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forecasts for July – October 2018

an Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis Intelligence Report
bare naked Wealth! #11
by clif high
copyright 2018 all rights reserved, claims for invention and labor

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© 2018 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Jump Out! July – October 2018
All rights reserved
Notes to Readers:
Those alt coins (and others) listed herein are not guaranteed to survive
this period of hyperinflation, though many will. Those coins discussed
herein met the requirement of having both minimum levels of linguistic
support in terms of data sets, as well as having enough identified temporal
markers to be able to provide the sophisticated speculator with some
small, linguistic guidance to potential activities within the trading of these

Again note that we are linguistically within a period defined as

'hyperinflationary'. This means that inherently risks are masked, or hidden
by large capital inflows, but they still exist, and if anything are magnified.

Trade on the information within this report at your own risk. You
are self-identifying as mentally deficient to risk real world assets
solely on the information in this report. Do not do it!

WARNING! Danger Will Robinson! Stop now. Go back up and read again!

Table of Contents
Notes to Readers: ......................................................................................................................................2
Meta Data ~ ..........................................................................................................................................3
The Flow~..................................................................................................................................................3
Summer (July - September) 2018..........................................................................................................4
Four days in July.................................................................................................................................11
Developing – the continuing story...........................................................................................................16

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Jump Out! July – October 2018
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OMG (OmiseGo).................................................................................................................................19
Sovereign Tokens................................................................................................................................22
Conclusion: Revolutionary Fervor.....................................................................................................27
About Predictive Linguistics and our methods........................................................................................28

Meta Data ~
Processing changes ~ It needs to be noted that real world pressures from regulators have made it
necessary to change our threshold values for processing such that any negative emotional sets will be
highlighted in these reports. Negatively associated data sets are naturally concentrated by our process
even before the adjustment for this report. Now these negatively associated sets will be given equal
weight and equal reporting with positive values. This will necessarily change the nature of these
Stated another way for clarity, humanity tends to express itself more readily in negative terms, and that
tends to concentrate these values within our processing. A weighted filter had been applied in the past
to try to compensate for this effect. That filter has been removed, and this allows a more negative
emotional tone to dominate the data.
The reader will notice this change within the Developing section in which forecasts about individual
projects are reported.

The Flow~
In this section is discussed the general emotional tone flow through the periods indicated. The data
reported on within this section is subject to the error ranges indicated in the addendum to this
document, next to last page. Trading against these dates is a risk for which the reader assumes
responsibility. Temporal markers as may be discovered are discussed here.

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© 2018 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Jump Out! July – October 2018
All rights reserved
Note on dates: there are dates provided within this report that are to the level of
granularity that the data types allow. Please note that these are ALL assumed to be
within the minimum error range of IM data or 3+ days.
Trade with dates from this report as targets at your own risk and as confirmation of your mental

Summer (July - September) 2018

The new data sets have language about 'new earth' as a descriptor heading for a large set
featuring 'earth changes' in many diverse forms. These sets are NOT about any form of
new age ascension, but rather are a series of forecasts about the 'ground (and water)
under our feet'.
The data has accretion patterns suggesting that more 'earth changes' and 'anomalous
observations' will be occurring over Summer (northern hemisphere) than has been seen
so far 'this decade'. These sets are describing the 'final nail (in the coffin)' of the 'global
warming' meme. These sets include references to 'ice age' at many levels being 'visible'
within social media over the rest of this year. One of the often overlooked aspects of the
'ice age' sets are the dominating sub sets for 'rain', 'precipitation', 'snow', 'ice storms', and
'freezing rains' that are necessary to 'build glaciers'.
Some of these 'rain (freezing) storms' are indicated to 'shock' and 'stun' as 'normally
hot/sunny locations' come under 'deluges (of) freezing rain' and this is to be during
'summer'. Think on places such as Monaco yacht harbor being inundated from above by
'rivers in the sky' which are going to 'empty (as) freezing rain'.
These sets have 'contrasts' being the key, observable elements of this summer (northern
hemisphere). Some of the 'contrasts' being sited are 'destruction of old', and 'building of
new'. This language is being applied to the Hawaiian volcano eruption. The data sets
also include language for an 'extended (land building) eruption' potentially going on for
years, as well as 'signs of new (land) being built'. In fact, the data has 'evidence
(surfacing)' of 'two new islands' in development.
The data sets have 'earth' under the 'waters' being in a 'gathering', or 'collecting' state that
will be discovered this year. These 'new lands' are part of the multiple year forecast from
the ALTA report series. These sets continue to grow as we move modelspace forward
into Summer and the rest of the year. The data sets for the 'new lands' within sets that are
'Hawaii' focused are gaining new supporting sub sets that have both 'local population' as
well as 'outside observers/foreigners' expressing 'crazy' and 'non acceptance' of the 'new

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© 2018 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Jump Out! July – October 2018
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physical reality'. There are repeated references to 'crazy' within many sets. In some of
these sets the 'crazy' word is being applied to the 'reactions' coming from the 'population'
both about the fundamental facts of the 'new lands', as well as the 'potential' for the 'new
lands'. In other sets the 'crazy' descriptor is being applied to 'physical phenomena'. The
idea from the data is that the 'new lands' will be 'video captured' growing in 'crazed
patterns' below the ocean. The data sets are forecasting that a number of these 'crazy'
word reactions will be visible on the global media.
Many other new sets are suggesting that humanity is going to be in the 'earth
changes/challenges' stage of things for the next few years. These sets are indicating that
emotional tones around 'weather', and 'all things environment' will be escalating both as
'rhetoric' as well as actual 'emotional impacts (damage, trauma, tension, et al)' on
humans due to 'earth changes' at deep and fundamental levels. There are many sets
indicating that the 'expansion effects' will be very 'scary' and will 'frighten' increasingly
larger segments of the general global population going forward into 2019. These 'earth
changes' are forecast to include 'giant rifts', also described as 'valleys', 'fractures', and
'inter-continental splits' in new parts of the planet. In some of the descriptor sets we even
have language about 'contentions (and contentious peoples)' being 'separated (by) tearing
(fracturing) earth'.
New sets focusing on 'energies from space' as well as 'extra strong light (UV variants)',
are building rapidly and are forecasting a rising in visibility of the 'harsh effects' of the
'UV changes' over this Summer, and well into Fall (northern hemisphere). As most of
the global population is within the northern hemisphere, the amount of language about
these effects will be dominated by that perspective, however there will be reports, even
in Winter in the southern hemisphere of the 'UV changes'.
The types and ranges of the 'UV changes' are the object of this forecast. That is to say,
the UV changes have already begun, and it is the 'noticeably different and reported'
language about the subject that is being forecast. Our data sets indicate that 'heat' as well
as 'damage (to inanimate objects)' that will be catching the 'attention' of the msm
(propaganda presstitutes) over July and the rest of Summer. The types of 'damage'
forecast to be reported include 'melting plastics', as well as 'softening metals', and
'swelling concrete (cement)' and 'pooling/puddling asphalt', and 'expanding
(dangerously) standing storage tanks', and 'bulging (swelling/expanding) ships (bulk
cargo carriers)', and 'stretching ropes (cables/power lines/communication lines)'. The
data suggests that we can expect reports of 'broken fiber optic' cables as well as
'pipelines (with) problems' due to 'heat expansion'.
Coupled with the many reports for 'expansion events/changes', the data is forecast a new

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Jump Out! July – October 2018
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surge in 'end of the world' language. New data growth in 'space changes (solar system)'
set are also suggesting that an 'awareness (of) broader scope (of ) solar system changes'
is going to be an increasing part of the 'news feeds' over these next three years. The
'broader scope' aspect/attribute sets have sub sets suggesting a 'flourishing/freshening' of
the controversial role playing of the 'new age space religions' and their many 'animal
(alien) totems'. The data sets have some 'officialdom blow back' that will be 'long
lasting' and 'unexpectedly constraining'
Many of the sets about the 'broader solar system changes' include or originate from the
'strange energies from space' sub sets that had long been part of the ALTA reports. These
'strange energies from space' sets continue to themselves expand, and are currently
presenting with increasing layers of supporting sub sets. The sub sets are including
language around 'yet more volcanoes' and 'more volcanoes erupt more' and other
language about the 'heating (of earth's) core'. These sets are indicating that there will be
some of the 'global warming' adherents who will try to make a return, but the data sets
are showing too many 'ice age' climate changes for the 'warming' argument to get
traction. Yes there are to be 'serious heat' problems all through the rest of Summer
(northern hemisphere) 2018, but there are also forecasts for rising numbers of 'ice age'
The data forecasts for 'more volcanoes erupting more' as well as 'awareness of volcanic
activity' rising within the global population to be reaching a 'peak frenzy' late in Fall
(northern hemisphere) 2018. The data is also forecasting that some 'emerging business'
endeavors will be trying to take advantage of the 'volcanoes erupting'.
The data has not only 'volcanoes erupting', but also humans. The idea is that early in
July throughout the hot, northern hemisphere Summer, and especially during the 'late
season storms', many within the population will be experiencing their own eruptions,
and 'emotional meltdowns'. Many of the mainstream propaganda press are forecast to be
'presenting theories' of 'economic', or even 'political' causes for both the volcanic as well
as human 'eruptions'. These theories, will be, of course, wrong. The underlying cause
will be the strange energies from space affecting both the planet as well as its
population. Many of the 'erupting humans' are described as 'coming back' or 'regaining
composure' and being 'bewildered' about what has just happened to them. Again the
forecast from over a decade back of the 'dysfunction' caused by 'strange energies from
space' causing humans to 'stand in the middle of cross walks unable to move, drooling
on themselves, stunned'.
Also coming up in the data sets are words about the 'contrasts' that will be 'seen (to be)
unfolding' as Summer is forecast to be bringing 'juxtaposition (of) opposites' in so many

