Optimizing Dynamic Range For Distortion Measurement

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Agilent PSA

Performance Spectrum
Analyzer Series
Optimizing Dynamic Range for
Distortion Measurements
Product Note

Its wide dynamic range makes levels that approach the internally make truly demanding distortion
the spectrum analyzer the test generated distortion product levels measurements accurately or less
instrument of choice for measuring of the spectrum analyzer. Further demanding measurements more
harmonic distortion, intermodulation complications arise when trying quickly, the user needs product
distortion, adjacent channel power to maximize speed and minimize specific information.
ratio, spurious-free dynamic range, measurement uncertainty. In these
gain compression, etc. Distortion cases more care in the measurement This product note bridges the gap
measurements such as these are technique is required. between primers and data sheets,
bounded on one side by the noise focusing on distortion measurements
floor of the spectrum analyzer and The search for information on using the Agilent Technologies
on the other side by the signal power making distortion measurements performance spectrum analyzer
strength at which the spectrum begins with the spectrum analyzer (PSA) series (model E4440A).
analyzer’s internally generated data sheet. The data sheet is most Part I is a self-contained section
distortion masks the distortion being useful for comparing one spectrum for making the less demanding
measured. The simultaneous low analyzer against another in its distortion measurement quickly
noise floor and low internally gener- dynamic range capability and the using the auto-coupled settings
ated distortion products uniquely relevant measurement uncertainties found in the PSA. Part II guides the
qualify the spectrum analyzer for in the distortion measurement. What user in setting the appropriate power
making distortion measurements. the data sheet fails to convey is how at the input mixer in order to maxi-
to configure the spectrum analyzer mize the dynamic range for carrier
Having wide dynamic range and to achieve the specified dynamic wave or continuous wave (CW)
accessing this dynamic range are range performance. measurements. Part III explains the
two different things. Unless the user measurement of distortion measure-
is given enough information on how Primers are another source of infor- ments on digitally modulated signals.
to optimize the spectrum analyzer to mation. Two excellent references are Part IV details some of the internal
make distortion measurements, its [1] and [2] listed on page 39 of this architecture of the PSA as it relates
dynamic range performance cannot document. Primers such as these to distortion measurements. Finally,
fully be exploited. Many distortion provide the necessary fundamental Part V describes some measurement
measurements are very straightfor- knowledge for making distortion techniques, both internal and
ward: measure the fundamental tone measurements. Yet, primers treat external to the PSA, that yield
power, measure the distortion prod- spectrum analyzers as a general class more accuracy in certain kinds
uct power, and compute the differ- of test instrumentation. In order to of distortion measurements.
ence. Problems arise when the device
under test has distortion product
Table of Contents

Part I: Distortion Measurement Examples 4

Harmonic Distortion 4
Intermodulation Distortion 6
Small Signal Desensitization 9
Spectral Regrowth of a Digitally Modulated Signal 11

Part II: Mixer Level Optimization 12

Signal-to-Noise versus Mixer Level 12
Signal-to-Noise with Excess Noise 15
Signal-to-Distortion versus Mixer Level 15
The Dynamic Range Chart 17
Adding Phase Noise to the Dynamic Range Chart 18
Noise Adding to the Distortion Product 19
SA Distortion Adding to DUT Distortion 21

Part III: Distortion Measurements on Digitally Modulated Signals 23

Choice of Averaging Scale and Display Detector 23
Maximizing Spectrum Analyzer Dynamic Range 24
Signal-to-Noise of Digitally Modulated Signals 24
Spectral Regrowth Due to Spectrum Analyzer Intermodulation Distortion 25
Phase Noise Contribution 27
Dynamic Range Chart for Digitally Modulated Signals 28
Measurement Error Due to SA Spectral Regrowth Adding to DUT Spectral Regrowth 30

Part IV: PSA Architectural Effects on Distortion Measurements 31

Input Attenuator Resolution 31
Internal Filtering 32
Internal Preamplifier 33

Part V: Enhancing Distortion Measurements 34

Reducing Source Intermodulation Distortion 34
Effects of Harmonics on Intermodulation Distortion 35
Noise Subtraction Techniques 36

Conclusions 38

Glossary of Terms 38

References 39

About the Agilent PSA
Performance Spectrum
Analyzer Series
The Agilent PSA series are high-per- Specifications:
formance radio frequency (RF) and
microwave spectrum analyzers that Frequency coverage 3 Hz to 26.5 GHz
offer an exceptional combination DANL -153 dBm (10 MHz to 3 GHz)
of dynamic range, accuracy and
Absolute accuracy ±0.27 dB (50 MHz)
measurement speed. The PSA
series deliver the highest level of Frequency response ±0.40 dB (3 Hz to 3 GHz)
measurement performance available Display scale fidelity ±0.07 dB total (below -20 dBm)
in Agilent Technologies’ spectrum TOI (mixer level -30 dBm) +16 dBm (400 MHz to 2 GHz)
analyzers. An all-digital IF section +17 dBm (2–2.7 GHz)
includes fast Fourier transform (FFT) +16 dBm (2.7–3 GHz)
analysis and a digital implementation
of a swept IF. The digital IF and Noise sidebands (10 kHz offset) -113 dBc/Hz (CF = 1 GHz)
innovative analog design provide 1 dB gain compression +3 dBm (200 MHz to 6.6 GHz)
much higher measurement accuracy Attenuator 0–70 dB in 2 dB steps
and improved dynamic range com-
pared to traditional spectrum analyz-
ers. This performance is combined
with measurement speed typically
2 to 50 times faster than spectrum
analyzers using analog IF filters.

The PSA series complement Agilent’s

other spectrum analyzers such as
the ESA series, a family of mid-level
analyzers that cover a variety of RF
and microwave frequency ranges
while offering a great combination
of features, performance and value.

Part I: Distortion
Measurement Examples

In this first part we offer quick Notation used in this section

methods of making some common
underlined commands = hardkeys
distortion measurements using a
PSA series spectrum analyzer non-underlined commands = softkeys
(model E4440A). Measurements : (colon) = separator between key sequences
in this section emphasize the < numeric value > = user entered numeric value
auto-coupled features of the PSA ⇑, ⇓ = the up and down arrow hardkeys
series that serve the occasional
user or the user who must quickly
make distortion measurements and
just does not have the time to learn
the intricacies of the analyzer. Figure 1–1
Harmonic fi fo
Techniques outlined in this section DUT PSA
purposely place the analyzer in Measurement fi < fc < 2fi
states such that the measurement Setup
is noise-limited rather than distor- DUT:
tion-limited. The user does not need fi fo= fi
to worry if the distortion generated
within the analyzer is interfering
with the distortion generated by

fi fo
the device under test (DUT). 2

The measurement procedures

outlined in this section place the mixer ...
spectrum analyzer in narrow spans freq
fo fo 2fo 3fo
where only the fundamental tone
or only the distortion product is signal
displayed at any given time. This source
technique is in opposition to the
more intuitive approach of using
a span wide enough to view the fun-
damental tones and the distortion narrow RBW and narrow VBW, in Harmonic Distortion
products in one sweep. In order to general, increases the sweep time.
increase the signal-to-noise-ratio of By reducing the span, more dynamic Harmonic distortion measurements
the spectrum analyzer, the resolution range is available without sacrificing on a CW tone are the most straight-
bandwidth (RBW) filter setting must sweep time. forward of the distortion measure-
be reduced. Furthermore, to reduce ments. The method outlined here
the variance of the measured distor- For many measurements, the tech- allows measurement of harmonics
tion products that appear close to niques described in this section are as low as -85 dBc for fundamental
the noise floor, the video bandwidth more than adequate. If the distortion frequencies below 1.6 GHz and as low
(VBW) filter setting must be reduced. product is measurable, then the as -110 dBc for fundamental frequen-
The combination of wide span, measurement procedure is adequate. cies above 1.6 GHz.
If only noise is discernible when
measuring the distortion product, The mixer level (mixer level is defined
then techniques in Parts II, III, IV as the power at the RF input port
and V must be considered to increase minus the nominal input attenuation
the dynamic range of the analyzer. value) of the analyzer is set such
that internally generated harmonic
distortion products are at least
18 dB below the harmonic distortion
of the DUT. This guarantees that the
distortion measurement uncertainty
due to internal distortion combining
with DUT distortion is less than 1 dB.

Measurement Setup: Setup PSA Series Analyzer:
The test setup for making Auto Couple Couples RBW filter, VBW filter, Span and Sweep time.
harmonic measurements is shown Couples Reference Level and Input Attenuator.
in Figure 1–1. AMPLITUDE: More: More: Max Mxr Lvl: < Mixer Level Value > : dBm
Mixer Level Value = / -60 dBm for fo <1.6 GHz
The DUT is represented as a two-port \ -30 dBm for fo ≥1.6 GHz
device, which most commonly is an BW / Avg: VBW/RBW: < .1 >
amplifier. For a three-port mixer, Couples the VBW filter and the RBW filter with a
the local oscillator (LO) source is bandwidth ratio of 1:10.
included in the model of the DUT.
In this case the output frequency, fo, Tune to the Fundamental Tone:
is a frequency-translated version of FREQUENCY: Center Freq: < fo >: GHz, MHz, kHz or Hz.
the input frequency, fi. One can also fo is the fundamental frequency at the output of the DUT.
use this procedure to measure the SPAN: < 1 > : MHz
harmonics of the signal source itself. AMPLITUDE: Ref Level: < Reference Level Value > :dBm
For two- or three-port devices it may Sets Reference Level Value to be higher than the
be necessary to include a filter DUT’s fundamental tone output power.
between the signal source and the Peak Search Positions marker at the peak of the fundamental tone.
DUT in order ensure the measured At this point, the source amplitude can be adjusted in
harmonics are due to the DUT and order to set the desired DUT output power level.
not the signal source. Marker →: Mkr → Ref Lvl
Brings displayed fundamental amplitude to the top line
First, tune the signal source to the of the display graticule to optimize display range.
desired fundamental frequency, fo. Marker →: Mkr → CF Step
If the DUT is a mixer, then tune the Center Frequency step size is set to fundamental frequency.
source to an input frequency of fi Marker: Delta Activates the Delta Marker.
and tune the LO source to a frequen-
cy appropriate to output a funda- Tune to the 2nd Harmonic:
mental frequency of fo from the FREQUENCY: ⇑ Tune to the 2nd harmonic frequency
DUT. For best results, the frequency SPAN: ⇓ : ⇓ :⇓, etc. Reducing the frequency span automatically reduces the
references of all the sources and the RBW value, which in turn reduces the displayed noise.
PSA series analyzer should be locked Span down until the distortion product is at least
together where applicable. 5 dB above the noise floor. If the noise floor falls
below the bottom of the display then follow this procedure:
AMPLITUDE: Attenuation: Attenuation
‘Man’ should be underlined. This de-couples the input
attenuator from the reference level.
AMPLITUDE: Ref Level: ⇓ :⇓, etc.
Maximum power at the mixer is not altered by changing
the Reference Level setting.
For distortion products close to the noise floor, the
variance of the signal amplitude can be reduced
by lowering the VBW value.
Bw / Avg: Video BW: ⇓ :⇓, etc.
Peak Search Positions delta marker at peak of the distortion product
The marker delta amplitude value is the 2nd harmonic
power relative to the fundamental tone power.

Compute Output SHI (Second Harmonic Intercept) Power Level:

SHI [dBm]= DUT Output Power [dBm] + ∆2
DUT Output Power is the reference level value read
from the display minus any loss between the DUT
and the input of the PSA series analyzer. ∆2 is the negative
of the marker delta amplitude value; ∆2 is a positive value.
For 3rd, 4th, etc. Harmonic, press FREQUENCY: ⇑ to
tune to each harmonic frequency and record
the marker delta amplitude value.
Intercept points are computed using:
Intercept Point [dBm] = DUT Output Power + ∆i / (i -1);
where i is the order of the harmonic.

Intermodulation Distortion Figure 1–2
Anytime multiple tones are Intermodulation
present at the input of any nonlinear Distortion
device, these tones will mix together,
creating distortion products. This
phenomenon is known as intermodu-

lation. Amplifiers, mixers and
spectrum analyzer front ends are
examples of nonlinear devices prone
to intermodulation distortion (IMD). ...
Figure 1–2 depicts some of the inter-
modulation products generated when f2-f1 3f1-2f2 2f1-f2 f1 f2 2f2-f1 3f2-2f1 2f1 f1+f2 2f2 freq
two tones at frequencies f1 and f2
are presented to the input of a non-
linear device.

