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TASK 1: EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN CRITERIA: Lead swimmers in appropriate activities


TASK 2: ANALYZE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: Detect and correct basic skill errors


TASK 3: MULTI-WEEK PLAN CRITERIA: Design a multi-week program plan


TASK 4: PLAN A PRACTICE CRITERIA: Plan activities in a safe practice environment


TASK 5: PARENT COMMUNICATION CRITERIA: Communicate program philosophy and logistical factors


The pages that follow describe the details of the task your coach was assigned
to complete, and the NCCP standard to be achieved.

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 1

Fundamentals Coach Task Instructions



Create a document which presents an emergency action plan for a primary practice facility
where you currently coach.

A sample template for an Emergency Action Plan was included in your Swimming 101 Coach
Workbook. A copy of the resource is made available for the assessor below.

Your document must be created in one of the following file formats : .doc, .pdf, .rtf, .xls or .txt

If you do not currently have a practice facility, please complete this activity for a facility where
you will be coaching in the future. You may need to contact the pool supervisor or head
lifeguard, or a supervisor from your Club.

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 2

Fundamentals Coach Task Instructions

ASSESSOR: Review the submitted task against the criteria and evidences for the
criteria “Lead swimmers in appropriate activities” in the Fundamentals
Coach Evaluation Guide that follows;

Outcome: Provide Support to Athletes in Training

TRAINED Swimming 101
EVALUATED Fundamentals Coach Portfolio & Assessment

Criteria: Lead swimmers in appropriate activities

Achievement Evidence
 Present an Emergency Action Plan with all six critical elements
o Locations of telephones (cell and land lines)
o Emergency telephone numbers
o Location of medical profile for each swimmer under the coach’s care
o Location of fully-stocked first-aid kit
o Identified person to make emergency call (“call person”) and manage emergency
situations at facility (“control person”)
Above o Directions to reach the activity site
Meet “Standard for Core Certification” and
 Adapt equipment and environment factors to promote safety
 Ensure key learning points are appropriate for the swimmer as identified by the swimming
swimmer development model
 Use strategies to promote swimmer self-esteem
 Provide evidence of maximized active engagement time for the swimmer, e.g., descriptions
of strategies that a coach uses to enable swimmers to be active for as much time as
possible versus standing around while listening to instructions or doing nothing
 Present an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) with five of the six following critical elements.
o Locations of telephones (cell and land lines)
o Emergency telephone numbers
o Location of medical profile for each swimmer under the coach’s care
o Location of fully-stocked first-aid kit
NCCP o Identified person to make emergency call (“call person”) and manage emergency
Standard for situations at facility (“control person”)
Fundamentals o Directions to reach the activity site
Certification  Perform a pre-practice safety scan of the pool and deck area with a reference checklist
 Take steps to minimize risk before and throughout the practice, e.g., ensure necessary
equipment is in pace and in safe working order (eg. Blocks, lane lines, backstroke flags)
 Create opportunities to interact with all swimmers
 Provide demonstrations so all swimmers can to see and hear
 Use 1-3 key learning points that are appropriate for the swimmer
 Reinforce in a constructive way the swimmers’ efforts and performance
 Create an enjoyable learning environment for swimmers and coach
 Do not present an Emergency Action Plan
Below  Act negatively and demeans swimmers, e.g., uses foul language, calls children names,
Standard pressures children to perform using threats
 Do not survey practice environment prior to practice

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 3

Fundamentals Coach Task Instructions


This task requires you to view a video, then record and submit your thoughts on technique errors you
see in the video, and your proposed solutions to them.

There are 3 skills;

* Grab start - 1 video
* Breaststroke turn - 2 videos (above/under water)
* Butterfly swim - 2 videos (above/under water)

Step 1 Create a new word/excel/text document for this task. A sample template was provided
to the coach in their Swimming 101 Coach Workbook - Start (Page 5.3.3), Breaststroke
turn (Page 5.6.3), Butterfly swim (Page 4.1.3)

Step 2 Watch the video(s) for a skill

Step 3 Make note of the following for each skill;

- Your detection of errors - what errors are happening?
- What is the root cause of this error?
- Your correction of errors - what would I do as a coach to fix these errors?

Be sure to clearly indicate which skill and which video the comments relate to.

Step 5 - Repeat for each of the three skills

Watch each video and submit a document that lists your detected errors, the root causes, and your
specific strategy to help make a correction of that error.

You must provide a minimum of one detection, root cause and correction for each of the three skills.
Be sure to clearly indicate which skill the comments are related to.

