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Background of the Study

The word mangrove is derived from a combination of Portuguese word for

tree “mangue” and the English word for a stand of trees “grove”. Mangroves are

salt-tolerant evergreen forests that create land-ocean interface ecosystem , occur

in most tropical and subtropical regions of the world. This group of plants is very

important to the ecosystem diversity because they protect the coastline from

destruction (maintain the ecosystem diversity) and provide many resources for

utilization in the forestry, fisheries, food, agricultural and medicinal industries.

The mangrove ecosystem are highly coastal zone from erosion and act as buffer

zone between land and sea. Mangroves preserve water quality and reduce

pollution by filtering suspended material and assimilating dissolved nutrients

( Bandaranayake et al., 2002 ).

Mangroves are predominantly intertidal habitats that occur along sheltered

and shallow water coastlines. Mangrove-derived detritus is an important food

source for decomposer food webs including many macro invertebrates (Fratini et

al., 2000; Cannicci et al., 2008).The Pichavaram ecosystem of east coast of India

is an estuarine mangrove complex and supports a wide variety of biological

species (Kathiresan, 2000). Interacting with aquatic, inshore, upstream and

terrestrial ecosystems, they support a diverse marine, freshwater and terrestrial

flora and fauna (Macintosh & Ashton, 2002) providing habitats for the distribution

of diverse animals (Hogarth, 2001). As such, mangrove roots become home to


terrestrial as well as marine plants, algae, invertebrates and vertebrates.

Molluscs are abundant in the littoral zones of sea. Molluscan group namely

gastropod and bivalves form 98% of the total population. Macrobenthos maybe

operationally separated in three groups, i.e.,epifauna, infauna and arboreal.

Epifauna refers to those invertebrates that live on various substrates such as

lower tree trunks and the sediment surface, but which do not burrow in it. Infauna

refers to burrowing invertebrates which live within the sediment and arboreal

forms refer to those live attached to stems, roots of the mangrove vegetation.

Molluscs make the second largest Phylum of invertebrates, next only to

the Arthropods. In mangroves, molluscs occupy all the levels in the food web

such as predators, herbivores, detritus and filter feeders. Thereby they play an

important role in maintaining the function and productivity of mangroves.

Gastropods and bivalves are the two major classes of molluscans occupying

mangrove areas. These macrobenthic molluscs can be broadly grouped under

three categories epifauna (living on mud or surface area of the land), infauna

(burying themselves in the substratum), and arboreal (livingon the vegetation);

some molluscs have habitat overlap as well (Dey, 2006; Kesavan et al., 2009;

Shanmugam and Vairamani, 2009). Molluscs are used for various purposes like

food, ornamental, poultry feed, and source of lime (Boominathan et al., 2008).

Most mangroves are associated with soft, muddy substrata and

accretionary shorelines. The main influence in fishes is the physical structure

they provide. Their pneumatophores prop roots, trunks, and fallen branches and

leaves make a complex habitat not only for fishes, but for most of the

invertebrates and burrowers in the mud (Blaber, 1997).

Worldwide, there are about 65 recognized species of mangrove plants

belonging to 20 families. Up to 35 mangrove species and three are known to

occur in Queensland although figures can change as the definition of a mangrove

is not clear and some plants such as cottonwood are regarded as mangrove by

some and not by others (Alongi et al., 1996).

In the Philippines, the total stand of mangrove forest has shrunk from

450,000 hectares in the 1900 t0 about 150,000 hectares in 1998. The decrease

is largely due to extensive development of fish pond in 1970’s and should be

recommended for mangrove reforestation (Our Seas Our Life Hand Book, 1998).

The current status of mangroves necessitates the establishment of a

detailed data on specific sites to identify areas for conservation and rehabilitation.

Numerous studies have highlighted the rich biodiversity of mangroves

associated molluscs throughout the world, including: 47 species of molluscs (31

gastropods and 16 bivalves) in mangroves of the upper Gulf of Thailand, 45

mollusc species ( 22 gastropods, 15 bivalves and 8 chitons) in a Venezuelan

mangroves in Sarawak, Malaysia (Ashton et al., 2003).

Shelled molluscs are found in Barangay J.P Luarel, Panabo City.

