Gangadas Pandit

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opened his own grammar tol by the order of His guru.

His tol was held at the house of Mukunda Sanjoy in the

GANGA DASA PANDITA pavilion where they conducted Durga Puja. Day by day
his students increased and even at such a young age he
My obeisances to Sri Gangadasa Pandita, who is the attained such proficiency in scholarship that everyone
disciple of the husband of Sarasvati, the master of the including even Ganga dasa Pandita was simply amazed.
Vedas. [C.B.Mad 1.283] While He engaged in His pastimes of learning His
After the ceremony in which Sri Gaursundara was mother Saci Mata was very happy. Eventually the time
invested with the sacred thread, He took up his came for Him to go to Gaya under the plea of offering
studies at home, under the tutorship of his father. rites for His deceased father. After being initiated by Sri
When Sri Jagannatha Misra saw that his son was very Isvari Puri He returned from there a changed person.
eager to be admitted to an academic institutution, his Now he explained all the sutras in relationship to Sri
father took him to the house of Sri Ganga dasa Pandita, Krsna. Besides that, he knew nothing else. Finally his
to get Him admitted into Ganga dasa Pandita's tol. In students went to Ganga dasa Pandita to inform him of
Krsna-lila Ganga dasa Pandita was the teacher of the new developments.
Balarama and Krsna, Sandipani Muni. That afternoon when Nimai came to offer his respects
When he saw Jagannatha Misra had come to his house, to his guru, Ganga dasa Pandita very affectionately
Ganga dasa got up to respectfully receive him and blessed him saying, "Bap Visvambhara (Bap is an
after embracing him, he very affectionately affectionate term which literally means father, but which
requested him to take his seat. Jagannatha Misra is used loosely even by mothers to address their sons),
addressed him, "I have brought my son to you. now hear my words. The scholarship of brahmanas is
Please become his teacher and instruct him how to not a matter of small fortune. On both sides of your
read and write." Sri Ganga dasa Pandita replied, "Only family Nilambara Cakravarti, your maternal
unless one is greatly fortunate does he get the chance to grandfather, and your father Jagannath Misra
instruct a child who is endowed with the symptoms of weren't uneducated fools. You are also very qualified to
such a high-souled saintly person. I will teach him explain ins and outs of logic. If by giving up teaching
to the best of my ability." one attains devotion, then why didn't your father and
grandfather give it up? Were they not devotees?
Thus Sri Jagannatha Misra presented his son Nimai
into the hands of Ganga dasa Pandita and then returned Considering all this, please continue your studies.
home. By study one becomes a Vaisnava brahmana. If a
brahmana becomes a fool then how will he distinguish
While looking at his new disciple, Gangadas became between good and bad. Reflecting on these matters you
immersed in great happiness and kept Nimai with him should pursue your studies and continue to teach your
just as if he was his own son. students nicely. On my honor I am stating this, that
[C.B. Adi 8.32] you might not explain things in a contrary fashion."
Ganga dasa could undestand by the divine appearance Nimai replied, "By your mercy, there is not a soul in
and nature of this boy that he was not ordinary, and so Navadwipa who can defeat me in philosophical debate.
he began to carefully instruct him while treating him Let me see which of these great panditas can refute the
just like his own son. The boy Nimai had such a explanations of the sutras that I will now give. I am
miraculous intellect that after hearing the sutras only going to the tol to begin instructing these points just
once, he had completely committed them to the now." Hearing these words of Sri Gaurasundor, Ganga
memory. Within a few days he came to occupy the seat dasa was pleased. Thus Mahaprabhu took the dust of
at the head of the class. Gradually it came to pass that his lotus feet and went of to the tol.
sometimes Nimai would explain the sutras even (Then what happened?)
better than his teacher. Not one amongst hundreds and
hundreds of students in the tol could rival him. Ganga "What is left for Ganga dasa to accomplish, who has
dasa undestood very quickly that Nimai was his best most worshipable person in the fourteen worlds as his
student. Whatever pastimes the Lord enacts He does disciple?"
so to the penultimate degree.
Amongst the better students of the Pandit was Sri
Kamalakanta, Murari Gupta, Sri Krsnananda and
others, to whom Nimai would pose many tricky
questions. Their discussions would usually end up at the
bathing ghat at the Ganga with loud arguments and
eventually pushing and mud slinging. Nimai would
establish one conclusion, then defeat that by
establishing another, and then establish the original
conclusion again with better arguments. Seeing his
genius the other students were simply struck with
wonder and Ganga dasa Pandita was in total ecstasy.
After practising logic and rhetoric for some days under
the tutelage of Ganga das Pandit, Sri Nimai then

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