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Republic of the Philippines

Sultan Kudarat State University

Kalamansig Campus
Collage of Fisheries

Thang Fishing Payroll System with SMS Notification

In partial fulfillment of the Requirement in Capstone Project

for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


September 2017

Now, in our society all over the world technology is the most important advancement, a

necessity in bringing about progress as we move along in this computerized world. The

changes in effect make people’s life easier and more convenient. The relationship between the

Thang Fishing and computer is constantly changing that the use of computer contributes to the

way people learns and communicates. It is easy in this world to strive for changes and since

Thang Fishing is no different from any firm and institution, considering the use of computer to

perform a given task will be efficient.

The researcher observes how the system work and discover a lot of problem with the increasing

of costumers and workers researcher encounter many problems especially for paying payrolls to the

employees and payments. It has become a problem of a workers and employees. Having their

system manually and records are put in a book they can avoid data loss, time consuming because

they have to scan for the whole book just to find the records. Thang Fishing have the responsibility

not only to know about the ways in which will be managed using techniques of computerized,

but also to be aware of the changes that computerized can bring to the Thang Fishing in the near


The Thang Fishing aimed to enhance the procedures of the researchers, from manually

operated to a computerized system. This proposals purpose was to ease the transactions in the

Thang Fishing for paying a payroll to the employees, keeping an information of the workers.

Generally aims to develop an Employee Payroll System with SMS

Notification Interface Integrated system for Thang Fishing of Poblacion, Kalamansig,

Sultan Kudarat.That will store the employees records such as workers basic information

and payroll list.

Specifically it aims to:

1. Calculate payments of every employees

2. Procedure a accurate reports

a. List of employees

b. Payroll statement of the employees

c. Payslip for every employee

3. To send Sms message every payroll payment

Significant of the study

The existing system Thang Fishing is manual. They use any papers or index card

for recording the transactions. They stored the data gathered from the workers in a

simple notebook. The significant of the study is to improve it by using a computer

technology support by a database system.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study about the Thang Fishing is the implementation of the system will reduce the time and

effort of the users in terms of adding, editing, searching, deleting and printing of records. The system

can also help in reducing the expenses such as papers, folders, pens index card and other materials

needed in their current system.

Operational Definition of Terms

Billing is the process of assessment of the workers and customers to view

their Accounts.

Cashiering It is a database that automatically calculate.

Computer It is a machine which keeps the important information of the

workers and beneficiaries. It is also helps to print immediately of an

important document.

MS Office is a relational database management system from Microsoft that

combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with

graphically user interface and software development tool.

Retrieving Restoring and recovering data in relation to database.

Receipt Refers to the amount receive from business and receiving money.

System Refers to the various device that work together to serve its process.

Transaction Information categorized by specific fields. It is also Assessment of

Fees regarding on the payment of the workers and customers.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature

Registration System

The Registration application has three core benefits. These are the following: 1.)

Efficiency. Everyone hates to deal with files or paper unless they do not have any other

alternatives. The benefit of computerize solution makes services and Information

available from any time to update information. 2.) Security of live data. Normally in more

complex systems data is moved about separate systems and data sources. In

computerize systems, these systems are processes can often be merged by reducing

the need to move the data around. 3.) Cost Effective. Computerize applications can

considerably lower the cost because reduced support and maintenance, lower

requirements’ on the end user system and simplified plans (Desousa 2008).

On the basis of Asadeva (2013), particularly in most school facilities, daily registration

are still done on paper and manual process in this time, people must adapt to the

computerization stage for not it will benefit them but will save a lot of time of work. It is

necessary for company to find what is best for their job and what the fastest way to

finish work is. So they can finish the job quickly and can do things as well.

Carison (2011) says “you should utilize registration not merely for business

reasons, but also organizing training course, workshops, professional classes on the

web, etc”. While using the benefits associated with keeper registration is anticipated that

can assist you get rid of worries of manual process. For anyone who still using paper

registration forms for the campers, it would be time hard to take into consideration

camping registration forms to further improve efficiencies, improves organization, and

alleviate manual, paper-based processes.

