Activity-Based Costing: A Practical Model For Cost Calculation in Radiotherapy

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Activity-based costing: A practical model for

cost calculation in radiotherapy

Article in International Journal of Radiation OncologyBiologyPhysics · November 2003

DOI: 10.1016/S0360-3016(03)00579-0 · Source: PubMed


102 463

3 authors, including:

Katrien Kesteloot
Universitair Ziekenhuis Leuven


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Katrien Kesteloot
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 11 October 2016
Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 522–535, 2003
Copyright © 2003 Elsevier Inc.
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0360-3016/03/$–see front matter


CLINICAL INVESTIGATION Radiation Oncology Practice



*Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; †University Hospitals Leuven and Center for
Health Services and Nursing Research, KU Leuven, Belgium

Purpose: The activity-based costing method was used to compute radiotherapy costs. This report describes the
model developed, the calculated costs, and possible applications for the Leuven radiotherapy department.
Methods and Materials: Activity-based costing is an advanced cost calculation technique that allocates resource
costs to products based on activity consumption. In the Leuven model, a complex allocation principle with a large
diversity of cost drivers was avoided by introducing an extra allocation step between activity groups and
activities. A straightforward principle of time consumption, weighed by some factors of treatment complexity,
was used. The model was developed in an iterative way, progressively defining the constituting components (costs,
activities, products, and cost drivers).
Results: Radiotherapy costs are predominantly determined by personnel and equipment cost. Treatment-related
activities consume the greatest proportion of the resource costs, with treatment delivery the most important
component. This translates into products that have a prolonged total or daily treatment time being the most
costly. The model was also used to illustrate the impact of changes in resource costs and in practice patterns.
Conclusion: The presented activity-based costing model is a practical tool to evaluate the actual cost structure of
a radiotherapy department and to evaluate possible resource or practice changes. © 2003 Elsevier Inc.

Radiotherapy, Cost calculation, Activity-based costing.

INTRODUCTION cost of other activities within the RT process, such as

planning or fixation. In practice, this is usually not the
Radiotherapy costs
case, hence the cost of the different steps should ideally
Although the importance of accurate cost data has
be calculated separately (3).
gradually become recognized by the medical profession
and more specifically by radiation oncologists, literature Because they are easy to obtain, charges (i.e., patient
data on the cost of radiotherapy (RT) activities and bills), whether or not adapted by cost/charge ratios (9, 10),
products are scarce and often contradictory (1–3). Al- are frequently used as proxies for resource cost. The same
though part of the literature analyzed the costs of specific goes for reimbursement data of RT. Although it is theoret-
aspects of the RT process, most efforts have focused on ically possible that charges or reimbursement for a given
the cost of RT delivery—the cost per patient visit (or procedure are an accurate measure of its actual resource
fraction), extrapolated to a global RT treatment cost cost, this is rarely the case in reality because of historical
(2– 8). Because of differences in methods, included cost and political factors, government regulations, budget con-
components and RT activities, and health care systems, straints, and market forces (11).
these studies yielded considerable variation in computed In view of producing more accurate resource cost esti-
costs, rendering the comparison of the results unreliable mates, health care organizations have started to invest in
(1, 3). Moreover, most of these approaches calculated the more sophisticated cost-accounting systems capable of pro-
average costs; total treatment costs were obtained by ducing activity- or product-specific cost data (12). Activity-
multiplying the average cost per fraction by the number based costing (ABC) is a cost-accounting system that allo-
of fractions typically given for each type of treatment. cates the resource costs to the products using a multistep
This method may, however, not give a good representa- allocation procedure on the basis of activity consumption.
tion of the consequences of fractionation changes on This article describes the development and application of
resource consumption (2), because it implicitly assumes a such an ABC system for the RT department of the Leuven
stable relationship between the cost per fraction and the University Hospital.

Reprint requests to: Yolande Lievens, Ph.D., Department of E-mail:

Radiotherapy, University Hospitals Leuven, Herestraat 49, Leuven Received Oct 29, 2002, and in revised form Apr 17, 2003.
3000 Belgium. Tel: 0032 16 347600; Fax: 0032 16 347623; Accepted for publication Apr 23, 2003.