The IMD products falling closest to

the fundamental tones, at frequen- Figure 1–3
cies 2f1-f2 and 2f2-f1, present the Two-Tone f1
most trouble due to the impracticali- Intermodulation
ty of removing these with filtering.
These two closest distortion products
Measurement Σ DUT PSA
follow a third order characteristic—
their power levels increase by a
factor of three when measured on a
logarithmic display scale in relation-
ship to the increase in the two funda- This procedure focuses on the Measurement Setup:
mental tone power levels. The third measurement of third order IMD for Figure 1–3 shows the test setup
order IMD traditionally has been the two CW tones present at the input for making a two-tone, third order
benchmark distortion figure of merit of a DUT. In a similar vein to the IMD measurement.
for mixers and amplifiers. The third harmonic distortion measurement
order IMD is also a key predictor for procedure, the suggested configura- As with the harmonic distortion
spectral regrowth associated with tion ensures that IMD products gen- measurement, the DUT can be a
digital modulation formats. erated by the analyzer are at least two- or three-port device. If the DUT
18 dB below the IMD products of the is a mixer, then it is assumed that
DUT. Again, this guarantees that the the LO source is included in the DUT
distortion measurement error due to block and that the output frequencies
internal distortion added to DUT will be frequency-translated versions
distortion is less than 1 dB. of the input frequencies. This proce-
dure can also be used to measure the

intermodulation of the two sources Setup PSA Series Analyzer:
themselves. The measurement Auto Couple Couples RBW filter, VBW filter, Span and Sweep time.
requires two sources using a means Couples Reference Level and Input Attenuator.
of power combination with adequate AMPLITUDE: More: More: Max Mxr Lvl: < -50 > : dBm
isolation such that the sources do not Limits power at input mixer to less than -50 dBm.
create their own IMD. Do not treat SPAN: < frequency span > GHz, MHz, kHz or Hz
this part of the measurement lightly; Sets frequency span to be less than the separation
see Part V for a detailed description frequency, ∆f, to ensure that only one tone is displayed
on source power combination tech- at a time.
niques. Filtering may be required FREQUENCY: CF Step : < ∆f >: GHz, MHz, kHz or Hz
between the power combiner and the Bw / Avg: < .1 > Couples the VBW filter and the RBW filter with a
bandwidth ratio of 1:10.
DUT to remove unwanted harmonics.
For the same reason, additional fil-
Tune to the lower fundamental tone frequency:
tering may be required between the
DUT and the analyzer. Again, see FREQUENCY: Center Freq: < f1 >: GHz, MHz, kHz or Hz.
If the DUT is a mixer, then tune to the translated
Part V for more information. Source frequency corresponding to f1.
1 is tuned to one of the fundamental
AMPLITUDE: Ref Level: < Reference Level Value > :dBm
frequencies, f1, and Source 2 is tuned Set Reference Level Value to be higher than the DUT’s
to the other fundamental tone fre- fundamental tone output power.
quency, f2. The frequency separation, Peak Search Marker will position itself at the peak of the
∆f, of the two input tones is some- fundamental at frequency f1.
times referred to as the tone spacing. Fine tune the DUT’s output power while monitoring
The upper third order IMD compo- the PSA’s marker amplitude value.
nent falls at a frequency of 2 x f2 - f1 Marker →: Mkr → Ref Lvl
(or f1 + 2 x ∆f) and the lower third Brings displayed fundamental amplitude to the top
order IMD component falls at a line of the display graticule to optimize display range.
frequency of 2 x f1 - f2 (or f1 - ∆f). Marker: Delta Activates the Delta Marker where the reference is the
For best results, if applicable, the fundamental tone at frequency f1.
frequency references of all the
sources and the analyzer should
be locked together. Tune to the upper fundamental tone frequency:
FREQUENCY: Center Freq: ⇑
If the DUT is a mixer, the frequency translation may
reverse the frequency orientation of the tones, in
which case substitute a down arrow hardkey,
⇓, for the up arrow key in the rest of this procedure.
In most cases, the fundamental tones are adjusted to
have the same power levels. If so, then adjust the
Source 2 power level for a displayed delta marker
amplitude of 0 dB. Otherwise, adjust the Source 2
power level to the desired difference from the
Source 1 power level.

Tune to the upper IMD product:
FREQUENCY: Center Freq: ⇑
SPAN: ⇓ : ⇓ :⇓, etc. Spanning down in frequency will automatically reduce the
RBW value, which in turn reduces the displayed noise.
Span down until the distortion product is at least
5 dB above the noise floor. If the noise floor falls
below the bottom of the display then follow
this procedure:
AMPLITUDE: Attenuation: Attenuation
‘Man’ should be underlined. This de-couples the input
attenuator from the reference level.
AMPLITUDE: Ref Level: ⇓ :⇓, etc.
Maximum power at the mixer is not altered by changing
the Reference Level setting
For distortion products close to the noise floor,
the variance of the signal amplitude can be
reduced by lowering the VBW value.
Bw / Avg: Video BW: ⇓ :⇓, etc.
The marker delta amplitude value is the upper
IMD product power relative to the fundamental
tone power.

Tune to the lower IMD product:

FREQUENCY: Center Freq: ⇓, ⇓, ⇓
The marker delta amplitude value is the lower
IMD product power relative to the fundamental
tone power.

To compute output TOI (Third Order Intercept) power level:

TOI [dBm]= DUT Output Power of each tone [dBm] + ∆/2
DUT Output Power is the reference level value read
off the display minus any loss between the DUT and
the input of the PSA series analyzer. Note that the power
is the power of each tone and not the combined power
of the two tones. ∆ is the negative of the marker
delta amplitude value; ∆ is a positive value. In most
cases TOI is computed using the higher amplitude of
the upper or lower distortion products yielding the
more conservative TOI result.

Small Signal Desensitization Figure 1–4
Two-Tone Gain High f1
Small signal desensitization measure- Compression Power
Measurement Source
ment is a form of a gain compression
test on components intended for Setup Σ DUT PSA
use in receiver architectures. Power
Another term for this measurement Source f2
is two-tone gain compression. This
measurement predicts the amount of
gain change of a relatively low power
signal in the presence of other high
power signals.
monitored by the spectrum analyzer
while the other tone at a much high-
Network analyzers commonly are
er power level drives the DUT into
used to measure the gain compres-
gain compression. When in gain
sion level of a nonlinear device.
compression, the amplitude of the
However, the spectrum analyzer
lower power tone decreases by the
is quite capable of measuring gain
gain compression value (that is, for a
compression as well. Whereas the
1 dB gain compression measurement,
network analyzer approach sweeps
the amplitude of the lower power
the power of a single tone at a fixed
tone is 1 dB lower than when the
frequency to characterize and display
higher power tone is turned off).
the power-out vs. power-in response,
When the desired gain compression
the spectrum analyzer approach
is reached, the amplitude of the
uses two tones in a test setup similar
higher power tone is measured by
to the two-tone intermodulation
the spectrum analyzer.
distortion measurement procedure.
One tone at a lower power level is
The two-tone method is not recom-
mended for high power amplifiers in
which a large CW signal could cause
localized heating, thereby affecting
the measured results. In these cases
the network analyzer is more appro-
priate. For more information refer to
the techniques in reference [3].

Measurement Setup: Setup PSA Series Analyzer:
The measurement setup for the Auto Couple Couples RBW filter, VBW filter, Span and Sweep time.
two-tone gain compression test is Couples Reference Level and Input Attenuator.
shown in Figure 1–4. AMPLITUDE: More: More: Max Mxr Lvl: < -10 > : dBm
Default setting.
The isolation requirements for the AMPLITUDE: Ref Level: < Reference Level Value >: dBm
signal combiner described for the Reference Level must be greater than the anticipated
IMD measurement do not apply to DUT output power at gain compression.
the gain compression test. The sepa- AMPLITUDE: Attenuation: Attenuation
ration frequency of the two sources The ‘Man’ should be underlined. The PSA series’ Input
must be within the bandwidth of the Attenuator is now de-coupled at a setting where the
analyzer will not be driven into compression.
DUT. The high power source needs
enough power to drive the DUT into
Tune to the Low Power Source Frequency:
gain compression. The power level of
the low power source is set at least FREQUENCY: Center Freq: < f2 > : GHz, MHz, kHz or Hz.
If the DUT is a mixer, then tune to the translated
40 dB below the power level of the frequency corresponding to f2.
high power source.
Set the Source 2 power level such that the displayed
DUT output amplitude at frequency f2 is at least
40 dB below the estimated DUT output power
at gain compression.
SPAN: ⇓, ⇓, etc. Span down until the displayed amplitude at f2 is at
least 20 dB above the noise floor.
Bw / Avg: Video BW: ⇓, ⇓, etc
Reduce video bandwidth to reduce amplitude variance
due to noise.

Drive DUT into Compression:

First, reduce Source 1 power such that the DUT
is not gain compressed. Or better yet, turn off the
Source 1 power.
Marker: Delta Activate the delta marker.
Increase Source 1 power until Delta Marker amplitude
decreases by the desired gain compression amount.
For example, if DUT output power at 1 dB gain
compression is desired, then increase Source 1 power
until the Delta Marker amplitude decreases by 1 dB.

Measure DUT Output Power:

FREQUENCY: Center Freq: < f1 >: GHz, MHz, kHz or Hz
Tune to Source 1 frequency.
Marker: Normal Turn off the delta marker mode.
Marker amplitude is the DUT output power at the
specified gain compression level. The digital IF in the
PSA series allows valid measurement of signals whose
amplitudes fall above or below the display graticule.
As long as the ‘Final IF Overload’ message is not
present, the marker amplitude is valid.

Spectral Regrowth of Figure 1–5
Spectral Regrowth Main
a Digitally Modulated Signal Channel
of a Digitally
Digital modulation employing both Modulated Signal
amplitude and phase shifts generates
distortion known as spectral Spectral
regrowth. As depicted in Figure 1–5, Regrowth
spectral regrowth falls outside the
main channel into the lower and
Lower Main Upper
upper adjacent channels. Adjacent Channel Adjacent
Channel Channel
Like other distortion measurements,
the spectrum analyzer creates its
own internally generated distortion
which, in the case of digitally power across the entire main must be reached between the two.
modulated signals, is called spectral channel and each of the adjacent Another complicating matter with
regrowth. In most cases, the spectral channels. In either case the user digitally modulated signals is that the
regrowth distortion generated within must set the proper mixer level of mixer level cannot be set based on
the spectrum analyzer is third order, the spectrum analyzer to minimize average power at the mixer alone.
meaning that for every 1 dB increase the internally generated spectral The peak-to-average ratio of the
in main channel power, the spectral regrowth. However, minimizing inter- modulated signal affects the amount
regrowth power increases by 3 dB. In nally generated spectral regrowth of internally-generated spectral
addition to spectral regrowth, phase comes at the price of increasing regrowth and must be factored
noise and broadband noise of the broadband noise, therefore a balance into the setting of the mixer level.
spectrum analyzer also limit the
dynamic range of this type of
distortion measurement.
Setup PSA Series Analyzer:
Adjacent Channel Power Ratio
Auto Couple Couples RBW filter, VBW filter, Span and Sweep time.
(ACPR) is the measure of the ratio of Couples Reference Level and Input Attenuator.
the main channel power to the power
Bw/Avg: Resolution BW: < RBW Value >
in either of the adjacent channels. Set RBW Value to the specified setting according to
Some modulation formats require the modulation format guidelines. RBW setting must
a spot measurement where power be much less than the modulation bandwidth.
measurements are made at specific Frequency: Center Freq: < Main Channel Frequency > GHz, MHz, kHz or Hz
frequency offsets in the main and Span: < Span > Set span in order to view the main channel and
adjacent channels. Other formats the adjacent channels.
require an integrated power meas- Det/Demod: Detector: Average
urement where the spectrum analyz- Activates the Averaging detector, which reports the
er individually computes the total average signal amplitude between trace display points.
Sweep: < Sweep Time > With the average detector on, longer sweep times reduce
the displayed variance of a noise-like signal.
Amplitude: Ref Level: < Reference Level Value >
Set Reference Level Value in order to place the main
channel amplitude near the top of the display.
Amplitude: Attenuation < Attenuation Value > dB
Start from a low attenuation setting. Increase attenuation
until spectral regrowth amplitude in the adjacent channel
no longer changes. Then increase attenuation by 10 dB.
Marker: Span Pair: Center: < Main Channel Center Frequency >
Marker: Span Pair: Span: < Channel Bandwidth >
Record marker amplitude value.
This is the main channel power in dBm.
Marker: Span Pair: Center: < Adjacent Channel center frequency >
Record marker amplitude value.
This is the adjacent channel power.
ACPR = Main channel power - Adjacent channel power [dB].

