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440 IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, No.

3, September 1999

Multiple Reference Frame Analysis of Non-sinusoidal Brushless DC Drives

Student Member S.D.SudhoEMember C.A.Whitcomb, ember
School of Electrical and qmputer Engineering code 334
Pur& Umve&y USNOlliceofNavalResearch
West IA@ette, IN 47907-1285
8ooN. street
A h a c t - The method of multiple reference frames is employed in analysb. The fact that the NLAM models f w constant state
the development of a state variable model for brushless DC drives variables in the steady-state is also advantag€xxls computationally
with non-sinusoidal back emf waveforms. This model has the since even if the system model is numerically s t 8 (which it @idly
desirable features of being valid for transient and steady-state is) integration methods such as Gear's are h y &cient in solving
analysis as well as having state variables that are constant in the the system dyIlamics. This is not the case in &ed modelswherein
steady-state. The model facilitates both nonlinear and linear the switching of each individual semiconductor is taken into accounf
system analysis and control design. Computer simulation and because in this case the switching of the power semiconducton
experimental data are included to validate the analysis. periodidly excites the high frequency dynarmcs which drastically
I. INTRODUCTION reduces computational &ciency.
In order to derive the NLAM of a generic machineanve.rter
Brushlass DC dtkw &er the s' licity of control of the m, the machine model must f ktbe put into a form which (i)
brush-type DC motor without the a d i s a d v a n t a g e s of weight,iF ere are no rotor position dependent tern, and (ii) the state
eleclromagnetc and acoustic noise, and high,mainte~ce.They are variables are constant in the steady-state. Such a mcdel will be
also arguably the most &dent ac motor dnves a d a b l e due to the referred to as an ideal state model and is read@ obtained in the case
pmamnt-magnet synchronous machine pm
absence of rotor circuits There are two general those wh?se of a sinusoidal PMSM using Park's transformatin [2-31. However,
has b~ned this is not true for the non-sinusoidal case so an alternate analysis
magnets and which are i d l y salient, and those with surface mustbeused
mounted magnets and wh% are i d l y non-salient. These Herein a NLAM of a non-sinusoidal PMSM is developed Using
are m e r divided into moton w% sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal multi le reference.frame (MRF) thmy. Firsf the machine variable
back emfs @EMF). Machines with non-sinusoidal BEMF modef of a non-sinwidal BEMF PMSM is presented followed by
waveforms offer several advantam over their sinusoidal the rotor referencel i m e model. At that point, justification for use of
counkrparts including p t e r power density,ease of constNction a MRF model is
and smaller b e & size. For these reasons, this type of brushless ideal state
DC drive is common in industrial
a using conservation of energy to show that an
'ble to achieve by conventional
lications and is being techniques. The MRF & x i s then derived for both the W M
considered for use in high power wT&ions including ~ a ~ a and
l the associated drive. Unique to this derivation in cornpanson
with other MRF work [4-6] is the fact that an additional
p%S%sg a drive for a high paver applicatiom, it is transformation is in- which o applies to zero sequence
naxswy to consider the system impact. For example, in the context variables. Experimental studies are co&to verify the aaxracy
of a shipbmd system, transient analysis of nashforward and of the model. These include a steadystate torque speed cutve, a
nrlshback maneuvers is of c o n m ,as @ dynam~canalysis such as nc+load start-up study and a small agnal impedance study. The
dwacterizing the mto the dnve to see dit &es.input mpxlam study illustrab a major advantage ofthe model since it
impedance specificattons normally placed on nents III dc aMxlmmodatRs dymtuc analysis which is not readily rformd
% on the using previous models. though the model set fo+ is &gnd to
accommodate analysis it is also conducive to co
w%&ically, Nonlinear Average Value Models "(s)
analysis as waiar, it is shown to a c cm r
are conveniently predict steady-state performance and is as conducive to
used for both hansient (large dhrbmce, nonlinear) and dynarmc component control design as it is to system design
(small signal, linear) system analysis. As the name implies, such 11. MACHINE DESCRIPTION
models repment variables man averagedue fashion and q m t
component nonlinearities. Since the st+e variables are constant in This section sets f o f i a machine variable model for a
the steady-state, the models are read@ linearized for dynamic thresphase PMSM with a non-sinusoidal back m. Herein it IS
assumed that the PMSM exhibits no effects of saturation or
PE-253-EC-0-12-1997 A paper recommended and approved by the d e m a ~ o nand , that the rotor has surbce mounted permanent
IEEE Electric Machinery Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering magnets and is non-salient. It is m er assumed that the BEMF
Society for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. waveform is half-me symmetric and thus has only cdd harmonia.
Manuscript submitted July 28, 1997; made available for printing Fig. 1 depicts a cross section of the threephase surbce
December 12,1997. mounted PMSM (SM-PMSM) considered h e d . The stator
windinp,m d , b5bi, and c s 4 are shown as lumped windingsfor
simpliaty but are actually disttibuted about the stator. Mechanical
rotor position and speed are denoted 0 ,,,, and w r m , mpxlively.
Electrical rotor position and speed €Ir and m r , are defined as PD
times the corresponding mechanical quantities, where P is the
number of poles.
Using the passive sign convention, the stator voltage quation