ABC in radiotherapy ● Y. LIEVENS, W. VAN DEN BOGAERT, and K. KESTELOOT 523

activities. The improved insights in the (cost) structure of

products and of departments supports continuous process
improvements, referred to as activity-based management
The potential drawback of ABC systems lies in the time
and resource consumption associated with the development
and management of such complex cost-accounting tech-
niques. Because the precision of an ABC model depends
critically on the level of detail of its constituting compo-
nents, an appropriate choice of this level of detail is crucial.
If the process analysis or the product definition is not
detailed enough (aggregation), the obtained cost per product
will not be considered relevant because of a lack of speci-
ficity. Conversely, if too many (sub)activities and products
are defined (disaggregation), the whole calculation process
becomes too complex and difficult to perform, which in turn
translates into a greater workload and associated cost in the
development phase, as well as during routine use, of the
The difficulty in designing a good cost system thus lies in
Fig. 1. ABC schematic.
achieving a model that is easy and economic to maintain yet
does not introduce excessive distortions (16). We describe
Activity-based costing the way in which this was approached in the Leuven radio-
In an era of rapidly increasing production complexity, therapy department.
product size, and volume diversification, ABC was devel-
oped as a response to the shortcomings of traditional cost
accounting methods.
Whereas the latter focus on the products and directly Development of an ABC system for the Leuven
assign resource costs (e.g., wages, equipment) to the prod- radiotherapy department
ucts on the basis of the assumption that each product con- The described cost-accounting model was developed for
sumes a certain amount of these resources, ABC (Fig. 1) the Leuven radiotherapy department using the product and
focuses on the activities (13–15). More specifically, the activity data of 2000. In 2000, the department delivered
assignment of costs through ABC occurs in two stages: cost 1769 external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) courses, operated
objects (i.e., services or products) consume activities, activ- with four treatment machines (linear accelerators, of which
ities consume (resource) costs. In practice, this means that one was a multileaf collimator [MLC]) and two simulators.
the indirect costs are allocated to the products on the basis The personnel working in the department consisted of 11
of the activities consumed within the production process full-time equivalent (FTE) radiation oncologists (5.5 FTE
(e.g., medical wage costs are allocated to different activities staff members, 5.5 FTE residents), 29.13 FTE paramedical
such as simulation or follow-up) using “first-stage cost staff, and 3.47 FTE administrative staff.
drivers.” The further allocation of the costs of activities to The ABC program of the Leuven radiotherapy depart-
the products is performed in a second step using “second- ment was developed in an iterative way by progressively
stage cost drivers.” Traditional approaches use only a few defining its components. Because the main incentive of this
(mostly volume-based) cost drivers. In ABC, a large num- exercise was to gain insight into the cost structure of the
ber of diverse cost drivers may be used, reflecting the Leuven radiotherapy department and to obtain accurate cost
relation between the resource costs and activities and be- estimates of the delivered radiation treatments for additional
tween the activities and products. use in management applications and for economic evalua-
The practical scheme that underlies this stepwise alloca- tions, a detailed approach was necessary.
tion, and thus the constituting components (i.e., costs, ac- The different allocation steps defined within the devel-
tivities, products, and cost drivers), is, however, unique for oped model are schematically shown in Fig. 2. Specific to
each specific situation. this model is that a distinction was made between the
The major advantage of ABC lies in a more accurate cost different levels of activities: (1) activity groups were de-
computation, especially in situations in which product di- fined as the global amount of a certain activity (e.g., simu-
versity is important and in which the indirect costs, not lation) and included all the specific activities incorporated
directly traceable to the products, represent an important into this group; and (2) specific activities represent activities
proportion of the total costs. linked to a specific product (e.g., simulation of a tangential
Additionally, ABC also allows an in-depth product anal- breast irradiation).
ysis by explaining the relationship between the products and The definition of two activity levels translated into the
524 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 57, Number 2, 2003

Fig. 2. ABC in Leuven radiotherapy department: allocation steps.

vast majority of the costs (wage, equipment, and space, all After having performed all described allocations, the
indirect costs) being allocated using a three-step procedure. global cost of the product equals the sum of the wage,
As is common practice in ABC, the first-stage cost drivers equipment, and space (treatment-related) activity costs, the
allocated the resource costs to the activity groups. The specific material cost, and the allocated proportion of the
second step, using second-stage cost drivers, allocated the overhead costs.
costs of these various activity groups to the specific activ- Within the development of the ABC model, the costs,
ities. It was only in the third step that the costs were activities, products, and cost drivers were progressively
allocated to the products. In this final step toward the defined. This resulted in a large data set. To link these
calculation of the (treatment-related) product costs, the ac- data— using the defined allocation principles and cost driv-
tivity costs per product were added. Moreover, multiplica- ers and with the aim of calculating the RT product costs—a
tion factors (or third-stage cost drivers), accounting for the computer program was developed using Microsoft Excel
complexity of the treatments (i.e., the number of fractions software. The consecutive Excel files, mirroring the ABC
and number of fields), were introduced in this step. structure, are presented in Table 1.
A very complex allocation principle with a large diversity
of cost drivers could be avoided by introducing an extra Costs
allocation step between activity groups and activities. The All cost inputs (Table 2) used in the ABC program were
straightforward principle of time consumption, weighed by obtained from the Leuven University Hospital in 2000 and
some factors of treatment complexity, was used instead. expressed in Euro (€). The actual costs were used for all
A few cost components were not allocated to the products resources; for the durable inputs, equivalent annual costs
following this stepwise allocation procedure. Part of the were calculated on the basis of the actual price or the current
material costs were defined as direct costs and therefore replacement value.
were directly assigned to the products. The overhead costs Five cost categories were defined: wage, equipment,
were treated in varying ways. Some of the so-called depart- space, material, and overhead costs.
mental support costs were related to machine maintenance On the basis of the way they are assigned, costs can be
and were therefore reallocated to the equipment costs. The divided into direct costs (directly traced to the cost objects)
remainder of the departmental support costs (e.g., research and indirect costs (not directly traceable to the cost objects,
and teaching) and the hospital support costs (e.g., general but indirectly allocated using cost drivers).
management) were allocated to the products using a param- The only direct costs within a RT process are some
eter that mimics product complexity. These overhead costs specific material costs, including the costs of fixation masks,
were not allocated through the intermediary of activity X-ray films, simulation and portal films, and the materials to
consumption but by using a complexity parameter, for produce shielding blocks. Because the use of masks is
which the number of fractions was chosen. standard for certain types of treatments, and because the
ABC in radiotherapy ● Y. LIEVENS, W. VAN DEN BOGAERT, and K. KESTELOOT 525

Table 1. Files of activity-based costing program

File group File Function

Definition files Definition costs Definition of center-specific parameters

Definition activities
Definition products
Activity group files Time activity groups Interim calculations based on defined parameters
Wage activity groups
Space activity groups
Equipment activity groups
Total activity groups
Activities file Cost activities Calculation of treatment-related unit costs
Products file Cost products Calculation of product costs

number of films used and blocks produced per type of RT is taking place in an organization, which activities are associ-
equally defined, their cost can be directly and unequivocally ated with which part of the production process, and how
traced to that specific RT treatment. these activities are linked to the consumption of resources
The vast majority of the cost inputs of a RT process and the generation of revenues.
(i.e., costs of personnel, equipment, and buildings, re- In our model, a first global distinction was made between
mainder of the material costs, and overhead costs) are two groups of activities: treatment-related activities, di-
consumed during the production of a wide range of rectly linked to the delivery of RT; and supporting activities,
different RT products. It is therefore impossible to trace supporting the production process and the department but
directly (a part of) these costs to a specific RT treatment. not linked to specific RT treatments. Figure 3 graphically
Hence, these costs were considered indirect costs and shows the further subdivision of these categories into sub-
were allocated to the RT products using cost drivers. For categories.
wage, equipment, and space costs, a stepwise allocation Treatment-related activities. Thirty treatment-related ac-
using the ABC method was used; the nonspecific material tivities (Table 3), performed in the process of delivering RT
costs and overhead costs were allocated on the basis of to patients, were defined and aggregated into four treatment-
the number of fractions. related activity subcategories:

Activities General activities: performed in each type of RT product

Activities are defined as repetitive actions performed in Product-related activities: related to certain types of RT
the production process of an organization. Because they are products
the central components of an ABC system, through which Fractionation-related activities: vary in frequency as a func-
the indirect resource costs are allocated to the products, the tion of the number of fractions delivered
first prerequisite in the development of an ABC program is Field-related activities: vary in frequency as a function of
to perform an activity analysis. This identifies all activities the number of fields delivered

Table 2. Cost categories by cost type and allocation basis

Cost category Cost input Cost type Allocation basis Amount (€)

Wage costs Reference wage costs Indirect costs Stepwise ABC 2,445,318€
Equipment Equivalent annual costs ⫹ external Indirect costs Stepwise ABC 1,444,944€
costs maintenance contracts ⫹ CRS
Space costs Equivalent annual costs Indirect costs Stepwise ABC 227,453€
Material costs Consumed materials Direct costs Direct assignment 55,863€
Indirect costs Fraction number 52,465€
Overhead costs Hospital* support Indirect costs Fraction number 604,268€
Departmental† support Indirect costs Fraction number Part of rows 1–3, 5
Total 4,830,313€

Abbreviations: ABC ⫽ activity-based costing; CRS ⫽ care-related support (see definition activities); IT ⫽ information technology; FTE
⫽ full-time equivalent.
* Contains overhead costs assigned by hospital to radiotherapy department; costs of nonassigned buildings and equipment, financial costs,
general costs, maintenance costs, and costs of energy were allocated on basis of number of square meters of department; cost of general
coordination and administration, personnel accommodation, the IT department, and industrial medicine were allocated by number of FTE
staff working in department.

Contains costs related to departmental support activities (care and non– care-related costs of wage, equipment, space and material); they
are defined within additional steps of ABC program.
526 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 57, Number 2, 2003

Fig. 3. Activity categories of RT department.

The definition of the fractionation- and field-related activi- tivities performed by personnel of the RT department,
ties was judged crucial because of the relation of these com- specific to the department but not product specific. They
ponents to the treatment complexity and the resulting cost. were further subdivided into care-related support (e.g., on-
Supporting activities. Supporting activities included de- cologic case discussions) and non– care-related support
partmental-supporting activities and hospital-supporting ac- (e.g., research and teaching).
tivities. Departmental-supporting activities were those ac- Hospital-supporting activities were those activities per-

Table 3. Treatment-related activities, aggregated into four categories and further subcategories

Category Subcategory Details

General activities First contact Status and/or

multidisciplinary consultation and/or
consultation in other department
Appointment planning
Permanence—file management
Morning discussion
Planning Basic planning and
1D planning or
2D planning or
3D planning and
supervision planning
Quality control start
Social work
Product-related activities Trial discussion
Preparation therapy Localization and
CT in RT position and
drawing target volume and
discussion of radiotherapy plan
Dietary advice
Psychological advice
Fractionation-related activities Radiotherapy delivery
Weekly follow-up
Weekly chart round
Weekly quality control
Field-related activities Blocks—bolus
In vivo dosimetry
Portal imaging
ABC in radiotherapy ● Y. LIEVENS, W. VAN DEN BOGAERT, and K. KESTELOOT 527

formed for many or all other departments in the hospital by technologists) and interviews and time calculations (for the
personnel not belonging to the RT department. Examples of other personnel categories).
such activities include general management, heating and First-stage cost drivers: allocation of resource costs to
maintenance, and information technology support. Follow- activity groups. First, wage costs were allocated to the
ing the practice in the Leuven hospital, the model allocated different activity groups on the basis of the percentage of
part of these global hospital overhead costs to the RT time spent per type of personnel to that activity (e.g.,
department on the basis of the number of FTEs and number percentage of yearly technologists’ time spent on
of square meters of space. simulation).
Non–EBRT activities. Some activities (i.e., consultations, The defined time estimates per type of personnel, per
brachytherapy, and services provided to other RT depart- activity, and per product type were used to calculate this
ments) were defined as non–EBRT activities. Because these percentage (or proportion) of time per activity group and per
were irrelevant to the cost of EBRT, they were excluded type of personnel, on the basis of the product-mix of the
from the calculation. However, because these activities year under investigation. As an example, the calculation for
partly consume the same resources as EBRT, their time (and the technologists is demonstrated (Table 4):
related resource) consumption had to be defined before
The time per activity per specific product was multiplied by
being separated from the rest of the cost calculation.
the total number of these products delivered in the year
under investigation, resulting in the summed time per
activity group
In this model, a product was defined as any type of RT.
All the times per activity group of the technologists were
Because the aim was to analyze the resource cost of the
added and augmented with the yearly technologists’ time
different radiation products delivered in the Leuven radio-
spent on care and non– care-related supporting activities
therapy department and to use these cost data in economic
and with the yearly time spent on activities not related to
evaluation studies, an aggregate product definition would
have been insufficient. A high level of detail (i.e., products
The global summation thus amounts in a total technologists’
defined as specific treatments per tumor type) was therefore
time per year, equal to 100%
With the “rule of three,” the proportion of the technologists’
The products were organized in large categories per or-
time spent to the different activity groups was then cal-
gan system (e.g., cranial RT, breast RT). Within each organ
system, further distinction was made between the different
Knowing the global technologists’ wage costs, the cost for
tumor types, closely related to the specific treatment setups.
each activity group, treatment related and supporting and
If within one tumor type, separate target volumes (e.g.,
non-EBRT activities, could then be defined
primary tumor and locoregional lymph nodes, whole organ
and boost volume) can be both irradiated concomitantly and The same approach was then repeated for the calculation of
consecutively, these different target volumes were defined the proportional time, and correlated costs, for the different
as separate products. Moreover, because the resource con- activity groups and various personnel categories. The sum-
sumption (and cost) of a target volume (e.g., locoregional mation of all the personnel costs equals the wage cost per
lymph nodes in breast cancer), irradiated separately or in activity group.
addition to another volume can differ quite substantially, This approach is especially useful for calculating the time
two different products were defined in these situations. consumption of those personnel categories that have an
Finally, several variables influencing the treatment com- irregular time schedule and/or accumulate several activities
plexity and therefore potentially also the cost, were taken within the same time slot. More importantly, it eliminates
into account: number of fractions, number of fields, and the potential problem related to the use of standard time
whether a planning CT scan and three-dimensional (3D) schedules in which the total time consumption per activity
planning was performed. group may be overestimated (in the case of incomplete
occupation of the personnel) or underestimated (in the case
Cost drivers of a higher workload than predicted on the basis of the
Cost drivers are used to allocate indirect costs to prod- available staff). Without correction, the “idle” time related
ucts. As mentioned before, our model used three, instead of to incomplete occupation would be neglected, thus under-
two, levels of cost drivers, thus replacing a large diversity of estimating the real cost. In the converse situation, an over-
cost drivers by a straightforward principle of time consump- estimation of the real cost would occur. Because the actual
tion, weighed by some factors of treatment complexity. time consumption of the investigated year was used as the
It follows that the definition of the consumed time is the calculation basis, the calculated cost was corrected for the
cornerstone of the calculation model. The time spent per productivity of the department during that year.
type of personnel for each activity and per specific product Second, space costs were allocated to the activities as a
(e.g., the technologists’ time spent on a simulation of a function of the activities taking place in the different rooms.
tangential breast irradiation) was defined on the basis of Because most rooms share their space among different
information from time slots (especially for the radiation activities (e.g., the simulation room is used for EBRT and
528 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 57, Number 2, 2003

