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2 August 2014

Electrical Impedance of Piezoelectric Ceramics

under Acoustic Loads
∗1 ∗2
Francisco J. Arnold , Marcos S. Gonçalves ,
∗3 ∗∗4
Leonardo L. Bravo Roger , and Sérgio S. Mühlen , Non-members

ABSTRACT structures whose acoustic impedances may vary con-

The electrical impedance of piezoelectric ceramics siderably. These alterations in the propagation media

is inuenced by variations in its acoustic load. This is result in variations in the impedance along the fre-

a very common situation for power ultrasonic appli- quency spectrum and resonance frequencies shifting.

cations in medicine where the irradiated media can Tuning losses between piezoelectric transducer and

present dierent interfaces and impedances to the electronic source may also be caused by the heating

propagating acoustic energy. In this work we ana- (and consequent dilatation) of the transducer parts

lyzed the behavior of the resonances, anti-resonances due to internal friction, mainly on large vibration am-

and the eective electromechanical coupling factor plitude, caused by higher electrical excitation [1-3], by

of a piezoelectric ceramic ring vibrating in thickness variations in the mechanical pre-stressing bias [4, 5],

mode. The analysis is based on equivalent electrical and variations in the characteristics of the radiated

circuits and considers variations in the acoustic load. media [6].

The results showed that the electrical impedance of The typical behavior of the electrical impedance of
the ceramic is altered with the characteristics of the piezoelectric transducers in the resonance neighbor-
acoustic load, resulting in new resonances and chang- hood is characterized by abrupt variations. Therefore
ing the eective electromechanical coupling factor. small shifting of resonance corresponds to large vari-
Electronic driving circuits for piezoelectric transduc- ations in the electrical behavior of the transducer. In
ers must be able to dynamically adjust the frequencies the whole system, these variations frequently cause
when the acoustic load varies. mismatching between the transducer and the elec-
tronic driving circuit. By consequence, the perfor-
Keywords: Piezoelectric, Resonance, Acoustic mance of the system is aected, the vibration ampli-
Load, Electromechanical Coupling Factor, Thickness tude decreases, as well as the energy conversion rate
Mode. and the acoustic energy on the radiated media.
These drawbacks are more evident in sandwiched
1. INTRODUCTION piezoelectric transducers, and tuning corrections are
needed. They are usually performed in the electronic
Most of ultrasonic systems use piezoelectric trans-
circuitry by PLL (Phase-Locked Loop) oscillators [7-
ducers as generators of acoustic energy. In these
9] and harmonic cancellation techniques [10].
transducers the electrical energy supplied by elec-
Piezoelectric ceramic transducers are often sub-
tronic sources is converted into mechanical vibrations.
jected to changes in its acoustic load. In medical
Sinusoidal voltages are typically used to drive the
applications, for instance, mainly in power appli-
transducers, at or close to its resonance. At reso-
cations when ultrasonic therapeutic tools are used,
nance the transducer surface vibrates with maximum
these changes occur when the transducer interacts
amplitude and the energy conversion becomes more
with biological tissues or interfaces of dierent acous-
ecient. Whenever the physical characteristics of the
tic impedances [11].
electro-acoustical system are altered, a more or less
severe tuning and eciency loss can occur. The scientic literature abounds with studies on

Physical variations on the propagation media are the eect of mechanical loads [6], backing [12], match-

very common in most ultrasonic applications. For ing [12-14], losses [15-17] and bandwidth [17, 18] on

instance, in therapeutic or diagnostic medical ultra- the behavior of the electrical impedance of piezoelec-

sound, the mechanic vibrations travel across body tric transducers. Shuyu [6] studied the eects of me-
chanical loads on the resonance of sandwiched piezo-

Manuscript received on August 27, 2014 ; revised on Novem- electric transducers. He has found that the resonance
ber 26, 2014. dependence on the acoustic load, cross-section area
∗ The authors are with Department of Telecommunication
and frequency may be described by a complex tran-
Division, School of Techonology, University of Campinas,
Brazil, Email: arnold@ft.unicamp.br1 , marcos@ft.unicamp.br2 scendental function. He also pointed out appropri-
leobravo@ft.unicamp.br3 ately the high complexity of the mathematical anal-
∗∗ The author is with Department of Biomedical Engineering,
ysis of this problem.
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Campinas, Brazil, Email: smuhlen@ceb.unicamp.br4 The present work aims to study the eects of the
Electrical Impedance of Piezoelectric Ceramics under Acoustic Loads 49