Payment Transaction is used in establishment, school and offices for workload



According to Oketnuji (2002), database system could handle records of corporate and

government on electronic form because of the rapid processing capability of the

computer which is needed for automatic storage and retrieval. The replacement from

paper to electronic records can lead to easy access of records.

According to Kevket (2011), computerized record book keeping system is a

system test that provides fast, accurate and easy way of record keeping and retrieval of

information. Narvasa, (2013) added that the computerized record book system is

the most commonly used in computing and analyzing the performance, talent and skills

of students. It is an important record to keep even for the longest time for referral and

credentials of the students to enter to their next level of attaining their goals.

Hostarticles (2012) The system is not only easily accessible but is also very fast

and methodical. As far as the business sectors are concerned, the registration software

has brought revolutionary changes in the process of organizing, promoting and selling

products or services and in case of training programs as well. This software performs

the job of publishing and promoting training programs too. In case of online class

management systems also, this software plays a significant role. Furthermore, if you

can choose the correct class management software then you will be able to present the

detailed training courses in the most convenient way.

Record keeping and Control Assets

Separate record keeping and control assets. One of the most important principles

of good internal control is to separate the functions of recording information about

assets and the actual control of assets. Limit access to assets. The number of

employees who have access to assets such as cash and inventory should be limited.

The larger the number of employees with access, the greater the potential for loss from

the theft or fraud. Divide the responsibility for related transactions. Responsibility for

related transaction should separate so the work of one person is verified by the work of

another. This is not to suggest duplication of work that would be costly but to have two

tasks that must be carried out for control reasons done by two separate employees.

This procedure keeps one person from having too much control over assets and may

prevent their theft. Set standards and evaluate results. One of the requirements of a

good internal control system is not only to control obvious items, such as cash or

inventory, but also to have a reporting system that indicates whether all aspects of the

business are operating properly. Once procedures have been established and the

various employees have been given detailed written guidelines about how to perform

tasks, standard of performance should be established. Create an audit trail. Most good

internal control systems are based on having an audit trail that documents each

transaction from the time it was initiated through source documents and defined

procedures through the final recording of the transaction in the operation’s general

ledger. A good audit trail allows each transaction, where necessary, to be tracked again

from the start to finish. Supervise the system and conducts reviews. One of the

management’s major responsibilities in internal control is constant supervision and

reviews of the system. This supervision and reviews is necessary because the system

becomes obsolete as business conditions change. Also, without continuous supervision

the control system can collapse. (Carroll, 2006)


As cited by Mrazeck, et, al. (2014), the collection, organization, and use of community

monitoring data may seem remote from the personal and compelling details of the

person. In addition, Shapiro (2001). Monitoring is the systematic collection and analysis

of information as a project progresses. It is aimed at improving the efficiency and

effectiveness of a project or organization. It is based on targets set and activities

planned during the planning phases of work. It will help to keep the work on track, and

can let management know when things are going wrong. If done properly. It is

invaluable tool for good management, and it provides useful base for evaluation.

The growing technology in the country, specifically here in the Philippines, some

establishments use technology, in order to keep their data, so whenever they want their

particular information, it is easy for them to retrieve it. Usually big universities use a

database management in order to keep their data (Outoupie, 2009).

According to Mayanja (2001), monitoring system is a process within distributed

system for collecting and storing state data in an actual situation. It is usually an

electronic device used to record, regulate or control a process or system. It is also

observed that is supervises or controls the activities in a particular situation.

Schwartz (2002) added that the monitoring is tracer study which can be useful in

the work of several ministries particularly in education. It provides the advantages of

integrating gathered information to national and institutional planning methods.

Nowadays, records are managed electronically by almost all professionals.