Table 4. Detailed example of different cost calculation steps performed in allocation of wage costs (time and cost data used were those
for radiation technologists)

Level Treatment Specific time Total time/cost

Activity group
Simulation Tangential breast 80 min ⫻ 319 ⫽ 25.520 min
Bone metastases 70 min ⫻ 177 ⫽ 12.390 min
(APPA, 5 fractions)
Total … — 144,240 min ⫽ 2,404 h
Total yearly time Treatment-related
Simulation 2,404 h
RT delivery 21,170 h
… —
CRS 3.163 h
Non–CRS 2.588 h
Non-EBRT 67 h
Total 34,920 h ⫽ 100%
Proportional time
Simulation 2.404 h/34.920 h 6.88%
Total yearly wage cost
Simulation 829,994€ ⫻ 6.88% 57,139€
Proportional time
Breast simulation 80 min/144.240 min 0.555 ⫻ 10⫺3
Breast simulation 0.555 ⫻ 10⫺3 ⫻ 57.139€ 31.7€

Abbreviations: APPA ⫽ antero posterior opposed fields; RT ⫽ radiotherapy; CRS ⫽ care-related support; EBRT ⫽ external beam RT.

brachytherapy simulations, localizations, and making breast irradiation was divided by the total yearly time con-
masks) and other rooms are only used a few hours through- sumption of technologists for the activity group of simula-
out the day (e.g., the meeting room) and to integrate the tion. Then, the resulting proportion was multiplied by the
productivity factor into the calculation, the following ap- annual simulation cost of the technologists (proportional to
proach was used. the time technologists yearly spent on simulation).
After having defined the activities—treatment-related, as This calculation was then performed for every type of per-
well as supporting and non-EBRT activities—taking place sonnel, as well as for the building and equipment cost, and
within a specific room, these activities were linked to the repeated for all treatment-related activities and all products.
“critical personnel” (i.e., the personnel category most Third-stage cost drivers: allocation of activity costs to
closely related to the use of the room). The calculation of products. The final step between the activities and treat-
the proportional space cost was subsequently performed in ment-related product costs was basically a summation of the
analogy with the cost calculation of the wage costs. The different calculated activity cost components. Some factors
time consumption of all activities performed in a certain correcting for complexity (defined as third-stage cost driv-
room, on the basis of the critical personnel, was summed. ers) were nevertheless introduced in this last step. The
The proportional time (and thus cost) for each separate fractionation-related activities were multiplied by the num-
activity could thus be easily calculated. ber of fractions (or weeks) necessary to produce the product
Third, the equipment costs were allocated using a com- and the field-related activities were multiplied by the num-
parable approach, that is by defining the activities per- ber of fields used in the setup of the treatment.
formed with a type of equipment and then linking these to The addition results in the treatment-related product cost
the critical personnel using this equipment. based on wage, equipment, and space consumption.
Second-stage cost drivers: allocation of activity group Overhead costs. The support costs (both departmental
costs to activities. This allocation was simply based on the and hospital support) were allocated to the products in a
time consumption of each specific activity per specific prod- single step using a cost driver that was thought to ade-
uct and personnel category. As an example, the technolo- quately capture the product complexity (i.e., number of
gists’ cost in the simulation of a tangential breast irradiation fractions). In other words, each product was assigned a
was calculated as follows (Table 4). The number of minutes proportion of the support costs on the basis of the number of
spent by the technologists on a simulation for tangential fractions necessary to deliver that product.
ABC in radiotherapy ● Y. LIEVENS, W. VAN DEN BOGAERT, and K. KESTELOOT 529