Nowadays some of the species of molluscs are endangered because they are

regularly eaten by humans. Due to the over collection, this is need to study them

and inform the people in the area about the importance of shelled molluscs in the

marine environment.

The result of this study would provide additional knowledge concerning the

status of burrowing macro invertebrates in Brgy. J.P Laurel. In this case, they

would know how to preserve or conserve the species present in the area for the

future generation.

Significance of the study

Mangrove forests are home to a large variety of fish, crabs, shrimp, and

mollusc species. Mangrove are known for its ecological, social, and economic

importance/values, such as; provide shelter, food, and breeding sites for a large

number of marine and terrestrial organisms and are also important to humans for

a variety of reasons, including fisheries, tourism, agriculture, forestry, protection

against shoreline erosion, and other local subsistence uses.

Several bivalve species are important to humans as food sources and as

the prey of food fish such as the flounder and cod. Their shells are also used for

many purposes, including the making of buttons.

Macro-crustaceans composed of mostly crabs, shrimps, and other animals

usually contain exoskeleton. It has some ecological importance via food source

for human kind in specific. They usually contain carbon elements which were so

very useful in marine organisms. Most minute organisms depend on them like the

specialized bacteria which consume mostly carbon elements in their survival.

The purpose of this study is to provide information on the present

condition of burrowing macro invertebrate associates in mangroves in PNAP

area Brgy. J.P Laurel, Panabo City. It would also serve as a baseline data for

future studies and had used for formulation of some policies on the utilization and

conservation of the species within the area and also help coastal communities

realized the importance of mangroves and macro invertebrates species.

Objective of the study

The study was intended to determine the burrowing macro invertebrate

associates in mangrove in PNAP area, Barangay J.P Laurel, Panabo City.

Specifically aims to:

1. determine the composition and diversity of associated burrowing macro

invertebrates in the study area;

2. determine and compare the density of burrowing macro invertebrates

between two stations; and;

3. measure the selected physico- chemical parameters such as temperature,

salinity, and pH.

Hypothesis of the Study

Hₒ : There is no significant difference in species density of burrowing

Macro invertebrate associates in mangrove in a station at 10% level

of significance.

Hₐ : There is a significant difference species density of burrowing

Macro invertebrate associates in mangrove in a station at 10% level

of significance.

Scope and Limitation

This study was concerned in determining the burrowing macro

invertebrate associates in mangrove in PNAP area, Barangay J.P Laurel,

Panabo City.

A one- shot sampling was employed during lowest low tide. Identification

of organisms was up to species level when possible. The sampling was limited

only in two stations in the said area.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Substrate Type Burrowing Macro

 Sandy invertebrates Associates

 Muddy
 Density
Physico-chemical Parameters  Diversity
 Temperature  Composition
  Salinity
 pH
Figure 1. Relationship between Independent and Dependent Variables

The diagram shows the relationship between independent and dependent

variables. The independent variables was the substrate type and the physico-

chemical parameters in Brgy. J.P. Laurel, while the dependent variables were

the density, diversity and composition of burrowing macro invertebrate


Definition of Terms

Belt- Transect Method Method used to gather and identified number

of burrowing macro invertebrates that were

present on such area.

Mangroves Shrubs or plants commonly found in coastal

environment or they are the dominant species

in the coastal areas.

Macro invertebrates are organisms that lack a backbone and can

be seen with the naked eye, including aquatic

insects, crustaceans, worms, and mollusks.

Burrowing an assemblages of burrowing macro

macroinvertebrate invertebrate are organisms living or interacting

Associates in the mangrove area

Species Composition The different species of macro invertebrate

that belong to the same group of organisms

that are found in a particular area.

Species density the number of burrowing macro invertebrates

in mangrove area, which are observed per

unit area (250m2)

Species Diversity The abundance of species in a particular area




Entry Protocol

The researcher was coordinating with the Local Government Unit of

Panabo City to seek permit and also from the Barangay of J.P Laurel Panabo

City which would be the study area of the researcher.

Study Area

The study was conducted in the coastal area of Barangay J.P Laurel

which is approximately 4.5 kilometres away from the city proper (Fig.2). There

are two stations that were established in the PNAP planted mangroves. Station

one was located at approximately 7’16’34’’N longitude and 125’40’915’’E latitude.

