have the right to
defend yourself. And, they are attacking." So, I was massaging and watching. Whenever I saw one in
the air I would raise my hands and clap them together. Sometimes I would gently smack Srila
Prabhupada's body as one landed on his head or back. It was the most unusual service I had ever done
but I enjoyed it immensely. I never considered my self much of a warrior but this enemy was no match
for me. I had finally been given a service I was good at, killing insects. Srila Prabhupada was so very

He also had the best description of these pesky insects. One morning he rang his bell very early. I walked
into his room very slowly still half asleep. He looked at me with a touch of anger and said, "Some
mosquito, last night, he was cutting my forehead. He created so much disturbance. He made it difficult
for me to do my translating work." It was incredible. No matter what was going on Srila Prabhupada
always related it to Krishna and his service. It was never about bodily inconvenience. He would only
complain about something interfering with his service. Of course for the two years I was with him that is
all I saw, Srila Prabhupada engaged in service to his guru maharaja and Srila Prabhupada in the state of
bliss. This always went on simultaneously.

It was very chilly there in the evening but Srila Prabhupada didn't complain about it. He did complain
about the unnecessary talk that would go on amongst his disciples. Since we were all staying in the same
room any talking that was going on could be heard by him. He said, "Tell them to be quiet. All this talk
is not good. Simply they are gossiping. Tell them to stop."

This was not easy for me to do because these devotees were usually my senior godbrothers. I would tell
them that Prabhupada asked for quiet. This same scenario occurred here months later when he stayed at
the guest house. Mayapura was such a quiet place in '72-73 that any talking could be heard by Srila
Prabhupada quite well. Whenever Srila Prabhupada was at a temple many of his disciples would come
together. This was a perfect situation for devotees to exchange stories about this person and that person,
etc. etc. Srila Prabhupada said, "Why must everything deteriorate into this idle talk, idle discussion. This
is wasting time, destroying Krishna Consciousness."

I always watered it down before telling it to my godbrothers. I just didn't have the nerve to tell it as he
told me. I never heard him mention it to anyone when they were in his room but he sure did let me know
about it.

This was a quality of Srila Prabhupada's. He was very careful not to discourage anyone through
criticism. If they were capable of dealing with it he would chastise. Otherwise he was the greatest
transcendental diplomat there ever was. His only goal was to infect as many people as possible with love
of Krishna and if you had the chance of associating with him personally then there was a strong
possibility of becoming deeply attached to him no matter how hard you fight it.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

January 25-31 Iskcon Calcutta

This was definitely Srila Prabhupada's home town. There was a very relaxed atmosphere here. The
temple was situated on the second floor. There was a modest sized temple room and Srila Prabhupada's
room was at the end of the building. The nicest part of the facility was the open marble verandah that
ran the width of the building. It overlooked a pond that was across the street.

There seemed to be no stopping the flow of guests into his room. This was different from other temples
where there was much more control. I remember when he would take rest in the afternoon. I would lie
down in front of the doors of his room so that no one could enter. It was one of my favorite services,
getting the chance to be his guard dog. That is how little control there was of guests. Srila Prabhupada
knew it was the home town crowd and he was especially gracious to visitors. There was always a few
boxes of milks sweets kept in his room that were purchased at the local sweets shops. Sandesh of many
varieties were the best tasting in the world. Srila Prabhupada always emphasized, "All guests should be
given prasadam"

One day I noticed that a box of sweets were covered with ants. I thought if I showed them to Srila
Prabhupada he would tell me to discard them. Then I could dust off the ants and keep them for myself.
I lustfully walked into his room and offered obeisances. I told him of the dilemma. He smiled at me, no
doubt reading my mind and said, "That's all right, they don't eat very much." He then said, "Go get a
thali (a plate with a 1" rim around it) and put water in it. Then you can put a pot in that up side down
and put the sweets on the pot. That will make a moat so the ants can't get at the sweets." One of Srila
Prabhupada's transcendental characteristics is that he never, ever wasted anything. This quality will
manifest itself in many pastimes.

One afternoon while lying outside his room I heard him moaning. I didn't know what to do. A few
times I looked in and saw him tossing and turning on his bed. He didn't call for me but I couldn't take it
any more. Finally, I rushed into his room and said, "Srila Prabhupada, what's wrong?" He said, "My
stomach, very painful. It must have been something I ate. It's very, very painful." He didn't ask for any
assistance. I remained in the room and began to gently rub his stomach.

Later he said, "It must have been that coconut katchorie my sister made me for lunch. It was not
cooked, the coconut was very difficult to digest. It is causing me very much pain." Throughout the
evening different devotees took turns rubbing his body. The pain continued all night long. With each
breath he took he would let out a sigh. In the morning the kaviraja came. He confirmed what Srila
Prabhupada had said. When I went into his room at 4:00 a.m. he said, "This katchorie has created havoc.
All night I have not been able to rest. It has created havoc in my life."