Part II:
Mixer Level Optimization

The distortion measurements Figure 2–1

detailed in Part I have the spectrum Spectrum Analyzer Pout
Pout vs. Pin (dBm)
analyzer configured such that its
Characteristic Displayed
internally generated distortion
Signal 1
products fall below the distortion
being measured. While guaranteed
to make accurate measurements by
ensuring that the spectrum analyzer S/N
generated distortion does not mask
the DUT generated distortion, these SA Noise Floor
techniques do not allow full use of
the available dynamic range of the (dBm)
spectrum analyzer. In order to make
distortion measurements on highly
dynamic range charts found in many Power-in (Pin) is the power present
linear devices whose distortion is
spectrum analyzer data sheets show at the RF input port and power-out
already very low, the user must over-
the dynamic range plotted against (Pout) is the signal as it appears on
ride the auto-couple features of the
the mixer level. This is an extremely the display of the spectrum analyzer.
spectrum analyzer. Removing the
useful tool in understanding how to Both axes of the graph indicate RMS
auto-coupling allows more flexibility
best set the mixer level for second power of a CW signal. The apparent
in optimizing the dynamic range of
harmonic distortion and third order gain of the spectrum analyzer is
the spectrum analyzer. Beginning
intermodulation distortion measure- 0 dB, meaning that the displayed
with this part, techniques pertaining
ments. Normally the dynamic range amplitude is the value of the power
to optimizing the PSA series settings
charts in data sheets use specified at the RF input port. The noise floor
for maximum distortion measure-
spectrum analyzer performance and of the spectrum analyzer places a
ment capability are explained. This
not the better typical performance. limitation on the smallest amplitude
discussion begins with setting
Learning how to construct these that can be measured. Displayed
the mixer level.
charts not only assists in under- Average Noise Level (DANL) is the
standing how to use them, but it noise floor as it appears on the dis-
Controlling the amount of power
also allows flexibility so that the user play. For the PSA series, specified
present at the first mixer of the
can customize the chart for actual DANL is given in units of dBm/Hz
spectrum analyzer is the first step
spectrum analyzer performance. (the noise is normalized to a 1 Hz
in making distortion measurements.
Resolution Bandwidth setting, meas-
Optimizing this power, known as the
Signal-to-noise ratio, signal-to- ured in a 0 dB Input Attenuation
mixer level, maximizes the dynamic
distortion ratio and phase noise setting). Additionally, specified DANL
range of the spectrum analyzer.
contribute to the construction of the in the PSA series is measured using
Where a mixer level is set too low,
dynamic range chart. All of these the Log-Power (Video) averaging
the spectrum analyzer noise floor
individual terms will be discussed scale. (More on this subject later).
limits the distortion measurement.
starting with signal-to-noise versus
Where a mixer level is set too high,
mixer level. Figure 2–1 demonstrates that for
the distortion products generated
every 1 dB drop in input power, the
within the spectrum analyzer limit
Signal-to-Noise versus Mixer Level output signal-to-noise ratio (S/N)
the distortion measurement. The
drops by 1 dB. Input power can
The spectrum analyzer can be be reduced in one of two ways:
thought of as a two-port device either the power level is decreased
characterized by a power-out versus externally or the spectrum analyzer
power-in transfer function, as shown Input Attenuation is increased.
in Figure 2–1.

Another way of presenting the Figure 2–2
information in Figure 2–1 is to plot Signal to Noise vs. 0
S/N versus power at the input mixer. Power at the
Input Mixer -20
Figure 2–2 shows this plot. The

Mixer Level (dBc)

straight line data representing DANL -40

DANL relative to
relative to mixer level (or inverted -60
S/N) has a slope of -1 signifying that
for every 1 dB decrease in power at -80 SA DANL Value (dBm)
the input mixer, the S/N decreases -100
1 dB. The spectrum analyzer’s DANL
value locates the anchor point for -180 -160 -120 -100 -80 -60
-140 -40
the straight line. At the y-axis 0 dBc
Mixer Level (dBm)
point, the x-axis mixer level is the
DANL for 1 Hz RBW and 0 dB Input
Attenuation. For example, in Figure
2–2, the spectrum analyzer DANL is
-155 dBm in a 1 Hz RBW, measured Figure 2–3
Noise Floor with -30
with 0 dB Input Attenuation.

Mixer Level (dBc)

Different RBW -40 1 kHz RBW

DANL relative to
Settings -50 10 Hz RBW
The noise floor of the spectrum -60
analyzer can be affected in two -70 1 Hz RBW 30 dB
ways. One is with the RBW setting. -80
The noise floor rises over the 1 Hz -90 10 dB
normalized DANL value according -100
to the equation: 10 Log(RBW); where -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50
RBW is the Resolution Bandwidth Mixer Level (dBm)
setting in Hz. Increasing the RBW
by a factor of 10 increases the noise
floor by 10 dB. Figure 2–3 shows
the noise floor with 1 Hz, 10 Hz and Figure 2–4
1 kHz settings, demonstrating that Averaging Scale Noise Level using Power (RMS)
the noise floor increases by 10 and Effect on Averaging Scale
.25 dB
30 dB respectively relative to the Displayed Noise Noise Level in an
2.51 dB Ideal Rectangular RBW Filter
1 Hz RBW setting.
2.26 dB
The other mechanism that affects the
displayed noise floor is the averaging Noise Level using Log-Power (Video)
Averaging Scale
scale. Averaging scale selection is
found under the Mode Setup hardkey,
Avg/VBW type softkey. The PSA
series has two averaging scales for
power measurements: Log-Power
(Video) and Power (RMS). We discuss
the distinction between these two
averaging scales at this point because
of their affect on displayed noise.
Later we will discuss which averag-
ing scale is most appropriate for the
type of distortion measurement
being made.

Figure 2–4 shows the relationship PSA series, the noise-power One important point is that the
between noise, displayed noise using bandwidth (NBW) of any RBW filter measured amplitude of CW signals
the Log-Power (Video) scale, and is approximately 6 percent wider does not change with averaging scale.
displayed noise using the Power than its -3 dB bandwidth. The ratio Log-Power (Video) averaging scale is
(RMS) scale. of the NBW to the -3 dB bandwidth preferred for measuring CW signals
of a RBW filter is the power gain because it gives 2.51 dB of added S/N
Ideally, noise is measured using a when measuring noise or noise-like over the Power (RMS) display scale.
rectangular filter that has a flat signals. For the PSA series this power The Power (RMS) display scale is
passband response and infinite gain is 10 x Log(1.06) or +0.25 dB. the proper averaging scale when
attenuation in the stopband. measuring digitally modulated sig-
However, the PSA series measure all The displayed noise power of the nals that have noise-like behavior.
signals, including noise, using RBW PSA series when using the Power As explained in reference [4], if the
filters that approximate a Gaussian (RMS) averaging scale is 0.25 dB statistics of the modulated signal are
response. These filters offer much higher than when using the ideal not exactly known, the 2.51 dB cor-
better time domain performance rectangular RBW filter, indicating rection factor that strictly applies
than the theoretical rectangular that it reports the NBW filter power to white Gaussian noise cannot be
RBW filter. The consequence of using response. As the name implies, the assumed. The hard to quantify
non-rectangular RBW filters is that, Power averaging scale reports the offsets associated with the Log-Power
when subjected to noise with a flat power of the signal, whether this (Video) scale do not exist in the
power spectral density, the noise that signal be Gaussian noise, CW, or a Power (RMS) scale when measuring
falls outside of the specified -3 dB signal with modulation. This power modulated signals with unknown
bandwidth will be measured along measurement is equivalent to the power statistics.
with the noise that falls inside the root-mean-square of the signal
passband of the filter. So, if the voltage.
rectangular RBW filter has the same
bandwidth as the near-Gaussian RBW When using the Log-Power (Video)
filter, the measured noise power will averaging scale, Gaussian noise is
be greater when using the RBW filter. displayed 2.51 dB lower in power
Noise-power bandwidth (or equiva- than when using the Power (RMS)
lent noise bandwidth) describes the averaging scale. References [1]
bandwidth of an ideal rectangular and [4] explain the reasons for
filter (this is different than the the under-response of noise when
ideal rectangular RBW filter!) whose using the Log-Power averaging scale.
power response is the same as the To compute the noise in an ideal
power response of the actual filter rectangular RBW filter from the
used for the noise measurement. For noise measured using the Log-Power
averaging scale, add 2.51 dB to
correct for logarithmic averaging
scale conversion and subtract 0.25
dB to account for the ratio of NBW
to the -3 dB bandwidth of the RBW
filter. The total correction for the
PSA series is +2.26 dB.

Signal-to-Noise with Excess Noise Figure 2–5
SA Pout vs. Pout
The S/N vs. mixer level graph also Pin with (dBm) Delayed
works when the noise at the input is External Noise Signal
greater than the noise floor of the
spectrum analyzer, something not
all that uncommon, especially when
preamplifiers are used as part of the S/Nexternal
measurement system. This excess
noise can stem from devices with External
relatively low signal-to-noise ratios Noise
as compared with the spectrum
analyzer. Some examples of these SA Noise Floor
devices are signal sources and
elements in receiver architectures. (dBm)
In this discussion, we are concerned
with excess broadband noise, not
close-in phase noise.
Figure 2–6
Figure 2–5 depicts the situation Signal-to-Noise -70
where the external noise from the vs. Mixer Level
with External -80
Mixer Level (dBc)
DUT is greater than the noise floor
DANL relative to

of the spectrum analyzer (SA). Noise Greater

than SA Noise -90
At higher signal power levels the External Noise Combined Noise
external signal-to-noise ratio stays -100
constant. As the input signal power
decreases, the external noise falls SA Noise
below the noise floor of the spectrum -120
analyzer, in which case the S/N -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30
decreases in the familiar 1 dB per Mixer Level (dBm)
1 dB of signal power reduction.

Figure 2–6 shows how external noise external noise curves, the combined Signal-to-Distortion versus
appears on the S/N versus mixer noise is 3 dB higher than the two Mixer Level
level graph. At higher powers, the individual contributors alone. The
external noise as displayed on the Distortion products can also be
DANL relative to the power at the
spectrum analyzer follows the same viewed on the Power-out vs. Power-in
mixer stays constant and at lower
dependency on RBW setting as the graph. Figure 2–7 shows that Nth
mixer levels the S/N curve shows
SA noise, such that for every decade order distortion product amplitudes
the familiar slope of -1. The SA
increase in RBW value, both the SA increase N dB for every dB of funda-
Noise and the external noise add as
Noise and the external noise curves mental tone power increase. The
uncorrelated powers such that at the
shift up by 10 dB on the dynamic signal-to-distortion ratio (S/D)
intersection of the SA noise and the
range chart. decreases N-1 dB for every 1 dB
of increase in fundamental tone
power. Above a certain power level,
however, the spectrum analyzer gain
compresses, at which point the out-
put power no longer increases in a
linear relationship when plotted on a
log power scale. By extrapolating the

below gain compression Pout vs. Pin Figure 2–7
curves for both the fundamental tone Pout vs. Pin Pout
Curves for (dBm)
and the distortion products, the two
lines cross at a fictional output Output Intercept
power level above gain compression. Point (dBm)
The output power where these two
lines meet is termed Third Order
Intercept (TOI) for third order inter-
modulation distortion and Second S/D
Harmonic Intercept (SHI) for second Fundamental Distortion
Tone Product
harmonic distortion.