Table 5. Comparison of costs at activity group level: costs of Twenty-one percent of the activity group costs were
treatment-related, care- and non– care-related departmental related to departmental support activities that could not be
support and non-external beam radiotherapy activities
directly allocated to the specific RT treatment (e.g., research
Cost type Cost (€) % and teaching). About 7% of the wage, equipment, and space
costs of the RT department were used to perform non-EBRT
Treatment-related activities 2,956,848 71.81 activities.
Treatment preparation 923,031 22.42
Simulation 356,872 8.67 Product costs. Table 6 shows the total yearly cost per
Planning 340,099 8.26 organ system. It also presents the percentage of the costs
Quality assurance 213,586 5.19 and products per organ system as a function of the total
Administration 199,859 4.85 costs and total products. The relative index divided the
Treatment delivery 1,620,372 39.35 percentage of the costs by the percentage of the products,
Care-related support activities 318,254 7.73
Non–care-related support activities 566,790 13.76 giving an indication of treatment complexity.
Non–EBRT activities 275,824 6.70 Figures of ⬎100% were found in the relatively more
Total 4,117,716 100 expensive treatments (i.e., that consumed more resources
than expected on the basis of the number of delivered
Abbreviation: EBRT ⫽ external beam radiotherapy.
treatments). This was most clearly seen in organ systems in
which treatments are predominantly curative, with long
Direct costs. The specific material costs (immobilization irradiation schedules (between 6 and 7 weeks) and a boost,
masks, materials used for making shielding blocks, and including secondary simulation and planning, such as head-
X-ray films) were directly assigned to the products using the and-neck and breast RT.
defined consumption of these materials per product. Conversely, if the relative index was ⬍100%, this means
that, on the basis of the production volume, fewer costs
(resources) were consumed than average. Bone and soft-
RESULTS tissue RT, largely composed of palliative treatments that
Cost data of Leuven radiotherapy department combine very short schedules and easy treatment tech-
Resource costs. The distribution of the cost inputs of the niques, were found in this category. Although predomi-
Leuven radiotherapy department were wage costs (52.06%), nantly curative, the cumulative effect of short fractionation
equipment costs (28.48%), hospital overhead costs regimens (between 3 and 4 weeks) and of shorter time slots
(12.51%, of which 9.34% and 3.17%, respectively, were on the treatment machines (because of predominantly
allocated by the number of square meters and FTEs), space APPA irradiations) explain why treatments for patients with
costs (4.71%), and material costs (2.24%). hematologic malignancies are also found to be less costly
Activity costs. Table 5 shows the costs at the activity than the “average” product.
group level, consisting of wage, equipment, and space costs. In Table 7, some specific product costs are shown, as well
The treatment-related activities were organized into the the global costs, as the different components: treatment-
larger categories of treatment preparation, quality assur- related costs (wage, equipment, and space costs and differ-
ance, administration, and treatment delivery. As could be entiating between various subactivities), material costs, and
expected, treatment-related activities consumed the greatest overhead costs (both departmental and hospital support
proportion of the costs (72%), with treatment delivery the costs). As a matter of comparison, the average departmental
most important component. Within treatment preparation, product cost is also shown.
simulation and planning roughly consumed the same Breast treatments were chosen as an example of curative
amount of costs. treatments. A distinction was made between breast and

Table 6. Cost per organ system

Organ system Total cost (€) Cost (%) Products (%) index

CNS 385,774 8.47 9.21 91.92

Head and neck 619,059 13.59 8.93 152.18
Breast 1,709,988 37.55 25.49 147.27
Lung 358,550 7.87 10.63 74.08
Hematology 126,356 2.77 4.18 66.32
Gastrointestinal 444,878 9.77 9.16 106.66
Urology 298,933 6.56 5.14 127.59
Gynecology 139,370 3.06 3.05 100.25
Bone and soft tissue 471,581 10.35 24.19 42.80
Total 4,554,489

Abbreviation: CNS ⫽ central nervous system.

530 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 57, Number 2, 2003

Table 7. Examples of specific costs per product

Treatment-related costs* (€)

Quality Radiotherapy Material Overhead Total

Product Preparation Simulation Planning assurance Administration delivery Total costs (€) costs (€) costs (€)

Breast 71 146 157 107 122 966 1567 18 966 2551
Thoracic wall 71 130 171 69 122 966 1528 2 966 2496
Separate IM-MS 114 130 124 88 122 966 1544 12 966 2522
Additional IM-MS 89 100 38 68 4 445 744 12 966 1721
Electron boost 16 66 77 33 35 296 523 2 309 834
Photon boost 16 99 110 71 35 296 626 18 309 953
Palliative 110 178 110 71 81 396 946 24 386 1356
Involved field 134 398 439 159 165 1264 2559 36 1275 3869
Mediastinum 110 178 439 107 129 898 1866 24 888 2778
Boost 87 157 68 99 35 366 807 36 386 1229
Head and neck
3D-3-field setup 74 315 351 125 128 1449 2442 67 966 3475
Parotid-sparing 230 401 442 143 131 1894 3241 79 966 4286
Boost 3 fields 87 105 63 89 35 551 929 36 386 1351
Boost 4 fields 110 105 63 107 35 729 1149 47 386 1583
Palliative (Gy)
1⫻8 48 127 77 47 33 59 392 24 39 454
4⫻5 95 127 77 59 52 207 618 24 193 835
10 ⫻ 3 95 127 77 71 72 390 833 24 386 1243
Average cost 2575

Abbreviation: IM-MS ⫽ internal mammary and medial supraclavicular lymph node chain.
* Includes wage, equipment, and space costs.