0885-8969/99/$10.00 0 1997 IEEE


K!, = nKn (6)
and Tcog(8 r ) represents the coggingtorque. The readeris r e f e r r e d
to [9] for a discussion of mcdeling cogsing torque,
The combined mechanical dynamics of the machine and load
J i O r m +Bmwrm = Te - TL (7)
where J is the mtational inertia, B , approximata the mechanical
damping due to friction and TLis the load torque.
Equations (1-6) constitute the machine variable model and is
analogous to the phase variable model presented in [2][10]. In [lo],
the BEMF is approximatd with piecayiSe linear segments rather
than with a Fourier series and o &qxmidal wav&orms are
consi- %
Re~dlessof whether e BEMF is represented as a
Fourier series or as a &qxmidal function, the model is entire1
sufficient for a detailed computer simulation in which the ead
Fig. 1 Cross Section of PMSM semiconductor switch is represented However, it is not as conducive
to system analysk and control designas NLAh4's are as described in
+ gdh a b c s
Vabcs = rsiabcs theintmduction. Deriving such a model is the focus ofthis paper.
where rs denotm the stator resistance and
Although the machine variable model is mathematically and
fabcs = [ fa fbs fcs 1' phfically valid, ,it can be inpmnient to use due to rotor position
dependent flux b g e equat~onsas well as state variables that are
repwents the form of the voltage, axrent, and flux linkage vectors, not constant in the steady-state. In a SM-PMSM machine with
vabcs, iabcs, and L a b s , revetively. sinwidal BEMF considerable simplification is obtained by
Negledng the effects of magnetic saau;ition, saliency (since the W o r m i n g the abc machine variable model to a qd model in the
machine is surhcx mounted), h y s t e e , currents in the stator
iron and rotor &uctm, and assurnmg that BEMF is half wave
symmetric the stator flux linkage quat~onsmaybe expmsdas
rotor referreerenceh n e [l-21. The transformationis givenby
=Kfabcs (8)

habcs =Lsiabcs +h/,


LIS + L m -5Lm
sin((2n - l)er)
sin^ - ~ ( 0-, $1) (3)
sin((2n - l ) ( ~+,
where the stator self inductancematrix is givenby
1 1
I where


Ls=[ -5L.s LIs+Lms +Lms

-1L 1
ms -+ms L/s+Lms
In (8-9) f is a voltage, flux linkage or current vector. In the
In (4), Lis and Lms denote the stator leakage and mutual case of a SM-PMSM with a non-sinusoidal BEMF,
inductance, respectively. The peak strength of the fundamental transforming the machine voltage and flux linkage equations
compment of the magnet flux linkage is denoted k', , which is to the rotor reference frame yields
constant since it is assumed no demagne!jzation is oawring. The
mflicientsK, in (3) r e p m t the magnitude of the n'th harmonic of v~~= rsi:s + o , ~ +
the magnet f l y relative to the fundamental component normaked (11)
such that KI = 1. Although many assumptions are inherent in the v h = rS& - o , ~ +; %'
dt~ ds (12)
desiption, it will be shown to work quite well in practice. The
reader is referreed to [74] for a more detailed discussion of the cause vis = rsi&+ $his (13)
ofthe harmonics.
The e l ~ p g n e t i ctorque may be derived by wenergy and
techniques [3] to yeld m
h&= L s s ~ &
+h/, (K6n-~+K6n+~)sin(6n0r) (14)
cos((2n - l)0,)
m m
k;* =Lss12s+h/,+h/, c (&jn-1-K6,,+l)COS(6ner)(15)
cos((2n - l)(8, + 5)) os - .r
- L lsios+h/,