For the spectrum analyzer, TOI and

SHI are specified with respect to 1
the power at the input mixer. Pin
Another way of thinking about these (dBm)
specifications is that TOI and SHI
are measured assuming 0 dB Input
Attenuation. Referring to Figure 2–8, Figure 2–8
SHI is calculated as: SHI = P + ∆; Second and Third
where P is the input power minus the Order Distortion
Input Attenuation value and ∆ is the
dB difference between the second
order distortion product power level
and the fundamental tone power
level (∆ is a positive value). TOI is f0 2f0 2f1-f2 f1 f2 2f2-f1
measured assuming two equal power Second Order Third Order
tones at the input and is calculated
as: TOI = P + ∆/2. In this case P is the
power at the input mixer of each
Figure 2–9
tone; P is not the combined tone Signal to Distortion 0
Distortion Relative to

power, which would be 3 dB higher. versus Power at -20 Third Order 1

Again ∆ is the power difference
Mixer Level (dBc)

the Input Mixer

between each fundamental tone Second Order
and the intermodulation distortion
product and is a positive value. If the -80
two intermodulation products have -100 2 TOI SHI
unequal amplitudes, the product -120
with the higher amplitude is used, -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
giving a worst-case TOI result. Mixer Level (dBm)

Having demonstrated the conversion

of S/N from the Power-out versus
Power-in graph to the S/N versus For second order distortion the slope intersection point on the y-axis
mixer level graph, we can also plot of the S/D versus mixer level curve is corresponds to the SHI value in dBm
S/D versus mixer level. Figure 2–9 +1, signifying that for every 1 dB on the x-axis. In the example shown
shows distortion relative to mixer increase in power at the mixer, the in Figure 2–9, the SHI performance
level (or inverted signal-to-distor- S/D decreases 1 dB. For third order of the spectrum analyzer is +45 dBm.
tion) in dBc units versus the input the slope of this curve is +2; for For the third order curve the 0 dBc
power at the mixer for second and every 1 dB increase in the two intersection point on the y-axis
third order distortion. fundamental tone power levels, corresponds to the TOI value in
the S/D decreases by 2 dB. For the dBm. In this example, the TOI of the
second harmonic curve the 0 dBc spectrum analyzer is +20 dBm.

The Dynamic Range Chart Figure 2–10

Relative to Mixer Lever (dBc)

Dynamic Range -40
Combining the signal-to-noise and Chart -50 DANL Second Order
-60 10 Hz RBW Distortion
the signal-to-distortion versus mixer

DANL and Distortion

level curves into the same graph -80
yields the dynamic range chart as -90 DANL
-100 1 Hz RBW Third Order
shown in Figure 2–10. -110 Distortion
The dynamic range chart allows a -130
visual means of determining the -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
maximum dynamic range and the Mixer Lever (dBm)
optimum power at the first mixer
where the maximum dynamic range
occurs. Using simple geometry on the
curves that make up the dynamic
range chart yields closed form Second Harmonic Distortion:
equations for maximum dynamic Maximum Dynamic Range = 1/2 SHI - DANL] dB (2–1)
range and optimum mixer level. Optimum Mixer Level = 1/2 [SHI + DANL ] dBm (2–2)

Third Order Intermodulation Distortion:

Maximum Dynamic Range = 2/3 [TOI - DANL] dB (2–3)
Optimum Mixer Level = 1/3 [2 x TOI + DANL] dBm (2–4)

For example, the values in Figure 2–10 are:

DANL = -145 dBm in 10 Hz RBW
TOI = +20 dBm
SHI = +45 dBm
Second Order Distortion in 10 Hz RBW:
Maximum Dynamic Range = 1/2 [45 - (-145)] = 95 dB
Optimum Mixer Level = 1/2 [45 - 145] = -50 dBm
Third Order Intermodulation Distortion in 10 Hz RBW:
Maximum Dynamic Range = 2/3 [20 - (-145)] = 110 dB
Optimum Mixer Level = 1/3 [2 x 20 - 145 ] = -35 dBm

Adding Phase Noise to Figure 2–11a Figure 2–11b
the Dynamic Range Chart Phase Noise Phase Noise as a
Limitations on function of RBW
Phase noise, due to either the DUT Dynamic Range Phase
Phase Noise Noise
or the spectrum analyzer, can hide masks the
distortion products, as demonstrated distortion RBW2
in Figure 2–11a. In this case, the RBW1
third order intermodulation products
fall under the phase noise skirt, pre-
venting them from being measured.
f1 f2 f0 foffset

Like broadband noise, the displayed

phase noise floor also changes level
with RBW setting, as shown in Figure
2–11b. The spectrum analyzer phase Figure 2–12

DANL and DistortionRelative

noise at a particular frequency offset Phase Noise
Represented -60 DANL Third Order
is specified in dB relative to carrier on the Dynamic -70 1 Hz RBW Distortion

to Mixer Level (dBc)

in a 1 Hz noise bandwidth. This 1 Hz Range Chart -80
noise bandwidth assumes a phase -90 Phase Noise
noise measurement on a power scale -100 (Power Scale)
with the over-response due to the -120 Phase Noise
ratio of the equivalent noise band- -130 (Log Power Scale)
width to the -3 dB bandwidth of the -140
RBW filter removed. The relationship -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
of displayed broadband noise versus Mixer Level (dBm)
averaging scale depicted in Figure
2–4 also applies to phase noise.
Therefore, if phase noise measure-
ments are to be made using the
Log-Power (Video) scale, which is Referring to Figure 2–6 where
the preferred display mode for CW external noise is shown adding to
signals, the phase noise value needs the broadband noise of the spectrum
to be offset by -2.26 dBc from its analyzer, when two uncorrelated
specified level. When using the noise signals combine, the resulting
Power (RMS) averaging scale, the total power is computed as shown in
phase noise is offset by +0.25 dBc equation 2–5.
from its specified value.
Total Power = 10 x Log (10^(P1/10) + 10^(P2/10)) [dBm] (2-5)
Figure 2–12 demonstrates how
where P1 and P2 are the individual power terms in dBm
phase noise appears on the dynamic
range chart. Note that phase at one
offset frequency is presented. For The phase noise and the broadband
this case the specified phase noise noise, being uncorrelated, also follow
at the particular offset frequency of equation 2–5 when they combine. So,
interest is -110 dBc/Hz. Using the at the intersection of the phase noise
Log-Power (Video) averaging scale, and the DANL curves, assuming both
the phase noise appears to be are shown on the same display scale
-110 minus 2.26 dB or -112.26 dBc setting, the resulting total noise
normalized to the 1 Hz RBW. When power is 3 dB higher than the two
using the Power display scale, the individual contributors.
phase noise appears to be 2.51 dB
higher than with the Log-Power
display scale, or -109.75 dBc
normalized to the 1 Hz RBW.

Noise Adding to the Figure 2–13
CW Tone Apparent Signal
Distortion Product
Plus Noise Displayed
This section concerns the measure- S/N
Actual S/N
ment of CW-type distortion products
measured near the noise floor when
using the Log-Power averaging scale. CW Signal
An overview is given here, and
references [4] and [6] explain this
subject in greater detail.

When a CW tone amplitude is close

to the noise floor, the signal and Figure 2–14
S/N error versus 10.00
noise add together as shown in 9.00
displayed Actual
Figure 2–13. 8.00

S/N Error (dB)

S/N for CW Signals
using a Log-Power 7.00
The apparent signal is the signal and Display 5.00
noise added together that the user 4.00
would see displayed on the spectrum 3.00
analyzer. Reference [4] gives this the 1.00
name S+N for signal-plus-noise. The 0.00
displayed signal-to-noise ratio is the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Displayed S/N (dB)
apparent signal peak to the broad-
band noise (noise level with the
CW tone removed). The term, actual
signal-to-noise ratio, means the ratio
of the true CW tone peak amplitude
to the broadband noise level. The To use the graph shown in Figure -101.1 dBm. One key observation
actual signal-to-noise ratio is some- 2–14, locate the displayed signal-to- is that when the CW tone amplitude
what lower than the displayed signal- noise ratio on the x-axis, then read is equal to the broadband noise
to-noise ratio. Figure 2–14 shows off the error on the y-axis. Subtract level, that is, 0 dB actual S/N, the
graphically the signal-to-noise ratio this error value from the displayed displayed S/N is approximately
error versus the displayed signal-to- signal amplitude to compute the true 2.1 dB. For an error in the displayed
noise ratio. The difference between CW signal amplitude. For example, S/N to be less than 1 dB, the dis-
the displayed S/N and the actual suppose the displayed S/N is 3 dB played S/N should be at least 3.3 dB.
S/N is the signal-to-noise ratio error. for a displayed signal measuring
This graph pertains to CW distortion -100 dBm. The corresponding error When making distortion measure-
measurements using the Log-Power is 1.1 dB, which means that the ments on CW-type signals, the
(Video) averaging scale, not the true signal amplitude is -100 dBm information in Figure 2–14 can be
Power (RMS) averaging scale minus the 1.1 dB error term, or transferred to the dynamic range
chart. Figures 2–15 and 2–16 show
how the second and third order
dynamic range curves change as
a result of noise adding to the
distortion products.

Below the solid, heavy lines repre- Figure 2–15
senting distortion-plus-noise, the Dynamic Range -90

DANL and Distortion Relative

CW distortion products are not dis- Chart with Noise -92
Added to the CW Distortion +
cernable. This translates to a reduc- -94
Second Order Noise

to Mixer Level (dBc)

tion in the spectrum analyzer’s Distortion Products -96
maximum dynamic range. Both the
second and third order maximum Second
dynamic ranges reduce by approxi- -100 DANL Order
mately 2.1 dB when the effect of -102
noise is added to the CW distortion -104
products displayed on the Log-Power -60 -59 -58 -57 -56 -55 -54 -53 -52 -51 -50
scale. The corresponding optimum Mixer Level (dBm)
mixer level is offset by +0.5 dB for
second harmonic distortion and by
-0.36 dB for third order intermodula-
tion distortion. All of these values Figure 2–16
are relative to the ideal maximum Dynamic Range -106

DANL and Distortion Relative

dynamic ranges and optimum mixer Chart with Noise -108
levels given by equations 2–1 Added to the CW
Third Order -110 Distortion +
through 2–4. Noise
Distortion Products to Mixer Level (dBc) -112
Figures 2–15 and 2–16 show the -114 Third
DANL Order
reduced dynamic range assuming -116 Distortion
no steps are taken to remove the -118
near-noise measurement errors. The
S/N Error versus Displayed S/N
-45 -44 -43 -42 -41 -40 -39 -38 -37 -36 -35
graph (Figure 2–14) indicates that
Mixer Level (dBm)
white Gaussian noise adding to a
CW signals results in a predictable
amount of error, which is different
than an uncertainty. To regain the
lost 2.1 dB of dynamic range, one
could measure the displayed S/N of
the near-noise distortion product
and, using the information in Figure
2–14, remove the corresponding
error value.

SA Distortion Adding to Figure 2–17
Amplitude Uncertainty 10.00
DUT Distortion
due to Two Coherent 8.00

Amplitude Undertainty (dB)

When the amplitudes of the distor- CW Tone Adding 6.00
tion products of the DUT fall close Together
to the amplitudes of the internally 2.00
generated distortion products of the 0.00
spectrum analyzer, an uncertainty in -2.00
the displayed distortion amplitude -4.00
results. The DUT distortion products -6.00
fall at the same frequencies as the -8.00
SA generated distortion products -10.00
such that they add as voltages with -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
unknown phases. The error uncer- Relative Amplitudes (dB)
tainty due to the addition of two
coherent CW tones is bounded by
the values shown in equation 2–6.