Srila Prabhupada please forgive me. Because of voluntarily accepting the reactions to my sinful
activities you have had to endure suffering. I have watched you deal with it quietly, never complaining.
I am forever indebted for what you have done for me.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

July 7-8, 1973

Iskcon London--Ratha Yatra Festival

The second half of yesterdays story about the katchorie took place in Calcutta during the first week of
July. This is significant because after this episode Srila Prabhupada was deciding where he would travel
to next. This was always an exciting adventure. On this occasion the senior devotees were suggesting
that perhaps Srila Prabhupada should go Hawaii or Los Angeles so that he could rest. However, there
was an invitation from the devotees in London to attend the Ratha Yatra festival.

Srila Prabhupada was very expert in engaging his disciples so that they could develop their love and
attachment for him. The process of deciding where to travel occurred over and over again, wherever
Srila Prabhupada was staying. He would allow his disciples to suggest places and reasons why he
should go there. Hawaii was mentioned often because of the nice weather and good fruit. He would
listen to his disciples' opinions and then do whatever he wanted. It was a great deal of fun, once I
became acquainted with the process.

Sometimes, he would travel to cities all over the world without ever leaving his sitting room. The most
important thing for his secretary to know was that until he said, "send a telegram" or "tell them to send
us tickets" it was only a suggestion by Srila Prabhupada. It kept his disciples around the world busy
painting temples blue and white. These were considered Srila Prabhupada's favorite colors. I'm not
sure, but sometimes I think Srila Prabhupada considered all temples outside of India had the fragrance of
an M.A.B. paint store.

On this occasion he said to me, "Srutakirti, what do you think? Should I go to London and attend the
Ratha Yatra festival or should I go to Hawaii and rest." I had been with Srila Prabhupada for almost one
year and I knew he would do whatever he wanted. I was thrilled that he would even ask for my opinion.
Just that one acknowledgment by him was enough to last for my entire life. I responded quickly, "Srila
Prabhupada, if you go to the Ratha Yatra festival in London so many people will be benefited by you
association." He smiled broadly and said, "Yes, I think your observation is correct." After listening to
everyone Srila Prabhupada said, "Thank you for the advice. I am going to London for the Ratha Yatra."

It was an amazing festival. My perspective was limited, since I stayed by Srila Prabhupada's side but it
was filled with adventure. Srila Prabhupada was very enthusiastic. His vyasasana was available on the
Ratha cart but he decided that he wanted to walk with the devotees. Srila Prabhupada was walking in
front of the cart clapping his hands to the beat of the kirtan. He would raise his hands in the air
encouraging everyone to dance. He looked like the supreme puppeteer. As he raised his hands
everyone would leap into the air in ecstasy. It didn't require any purification. If you were near him, you
were in bliss. Except for the bobbies (policemen). They were looking for someone in charge. They
wanted to calm everyone down. They were keen enough to realize that if they could control Srila
Prabhupada, they could control the "unruly" crowd.

Somehow or other they thought I was an 'associate' of your Divine Grace One of the bobbies said,
"You'll have to tell your leader to sit down. He's causing too much of a disturbance. Everyone is
becoming wild and we can't control the crowd." I said, "All right" and then did nothing. It was apparent
that Srila Prabhupada was in charge of this festival. I had no idea who was attending but Srila
Prabhupada was visibly ecstatic. They approached me again, more firmly, saying, "You must tell him.
He'll have to sit down." Again I agreed. With fear of reprisal I tapped Srila Prabhupada on his shoulder
and said, "Prabhupada, the policemen, they want you to sit down. They say that you are creating havoc
here in the parade." Srila Prabhupada looked through me for a brief moment. He quickly turned away
with his arms still raised in the air. Smilingly majestically, he continued walking with a bounce in his
step. He allowed everyone present to enter into his world of bliss. He never stopped. He walked the
length of the parade. The bobbies gave up their attack. They were no match for the pure devotee and
the Lord of the Universe.

Srila Prabhupada, when I said that so many people would be benefited by your association, I had no idea
of the plans you had. You were an ocean of mercy, that was being freely given to everyone attending.
Please forgive me for tapping you on your shoulder that day. Due to my dullness I attempted to distract
you from your mission. Thank you for ignoring my countless shortcomings.

YS, Srutakirti
March 16-18, 1973
Iskcon Mayapur

While staying in the small facility at the front of the property Srila Prabhupada would sometimes walk
outside and observe his disciples taking prasadam. At that time, the area where they took prasadam was
just behind Srila Prabhupada's quarters. In these conditions he considered his disciples like pioneers,
undergoing great austerities to help him in his mission. In most places in India the conditions were fair,
at best. Srila Prabhupada was anxious to have guest facilities built so that his disciples would have
adequate living arrangements.

The devotees used a small kerosene stove to cook puris. There was no permanent cooking facility.
They were cooking outside, near the area where they took prasadam. Cooking was going on as the
devotees were eating so, they were being brought hot puris continually. At this particular time of the
year date trees were tapped for their sap and it was cooked down into an incredibly tasty gore. One day
Srila Prabhupada left his room to use the meager bathroom facility. As I mentioned before he always
took pleasure in seeing his disciples honoring prasadam. The process was so wonderful. He would
come outside and, of course, everyone would offer obeisances. He would say, "Go on. Take prasadam."
The exchange between Srila Prabhupada and his disciples was so sweet. He looked down and saw the
combination of hot puris and date gore and said, "Oh, very good combination."