It is a near house coastal area with muddy substrate (Figure 2). Station two will

be located at approximately 7’16’86.2’’N and 125’40’92.6’’E latitude

( Different mangrove species was found in the area and

different species of burrowing macro invertebrate that associates with mangrove.

Sampling Frequency

The study was conducted in the month of December 2017. One-shot

sampling was conducted within a week specifically during Saturday and Sunday.

It was conducted during lowest low tide to assure convenience.

Field Sampling

A belt transect sampling technique was employed in the study. Each

station was composed of three transect lines with the length of 50 meters, which

was 10 meters away from each other. A 2.5m at both sides along the transect

was established to identify and count the species of burrowing macro

invertebrates. Figure 3 presents the layout of belt-transect in the area. All

burrowing macro invertebrates that were found within the belt-transect were


Station 1

Station 2

Figure 2. Map of the study area in Brgy. J.P Laurel, Panabo City

50m 50m

10m 2.5m

Figure 3. Layouts of belt transect method laid in each station.


A. Identification of Burrowing Macro invertebrates

The burrowing macro invertebrates was identified and counted.

Identification was up to species level when possible, based on their

morphological characteristics using the book of Lamprell and healy (1997).

Physico-chemical Parameters

The physico-chemical parameters that was measured and noted during

the sampling period are the following:

Temperature –Water temperature reading was obtained from all stations

using the thermometer during the field sampling.

Salinity – The water salinity samples was obtained every station using


pH – The pH of the water was determined per station using pH meter. The

samples of sea water was collected per station using 50 ml beaker.

Data Analysis

A. Diversity

The composition/ diversity of burrowing macro invertebrates was

determined using the following formula (Odum, 1971).

1. Index of Dominance (c)

Dominance refers to the numerous or high percentage composition

of burrowing macro invertebrates present in a community.

C= ⅀ ( ni / N)2


C= index of dominance

ni= number of individuals per species of burrowing

macro invertebrates

N= total number of individuals of all species of

burrowing macro invertebrates

2. Shannon-Wiener Index of General Diversity (H’)

Shannon-Wiener Index of general diversity combines the variety

and evenness components as overall index of the diversity of burrowing

macro invertebrates. It was determined using Shannon-Wiener Index

(Odum, 1971).

H’=-Ʃ(ni/N) log(ni/N)


H’ = index of general diversity

ni = number of individuals per species

burrowing macro invertebrates

N = total number of individuals of all species of

burrowing macro invertebrates

3. Index of Evenness (e).

Evenness refers to the total number of individuals among species.

A characteristic of evenness in the community of burrowing macro

invertebrates was determined using the index (Odum).



e = index of evenness

H’ = Shannon-Wiener index

S = number of species

4. Index of Similarity (S)



S = index of similarity

A = total number of species in station 1

B = total number of species in station 2

C = number of species common in both stations

B. Population Density

The population density of burrowing macro invertebrates in the

study area was determined by counting the number of individuals per unit


Population density was computed using the following formula:

Population Density =

C. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used if population density is

significantly different between the stations.

Source of Sum of Degrees of Mean of squares Computed

Variation squares freedom f

Column SSC k-1 S12 = SSC


Error SSE N-k S22 = SSE F= S12/S22

Total SST N-k



A. Results

Species Composition of Burrowing Macro Invertebrate Associates

There were 6 species of burrowing macro invertebrate associates found in

the study area (Table 1). In Sandbar area, there were 2 species that were found

and identified namely; Anadara antiquata and Anadara granosa . In Boardwalk

area, there were 5 species found in the study area namely; Anadara granosa,

Thracia convexa, Scylla sp., Perisesarma sp., and Alpheus sp.. All of these

burrowing macro invertebrates were found and identified in both areas belong to

the Phylum Mollusca and Phylum Arthropoda.

Table 1. Species Composition of Burrowing macro invertebrate Associates in the

study area.

