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Republic of the Philippines


College of Fisheries

Kalamansig, Sultan Kudarat

Submitted to:

Rande B. Dechavez


Submitted by:

Christene joy M. Masinading

Chapter I


Sea stars belong to Kingdom Animalia, phylum Echinodermata of class

Asteroidea. Asteroids typically have five arms radiating outward from their central
disks where their mouths open toward the bottom. All have podia or tube feet
projecting down along the grooves on the undersides of the arms (Fenner, 2009).
Sea stars are conspicuous and successful bottom-dwelling animals that can survive
without food for months and feed on almost every type of marine organism
encountered on the seabed. The greatest diversity of sea stars occurs in coastal
regions, although as a group, they are well represented globally from the Antarctic,
Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans where they inhabit mostly wave-exposed
intertidal zones of coastal waters (Freeman, 2005).

They are ecologically important because they can be important predators of

other invertebrates like clams, barnacles and other attached marine life. Some crabs,
fish, birds, and other echinoderms are known to prey on sea stars. Usually, they feed
on arm tips, as their calcified bodies are difficult to eat and not very nutritious (Fell,
2008). Echinoderm diversity is generally correlated with diversity of other
invertebrates in the same environment; hence they are present where key indicators
of high biodiversity hold for other taxa. The ability to measure biodiversity is critically
important, given the soaring rates of species extinction and human alteration of
naturel habitats, Environmental gradient include both resource gradients such as
water or soil nutrients for plants and gradients in conditions such as temperature and
pH. Patterns of species richness across gradients depend on the interactions
between individual species ranges of tolerance and competition (Brown et al., 2007)

It is a fact that marine ecosystem are among the most sensitive ecosystems.
The interface between the land and sea is particularly vulnerable to various
biological, physical chemical and natural factors. These coastal regions are where
the majority of human lives and where the majority where of human induced impacts
occur. Increasing treats to the coastal environments due to human development,
pollution and overharvesting has created for more information for health of coastal
habitats. Habitats modification poses the greatest threat to sea star diversity. In
shallow waters, over-harvesting for ornamental trade is possible as well as damaging
effects of tourism (Muller, 2008)

The researcher is interested to study the abundance of sea star to be able to have a
baseline information and come up the future legal basis of conservation and
management of the area, thus this study.
Barangay Dumanggas Nuevo is one of the 15 barangays of Kalamansig
Sultan Kudarat. The coastal area has a wide low tide zone and abundance on
aquatic resources.
Barangay Dumanggas Nuevo is an industrialized area in Kalamansig Sultan
Kudarat to the present of industrial plant. It was observed that the coastal area of
Brgy.Dumanggas Nuevo, Kalamansig is very rich in marine biodiversity because of
different aquatic flora and fauna that can be seen. During low tide the area is a
center of attraction of many municipal fishermen because of abundance in marine
biodiversity, such as Echinodermata (sea cucumber, sea urchin and sea stars ect.)
Objectives of the study
The general objective of the study is to determine the different species of sea
urchin (Echinodermata) and its relative abundance during lowtide in the coastal area
of Sitio tayandak, purok Lapu-lapu, Barangay Dumanggas nuevo, Kalamansig Sultan
Kudarat. Specifically the study aim to:
1. Identify the different of sea star in Sitio tayandak, purok Lapu-lapu,
Barangay Dumanggas nuevo, Kalamansig Sultan Kudarat.
3. To determine the abundance of the different species of sea star.