K6n-3sin((6n-3)8r) (16)
+ Tmg(0 r ) . (5) IS1

respectivehl. In (14-16),
~ ~ = r ~ i $ + x ~ r h ~ + $ h(22)
Lss =LIE + zLm. (17)
The power maybe expressed as
v z = r,iz -xw,h$ + $2 (23)
TransForrdng the qd rotor refmnce liane flux linkages (14-15) into
pin= i(visiis +&i& +2vhSihs) (18) the 'XI' reference fiameyields
'xr + I / , C [K6n-1 sin((x - 1 + 6n)Br)-
qs - L ssiqs
Transforming the elmmagnetic torque w o n (5) into rotor
referem f i m e yields n=l

TB= ~ ~ h ~ [ i i s ( l + +K~n+l)cos(6ner))+
~l &+lsin((x- 1-6n)Br)]-h/,sin((x- l)er) (24)

C (Kin-, - Kin+l)sin(6nBr)+ h z = L,iz + h/, n=l
C [-K6n-1 cos((x - 1 + 6n)0,)+
Kan+lcos((x- 1 - 6n)Br)] + h/,cos((x - I)@,) (25)
2ihs Z K&-,cos((6n - 3)er)] + Tcog(Or.
Although rotor position dependent terms still exist, several Although (20) will prove usefulfor operations on q- and d-axis
interestingconclusions may be drawnfiom this exercise. First, variables, the zero sec.~uencevariableshave to be treated
Herein, a new hansformation is proposed that applies o z %
and i& are constant, torque ripple proportional to the BEMF zero sequence variables [13]. The new variables are &ked as the
harmonia results. Second, observe that the zero sequence current variables in the 'ap' reference &e where the transformation is
maybe usedto contribute to average torque, rovidedthemachine is !dVen below.
not wyeconnected, although an ripple component is
It is desirable to formulate a model in which not only the model
rotorpositionisimarianf butalsothesystemvariablesateconstant
inthesteady-state. As(18-19)suggastandasdemo~in[11], Thepseudoitlvmisdefinedas
constant torque, speed a n d ~ p w e r m q b soelong ~
as the appropriatecurrent harmonia are injected. Thus it is phssible I&=&LcOS(yer) +&;sin@,). (27)
to construct a transformation such that the transformed current Application of this transFormation to (13) and (16) yields the
waveforms would be constant in the steady-state and would yield torque,voltage, and flux linkage equations.
constant torque. However, controlling the currents in this fashion
forces payer input to be time-Varying while the payer out (Tea,) VE= rS$; +ywrLi'p +$A: (28)
is constant. This is @ueregardlass of the transformation used since
consenation of energy requim that the payer remain the same op -
y" p -Ya Ay'
- r s l o,Yr Oa +dhY'
dl op (29)
regardless of which variables are used to calculate it This implies
that at least one variable must be g i n the steady state under hi;=Lhi:+hh C +sin((6n-3+y)Br)+
constant output conditions or the m z m u s t contain rotor pition n=1
dependent terms. Therefore, ,no tmmkmab'on exists that will sin((6n - 3 -y)0,)] (30)
produce the desired model. l"is a genedimtion ofthe discussion
m [2] that Park's transformation does not provide the desired h$ = L&'p +h& K6-3 2,
y [ c o s ( ( 6 n- 3 -y)Or)-
analyt~cal simpli6don.
Although derivation of the ideal state model is unachiemble, the T, = i g h h [ i ~ s + z(l ~ iiqs~ -+K;,,+~
(1-6n)r ~ $+I)'+
method of multiple reference h e s can be used to obtain a model
with all the desired c m r i s t i a . (Note that the method presented
herein should not be confused with the technique in [12] which is
restricted to steady-state conditions in machines without spatial 2K;w3irl-3)r)] + Tcog(Or) (32)
harmonics.) These include (i) absence of rotor position terms III the Note that the voltage 'ons have the same form as the
transformed mcdel, and (ii) voltage, current, and flux linkage which
traditiomlqdmodel(13-14).% note that the torque equation (32)
are constant in the steady-state. begins by expressing the
is written only in terms of magnet strength, I/ , and
, q-axis currents
transformation of the q- and d-axis vanables from the mtor refmce in difkrent reference frames. Eachtemin (32) is aprcduct of one
fiame to another reference h e rotating at some multiple of the ofthe Fourier series coefficients ofthe BEMF with a corresponding
rotor'selectrical speed. In @cuIar, current harmonic.
f i i = xrK,'fid (20) V. AVERAGE-VALUE MODEL
Where The mathematical description set forth still doas not constitute
COS(fir-0r) -sin(fir-%)
sin(&,-e,) cos(dr-er)
represents a transformation from the rotor reference k,
If, into
the desired model. The flux linkages which are used as state
(21) variables are time Varying and are not independent as is required in
an ideal state variable model. Futthermore, exactl which reference
&fS to be used has yet to be s pecified.ckarly,&m (39, only the
the 'XI' reference brotahg at 'xitimes the electrical speed ofthe '(6!+1)f, '(1-W' and 'I' reference fiames are reprasented for d
rotor. vanables and only the '(6n-3)r' reference fiames are q m n t e d &
~~(20)to(11-12)yieIdsthevoltageequationsinthe~~1' the aP variables. nese reference fhmes c ~ r r e ~ p ~ton dthe
refixem which may be expressed harmonia in the BEMF. For an actual machine with a limited