Later on in his room he said to me, "This is not a very good practice...the devotees having puris made
on the spot, hot like that. This is not our system. You just take prasadam. Are we so high, lofty. These
devotees have to be getting hot puris, one after another. This is not good. This must be stopped."
Later on that day I transferred the message to one of the temple administrators so that Srila
Prabhupada's wishes could be carried out.

September 1973 Iskcon Bombay--Juhu Beach

This morning when we arrived Srila Prabhupada informed me that he would take the Deity's maha for
his lunch. I was happy with this instruction because it would make things easier since no one had yet
arrived who could prepare his lunch. When the maha arrived from the temple I started to heat it up.
While I was in the kitchen a devotee came in and said Srila Prabhupada wants his prasadam now. I said,
"I am heating it up. I will bring it in right away." They came back in a flash and said," Srila Prabhupada
is angry, he wants it now." I went into the room trembling and offered my obeisances. He was yelling
before I lifted my head, "Why are you heating up the prasadam. Maha prasadam is not to be heated up.
I want it now. I didn't want it heated up. I just wanted the prasadam. You bring it now."

Being with Srila Prabhupada was never boring. So often devotees have said to me that it must have been
very difficult to be Srila Prbhupda's personal servant. It was indeed. I think it must have been much
more difficult for Srila Prabhupada to have had me as his personal servant. I still have no idea how much
nonsense he had to tolerate because of my bad habits. He had so much patience and tolerance. There
were so many things to learn from him. He often said, "Krishna consciousness is common sense." Srila
Prabhupada please benedict me with common sense so that I can begin to serve you according to your

YS, Srutakirti dasa

May 1973
LA Iskcon--New Dwarka
It was about 5:00 p.m. I was lying down on my mat in the servant quarters half asleep when I heard the
bell ring. I walked towards Srila Prabhupada's sitting room. I tried to compose myself. I realized that I
was still affected by the mode of ignorance. I went into Srila Prabhupada's room and offered obeisances.
I sat up hoping he wouldn't notice my condition. I was in worse shape then I realized. He was more
conscious of my illusion then I was.

That statement may seem elementary but I had always thought that Srila Prabhupada had too many
other things to concern himself with then my Krishna Consciousness. He looked at me with concern and
said, "So, why you are not chanting?" Wow! Was I caught of guard. Srila Prabhupada was very expert at
confronting you when you least expected it. I didn't know what to say. So, I said something stupid but
honest. "Srila Prabhupada, I am having a difficult time. It is hard sitting in my room all day chanting and
reading." His reply was extraordinary. He said, "I am sitting here all day, also. I simply go out once a day
on a walk. The rest of the day, I am just sitting here and I am not having any difficulty." Srila
Prabhupada said this with a straight face.

I responded quickly, "I am not like you Srila Prabhupada. You are like Haridas Thakur. I am not very
transcendental. I have to keep myself busy. Maybe I could do some typing for you?" Still looking very
serious he said, "What are we going to do?" I said, "Srila Prabhupada, I don't know." He said, "Call
Karandhara." As I mentioned in previous stories Srila Prabhupada would say these words often when he
was in Los Angeles because Karandhara was a doer, he was always serious. We went into Srila
Prabhupada's room together and offered obeisances. Srila Prabhupada said to Karandhara, "Srutakirti is
having trouble. He is not chanting. He says he needs something to do to keep him busy. What shall we

Karandhara, looking very intense, as always said, "We have to get him some engagement, somehow."
Srila Prabhupada said, "Yes! I have an idea. I am translating 'Srimad Bhagavatam' here in this room. So,
I will start translating the 'Caitanya-Cartimarta' in the study. In this room I have my dictaphone and I will
do 'Srimad Bhagavatam' and in my study you can put another dictaphone machine and I can start
translating 'Caitanya-Caritamrta'." Looking at me he said, "So, you can type it. You can prepare
everything for editing. In this way I will keep you busy and I will keep Pradyumna busy with editing. Is
that all right?" I enthusiastically responded, "Yes. Srila Prabhupada. Thank you."

Karandhara and I set up the study so that Srila Prabhupada could begin work on the 'Sri Caitanya-
Caritamrta'. Early the next morning when Srila Prabhupada went into the bathroom to get ready for his
morning walk I went into the study and took the tape out of the machine. He had done some
translating. That day I enthusiastically chanted my rounds knowing that my Spiritual Master loved me
more then I could imagine. Later in the day I transcribed the tape. There wasn't much on it but he was
still doing Srimad Bhagavatam in the other room, so that was understandable. The next day when I went
into the study to get the tape I saw that it hadn't been used. He didn't do anymore translating of 'Sri
Caitanya Caritamrta' the rest of the time we were in Los Angeles but that didn't matter to me. He had lit
a tiny spark in me by caring so much.

Six months later in the study in Los Angeles, where he did the first hour of translating on 'Sri Caitanya-
Caritamrta" he said to me, "You should become expert in 'Caitanya-Caritamrta' and give classes on it." I
nodded and smiled not knowing how it could ever happen.