thoracic wall RT, internal mammary and medial supracla- was found in the palliative bone schedules (i.e., one fraction
vicular lymph node chain (IM-MS) RT (treated separately of 8 Gy; 20 Gy in 4-Gy fractions, respectively, without and
or in addition to breast or thoracic wall RT) and boosts with with use of an immobilization mask; and 30 Gy in 3-Gy
electrons or photons. Breast, thoracic wall, and lymph nodes fractions). It was assumed that each of these RT sessions
were irradiated to 50 Gy in 2-Gy fractions, boosts delivered was performed with two parallel-opposed fields. Moreover,
a dose of 16 Gy in eight fractions. a comparable number of fractions translated into a similar
All curative intent breast RT sessions cost grossly the cost, irrespective of the indication. A treatment delivering
same (i.e., around 2500), irrespective of the setup (breast, 10 fractions costs 1242€ in the case of bone metastases and
thoracic wall, or separate IM-MS RT). The cost of a breast 1356€ for lung treatment.
boost ranged between 834 and 953. The cost of additional The curative treatments showed that the complexity of
IM-MS RT was one-third lower than the cost of a separately the treatment preparation (e.g., CT scan in treatment posi-
irradiated IM-MS. Moreover, because of the specific struc- tion and 3D planning) was of less importance in the total
ture of the ABC program, an equal amount of overhead cost picture. The cost of curative-intent, 3D pulmonary
costs was allocated to additional and separate treatments. treatment hovered between 3869 and 4007 and that of 3D
Hence, this calculated cost of additional IM-MS might even head and neck RT amounted to 4826; the cost of breast RT
be too high; if no overhead cost was allocated to additional (without treatment CT scan) followed by an electron boost
RT treatments, the cost would drop to 756€. was 3385. If additional IM-MS RT was performed, the total
For lung treatment, a palliative fractionation schedule (30 cost amounted to 5106 or 4141, respectively, with and
Gy in 3-Gy fractions) was compared with the curative-intent without the inclusion of the overhead costs in the latter. The
fractionation (involved field of 66 Gy in 2-Gy fractions and more complex parotid-sparing approach for head-and-neck
mediastinal RT to 46 Gy followed by a boost of 20 Gy in cancer was even more expensive at 5869€.
2-Gy fractions). It demonstrated that a palliative schedule For most RT, about one-third of the total costs were
costs about one-third of a curative schedule, in other words, consumed by overhead costs. As defined, this proportion
that the costs correlated well with the number of fractions. correlated with the number of fractions.
This could obviously be expected, because the model ex- It should be acknowledged that within the model, mean
plicitly defined the number of fractions as a factor of equipment cost estimates were used, not accounting for the
complexity. type of linear accelerator (simple, dual-energy, or MLC) on
A similar impact of the number of fractions on the cost which the product was delivered. This decision was taken
ABC in radiotherapy ● Y. LIEVENS, W. VAN DEN BOGAERT, and K. KESTELOOT 531

Table 8. Impact on costs of replacing all actual treatment machines with multileaf accelerators

Baseline After replacement After correction

Variable cost (€) cost (€) cost (€)

Cost inputs
Wage 2,514,702 2,514,702 (0) 2,483,254 (⫺1.3)
Space 227,454 227,454 (0) 227,454 (0)
Equipment 1,375,560 1,719,349 (25) 1,719,349 (25)
Material 108,329 80,441 (⫺25.7) 80,441 (⫺25.7)
Support 605,268 605,268 (0) 601,668 (⫺0.6)
Treatment-related costs
Treatment preparation 923,031 1,000,180 (8.4) 996,828 (8)
Quality assurance 213,586 251,723 (17.9) 248,913 (16.6)
Administration 199,859 201,557 (0.8) 200,297 (0.2)
Treatment delivery 1,620,372 1,852,306 (14.3) 1,833,726 (13.2)
Total 2,956,848 3,305,767 (11.8) 3,279,763 (10.9)
Product costs
Tangential breast 2551 2797 (9.6) 2777 (8.9)
Involved field cerebral 3785 3554 (⫺6.1) 3529 (⫺6.7)
Palliative lung 1356 1481 (9.2) 1471 (8.1)
Bone metastasis 454 494 (8.8) 491 (7.9)
Average cost 2575 2759 (7.1) 2740 (6.4)
Total EBRT cost 4,554,489 4,880,882 (7.4) 4,846,896 (6.4)

Abbreviation: EBRT ⫽ external beam radiotheraphy.

Data in parentheses are percentages of differences in cash.

for practical purposes within the development of the pro- non-MLC treatment machines of the department. With
gram, and also because, except for intensity-modulated ra- MLC, shorter time slots can be used for some indications,
diotherapy (IMRT) of the prostate, there are no absolute implying that less technologist time would be needed for
clinical reasons why specific products delivered in our de- treating the same number of patients. Because the actual
partment should be irradiated on the MLC. That this ap- workload is very high, a calculation was also made assum-
proach may, however, yield some distortions in the calcu- ing that the level of staffing for technologists was not
lated product costs is illustrated for the GI and urologic reduced. Table 8 shows the costs and the difference in costs
patient populations. compared with baseline, without and with correction for a
In our department, these patients are specifically treated lower number of needed technologists.
on the more-expensive MLC. The treatment time slots used The calculations show that replacing all standard colli-
on this machine are, however, shorter. As a result, because mators with a MLC, including on-line portal imaging,
the model does not account for the type (and related cost) of would lead to an increase in the annual EBRT costs of 7.4%.
the treatment machines, the cost of GI and urologic RT was The total equipment costs would increase by 25%
relatively underestimated. In the baseline calculation, both (343,789€) and the material costs would decrease by 25%
groups were shown to have resource consumption grossly in (27,888€), because portal films would no longer be used.
line with the expectations based on the number of delivered After the introduction of reduced treatment time slots in
treatments as expressed by a relative index of 107 and 128, those RT sessions in which this would be possible, it was
respectively. However, after rerunning the program with calculated that the technologist staff could be reduced by
time slots as for a regular linear accelerator, higher relative (only) 0.74 FTE, while maintaining the same workload as in
costs were calculated (i.e., corresponding index of 114 and the baseline calculation. This represented a decrease in
145, respectively). The same finding was observed for the annual wage cost of 31,448€ and of FTE-related support of
absolute costs. When using longer time slots, the cost of 3600€. Hence, these savings would not compensate for the
coplanar rectal RT, for example, increased from 2747€ to increased equipment costs.
3119€ or 14%. As expected, the costs of treatment delivery and quality
control would increase by introducing more costly treatment
Some practical applications of the program machines and on-line portal imaging.
The ABC model can also be used to analyze how costs For most products, the increase in equipment costs trans-
are affected by changes in cost inputs, in practice. Some lated into an increase of product cost. Only for the products for
examples are presented. which the treatment time slots shortened after introducing
Different resource costs. As an example of analyzing how MLC, costs conversely decreased. Because, in the Leuven
the introduction of different resource inputs affects the department, most of the more complex treatments are done on
costs, it was assumed that MLCs, including on-line portal the MLC, the products for which the actual treatment time slots
imaging, would replace standard collimators on the three (and thus costs) would decrease, would be limited.
532 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 57, Number 2, 2003

Fig. 4. Variation in cost per patient as a function of department size.