numberofharmonics,K~~O forlargervaluesofn. Onlyone multiple reference h e variables have been solved for. The
reference framefor eachnon-zero BEMF harmonic need be included U-phasequantities can be written fromthe multiple reference frame
in the anatySi. For example, a machine with an ideal Qximidal variables as
BEMF waveform with 240 d ew of flatarea per cycle has 99% of
its power (in a signal analysis sew) in the fust seven harmonics.
fgs = z
"hIS would mpk the Y, '-51', and 71'qd referenceframes and the
I3I' ap referencefime to includethe non-zero harmonics. C.
msM [2Ecos(me,) + ~ f ~ s i n ( r n e , ) l . (43)
Use of an avera ' g prccdure, as
makesthe state variabEmaependent and The bs and CLT quantitiies are found by substiming (e, - y) and
constant in the steady-state. This procedure is based on the (er + $1 for e into ( a ) , respectiveh.
&sewtion that the voltages, currents, and flux linkages will vaty as At this point, it is convenient to summarize the MRF based
a function of a60, (where a is in the set of positive non-zero NLAM. Equation (43) maybe used to find the qdandap quantities
integers) in the reference frames of intemt. Therefox variables are
replaced with their averagevalues taken over the period in the lied abc voltage o m it is expressed in Fourier series
corrqondmg to a 2 6 6 incement of electrical rotor position. This fsshiOll% ce the MRF voltagesare determined,(33-36) are used to
calculatethe derivativesof the state variables (flux linka and mtor
not only eliminatesthe rotor pition -ndent terms in (24-25)and
(30-31), but also forces the state variables to be and
speed). The derivativm are integrated to yield the
(37-40) from which the currents are calculated. F x e q g
E linkages
constant in the steady-state. When performing the procedure it (42) can be fllbstitutedinto (7) which is integrated to
should be noted that the average of the product of speed and flux mtor speed. Ifdeslred, (43) maybe usedto determine ubccurrents
linka e is approximated as the product ofthe ayerap. This is an and flux linkages. Although this model possesses more state
excegnt approximation so long as rotor i n e 1s~not unreas~nably variables than the original machine variable model, the state
low [4]. Following this procedure yields the following voltage and variables are now indepmdent and are constant in the steadystate,
flux linkage equations.
_ - -
v: = rsi: + X C Q , +~ ~ $F (33)
making this model suitable for linear system analysis and facilitating
-state &lysis Since the derivatives terms in (33-36) may
set to, zero. F&rmo~, the mcdel remains valid in
- - -
v$ = r,iq - m,h$ + zhds d T cond~~ons. In the case that the Fourier series
(34) decomposition of the applied voltage contains more harmonics than
- - - d T the BEMF, additionalreferenceh a may be addedto poltraytheir
v c = rsiL +yo,hy,'p + xhoa (35) effect, although they will not amcanfly effect the
7 - 7T -Yr d T
electromechanical dynamics.
op - r s l o p -yCQrhcu+ xhop (36) VI. DRIVE MODEL
Fqs= Lss'qs-xr In order to model a brushles DC drive system the analysismust
(37) be extended to includethe inverter driving the SM-PMSM model. A
diagramfor a @ i d drive system is shown in Fq.2.
Fds- -L ss F+!$KIx,h/,
ds (38) Determination of the MRF voltages apphed depends on the
- hyr -
- modulation strategy and inverter coniigmtion used. The
oa - Llsloa (39) expimental drive used to veriij this work utilizes a three-phase
-p r - .yr - H-bridge converter shown in Fig. 3. This inverter allows
zero-sequence current and can thus be used to demonstrate the
op - lslop + K y h / , / 2 . (40) &&ivenes of the zero-sequem transformation. The modulation
JZquahons (33-40) must be wxitkn for each referem m e strategy is a simple voltage oncellation sirate [14] such that a
considered For the 240 d e p trapezoidal machine, x = 1, -5,7 is symmetric rectangular wave voltage is appliefkh a ked duty
substituted into (33-34) and (37-38) while y = 3 is substituted into cycle as shown in Fig 4, w h e ~T = 2nl0, is the period of the
(35-36) and (3940). This yields a total of eight voltage and flux waveform and D is the duty cycle. The phase of the weform is
linka eequations. ~ h i f t e d b y 4radianswhere+,=O
~ isusedintheexperimental
e o f a This phase shift c o r r q o d to the fundamental component
a ~ r ~ r t o e x p ~ t h e p o w e r i n t o t h e ~ ~ , t h e a v e r a g studies.
voltage h i e s a current is approximatedas the average of the voltage of the voltage being in phase with the BEMF. The voltage
h e s the average of the current. This can be shown by writing each harmonics, although severe in this drive, however m e well to
variable in (18) in terms of its Fourier series repmntation, demonstrate the effeaiveness of the h4RF NLAM. The MRF
multiplying, and then the avera e Accuracy of this voltages canbe shown from (43) to be
procedure was demonstrated in [4] and is &her c o n k n d herein. -
qs -
[sin(mf) - sin(nx(l+ f)lcos(x+,) (44)
__ --
Theinputpower isgivenby
-- --
%=[! Z (v$i;i+vgi;)+
Z (4v;;,'i;;,'+4v$i$)]
where the sets Nand Mare the sets ofqdand C X r~ e f e m h e s
considered,rqectively. The toque equationis averaged to yield
- - - -
To = yh' [?-+E (KLn-,iqs
qs n=l
+ K k , + l i y ) r+2KLn_3ib6,"-3)']
Note that the cogging torque term is eliminated by the averaging
It will often be d e s i l e to calculate the ubc variables once the
voltage or current
m& or command
Modulation Inverter &
Strategy de Supply

