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A Portfolio Project

Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in

Diponegoro University


Risavel Abelardo Hutagalung


Diponegoro University


Lecturer :

Kiki Nuriska Denhas, S.Pd, M.A.


Hello, My name is Risavel Abelardo Hutagalung and you can call me Abel. I come

from Padang. I was born on June 10, 1998 in Padang. Now, I am a student in Diponegoro

University. I am majoring at Mechanical Engineering. Actually, I don’t wan to continue my

education in University. I want to be a pilot at first. But, because of the cost of the pilot

school is too expensive, I choose study at Diponegoro University in Departement of

Mechanical Engineering.

In the first semester, our subject schedule is regulated by the departement. So, this

semester I study English. English very important for other subject because most of our

subject use English, especially the reference books.

I want to introduce my English lecturer. She is Miss Kiki Nuriska Denhas. She is a

good lecturer. She speak English like native speaker. Do you know what? She graduates from

The Ohio State University. That is a perfect achievement.

Table of Content

Reflective Journal Week 1........................................................................................................1

Reflective Journal Week 2........................................................................................................2

Reflective Journal Week 3........................................................................................................3

Reflective Journal Week 4........................................................................................................5

Reflective Journal Week 5........................................................................................................7

Reflective Journal Week 6........................................................................................................8

Reflective Journal Week 7........................................................................................................9

Reflective Journal Week 8.......................................................................................................10

Reflective Journal Week 9.......................................................................................................11

Reflective Journal Week 10.....................................................................................................12

Sample Assignment : Discussion Text.....................................................................................13

Reflective Journal Week 11.....................................................................................................14

Sample Assignment : Report Text...........................................................................................16

Reflective Journal Week 12.....................................................................................................17

Reflective Journal Week 13.....................................................................................................18

Sample Assignment : Literatur Review...................................................................................19

Reflective Journal Week 14.....................................................................................................26

Sample Assignment : Curriculum Vitae..................................................................................2

Reflective Journal Week 1

The first day in campus make I feel excited. I proud to myself because I can study at

Diponegoro University. Actually, I want to be a pilot, but because the cost is too expensive, I

choose study at Diponegoro University in Departement of Mechanical Engineering.

In my first day, I learned English. In the class, we are required to make an academic

essay in English. My lecturer wanted to see our ability of English lesson. In this essay, we

must input about article, number, pronoun, both Singular and Plural. After we made our

essay, we check our essay together. It hard to see my friend’s mistake. We must carefully

check my friend’s job. While I checked my friend’s job, I learned many vocabulary that I

don’t know before. I learned how to make an good essay.

I can made an essay because I get an article in internet. From this activity, I learned

how to read and understand an article quickly and I learned how to make a good grammar.

This week, I studied about pronoun. A word used to replace noun that can be people, objects,

animals, place, or an abstract concept. For this first meeting very help me to improve my

English knowledge and how to make a good essay. I hope I can make another English essay

for my subject.

Reflective Journal Week 2

Started same with the first week, but diffrent lesson. At the first, my lecturer gave class

rules, they are :

1. Absence should be kept no more 3 for any reason to receive passing grade
2. no make-ups for quizzes or class-exercises for any reason
3. Tolerance of late is 15 minutes only
4. Collect assignment on time,
5. Assignment will publish via email or facebook
6. Grading and requirements for passing the lesson

After that, the lesson started with subject verb agreement, the first lesson is about

present tense or simple present tense, the formula is :

Subject verb
They, We, I, You Verb 1
She, He, It Verb 1 + S/Es

After she explained about that, she made a small group consist 2 person, each person in the

grop asked some questions, the questions conditions were in present and past tense. Most of

the questions were about activities our friend today and yesterday. Then She asked some

groups to presentate the questions.

Reflective Journal Week 3

In this week, I learned about Verb tenses. I got many advantage when I learned that.