Uncertainty = 20 x Log (1 ±10d/20) dB (2–6) Equation 2–6 and Figure 2–17 apply To ensure that measurement error
where ‘d’ is the relative amplitudes of without qualification to harmonic due to the combination of DUT and
the two tones in dB (a negative number). distortion measurements. For two- SA distortion products falls below a
+ is the case where the DUT and tone intermodulation distortion given threshold, the optimum mixer
SA distortion products add in-phase. measurements there is an exception. requires readjustment. Unfortunately,
- is the case where the DUT and SA distortion For most distortion measurements, this readjustment has an adverse
products add 180 degrees out of phase. the input power at the spectrum effect on the maximum dynamic
analyzer’s first mixer is far below its range available from the spectrum
Equation 2–6 is shown graphically in gain compression level, making the analyzer. The following procedure
Figure 2–17. The amplitude error spectrum analyzer a weakly-nonlin- helps compute the readjusted dynam-
could vary anywhere between the ear device. Reference [5] makes the ic range and the resulting optimum
two curves. case that for cascaded stages that mixer level needed to ensure that the
exhibit a weak nonlinearity, the distortion measurement uncertainty
For the situation when the internally intermodulation distortion compo- falls below a desired error level.
generated distortion product is equal nents add in-phase only. Tests
in amplitude to the external distor- performed on the PSA series confirm Start with a desired amount of
tion product, and they are in-phase, this conclusion if the tone spacing is maximum measurement error and,
the resulting displayed amplitude no greater than 1 MHz. Thus for two using the chart in Figure 2–17, read
could be 6 dB higher than the ampli- tone intermodulation measurements off the relative amplitudes corre-
tudes of the individual contributors. with tone spacing ≤1MHz, the dis- sponding to the desired threshold.
For individual contributors of equal played amplitude error due to two For harmonic measurements or two-
amplitude that are 180 degrees out of distortion products adding is given tone intermodulation measurements
phase, these signals would complete- by equation 2–7. whose tone separations are >1 MHz,
ly cancel, resulting in no displayed use the lower curve as it gives the
distortion product. Amplitude error = 20 x Log (1 + 10d/20) dB (2–7) most conservative result. For IMD
where ‘d’ is the relative amplitudes
measurements with tone separations
in dB between the internally generated ≤1 MHz, use the upper curve in
distortion and the external DUT generated Figure 2–16. Or instead, equations
distortion amplitudes (a negative number). 2–6 and 2–7 could be solved for ‘d’,
which is the relative amplitude value
between external and internal
distortion product amplitudes. The
relative amplitude value is then used
to determine how to offset the distor-
tion curves in the dynamic range
chart. Either offset the distortion

curves up by -d dB or offset the inter- Figure 2–18 -70

DANL and Distortion Relative

cept point by d/(Intercept order -1). Dynamic Range -75
Chart Showing -80 Valid
For example, for second order distor- Measurement
Valid Measurement -85 18.3 dB
tion, the effective SHI is offset by ‘d’ Range

to Mixer Level (dBc)

Region for <1 dB -90
and for third order intermodulation Measurement -95 9.2 dB
the effective TOI is offset by 1/2 d. By Uncertainty for
offsetting the intercept points, Third Order IMD
instead of offsetting the curves on -110
the dynamic range chart, equations -115
2–1 through 2–4 can be used to cal- -120
culate the optimum mixer levels and -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25
the maximum dynamic ranges. Mixer Level (dBm)

Here is an example of how to use

the information presented on near
noise and near distortion measure-
ments. Consider the situation where Thus in order to drive down One final note, we mentioned that
RBW = 10 Hz, DANL = -155 dBm/Hz measurement error, the loss in when measuring TOI with tone
and SA TOI = +20 dBm. The objective dynamic range is 6.1 dB and the spacing ≤1MHz, the DUT distortion
is to compute the modified maximum optimum mixer level is shifted down products add in-phase with the
third order intermodulation dynamic in power by 6.1 dB. distortion products generated by
range and the optimum mixer level. the PSA series analyzers, resulting
Using equations 2–3 and 2–4, we ear- But we are not done yet. Noise adds in what looks like an error term.
lier computed the ideal case maxi- to the distortion product, contribut- This situation seems very similar to
mum dynamic range as being 110 dB ing to a dynamic range loss of 2.1 dB the near-noise case, in which the
and the corresponding optimum and an optimum mixer level offset error term can be subtracted from
mixer level as being -35 dBm. of -0.36 dB. If no steps are taken to the displayed amplitude of the CW
Suppose the error uncertainty due to remove this noise error, a final value signal. Theoretically, the TOI product
DUT and SA distortion addition is to for maximum dynamic range equals addition is an error term, and
be less than 1 dB. Solve equation 2–7 101.8 dB with a corresponding opti- theoretically, this error could be
for d: mum mixer level of -41.5 dBm. The subtracted out to regain lost dynamic
valid measurement region is the area range. The difficulty with TOI is with
d = 20 x Log(10 dB Error/20 - 1 ) dB
of the dynamic range chart where the inability to accurately measure
d = 20 x Log(10 1/20 - 1) dB distortion interference error is below the TOI of the spectrum analyzer.
d = -18.3 dB the desired error value and the Spectrum analyzer TOI fluctuates
distortion product is discernable with tune frequency due to constant-
The SA’s effective TOI is computed above the noise floor. The valid meas- ly changing match, as seen by the
as SA TOI - d/2 or +20 - 18.3/2 = urement region for this example is first mixer. To accurately measure SA
+10.85 dBm. Figure 2–18 shows that shown in Figure 2–17. Keep in mind TOI in the hopes of removing the
the distortion curve has been shifted that the error due to near noise addi- error term, the same input match
up by 18.3 dB, corresponding to an tion is still present. This error can be would be required for both the SA
effective loss of 9.2 dB in SA TOI. removed with the aid of the graph in TOI measurement as well as the final
An intermediate maximum dynamic Figure 2–14, resulting in an improve- DUT measurement. Removing the
range and optimum mixer level can ment of 2.1 dB in dynamic range. TOI related error term is not impos-
be computed using the new effective sible, but for practical reasons it is
TOI value: best to consider the error term as an
Third Order Distortion in 10 Hz RBW: uncertainty that cannot be accurately
removed from the measurement.
Maximum Dynamic Range = 2/3 [10.85 - (-145)] = 103.9 dB
Optimum Mixer Level = 1/3 [2 x 10.85 - 145 ] = -41.1 dBm

Part III:
Distortion Measurements on
Digitally Modulated Signals
In Part II we concentrated on the displayed main channel power and The Peak detector and the Normal
distortion measurements of CW sig- the displayed spectral regrowth (that detector should not be used for
nals containing no modulation. In is, distortion products) are a function measurements on digitally modulated
Part III, we turn our attention to of the RBW setting of the spectrum signals. These detectors report the
out-of-channel leakage measure- analyzer. Finally, the manner in peak amplitude excursions that occur
ments, such as adjacent channel which the digitally modulated sig- between display measurement cells,
power (ACP) and alternate channel nal’s noise-like distortion compo- thus overemphasizing the amplitude
power on digitally modulated signals. nents and broadband noise add peaks of noise and noise-like signals.
Optimizing the mixer level of the together behaves differently than The Sample detector, by contrast,
spectrum analyzer is equally as when the distortion is CW. These reports the signal amplitude that
important for these types of distor- points will all be discussed in occurs at the display measurement
tion measurements as it is for distor- greater detail in the following. cell (sometimes referred to as display
tion measurements on CW signals. “bucket”), which does not peak bias
However, setting the mixer level for Choice of Averaging Scale and the measurement. The PSA series
digitally modulated signals requires Display Detector analyzer has another detector, called
different considerations than what the Average detector, which reports
we will discuss here in Part III. One of the first considerations when the average of the data across each
measuring digitally modulated sig- display bucket. When using the
Reference [4] states that under nals is the choice of the averaging Average detector, the longer the
conditions where the measurement scale (Log-Power vs. Power scale). sweep time, the greater the amount
bandwidth is much narrower than In order for the digitally modulated of averaging. Either the Sample
the modulation bandwidth (BWm) signal to behave exactly like noise, its detector or the Average detector
of a digitally modulated signal, the amplitude versus time characteristic should be used for measurements on
signal exhibits noise-like statistics in must possess a Gaussian Probability digitally modulated signals.
its amplitude distribution. In most Density Function (PDF). If the
practical cases, the spectrum analyz- Gaussian PDF is assumed then the The Video Bandwidth (VBW) filter
er RBW is much narrower than BWm displayed main channel power spec- reduces the amplitude fluctuations of
and satisfies the above condition. For tral density (PSD) follows the same the displayed signals and, depending
example, when measuring adjacent rules as white noise, where a 2.51 dB on the spectrum analyzer, is placed
channel power ratio (ACPR) on an displayed amplitude difference either before or after the linear to
IS-95 CDMA signal with a 1.23 MHz occurs between measurements on logarithmic conversion process in the
BWm, the specified measurement the Log-Power (Video) scale and the intermediate frequency (IF) chain.
RBW is 30 kHz. Why is the fact that Power (RMS) scale. However, if the One new feature in the PSA series
the signal exhibits noise-like behavior PDF of the digitally modulated signal analyzer not found in previous gener-
important? First, unlike with CW is not known exactly, which is usual- ation Agilent spectrum analyzers is
tones, greater care must be exercised ly the case, then the 2.51 dB offset that the VBW filter does not affect
in selecting the display mode, both does not necessarily hold true. The the power summation performed
the display detector and the averag- Power (RMS) averaging scale must be when using the Power (RMS) scale.
ing scale, when measuring digitally used for digitally modulated signals When using spectrum analyzers in
modulated signals. Second, both the as this scale avoids the uncertainties which the VBW filter is placed after
incurred when computing the the linear to logarithmic conversion
amplitudes on the Log-Power process, the user is cautioned to keep
(Video) averaging scale. the VBW ≥3 x RBW for the measure-
ment of signals that are random in
nature. This ensures that averaging
occurs on the Power scale and avoids
the offsets that occur on the log
scale. When using the Power (RMS)
averaging scale, the PSA series ana-
lyzer allows an arbitrarily narrow
VBW setting without the worry that
the measured amplitude will contain
log scale uncertainties. This allows
more flexibility to use the VBW to
reduce the measured amplitude vari-
ance of the digitally modulated signal.

Maximizing Spectrum Analyzer Figure 3–1a Figure 3–1b
Dynamic Range Displayed Amplitude Displayed Amplitude
of a CW Tone and a of Both Digitally
Three mechanisms inherent to the Digitally Modulated Modulated Signal and
spectrum analyzer limit its dynamic Signal with Equal DANL varies with RBW
range when measuring out of channel CW Tone RBW1
distortion on digitally modulated
signals. These mechanisms are: the 10*Log(BWm)
spectrum analyzer noise floor, the
PSD in S/N1
spectrum analyzer phase noise and 1 Hz BW RBW2 S/N2
the spectrum analyzer intermodula-
tion distortion. The noise floor is
always a limit as it is with CW distor-
tion measurements. Phase noise and
intermodulation, however, are limits
that depend on such parameters as
channel separation and modulation Figure 3–2
bandwidth. In other words, in the S/N vs. Mixer 0

Level (dBc) and -S/N (dB)

majority of cases, depending on the Level for Digitally

DANL Relative to Mixer

-20 -S/N of a
Modulated Signals -30
modulation format, phase noise or Modulated
-40 Signal
intermodulation will limit the -50
dynamic range of the spectrum -60
-70 10Log[BWm] + 2.26 dB
analyzer. -80 DANL in
-90 1 Hz RBW
Signal-to-Noise of Digitally -110
Modulated Signals -120
-100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10
The spectrum analyzer displays the Mixer Level (dBm)
main channel PSD at a level lower
by 10 x Log(BWm) than the amplitude
of a CW tone with equal power.
Therefore, the displayed S/N of the
digitally modulated signal is reduced S/N as a Function of Power at the first mixer
by 10 x Log(BWm). Figure 3–1a shows S/N = MLch -10 x Log(BWm) +10 x Log(NBW/RBW) - DANL -2.51 [dB] (2–8)
this effect. Furthermore, the dis- S/N = MLch - DANL -10 x Log(BWm) - 2.26 [dB]
played amplitude and displayed
broadband noise are functions of the Broadband noise on the Power (RMS) think of the channel power in terms
RBW setting which, unlike the CW averaging scale appears at the speci- of the power at the input mixer of
case, renders the S/N independent fied DANL + 10 x Log(RBW) + 2.51 + the spectrum analyzer; call this
of the RBW. See Figure 3–1b. the Input Attenuator setting. So for power MLch. MLch = Pch -
a spectrum analyzer with a DANL Input Attenuation. Thus, S/N as
The displayed main channel PSD of -155 dBm/Hz measured with a a function of power at the first
is Pch - 10 x Log(BWm/RBW) + 30 kHz RBW filter with 10 dB of mixer is given by equation 2–8.
10 x Log(NBW/RBW). Pch is the Input Attenuation, the displayed
total signal power and NBW is noise level on the Power Scale is: Equation 2–8 makes it evident that
the noise power bandwidth of the -155 + 10 x Log(30 kHz) + 2.51 + 10 = for digitally modulated signals, the
RBW filter used for the measure- -97.7 dBm. The signal-to-noise ratio S/N is a function of the modulation
ment. For the PSA series computes to 71.8 dB. bandwidth. Wider bandwidths lead
analyzer NBW/RBW is 1.06 or to a lower S/N. Figure 3–2 shows
10 x (NBW/RBW) = 0.25 dB. The fol- For purposes of plotting the S/N on the dynamic range chart with the
lowing is an example for computing the dynamic range chart, it is best to S/N plotted against the input power
the displayed amplitude of a -10 dBm at the first mixer for an IS-95 CDMA
IS-95 CDMA signal measured with a modulated signal. The S/N curve
30 kHz RBW filter setting: of the modulated signal is offset
Average Displayed Amplitude = Pch - 10 x Log(BWm/RBW) +10 x Log(NBW/RBW) from the DANL curve by
Average Displayed Amplitude = -10 - 10 x Log(1.2288 MHz/30 kHz) + 10 x Log(1.06) 10 x Log(BWm) - 2.26.
Average Displayed Amplitude = -25.9 dBm