4. Classify the different species of sea star available in the study area.

Significance of the study

The significance of this study is to gather baseline information on the status of
sea star population and availability in the area. This information is useful to people
that are aware of the importance of sea star. It also helps to conserve the species in
the study area. Furthermore, this study gives additional knowledge or inputs for
future researchers who may conduct studies of sea star in Sitio tayandak, Purok
Lapu-lapu, Barangay Dumanggas nuevo, Kalamansig Sultan Kudarat

Scope and Limitation

The study will be limited only on knowing the different species and their
relative abundance of sea star in Sitio tayandak, Purok Lapu-lapu, Barangay
Dumanggas nuevo, Kalamansig Sultan Kudarat. Sampling of sea star will be done
done in three (3) days, using Belt Transect and Quadrat method
Definition of Terms

Sea star – marine invertebrate that have a body of usually five arms radially
arranged about central disk and feed largely on mullosk.
Assessment- evaluation or judgement about something based on an
understanding of the situation.
Classification- an act of classifying any species based on their inherit
Species- it is a class of individuals having a common attribute and designated by
common name or taxon.
Echinoderm – any of phylum (echinodermata) of radially symmetrical coelomate
marine animals animals includimg the starfishes, sea urchins, and related forms.
Chapter II

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which could
help in strengthening the analysis and interpretation of the study.
Biology of Sea star
Sea stars are generally characterized by a flattened body which tapers into
the arms. Sea stars usually have five arms; however a few species have more or
less. The arms are generally triangular in shape and originate from the central disk.
Others, like the cushion star, Culcita novaeguineae, have reduced arms giving the
body a pentagonal appearance. The regeneration rate of lost arms is high. In some
species, such as from genus Linckia, a new animal can be regenerated from a single
arm if a portion of the central disc is included (Fell, 1959). The mouth is located on
the ventral surface of the central disc. The anus, if present, is found on the upper
surface of the disk. Several rows of podia extend from the mouth down each arm.
They are used to capture food and for locomotion. There are about 1,800 known
species of sea stars, ranging in diameter from approximately 0.05 to 1 meter
between opposite arm tips (Sabine, 2000).
Chapter III


Research Design

This study is basically a descriptive assessment survey to be conducted at the

coastal area of Sitio tayandak, purok Lapu-lapu, Barangay Dumanggas nuevo,
Kalamansig Sultan Kudarat.

An assessment will be conducted to identify, classify and determine the

different species of sea star (Echinodermata) in reefs community.

Preliminary Survey

A visual survey in the study area will be taken first in one day in order to know
the sampling plots.

Communication were sent out to the Barangay Captain informing him of their
respective Barangay regarding the survey.

Identification of the Species

The study will be carried out by using transect line and quadrat method of
sampling with three (3) stations. A total of sea stars will be collected in the
sampling quadrat. Using dichotomous key, the identification species belong to
Family, genus and species.


The materials to be use in the study are: thermometer, pH meter,

refractometer, pencil, paper, measuring tape/steel tape, tong, rope, stick, boots,
basin, and digital camera or cellphone camera.

Study Area
The assessment will be conducted along the coastal area of Sitio tayandak,
purok Lapu-lapu, Barangay Dumanggas nuevo, Kalamansig Sultan Kudarat. which
has a wide low tide zone and also a large population of sea star. The experimental
area will be assume of a distance of 50m from the shoreline.
In 50 meter sampling area is stony and seldom of sea star present and with
abundant of Coral reefs, where sea stars live.

Figure1. Lay-out of the sampling are with 10x10 quadrat Sitio tayandak, purok Lapu-
lapu, Barangay Dumanggas nuevo, Kalamansig Sultan Kudarat where sea star will
be collected.


Quadrat 1 R2 R3
(R1) 50m

Sampling Method

Belt transect method will be done by laying 50m. A 10x10m quadrat will be
used in every 50m line transect from the shore line. Gathering of data will be done
during low tide. All sea star in the sampling area will be collected and preserved for
Data Gathering
Species abundance will be recorded base on the total number of specimen
counted in the sampling quadrat. The data will be analyzed using the given formula:
Number of individual species

RA = ------------------------------------------ x 100

Total number of the community

Species abundance will be recorded base on the total number of specimen

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Fenner, B. (2009). Sea Stars: Class Asteroidea. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from

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Mueller, B. (2008). Migration of common starfishes in the shallow waters of Samal Island,
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Schoppe, S. (2000). A guide to common shallow sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea
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