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Jump Out! July – October 2018
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areas of modern life. The data has 'politics' being contrasted to 'ordinary life (regular
humans)' in such a dramatic way as to 'incite (in some areas) revolutions (violent)', while
in others the data sets are forecasting that 'political (rising stars)' in many 'social
revolutions' will be 'getting a taste' of the 'brutality required' to 'push forward (social
revolution)'. These last sets are forecasting episodes in the USA (and UK) in which
'social activists' are seen to be 'beat down' by the 'anger (of) ordinary folk'. Further the
data sets are forecasting (most likely in the USA) that by the end of Summer, there will
be an 'incident' that will 'incite revulsion' against the 'perpetrators' (leadership of the
'movement') as they 'display callous use of violence' against their 'followers'. This
episode is to be 'blamed' for a 'spill over effect' within the broader 'social justice' arena as
the various 'movements' become 'tainted' by way of 'viral videos'.
Within the 'juxtaposition (of) opposites (contrasts)' sets we have supporting subsets that
are describing a progression into an emotional tone that is very similar to the 'roaring
Twenties' (here in America). Now these sets are showing as being 'global', but with a
distinctly 'Asian' flavor. Not quite dominated by China, there are also large sets
referencing 'Singapore' and 'Indonesia'. The emotional tone remains as a magnified echo
of the 'new century (filled with) ambition and optimism'. Basically it is an attitude of
'(collectively) we can do anything!'.
The data sets are forecasting that this Summer (northern hemisphere) is going to be a
period of 'building (new/renewed) economic system'. This is forecast as including yet
more 'destruction' of the old system, all the while the 'new economic system' is being
implemented. The data sets would have late June being the point at which visibility rises
for the idea of an economic 'renaissance' start creeping out into visibility, and yes, this is
in spite of, and in opposition to, all the language about 'economic chaos and destruction'.
Stated another way for clarity, the data is forecasting lots of 'disturbing', and 'bad
language (about bad behavior)', and much emotional turmoil from the June solstice
onward, but this will be against a rising 'optimistic shift (in language)' that will be the
dominating tone for these next few months.
The data has language going to the contrasts between the 'renaissance', and what can
best be described as the 'temporal backwater (enclave)' that is populated with such
language as 'denial', 'fixation', 'entrapment', 'blinded', 'hypnotized', and other language
around 'walking sleepers (somnambulism)' that is forecast as being the language applied
to the 'last century thinking' or the 'blue pilled group', or the 'sleeple'. Much of this
language is describing the state of being 'bound up' in the 'delusion' of 'western
civilization' as was being proffered by the 'deep state'.

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Jump Out! July – October 2018
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There are many new sets indicating that the 'battles' are coming to visibility across both
social media and the mainstream media (propaganda press) will involve 'secret projects',
and 'secret companies', and 'secret civilization(s)', as well as the scarier version which is
'secret (global) security fears'.
Many of the new 'change' sets are going to the implementation of themes reported in the
ALTA report for years, such as the 'new food growing methods'. The data sets are
suggesting that 2018 will be the 'year of the Big Think' in which the 'economic model'
will be 're-engineered' to a 'new vision'. The 'new vision' sets include both 'ice age' and
'solar system changes', both of which are cross linked over to 'food production', and
'energy production', and 'health'. This last set is explicitly NOT including the 'health care'
“industry”, nor those companies involved with 'health care insurance'. Many of the
'health' sets are inclusive of, or are cross linked over to 'new (medicine) initiatives'.
These sets include 'energy devices' of a very wide range and diverse focus that are
forecast to begin being seen in the general 'social order' as of late Fall (northern
hemisphere). These new 'health technologies' are forecast as including 'stem cells', and
'energy (alignments?) devices'. Both of these are within larger sets that are growing that
include 'forced (transformation of) social order' that is seemingly both being 'urged (by
solar system changes)' as well as 'demand driven'. The 'demand driven' sets contain
support from sets for 'demands (from upper echelons)' for 'release (of) effective (health)
technologies'. Many of these sets have cross links over to 'Antarctica' as well as 'space
The data sets also have new linguistic structures headed by 'rogue operations' in which
the word 'operations' has dual meaning of 'administration/organization' as well as
'medical'. These dual contexts bring out the nature of the data itself as being a case of
'rumors' of 'miraculous healing' from the 'rogue operations' described as being 'scientists
and technicians' tasked by 'deep government' with 'studying' or 'developing' the 'health
devices' (or reverse engineering them) who will decide to 'treat/cure their relatives and
friends' with the 'astonishing technologies'. The data sets are forecasting the rise of this
'rumor meme' to include 'Freedom of Information Act requests'.
The 'rumors' of 'hidden cures' first accrue to modelspace in volume for late August. The
rate of growth continues throughout the rest of the year still rising slightly as the
'conspiracy rumor' spreads. These sets are participating within the more general 'USA
population (in) emotional distress' sets that rise to dominance over late August and
through into 2019. These sets for the 'population' being in a state of 'fervor' to 'obtain
(hidden) healing machines' are also participating in the 'pogrom/purge' language that will
come to 'dominate' the 'news cycle' within 2019.

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It is the 'new vision' language that is cross linked over to the 'somnambulism' sets
extensively. The 'somnambulism' sets are also including 'denial' and 'refusal'. Yet again
we have 'refusniks' as a linguistic structure arising. In this new 'refusnik' set there are
many references to the 'absolute (but wavering) refusal' to 'accept/believe' the 'criminal
charges' that will be revealed over 2018. Much of the 'drama' language sets are filled
with cross links over to the 'politicians' and 'criminals' in both USA, as well as EU.
These sets have an underlying emotional tone that also includes the 'somnambulism'
group as being 'shocked', but also 'hyper focused' on the 'revealing' that will be unfolding
over 2018.
The new data has resurgence of the 'pogrom' language of several years back in the ALTA
reports being 'active' beginning this year and continuing through into 2020 as the 'legal
circuses' are more complete.
Many of the 'pogrom (purge)' language sets about removal of
'politicians/pundits/criminals' from the 'system' are showing as (within USA and to
lesser extent EU) 'hitting hardest' within the 'colleges (educational) system'. The idea is
that over these next few years, especially within America, the 'college education system'
is going to go through a more trying time than any in the past 400/four hundred years.
The idea is that 'colleges' will be 'collapsing' at a 'shocking rate' over these next two
years such that calls for 'national support (for) colleges' will be reaching a 'frenzy' in
2020. Though part of the 'election cycle' linguistics, the 'crying (over) defunct colleges',
is showing as altering the 'social order' as it develops. The data is forecasting a very bad
time for 'careers (in) (college) education' as 'news' of 'layoffs/firings' will become so
common as to barely elicit notice.
The new data sets accruing to 'new economic system' include sets that are favorable to
CryptoSpace in general as 'blockchain' is being forecast as being 'touted' as 'the answer'
to the 'corruption' being 'exposed' across the political landscape. Language within these
sets are part of the larger 'crypto-currencies information rise' from July onward through
the year to a near term peak of general market penetration in January of 2019.
From July 20th onward, the 'change' sets are filling at a rapid pace that is about double
the rate of accretion for early in the year. Many of these 'change' sets are 'ocean' focused
or are specifically centered around 'water'. These change sets are very extensively cross
linked over to 'economics', or 'investments', or 'money' sets. These change sets have
descriptors for 'profound', and 'significant', and 'multiple generations (to integrate the
change)'. The 'profound ocean (water) changes' sets also contain numerous references to
'weather' both in the immediate temporal future, as well as 'weather (climate)' sets that
bring in the 'multiple generations to adapt' sets. Other sets in these group include the

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© 2018 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Jump Out! July – October 2018
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'more volcanoes erupt more' sets and these sets themselves have 'ocean' sub sets.
The 'change' sets are also including 'reactions' to 'disease' that will apparently include
'massive (deployment of) resources' to 'combat insects (mosquitoes?)'. These sets are
curiously cross linked over to 'magnetism', and 'magnetic fields' sub sets where new
growth has scaled beyond levels of past years. The 'magnetism' sets are also cross linked
over to both 'oceans', and 'climate/weather', in which we also find supporting sets for
'extraordinary', 'extra long', 'extra seasonal' all centered around 'tropical
storms/hurricanes'. These 'tropical storms' are cross linked over to the 'disease fight'
Other sets of note for general trends have the USA and its population being in a state of
'increasing emotional tension' over the rest of 2018 and throughout all of 2019. The
'emotional tension' sets are cross linked over to all the various 'markets' from 'precious
metals' through 'real estate', to 'foods', to 'equities', to 'crypto-currencies'. Increasing
'banking (and insurance company) failures' are showing as being a 'continual', and
'steady pressure' on the 'emotional tension' levels held by the general population (of the
The many sets for '(debt based) fiat currencies' being in increasing 'distress' over this
year and next are all supporting 'discord' and 'disharmony' that will be a 'fracturing'
pressure for 'social cohesion' (for all western republics) over 2019 through 2022. The
'deteriorating social cohesion' sets are arguing for 'religion wars' (in EU and USA and
Australia), as well as 'wars (within) religions' that are also going to participate in
'general social distress' that will be a source of change. The changes forecast include
'dissolution (of the catholic church (as a holding company))' due to 'internal (power
struggles/war)' that is indicated to 'erupt outward' into the 'general population (of
catholic followers)' and to participate in 'degradation (of the) church' as the 'in fighting'
will be 'forcing managers (and followers)' out, and they in turn are forecast as 'shoveling
(ancient) dirt (corruption)' onto the 'church'.
Many of the 'church in disarray (internal warfare being visible)' sets are either directly
holding, or cross linked over to numerous 'money' sets. These sets are suggesting that
'church failures' within the 'money system' are a temporal marker for further degradation
of the 'banking (debt based) system'. These sets are suggesting that not merely 'Italian
banks', but also 'Church of Rome banks' will be 'leading the way down'.