Spectral Regrowth Due to Spectrum Figure 3–3a
Analyzer Intermodulation Distortion Spectral Regrowth
Generated Within the
Third, and in some cases fifth order Spectrum Analyzer can
intermodulation distortion of the be Modeled by Treating
the Digital Signal as
spectrum analyzer create distortion a Series of CW Tones
products that fall outside of the main
channel. Unlike power amplifiers,
and especially power amplifiers
with feed-forward architectures, the
spectral regrowth internal to the
spectrum analyzer can easily be
approximated with simple algebra.
The analysis of spectral regrowth
generated by spectrum analyzer
Figure 3–3b
intermodulation distortion relies Spectral Regrowth
on the premise that when the power as Displayed on
at the input mixer is far below gain the Log Scale 3rd Order
compression power level (by at least 5th Order
15 dB), the spectrum analyzer Distortion
behaves as a weakly-nonlinear
device. Such a device has a
voltage-in to voltage-out transfer
function given by the power series:
Vo = a1Vi + a2Vi2 + a3Vi3 + . . . + anVin. BWm BWm BWm BWm BWm
For spectrum analyzer front ends, Lower Lower Main Upper Upper
the power series does an excellent Alternate Adjacent Channel Adjacent Alternate
Channel Channel Channel Channel
job of predicting the frequencies of
the intermodulation distortion terms
and their relative amplitudes. As
the input power approaches the
spectrum analyzer gain compression
level, the power series approximation the spectral regrowth model. Each regrowth falling off on a curve as
no longer hold true, indicating the CW tone representing a segment of shown in Figure 3–3b. For third
limitation of this equation to the main channel interacts with all of order distortion, the upper and lower
relatively low power levels. the other CW tones creating inter- spectral regrowth bandwidths are
modulation distortion products. only as wide as the modulation
Spectral regrowth modeling for the Intermodulation products resulting bandwidth of the digitally modulated
spectrum analyzer front end begins from different tones start combining signal. The third order distortion
by breaking up the main channel into with each other, with the most prod- extends out in frequency away from
a series of equal spaced divisions in ucts adding at the edges of the main the main channel by one modulation
the frequency domain. Each division channel. It has been determined bandwidth and fifth order extends
is represented by a CW tone whose empirically that the individual by two modulation bandwidths.
power is the same as the total power distortion products add as voltages Third order distortion dominates
in that particular division. Figure using the 20 Log( ) relationship. In in adjacent channel measurements.
3–3a depicts this interpretation of most cases a log amplitude scale For alternate channel measurements,
is used that displays the spectral fifth order distortion becomes a

Spectral regrowth due to intermodu- Figure 3–4
lation distortion is noise-like, imply- Effective TOI of 20 Pk/Avg (dB)
ing that the main signal power to Digitally Modulated
15 5.5

TOI Offset (dB)

Signal versus
spectral regrowth power ratio is 11
Frequency Offset
independent of the spectrum analyz- from Main Channel 10 16
er RBW setting. In other words, the
displayed main channel PSD and the 5
spectral regrowth PSD both vary by 0
the 10 x Log(RBW) relation. Another
implication is that when the distor- -5
tion approaches the system noise 0.5 0.75 1 1.25
floor, the distortion and noise add Foffset / BWm
as uncorrelated powers using the

Total Power = 10 x Log(10 Noise Power / 10 +10 Distortion Power / 10 ) dBm (3–1)
where Noise Power is the system noise in dBm and
Distortion Power is the intermod-generated
spectral regrowth in dBm.

Calculating the level of third order The best way to show how to use So at an offset of 885 kHz from the
generated spectral regrowth depends Figure 3–4 is through illustration. main channel center frequency, the
on the frequency offset from the Suppose the ACPR is to be calculated third order spectral regrowth gener-
main channel center frequency at an offset of 885 kHz for an IS-95 ated within the spectrum analyzer
and the peak-to-average-ratio of the CDMA signal whose modulation would be 66 dB below the main
signal. A further complication is bandwidth is 1.23 MHz and peak- channel average PSD.
whether or not the adjacent channel to-average ratio is 11 dB. The
measurement is made at fixed offset Foffset/BWm ratio = .885/1.23 = 0.72. For measurements that rely on an
frequencies, as with IS-95 CDMA, or From Figure 3–4, the TOI offset at integrated power measurement
the measurement, is an integrated Foffset/BWm of 0.72 is +3 dB. across the adjacent channel,
power measurement as with Suppose the spectrum analyzer has a predicting the level of spectral
W-CDMA. For measurements at two tone TOI of +20 dBm, the effec- regrowth due to third order
fixed offset frequencies, Figure 3–4 tive TOI at 885 kHz offset would be distortion depends on modulation
can be used to estimate the third 20 dBm + 3 dB or +23 dBm. If the bandwidth and channel spacing.
order spectral regrowth for the PSA power at the spectrum analyzer’s Channel spacing is important
series analyzer. Note that these input mixer is -10 dBm, the spectral because it determines the unused
results cannot be generalized for regrowth can be calculated by manip- frequency band between channels,
other spectrum analyzers. Shown is ulating the equation: TOI = P + ∆/2. where the spectral regrowth can be
the TOI offset from the two-tone TOI In this case, ∆ is the dB difference of ignored. W-CDMA is one important
performance of the spectrum analyz- the main channel PSD to the third class of digitally modulated signals
er versus the frequency offset from order spectral regrowth. For the that use an integrated measurement.
the center of the main channel for example in this discussion, this
three different peak-to-average power difference is computed as
ratios. ∆ = 2*(TOI - P)
∆ = 2 x (23 - (-10))
∆ = 66 dB

For W-CDMA with 3.84 MHz symbol Figure 3–5
rate and a 5 MHz channel spacing, Phase Noise Individual Phase
the effective TOI offset is given in Contribution of a Noises add as
Digitally Modulated uncorrelated
Table 3–1. powers

This table shows how to calculate the

integrated adjacent channel power
due to third order distortion. For
example, suppose the W-CDMA signal
has a peak-to-average ratio of 11 dB
and the spectrum analyzer has a
two-tone TOI of +20 dBm. The effec-
tive TOI with a W-CDMA modulated
signal is 20 dBm + 4 dB or +24 dBm.
Phase Noise Contribution noise dynamic range of roughly
Manipulating the math as in the pre-
10 x Log(BWm). For example,
vious example, the spectral regrowth Just as internally generated phase suppose at 100 kHz offset, the
in the adjacent channel, assuming noise can limit the dynamic range spectrum analyzer’s specified
-10 dBm power at the input mixer, is: when measuring CW tones, phase phase noise is -118 dBc/Hz. With a
∆ = 2 x (24 - (-10)) noise also places a limitation on the modulation bandwidth of 1.23 MHz,
∆ = 68 dB dynamic range when measuring digi- the phase noise power at 100 kHz
tally modulated signals. The model away from the edge of the main
That is, the power integrated across used to calculate intermodulation channel relative to the PSD of
the adjacent channel is 68 dB below distortion of a digitally modulated the main channel would be
the power integrated across the main signal also proves useful in showing -118 + 10 x Log(1.23 x 106) +0.25 =
channel. how the phase noise adds to the -56.85 dB (the 0.25 dB term is the
spectral regrowth in the adjacent 10 x Log(NBW/RBW) discussed earli-
channel. In Figure 3–5, the main er). This relative phase noise power
Table 3–1. channel is divided into segments
Effective TOI Offset is not exact, because at any given
of equal frequency width with a frequency outside of the main chan-
for W-CDMA
CW tone representing the power nel, the phase noise derives from
in each segment. contributors that span the width of
Pk/Avg (dB) TOI Offset (dB)
5.5 7.5 the main channel. Therefore, use the
Associated with each CW tone is a 10 x Log(BWm) as a first order guide
11 4 phase noise skirt. The phase noise and that is probably within a couple
14.5 2 power contributed by individual dB of the true phase noise. From the
tones at any given frequency add depiction in Figure 3–5, for narrowly
in an uncorrelated fashion (that is, spaced channels, the phase noise can
the 10 Log( ) relationship). The clos- be a serious limitation for ACPR
er the frequency offset is to the main measurements.
channel, the greater the summation
of the phase noise power. The end
result is a reduction in the phase

Dynamic Range Chart for Digitally Figure 3–6
Dynamic Range -50
Modulated Signals

to Main Channel Power (dB)

Spectral Regrowth Relative
Chart for -55
We now have all the ingredients to IS-95 CDMA
at 885 kHz Offset -60
create the dynamic range chart when
-65 5th
making distortion measurements Noise Order
on digitally modulated signals. -70
Remember, the goal is to determine -75 Phase
the optimum input power at the Noise 3rd
-80 Order
mixer, which is a natural outcome
of the dynamic range chart. -85
-40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
Unfortunately, the dynamic range
chart for digitally modulated signals Mixer Level (dBm)
is highly format dependent.
Parameters such as modulation Figure 3–7
Dynamic Range -55

to Main Channel Power (dB)

bandwidth and channel spacing—

Spectral Regrowth Relative

Chart for W-CDMA -60
whether or not the ACPR measure-
ment is at fixed offset frequencies -65
or is an integrated power measure- -70 5th
ment—and the peak-to-average ratio Noise Order
of the main channel signal all affect Phase 3rd
the formation of the dynamic range -80 Noise Order
chart. While it is impossible to -85
generalize the dynamic range chart,
we can get a feel for the considera- -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
tions involved in constructing a suit- Mixer Level (dBm)
able dynamic range chart by showing
a couple of specific examples.

Figure 3–6 shows the dynamic range The frequency offset value used to A few observations can be made
chart for IS-95 CDMA with an 11 dB approximate the phase noise results regarding Figure 3–6. First, because
peak-to-average ratio measured at a from the following computation: the the measurement frequency is only
single offset frequency of 885 kHz. half-bandwidth of the measurement 270 kHz away from the edge of the
The parameters used to construct channel is (1.23 MHz / 2), or main channel, phase noise is the
this chart are: modulation bandwidth 615 kHz. At a measurement frequen- limiting mechanism for dynamic
= 1.23 MHz, DANL = -155 dBm/Hz, cy 885 kHz away from the center of range. Fifth order intermodulation
TOI = 20 dBm + 3 dB offset to the main channel, the frequency distortion is negligible. Third order
account for the 11 dB peak-to-aver- difference between the measurement intermodulation distortion and
age ratio, Fifth Order Intercept = frequency and the edge of the main broadband noise are minor contribu-
+12 dBm, and phase noise = channel is 885 kHz minus 615 kHz, or tors in the region of maximum
-132 dBc/Hz at an offset of 270 kHz. 270 kHz. dynamic range. The optimum mixer
level is nearly 20 dB higher than
the mixer level for the two-tone
intermodulation distortion shown
in Figure 2–10.

