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o Helps regulate ‘homeostasis’ and integrates all body activities by sensing

changes (sensory), interpreting them (integrative) and reacting to them (motor).
o The seat of all mental activity, including – consciousness, memory and thinking.

1. Received sensory input from internal and external environment
2. Integration (Integrate the input)
3. Respond to stimuli

Neurology – the branch of medical science that deals with the study of normal
functioning and disorders of the nervous system.

Divisions of Nervous system

I. Central Nervous System – consists of brain and spinal cord
II. Peripheral Nervous System – lies outside the CNS, consists of nerves
and ganglia


A. Brain
o The adult human brain weighs about 1.3kg body weight, constitutes 2% of total
body wt.
o It is a mass of pinkish grey, jelly like tissue made up of approximately 1billion
neurons and neuroglia.
o It is the control center for all body activities and human emotions

Divisions of the brain:

1. cerebrum (brain)
2. cerebellum (little brain)
3. brainstem – continuation of spinal cord
4. diencephalons (twixtbrain)

1. Cerebrum:
o the largest part of the brain, constitutes 85% of total brain weight
o it is divided into 2 right and left cerebral hemispheres by longitudinal fissure,
connected from 1 another by a commissural fiber known as the corpus callosum.
o The dorso-lateral surfaces are marked by elevations called ‘gyri’ and
depressions called ‘sulci’, deeper depressions are called fissures.

Lobes of the brain
1. Frontal lobe – largest lobe, involved in the control of voluntary motor functions,
motivation, mood, and aggression.
- center for higher faculties, contains the ‘brocas area’ (motor speech area).
2. Parietal lobe – principal center for reception and perception of most sensory
information – touch, pain, temperature, balances, etc.
3. Temporal lobe – involved in olfactory (smell), auditory (hearing), and taste
- involved in memory, abstract thinking, and judgment
- consists the ‘wernickes area’ (center for language understanding)
4. Occipital lobe – for the reception and perception of the visual input

2. Cerebellum:
o the 2nd largest part of the brain
o divided into 2 lateral cerebellar hemispheres connected by a white fiber called
o attached to the brainstem by ‘cerebellar peduncle’
o composed of white mater (arbor vitae) and
grey mater.

Functions: (Cerebellum)
1. maintenance of muscle tone
2. coordination of muscle movement
3. equilibrium

3. Brainstem:
o the most primitive part of the brain
o responsible for sustaining the basic
functions of life.

Parts of the brainstem

1. Medulla oblongata – stalk-like and most inferior portion that serves as a direct
of the spinal cord. It extends from the level of foramen magnum to
the pons
o contains 3 vital reflex centers :
a. cardiac – regulates heart beat,
b. respiratory – regulates breathing, and
c. vasomotor – regulates blood pressure

2. Pons – a bridge like structure found immediately superior to medulla oblongata

o serves as a passageway for all the nerve fibers coming from and to the
o control functions such as chewing and salivation

3. Midbrain – the most superior and smallest portion of the brainstem, serves to
connect the
forebrain with the hindbrain.

o consists of corpora quadrigemina (colliculi) that controls the visual and
auditory reflexes.
a. superior colliculi – controls visual reflexes
b. inferior colliculi – controls auditory reflexes

4. Diencephalon :
o situated at the ventro-medial portion of the cerebrum

Parts of diencephalons:
1. Thalamus – largest part and shaped like a yoyo, a major relay center, it
influences mood and registers an unlocalized, uncomfortable perception of pain
2. Epithalamus – a small area, superior and posterior to thalamus; involved in
emotional and visceral response to odors.
3. Hypothalamus – the most inferior part of the diencephalons and important in
maintaining homeostasis; plays a central role in the control of body temperature,
hunger and thirst, sensations such as sexual pleasure, fear and rage.

B. Spinal Cord
o a 45cm cord like structure located within the vertebral column
o -It extends from the base of the skull to the 2nd lumbar vertebrae

1. Important conduction pathway for ascending and descending nerve fibers from
and to the brain.
2. Important center for reflexes; ex. Stretch and withdrawal reflexes


Components of PNS:

1. Spinal nerves
- Categorized by the region of the vertebral column from which they
- Organized into 3 plexuses: cervical, brachial, and lumbo-sacral
- Serves the sensory and motor functions of chest, trunk and extremities.
2. Cranial nerves
- Designated by roman numerals from I-XII.
- Serves the sensory and motor functions of the head
- I, II, VIII are purely sensory in functions
- V, VII, IX, X are mixed in functions
- III, IV, VI, XI, XII, are motor in function
The 12 Cranial Nerves:

Number Cranial nerve Gen. Function Specific Function

I Olfactory Sensory Smell

II Optic Sensory Vision

III Oculomotor Motor Controls movement of eye

IV Trochlear Motor Controls movement of eye

V Trigeminal Mixed Sensory – sensation of face

Motor – for mastication

VI Abducens Motor Eye movement

VII Facial Mixed Sensory – for taste

Motor – facial expressions

VIII Auditory Sensory Cochlear – hearing

Vestibular – balance

IX Glossophayryngeal Mixed Sensory – for taste

Motor – swallowing and
secretion of saliva

X Vagus Mixed Sensory – pharynx, larynx,

Motor – palate, pharynx, larynx

XI Spinal Accessory Motor neck and upper back muscles

XII Hypoglossal Motor Tongue muscles for speech


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