The new data in has some very interesting words to say about Summer (northern

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hemisphere) 2018.
Associated with Bitcoin and CryptoSpace is the label of 'Joy' at the top of a very diverse
and robustly filled master set of language. But for the 'fiat currencies' we have the word
'cauldron (or smelter or furnace)' heading that master set.
The 'joy' set for Bitcoin and CryptoSpace, has within it, at a primary supporting level, a
set headed by 'fire' as a descriptor. The data would seem to suggest that the 'fire' set will
be propelling the 'joy' emotions over Summer (northern hemisphere) in CryptoSpace.

Four days in July

The new data that accumulates to the CryptoSpace sets as modelspace is moved through
the rest of the year is showing temporal echoes of emotional tone values from December
of 2017 as being revisited and exceeded in July 2018. Starting around July 9, (perhaps as
late as the evening of the 10th), the emotional tone values begin to replicate the patterns
first experienced in mid December, 2017. The 'turn around' for CryptoSpace shows in
our data as taking 4/four days. These are from July 9 through the 12 (inclusive). As
fallible as our timing can be, the data has the elapsed period from the 9th of July through
the 12th as being the temporal pivot over which the emotional tones change into their
next phase.
These emotional tone patterns were concurrent with the rise in Bitcoin (and crypto-
currencies) prices. The revisit to these emotional tone highs from last year begins in
early July, but continues for over a month, to nearly the end of August. These new data
sets are forecasting that both the scope of this temporal echo (of December, 2017), as
well as the size, will exceed the December values. The totality of the larger emotional
tones that support the 'joy' language continue through to the first week of December,
At the far end of the short term data types (modelspace progressed out to October), we
find yet another temporal echo to the December 2017 emotional tones of 'frenzy' and
'optimism'. In the data sets growth we have language suggesting that 'cycles' will have
become evident by end of October such that the 'discussion (of the) crypto-currencies
cycles' is forecast as 'dominating social media'. This is showing as being of a bifurcated
nature with many people being 'caught up (in the discussed cycles)' such that they are
forecast as being 'caught out' and 'unprepared' by their reliance on the newly discovered
'cycles'. Other parts of this set suggest that new 'crypto-millionaires' will be created over
late Fall (northern hemisphere) and Winter as they 'hold (to their) understanding'.
There are a number of 'technical crashes', and 'project abandonment', and 'project

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rewrites' that are forecast to occur over this Summer and Fall (northern hemisphere).
From the June solstice through to mid August is showing as being a 'masking' period
where the 'good news' will allow for 'technical problems' to be appraised in an overly
optimistic manner that is forecast to move into 'visibility' in the social media over the
latter half of August. Many of these problems will be 'surfacing' in September and are
forecast to 'thin the herd (of crypto offerings)' by early November.
Other sets are indicating 'financial problems' of 'all stripes/types' within 'crypto-currency
companies' will be both 'rumored' and 'fact' and will be also reaching visibility within
social media by the years end.
Noting the 'problems surfacing' sub sets growing over this year, the data sets are none
the less still reaching new highs for positive emotional tones throughout the year.
The data has 'major' and 'significant' sets going to the 'completion (of efforts) ', both in a
positive and negative language base, for CryptoSpace. This is supported at other levels
within the data explicitly with descriptors for 'failures (becoming visible)', as well as
'new crypto-millionaires' emerging. These sets are accruing for the month of July, and
are synchronized to temporal echoes for emotional tones across all of July, though
especially from the 9th onward, and then continuing through all of November. The sets
of the 'completion' language include positive outcome and 'escalating emotional values'
for 'successful implementation' of new technology which is being forecast as
manifesting over July, and through to the September equinox. The data is suggesting that
so many new projects are reaching implementation phase across Summer (northern
hemisphere), that it seems as though there are not enough days in the week to absorb all
the information. The descriptions of the pressures on 'attention space', 'emotional
capacity', and 'moods' within and around CryptoSpace include sets headed by 'joy',
'giddiness', 'satisfaction', 'pride', 'enthusiasm', 'ebullience', 'effervescent', and other
language that forms the core sets for the emergence of the 'Soaring Twenties' emotional
tone forecasts from previous reports. Note that this global 'mood' will be very anchored
in China, and greater Asia, but will also include parts of Europe, and the Americas. This
is also contrasted against the rising amount of language for 'profound earth (solar
system) changes' over these next few decades.
Other language includes an extended emotional rise that continues from July 9 through
to mid August. This is in opposition to the 'conflicts', and 'power struggles' that will be
seemingly dominating the 'news cycles'. These sets are all focusing on the '(profound,
deep, significant, life altering, long lasting, fundamental, core) changes' that are
developing across this year and across the 'institutions (and power structures)' of the
global populace. These sets for the 'rising (rapidly) emotional tones' are participants in

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the larger sets for the temporal echoes of the 'Roaring (1920s) Twenties'.
These positive emotional tones are supported by many of the same sets as were seen late
in 2017 including 'abundance', 'growth', 'success', and 'prosperity'. These sets are have
very large growth from July through to late October which is the effective limit of the
shorter term data range.
The 'volcanoes' of Summer (2018) (northern hemisphere) are also a temporal marker for
the 'downturn' within CryptoSpace following the first large 'run up' of 2018. The data
has the temporal markers associated with the volcanoes forecasting a 'violent drop', and
then 'near instant retrace' (flash-crash?) of the general crypto currencies market with the
forecast also including 'bewildered chartists', and 'confused fundamentalists'. Further, the
'rapid' movement of these markets from both the (soon to appear) new near term highs,
followed by the new near term (higher) low, are forecast to 'do great damage' to 'algo
trading', including in 'equities markets'. The 'volcanoes' temporal marker is wide and
accrues across July through to nearly the end of September (slightly past the equinox).
Thus it is being assumed that the 'flash-crash' language will also be reaching its peak in
late September along with the 'volcanoes erupting' meme.
Other areas of modelspace that are accruing large amounts of new sets include the end of
July and the first 3 days of August. As modelspace is moved through from the 22nd of
July, there are new sets that are providing support for 'unexpected (reversal of positions)'
and 'unexpected/surprise announcements', and 'surprising (government) decisions' all of
which sets have 'deep government' supporting sub sets. These sets are also cross linked
over to 'arrests', and 'perp walks (visibility of arrests on social media)'. Other aspect sets
include 'shocking', 'disturbing', '(naked/exposed) meltdowns', 'celebrity (video) freak-
outs', and other sets going to the idea of a 'sudden, unexpected development' that will
'(disturb) upend/overwhelm preconceptions' about 'politics' within CryptoSpace. Many
of these sets contain supporting sets from 'enforcement' and 'regulations'.
As modelspace is moved through the end of July, from about the 25th onward, the pace
of new sets increases rapidly implying a similar increase in 'new
events/news/developments'. Not all of these are affecting crypto-currencies directly, but
many do. The most noticeably emotionally charged sets are participants within the 'over-
turning (of the) paradigms' sets in which 'emotional shock', and 'emotional catalepsy' as
well as 'catharsis' are all indicating that the events will be sending 'waves (of) emotional
shocks' through the 'crypto-currencies communities', as well as the more general
population. These sets are NOT showing as generating negative emotional tones
specifically within CryptoSpace, but rather are showing that 'opposition (power
struggles)' within the larger social order break out into 'visibility' with extra emotional

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impact just due to the 'surprising nature' of the 'secrets revealed' as well as the 'surprising
(exposure)' of the 'secret battles'. The 'relationships' sets within the supporting linguistic
structures would seem to be highlighting the 'break-down' of the 'public face (of
progressive politics)'. These sets are indicating that many people within CryptoSpace
will be negatively affected by these developments in the larger technical culture. The
data is forecasting that language around 'fate', and 'destiny', and 'karma' are going to be
applied to the 'circumstances/events' of late July, and will continue to grow as the
initiating events become a memory replaced by the 'latest developments' in the 'on-going
stories (of battles/arrests/power struggles/purges). Much of the language that accrues to
larger modelspace over the rest of Summer is forecast as having a 'bent' towards similar
language about 'soviet era pogroms (within USSR)'.
Some of the new aspect/attribute sets accruing to modelspace in the USA context over
Summer (northern hemisphere) are forecasting references to 'Saudi Arabia', and the
recent 'rape of the Princes'. This language suggests that 'USA (officialdom)' will be in a
state of 'peeling (off) money' from the 'targets' of the 'pogrom/purge' as they are 'exiting'
their former lives, and in many cases, heading to 'prison'. Many of these sets have cross
links over to 'privacy coins', and 'crypto-currencies' with suggestions that 'headlines'
about 'recovery (of allegedly stolen funds)' will have a 'crypto-currencies' hook.
Noting that the general CryptoSpace sets have new growth that may be forecasting bear
market conditions taking hold as part of more general, global, economic
malaise/meltdown that begins in mid December 2018, the following discussions are
provided from new data sets accruing to specific crypto-currencies contexts over our last
processing period.

