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Lesson Plan Template

School: Sas Alnakhal school Date: 5, Nov ,2018

PST: Shamsa Saleh Time: 8:20 – 9:05

MST: Neroshni Ellapa Unit: Our Neighborhood Story

Class: Number
3A 24

ADEC Learning Outcome: Include the L.O. code and words.

By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to…

 use adjectives to describe physical appearance and personality

characteristics in a written fact-file.

Prior Knowledge: What knowledge are you building on?

 Adjectives like happy, funny, grumpy, scary, wise, good, bad, lazy, character, describe

Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound
By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to:

• To identify physical and personality characteristics in storybook characters. 

• To create a unique character for a story they will co- write in the future .

Lesson Activities: What will students do in the lesson?

 Each group will get a picture of a famous cartoon character

ex: (Batman, the hulk, gumball, Micky mouse, Superman, Spiderman).

 Group members have to describe the character using adjectives.

 They will have to write the name of the character on the paper. 

 What does (character name) look like?

 What is (character name) like?

(they can use the adjectives on the board to help them describe the character)

 Group leaders will present the work of the group in front of the class.

Example or the group worksheet

 As induvial work students, should create their own story character.
 They will have induvial worksheet in the worksheet they will have to choose a
name for their character and the age for the character.
 They will have to write a short description of their character (physical and
personality characteristics). 

 They will have to draw and color the character.

Example or the worksheet

Example of the student work.

 I will end the lesson by allowing students to present their work in front of the class.

Evaluation / Assessment: How will you know your students have achieved the goal?

 Students will be able to create their own story character.

 They will be able to write a short description of their character (physical and personality

Personal focus: Related to PDP

In this lesson, I will try to improve my managing skill in the classroom.

In this lesson, I will use clapping technique to manage the classroom.

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