Fig.2: Equivalent electrical circuit of the loaded

Fig.1: Mason's equivalent circuit for a piezoelectric transducer.
ceramic plate on thickness mode.
The components of the circuit shown in Figure 1
acoustic load on the electrical impedance of a ceramic are described by Equations 1-3:
ring to get physical insights, from a simpler structure
than that shown in [6]. This seemed to be a new and Z1c = jZc tan(kl/2) (1)
better approach to the subject.
We describe the electrical impedance behavior of Z2c = −jZc csc(kl) (2)
a piezoelectric ceramic vibrating on thickness mode
and subjected to increasing acoustic load. We have n = h33 C0 (3)
registered the resulting shift of resonance frequencies
and the eective electromechanical coupling factor,
k = ω/v [m−1 ];
as well as the appearance of new resonances peaks,
ω is the angular frequency [rad/s];

at frequencies near the resonance of the unloaded
j is the complex number −1;
piezoelectric ceramic. The limited frequency range
h33 is the piezoelectric coecient [N/C];
has been chosen in order to discard any lateral or ra-
C0 is the intrinsic capacitance of the piezoelectric
dial vibration modes in the vicinity of the working
ceramic, given by:
The Mason's equivalent circuit [19-20] was used to C0 = εS33 (4)
represent the electrical behavior of the piezoelectric
ring vibrating in the thickness mode at resonance.
In addition, V is the voltage applied to the trans-

This ring was loaded by a column of water whose

ducer electrodes; i is the current through the trans-

height was precisely adjusted. The frequency spec-

ducer; F1 and F2 are the forces on the at surfaces of
the ceramic.
trum of the piezoelectric transducer was measured
Port 1 of the transducer has been loaded. The
with dierent heights of the water column. Reso-
acoustic load is represented by a T-network [23] with
nances, anti-resonances and the eective electrome-
short-circuited output. The load (water) is physi-
chanical coupling factor were analyzed. The results
may be considered for designing of electronic circuits
cally characterized by va , ρa and Za , respectively ve-
locity of wave propagation, density and characteristic
to correct resonances of piezoelectric transducers.
impedance. Equation 5 gives the acoustic impedance
of the load:
Zload = Za tan(ka la ) (5)
Among several methods to analyze piezoelectric
transducers, the equivalent electromechanical circuit where
is one of the most popular. We considered a piezo- Za = ρa · va · A is the characteristic acoustic
electric ring with thickness l and at surfaces of area impedance of the load [kg/s].
A. When in loss-free condition, the ceramic has phys- k = ω/va [m−1 ];
ical properties dened as v, ρ, cD S
33 , ε33 and h33 being va is the propagation wave velocity in the acoustic
respectively the propagation wave velocity, density, load [m/s];
and elastic (with electrical displacement null), dielec- la is the height of liquid column [m].
tric (with strain null) and piezoelectric coecients. Port 2 is short-circuited because it is free to vibrate
The characteristic impedance is Zc = ρ · v · A. on air. The equivalent circuit of the whole system is
The literature shows many equivalent circuits for shown in Figure 2:
piezoelectric devices [19-22]. Mason's 1-D model is The electrical impedance seen from the electrical
proposed here to study the electrical impedance of the port of the transducer is:
piezo-transducer excited on thickness mode. Figure
1 shows Mason's model electrical circuit. Z = XC0 + Zm1 + Zm2 (6)

Fig.3: Serial association of impedances of the loaded

transducer equivalent electrical circuit.

K is the static electromechanical coupling factor
h2 εS
K 2 = 33D 33 (7)
c33 Fig.4: Setup used for investigating the eects of the
tan(kl) Zc tan(kl/2)
] mechanical load on the piezoelectric transducer elec-
Zm1 = XC0 K 2
kl/2 Zc tan(kl) + Za tan(ka la )
(8) trical impedance.
[ ]
tan(kl) (Za /2) tan(ka la )
Zm2 = XC0 K 2 (9)
kl/2 Zc tan(kl) + Za tan(ka la ) makes dicult the observation of the eects of reso-