Figure 3–7 shows the dynamic spectral regrowth and broadband
range chart for W-CDMA. Again, the noise are the only limitations in the
peak-to-average ratio for the signal is region of highest dynamic range.
11 dB. The measurement uses inte- Notice that the range of mixer levels
grated power across both the main where the dynamic range is maxi-
and the adjacent channel as opposed mized is narrower than for the IS-95
to the single frequency measurement CDMA case. Optimum mixer level is
for IS-95 CDMA. The parameters about -13 dBm.
used to construct this chart are:
symbol rate = 3.84 MHz, Figure 3–7 can also be used to
channel spacing = 5 MHz, DANL = interpret the optimum mixer level
-155 dBm/Hz, TOI = 21 dBm + 4 dB for the alternate channel power
offset to account for the 11 dB measurement. In the alternate chan-
peak-to-average ratio, Fifth Order nel, as depicted in Figure 3–3b, the
Intercept = +12 dBm, and phase third order distortion products do
noise = -150 dBc/Hz at an offset of not exist, leaving only the fifth order
1.17 MHz. The frequency offset used distortion contributing to intermodu-
to estimate the phase noise contribu- lation generated spectral regrowth.
tion results from the fact that the For the PSA series, phase noise
frequency difference between the power stays at a near constant value
edge of the main channel and the between 1 and 6 MHz offsets. Thus
edge of the adjacent channel is the phase noise curve in Figure 3–7
1.17 MHz. used for the adjacent channel applies
with little error for the alternate
Because of the 1.17 MHz spacing channel measurement. For this
between channel edges, the phase measurement the optimum mixer
noise is considerably lower than with level is about -5 dBm.
the IS-95 CDMA example. In fact,
phase noise is not a significant
contributor at all. In the region of
maximum dynamic range, fifth order
intermodulation distortion is also
not a significant contributor. Third
order intermodulation distortion

Measurement Error Due to SA consistent with the power addition of
Spectral Regrowth Adding to DUT correlated signals. The conservative
Spectral Regrowth approach would be to use equation
2–7 to estimate differences in DUT
For CW distortion, we demonstrated and SA spectral regrowth levels as a
that to reduce the measurement function of the desired amount of
error, the DUT and spectrum analyz- measurement uncertainty. Once the
er distortion product levels must be desired spectral regrowth level differ-
offset by an amount dictated by the ence is calculated, the information
desired measurement error. For can be applied to the dynamic range
digitally modulated signals, a similar charts to estimate the measurement
consideration must be taken into dynamic range and the correspon-
account. In the case of digitally mod- ding mixer level. Using the example
ulated signals, the level of intermod- in Part II where less than 1 dB of
ulation generated spectral regrowth distortion related error was desired,
of the spectrum analyzer must be we apply the same +18.3 dB y-axis
below the DUT spectral regrowth by offsets to the third and fifth order
a calculated amount. curves in the dynamic range charts
for digitally modulated signals. For
When the amplitude of the DUT’s the IS-95 example where phase noise
spectral regrowth falls near the spec- mostly limits the ACPR measure-
tral regrowth generated within the ment, the effect of offsetting the
spectrum analyzer, the two add in a third order curve is not very signifi-
manner dependent on the character- cant to the overall ACPR dynamic
istics of the modulation format. For range. But for the W-CDMA example,
extremely low peak-to-average ratios, where S/N and third order distortion
the distortion products add, approxi- limit the ACPR dynamic range,
mately, as uncorrelated powers. As offsetting the third order curve has
the peak-to-average ratio increases, the same effect on dynamic range as
the spectral regrowth levels of the with the CW example where dynamic
DUT and the SA add in a fashion range is reduced by 6.1 dB and the
optimum mixer level is shifted
9.2 dB lower.

Part IV:
PSA Architectural Effects on
Distortion Measurements
In Parts II and III we demonstrated Figure 4–1
that in order to maximize the dynam- Attenuator Step -105

Relative to Mixer Level (dBc)

ic range of the spectrum analyzer, Size Governs the
Ability to Achieve -107
the power at the input mixer must be

DANL and Distortion

the Optimum -109 Attenuator
optimized. Now in Part IV we begin Mixer Level Step Size
discussing some block diagram char- -111 Potential Dynamic
acteristics specific to the PSA series Worst Case DR Range Given Up
-113 due to insufficient
that may prove useful in achieving attenuator step size
the optimum mixer level. -115
Input Attenuator Resolution -50 -48 -46 -44 -42 -40 -38 -36 -34
Mixer Level (dBm)
Unless the mixer level can be
optimally set, the full dynamic range
performance of the spectrum analyz-
er cannot be achieved. Controlling
the Input Attenuator provides an If one takes the simplistic view that and distortion add as uncorrelated
easy, and a very accurate, means of maximum dynamic range occurs at powers. With the simplistic view, one
controlling the power at the input the intersection of the noise and the is led to believe that even finer than
mixer. If the step resolution of the distortion product curves, then the 1 dB input attenuator resolution is
Input Attenuator is too coarse, then dynamic range given up can be sub- warranted in order to minimize the
setting the optimum mixer level may stantial unless a very fine resolution lost dynamic range. However, for the
prove to be very difficult. Figure 4–1 of the Input Attenuator step size is more realistic cases where noise
shows the limitation of the achiev- used. However, as indicated earlier, adds to the near-noise distortion
able dynamic range due to the when the distortion amplitude products, the dynamic range given
resolution of the Input Attenuator. approaches the noise floor, the noise up is not nearly as great.
and distortion add giving a curve
If the Input Attenuator is adjusted that is more of a trough where the The PSA series offer an Input
too high in value, broadband maximum dynamic range occurs. In Attenuator with a 2 dB step size.
spectrum analyzer noise limits the this case the sensitivity of achievable This allows the user to fine tune the
achievable dynamic range and if the dynamic range versus attenuator mixer level so that in the worst case,
Input Attenuator is adjusted too low step size is not nearly as great as in only 0.28 dB of potential dynamic
in value, internally generated distor- the simplistic view. range is given up. One could use
tion limits the dynamic range. Figure external fixed attenuators to achieve
4–1 depicts the worst case situation Table 4–1 summarizes the dynamic the same results as the internal step
where dynamic range is equally limit- range given up versus attenuator attenuator. However, convenience
ed by noise or distortion as the Input step size for three scenarios: the is certainly sacrificed and, more
Attenuator toggles between two adja- simplistic view where noise and importantly, so is accuracy. External
cent settings. One may get lucky and distortion curves meet at a point, attenuators lack the frequency
a particular attenuation setting may CW type distortion on the Log-Power response calibration that is assured
allow an optimal setting for the (Video) averaging scale, and noise- when using the Input Attenuator
mixer level, but in general this like distortion on the Power (RMS) of the PSA series analyzers.
luck cannot be relied upon. The averaging scale where the noise
potential dynamic range given up is
the difference between the maximum
dynamic range and the achievable
dynamic range in the worst case
scenario. Clearly, a finer resolution Table 4–1.
in the input attenuator allows more Potential Dynamic Range Given up [dB]
control of the power at the input versus Attenutor Step Size [dB].
mixer, which in turn minimizes the
dynamic range that is given up. Attenuator Simplistic CW distortion adding to Noise-like distortion adding to
Step Size (dB) View noise on the Log-Power scale noise on the Power scale
10 6.7 4.7 4.1
5 3.3 1.6 1.3
2 1.3 .28 .23
1 .67 .08 .06

Internal Filtering Figure 4–2
PSA Series Highband
Input Mixer
Although knowing the internal archi- Front End Attenuator
tecture of the spectrum analyzer RF
seems an unnecessary burden, some Input
simple concepts such as the internal 3—26.5 GHz
filters may help in achieving more Highband
dynamic range performance when Preselection
DC to Filter
making distortion measurements. 3 GHz Lowband
Figure 4–2 shows a highly simplified
block diagram of the PSA series
front end. 3 GHz

Two paths exist: lowband for tuned

frequencies less than 3 GHz and
highband for tuned frequencies from One should also be aware of the will attenuate this signal before it
3 to 26.5 GHz. Lowband path is potential of overloading the front reaches the highband mixer. So in a
broadband in that all signals that fall end when the lowband path is select- multi-tone environment, if the spec-
below 3 GHz are present at the input ed. The PSA series specify a gain trum analyzer is tuned several prese-
of the lowband mixer. Highband path, compression level that is the total lector bandwidths away from a
by contrast, uses a tuning preselector power at the input mixer at which strong signal, we can reduce the
filter whose 3 dB bandwidth varies the gain of the spectrum analyzer input attenuation, thus improving
from 40 MHz at 3 GHz to more than drops by 1 dB. That is, if the power dynamic range without worrying
80 MHz at 26.5 GHz. at the input mixer is at the gain com- about front end compression affect-
pression level, spectral components ing the amplitude accuracy of the
When measuring harmonic distor- of the displayed signal could be as measurement.
tion, there is a clear demarcation much as 1 dB lower than when the
for fundamental frequencies whose mixer level is less than -10 dBm. One last item regarding internal
harmonics fall above and below This is important when working in filtering is the filtering in the final
3 GHz. For harmonics that fall a multi-tone environment and the IF of the PSA series. This discussion
below 3 GHz, the lowband first mixer frequency span of the spectrum assumes that the PSA series analyzer
contributes its internally generated analyzer is sufficiently narrow to is in swept analysis mode as opposed
distortion to the measurement. remove large signals from view. to FFT analysis mode. Swept analysis
However, once the distortion fre- For the highband path, knowledge of mode is selected by activating the
quency falls above 3 GHz, the high- the preselector bandwidth can help Mode Setup hardkey, FFT & Sweep
band path’s preselector greatly extend the gain compression per- softkey, Sweep Type set to Swp. The
attenuates the fundamental tone formance of the spectrum analyzer. maximum mixer level before the final
power before it can reach the The PSA series specification for gain IF overloads is within 2 dB above
highband mixer. The PSA series compression in highband is for the -10 dBm. In fact, the user cannot
specification sheet shows that the power at the mixer. As the analyzer set the reference level such that the
SHI performance makes a dramatic tunes away from a particularly mixer level is above -10 dBm. Signals
improvement for source frequencies strong signal, the preselector filter above this level are displayed above
above 1.5 GHz. the top of the screen and a ‘Final IF
Overload’ message appears on the
display. However, the specified gain
compression level is more than 10 dB

above this level, which can yield Figure 4–3

Relative to Mixer Level (dBc)

10 dB more compression-to-noise Dynamic Range -60
dynamic range out of the spectrum Chart with the -70 Second Order
Internal Preamp -75 1 Hz DANL Distortion
analyzer over what is at first apparent.

DANL and Distortion

Selected -80
When measuring a small signal in the -85
-90 Third Order
presence of a large signal, first meas- -95 Distortion
ure the amplitude of the large signal -105
with sufficient input attenuation to -110
drop the mixer level below -10 dBm. -120
-100 -95 -90 -85 -80 -75 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50
When measuring the small signal,
tune the start and stop frequency Mixer Level (dBm)
such that the large signal is at least
15 kHz or 15 x RBW setting (whichev-
er is greater) outside of the frequen-
cy range of the spectrum analyzer.
For example, if a large signal is pres-
ent at 1 GHz and the user wants to Internal Preamplifier As previously mentioned, the pream-
measure a small signal above 1 GHz plifier lowers the noise floor of the
The PSA series offer an internal spectrum analyzer by about 15 dB.
and a 1MHz RBW setting is selected, lowband 100 kHz—3GHz preamplifier
ensure that the start frequency of The preamplifier does not signifi-
as an option (Option 1DS). The cantly add distortion to the system,
the spectrum analyzer is greater than preamplifier is placed in the block
1.015 GHz (1 GHz + 15 x 1 MHz). however it does increase the power
diagram after the input attenuator, at the input mixer by the nominal
Once the frequency span is set such but before the lowband input mixer.
that the large signal is no longer in gain value of 28 dB. This has the
The preamplifier places roughly effect of lowering system SHI, TOI,
view, the Input Attenuator can be 28 dB of gain ahead of the lowband
adjusted lower to improve the meas- and gain compression level by
first mixer, which lowers the system around 28 dB. The result is a drop
urement sensitivity. However, care DANL by about 15 dB. Normally,
must be observed when lowering in the second order dynamic range
the preamplifier is used to measure of 6.5 dB, a drop in the third order
the Input Attenuation so that the extremely low amplitude spurious
power at the mixer is still below dynamic range of 8.5 dB, and a drop
signals, signals that would normally in the compression to noise dynamic
the specified compression level. fall close to or below the noise floor range of 13 dB.
in the non-preamplifier path.
However, it is worth mentioning Figure 4–3 shows the dynamic range
the behavior of the preamplifier chart for the internal preamplifier
path if this path is selected when path selected. For both second
making distortion measurements. order dynamic range and third order
dynamic range, the optimum mixer
levels are considerably lower than
with the non-preamplifier path.
This may be of some benefit for low
level applications where there is not
enough DUT power to reach the
optimum mixer level of the non-
preamplifier path.