Assessor – video files your coach observed when completing this task
Grab Start
Above water

Breaststroke turn - 2 videos (above/under water)

Under water
Above water

Butterfly swim - 2 videos (above/under water)

Under water
Above water

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 4

Fundamentals Coach Task Instructions

ASSESSOR Review the submitted task against the criteria and evidences for the
criteria “Detect and correct basic skill errors” in the Fundamentals Coach
Evaluation Guide that below;

Outcome: Analyze Performance

TRAINED Swimming 101

EVALUATED Fundamentals Coach Portfolio & Assessment

Criteria: Detect and correct basic skill errors

Achievement Evidence
Meet “Standard for Core Certification” and
 Demonstrate knowledge of skill progressions using own or sport technical models (ie. KPF
Above documents)
Standard  Identify potential cause of skill errors as is appropriate to the developmental level of the
 Use individualized approach to address swimmer skill corrections
 Use skill development/progression to scan basic movement phases (e.g. your skills KPF
documents are excellent checklist for swimming)
 Identify basic movement phases of appropriate skills. (e.g. create simple movement patterns
for the swimmers to learn from)
Standard for
 Observe skills from optimal vantage point(s) as defined by the swimming environments. (e.g.
Core you may watch from side, front, above or even below the H2O)
Certification  Ensure that corrections are consistent with the skill development/progression checklist.
 Identify common corrections to basic skills.
 Ask swimmer’s consent for physical contact when assisting in correcting a skill error. (e.g. if
you need to use hands on teaching, ask permission and be in clear sight of the guardian in
the bleachers)
 Scan lesson environment infrequently and pays little attention to skill execution
Standard  Identify common errors, but do not prescribe an appropriate correction that improves

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 5

Fundamentals Coach Task Instructions


Create a document which presents a plan of 10‐15 weeks’ duration for a group of swimmers you
currently coach. Coaches not working in 10‐15 week coaching scenarios are encouraged to consider
how they would plan for their current swimmers, should this period of consistent training time be

The document is required in a .doc, .pdf, .rtf, .xls or .txt format. A sample template for this activity is
found on Page 6.1 of your Swimming 101 Coach Workbook. Please adapt or create a document that
fits your coaching situation.

Be sure to include the following components:

1. Description of swimmers the plan is designed for (age, stage of development, etc.)
2. Primary objective for the multi‐week plan
3. Detailed objective(s) for each week of the multi‐week plan
4. Group activities for swimmers and parents (meetings, communication documents, etc.)
5. Competitive event(s) or evaluation event(s) within the multi‐week plan
6. Primary objective(s) for each competitive or evaluation event

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 6

Fundamentals Coach Task Instructions

ASSESSOR Review the submitted task against the criteria and evidences for the
criteria “Design a multi-week program plan” in the Fundamentals Coach
Evaluation Guide that below;

Outcome: Design a Sport Program

TRAINED Swimming 101

EVALUATED Fundamentals Coach Portfolio & Assessment

Criteria: Design a multi-week program plan

Achievement Evidence
Meet “Standard for Core Certification” and
Above  Identify key athletic abilities and appropriate growth and development factors required for long term
Standard success in swimming and active living
 Present a series of lesson plans that demonstrate the progression of skill development
On a calendar representing a multi-week program plan:
 Identify how the program structure is appropriate for the skill and development level of the
swimmers. (e.g. butterfly is best planned for short distances in the early season and then developed
NCCP over time)
Standard for
 Identify and prioritize goals and objectives of the program at appropriate levels for the age/stage of
Core the swimmers in your group. (e.g. this month we want to achieve the best U/W skills in the region)
Certification  Identify a swimming calendar of events (practice/competitions/social/etc.) (e.g, include the monthly
pizza party and time trial in the plan)
 Identify an appropriate progression of skill development for subsequent lessons or practices as
defined by KPF models (e.g., sequence of skills teaching backstroke may be body position, followed
by leg action and then arm action prior to breathing and timing)

 Do not provide a calendar that outlines the program structure

Below  Do not identify goals or events on the calendar
 Do not identify the progression of skill development for subsequent lessons

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 7

Fundamentals Coach Task Instructions



In order to maximize your swimmer’s skill and fitness development, you will need to provide them
with consistent challenges over the multi‐week plan. You need to make sure that your practices are
progressive (i.e. incremental increase in speed, distance, mastery of skills, etc) and build on skills from
previous practices.

Create a document which presents 3 practice plans for use in specific weeks of the multi‐week plan you
have created for Task #3. Make sure to note in your practice plan, which week from your multi-week
plan the practice is designed for. A sample template for each practice plan is provided on Page 6.4 of
your Swimming 101 Coach Workbook.