Srila Prabhupada I know that by your causeless mercy anything is possible. If I could develop for you a
fraction of the love that you have shown for me my life would be successful. I pray that in some far
distant life I will be able to understand my relationship to your Divine Self.

Begging to be your servant, Srutakirti dasa

Srila Prabhupada on chanting japa.

It is easy to understand that Srila Prabhupada enjoyed chanting japa. He always stressed to us the
importance of chanting our 16 rounds. He told me that as a householder he used a simple process for
completing 16 rounds that we could apply. He said, "When I was a householder I would chant 4 rounds
before each meal and 4 rounds before retiring in the evening. In this way 16 rounds could be chanted
without difficulty." He laughed and said, "If you don't take prasadam before chanting your 4 rounds
then you will be sure to get them chanted."

In New Dwarka he said to me, "In the evening, if I get tired, I walk and chant." Looking at me he said,
"If you are tired, then walk and chant like I do. Sometimes, if I am tired I pace back and forth in the
room. Simply, in one room you can do everything. If you are tired, you can stand up and chant, like I
do." It was very common to see Srila Prabhupada walking around in his quarters or sitting in his rocking
chair, chanting rounds. Sometimes in the evening he would chant rounds while I was giving him massage
in bed. Sometimes, he would say, "There, I'm finished." Once in New Dwarka I was in his sitting room
cleaning around his desk. He was sitting behind his desk chanting japa. As he pulled down a counter
bead he looked at me with a beautiful smile and said humorously, "There, I have finished my 16 rounds.
Now I can do any damn thing I want."

Sometimes devotees would ask Srila Prabhupada about following certain rules in regards to Ekadasi or
following Catur mas. Srila Prabhupada responded, "My disciples, they cannot even chant 16 rounds and
follow the principles. What is the use of these other rules and regulations. First, just do these things. Do
the simple things that I ask you to do. Don't concern yourself with all these rituals. First, chant your 16
rounds and follow the principles."

One day a brahmacari entered Srila Prabhupada's room and told him that he had fallen down with a
woman. He told Srila Prabhupada that perhaps he should get married. Srila Prabhupada answered,
"Marriage. Why do you think marriage is going to solve your difficulties? You should chant. Just chant
Hare Krishna. Chant your 16 rounds." There were so many times that devotees went into Srila
Prabhupada's room with a problem they were hoping he would solve with some particular arrangement.
His solution was always the same. "Chant Hare Krishna, chant your 16 rounds." He developed the
phrase, "Just do it" long before Nike.

He once told a disciple, "If there is some difficulty, you chant loudly. If there is some agitation, chant out
loud." One time is was brought to his attention that a senior devotee was not attending Mangal Arati or
chanting rounds, at least with the other devotees. Srila Prabhupada said, "Do it to set the example for
the other devotees. You, yourself are very advanced. You do not need to attend Mangal Arati but you
should set the example for those that require it."

Thank you Srila Prabhupda for being the Acarya. You always taught by example. You chanted rounds.
You said three Gayatri mantras a day, rose early in the morning and put tilaka on your transcendental
body. You never asked any disciple to do something you were not doing yourself. You always practiced
what you preached. You showed us practically how a pure devotee conducts himself. I have been in
illusion since time immemorial but I pray that I am never deluded into thinking that this process of
devotional service is only for the neophyte.
YS, Srutakirti dasa

September 1972 Los Angeles, California

Iskcon New Dwarka

Srila Prabhupada took great pleasure in hearing his disciples chanting the Maha Manta but sometimes
he wanted them to do it elsewhere. In New Dwarka in 1972 the temple room was what is now the
museum. It was against Srila Prabhupada's quarters. It was about 2:00 in the afternoon. There was a
male devotee in the temple chanting his rounds, very loudly. Srila Prabhupada was resting and so were
Sri Sri Rukmini Dwarkadisa. Srila Prabhupada didn't even ring his bell to call me. He opened the door
of his room and shouted down the stairway, "Tell that devotee that the Deities are taking rest and that he
should be quiet. Tell them to shut up." Srila Prabhupada was very humble. He could have said that he
was resting and didn't want to be disturbed but that was not the way he presented it.

June 1973
Mayapur India
Iskcon MayapurChandrodaya Mandir

Srila Prabhupada and his entourage had rooms on half of the second floor of the guest house. The other
half of the floor was open to devotee guests. There is a beautiful verandah that goes around the entire
facility. Sometimes Srila Prabhupada would walk on the verandah and chant japa. Devotees would
sometimes hang around at the other end of the verandah hoping to catch a glimpse of His Divine Grace.
One morning an elder godbrother of mine was walking back and forth chanting japa on the marble
verandah. My instincts told me that he was chanting to loud and that Srila Prabhupada might be
disturbed. I had some experience from before. Srila Prabhupada relished his quiet ecstasy. I said,
"Prabhu, perhaps you could chant a little softer, Srila Prabhupada might not like it." He looked at me
like I was crazy. I think he had the idea that Srila Prabhupada would be pleased by his devotion. He left
me in the dust and continued with his chanting.