Number of patients. We ran the calculations varying the been irradiated as the standard in all patients treated to the
number of patients treated per year between 250 and 2500, breast or thoracic wall who did not receive RT to all
while keeping a same product mix as in the original data. locoregional lymph nodes (i.e., a total of 355 patients), the
The resource requirements of personnel, equipment, and total department cost would have increased with 390,667€
space were defined as a function of the number of patients (or 8.6%). Conversely, under the assumption that no addi-
according to the Belgian accreditation norms (17). The tional IM-MS would have been delivered, the costs would
consumption of overhead was related to the defined num- have decreased by 4.8% (or 220,288€).
bers of FTEs and square meters; the material costs were The second example tested the impact of using different
varied proportional to the number of patients. Mean unit fractionation schedules for the treatment of bone metasta-
resource costs of the Leuven radiotherapy department were ses. Although in the baseline calculations, there was a mix
used. As an example, the cost of tangential breast irradiation of different metastatic bone RT schedules, it was subse-
is shown in Fig. 4. The variation in cost was similar in all quently assumed that all these patients would undergo RT
other situations. with a single fraction of 8 Gy, 5 fractions of 4 Gy, or 10
Because the resource requirements of personnel, equip- fractions of 3 Gy. In the first two situations, the departmen-
ment, and space varied stepwise with the number of patients tal costs would have decreased by 3.8% and 0.5% (or
(semifixed costs, see “Discussion”), the cost per patient not 172,764€ and 24,652€ for the standard use of a single
only depends on the department size but also on the degree fraction and 5 fractions, respectively). In the third situation,
of use of the available resources. The resulting cost per it would have increased by 3.1% (138,946€) if 10 fractions
patient is the lowest if all available staff and equipment is had been the standard.
used fully. The variability in the costs, as well in absolute These simulations demonstrated that the total costs
terms as related to the level of excess capacity, was most change proportionally with the complexity of the product
obvious in departments treating ⬍1000 new patients annu- mix. They, however, also assume that the resource con-
ally. For larger departments, an additional decrease in costs sumption proportionally follows the product mix. This is
was observed, although less importantly. correct for the material costs, but not for the wage, equip-
Product mix. In addition to the number of patients treated, ment, and space costs, which vary stepwise with the pro-
the level of complexity also affects the costs. For example, duction and product mix.
the workload associated with treating 1000 patients with One could, moreover, assume that, because of budgetary
metastatic bone schedules will be lower than the workload restrictions, the total costs should remain constant. The
for treating 1000 patients with conformal head-and-neck second approach (Table 9) therefore analyzed the effect of
RT. It was analyzed how the total annual costs would vary the same changes in product mix under the assumption of
as a function of a change in product mix, assuming that the fixed total resources. In this case, the costs per product
cost per product would remain the same. decrease if a more complex product mix is delivered. In
The first example analyzed the impact of RT for the other words, more complex products can only be delivered
IM-MS. In the baseline data set, 128 patients received at the same total costs by increasing productivity.
additional IM-MS irradiation. If the IM-MS would have There is, of course, a limit to increases in productivity,
ABC in radiotherapy ● Y. LIEVENS, W. VAN DEN BOGAERT, and K. KESTELOOT 533

Table 9. Product costs after change in product mix

1⫻8 Gy 10⫻3 Gy
Variables Breast (€) (€) 5⫻4 Gy (€) (€)

Baseline 2551 454 835 1243

Standard IM-MS 2349 (⫺8.6) 433 (⫺4.9) 781 (⫺6.9) 1152 (⫺7.8)
No IM-MS 2687 (5.1) 467 (2.8) 870 (4) 1303 (4.7)
Bone irradiation
8 Gy/8 Gy 2652 (3.8) 462 (1.7) 867 (3.7) 1295 (4.1)
20 Gy/4 Gy 2568 (0.7) 455 (0.2) 837 (0.2) 1248 (0.5)
30 Gy/3 Gy 2473 (⫺3.2) 448 (⫺1.3) 815 (⫺2.4) 1207 (⫺2.9)

Abbreviation: IM-MS ⫽ internal mammary and medial supraclavicular lymph node chain.
Data in parentheses are percentages of change in product cost compared with baseline.

whether as a consequence of the complexity or the number bining several highly complex and time-consuming activi-
of patients, that can be accommodated with a certain level of ties of the RT process, consumed 22.42%.
personnel, equipment, and space. If growth were substan- As a consequence of the former observation, the analysis
tial, additional resources would be needed regardless. of the costs per product group showed that long curative
It was calculated that by introducing standard IM-MS treatments had a higher relative cost compared with those
irradiation, the workload of most personnel would increase, with shorter curative schedules, which again cost more than
with the largest increase for dosimetrists, technologists, and those with predominantly palliative schedules. Also, the
mold technicians (6.77%, 5.57%, and 2.99% increase, re- cost of the specific products was determined more by the
spectively). The standard use of single fractions for meta- length of treatment (i.e., number of fractions and, by exten-
static bone RT would lead to a 2.95% decrease in the sion, the use of the treatment machine) than by the treatment
workload for the technologists and 7.45% for the mold complexity as such (e.g., related to more complex planning
technicians. using a treatment CT scan). As an example, in our calcula-
Considering the number of technologist working hours, tion, three-field 3D prostate RT was not more expensive
this represents a decrease of 937 h (for the change in than standard tangential breast RT. However, if the treat-
palliative practice) and an increase of 1771 h (for the change ment complexity also translates into more irradiation fields
in IM-MS practice) yearly, which, assuming optimal pro- and thus longer treatment time slots, the product cost rose
ductivity in the baseline situation, would free 0.58 FTEs or considerably, as for example seen in parotid-sparing head-
necessitate 1.09 FTEs extra, respectively. Furthermore, be- and-neck treatments, figuring in the top five of the most
cause most of these technologist hours (i.e., about 85%) expensive treatments.
would be devoted to treatment delivery, the former change These observations are important if we consider the cost
would save about 1 h of machine time daily and the latter of novel approaches that aim to obtain higher cure rates
would require 2 h extra, using an assumption of three and/or diminish (long-term) side effects. From a radiobio-
technologists per treatment machine. logic point of view, it was found that, at least in certain
cancer types, cure rates increased by altering the fraction-
ation schedule, which resulted in the delivery of two (or
DISCUSSION more) sessions daily for a growing number of patients.
Benefits of ABC in RT Conformal (CRT) and intensity-modulated radiotherapy
Improved insight into departmental costs. The major ad- (IMRT) aim to improve outcome by optimizing physical
vantage of using ABC for cost calculation in RT is that it dose delivery. In both described innovations, the treatment
yields more accurate costs and gives better insight into the costs will increase because of longer treatment times. In
departmental cost structure. hyperfractionation, the cost will increase as a consequence
In line with other literature reports, the Leuven analysis of the greater number of fractions and in CRT and IMRT
confirms that the major resource costs of a RT department because of the longer treatment time slots.
are wage and equipment costs (3, 12, 18). The cost analysis Analysis of financial implications of resource and prac-
of the different activity groups showed that almost three- tice changes. The strength of such a detailed cost accounting
quarters of the total wage, equipment, and space costs were program lies not only in the analysis of the actual situation,
consumed by patient care, of which treatment delivery rep- but also in the possibility to run simulations on variations in
resented the largest part (almost 40%). This is not surpris- resources or practice patterns, as described in “Results.”
ing, because the delivery of RT is a repetitive process that The example for the changes in resource cost inputs
consumes important amounts of personnel time and expen- demonstrated that the greater equipment costs incurred by
sive equipment and space. Treatment preparation, also com- replacing all standard machines with MLCs and on-line
534 I. J. Radiation Oncology ● Biology ● Physics Volume 57, Number 2, 2003

