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Assessor Guide

BSB30115 - Certificate III in Business

BSBFLM303 – Contribute to effective workplace relationships

Element 1: Seek, receive and communicate information and ideas

Element 2: Encourage trust and confidence
Element 3: Identify and use networks and relationships
Element 4: Contribute to positive outcomes

This guide contains:

 Instructions for Assessors (including Assessment Resources)
 Assessment Tasks for this unit (Including Student Instructions)
 Marking Guides/ Model Answers
 Feedback and comments
 Policy Information

Assessor Guide
BSB30115 – Certificate III in Business
BSBFLM303 – Contribute to effective workplace relationships
November 2018
Version 1
P a g e 1 | 12
Task 1 – Knowledge questions

Instructions for Assessors

Setting up the assessment task

 Inform the students that you will be assessing their speaking and listening skills
for this unit
 This assessment will include some verbal questioning from the assessor who
will record student’s answers. This recording will be done in writing.
 Prepare the students with similar activities and tasks prior to assessing
 Assessors will make any reasonable adjustments to the task as required i.e.
enlarge task for a student with a visual impairment

 Copies of the assessment task

Prepare assessment tools

 Instructions for the learner to be given orally
 Students can refer to anchor charts, word lists, personal dictionaries and
posters in the classroom.

Conducting the assessment

1. At this level, all instructions should be given verbally with visual support (may be
written on the board). The assessor should explain that the purpose of the activity is
to check that the student can: use and respond to basic greetings, give basic
personal information and make and respond to short simple, highly predictable
requests for basic personal information.
2. Tell the students what support is available to them: access to teacher, use of
personal dictionaries
3. Read the worksheet with the student. Clarify any meanings.
4. Role play tasks 1 and 2 may be conducted on separate occasions.
5. Teacher/Assessor asks the student the questions and records their answers onto
the worksheet.
6. Provide verbal feedback to the student on their performance
7. Assessment to be kept by the assessor in the student’s folio
8. This process can be repeated to verify learner language.

Assessor Guide
22483VIC Course in EAL
VU22586 – Communicate basic personal details and needs
October 2018
Version 1
P a g e 2 | 12
Marking the assessment
 Suggested answers are included in the marking guide. This is to be used as a
guide only, as answers may vary slightly depending on the students’ life
experiences. Consideration of students’ class days should also be taken into
 All questions must be answered correctly in order to demonstrate
competence in the unit.

Assessor Guide
22483VIC Course in EAL
VU22586 – Communicate basic personal details and needs
October 2018
Version 1
P a g e 3 | 12
Task 1- Knowledge questions
Student Instructions

Today your speaking and listening will be assessed.

You will talk with your teacher.
You will be assessed by how clearly you have spoken and how well
you have covered the questions on the task sheet.

Task 1
 Read through your task sheet with your teacher (assessor).
 Ask any questions if you do not understand.
 Answer all the questions your teacher will ask you.
 You may use your dictionary or your notes.
 You have to finish this task in class.
 You can appeal the assessment decision according to the Comm Unity Plus
Student Complaints and Appeals Policy.

Teacher to explain the scenario:

You can’t go to class because you have an appointment with Centrelink. Ring the
office and tell them about it. You also want the teacher to know you will be away.
They will ask you about your class, teacher, address and telephone number. If you
don’t understand the questions please ask them to repeat or to speak slowly.
They will ask you to repeat if they don’t understand you.

Answers will vary.

School (Teacher) Learner Satisfactory / Not Yet


1. Good morning, Greet – hello this is Amy

commUnity+, Zana Introduce yourself – My
name is Amy

Assessor Guide
22483VIC Course in EAL
VU22586 – Communicate basic personal details and needs
October 2018
Version 1
P a g e 4 | 12
2. How can I help you? Explain situation – I have a
Centrelink appointment so
I can’t come to class

3. Who is your Provide the name – My

teacher? teacher’s name is Jenny.

4. What days do you Give the days - Monday

come to class? and Tuesday

5. So you can’t come Explain why you can’t

to school tomorrow? come to school tomorrow–
I’m sorry I have a
Centrelink appointment
tomorrow and I can’t
come to school.

6. What is your phone Provide number and

number and the address – answers will vary.

How do you spell

the street name? Answers will vary

7. Is there anything Use polite forms and ask

Assessor Guide
22483VIC Course in EAL
VU22586 – Communicate basic personal details and needs
October 2018
Version 1
P a g e 5 | 12
else you need help them to inform your
with? teacher – Could you
please let your teacher
know that you can’t come
Thank you for to class on Monday.

8. End the call Thank the receptionist and

appropriately say goodbye – Thank you
for your help. Goodbye.

Question 9: If you don’t understand something, what do you say?


Feedback and Comments:

Satisfactory More evidence required

signature: _______________________ Date: _________________________

signature: _______________________ Date: _________________________

Assessor Guide
22483VIC Course in EAL
VU22586 – Communicate basic personal details and needs
October 2018
Version 1
P a g e 6 | 12
Task 2 – Written Activities

Instructions for Assessors

Setting up the assessment task

 Inform the students that you will be assessing their speaking and listening skills
for this unit
 This assessment will include some verbal questioning from the assessor who
will record student’s answers. This recording will be done in writing.
 Prepare the students with similar activities and tasks prior to assessing
 Assessors will make any reasonable adjustments to the task as required i.e.
enlarge task for a student with a visual impairment

• Copies of the assessment task

Prepare assessment tools

 Instructions for the learner to be given orally
 Students can refer to anchor charts, word lists, personal dictionaries and
posters in the classroom.

