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F’s 2nd Grade

November 26, 2018

This Week
We are in Unit 3 of our math standards.
Student Days Please make sure your child returns their
graphic organizer from your Thanksgiving
. Homework
December 17-
January 1-Winter Every year, we hold a book gift exchange -Read at least
Recess for the holidays. If you would like to participate I encour-
age you to order through Amazon as soon as possible. 20 minutes per
The theme for this year is pop-up books. You can order
“used” that are in excellent condition inexpensively. If
you are unable to participate then please let me know
ASAP so that I can order a book for you.
-10 minutes of
Our class would like to make Ginger Bread Houses this
year but we will need your help. If you would like to do-
nate materials or supplies please email me ASAP! AKA

Specials’ Schedule

Day 1 - PE
Day 2 - HN
Day 3 - ART
Day 4 - FLES
Day 5– MUSIC

Daily Schedule
Lunch –12:00-12:45
Specials - 8:55-9:40
Thursdays– Lunch -
Specials-8:45-9:20 Reminders
Additional FLES-  Please review the lunch menu with your child daily.
Day 2 8:05-8:50  Water bottles
 Snack should be sent in everyday.

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