Within a few minutes the bell rang. I already knew what was going to happen and have to admit I was
in bliss. I hurried into Srila Prabhupada's sitting room and offered obeisances. Srila Prabhupada said
angrily, "Who is that chanting out there?" If they want to chant loudly, tell them to go into the temple
room and chant before the Deities." I happily exposed the culprit and rushed back outside. This time I
had a rather smug look on my face. After all I was armed with the 'Srila Prabhupada Cakra' weapon. I
was indestructible. Needless to say after conveying Srila Prabhupada's message he went on his way with
a new attitude.

Srila Prabhupada, you told me, "The first class servant knows what his master wants and does it without
being asked." There were so many occasions when I knew from experience what you wanted but do to
my weakness of character was unable to carry it out. I always tried to be quiet. You said, "for oneself
the devotee is meek and humble but for Krishna and His pure devotee he becomes like the lion." Thank
you for always showing these characteristics. YS, Srutakirti dasa

Srila Prabhupada mastery of English

There are so many times Srila Prabhupada would take the English language and adapt to suit his
requirements, usually with humorous results. Some, I have mentioned in previous posts. When he was
in Hawaii on the morning walk he would look out into the ocean and momentarily watch the surfers. He
always called them "sufferers".
In the U.S.A. when he talked about the democratic form of government, instead of calling it democracy
he used the word "demon crazy". When I was first with Srila Prabhupada sometimes he would ring his
bell and when I entered the room he would say, "Where is punditji?" This was an affectionate term for
his Sanskrit editor. After several months his Sanskrit editor was not always readily available. Srila
Prabhupada began calling me to his room and saying, "Where is banditji?"

In Delhi, Brahmananda das and I were sitting in Srila Prabhupada's quarters. I began drying up the floor
by his clay water pot because water was seeping threw and collecting on the floor. Brahmananda said,
"Srila Prabhupada, the water is coming out of the pot a little." Srila Prabhupada said, "Yes, I believe
they call it percolating. Is that right Brahmananda?" He said, "I really don't know Srila Prabhupada." I
thought his description was close but off the mark. We had been brought up hearing the term daily
because our parents drank coffee that was brewed in a percolator. Brahmananda, an English major,
looked up the word in the dictionary and found Srila Prabhupada's description to be most accurate.

One of my particular favorite terms occurred during an evening massage in New Dwarka. He was laying
in bed on his back. I was kneeling on the floor next to his bed massaging his legs. At one point he looked
at me with a smile and pointed to his feet and said, "Do my fingers." I became confused and knelt there
motionless for a few seconds. He pointed to his toes again. He had a bigger smile on his face and said,
"My fingers, massage my fingers." I finally knew what he meant and I said, "Oh! Your toes. You want
me to massage your toes." Still smilingly broadly he said, "Yes! My fingers. Do my fingers." This same
conversation occurred three more times in the future during the evening massage. Each time Srila
Prabhupada did it to me I would be caught off guard and become confused for a moment. It was
incredibly sweet.

Sometimes during the evening massage Srila Prabhupada would go into samadhi. This would be scary
for me because once he gave me an instruction, "You massage until I become tired. Not until you
become tired." This occurred during morning massage. I began to move from one part of his body to
the next without him telling me to. He let it go on for a few days before chastising me about my laziness.
Anyway, in the evening it was possible to massage him for hours without him saying anything. He would
close his eyes. After some time I would begin to rub a little harder hoping that he would notice I was
still there. Other times he would say to me, "Are you tired?" I always said, "Oh, no Prabhupada." There
were times when I dozed off while massaging him.

Sometimes Srila Prabhupada would close his eyes while I was massaging his feet. When this happened I
would place my head on the bottom of those two beautiful lotus feet. I was always very greedy. It wasn't
enough that I massaged his feet everyday. I needed more. The massage would end with Srila Prabhupada
sweetly saying, "All right, that's enough." Now there was more nectar. I got to watch as he would sit up
and grab his covers and in one motion place his head on the pillow while at the same time pulling the
covers over his head. I can't do it justice by trying to describe it but it was most endearing to watch.
Other times he would say, "I hate taking rest, it is a complete waste of time. I wish I didn't ever have to
take rest. I am simply wasting my time."

Srila Prabhupada, forgive my offensive behavior thinking that there was something you didn't know or
understand. I have finally realized what you were teaching me with your gentle lessons. If you say your
toes are fingers, they are fingers. Thank you for letting me massage your 20 fingers.

YS, Srutakirti dasa


January 1973; Bombay, India

For six weeks Srila Prabhupada stayed at the flat of Kartekaya Mahadevia. From the ground floor there
was a very small two man elevator that could be used to get to Srila Prabhupada's rooms. One morning
Srila Prabhupada, Tamal Krishna Goswami and I were headed toward the elevator on the way to the
morning walk. As Srila Prabhupada's servant, I was expecting to get in the elevator with him but Tamal
Krishna Goswami went in first, so there was no room for me. As the doors closed on me I turned
quickly and ran down 2 flights of stairs. I arrived at the elevator doors just in time to open them for Srila
Prabhupada and help him out of the elevator. As we walked away Tamal Krishna Maharaja looked at me
and started laughing. He said, "Srila Prabhupada, Srutakirti is really expert." Srila Prabhupada replied
with a smile, "Yes, 'kirti' means expert." He continued towards the car without saying anything else on
the subject.

