Reviewer For RME-PEC Exam 3

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18. The foll owi ng are common spli ci ng rul es EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?

 A spli ce must provi de a path for the current to pass through.

 A joi nt must be mechani cally as strong as th e wi re itsel f.

 All spli ces must be mechani cally and el ectri call y secured by means of a sol der.

 Wires of the sam e size should be spliced t ogeth er in line .

19. For watercrafts, el ectri cal permi t shoul d be fil ed in Maritime Industry Authority .

20. Reconnecti on by the suppli er of el ectri cal energy i n cases where servi ce has been cut -off
due to non-payment of bill s shall NOT requi re a new certi fi cate of inspecti on provi ded the
peri od of cut-off i s NOT more than one year .

21. Li qui dti ght fl exi bl e non -metalli c condui t shall NOT be used where the vol tage of the
contai ned conductors i s i n excess of 600 V.

22. Roofs wi th a seri es of parall el ri dges shall have ai r termi nal s along the end ri dge at
i nterval s NOT exceedi ng 7,600 mm.

23. Communi cati on wi res and cabl es shall be separated at l e ast 300 mm of mi ni mum di stance
from the servi ce drops of el ectri c li ght and power conductors, whi ch are not i nstall ed i n a
raceway or i n cable.

24. Servi ce entrance usi ng copper conductors shal l have suffi ci ent capaci ty and shall NOT be
small er than 8.0 mm 2 .

25. Class III, Division 1 – hazardous l ocati ons i n whi ch easil y i gni tabl e fi bers or materi al
produci ng combusti bl e flyi ngs are handl ed, manufactured or used.

26. The rati ng of the over-current device shall NOT be less than the non -conti nuous l oad pl us a
percentage of the conti nuous l oad. Ans. 125%

27. A 40 or 50 A branch ci rcui t shall be permitted to suppl y cooking appli ances that are
fastened i n pl ace i n any occupancy.

28. An over-current devi ce shall be connected at the point where the conductors to be
protecte d receives its supply .

29. Servi ce entrance cabl es shall be supported by straps or other approved methods wi thi n
300 mm of every servi ce head.

30. Type MC cabl e shall be supported and secured at i nterval s NOT exceedi ng 1,800 mm.

31. Outlet i s a poi nt i n a wi ri ng system at whi ch current i s taken to be used i n some

equi pment.

32. Li ve vegetati on or trees shall NOT be use d for support of overhead conductor spans.

33. Bare conductor i s a conductor having no coveri ng or el ectri cal i nsulati on.

34. Type FC cabl es shall have the temperature rati ng durabl y marked on the surface at
i nterval s NOT exceedi ng 600 mm.

35. Class II, Division 2 – hazardous l ocati ons where combusti bl e dust i s not normall y i n the
ai r in quantiti es suffi ci ent to provi de expl osi ve or i gni table mi xtures, and dust
accumul ati ons are normall y insuffici ent wi th the normal operati on of el ectri cal equi pment.

36. The cl earance from the top of a swi tchboard to a ceili ng whi ch i s combusti bl e shall NOT be
l ess than 1,000 mm.

37. Overhead conductors used i n festoon li ghti ng shall NOT be l ess than 3.5 mm 2 .

38. Conductors used i n li ghtning prote cti on system maybe coursed throu gh ai r wi thout support
for a di stance of 900 mm.

39. In conceal ed knob and tube wi ri ng, the cl earance to be maintai ned between conductors i s
76 mm.
40. A run of type IGS cabl e between pull boxes or te rmi nati ons shall NOT contai n more than
the equi val ent of 4 quarterbends .

41. For opti onal cal cul ati on in dwelli ng units, the fi rst 10 kW shall be computed at 100% while
the remai nder i s at 40%.

42. Operati on of equi pment i n excess of normal , full l oad rati ng or of a conductor i n excess of
rated ampaci ty. Ans. Overload

43. Branch ci rcui t l arger than 50 A shall suppl y onl y non -li ghti ng outl et l oads.

44. When ci rcui t breakers are i nstall ed in encl osed swi tchboards, they are usuall y derated to

45. Whi ch of the foll owi ng statement is NOT true?

 El ectri cal equi pment and wi ri ng not menti oned i n the code shall requi re a speci al
permi ssi on pri or to i nstall ati on.

 Extended use of temporary installation shall n ot requir e a new ap proved

electrical permit .

 An appli cati on of inspect i on shall be filed wi th the government agency concerned

before a preli mi nary and or fi nal inspecti on i s done.

 A copy of the el ectri cal permi t shall be posted or kept at the job si te at all ti mes, until
the approval of the work have been made.

46. Fi xed electri c space heati ng l oads shall be computed at 100% of the total computed l oad.

47. The powers of the Board are vested i n them by whose authori ty? Ans. Under RA 7920

48. The current carryi ng conductors i n cabl e bus shall have i nsul ati on rati ng of 70  C or more.

49. In hazardous l ocati on, the use of non -metalli c condui t shall be permi tted provi ded i t i s
buri ed NOT l ess than 600 mm below the earth l evel .

50. Open conductors shal l be separat ed from open conductors of othe r ci rcui ts by NOT l ess
than 100 mm.

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