Burrowing Macro Common Name
Invertebrates Species Sandbar Boardwalk

Phylum mollusca(Bivalvia)

Anadara antiquata Ark clam / X

Anadara granosa Ark clam / /

Thracia convexa X /

Phylum arthropoda(Malacostraca)

Scylla sp. Mangrove crab/mud X /

Perisesarma sp. Red claw crab X /
X /
Alpheus sp. Snapping shrimp
Legend: /= Present X = Absent

Species Diversity of Burrowing Macro Invertebrate associates

The diversity indices are presented in table 2. Sandbar area, the index of

dominance had a value of 0.51, index of diversity (0.30) and index of evenness

(0.98) compare to the Boardwalk area which had a dominance of 0.32, index of

diversity (0.57) and index of evenness (0.81).

The similarity index was 0.29 which indicate that the both stations were

not similar.

Table 2. Species Diversity of burrowing macro invertebrate Associates.

Station Number of H’ c E Similarity


1 2 0.30 0.51 0.98

2 5 0.57 0.32 0.81 0.29

H’ = Index of Diversity e = Index of Evenness

c = Index of Dominance S = Index of Similarity



The burrowing macro invertebrates in Sandbar area had a density of

0.024 indv./m2, while in Boardwalk area had a density of 0.0947 indv./m2


The ANOVA statistical test result shows that there is no significant

difference in population density of burrowing macro invertebrate associates in

mangrove area between two areas with a (p-value 0.1473882 > α=0.10).











Figure 4. Density of burrowing macro invertebrates in sandbar area (Red bar)

and in Boardwalk area (Blue bar) associates in mangrove in Brgy. J.P
Laurel, Panabo City.

There were two species found in Sandbar area. Among the two species,

Anadara antiquata had a density of 1.47 indv/100m2 with a relative abundance of

61%, and Anadara granosa with a density of 0.93 indv/100m2 with a relative

abundance of 39% (Table 3).

Table 3. Population Density of burrowing macro invertebrate associates in

Sandbar area.

No. of Density(No. of Relative

Species Individuals Indv/100m2) Abundance (%)

Anadara antiquata 11 0.0147 61.1

Anadara granosa 7 0.0093 38.9

Total 18 0.024 100

In Boardwalk area, there were five species were found. Among the five

species, Alpheus sp. had the highest density of 4.53 indv/100m2 with a relative

abundance of 48%, followed by Perisesarma sp. with a density of 2.4

indv/100m2 with a relative abundansce of 25%, Anadara granosa with a density

of 1.247 indv/100m2 with a relative abundance of 13%, Scylla sp. with a density

of 1.0747 indv/100m2 with a relative abundance of 11% and the lowest in

abundant was Thracia convexa with a density of 0.27 indv/100m2 with a relative

abundance of 3% (Table 4).

There were 18 individuals counted in Sandbar area and 71 individuals

counted in Boardwalk area. A total of 89 individuals were counted in both areas.


Table 4. Population Density of burrowing macro invertebrate associates in

Boardwalk Area.

Species No. of Density(No. of Relative

Individuals Indv/100m2) Abundance

Anadara granosa 9 0.012 12.68

Thracia convexa 2 0.0027 2.82

Scylla sp. 8 0.0107 11.27

Perisesarma sp. 18 0.024 25.35

Alpheus sp. 34 0.0453 47.88

Total 71 0.0947 100

Physico-chemical Parameters

The salinity of water in Sandbar area was measured during lowest low tide

and at ranged from 26 to 29 ppt, while in Boardwalk area ranged from 25 to 27

ppt. The temperature in Sandbar area ranged from 27°C to 30°C, while in

Boardwalk area ranged from 25°C to 27°C. The pH of the water that was

obtained in Sandbar area was 8.16, while in Boardwalk area was 7.86 (Table 5).

Table 5. Physico- chemical Parameters in two stations.

Stations Salinity (ppt) Temperature (℃) pH

1 26-29 27- 30 8.16

2 25-27 25-27 7.86


B. Discussions

Composition, Diversity and Density of burrowing Macro Invertebrates


A total of two species (Anadara antiquata and Anadara granosa ) were

found in Sandbar area belong to Phylum Mollusca while in Boardwalk, a total of

five species (Alpheus sp., Perisesarma sp., Anadara granosa , Scylla sp. and

Thracia convexa ) were found in the area and only four species were belong to

Phylum Arthropoda. Thracia convexa was also found and identified in the area

and it was belong to Phylum Mollusca. Only one species, Anadara granosa, is

common in both areas.