A very large area of new growth is showing up for the 'space based businesses' including 'crypto-
currencies based structures' from August onward. These sets have growth spurts in September and
continue to swell over the rest of the year. These sets are also extensively cross linked over to the 'earth
changes', and 'weather/climate worries', as well as 'unknown phenomena'.
Other sets are indicating that a new 'space race' is developing between 'corporations' and 'new crypto-
currencies companies', as well as between 'nations'. There are some sets indicating a 'spending race (on
space)' that will have China in opposition to the 'western powers'.
Supporting sets within the 'spending race' sets between China and the West include sets indicating that
'new technology' being 'deployed' by China is going to 'catch (western media)' by surprise as 'new
capabilities', and 'new propulsion systems' are 'showcased'. These sets are forecasting that 'western
republics (lead by USA) response' is going to be to 'rush (into exposure)' some of the 'secret

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technologies' rumored to be available. Unfortunately, these sets are predicting 'two (spectacular)
failures' of 'space based activities' that will be 'marking' 2018/2019 as the 'twin disasters (in space)
years'. One of the 'disasters' shows as 'mechanically caused, internal', while the other is 'engineering'.
This last has sub sets for 'fundamental error'.
Other areas of 'space businesses' data growth include new language about 'space port (in) Antarctica'.
These new sets are describing the language as a 'feeler' and 'setting the stage'. Other sets with an
Antarctica focus are cross linked over to the 'new spaceport' sets and include data for 'corporation
bidding frenzy', even ahead of 'official announcements'.
Longer term sets for 'America in Space' have very large levels of growth from 2019 onward. These sets
are suggesting that a major 'national effort (movement/trend)' will be in place within the larger
'American society' by mid 2019 that will be 'propelling' events around the globe for the next decade.
These sets have the emotional tone reflective of (a temporal echo) the 'glory days' of NASA and the
'space based military-industrial-entertainment complex'. These sets are suggesting that a much larger
'national effort' across the next 10/ten years will be 'involving' over '20/twenty percent' of the
population at its near term peak. These sets are showing that 'space careers' will be, in about 5/five
years time, the 'saving grace' for the 'American college system'.
The shorter term data sets have the 'political structures (officialdom)' within USA moving to 'control',
and 'leverage' the 'emotional tension' of the 'population' by way of the 'new space race' initiative. These
sets have the 'continuing breakdown' within the 'social order' across USA, as well as the 'economic
tensions' reaching a point in late August where the 'officialdom' brings out 'new announcements' and
'programs' in attempts to 'provide' a 'new pathway' into an 'exciting future (in Space)' as an alternative
to the 'focus on past crimes' indicated to have 'settled (across) the national mind' as the 'corruption
purges' begin to reach a 'general visibility' within 'social media', and even the 'mainstream propaganda
It is difficult to over-emphasize the impact of the 'space based businesses' sets upon the totality of the
emotional tone. While small in size, the very high levels of emotional tones drive up the values
significantly. The emotional tone rise is USA centric, insofar as the 'revolutionary fervor' aspect sets. In
they corresponding sets for China's population, there is a distinct absence of the 'revolutionary' attribute
to the set, and instead the data presents imagery for 'the long march (into) space', and 'Sino-Luna
(Chinese Moon) initiative' with the supporting aspect sets bring in a much more 'workman'-like attitude
of 'sustained effort (yields) results'.
The data is forecasting that the 'push (into) space based economy' will be a 'planet wide (global)'
version of 'giant, promoted, social change' unlike anything previously undertaken by human

Do your own due diligence on these cryptocurrency offerings. NOT trading advice,
nor recommendations for purchase. Reviews provided note only interesting
features from which to begin YOUR personal due diligence work.

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Developing – the continuing story
This section discusses existent tokens/coins and clues as to future performance from our deep linguistic
data mining. Please go back and read the 'Meta Data' section at the beginning of this document one
more time, just to be sure you have the concepts, before reading this section.

The 'Bitcoins' are all accruing supporting sets for the 'joy' emotional tones through June, in spite of
'price action' to the contrary. By July 9th, the 'definitive turn signals' are forecast to be 'visible' with the
'pressure for run up' even being the subject of 'headlines' just prior to the actual start of a 'new bull
market phase'. Note that modelspace is describing this 'bull run up' as being 'intense', 'short', and 'steep'.
As modelspace is moved through December 2018 and then early January, there are some sets that are
suggesting a 'pause phase' with 'the bitcoins', in terms of 'total market cap', 'price', and emotional tones,
being far less 'market dominant'. Prior to January of 2019, 'the bitcoins' are showing as being
'aggressive leaders' for 'crypto-currencies' in the general bull phase. The 'spreading effect' among the
'crypto-currencies' that is forecast to occur from January 2019 throughout the rest of that year, is
showing in the long term data sets as encountering a 'sharp reversal' with 'the bitcoins' back in the
driver's seat in January 2020.
The emotional tones for Bitcoin (in all forms/forks ) turn positive on July 2nd, and then gain new values
from July 9. The new positive value language continues without let up through August, and then in a
more general way, these values continue to grow through the first week in December, 2018.
As modelspace is moved through the 'sharp reversal' period, the emotional tone values are reduced only
as a result of the 'draw' or 'demands (of) real world events'. There are sets that are forecasting the
'market activities' to be reaching yet another period of 'frenzy'. Further sets are suggesting that 'trading
activities' are then starting to make 'mainstream (propaganda) press' reports at a 'daily' level. Stated
another way for clarity, in spite of the price action in crypto-currencies being forecast, the data shows
'intense interest persists' in crypto-currencies, and blockchain technology.
Sets in the 'trading bitcoins (crypto-currencies)' supporting chain are suggesting that the 'spreading out )
(mainstreaming)' of 'crypto-currencies' is going to be a primary 'cause' being cited as the reason that the
'sharp reversal' was encountered. As modelspace is moved through 2019, the longer term data shows a
period of 'intense activity' in 'bitcoin (crypto-currencies) markets' with a new 'generation' of
'professional traders' becoming the 'market leaders' due to 'consistent performance'.

The data sets for Cardano have new growth as modelspace is moved through July and August that show
a clear 'decline' from the 'high levels' of emotional tone values. While not price, these emotional tone
values are a proxy for speculative interest, and it shows as 'declining', and more importantly, 'declining
(from the) zenith'. These sets are indicating that the previous levels (over Summer (northern
hemisphere) will be the 'zenith', or 'highest high' when looked back upon from the period of the

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'declining interest (in the project)'.

The data sets for the Cloak coin are very disappointing. These sets are suggesting that a 'failure' within
their 'governance model' will produce both 'discord' and '(internal) contention' at levels that will
'threaten dissolution' of the 'effort'. These sets are part of a larger group forecasting a number of 'coin
failures' over Summer (northern hemisphere). These sets are forecasting that at least one incident of
'manipulation' will be 'emerging (around) Cloak' that, by November, has put the 'potential' for the coin
'into the shit'. Further data suggests that within the early December economic chaos (both in
CryptoSpace and DebtSpace) Cloak coin again has 'failure' reaching levels that have 'diminishing
support (within its community)' as the dominating language.

While there are sets for 'success' within Dash, there are an equal number showing 'hardship', and
'drama', and 'troubles', and other language for aspects of 'decay', and 'degradation'. These new sets for
'bound (in) hardship', are continuing to grow as modelspace is moved across Summer and into Fall
(northern hemisphere). These sets include both short and longer term values.

Digibyte shows as 'removing (the/a) wrinkle' within their 'business model' as a component to an
'increase' in the 'success' of the project. The data has the 'wrinkle' in sets defined as 'marketing', and not
technical. This does not reduce the importance of the 'obstacle' in blocking progress. The data has this
'wrinkle removal' as being accomplished prior to July, with the results to be visible from about July 15th
Digibyte data sets have the second half of 2018, and quite surprisingly, the first half of 2019 as
'exceptional (marketing)' time for the project. There are hints of a POS (point of sales) system use, as
well as some 'adoption (and use)' reports that are described as 'engaging' the attention of a much larger
segment of the population. There are hints that 'digibyte' will be increasing the coins' awareness among
people 'new to (just getting interested) crypto-currencies'.
The data has 'climbing', 'escalating', 'rising' all applied to Digibyte at the 'marketing presence' level with
'visibility' of the new language showing for late July through much of 2018. There are sets that suggest
a 'running meme' within CryptoSpace will be 'which crypto-currency did digibyte surpass today?'.
Language accruing to Digibyte includes 'resurrection', and 'standing one's ground (holding to position)',
and other sets going to the idea of a 'sudden rise' in both 'social standing' as well as 'industry presence'.
The sets are further expanded by cross links indicating that a 'union' with 'existing (corporation)
presence' will be 'well received' and 'beneficial (to all) parties'.