Create one practice for each of the phases listed below;

Early Phase General Preparation (first 1/3 of plan)

Middle Phase Specific Preparation (middle 1/3 of plan)

Late Phase Competition/Evaluation (final 1/3 of plan)

Substitute Practice For 1 of the practices presented, include alternate activities that could be used if
the facility you are planning the practice for became unavailable at the last

Be sure each practice includes details as outlined in the practice plan templates used at the Swimming
101 course. Each practice must reference the specific week & practice of the multi-week plan it is
designed for.

Place all practices into one document for uploading please.

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 8

Fundamentals Coach Task Instructions

ASSESSOR Review the submitted task against the criteria and evidences for the
criteria “Plan activities in a safe practice environment” in the
Fundamentals Coach Evaluation Guide that below;

Outcome: Plan a Practice

TRAINED Swimming 101

EVALUATED Fundamentals Coach Portfolio & Assessment

Criteria: Plan activities in a safe practice environment

Achievement Evidence
 Design an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) that provides:
o Location of telephones (cell and land lines)
o Emergency telephone numbers
o Location of medical profiles for each swimmer under the coach’s care
o Location of a fully stocked first-aid kit
Above o Identified person to make emergency call (“call person”) and manage emergency situations at
facility (“control person”)
Standard o Directions to the activity site
Meet “Standard for Core Certification” and
o Coach makes use of the available time, space and equipment to promote a high degree of
active engagement time
o Use of safe, innovative practice activities to promote individualized learning and mastery

 Identify swimmers’ needs in relation to age, abilities and performance levels (e.g. reflect on your
 Match activities to the skill level of swimmers. (e.g. create an assessment using your KPF’s)
 Match activities to the appropriate segment of the practice (intro, warm-up, main part, cool-down
and a conclusion/reflection)
NCCP  Modify practice activities to address basic scenarios (i.e. Double booked facility, swimmers with
Standard for different skill levels etc.) that could occur in your group. (e.g. create an alternate activity plan for
Core land)
Certification  Design an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) that provides:
o Location of telephones (cell and land lines)
o Emergency telephone numbers
o Location of medical profiles for each swimmer under the coach’s care
o Location of a fully stocked first-aid kit
o Identified person to make emergency call (“call person”) and manage emergency situations at
facility (“control person”)
o Directions to the activity site

Below  Do not design an Emergency Action Plan

 Do not modify practice when to address provided scenario
Standard  Do not match activities to the skill level of swimmers or to the appropriate segment of the practice

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 9

Fundamentals Coach Task Instructions



Prepare an agenda for a parent's meeting for the group of swimmers you coach.
List the agenda items, and in point form, your key speaking messages.
Also detail how you plan to let parents know about the meeting...and provide sample
documents you might use to do so.
Assemble all of this into one Parent Communication document.

Your coaching career will involve many interactions with swimmers and their parent or
guardians. A sound communication strategy will greatly increase the chance that these
interactions will be positive and constructive.
To access resources for this task, we recommend a review of the following websites;
Positive Coaching Alliance -
Coaching Association of Canada -

Hint: This is a great task to ask for help from a mentor coach or supervisor.... or even a parent
(eg. teacher) who would do this regularly!

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 10

Fundamentals Coach Task Instructions

ASSESSOR Review the submitted task against the criteria and evidences for the
criteria “Communicate program philosophy and logistical factors” in the
Fundamentals Coach Evaluation Guide that below;

Outcome: Manage a Sport Program

TRAINED Swimming 101

EVALUATED Fundamentals Coach Portfolio & Assessment

Criteria: Communicate program philosophy and logistical factors

Achievement Evidence
Meet “Standard for Core Certification” and
Above  Outline the financial demands for swimmers (equipment/clothing/travel)
Standard  Create and organize community sport events
 Provide swimmer or designated stakeholder with a progress report
 Present a communication tool that outlines information about the program (i.e. newsletters,
letters, flyers etc.)
Standard for  Remember to protect swimmer information is protected when distributing information;
i.e., When sending mass email communications, be sure to respect the confidentiality of
Core contact information; Ask permission before sharing contact information
Certification Information to be shared includes program schedules (practice and competition
schedules), swimmer expectations, program news updates etc.
 Identify and define behaviour expectations for swimmers, parents and coaches to ensure
principles of fair play (eg. pre-season meeting or letter).
 Do not use communicate program information to swimmers and other stakeholders
 Do not protect privacy of swimmer information
 Do not identify and define behaviour expectations for swimmers and other stakeholders

© 2010 Coaching Association of Canada & Swimming Canada Page 11

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