Being Srila Prabhupada's servant was filled with adventure and suspense. Whatever was going on
seemed to be filled with a certain electricity. Every month I would get the opportunity to shave his head
with the electric clippers. Srila Prabhupada was not a passive recipient during this process. He would
move around and that made me more frightened. He very kindly helped me be 'Prabhupada Conscious".
When I first did it, after making one pass over his head he said, "Turn the shaver off in between each
stroke so it doesn't get hot. This wasn't so difficult. Then, came the really tricky part, shaving around his
ears. It seemed like every time I got close to his beautiful ears he would say, "Be careful of my ears." I
was very careful. By Krishna's grace there never was a mishap during this service. Plus, I had the
opportunity to put many devotees into ecstasy by distributing Srila Prabhupada's hair.

The most simple arrangements could be the cause of anxiety, especially in India. In Mayapura in 1973 I
would put an immersion heater in a brass bucket filled with water to warm it for his bath. Naturally it
didn't always work. The heaters would burn out or the electricity would go off. Srila Prabhupada would
be ready for bath with no warm water. He shouted, "Why don't I have any hot water for bath?" In
Vrindaban at Radha Damodara temple when he stayed on the second floor he said, "You can place a
bucket of water outside on the roof and the sun will heat it sufficiently for taking bath." That usually
worked, except when the monkeys decided they wanted to drink from it and then knock the bucket over.

Then there were the countless mornings Srila Prabhupada would pass by me on the way to his bathroom
and say "Datong is there?" When he said that I already knew it meant I had forgotten to put his twig in
the bathroom so he could brush his teeth. When I was with him Srila Prabhupada used a twig to brush
his teeth, not a toothbrush. The best was from the neem tree. This was easy to get in India. You could
go to a store and buy them by the bunch. However, in New York City it wasn't so easy to get any kind
of twig, anywhere. Somehow, I would manage to get something. The most important quality is that the
wood had to become bristly when you chewed on the end. His personal servant was supposed to be sure
that wherever in the world Srila Prabhupada was he would have the facility to follow his schedule. It
was amazing. He did so much traveling but maintained his regulation as if the term 'jet lag' was only
imagination. I was mediocre, at best in performing my duties. Thank you Srila Prabhupada for tolerating
me as I fumbled through me service. YS, Srutakirti dasa

November 1973; Bombay, India; Camp: Iskcon Juhu

This evening Srila Prabhupada called me into his room. When I entered he said, "This evening you can
make me some puffed rice and peanuts. It will fill me but it is not heavy. What I ate last night made it
difficult for me to get up and do my translating work. With puffed rice there is no indigestion." I left his
room and began to prepare the puffed rice and peanuts. He told me to serve it with sliced cucumber and
ginger root on the side. First a chaunce was made, then the puffed rice and peanuts were put into the
wok and cooked until all the grains were toasted. I brought it to his room along with hot milk,
sweetened with sugar. Shortly after he finished his meal he called me in and told me it was time for

He sat up or laid on his back for evening massage and in his Juhu flat I would sit on his bed beside him
because the mosquito net surrounded his bed. The room was very peaceful. As I was massaging his legs
he said, "My mother, she made very first class puffed rice. She had a special wok. A very thick wok, so
you could make it hot. You put sand in the wok and fire it very hot. You would throw the rice in and mix
it up. It would puff in the hot sand. Then you sifted it so all the sand would fall through. When sifting
you had to be sure and clean it very well until all the sand was gone."

He stopped for a moment and then continued, "She would give it to us often. This puffed rice is very
nice. She was a very a first class cook. Everything she made, she made nicely. It was natural. My sister
also, she was a very good cook, from watching my mother. In the Vedic society it was the woman's duty.
All day the women were engaged in cooking. The husband and children they took nice prasadam and
everyone was happy. The woman's day was spent cooking and drying out foodstuffs. Storing and
preparing all different kinds of foodstuff and cooking down milk and making ghee. In this way they were
all very expert. In the Vedic culture, whenever there was some gathering, all the women would get
together. Whatever feast there was, everyone would bring something. In this way they could have big

Still absorbed in his childhood pastimes he continued, "When we were young there was no want of food.
We always had plenty of food. In mango season we would have a bushel basket of mangoes in the
house. When we were children, we would run through the house, playing. We would grab mangoes as
we were running through. All through the day we could eat mangoes. It wasn't you had to think, 'Oh,
can I have a mango?' Plenty of food was there. So life was simple. My father, he didn't talk much but he
always provided enough food. There was no difficulty."


YS, Srutakirti dasa

As Srila Prabhupada's servant there were very few times I had a question on an instruction he gave.
Actually, I only remember one time. Srila Prabhupada received a letter from a devotee asking sanction to
divorce his wife and permission to marry another. Being present when Srila Prabhupada replied to the
letter I was shocked when he gave permission. It bothered me throughout the day. I understood our
philosophy to be that no divorce was allowed. Many times I heard him speak against divorce. I knew it
happened but I didn't think Srila Prabhupada would condone it. I kept thinking, "This is not what Srila
Prabhupada would do."