There are many new sets for EOS. The descriptor sets for EOS that accrue over Summer (northern

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hemisphere) are suggesting that a 'modest success' will emerge. While it was 'touted' and 'proclaimed'
as reaching for a 'significant presence', the data sets have EOS reaching a level of 'something less (than)
high position' relative to other crypto-currencies. The data has other sets that point to '3/three people'
who will be 'entangled' into a seemingly 'endless involvement' with EOS. In these sets the '3/three
people' are described as 'standing on (the) disordered (code/concept)' that is EOS as they are 'arguing'
and 'contending' over 'subjects' that 'cannot be decided (by them)'.
Other sets have EOS showing as an 'operating failure' by end of Summer. Note that the 'failure' sets
include both 'market acceptance', and 'use case'. These sets suggest that EOS will 'work', just not so
well as to 'create excitement'. This condition is showing as continuing through to November, where
there is a definitive 'look back' that is indicating the 'speculative blush' comes off of EOS before
September, and the 'struggles (for marketplace presence)' begin.
EOS also has a growing number of sets that have 'regulation', and 'law enforcement' at their core. These
sets have new growth accelerating across August and into September, and are combining to exacerbate
the 'operating failure' sets that have the focus in September and beyond.
The 'modest success' language is at the core of the 'failure' for EOS. It would seem from the data sets
that the 'excessive hype (of technical capabilities)' will be the 'doom fulcrum' as the 'disappointment'
within the technical community removes both 'emotional support' as well as 'technical skills' from EOS
as the people involved are described as 'moving onto (other) projects'.

The good news about SEC regulations not applying directly to Ethereum and its token is going to set
both the 'emotional tone' as well as the 'functional pattern' for future ICO's. These sets of 'template'
include such diverse language as 'fellowship', ''comparative object', 'like kind', 'like intent', 'similar
features', and others going to the idea of Ethereum as the 'functional model' for 'new tokens' as well as
'rebuilds'. As a side note, the data has many of the existing ICO's in 'scramble mode' to 'redo
(redesign/rebuild)', and other language showing a 'panic to recreate' or 'recast' their offerings in the
'mode or type' of Ethereum.
Accruing for Ethereum over Summer (northern hemisphere) we have sets headed by 'success',
'advancement', 'passing (a milestone)', 'fame', and 'wealth', among others that are indicating a very
'exciting' period for Ethereum. These sets have some numbers that are suggesting some 'spectacular
(trading) days' in which the 'price' of Ethereum is forecast as 'rising 13/thirteen (per cent)' in 'mere
hours' as 'news / reports' of a 'new successful launch (of new kind of contracts?)' will be 'inflaming
(trader's) desires (to own) ETH'.
Some of the language accruing includes a 'dirty laundry' being 'washed in public' that will be 'price
affecting', however, these are lexical structures that are indicated to be only a 'momentary story' in the
Ethereum news this year.
Lots of new data going to the 'increasing adoption rate' of Ethereum network, as well as the 'news'
about the 'new kids (operating)' on this blockchain.
There are new sets going to the idea that the 'fellowship' of the 'Ethereum network' will be 'tested and
strained', but also 'overcome' as the 'network succeeds' in 'bringing them (participants) together'. Lots of

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new language for 'enterprise(s) succeed', and 'efforts prosper', 'successful (discharge/meeting)
responsibilities'. Many more sets for 'cooperative (working) produces (successful enterprises)'.
Yet more sets in the longer term data shows that the future of Ethereum over 2018, and 2019 is
described as 'good fortune' and 'successful (collaboration of) (young) giants'.

Litecoin has dominating supporting sets of 'fire (on fire, catching fire)'. Secondary support sets are
'favorable', with aspects of 'winds (favorable winds), and 'favorable times', 'favorable presence',
'favorable view'. Tertiary support sets are led by 'good luck'.
The 'favorable timings' sub sets are cross linked over to 'work' and 'planning', and 'activity (path)'. The
'crisscross' of the 'timings' is showing as being 'exquisite' and 'precise'.
Other sets are going explicitly to 'good fortune', 'good luck', and other 'fortune smiles' language.
Note the Litecoin sets are showing 'transitions', and 'new developments' as the rising supporting set
dominating aspects. These 'transitions' first appear in modelspace as it is progressed through
September, and reaches a near term peak by mid November.

Monero, along with many of the other 'privacy' coins, has data forecasting a period of 'decay' as their
'premise' is attacked by 'governments'. These sets have their largest growth over November 2018
through to the end of February 2019.
Without regard to the more distant future, the data has a very 'active', and 'profitable (for some
involved)' trading period for Monero running with the rest of the bulls in CryptoSpace over late July
through to about the end of the first week in December. Note that the data accretion speed, and types of
language change dramatically for Monero and the other 'privacy coins' in late November, and as noted,
this condition continues through into February of next year.
Monero accrues data for 'exceptional (spectacular)' trading activity over late Summer and early Fall
that is described as being 'the talk (of the) crypto communities' as a 'new (kid?) trader' will, apparently,
be making 'multiple millions' on a Monero position.

OMG (OmiseGo)
The data sets for OMG are forecasting a mixed future with a 'return' coming over Summer (northern
hemisphere) in which OMG is described as 'regaining luster (attractiveness)' as well as 'profitability',
however as Fall moves into Winter, the dominating sets are for a 'diminishing' of the emotional tones
that is forecast to last well into 2019. This is part of a larger trend within CryptoSpace data sets that can
be characterized as a shake out period in which 'broken coins' are seen to be 'collapsing' and the
'(emotional) contagion' spreads to other projects (deservedly or not).

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The data accruing for Populous, very curiously, shows that 'loyalty (will be) rewarded' over 2018.
These sets are forecasting that 'ascending (rising/ scaling) value' for Populous will be 'breaking out' into
the news and social media over Summer 2018. Many of these sets are showing that the 'value
assessment' for Populous is going to 'scale' or 'escalate' due to 'adoption', and 'use (of the) platform'.
The data accruing by September has Populous gaining 'significant (success) touts'. These sets are
showing that 'word-of-mouth (testimonials)' will be 'tumbling out' over these next months. These sets
are indicating two paths of 'information' about Populous 'success' as 'borrowers' are 'praising (the)
system', and 'financiers (lenders)' are also 'effusive' in their 'happy language'.

Ripple is still annoying, and continues to show as being a 'money maker' though not for traders
necessarily, but rather for the banks. There are many sets for 'decrease', and 'negative returns' that are
showing as being 'vocalized' very consistently over August and into September, with a general trend for
the language around Ripple to be 'negatively focused' and 'disturbing (of) speculative (emotional)
energy' by mid September.
There are some small sets indicating that 'sales efforts' will be 'touting' an arrangement with 'an army
(military)' that will provide some boost to the emotional tones, but the data has the effect 'fading away'
in Fall as there is 'no progress' within the project.

The data for 'Sky coin' is tricky due to the name not providing differentiation from 'sky' as in the 'big
blue (and gray) ceiling for earth'. However, the difficulty lessens as Sky coin history lengthens. Recent
processing has brought in a larger number of sets than in the past, so interpretation of these are now
The new data sets have a '3/three way struggle' developing, or at least being 'noticeable' over
July/August as Sky coin reaches what the data calls its 'mountain' phase that may mark its zenith in
emotional support. As modelspace is moved into September, the dominating sets are for 'decrease'.
These 'decrease' sets are showing as continuing to dominate Sky coin well into 2019.
Related to the 'decrease' sets, but within the 'pinnacle (top of the mountain)' sets are supporting sets for
the '3/three way struggle' to 'become public' and to affect the emotional support for Sky coin going
forward into Fall and Winter of 2018.

The new data for Tether is dominated by sets for 'loosening', and 'negative effect(s)'. These sets are
consecutive in their accrual to Tether sets and show a Summer (northern hemisphere) of 'loosening (of)
control' as a progression to 'negative effect(s)'. Within the 'loosening' sets are supporting sets for
'management', and 'ownership' that are indicating a period of 'contention' is coming in which the
'regulators' will be 'insisting' upon 'real information', and 'conforming (to the) published path'. These

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sets are further showing that 'loosening (of) control' will yield 'more information' than was 'desired to
appear (by the owners)', and further supporting sub sets would seem to indicate an 'inside informant'
will be 'leaking out damning information'. The sets in supporting position to the 'leak', and 'informant'
include sub sets for 'redress (lawsuits?)' and 'physical encounters (ownership versus speculators)' which
are showing as making a big 'splash' in social media. As modelspace is progressed through to the end of
Summer, the 'negative effects' sets would have 'fiscal chaos' descending on the 'management goals' for
Tether in such a way as to support the idea of 'lawsuits' going forward into Fall. The data would suggest
that this Summer (northern hemisphere) will be 'as good as it gets' for Tether, with Fall/Winter
becoming the 'harsh (hard) times'.