The preference habitat of any mud crab species is usually associated with

established mangroves, although the suitable environmental condition, in

particular the telorance on salinity, may difference from species to species (Le

Vay, 2001). This genus Perisesarma (De Haan) live in burrow constructed in the

edges or within the mangroves or in the reed marsh higher than ordinary high

water mark, and among the roots, trunk, and lower branches of mangrove trees.

This crab is commonly occurred in the mangroves of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan

(Islam et al. 2000, 2002). Anadara granosa and Anadara antiquata, lived mainly

in the intertidal zone at one to two meters water depth, burrowed down into sand

or mud (Broom, 1998). Snapping shrimps of genus Alpheus Fabricius, 1798 live

from the intertidal zone to great depths, occurring especially in coastal tropical

and subtropical ecosystems such as estuaries, mangroves and coral reefs

(Chace, 1998; Anker et al., 2006).


This species of burrowing macro invertebrates preferred to live in the

muddy substrate. They burrow down in the substrate to hide and to find food for

them to survive (Huber, 1992). Molluscs can reach high abundance in

mangroves ecosystem because of high primary production within the food web,

as predators, herbivores, detritivores and filter feeders. The numerical

abundance and biomass of molluscs can be equally impressive (Suresh,

Arularasan and Ponnusamy, 2012).


A total of 89 individuals of burrowing macro invertebrate associates were

collected in both areas. A total of 18 individuals of burrowing macro invertebrates

were found in Sandbar area, consisting of two species, while 71 individuals were

found in Boardwalk area, consisting five species. In terms of diversity, the

burrowing macro invertebrates in Sandbar area had a low diversity index and had

a high evenness index and a dominant value of 0.51 while in Boardwalk area had

a high index of diversity and had a low index of evenness and index of

dominance. This implied that there is no species that dominated in the area.

The index of similarity in both areas was low (0.29) as there was only one

species common between the areas, which is Anadara granosa.



Sandbar area had a density of 0.024 indv./m2 while in Boardwalk area had

a density of 0.0947 indv./m2 . In comparing density, it was found out that there is

no significant difference in density of burrowing macro invertebrate associates in

both areas. In the study of Cadeliña (2011) about molluscs, having 500 indv./ha.

and Lasquite (2013) having 4,680 indv./ha. in Barangay Cagangohan, Panabo

City and Barangay San Vicente, Panabo City. In the study of Melendres (2008)

about macro-crustaceans, having 120.5 individuals per barrier net. Result of this

study is less than compared to other study. Even though a gleaner from the area

was hired to locate the burrowing macro invertebrates. This might be due to the

increasing number of gleaners nowadays. It was observed during sampling that a

lot of gleaners were also present.

Physico – chemical parameters

The salinity of water in Sandbar area was ranged from 26 to 29 ppt, while

in Boardwalk area, ranged from 25 to 27 ppt. This salinity range agreed with the

statement of Odum (1971) that the salinity range or salt content of the sea water

was 25 to 40 ppt.It is one of the important factors governing the life processes in

the sea and it also affect the ability of organisms to survived (Burton, 1996).

Water temperature was measured in Sandbar area and it ranged from

27°C to 30°C, while in Boardwalk area ranged from 25°C to 27°C. The

temperature of the seawater was another important factor concerning the life of

organism in the sea (Odum, 1971). It was stated by Macnae (1980) that the

temperature in mangrove areas varies from 17°C to 37°C. The temperature in


both areas was tolerable. Adverse temperature or salinity reduces macro-

crustaceans survival (Copeland and Bechtel 1974). Temperature often influences

the distribution of organisms in shallow water and in intertidal zone (Karleskint,


The pH level of the water that was obtained in Sandbar area was 8.16,

while in Boardwalk area was 7.86. It means that in both areas, only one area was

in the tolerable pH level of water. The tolerable range of pH in mangrove areas

ranged from 6 to 8.5 Duke (2006), this implied that the pH in Boardwalk area was

suitable for the burrowing macro invertebrates to survive.