Part V:
Enhancing Distortion
In this final Part, we cover a few Figure 5–1
miscellaneous items that could Simplified Output Level
Section of a Signal Adjust
impact the distortion measurement.
Reducing Source Intermodulation Output
Amp f2
Equally as important as ensuring Power
proper configuration of the spectrum Detector
analyzer used to measure intermodu- ALC
lation distortion is that the sources
used to generate the multi-tone stim- f2
ulus be free of IMD. IMD generated in
the sources is normally a result of
insufficient isolation between the The solution to improving source Some power combiners that do not
sources. Figure 5–1 shows a highly generated IMD is to prevent the work very well are two- and three-
simplified block diagram of a signal energy of the second source signal resistor splitters. The temptation to
source. from entering the output port of the use these are great due to their very
signal source. The required isolation wide bandwidth. However the
The signal source generates the CW between the two sources is depend- two-resistor splitter only has 12 dB
tone at frequency f1 . A second CW ent on the susceptibility of the signal of isolation and the three-resistor
source at frequency f2 is connected source to signals entering the output splitter only has 6 dB of isolation. A
to this signal source by some means port as well as the acceptable AM device that should never be used is
of power combination. Signal energy sideband level needed for the TOI the T (BNC T and smb T are exam-
from the second source enters the measurement. ples). These not only have zero isola-
output port of the source and, because tion, but also they present a very
the output coupler does not have Some of the better power poor match to the DUT, which can
infinite isolation, a portion of the f2 combination techniques are: have an adverse effect on the meas-
signal leaks into the coupled port of Wilkinson Power Combiners— urement accuracy.
the output coupler. Both the signals these can achieve greater than
at f1 and f2 are detected, which 30 dB isolation.
creates a beat note at a frequency of Class A Amplifiers at the output of
|f2 - f1|. If this beat note is lower in the sources—important to not use
frequency than the loop bandwidth amplifiers that have leveling
of the automatic leveling control control circuitry of their own.
(ALC) circuit, the ALC will respond
Fixed Attenuators—these should
to this signal causing AM sidebands
be used in conjunction with power
on the output signal. Unfortunately,
splitters and amplifiers.
the AM sidebands fall right at the
intermodulation distortion product Isolators—the downside is their
frequencies, resulting in what relatively narrow bandwidth.
appears as IMD out of the source. Couplers—high directivity couplers

Effects of Harmonics on can be modeled using the power
Intermodulation Distortion series up through the third order
When measuring intermodulation
distortion, an important considera- Vo = a1Vi + a2Vi2 + a3Vi3 (5–1)
tion is the harmonic content from
the sources as well as the device Now subject this nonlinear device to
under test. Two-tone IMD will be the following two-tone input signal:
used in the following example,
however this analysis can be Vi = A x Cos(ω1t) + B x Cos(ω2t) + C x Cos(2ω1t) (5–2)
extrapolated to multi-tone IMD.
For a two-tone IMD measurement,
Suppose a nonlinear device, either amplitudes A and B are set to be the
the DUT or the spectrum analyzer same. The third term represents the
used to make the IMD measurement, second harmonic of the first term.
Inserting the input voltage into
the model of the nonlinear device,
performing the trigonometric expan-
sions and collecting terms, the low
side IMD product is given by:

Vo = [(3/4)a3A2B + a2BC] x Cos((2ω2 - ω1)t) (5–3)

Clearly, the second harmonic of The obvious solution to a suspected

the term at 2ω1 contributes to the harmonic interference problem is to
intermodulation distortion product. place filters in the measurement
In fact, depending on the phase of setup. Filtering in front of the DUT
the second harmonic distortion will reduce harmonic content due to
term, the second harmonic can add the sources, and filtering after the
constructively or destructively to DUT will reduce the harmonic inter-
the IMD term. ference generated by the DUT itself.

For a two-tone measurement However, caution must be exercised

setup as shown in Figure 1–3, the when placing filters in the measure-
second harmonic can originate from ment system. Being reflective in the
either the sources themselves, the stopband, the filters can contribute
device under test, or the spectrum to some unexpected results in the
analyzer used to make the IMD IMD measurement. If the DUT is an
measurement. Evidence of second amplifier, it may be driven into an
harmonic interference is asymmetry unstable state if filters are placed at
in the amplitudes of the low side and either the input or the output ports.
high side IMD products; this is espe- For DUTs such as mixers, poor match
cially true if one of the sources has at image and spurious frequencies
worse harmonic performance than can make the DUT IMD worse than if
the other source. Another clear sign no filters were used at all. Placing
is IMD, which varies widely across a fixed value attenuators between the
narrow frequency range. DUT and the filters can mitigate the
effects of the poor stopband matches
—if the system can tolerate the
power loss.

Noise Subtraction Techniques The procedure for performing the Subtracting the linear power noise
noise subtraction on the PSA series data from the linear power signal-
Noise subtraction is the process of analyzer is as follows: plus-noise data can result in negative
mathematically removing the system 1. Set the Detector Mode to power values, which cause an illegal
noise of the spectrum analyzer from Average Detector. operation when mathematically
displayed signals, thus improving the converting the resultant value back
apparent signal-to-noise ratio of the Set the Avg/VBW Type to
Pwr Avg (RMS) to log power. One can set these
measurement. This technique is espe- negative values to an arbitrarily
cially powerful for signals that fall Set the Input Attenuator, RBW,
small linear value to avoid the
within a few dB of the displayed VBW appropriately for the
mathematical anomaly. However, if
noise floor. In reference [4], the distortion measurement.
an integrated channel power meas-
mathematical justification for noise 2. Remove the signal from the urement is to be performed it is best
subtraction and the measurement analyzer input. For even more to leave the negative linear power
requirements under which noise sub- accuracy, the RF input can be values intact, add all the linear trace
traction is valid are presented. Here terminated in 50 Ohms. Slow the data points across the channel, and
we will show a couple of distortion sweep time in order to reduce the then convert the integrated channel
measurement examples where noise variance of the noise signal. Read power back to a log power value.
subtraction can be used. in the trace data to an external Otherwise, the effect of discarding
computer; this is the noise negative results will increase the
As stated in reference [4], the signal power data. computed average power.
power, powers, can be derived from:
3. Connect the signal to the analyzer
input. Read in the trace data.
powers = powers+n - powern [mW] (5–4) Avoid changing the RBW, VBW,
Input Attenuator or Sweep speed
where powers+n is the displayed signal plus settings from the settings in step
noise power and 2. Read in the trace data to an
powern is the spectrum analyzer’s noise floor external computer; this is the
measured with the signal disconnected from the signal plus noise power data.
input of the spectrum analyzer. All powers are in
linear power units such as mW. 4. In the external computer, convert
the log measurements to linear
The caveat is that the measurement values, perform the subtraction
be carried out using power detection, of equation 5–4 on a point by
that is, the averaging scale on the point basis. Convert the result to
PSA series analyzer should be set to convenient units, such as dBm.
Power (RMS). This stipulation must
be observed for CW signals that
are normally measured with the
Log-Power (Video) averaging scale

There is a relationship between Figure 5–2
the amount of noise that can be CW Signal with
cancelled and the variance of the and without
Noise Subtraction
measured data. Lower variance using
averaging or longer sweep times with
the average detector activated results
in more noise cancellation. One can
expect about a 10 dB improvement
in the amount of noise that can be
reliably cancelled.

Figure 5–2 shows the results of noise

subtraction on a CW signal. The
upper trace shows the displayed
signal using the Power display scale.
It shows a displayed signal to noise
ratio of 4 dB. The lower trace shows
the noise subtracted. One observa- Figure 5–3
W-CDMA Signal
tion is that the signal no longer with and without
contains the noise error, which in Noise Subtraction
this case is 2 dB. Also note that the
noise floor drops by at least 10 dB.
In this particular example, the sweep
times for both the noise and the
signal plus noise measurements
are 45 seconds.

Figure 5–3 shows noise subtraction

performed on a W-CDMA signal. The
upper trace shows that the noise
floor of the PSA series analyzer
limits the dynamic range of the
measurement in the adjacent chan-
nel. The lower trace shows the result
of noise subtraction. This trace clear-
ly shows the third order distortion
component of the spectral regrowth
in the adjacent channel. Without
noise subtraction, the noise floor
of the spectrum analyzer limits the
dynamic range. However, with noise
subtraction, the third order distor-
tion generated within the spectrum
analyzer limits the dynamic range.
One could improve the measurement
by reducing the signal power in
order to drive down the third order
distortion. The sweep times for this
example are 120 seconds for both
the noise and the signal-plus-noise

Conclusions Glossary of Terms

One of the primary uses of the ACPR RBW

spectrum analyzer is for making Adjacent Channel Power Ratio = Resolution Bandwidth Filter. This IF
distortion measurements. This Adjacent channel power in dBm filter is placed before the envelope
product note has served as both an minus Main channel power in dBm. detector. Reducing its bandwidth
introductory tutorial on distortion Units are dB. improves the selectivity of closely
measurements and as a guide to CW spaced signals as well as lowers
making these measurements accu- Carrier Wave or Continuous Wave. the displayed noise floor.
rately using a PSA series analyzer. A sinusoidal signal without RMS
Not only has the reader been intro- modulation. Root Mean Square. Noise measured
duced to properly configuring the on the power scale is reported in
PSA spectrum analyzer for optimum RMS notation, which removes the
Displayed Average Noise Level.
dynamic range performance, but also -2.51 dB offset due to log display
The noise floor as it appears on the
some of the measurement errors as processing.
display of the spectrum analyzer.
well as guidelines on reducing meas-
urement error have been presented.
dB relative to the carrier Second Harmonic Intercept.
A figure of merit for second
harmonic distortion.
dB relative to 1 mWatt
Signal-to-Distortion Ratio.
Intermodulation Distortion
Units are dB.
Log-Power (Video)
The default averaging scale for
Signal-to-Noise Ratio. Units are dB.
measuring CW type distortion.
Max Mxr Lvl
Third Order Intercept. A figure of
Maximum Mixer Level. Reference
merit for third order intermodulation
Level and Input Attenuator are
automatically coupled such that,
when an input signal amplitude is at VBW
the highest vertical display division, Video Bandwidth Filter. This filter is
the power at the input mixer is no placed after the envelope detector.
higher than the Max Mxr Lvl value. Reducing its bandwidth reduces the
variability of the displayed signal.
Mixer Level
Power at the input mixer. Equals the
RF Input power minus the nominal
Input Attenuator value.
Noise Power Bandwidth. The
bandwidth of a fictional rectangular
bandpass filter that passes the
same amount of white noise power
as does the RBW filter. For the PSA
series, NBW/RBW = 1.06
Power (RMS) The averaging scale
in which effects of log scale process-
ing on displayed noise are removed.


[1] Spectrum Analyzer Basics, Agilent

Technologies Application Note 150,
literature number 5952-0292,
November, 1989.
[2] Witte, Robert A., Spectrum and
Network Measurements,
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1993.
[3] Using a Network Analyzer to
Characterize High Power
Components, Agilent Technologies
Application Note 1287-6,
literature number 5966-3319E, 1998.
[4] Spectrum Analyzer Measurements
and Noise, Agilent Technologies
Application Note 1303,
literature number 5966-4008E, 1998.
[5] Maas, S. A., Third Order
Intermodulation Distortion in
Cascaded Stages, IEEE Microwaves
and Guided Waves Letters, Vol. 5,
No. 6, June 1995, pg. 189-191.
[6] Mouthrup, Andrew A. and Muha,
Michael S., Accurate Measurement
of Signals Close to the Noise Floor
of a Spectrum Analyzer, IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory
and Techniques, Vol. 39, No. 11,
November 1991, pg. 1882 - 1885.

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