In spite of the recent bad news for Tezos, the data is suggesting that the 'worst is yet to come'. The data
patterns suggest that far more 'damaging (information)' will be emerging over these next several
months. Yet more sets are filling in previous sets that suggested this was our 'mystery coin'. The data
sets for Tezos are dominated by 'fighting', and 'arguments', and 'lawsuits', and other sets all going to
'contention'. No sets for 'successful implementation' are to be found within the Tezos sets.

The data for Theta coin is sparse, but meaningful. The differentiation within the processing for the
Theta token as opposed to other uses of the word 'theta' is seemingly working. This data presents us
with a good Summer prospects for Theta tokens, at least in terms of emotional support. These same sets
are not so sanguine about Fall and Winter (northern hemisphere). In these sets the 'vision' is described
as 'loosening' over these next few months such that by late Fall, the dominating linguistic structure is
'gradually'. These sets include 'incremental', and 'revisiting (goals)', and other sets indicating an
'adaptations period' in which the 'circumstances (of) regulation' will be 'intruding (on) execution (of
the) project. Other issues for Theta token are specifically 'successful competition', and 'changing
(base/underlying) technology' that is described as 'superseding (making obsolete)', some components of
the 'technical vision'. The 'base technology change' is less impacting than the forecasts for 'successful

Tron data sets have values for 'loyalty' that will be 'rewarded'. There are sets for '(starting
out/initials/beginning difficulty' that are followed by 'persistence (equals) success' in their
'implementation'. {ed note: purely data sets reported herein, no technical analysis being rendered}.
These sets accrue across Summer and into Fall (northern hemisphere). By the time modelspace is
moved through November, the dominating sets for Tron are '(starting to) germinate'. These sets are both
positive, and contain longer term values that carry the emotional tone into 2019.

The data sets for Veritaseum are headed by a primary supporting aspect sets of 'prosperity'. The

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secondary supporting sets are headed by '(spreading/widening) influence'. These sets, as well as the
'ascending', 'increasing', 'rising', among others of similar nature, are persistent across modelspace
progression throughout 2018 and into 2019.
Many of the new aspect/attribute sets are filling into other, longer term data sets, that had been
forecasting the 'success' of Veritaseum for these last two years. There are yet more data sets for
'government(s)' will be 'reaching out /seeking out' Veritaseum as 'internal failures (in governance)
financing' will become 'acute' and 'debilitating' for the governments involved.
Other sets are providing support for 'corporation(s)' that will be 'adopting Veritaseum' for their 'internal
asset management' processes.
New aspect/attribute sets are showing that 'news reports', and 'veritaseum news', and 'veritaseum
success' are going to be piling up across Summer (northern hemisphere).

Sovereign Tokens
There are many sets suggesting a major change is coming to the USA, and by extension, the world.
These sets are indicating that the day will be arriving very soon, within the next two years, in which a
new 'USA currency' will be issued. These sets are also supporting the idea of a 'two tier currency
structure'. These sets are describing the new 'USA currency' as being 'only good (inside)' the USA.
These sets also have all kinds of 'chaos' as the new 'USA currency' system is the 'target' of
'gaming/speculation' during its launch.
The 'new USA currency' sets are robust, growing, and filled with language in support of 'dynamic
changes' as a result. The largest sets for the 'dynamic changes' contains language about
'degradation/destruction of the (debt based) empire'. These 'dynamic change' sets have the 'empire
collapsing' with 'rapidity', with such 'speed' as to cause 'fainting', and 'shock'.
The data sets would have the 'empire breaking up' over only a very 'few months' in 2019. These sets
have 'dollar (Federal Reserve notes/debt)' going 'so fast' as to 'cause buildings (to empty of workers) to
be abandoned' over a 'single weekend'. These sets are forecasting the 'dynamic changes' to be occurring
later in 2019. Signs of the 'collapsing (debt) empire' are showing as including 'crypto currencies
moving (into) mainstream', 'failure (of) international banking', 'failure of taxing authorities (based on
debt dollars)', 'failure of international trade agreements', 'failure of international trade deals
(corporations level, not government)'. Other instances of 'dysfunction', and 'distress (at government)
levels)' sets are being populated by descriptors for 'border chaos (international shipping hell)', and
'jammed up (shipping channels)', and 'payment failures', and 'currencies crashing (and pumping)'. Many
other sets are describing 'empty shelves (in stores)', and 'on line retail failures (over inventory issues)',
as well as ramifications going on for years. Many 'legal issues/situations' are indicated to develop. So
many new 'legal problems' that a new form of 'international law facilitating discipline' is being
described as 'forming (over) 2/two years' into a 'rigorous (new) career path'.
Other aspects of the 'collapsing (American) debt empire' are showing as 'following EU footsteps'
including 'internal (to specific States) currencies', as well as 'tax collections (becoming extreme)',
breakdowns in public services', and 'visible, growing, dysfunction (in state and federal government'.

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Yet again the data sets are forecasting rises in both 'gold' and 'silver', with the impetus now being
shown as 'banking system woes', and 'cultural implosion (EU)'. These sets have 'government trial runs'
in the 'mainstream media (propaganda press)' going to the 'use of' and 'potentials for' a special form of
'metals backed government debts'. The 'special form' part of these sets is what is being indicated will
'derail' the idea in total, rather than the core of a 'metals backed debt instruments'. Without regard to the
failure of the idea to 'excite supporters (among the population)', the mere shift in language is showing
as being a powerful influence on the emotional tone for 'precious metals', and therefore, presumably,
the price in fiat.
Further price influences are showing as the 'flood of internal (to a country) currencies' both announced
and being implemented around the planet in defiance of 'global banking regulations', and the 'social
unrest' and 'fighting and chaos' that was triggered by the rising 'nationalism' of indigenous populations
being sorely pressed by out of control immigration.
Specifically for 'silver' there are yet more indicators that '(very high tech) industrial applications' will
be 'creeping out' into visibility over this year and next as key technology involving 'silver' will unfold
following a 'run up' in the price.

The data sets for 'strange energies from space' have sub sets indicating a rise in value for 'caves' and
other 'subterranean buildings' as 'UV damage' to structures and plant life is forecast to slowly exert
pressure on humanity. The adaptations to these 'strange energies from space' and the 'surface life
damage' are forecast to have caused (by the early 2020s) extraordinary changes in the real estate
markets globally. Not that the UV problem is going to be either continuous or ubiquitous, but the
'potential' of 'future damage' to 'crops' and/or 'infrastructure' is indicated to cause major 'spending
changes' within 'global governments' that will necessarily cause 'real estate markets' upheaval. These
linguistic structures for 'governmental awareness (of) strange energies from space' are growing as
modelspace is progressed through 2018 and 2019. A distinct area of growth in these sets includes the
spill over effects of 'language changes' coming from 'officialdom'. These 'language changes' are also
forecast as including 'contracts', and 'solicitations'. These sets are suggesting that 'governmental interest'
in 'all things underground' will show up to the 'astute observers' thus producing 'new economic trends'
in real estate at a global level.
Along with the '(re)new interest in caves' the data sets have 'underground infrastructure developments'
becoming a new area of 'economic activity' over these next 5/five years as 'new devices' and 'new
technology' is brought to market for 'infrastructure replacement'. The forecasts include new 'light
technologies' described as something akin to a 'projected billboard'. The idea coming from the data sets
is that 'external (could be melted) building signage' would be replaced with a form of 'enhanced vision'
device from which a 'temporary', and 'ephemeral', and 'non-existent' sign would be projected. These and
other devices for 'UV projection (of things as well as people and animals)' are showing up as 'centers'
of industrial activity.
Other aspects of 'space' that will be affecting real estate are forecast to include 'space junk' that will be