There is 16 tenses, but I just learned 5 tenses. There are Simple Present Tense, Simple Past

Tense, Present Progressive Tense, Future Progressive Tense, Simple Future Tense

1. Simple Present Tense

S + V1 + O

2. Simple Past Tense


3. Present Progressive Tense

S + Be + V1 + ing + O

4. Future Progressive Tense

Subject + WILL BE + V + ing + O

5. Simple Future Tense

Subject + WILL + V1

This week I learned the chart of verb tenses too. From this chart, I knowed when I use

simple present tense or simple past tense or the other tenses. I knowed what is the function of

all the tenses. From this chart, I knowed what is the different between the tenses with the

other tenses.

Reflective Journal Week 4

This week I learn many topics. My lecturer gave me :

1. Gerunds and infitive

2. Regular and irregular verbs
3. Passive voice
4. Modal auxiliaries

I considered this week was the most difficult meeting becuse we mus need to memorized

many verb which use infinitive and verb which use gerund. Here a short summary for

infinitives and gerunds.

After that, I learned about passive voice. Every tense has a different formula. So, must

remember and understand the formula.

For modals, A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express:

ability, possibility, permission or obligation, but modal phrases (or semi modals) are used to

express the same things as modals. Here the modals and moda phrases :

Reflective Journal Week 5

In this week, the class postponed because at the day was a national holiday. My

lecturer didn’t give me a assignment. Actually My lecturer wanted to give me a make up

class, but until now there no announcement about make up class. So, there was no lessons

that I got in this week.

Reflective Journal Week 6

In this week, I learned many topic too. There is Adjectives and Adverbs, Comparison

degree, Transitional words, Relative clauses.

a. Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives are words that describe nouns or pronouns. Adverbs are words that modify

everything but nouns and pronouns.

b. Comparison degree

Comparison degree is kind of adjective or adverb that state comparation (-er, est,


c. Transitional words

Transitional words and phrases can create powerful links between ideas in your paper

and can help your reader understand the logic of your paper. However, these words all

have different meanings, nuances, and connotations ( however, but, then)

d. Relative clauses

We use relative clauses to give additional information about something without

starting another sentence. ( which, that, who)

Reflective Journal Week 7

In this week, I started with a pop quiz about last meeting lessons. After that, we move to

this week lessons. They are about transitional words, conditional sentences, tag question.

a. Transitional Words
Transitions are phrases or words used to connect one idea to the next. Transitions are

used by the author to help the reader progress from one significant idea to the next.

For examples are however, but, even, though, after all

b. Conditional Sentences

c. Tag Question
A tag question is a question added at the end of a sentence. Speakers use tag questions

mainly to make sure their information is correct or to seek agreement.

Reflective Journal Week 8

In this week, there was no class because we got a mid term test. The English test were about :

a. Subject verb agreement c. Pronoun

b. Articles d. Verb tenses

e. Singular and plural noun k. Degree of comparison
f. Gerund and Infinitives l. Relative clauses
g. Regular and irregular verbs m. Conditional sentences
h. Passive voice n. Tag Question
i. Modal auxiliaries o. Prepositions
j. Adjectives and Adverbs p. Transitional words

Reflective Journal Week 9

In this week, I learned about agreeing and disagreeing. At class we made a

small group consist of 2 – 3 persons to discuss about several topic. Than we discussed

about one topic. My groups topic is using internet acess for school learning. We had a

lot of opinion in this small group. After that, we our conclusion about our topic. Than

one group will debate with other group which have a different opinion.

Reflective Journal Week 10

This week I learned about discussion text. Before we moved to our new

lessons. My lecturer gave me an assignment about agreeing and disagreeing. We made

a short dialogue, but every person must take minimum 5 turn talking. After that, we

moved to or new lessons about discussions text.

Discussion text is a text which presents a problematic discourse. This problem

will be discussed from different points of view. It presents pro and contra opinion on

certain issue. The purpose of a discussion text is to present arguments and information

from differing viewpoints. Discussion texts are usually written in the present tense.

Generic Structure :

a. Issue : contains of statement and preview about something.

b. Arguments for/Supporting arguments : after stating the issue, it is necessary to present

the argument to support that one point is agreeing.

c. Arguments against : beside the supporting argument, discussion text need the

arguments which disagree to the stated issue.

d. Recommendation/conclusion : It is used to tell how to solve issue by concerning the

arguements for and against.