Structural Security

Eliminating easy opportunities to theft involves structural security as well as

numerous written employee procedures. A well-let storage space, restricted areas, and

installation of security cameras are examples of structural security features. Written

procedures that reduce opportunities for theft include limiting storage access only to

designated personnel, mandating all employees to exit and enter only to the front door,

preventing employee from ringing a sale for him/her family members, monitoring

customer returns, and proper cash drawer and petty cash usage. (Bizmanualz, 2008)
Literature Cited


Asadeva, (2013). Greatland School of Laguna Registration System. University of

Perpetual Help System of Laguna. Computer Studies

Alafinmike (March 2009), “Bookkeeping and Record Keeping Basics”, p.17,

Carison (2011), “System Requirement Specification (SRS)”. (Pp3-8)

Desousa, T. (2008), “Benefits of Web Applications”. Retrieved November 18, 2014 from

Gravell, A. (2009), Recordkeeping, Book Fundamental of Research, p.118-165

Tolentino, R.G. (2011). Computer-Based Inventory, Record Keeping p. 25

Wilson, L. (2009), The importance of Records, Real Time Production

SustainableEnterprise, p.243-286

Internet Sources

Bizmanualz, 2008, Structural Security

Carroll, 2006, Record keeping and Control Assets

Hostarticles (2012) Registration System

Narvasa, S.G.M., S.J Paloyo, M. Radores, D. Maricris, (2013). Computerized Record
Book System, P.27.

Oketnuji, (2002). Basic records methods.

The study will use a descriptive classification design. Thang Fishing Payroll System

with SMS notification is designed with the use of Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. The

researcher aim to test the functionality, accessibility and safety to any information of the


Tools and Materials

 Visual Studio 2008

 MySQL Server 2008

 Microsoft Office

 Adobe Photoshop

 1 set Computer Unit

 1 unit Printer

Research Process
This following research process aim to develop a Thang Fishing Payroll System

with SMS notification

 Data Gathering
During this process the researcher gathered data and asked some

question regarding their manual transaction during registration and record keping

of the data. The questions that had been asked were answered by the

respondents of Thang Fishing , including the in - charge.

 Planning and Analysis

The data used in this project were collected through interviews and

research materials like books, Internet, and other sources of information. The

researcher interviewed to the in-charge on how they are going to the transaction

process using manual transaction. Other related data and studies were also

gathered to support the proposed system.

 Design and Development

This Process design a friendly user interface and surely secured system

for the better improvement of the technology in Thang Fishing also use any

other software like Adobe Photoshop for editing the background of the system.

 Testing/Evaluation

After creating the system, it will goes some trial and errors that can make

sure that the system is properly function.

Manual Thang Fishing Monitoring


- Conduct interview, observation and acquire other
requirement for the study.
- Analyzed data gathered and problem met for
possible solution.
- Designed the programs/system flow, the system
interface as well as the flow of the system
- Evaluated the functionality and efficiency of the
- The program/system is ready to use.

Ading Farm Services Computerized Management System

Conceptual Framework of the study

Schedule of Activities

The chart below shows calendar of activities during the duration of times spent in
creating Thang Fishing Payroll System with SMS notification. It illustrates also the
series of activities that will be done during the study.

Table 2 Gantt chart

Activities November December January February March

Data Gathering 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

and Coding


Table 3. Budgetary Requirements

Budgetary Requirements
Quantity Unit Particular Unit Cost(Php) Total Amount

1 set Computer 15,000.00 15,000.00

1 unit printer 5,000.00 5,000.00

SubTotal 20,000.00
Windows XP/7/8 2,000.00 2,000.00
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Programming Language 200.00 200.00
Microsoft Office Tools 200.00 200.00
Adobe Photoshop CS56 200.00 200.00
SubTotal 2,600.00

5 Reams Bond Paper(Laser) Letter Size 220 1,100.00
4 Pcs. Ballpen (Black Pilot) 7 28.00
2 Pcs. Pencil (Mongol 2) 7 14.00
3 Pcs. Flash Drive (SanDisk 4G) 250 750
Sub Total 1,892.00
Total 24,492.00

Contingencies 2, 449.00

Grand Total 26,941.00

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