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'falling down' ('raining down' also shows in the data) in such profusion as to cause 'local real estate
damage', as well as 'insurance claims', and 'tax losses'. These sets start to grow in October of 2018.
Real estate as a market sector is going to face some strange days and even stranger market movers as
the data shows not only 'climate/weather/storms', and 'volcanoes erupting' as causes for market
gyrations, but also 'odd water (ocean/tidal) movements' that are showing as 'disturbing (old) tidal
patterns', and 'revealing new lands'. The idea is that a few areas around the planet will get very large
additions to their beach front as the 'ocean' is seen to 'resettle itself' within new 'tidal boundaries' such
that 'hundreds of feet' of 'new beach' are exposed. While in general it may seem an opportunity with
new waterfront property showing up, it is also 'at the expense' of the 'existing waterfront development'.
Many 'resorts' and 'recreation hotels' are indicated to become 'inland properties' where previously they
were 'thriving (as) waterfront (businesses)'. These 'new tidal contours (for the land)' are also shown as
affecting 'ports', and 'water access' for industry and shipping.
Many of the sets for DirtSpace, and all things 'real estate', include China as a geographic reference.
New sets are forecasting that the 'China Connection' to a number of large 'real estate markets' will be
rising to 'global (news) prominence' over end of Summer (northern hemisphere). These sets are
forecasting a very messy stew of 'ownership' versus 'state interest' all being expressed in 'foreign
countries'. These sets are expressing a sub text of 'legal battles', as well as 'culture clash' that is forecast
to be 'altering (the) relationship of countries'. Basically the idea is that a 'flood' of Chinese money will
be in 'movement' as different methods for Chinese 'officialdom' to shut down 'capital outflows' are
tried, but also as Chinese 'population (with money)' becomes more 'engaged' with actual process of
'getting money out', where the money will then go into 'foreign real estate holdings'. This 'chinese
(hidden) money' is indicated to be the 'prop' that will 'elevate real estate prices' in many markets
globally, though it is showing as 'concentrated' into just a few different areas.
New data sets for 'chinese hidden money' are also showing that the 'easiest conduits' will include the
China to Australia route, and the 'shutting down' of this flow is indicated to 'kick in' and 'knock out
(pieces of)' the 'Australian housing market' over August and through into November.
Other influences on 'real estate' show up as cross linked over to the 'earth changes' where there are
'flooding' and 'water damage' sets for both 'inland', and 'coastal' areas. These sets are very global in the
geographic references and reference all the continents (including Antarctica). There are major areas of
damage showing in SE Asia, and Australia. Other specific spots of 'persistent flooding' and 'long
duration damage' include SE USA, and north central North America, including large areas of central
Canada. Many of these sets for 'flooding' have very long term data sets in supporting positions for the
'damage' and 'land alterations'. These longer term values are suggesting that the 'damage' will be
'persistent' with some of the areas being 'consistently damaged (by) repeated inundations'. In many of
these sets with 'persistent', and 'recurring flooding (mudslides)', the data has descriptors for 'real estate
property' defined as the 'quantification and economic value' of the land as 'disappearing' (permanently)
beneath 'flood waters'. This is not to say that the flooding is permanent, but rather that the 'land
alterations' causes the 'economic value' to be lost. There are a few numbers that suggest that perhaps as
much as 20% of the areas flooded will be 'non recoverable'. Other sets are suggesting that some of the
'damaged coastal communities' will be 'rebuilding' for a decade.
Other forms of 'damage' showing as affecting the 'real estate' markets include 'lack of lending', and 'lack

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of building', and 'lack of inventory (houses to sell)'. While these sets are not ubiquitously applied across
DirtSpace, there are some geographic areas showing as being particularly hard pressed. These include
'UK' in general and London in particular. Australia, as has already been discussed, is due to suffer from
all three general 'housing disease conditions' with 'lending' and 'inventory (lack)' being in opposition as
far as 'price' is concerned. As is the case with many specific pockets of activity within the USA,
Australian real estate is showing as 'lack of lending' (tending toward price drops) being in contention
with 'lack of inventory' (tending towards price elevation). In neither the USA, nor Australia, is there
any resolution of this situation showing within the data for the complete extent of modelspace
progression out through 2019. While true at a national level in both countries, the data for both real
estate markets in Australia and USA, is showing that there will be a spotty action effect in various local
markets. This description is of conditions, from a new lending source appearing albeit 'temporarily',
and 'locally/regionally', to 'corporations (selling off) inventories', that are indicated to be 'changing
(local) markets'. The real problem with these 'hot spots' of 'real estate activity' is that they are going to
be cited, and seen as, the 'leading edge' of a 'new national trend', and 'touted' as such. This is indicated
to not be the case, at least as far as 2020.
In a general sense, and at least outside of the 'hot spots flare ups', the data would have 'housing prices'
be in a very 'gradual', but distinctly 'downward' trend. The issues as seen within the data for the 'pent up
demand' is just that, 'high (levels) of demand' within 'price ranges', or 'conditions' of the housing. So the
data has your local market being 'hot' within very narrow bands of prices, and outside that range, prices
are flat (for years), or are 'gradually falling'. The 'conditions' being cited within the data are 'location',
or 'layout (size, lot size, amenities)' that, within a local market, are at the top end of the 'demand items'
thus maintaining 'price pressure' due to 'local demand pool'.

Within the global, synchronized equities markets, the data sets are forecasting a 'rising dollar' and a
'contrasting' equities market. These sets are showing that certain sectors will be 'benefiting (from the)
increasing dollar value (against other fiat currencies)' while the majority of the markets do not. The 'flat
fall' language for global equities includes 'resource companies' but not 'oil' as being beneficiaries of the
'dollar adjustment'. There are some banks that are showing as benefiting as well, though the 'rising
dollar' is also forecasting a 'contrast' as many banks will come 'under pressure' as the dollar rises due to
'foreign debt holdings' being made 'worth far less'. There are also large sets containing language about
'derivatives' that are forecast as 'not doing well' with 'currencies in turmoil'.
The larger sets for 'currencies in turmoil' have both 'very long lasting (decades)' as well as 'dramatic'
changes within the descriptors. The 'dramatic' sets include 'failures of governments', and 'dissolution
(disbanding?)' of 'governments' as the 'scandals' are 'set free (revealed)' within the turmoil of the
'currencies markets'. These sets are also suggesting that 'dollar woes' will be 'temporarily reduced' as
'capital flees' into 'dollars' from the 'raging/torrents' of 'currencies turmoil'.
Noting previous forecasts for 'aberrant government behavior (criminal)' showing up within the 'secrets
revealed' meme focusing on the Australian Federation are now suggesting that 'currency stability'
within the 'Commonwealth (of former British colonies)' will be at risk due to the 'rumors', and 'reality'

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of Australian dollar 'policies'. These sets are separate from, but cross linked over to the next phase of
'European Union dissolution' as the data is forecasting that 'internal (to a single country) currencies'
will be developed and 'introduced' over 2018 in several EU countries. The data would seem to suggest
that many of these 'internal currencies' will be 'blockchain based'.
As may be expected, the 'currencies in turmoil' sets are including 'banks in turmoil' supporting sets.
These include descriptors about banks being 'bought out', 'seized', 'taken over', 'nationalized',
'dissolved', 'dispersed', 'consolidated', and 'propped up'. The responses from the various
'authorities/officialdom' to the 'currencies in turmoil' is indicated to include a wide (and wild) response
to the 'banking system' under pressure.
Our DebtSpace descriptors include large linguistic structures focusing on the 'collapsing (EU) debt
system', and the subsequent 'social', and 'political turmoil' as the 'ability to pay' evaporates. These sets
are forecasting 'economic' and 'social chaos' in many European countries, however the data has 'Spain',
and 'Italy', and 'Portugal', and 'Greece' as being 'more comfortable' than their northern neighbors.
The data has the Scandinavian countries being the 'hot spots' for both the 'social consequences' as well
as the 'political upheaval', and 'internal (social) strife (violence)'. It would seem the dire predictions of
the last few years of the ALTA reports will indeed be manifesting from 2018 well into 2020. The 'debt
creation collapse' within the EU in general is seemingly being highlighted by the data sets as 'taking
hold of', and 'shaking the foundations' of northern EU countries in disproportionate scale.
In addition to the 'debt creation collapse' in EU, the data sets have 'China' struggling with the same
issue episodically through the rest of 2018 and just into 2019. The forecast is that early next year, the
'Chinese banking authorities' will be 'adopting' a new 'pathway forward' which is forecast to have a
'cryptocurrencies centric' view.
The DebtSpace problems are also being forecast as including 'devastating losses' both in 'material' and
'resource access' that are described as 'pressuring (the global) insurance industry'. These sets have
'insurance losses' problems spreading throughout the 'economic system' as 'pension funds' and
'investment (capital)' are 'cross contaminated' by the 'continuing natural disasters'.
Much of the data around the 'global banking crisis' of 2018/2019 shows as involving 'lies' as a root
cause, with 'lies' also being the 'fuel' on the fire. The data has the 'lies' including 'fraudulent data', and
'secret deals', and 'lies of omission', and 'lies (to) customers'. All of these combined, and including the
'red pill effect' over the 'history (of) fiat money system', are within sets supporting '(lack of) confidence'
within the 'global banking system' by the 'global population'. In addition, the 'global banking system' is
facing a situation in which 'customers' will be 'motivated (to) activities (to withdraw from the system)'
by the 'lies about the system failures'. It is this last set for 'lies' that appears to be the propelling
emotional values for the 'activities (to) withdrawal'. It is a case of 'cognitive dissonance' being tolerable
until it involves 'your money'. As they say in Texas, “don't be pissin' on my boots and tellin' me it's
Various 'lawsuit' sets are rising to prominence within DebtSpace as these 'suits against banks (and
social media / msm press /politicians)' all start 'colliding' with each other. These sets are indicating that
'lawsuits' for 'corruption in politics' will be 'opening up (corrupt) banking practices' such that the
'exposure' is showing as 'driving down (further)' the 'shares' in the 'corrupt banks' as well as '(removing)
funding' from 'corrupt political parties'. Although the data has these 'lawsuit' multiplier effects being

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global, the primary centers of activity are within USA, UK, and Australia.