Conducting the assessment

1. At this level, all instructions should be given verbally with visual support (may be
written on the board). The assessor should explain that the purpose of the activity is
to check that the student can: use and respond to basic greetings, make and
respond to introductions, make and respond to inquiries about personal information
and interests, give simple explanations, make and respond to requests for repetition
or clarification use simple closings and polite closings.
2. Tell the students what support is available to them: access to teacher, use of
personal dictionaries
3. Read the worksheet with the student. Clarify any meanings.
4. Role play tasks 1 and 2 may be conducted on separate occasions.
5. Teacher/Assessor asks the student the questions and records their answers onto
the worksheet.
6. Provide verbal feedback to the student on their performance
7. Assessment to be kept by the assessor in the student’s folio
8. This process can be repeated to verify learner language.

Assessor Guide
BSB30115 – Certificate III in Business
BSBFLM303 – Contribute to effective workplace relationships
November 2018
Version 1
P a g e 7 | 12
Marking the assessment
 Suggested answers are included in the marking guide. This is to be used as a
guide only, as answers may vary slightly depending on the students’ life
experiences. Consideration of students’ class days should also be taken into
 All questions must be answered correctly in order to demonstrate
competence in the unit.

Assessor Guide
22483VIC Course in EAL
VU22586 – Communicate basic personal details and needs
October 2018
Version 1
P a g e 8 | 12
Task 2 – Written Activities
Student Instructions

Today your speaking and listening will be assessed.

You will talk with your teacher.
You will be assessed by how clearly you have spoken and how well
you have covered the questions on the task sheet.

Task 2
 Read through your task sheet with your teacher (assessor).
 Ask any questions if you do not understand.
 Answer all the questions your teacher will ask you.
 You may use your dictionary or your notes.
 You have to finish this task in class.
 You can appeal the assessment decision according to the Comm Unity Plus
Student Complaints and Appeals Policy.

Teacher to explain the scenario:

A new student started class today. Introduce yourself to him/her and find out as
much information about him/her as possible: his/her background, family, what he or
she likes/ doesn’t like. Tell him/her about yourself and why you came to Australia. If
you don’t understand, ask for repetition. Tell the new student about the kitchen and
the other important things in the building.

Answers will vary. Student “New student”- teacher

1. Use greetings Welcome. Good morning.

Good morning, how are How is it going? I’m good, how are you?
you? I’m good thank you.

2. Makes and responds My name is Sam. What is My name is Thanh.

to introductions your name?
My name is… What is your
name? This is my friend… Thanh, this is my friend, Nice to meet you Kim.

Assessor Guide
22483VIC Course in EAL
VU22586 – Communicate basic personal details and needs
October 2018
Version 1
P a g e 9 | 12
Answers will vary. Student “New student”- teacher

3. Inquire about Where are you from I am from Vietnam and

personal information Thanh? now I live in St Albans.
and interests
Country Do you have any family in Yes, I am married and
Family Australia? have one daughter. My
parents and brother live in
Australia too.

Yes, I have two boys.

Inquire about personal
I live in Deer Park.
information and interests Do you have kids?
Suburb Yes, I like Deer Park.
Where do you live?

Do you like living there?

4. Respond to inquiries Is this your first time No, I have studied in

about personal studying? Vietnam. How long have
information and you studied here, Sam?
I have studied here for one
I like… year. Do you like soccer, Sam?

Yes, I really like soccer. We

should play soccer
together after class.

5. Give simple Why did you come to I came to Australia

explanation Australia Thanh? because my family
already lived in Australia.
Why did you come to
Australia, … ? Yes, I like living in Australia
My family lives in Australia because my family is here Do you like living in
so I came. and because I have a Australia, Sam?
Assessor Guide
22483VIC Course in EAL
VU22586 – Communicate basic personal details and needs
October 2018
Version 1
P a g e 10 | 12
Answers will vary. Student “New student”- teacher

good life here.

6. Use and respond to Do you know where the No, I don’t know. Where is
simple questions to kitchen is? the kitchen, Sam?
make requests or
The kitchen is at the end of
the hallway. Turn left, walk
straight ahead then turn
left again at the end of the

7. Respond to requests Yes, the kitchen is at the I’m sorry could you explain
for repetition or end of the hallway. Turn that again, please?
clarification left, walk straight ahead
then turn left again at the
Explain again where the
end of the hallway.
kitchen is.

8. Respond to requests Come with me and I can Great, thank you. That
for repetition or show you where kitchen way?
clarification is….
Come with me and I’ll
show you where kitchen
is… Are the bathrooms near
Yes. The bathrooms are the kitchen?
near the kitchen.

9. Use simple closings I am glad you are in our Me, too. Thank you for
and polite language class Thanh. showing me around today.
Have a good day. See you
Assessor Guide
22483VIC Course in EAL
VU22586 – Communicate basic personal details and needs
October 2018
Version 1
P a g e 11 | 12
Answers will vary. Student “New student”- teacher

tomorrow! You’re welcome. Bye, Sam. Have a good

day. See you tomorrow.
Bye, I will see you in class

Feedback and Comments:

Satisfactory More evidence required

signature: _________________________ Date: _________________________

signature: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Policy Information

Results of assessment must be recorded and stored according to the Comm Unity
Plus Assessment Policy
Assessment appeals must be dealt with according to the Comm Unity Plus Student
Complaints and Appeals Policy
Student feedback must be provided according to the Student Feedback and
Progress Policy
All other assessment related issues can be found in the Comm Unity Plus Assessment

Assessor Guide
22483VIC Course in EAL
VU22586 – Communicate basic personal details and needs
October 2018
Version 1
P a g e 12 | 12

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