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Jenna Winter

November 9 2015
Unit Activity 4-SIOP Lesson Evaluation Reflection

Y: Meets the expectations of the criterion N: Doesn’t meet the expectations of

the criterion
Principles of Y N Explain how. General Review
Effective Content (Strategies/techniques for each /Suggestions
Area Instruction principle)
for ELLs
1. Differentiated X Overall, the lesson
instruction -Heterogeneous grouping students was very good. We
-Allowing students to work in groups thought it
-Allowing students to make their own incorporated a lot
students and let other students model of group work
them which would be
helpful for ELL
students. There
2. Integrating X N/A was also a variety
students’ cultures of different ways
that students were
exposed to the
3. Language and X math concepts.
content objectives The lesson focuses on key vocabulary We thought the
after reading the math poem multiple lesson could have
done a better job
student's cultures
4. Making X -They read the poem 3 times
into the lesson.
instruction -Incorporate a variety of different
comprehensible activities - using whiteboards, story
modeling, flannel boards, etc.

5. Modifying X
textbooks N/A

6. Thematic X
teaching N/A

7. Using literature X
-Incorporates the addition poem

** Include this form in your Unit Activity 4 Submission.

I feel like for this lesson it is really beneficial for ELL students because of it needed
understanding of the formation that comes with the English language. I like how this activity
reflects a lot back to the order that students need to learn English as well as the fact that its
something really different that probably will make it be a fun activity for the students.

So my lesson plan is the creation of math equations using blocks that has first, then,
together, plus, and equals; allowing students to have a helping access if they need it. The
teacher during the whole activity is going around the room looking to see if students need help.
This activity is mainly for the group of students (around 4) to have each student take a turn
writing out their math equation and seeing if the other group members can help him to achieve
a well made equation. The pen and white board is passed around to all of the student sin the
group so that everyone will have a turn. This lesson plan can be seen in the 1 st grade mainly, as
well as looking into the area of math, as well as writing because with out those two the
equation if not used correctly would not make sense.
Something that makes this lesson go a lot smoother is to have the teacher show a
couple examples to the students as a whole before they are sent off on their own to do it
themselves. Its also a good idea to have the teacher be walking around the classroom when the
activity is going on so that students can get more one on one for the teacher if they are not
understanding the topic. I know just going through school myself is that when teachers explain
and even show an example of what we are suppose to be doing it’s a lot easier for the students
to create something along the same lines as what the teacher showed. It’s a strategy that is
used for all grades but it would especially help the kids in first grade to get an example
beforehand. Math is such a difficult area for students to just jump in, it actually has been stated
that “math test has high language demands that pose significant difficulties for ELLs”1 (271) and
that’s something that I can see on every level. Especially when looking at this lesson plan,
students need to know how to use the English vocabulary as well as know the correct
mathematical perspective of it. There are a lot of difficulties that come along with the subject of
math. When looking again in chapter 10, there is a part where it explains how teachers can
make “illustrated math word charts to go along with math units”2 (272) and I find that to be so
helping in a classroom setting. This lesson plan is somewhat doing the idea of creating a visual
for kids to better understand the topics being presented to them. Mainly making there be more
visual aspects in the classroom and being able to have a teacher be there and being able to help
is something that is going to majorly help the kids better understand the English language.
Honestly I think that this lesson plan is awesome for kids. When thinking back to
elementary school and all of the challenges I found, being an ELL kids and not understanding
even more is something I couldn’t even imagine. But going through and knowing a lot of these
strategies and seeing it through teachers that I have had I think that this lesson plan is one that
would be even fun for the kids. Being able to play with blocks and create different equations as
well as problems on the white boards that would be fun for kids this age. Something that I
would do differently is not have this be an only math related assignment! I think that this is an
awesome way for kids to further more learn and it gets them to learn a lot of different aspects
in the English language. Again I think that this lesson is an awesome one and really will get the
kids to better know that English language.
Works cited

1 Wright, W. (2010). Content-Area instruction for English Language Learners. In Foundations for
teaching English language learners: Research, theory, policy, and practice (Vol. 2, p. 271).
Philadelphia: Caslon Pub.
2 Wright, W. (2010). Content-Area instruction for English Language Learners. In Foundations for

teaching English language learners: Research, theory, policy, and practice (Vol. 2, p. 272).
Philadelphia: Caslon Pub.

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