Conclusion: Revolutionary Fervor

Some people are masters of the human attention market. This is the largest market that exists. Capture
even minuscule levels of the attention of humanity, and real power follows. Fan the flames of passion
in that human attention, and the destiny of nations can be made to change.
Change the emotional tone of nations, and you may, just may, be able to change the destiny of
This is exactly the sort of effort is unfolding within humanity now.
It is just becoming visible at this time.
The forecast is for the masters of the human attention market to steer their captured audience into an
emotional state where the fervor of planet wide revolution may be steered into the 'Great Jump Out into
This 'Jump Out' is showing in our longer term data sets as a base from which global humanity is
expected to 'take civilization (to the) next level'. These sets would have the process well underway, and
dynamically active by mid 2020, with significant goals being accomplished nearly monthly thereafter.
As noted, the linguistic parallels with the language about NASA, in the public media of the 1960s are a
clear temporal echo that foreshadows a significant social order cultural revolution. While a 'top down'
driven social cultural revolution, the Jump Out into Space is showing as very successful, and growing a
new, global, infrastructure economy over these next decades. This new economy is indicated to be
'rising to dominance' in only a few short years.
Crypto-currencies are part of this cultural revolution. The revolutionary impulse that nurtures crypto-
currencies will be part of the driving force of the Great Jump Out into Space.


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About Predictive Linguistics and our methods
Predictive Linguistics is the process of using computer software to aggregate vast amounts of written
text from the internet by categories delineated by emotional content of the words. Predictive
Linguistics uses emotional qualifiers and quantifiers, expressed as numeric values, for each and all
words/phrases discovered/filtered in the aggregation process. Over 80 % of all the words gathered will
be discarded for one or more reasons.
Predictive Linguistics works as NO conscious expressions are processed through the software.
Rather the contexts discussed within the report in the form of entities and linguistic structures (see
below) are read up in the various intake software programs, and the emotional sums of the language
found at that time are retrieved. Words that are identified within my system as 'descriptors' are passed
through the processing as well. These descriptor words, in the main, are those words and phrases that
provide us with the detail sets within the larger context sets.
As an example, the word 'prophecy' may be read up by our software at a sports oriented forum. In that
case, perhaps, due to the emotional sums around the context, and the emotional values of the word
itself within the lexicon, it would be put into the contextual 'bin' within the database as a 'detail word'.
Note that the context of the use of the word in the sports forum is lost in the process and is of no use to
us in these circumstances. What occurs is that the word is picked up as being atypical in its context,
therefore of high potential 'leakage of future' value. The way this works is that most sports forum
language about future events would be statistically more likely to use words such as 'bet' as in 'I bet this
XXX will be outcome', or 'I predict', or 'I think that XXX will happen'. So it is the context plus
emotional values plus rarity of use within the context that flags words for inclusion in the detail level of
the data base. Further, it is worth noting that most detail level words are encountered in our processing
mere days before their appearance. Within the IM (immediacy data) primarily, and then within ST
(shorter term) data next. But a preponderance are discovered within the IM time period. Perhaps an
artifact of our processing, if so, one not explored due to lack of time (cosmic joke noted).
Words are linked by their array values back to the lexicon using our set theory model (see below), and
the language used within the interpretation (detail words excepted) derives from the lexicon and its
links to the changing nature of contexts as they are represented within our model.
Predictive Linguistics is a field that I pioneered in 1993. The software and lexicon has been in
continual change/update mode since. This is due to the constantly changing nature of language and
human expression.
Predictive Linguistics works to predict future language about (perhaps) future events, due to the nature
of humans. It is my operating assumption that all humans are psychic, though the vast majority do
nothing to cultivate it as a skill, and are likely unaware of it within themselves. In spite of this, universe
and human nature has it that they 'leak' prescient information out continuously in their choice of
language. My software processing collects these leaks and aggregates them against a model of a
timeline and that information is provided in this report.

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The ALTA report is an interpretation of the asymmetric trends that are occurring even this instant as
millions of humans are typing billions of words on the internet. The trends are provided in the form of a
discussion of the larger collections of data (dubbed entities) down to the smallest aspect/attribute swept
up from daily discussions within that context. Within the ALTA report format, detail words are
provided as noted below. Phrases and idiomatic expressions are also provided as details. In the main,
geographic references are merely summed, and if deemed pertinent, the largest bag in the collection is
discussed as a 'probable', or 'possible' location to the events being referenced within the details.
In our discussions, the interpretation is provided in a nested, set theory (fuzzy logic) pattern.

Aspects/Attributes are: collections of data that are within our broader linguistic
structures and are the 'supporting' sets that provide our insight into future developments.
The Aspect/Attribute sets can be considered as the 'brought along' serendipitous future
forecasts by way of links between words in these sets and the lexicon.

Entities are: the 'master sets' at the 'top' of our nested linguistic structures and contain
all reference that center around the very broad labels that identify the entity: Markets,
GlobalPop, and SpaceGoatFarts, as examples.

Lexicon is: at its core level, the lexicon is a digital dictionary of words in multiple
languages/alphabets stripped of definitions other than such technical elements as 'parts
of speech' identifiers.

The lexicon is quite large and is housed in a SQL database heavily populated with
triggers and other executable code for maintenance and growth (human language
expands continuously, so the lexicon must as well).

Conceptually, at the Prolog software engine processing level, the lexicon is a predicate
assignment of a complex, multidimensional array of integers to 'labels', each of which is
a word within the lexicon. The integers within the 8x8x10 level array structure are

composed of: emotional qualifiers which are assigned numeric representations of

the intensity, duration, impact and other values of the emotional components given

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by humans to that word.

and also contain: emotional quantifiers which are assigned numeric

representations of the degree of each of the 'cells' level of 'emotional assignment'.

Spyders are: Software programs, that once executed are self directing, within
programmed limits, thus are called 'bots', and within these constraints are allowed to
make choices as to linguistic trails to explore on the internet. The job of the spyders is to
search, retrieve and pre-process (part of the exclusions process that will see 90% of all
returned data eliminated from consideration in our model) the 'linguistic bytes' (2048
words/phrases in multibyte character format) which are aggregated into our modelspace
when processing is complete.

Data Types
IM = Immediacy data with forecasting effectiveness from 3 days to the end of the third
week. Error range is 4 weeks.
ST = Shorter Term data with forecasting effectiveness from the 4th week out through
and inclusive the end of the 3rd month (from date of interpretation). Error range = 4
LT = Longer Term data with forecasting effectiveness from the end of the 3rd month
out through and inclusive of the end of the 19th month. Error range = 19 months.

Terms employed:

Cross links – links from one cell in the data base and its software representation to another due to a
shared linguistic structure or pattern.

Linguistic structure – In my modelspace, a linguistic structure is a 'master set' and all its contained
sub sets (also known as 'directly held' sub sets). At the very highest level, each and all entities within
my model are linguistic structures; which, in their turn, are composed of many sub sets of other
linguistic structures. Modelspace allows for 256 layers of 'nesting' of these sets and sub sets. Each of
which, can and may, be a complex set of its own. Obviously the model is derived from Object Oriented
Programming at its highest level.

Meta Data Layer – in modelspace, when a meme appears directly held in numerous sets, at the same

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level of support, it is labeled as a 'meta data layer'. These 'layers' can be thought of as a common
linguistic structure that forms with differing supporting sets in the various entities. For clarity, a meme
in Terra entity would not have the same supporting sets as that same meme in the GlobalPop entity, but
both would be part of the larger meta data layer that the meme reveals.

Modelspace – in the interpretation, the data sets are represented on screen in a 'virtual box' fashion in
which a 3d box is drawn and the lexicon linked words from the latest data processing are shown within
the 3d box by position, and color, brightness and hue of the individual pixels. Using an algorithm of my
own design and the predicate calculus of the prolog programming language, modelspace is populated
by these data base representations in a manner that resembles 'scatter graphs', but at a 3 dimensional
level. By toggling on or off several advanced features of our 3d box software, the various levels of
data, and cross links and other technical elements may be displayed.

MOM – model of modelspace. In the very first public release of information from my process, a self-
referencing loop was created by internet articles about the release, and thus the next time the spyders
were invoked, the process crashed on self-referential, circuitous references to my own work. As a
corrective measure, MOM (models of modelspace) was devised as my very improvement on the
process. MOM holds a copy of my interpretation as well as links to areas on the net to exclude from
consideration within the predictive linguistic work.

Set – Our approach involves the use of complex (fuzzy) set theory originating in the software industry's
quest for 'intelligent machines' or 'ai (artificial intelligence)'. In our approach, the fuzzy sets are based
on the ability to define such concepts as 'near', 'close to', 'about', and 'like' among many others which
provide me the ability to assign a numeric representation as a 'quantifier' to human emotions which are
the key element to future forecasting from predictive linguistics.

Temporal Echo – these are linguistic echos across time that will reference the same, previously
forecast, meme and its emotional parameters. The language manifest in both instances, that is, the
temporal (meme) anchor and its echo will be related to each other, though frequently the repeating echo
is larger in both scope and intensity. In some cases the meme is 'completed' in our predictive linguistics
sense of that word by the echo phase of the meme.

TM = Temporal Marker, think of this as a 'book mark' against which you may remember specific
details of the forecast. These are chosen due to some (more or less) easily identified linguistic 'tell-tale'
that we expect to show up in the forecast language within media discussions.

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