−j nance shifting.
Xc0 = (10) The physical properties of the piezoelectric ceramic
are: v = 4450 m/s; ρ = 7600 kg/m3 ; inner radius
A serial electrical circuit of C0 , Zm1 and Zm2 is
6.3 mm; outer radius 19.0 mm; l = 6.3 mm; c33
shown in Figure 3. −9
=10.05×10 N/m ; ε33 = 11.0×10
10 2 S
F/m; h33 =
The eective electromechanical coupling factor ke
14.8×108 N/C.
[24, 25] is determined by:
The acoustic load is a column of water poured in-
( )2 side a plastic cylinder of thin wall. The diameter is
f =1−
kef (11) the same of the ceramic ring, that is glued on the
fa inside wall, blocking the bottom and avoiding water
to leak. The cylinder is made of lightweight material,
thus its mass is negligible and not considered in the
fr is the resonance frequency [Hz];
modeling represented by Equation 6. A thin layer of
fa is the anti-resonance frequency [Hz].
plastic resin coats the electrode in the ceramic that is
The electromechanical coupling factor is a dimen-
in contact with liquid. Figure 4 shows the schematic
sionless value used to express the rate of energy con-
of this setup.
version in the piezoelectric process [24]. The static
The frequencies spectra of the transducer were ob-
electromechanical coupling factor is used in restricted
tained using a HP4294A vector impedometer, and
investigations on particular shapes of crystals excited
the resonances and anti-resonances determined con-
by low levels of electrical and mechanical elds. In
sidering the minimum and maximum values of the
practice, the eective electromechanical coupling fac-
impedance modulus, respectively.
tor is adopted because it takes into account the ma-
The propagation wave velocity va and the den-
terial properties and geometrical shapes of the trans-
sity of water ρa are, respectively, 1500 m/s and 1000
ducers [25]. 3
kg/m . The water was poured inside the tube in
drops of 1 ml by means of a pipette. Each 1 ml poured
corresponds to a 0.9 mm increase on the water col-
The ring-shaped piezoelectric ceramic (Thornton umn height. The measurements have been performed
Inpec - SP, Brazil) used in the experiments have silver only after a minimum height of 2.7 mm because with
electrodes coated on both at surfaces. This piezo- smaller amounts there was not a uniform distribution
electric ceramic has been chosen among other samples of water on the ceramic surface, due to supercial ten-
because its resonance frequency for the thickness vi- sion of the liquid. The maximum height of the column
bration mode is far from those of other modes. This was 16 mm.
particularity allowed us to observe the resonance de- The piezoelectric ring mechanically unloaded has
viations of the thickness mode only. The presence resonance and anti-resonance around 328 and 353
of other modes close to the investigated resonance kHz, respectively. The impedance behavior was ob-
Electrical Impedance of Piezoelectric Ceramics under Acoustic Loads 51

400 400

390 390

380 380

370 370

antiresonance (kHz)
resonance (kHz)

360 360

350 350

340 340

330 330

320 320

310 310

300 300
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
height of water column (mm) height of water column (mm)

Fig.5: Resonance as function of height of water col- Fig.6: Anti-resonance as function of height of wa-
umn. Experimental data are marked as ◦. Calculated ter column. Experimental data are marked as ◦.
results are represented by continuous lines. The hor- Calculated results are represented by continuous line.
izontal line is the resonance reference (328.743 kHz). The horizontal line is the anti-resonance reference
(353.466 kHz).
served in the range between 300 and 370 kHz. For
each height of water column the resonances and anti- can be found solving the equation with a numerical
resonances were measured in the correspondent spec- method. When the denominator is null, the compo-
trum. nents Zm1 and Zm2 present discontinuities, typical of
the intrinsic behavior of tangent functions, therefore
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the magnitude of Z tends to innity. Out of discon-

The frequency spectrum of the unloaded piezoelec- tinuities, the motional impedance is dominated by

tric ring was obtained rst. The resonance and anti- Zm1 , once the characteristic mechanical impedance

resonance frequencies found were considered as refer- of the piezoelectric element is higher than that of

ence values. They were: 328.743 kHz for resonance load. The resonances are determined when the sum

and 353.466 kHz for anti-resonance. The reference for of impedances of the circuit components on Figure 3

kef f is 0.37. At frequencies for which the denomina- is null. As well as in [6], we have also a transcenden-

tor of Equation 6 is null, Z is maximum and the trans- tal equation (Equation 6) that denes the impedance,

ducer works at anti-resonance. If there is no acousti- which does not allow us to nd a closed-form for so-

cal load, the denominator is Zc tan(kl). Adding load, lution.

new resonances appear in the spectrum due to term The separation between resonance and anti-

Za tan(ka la ). As la increases, the curve correspond- resonance is related to the eective electromechani-

ing to Za tan(ka la ) moves downwards in the spectrum cal coupling factor [20, 24, 25], such as observed in

to smaller frequencies while the curve of Zc tan(kl) Equation 11. This separation can be evaluated study-

remains static. Combined eects of Zc tan(kl) and ing the interaction of nulling Z and the discontinu-

Za tan(ka la ) yield new resonances. ities of motional impedances. First considering the

Figures 5 and 6 show the resonance and anti- transducer unloaded (Zm2 = 0), thus it will be the

resonances as function of the water column height. resonance when the electrical energy stored in the in-

The experimental data values are marked as small trinsic capacitance is equal to kinetic energy in the

circles. Calculated values of Equation 6 are presented ceramic mass. Zm1 signal is positive, denoting an

as continuous lines in the graphic. inductive characteristic of the transducer impedance.

