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If we meet at 9:30, we (to

have) plenty of time.
2. Lisa would find the milk if she (to
look) in the fridge.
3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a
fine if she (to feed) the animals.
4. If you spoke louder, your
classmates (to understand) you.
5. Dan (to arrive) safe if
he drove slowly.
6. You (to have) no trouble at school
if you had done your homework.
Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was
7. If you (to swim) in this lake, you'll inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters.
shiver from cold. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock because
8. The door will unlock if you (to of flood. He prayed to God for help or his family would
press) the green button. die of starvation.
Few days later, an old man with long grey beard,
9. If Mel (to ask) her teacher, he'd passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a
have answered her questions. goose and said, “I don’t have any expensive thing to
10. I (to call) the office if give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your
I was/were you. hardship.”
A week later to almost surprise the farmer found an egg
in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden
One day, a hound dog went hunting by himself in the egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
woods. He saw a rabbit in the bush and chased him out Thereafter, his livelihood rapidly improved, but the
into an open. The rabbit ran. The dog followed. The farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became
rabbit ran around trees and through an open field. lazy, arrogant and spenthrifty.
When the dog began to be tired, the rabbit, with its last Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six
energy, jumped into the bush and disappeared. months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and
As the dog turned back home, a goat herder who had slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of
seen the chase smiled at him saying, “Why did you let golden eggs inside its stomach.
that rabbit go?” Though he was very regretted for his foolishness, it’s
“You forget,” replied the tired dog, “I was only running already too late.
for my dinner. He was running for his life!” 4. What is the text about?
1. The story tells us about how……save his a. A farmer who was saved by a goose
precious life. b. A goose which brought farmer’s hardship
a. the hound dog c. An old man who helped a a golden goose
b. the poor rabbit d. A golden egg which saved an old man
c. the rabbit’s friend 5. The story happened…..
d. the goat herder a. In a remote village
2. The story happened…. b. In all countries
a. on an open field c. In unknown country
b. behind the bush d. In the paddy-field
c. around trees 6. What can you learn from the above story?
d. in the woods a. People often regret because of misfortune.
3. What can you learn from the above story? b. It is useless to regret what happened.
a. People should protect endagered rabbits c. We should feel sorry for anything that
b. A big and strong hound dog is the best man’s friend d. Regrets will help people to overcome their problem.
c. We should have a dog to chase any dangerous
d. One should make any possible efforts to safe his or
her life

A street sweeper was doing his job when he came

across some money lying on the ground. He decided to
use it to buy a present for his little daughter. He bought
a jar of honey, rushed home and left it on the table, so
that his daughter would find it as soon as she came 3. What shall we do today?____________________ we
from school. But, alas, it was the flies that ate the go to the library.
honey. a. Shall I
The sweeper was so angry that he went to ask the judge b. Let's
to give orders for the flies to be arrested and c. Why don't
condemned to death. d. Would you
“You are aboslutly right,” smiled the judge, “but as you 4. ____________________ like a cup of coffee?
well understand, we cannot mobilize the army against a. Can I
these rascals. We shall see justice done in another way. b. I'll do
Everytime you see a fly, strike it down. I authorize you c. Would you
to execute them by yourself. Furthermore, I demand d. Should I
personally that you do not allow even a single one of 5. ____________________ the washing , if you like.
these thieving flies to escape.” a. Can I
“Yes, your honor. You can count on me,” the sweeper b. Would you
assured him. c. I'll do
At that very moment, a fly decided to settle on the d. Let's
judge’s head and the sweeper did not hesitate; he raised 6. Edo: “I have a lot of work to finish; I don't know
his brush and brought it crashing down on the judge’s how I will manage. “
head. The guards were about to arrest him, when the Sam: ____________________ half of it if you want.
judge recovered and intervened. “Leave him be,” he a. Would you
ordered. “he has taught me not to say foolish to b. I think
simpletons.” c. Why don't
7. What is the text about? d. I will help you with
a. The street sweeter and the jungle. 7. Carly: “I submitted my essay to the teacher few days
b. The flies and the rascals. ago, but I haven't received any response from her.”
c. The guards and their masters. Edo:____________________ go and ask her?
d. The court and the simpleton. a. Shall us
8. The text shows that the street sweeper……the flies b. I'll do
much. c. Why don't you
a. liked d. I propose
b. loved 8. ____________________ get you a drink?
c. envied a. Would you
d. hated b. Why don't you
9. “…….so that his daughter would find it as soon as c. Can I
she came home from school”. What does the word “it” d. I'll do
in the sentence refer to? 9. Aisya: “ I am so thirsty.”
a. The honey Annie: ____________________ get you something to
b. The money drink?
c. The fly a. How about
d. The jar b. What about
10. What is the moral value of the story? c. Why don't
a. There is no justice for foolish people. d. Can I
b. It is dangerous to talk to street sweepers. 10. ____________________ like me to clean your car?
c. A Judge should be more careful with his or her a. How about
words. b. Let's
d. We must be careful with stupid persons in this life. c. Would you
d. I think

1. Hey Siti, ____________________ go star gazing

a. are you
b. how about
c. shall them
d. would you like to
2. Sam: “Would you like to go watch a movie this
weekend? “
Carly: “I can't, I am low on cash right now.”
____________________ stay at home and watch TV
a. How about
b. Let's
c. What about
d. I think

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