I couldn't hold it in any longer. It was evening massage time. I was massaging him for about one half
hour when I blurted out, "Prabhupada I want to ask you something. This devotee who is asking about
the divorce..." He interjected, "Oh yes, I told him he can do it." I continued, "Yes, I know. I was
wondering. You always say that divorce is against Vedic principles. There can never be any divorce." He
said, "Yes, but in this society these things are accepted. So we can allow this."

I wasn't feeling satisfied. Srila Prabhupada seemed indifferent about it. It was a quality in him I hadn't
observed on such a matter. I said, "Yes, but in this society they accept meat eating and intoxication. All
these things are accepted. Why aren't any of these things allowed?" My most merciful spiritual master
replied with compassion in his voice, "Well, actually whether I give him permission or not, he is going to
get the divorce. So if I tell him, 'No, you can't get it' and he does it that, will be a serious offense. If I
say, 'Yes, you can do it' because he is going to do it anyway, then the offense is not so great." I was
relieved. It was why I thought he did it but I needed him to confirm just how incredibly compassionate
he was to all of us.

February 1973; Jakarta, Indonesia

While staying at a life members house some Indian guest came to visit Srila Prabhupada. While there,
one of them said, "Swamiji, we want you to ask us to build a temple. We want to build a temple for you
but we want your blessings. We want you to ask us." Srila Prabhupada started laughing and said, "No,
no. If you want to build a temple, it is all right. Build a temple. We will man it for you." The gentleman
said, "Swamiji, we want you to give us your blessings, to ask us to make the temple. We are wanting the
benediction." Srila Prabhupada still smiling and laughing said, "No, no. If I ask you to do it and you
don't do it, then it will be offensive. If you don't comply, that will be your fall down. That is very bad. If
you do it on your own that is good but if you don't do it there is no harm done because I haven't told
you to do it."

Srila Prabhupada you showed us what it means to be a leader and how to give instructions without false
ego. I was always amazed how you would call me into your room and after I offered obeisances you
would look at me and say with innocence yet seriously, "Can you give me massage now?" With disbelief
I could only say, "Prabhupada, that is why I am here. I am waiting to serve you." You made it is so very
easy to want to serve you. Please let the memories of being with you flow into my thick skull. You have
spoiled me. I am so arrogant. Although I am full of faults I compare everyone to you and am unable to
serve them. I must sit here and spread your glories so I don't dry up and blow away.

Your useless servant, Srutakirti dasa

June, 1975; Honolulu, Hawaii; Camp: New Navadvipa

This morning Srila Prabhupada did something most unusual. He called me into his room at about 1:30
a.m. Normally, Srila Prabhupada would go out of his way to see that I wasn't disturbed while taking rest.
In some places, such as Krsna Balarama Mandir, he would have to go through the servant quarters to
use the bathroom. I would always awake hearing the shuffling of his feet as He passed by my head and
instinctively pay my respects. He would become disturbed with me and say, "No, no take rest."

I went into his room still half asleep and offered obeisances. I lifted my head to the sight of Srila
Prabhupada with a beautiful child like smile. I was also faced with a pile of recording tape on his desk.
He had been translating and somehow or other the tape machine malfunctioned. I don't know what
happened but there was tape everywhere. He offered no explanation. With a transcendental smile he
said, "Look what the machine has done. Can you fix it?" I spent the next half hour hand rolling the tape
back on to the reel and loading it onto the Uher dictaphone machine. Upon completion of this
transcendentally tedious task he replied lovingly, "Okay, go take rest."

New Navadvipa was the sight for a very peculiar pastime. When we first arrived here Srila Prabhupada
went and used the bathroom. The toilet did not flush properly. One devotee there, who had plumbing
experience came and fixed it. He explained to Srila Prabhupada that because the plumbing had not been
used for some time it wasn't flushing properly. Srila Prabhupada said, "So now it is working?" The
brahmacari answered, "Oh, yes Prabhupada. It is working fine." Srila Prabhupada didn't seem convinced.
He said, "So, how do you know it is working?" The devotee answered, "I flushed it and the water went
down." Srila Prabhupada wasn't satisfied. He said, "Go into the kitchen and get some chapati dough.
Make some balls and put them in the toilet and if they go down then we will know for sure that it is
working." The young brahmacari complied with Srila Prabhupada's instructions and we were all very
happy to hear that everything worked as it should.

Srila Prabhupada, being with you was never boring.You showed me that one should not be taken in by
the words of another. You said many times, "The proof of the pudding is in the tasting." I pray that
soome day I may perform some useful service to you.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

April, 1973
Zurick, Switzerland

While here for two days, in a land famed for it's quality time pieces, Syamasundara presented Srila
Prabhupada with the latest in wrist watch technology, one of the first digital watches. It looked very
modern. It's round face was completely black except for the few seconds when you pressed a small
button on the side. At that time the red digital display appeared in the window and showed you the exact
time. It was quite an innovation. Srila Prabhupada unemotionally put the watch on. He was shown how
to use it by his secretary. He explained that to view the time you must press the button on the side of
the watch with your right hand and then you can see the time in the face. It did not take long for Srila
Prabhupada to make his evaluation of the latest technology. He said, "So, now it takes two hands to tell
the time instead of one."