The substrate type was determined through visual observation and

categorized as sandy-muddy and muddy. The term sand, clay, silt refers to the

sediments of particular grain size. Sand is the coarsest, followed by silt and clay.

Mud refers to sand and clay combined (Huber and Castro, 1992). In Sandbar

area was sandy-muddy substrate while in Boardwalk area was muddy substrate

type, where most mollusks preferred to live for them to survive. According to

Bunje (2003) bivalve mollusks occur on a large variety of substrate including

rocky shores, coral reefs, mud flats and sandy beaches. Fortes (1988), stated

that sandy or muddy substrates, plays significant role in relation to the survival

and habitat for macro- crustaceans and other related organisms in fisheries,

since it is known that macro-crustaceans inhabit in these area. Also many

economically important fishes spend their larval stages in these habitats.



Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations


The study on burrowing macro invertebrate associates in Mangroves in

Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program Area of Barangay J.P Laurel,

Panabo City was conducted to determine the species composition and diversity

of burrowing macro invertebrates in the area; determine and compare the density

of burrowing macro invertebrates between two stations; measure the selected

physic-chemical parameters such as temperature, salinity and pH.

Two stations were established using 50 meters belt-transect laid in each

stations. It was conducted during lowest low tide to assure convenience. These

were done through one shot sampling.

There were six different species of burrowing macro invertebrates found in

the study area. In Sandbar area there were two species, namely: Anadara

granosa and Anadara antiquata while in Boardwalk area there were five species,

namely: Alpheus sp., Perisesarma sp., Anadara granosa, Scylla sp. and Thracia

convexa were found. Out of six species, there were only one common species

found in both areas, namely, Anadara granosa.

The ANOVA result showed that there is no significant difference in

population density of burrowing macro invertebrate associates in mangrove area

between two areas in 10% level of significance.

The salinity of water in Sandbar area was measured during lowest low tide

ranged from 26 to 29 ppt, while in Boardwalk area ranged from 25 to 27 ppt. The

temperature in Sandbar area ranged from 27°C to 30°C, while in Boardwalk area

ranged from 25°C to 27°C. The pH of the water that was obtained in Sandbar

area was 8.16, while in Boardwalk area was 7.86. The measured of physic-

chemical parameters, salinity, temperature, pH, and substrate type in both areas

were suitable for the survival of burrowing macro invertebrates in the area.


There were seven species of burrowing macro invertebrates found in the

study area; two species of burrowing macro invertebrates were found in Sandbar

area and five burrowing macro invertebrates species were found in Boardwalk

area. Anadara granosa is common in both areas.

ANOVA test showed that there is no significant difference of burrowing

macro invertebrate associates in mangroves because it might be low abundance

of mangrove trees and the burrowing macro invertebrates in the area were

continuously declining because it might be due to the increasing number of

gleaners nowadays as it was observed during sampling. The physico-chemical

parameters were tolerable for the growth and survival of burrowing macro



1. Based on the result of the study, it is recommended to protect and

conserve the burrowing macro invertebrates since they are important to the

other organisms found in the area.

2. Plant more mangroves in Sandbar area to improve the lower densities of

burrowing macro invertebrates.



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Barangay Liboganon, Tagum City, 2008.

Appendix 1

Number of individuals

Station 1

Species R1 R2 R3 Total

Anadara antiquata 2 5 4 11

Anadara granosa 3 2 2 7

Station 2

Species R1 R2 R3 Total

Anadara granosa 4 4 1 9

Thracia convexa 0 2 0 2

Scylla sp. 3 0 5 8

Perisesarma sp. 1 13 4 18

Alpheus sp. 6 13 15 34

Appendix 2

Population density of burrowing macro invertebrates in Sandbar area

# of Density Relative
STATION 1 individuals (Individual/m2) Abundance (%)
Anadara antiquata 11 0.014666667 0.611111111 61.1111111
Anadara granosa 7 0.009333333 0.388888889 38.8888889
Total 18 0.024 0 100