Rig. 4 A-phase Voltage Waveform

Rig 2 BrushlessDC Drive
Table 1. Machine parameters
w h e r e q istheaveragedcbusvo1tageandGisthecurrentinto
the inverter. This is valid so long as the avemge dc voltage remains
essentially constant in comparison to the dc mnt. Accuracyofthis
was shown in [15]. However, the on-state voltage drop of the
transistor switches,vw , appmximateiy reduces the voltage applied
to any phase by twicevsw, and the dc current maybe expmxd as
idc = 7
ental dc voltage weform was used as an
(49) andbecause the
va-2v, ,


input ofthe dedY"" model and MRF NLAM so that the comparison
codd be made without considering the power supplfoutput
In order to validate the model of the non-sinusoidal PMSh4, a As can be seen,there is good agreement between both models
test drive was combucted using a commercial 1/2 12 pole test
machine having the parameters listed in Table 1. in= this is a
tmpezjJidal machine, only the jir& third, m and seventh
and the hadware measuxments. In the case of the average.due
model,the machine variablesare mmtmcted h m the qdvanables
using the inverse transformation. The high npple in the
harmonics are modeled, resulting in the use of the If, I-~I', and '71' voltage waveform is a result oftruncatingthe senes representation of
referenceframes for qdvariables and the '31' reference fmx for ap the voltage. There is also a sllght difference between the simulated
variables, Ifdesired, more reference flames couldbe used to capture and observed nse evident rn the jirst two cycles afthe U-phase
current ~incZE'machine is we^ over rated current at this point,
and this effect is not observed at lower voltage levels, this
is resumably due to saturation of the leakage
l ! whic is not accountedfor in the models.
Fig. 9 depicts some of the qd axis currents, which are hear
combinations of the state variables. It is intemthg to observe that,
that $e m e was $ a i g h t b d to obtain since the as expected, these variables are constant in the steady-state. This
derivalnes m (33-36) may mply be set to WO for s t e a d y e makes the model readily linearizable. Some computer simulation
*. languages, such as ACSL [16],can automat call^ ljneariz,e this
Figs 6-8 depict the free acceledon of the test drive as model. This is demonstrated in Fig. 10, where the hearized model
predicted by the MRF avemge value &l, as pmlicted by a
detailed simulation (coggingto neglected)based on (28-32), and
asmeas~redVariablesdepii3 mclude the electromagnetictoque,
T,, the a-phase voltage, v, , a-phase current, ias , and dc current,
i d c . In Fig, 8 the dc voltage is illustrated rather than torque, which

