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Grade 7&8 Physical and 

Health education  

Unit two: the beautiful game 

A e ective team is dynamic in nature, 

constantly changing and adapting to 
di erent situations. 
Statement of Inquiry: 

A effective team is  dynamic  in nature, 
constantly  changing  and  adapting  to 
different situations. 
Key Concept  Related  Global 
Concepts  Context 
Change - Change is a  Space: students will be  Globalisation and 
transformation or movement  exploring how “space” can be  Sustainability: the 
from one state to another. In  created, used, taken, won  interconnectedness of 
the context of this unit  and lost. How the playing  systems. In the context of this 
students will be exploring  field can be divided into  unit, will define a sustainable 
how a team transforms  di erent areas, with  system as one that can 
between defensive and  responsibilities to defend and  successfully meet its 
o ensive modes.  attack in those spaced  objectives. Furthermore, we 
  assigned to di erent players.  will investigate how a system 
System: Systems are sets of  needs all its components 
interacting components that  function as a whole if it is to 
form a whole. A team will rely  be sustainable.  
on multiple systems to   
provide the structure and   
processes needed in order to 
function e ectively. E ective 
game play relies on 
participants’ understanding 
  of multiple systems. 
  Function: A function is the 
role that something is 
  specifically designed for or 
used to do.  
Adaptation: Adaptation is 
the adjustment or changing 
of a strategy to meet the   
needs of a situation or 
application. In the context of 
this unit it relates to how to 
  adapt if a player is sent o  
or gets injured, if a team falls 
behind or wants to project a 
lead in a game. 

Lines of Inquiry 
● How can we describe the formation of 
a team? 
● What is meant by the terms 
o ensive/defensive roles? 
● What are some of the most common 
roles in a football match? 
● Why is it important for a team to be 
dynamic by nature? 
● What is the chemistry of a good team? 
● A good team will always beat a team of champions. Explain why. 
● What is the strongest formation for a 6-a-side football team? 
● Your team is 1-0 up with 5 minutes to play, do you defend your lead or go for a second 
goal? Explain.   

Reflection Skills  Collaboration Skills 
➔ Identify strengths and weaknesses of  ➔ Help others to succeed 
di erent systems/formations  ➔ Take responsibility for one's own 
➔ Keep a journal to record reflections  actions 
  ➔ Manage and resolve conflict and work 
collaboratively in teams 
➔ Build consensus 
➔ Listen actively to other perspectives 
and ideas 
➔ Negotiate e ectively 
➔ Exercise leadership and take on a 
variety of roles within groups 

Corner Kick:  The basic skill of advancing the ball with the feet while controlling it, 
keeping it 12-14 inches in front of you. 

Direct Kick:  A ball that is dropped on the ground by the goalie and kicked just 
after it bounces. 

Dribbling:  When a player kicks the ball to his teammate; used to move the ball 
closer to the opposing goal, to keep the ball away from an opponent 
or to give the ball to a player who is in a better position to score. 

Drop Ball:  The football is dropped between two opponents who try to gain 
possession of the ball after it touches the ground. 

Dropkick (punt):  Technique used to gain possession and control of the ball. Usually 
accomplished by the goal of the foot, thigh, or chest. 

Goal Kick:  Keeping a ball in the air with any part of the body besides the hands 
or arms; used for practice and developing coordination. 

Heading:  A free kick from which a goal cannot be scored unless touched by 
another player. 

Indirect Kick:  To put he ball in play from the touchline by a two-hand overhead 

Juggling:  A free kick from which a goal may be scored directly. 

Passing:  The striking of a ball in the air by a player's head. 

Throw-in:  A restart after the ball crosses the opponent's goal line when last 
touched by the opponent. 

Trapping:  When the o ensive team kicks the ball out of bounds over the end 
line but doesn't go into the goal. Defensive team places the ball in 
goal area and (usually goalie) takes a kick. 


From Ask4Sports 

From 5-a-Side 

Grade 7 Objectives: 
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding 
1. Outline physical health education-related factual, procedural and conceptual 
2. Identify physical and health education knowledge to describe issues and solve problems 
set in familiar and unfamiliar situations. 
3. Apply physical and health terminology to communicate understanding. 
Criterion C: applying and performing 
1. Recall and apply a range of skills and techniques e ectively. 
2. Recall and apply a range of strategies and movement concepts. 
3. Recall and apply information to perform e ectively. 
Grade 8 Objectives: 
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding 
1. Describe physical health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge. 
2. Apply physical and health education knowledge to explain issues and solve problems set 
in familiar and unfamiliar situations. 
3. Apply physical and health terminology e ectively to communicate understanding. 
Criterion C: applying and performing 
1. Demonstrate and apply a range of skills and techniques. 
2. Demonstrate and apply a range of strategies and movement concepts. 
3. Outline and apply information to perform e ectively. 

Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding 
Will be assessed with an in-class written test. Questions will be structured around the 4 related 
concepts for the unit (space, system, function, adaptation). 
Questions will be stagnated according to the level bands. 
● Level 1-2: identifying positions on the field 
● Level 3-4: being able to describe the o ensive and defensive roles of player 
● Level 5-6: watch a video and analyse the performance of the marked player 
● Level 7-8: responses to how a team adapts to unusual situations (player gets sent 
o /injured) 
Criterion C - Applying and Performing 

Students will be asked to apply the skills, strategies and formations learnt during the course of 
the unit in match play situations. Students will be assessed for: 
● Ability to move to the appropriate spaces on and o the ball 
● O ensive play: 
○ passing the ball quickly 
○ long and short passes 
○ pass and play 
○ staying spread out 
● Defensive play: 
○ Staying goalside of opponent 
○ Cutting o opponent’s o ensive paths 
○ Shielding an opponent away from dangerous paths 
○ Anticipating opportunities to intercept a pass  
● Transitional play: player is able to e ectively move between defensive and o ensive 
● Player can operate successfully in a number of di erent positions 


(n.d.). Retrieved from 

(n.d.). Retrieved from 

O., Z., Sultanov, A., D., P., M., & U Dont Know. (2014, November 24). 6-a-side Formations – 

Winning Tactics. Retrieved from   

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