Appendix 3

Population density of burrowing macro invertebrates in Boardwalk area

# of Density Relative
individuals (Individual/m2) Abundance
Anadara granosa 9 0.012 0.126760563 12.6760563
Thracia convexa 2 0.002666667 0.028169014 2.81690141
Scylla sp. 8 0.010666667 0.112676056 11.2676056
Perisesarma sp. 18 0.024 0.253521127 25.3521127
Alpheus sp. 34 0.045333333 0.478873239 47.8873239
Total 71 0.094666667 0 100

Appendix 4

Diversity indices in the study area

Station Number of H’ C e Similarity


1 2 0.30 0.51 0.98

2 5 0.57 0.32 0.81


H’= Index of Diversity e = Index of Evenness

c = Index of Dominance S = Index of Similarity

Appendix 5

Raw data for indices in station 1

# of
Station 1 individuals Pi log(Pi) Pi*Log(Pi) Dominance Evenness
Anadara antiquata 11 0.5789474 -0.237361 -0.137419 0.3351801
Anadara granosa 8 0.4210526 -0.375664 -0.158174 0.1772853
Total 19 1 -0.295594 0.5124654
No. of species 2 H' 0.295594 0.981941

Appendix 6

Raw data for indices in station 2

# of
STATION 2 individuals Pi log(Pi) Pi*Log(Pi) Dominance Evenness

Anadara granosa 9 0.126760563 -0.897016 -0.113706 0.0160682

Thracia convexa 2 0.028169014 -1.550228 -0.043668 0.0007935

Perisesarma sp. 18 0.253521127 -0.595986 -0.151095 0.064273
Scylla sp. 8 0.112676056 -0.948168 -0.106836 0.0126959
Alpheus sp. 34 0.478873239 -0.319779 -0.153134 0.2293196
Total 71 1 -0.568439 0.3231502
No. of species 5 H' 0.5684393 0.813253

Appendix 7

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 6 19 3.166666667 24.96666667
Column 2 6 71 11.83333333 157.7666667

Source of Variation SS Df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 225.3333333 1 225.3333333 2.466253192 0.1473882 3.285015
Within Groups 913.6666667 10 91.36666667

Total 1139 11

Plates 1. Anadara antiquata

Plates 2. Anadara granosa


Plates 3. Thracia convexa

Plates 4. Alpheus sp.


Plates 5. Scylla sp.

Plates 6. Perisesarma sp.


Plates 7. Station 1

Plates 8. Station 2

Wood W 1815. General conchology or a description of shells, arranged

according to the Linnean system, London p. 92

Specific Activities July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.
. Expected
Consultation to the Advices and
adviser         suggestions from
the adviser

Secure Entry To have permits

Protocol and Barangay  and allow us to
Permits conduct my study

Secure City Permits To have permits

 and allow us to
conduct my study

Planning and Plans and

Budgeting  budgets for the

Reconnaissance Additional

Survey  Information to the

study area

Conduct/Sampling Data or results in

 my study

Paper Works Papers ready for

 Calculations    defense
 Arrangement of
 Finalization

Approval of the
Defense  study and
revision of the

Papers ready for

Revision  hardbound

Submission of the  hardbound for
hardbound submission

Schedule of activities and outputs

Prepared By:

Charmae C. Ecarma

Budgetary requirements

Budgetary Particulars Amount

Components (Php)

Honoraria for the Panel Proposal Defense 1, 250
Final Defense 1, 250
Sub-Total PS 2,500
 Bond paper - 3 ream @ 150 pesos 450
 Ink for printer @ 500 pesos 500
Materials and Supplies Black & colored
 Folders w/ slides 5 pcs @ 10 pesos 50
 Pencils 5 pcs @ 10 pesos 50
 Ballpen - 5 pcs @ 10 pesos 50
 Hardbound -6 @ 400 pesos 2400

Food Expenses  Conduct (5,000) 6,000


 Defense (1,000)

Travel (12 travels)  DNSC- JP. Laurel 1440

 20/person x 3 x 12 (Back and forth))
Insurance  300 X 3 buddies 900

Sub-Total MOOE 11,840

Clearbook 300 300
Booties 1200 1200
Fins 1250 1250
sRashguard 300 300
Mask and snorkelling 1200 1200

Sub-Total OE 4,250

TOTAL 18,590

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