was not shown because a suitable torque sensor was not available


Ri& 3 ThmePhase H-bridge inverter





401 20 m a

fig 6 MRF Model Start-up Study Fig 8 ExperimentalStart-up

401 ibS



I n in m~


Fig 7 Detailed Model Start-up Study fig9 MRFCurrentsouttosteady-state

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Patrick L Chamnan (S' 94) was born in Mexico, Missouri on Septemba 25,1974.
VIII. CONCLUSIONS He received his BSEE and MSEE fiom the Univmity of Missouri-Rollain 1996 and
Multiple reference f i m e analysis was employed in the 1997, respeclively. currently, he is puming a PhD. in Electrical Engineering at
W e University. His irderestsinclude analysis, computer simulation,and hardware
development of an NLAM for a non-sinmidal brushless dc drive. implRnentationofelectric machineryand power electronicssptems.
In this process, a new transformaiion to transform zem quem Scdt D. Sudhoff (M' 88) received the BSEE, MSEE, and PhD. degrees a! Purdue
varjablles to m m b l e tmditional qd equations is introduced. This University in 1988, 1989, and 1991, reSpeaively. From 1991-1993 he med as a
model is not only valid for ttanSient and steady-state conditions, but halftime visiting fmlty and half-time wnsuttant for P.C. Krause and Associates.
has the further advantage that the state variables become constant in From 1993-1997 he smed as an assistant prof- at the Universiiy of
Miwuri-Rolla and becamean associate professor at UMR in 1997. Later in 1997, he
the steady-state. Herein, the use of the MRF NLAM was joined the faculty at Purdue Univmity as an m i a t e prof-r. His interests include
demonstt-dted in the calculation of the stady-state toqueqxed the analysis, simulation, and design of electric machinery, drive sptem, and
curve,in the simulation of free acceleration,and in the calculationof tiniteinda power systems. He has authored or CO-authored over hventy joumal

the be looking into the drive. In each of t@e calculaijons,
hLAM is shown to be cornstent yth the hardware
measmments andor a detailed computer simuhon.
' ~ D R C l i A whitcomb m97)reccived e BS in Nuclear Engineming from the
Univmity of Washington Seattle, WA in 1984, an SM in Electrical h&erina and
Compute; Science fi6m MlT in 1992, and a Naval Engineer degree h m MiT in
IX. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1992. He is CUtTently a PhD. candidatein mechanical engineering at the Uniwity
of Maryland, College Park, Maryland His currentposition is ss a Rogram OfXcer in
This a r t has been supported by the Ol3ce dNaval Research the Ship Smclure and Systems Science and Technology Division (ONR 334) at the
office of Naval Research in Arlington, V i a , ovaseeingbasic research inelectrical
grant numberN00014-%-14522. disiribution systems He is also the Systems Engineering Manager for the P o w
X. REFERENCES Electronics Building Block (PEBB) project team. His twenty years of naval service
has included tours onboardthe USS SCAMP (SSN 588), shipwork coordinator for
[l] RD. Middlebrook, "Input Filter Considemtiom in Design and Applications of condnrctionwork on nuclear attack submarines a! the Supenisor of Shipbuilding.
Switching Regulators: IEEE hdusby Applications Society Meeting, 1976 Convmion, and Repair, Groton, Connecticut, and as a ship m a r c h design engineer
for design of submarine systemr at the Naval S,d? Warfa ?nter,,-
Record,pp. 366-382. Maryland His main mearch intRest is in muhdiffiiplmary design optunuatron of
[2] P. Pillay, "Modeling of Permanent Magnet Motor Drives," ZEEE Trans. on complex w .
IndushialElechonics, Vol. 15, No. 4, Nov. 1988, pp. 537441.

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