August, 1974; Vrindaban, India; Krishna Balarama Mandir

I rejoined Srila Prabhupada on July 24 after being away for 7 months. While away I was married and
increased my possessions. I brought one of my new aquisitions to India. It was an electric razor. While
giving Srimad Bhagavatam Class one morning, Srila Prabhupada started talking about 'ugra karma'. He
said, "One can shave very simply with a blade. There is no difficulty, but now it becomes complicated.
One must use electricity. Noise is there and when it breaks then you can not shave. By trying to solve a
small problem, so many other problems are made." He never said anything to me directly but I know
that he was referring to the fact that I had been shaving in my servant quarters only an hour earlier, and
this created a disturbance for him.
November, 1974; Bombay, India; Iskcon Juhu

Four months have passed and I have learned very little. Srila Prabhupada rang his bell. I hurried form the
kitchen where I was busily making fresh vegetable juice for myself with a juicer that Pallika devi had
gotten me. He said angrily, "What is all that noise?" I nervously said, "It is a juicer Srila Prabhupada. I
started to drink fresh juices because I have had a difficult time staying healthy in India. I thought
drinking fresh juice would help. He didn't appear very sympathetic. He said, "So much noise. How can I
concentrate. Why is it necessary to make such disturbance?" I agreed that it was foolish and that I would
stop using it. An hour went by when Srila Prabhupada rang his bell. I headed for his sitting room with
thoughts of the past incident out of my mind. He looked at me compassionately and said, "So, if these
fresh juices are helping you to stay healthy then it is all right to continue. It is important for you to be
healthy so you can do your service. I don't mind."

Again, I was overcome with joy knowing how much you cared for me. Now, I feel ashamed. It is
commonly known , the way to keep healthy in India is to cook your vegetables and peel your fruits
before eating to avoid all types of organisms. Srila Prabhupada, you tolerated my foolishness. More than
that, you kept me around even though I created disturbance with my machinery. Please forgive me for
my fooloshness . YS, Srutakirti dasa

December 1972; Ahmadabad, India

Today at Srila Prabhupada's lecture I was feeling very weak and feverish. My head was down and I was
nodding out. Srila Prabhupada stopped his lecture and said to me, "Wake up! If you require sleep, go
and sleep." I did my best to keep my back straight and head up for the rest of the lecture. I don't
remember ever feeling so sick. Later I said to Srila Prabhupada, "I don't understand what has happened.
I never get sick. I haven't been sick in years." Srila Prabhupada looked at me with surprise and said,
"Really, that is very wonderful. To be sick and have difficulty is the natural condition of life. You are
very fortunate."

Two weeks later while on a morning walk in Bombay the sun was shining brightly. Syamasundara
prabhu looked into my eyes and started laughing. He said, "Boy, are your eyes yellow. You have
jaundice." Finally my weakness for the past few weeks made sense. Now, diagnosed I felt worse. I
dragged myself into Srila Prabhupada's room and offered obeisances. I said with alarm, "Srila
Prabhupada, I have jaundice." He looked at me with surprise and said, "Oh, what are the symptoms?"
With concern in my voice I said, "My urine is dark. I have no appetite and feel very weak." He looked at
me with a slight smile and said, "Hmm, perhaps I have jaundice also." I continued, "Tamal Krishna
Maharaja and the other devotees suggested that perhaps I shouldn't cook for you because jaundice is
very highly contagious. Even touching your plates and preparing the food would be dangerous." Srila
Prabhupada said with little emotion, "No. That's all right. You go ahead and cook. There is nothing to
worry about." Due to Srila Prabhupada's benediction I was able to continue with my duties, going on the
morning walk, massaging and cooking throughout my illness.

November 1973; New Delhi, India; Iskcon Delhi

A year has gone by since I had jaundice. Now it was Srila Prabhupada's secretary, Brahmananda
Maharaja who had it. It was newsworthy so I decided to tell Srila Prabhupada. Going into his room I
offered obeisances and said innocently, "Srila Prabhupada, Brahmananda has jaundice." Srila Prabhupada
looked at me with surprise and said, "Oh what are the symptoms?" Having no memory of doing this
before I repeated the list of symptoms. You guessed it. Srila Prabhupada said, "Hmm, Perhaps I have
jaundice also."

Finally after he completed his lines I understood. It only took me a year. Srila Prabhupada was
incredible. He remembered everything that happened with his disciples and could bring it up at the
perfect moment. I was so dull headed the joke was way over my head. The yoga maya potency was very
strong around him. I had no idea of who I was with. This was fortunate, otherwise I would not have
been able to perform my service due to awe and fear.

When you were in quarantine due to not having a yellow fever shot you said, "What do they think? I can
get yellow fever? Anyone who is cent per cent engaged in Krishna's service, there is no question of
material contamination. He can not be infected with any disease." I pray to be infected with love for you,
Srila Prabhupada so that I will be cent per cent engaged in your devotional service. Please give me a
glimpse of your transcendental position.

YS, Srutakirti dasa

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