After discussion text, we moved on to the reading skills, there are 3 skills in

reading, skimming, scanning, and close reading. In the end of class my lecturer gave a

homework to made a discussion text.

Sample Assignment about Discussion Text

Abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it doesn't result in the birth of a

child. Do you agree? When someone ask, many people say yes and many people say

no. It’s comparable. Abortion is a topic that always debatable in our society because

everybody have a argument about it.

For people who agree with abortion, they think that sometimes life can be

harsh on us. In some cases, many women choose abortion because there is a

possibility to be at risk if she bore a baby. Other case, some of the rape victims can be

minors. They are not ready mentally and physically to have a baby. It can make many

problem for the mother and the child.

After all, abortion implies denying someone a well-deserved life. Can we do

that? Actualy NO. All of that is the God’s will. We must keep this God’s gift. Having

an abortion carries the risk of not being able to become pregnant ever again and

serious health complication.

Therefore, having a abortion depends on us. For someone, have a baby can

make a new problem, but the other say baby is a gift from God that we must keep this

gift. Abortion is your choice and choose your choice wisely because it can make your

life better.

Reflective Journal Week 11

In this week, I learned about reported speech, reporting verb, and report text.

a. Reported Speech

b. Reporting Verb

c. Report Text
1. Social function: to present a particular information based on systematic

observation and analysis.

2. Structure: General classification, description
3. Grammatical features: use general nouns, use the simple present tense, sometimes

use technical terms, use supporting details.

Sample Assignment about Report Text


Drone is a plane without the crew that controlled from a distance. Drone is

also known as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), as an Unmanned Aircraft System

(UAS), or by several other names. Long time ago, drone used by the military to

spying the enemy. The uses can be developed by people who have special skills.

Nowdays, drone is controlled manually with the remote control. But, there is a drone

that controlled otomaticaly with algorithm system.

Many kinds of drone that ever made. There is a tricopter, quadcopter,

hexacopter, octacpter and fixed wing. From the name we know the difference is how

many propeller the drone have. But, fixed wing look like a normal aircraft. It has

body and two wings. Usually drone use a battery for the power. The battery that used

for the drone can hold until 20 – 30 minutes. Therefore, people who controlled the

drone usually have 2 or 3 batteries. So, if the batery is low, they just change the


A drone always has a camera on it’s body. Therefore, Many people use drone

for photography, analysis data, searching the lost people, and make a film or short

video. Not only that, we can use drone to delivery food or something. A big drone can

transport something heavy like woods, steel pole for the porpose of construction.

Many benefit of the drone that we can use in our life. It depends on us how use and

develop the drone.

Reflective Journal Week 12

This week I learned about literature review. My lecturer said literatur review is

one of our portfolio. So, this is our big assignment. First, we must choose the topic

for our literatur review. After that we searched literature or relevant article (at least 3).

At class, we spend our time just for choose a good topic. I got a good topic. Changing

plastic waste become fuel. After that, I made the research question of my topic. At the

end of the class, my lecturer gave us a command to continue our literature review at


Reflective Journal Week 13

This week, I learned about literatur review, same with last week. At class, I

searched the relevant article about my topic. It difficult to got the researched. But,

finally I got it. After I read the article, all of my research question was answered. , we

are not allowed to copypaste or cheat the work of others. But if we want to use the

sentences from internet we have to change the sentence and word in to our style.

Reflective Journal Week 14

This week, my lecturer explained about creating CV and application letter.

Application Letter is merely another name for a cover letter, the official business letter often

included with a job application and/or resume and sent to a prospective employer. Whereas,

CV is a written overview of a person's experience and other qualifications for a job

opportunity. In some countries, a CV is typically the first item that a potential employer

encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed

by an interview. After we knowed that, our lecturer gave us a homework. This homework is

one of our portfolio. So, this is a big assignment. Our job was make a CV about ourselves.

Made it as informative and creative as possible.

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