The experimental results show that two resonances When the transducer is loaded, anti-resonances
(or anti-resonances) have been found inside of the in- are modied due to inuence of Zm2 , although
vestigated frequencies span for some column heights. Zm1 remains exhibiting preponderance on motional
Repeated resonances for the same column height are impedance. Anyway, the anti-resonance decreases if
distinguished in the graphic. Each calculated curve la increases. It should be noticed that anti-resonances
is well tted to a set of experimental points, showing depend only on the mechanical characteristics of the
that successively resonances are displaced for smaller transducer elements.
values when the height of the water column increases. At resonance there are three cases to be analyzed,
Anti-resonances are the roots of the denominator which are evident in the spectrum shown in Figure
on the motional impedances of Equation 6. They 7. There, the calculated frequency spectrum contain

10 0.4

log(Electric Impedance Modulus) (ohm)




2 0.2


10 0.05
3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Frequencies (kHz) 5
x 10 height of water column (mm)

Fig.7: Electrical impedance modulus as function of Fig.9: Eective electromechanical coupling factor
frequencies on the transducer with la = 13.2 mm. as function of height of water column. Experimental
data are marked as ◦. Calculated results are repre-
sented by continuous lines. Horizontal line is kef f
500 reference (0.37).
Electric Impedance Components (ohm)

fa = 373.50 kHz, kef f = 0.10), Z is null at frequencies
where Zm2 is not negligible and near a discontinuity.
100 The dierence among rst and third pairs is the op-

posite signal of Zm2 . In both cases, the separation
between resonance and anti-resonance is small; the
eective electromechanical coupling factor is smaller,
−200 thus the transferred acoustic energy decreases. These
−300 pairs are in the curves 6 and 8 on Figures 5 and 6,

In fact, considering the window of frequencies, one
3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 can see that resonance and anti-resonance pair dis-
Frequencies (kHz) 5
x 10
placements depend on la . Each pair enters to the win-
dow by superior limit with low kef f . As this pair be-
Fig.8: Zoom of the complex representation of Z (red comes close to the reference resonance, kef f increases.
line), XC0 (black line), Zm1 (green line) and Zm2 But again, near the inferior limit of the window, kef f
(blue line) as function of frequencies. decreases. Figure 9 shows kef f as function of la .
Resonances, anti-resonances and kef f curves
present gradual decreasing average as function of wa-
three pairs of resonance/anti-resonance frequencies ter column height. Load inuence pushes fr , f a and
related to la = 13.2 mm. Figure 8 shows the zoom kef f downwards to the unloaded reference. Look-
of complex representation, where lines red, black, ing at the curves peaks in Figure 9, one can notice
green and blue plot Z, XC0 , Zm1 and Zm2 , respec- that the electromechanical coupling factor decreases
tively. Resonances are found at frequencies which with load height and, as consequence, each associ-
red line crosses the horizontal axis (Z = 0). In Fig- ated vibration mode becomes weaker. An increas-
ure 8, at central resonance, Z results basically of XC0 ing load mass implies on a kef f tendency to decay
and Zm1 . In this case, as Zoa tan(ka la ) is often small, [24]. In practice, decreasing of kef f implies in di-
resonance (331.64 kHz) and anti-resonance (350.32 minishing the dierence between fa and fr and their
kHz) frequencies are closed to the reference values. respective impedance moduli, Za and Zr . Some-
This pair belongs to the curve 7 on Figures 5 and 6. times these dierences become too small that is not
Thus, the electromechanical coupling factor in this easy to be detected experimentally. Besides, near the
case (0.32) is close to the reference. A signicant resonance, other modes of vibration often arise and
separation between resonance and anti-resonance in the impedance versus frequency curve may present
this vibration mode can be seen in Figure 7. many resonance / anti-resonance pairs (and their cor-
In the rst (fr = 308.04 kHz, fa = 310.50 kHz, responding electromechanical coupling factors) [26],
kef f = 0.12) and in the third pair (fr = 371.52 kHz, making dicult the identication of the mode that
Electrical Impedance of Piezoelectric Ceramics under Acoustic Loads 53

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Authors thank to FAPESP-SP-Brazil for the nan-
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impedance measurement, IEEE Trans. Sonics
cial support of this work (Proc. 2012-07639-4).

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Francisco J. Arnold received the

physics graduation degree from Univer-
sity of São Paulo State (UNESP), Rio
Claro, São Paulo, Brazil, in 1986; the
M.Sc. degree in Applied Physics from
University of São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão
Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, in 1990; and
the Ph.D. degree in Electric Engineer-
ing from University of Campinas (UNI-
CAMP), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil,
in 1995. Since 1994, he is with School
of Technology of UNICAMP, Limeira, São Paulo, Brazil. His
research activities are in the areas of piezoelectric transducers
and electronic instrumentation.

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