portal imaging were not compensated for by the savings in specific product.” By equaling the total consumed time to
material, wage, and support costs. It can therefore be pos- 100% and by using percentages of this total time as the cost
tulated that the introduction of more complex treatment driver, the top-down approach was introduced at this level.
techniques using high-tech equipment will inevitably induce Although the presented cost calculation model is by de-
higher costs. fault post hoc and is unable to calculate the cost of isolated
The other examples demonstrated the impact of the work- products, because knowledge of the global departmental
load—in terms of the number of patients treated (depart- productivity and product mix is required, the major advan-
ment size) and treatment complexity (product mix)— on the tage of such a combined top-down and bottom-up approach
product cost. lies in the correction of the costs for productivity (i.e.,
Because of the indivisibility of some resources, large- account is made for the potential over or under use of
scale departments can treat their patients at a lower cost per resources). Because semifixed costs remain constant over a
case. The treatment cost also depends on the degree of certain range, irrespective of the degree of resource use, a
resource use, with the cost lowest when all additional equip- pure bottom-up calculation would result in an overestima-
ment and staff are fully occupied. tion of the costs in the former situation (as more products
That the product mix is equally important to the specific are produced than expected) and an underestimation in the
product costs was shown by simulating the effect of a more latter (because the unused resources would not have been
complex (standard use of IM-MS irradiation for all breast allocated).
cancer patients) and a less complex (single fractions in the The use of such a mixed top-down and bottom-up model
palliative treatment of bone metastases) product mix. As is the major difference between the Leuven ABC calcula-
expected, we found that the former practice change would tion system and some other ABC-like exercises developed
require extra treatment machine time, and the latter would in the field of RT (19, 20), in which the calculation of the
liberate machine time. Because these two examples apply to product costs, on the basis of activity consumption, was
the most frequent product groups in our department, these solely performed using the bottom-up principle.
changes in resource needs must be at the outskirts of those
expected by a single practice change. Moreover, they Potential drawbacks related to use of presented
showed that different changes in practice should be weighed ABC model
against each other to estimate their conjunctional effect on Model complexity. The precision of an ABC system de-
the product mix and resource requirements. pends critically on the level of detail of its constituting com-
Correction of costs for actual productivity. The Leuven ponents: the more refined the definition of costs, activities,
ABC system used a mixed top-down and bottom-up ap- products, and cost drivers, the more accurate the resulting cost
proach in the allocation of the semifixed costs (i.e., costs calculation. A high level of detail, however, unavoidably trans-
that vary stepwise with the number of patients) of wage, lates into a higher workload (and cost), not only during the
equipment, space, and overhead. development phase, but also in daily use.
A top-down approach divides the total costs of the overall Although the decision to use detailed definitions of con-
products. Because the total costs are known and remain sumed resources, performed activities and delivered prod-
constant, the cost of a product is inversely related to the ucts—necessary to obtain the accurate cost estimates we
production volume (i.e., the cost per product diminishes aimed for—might have rendered the Leuven approach too
with increasing production volume). As such, a top-down complex to be practically manageable, this was avoided by
calculation requires exact data on the delivered number of limiting the number of cost drivers. This limitation in cost
products, product mix, and relative resource consumption of drivers was accomplished through the introduction of a third
the respective products. In a bottom-up approach, con- allocation step between the activity groups and activities.
versely, the cost of each final product is calculated on the By doing so, time consumption, weighed by some factors of
basis of the activities used. Because the actually delivered treatment complexity, became the main allocation principle,
production volume, however, is not necessarily equivalent instead of using a large number of different cost drivers.
to the expected one (on the basis of which the unit cost is Possible distortions. Although the detailed definitions
calculated), this might result in higher (or lower) total and multistep allocation principle yielded a refined cost
(calculated) departmental costs than expected. In other calculation, some assumptions (use of mean equipment cost
words, in a bottom-up approach, the total calculated product estimates and allocation of overhead costs to the additional
costs, with unit costs based on the expected production products in a similar way as for the other products) made
volume, do not necessarily coincide with the actual total during the development of the model, may result in a slight
departmental input costs. distortion of the calculated costs.
The Leuven ABC program was mainly designed using The impact of these two potential shortcomings is de-
the top-down allocation principle. All costs introduced in scribed in “Results.” No attempt was made to correct for
the model were totally allocated to the products. The major them, because this would have rendered the model much
cost driver of the model (i.e., time consumption) was, how- more complex, requiring programmatic adaptations when
ever, defined using the bottom-up principle: “how much applying it to other RT departments.
time is spent per type of personnel for each activity and per When adopting such a model for daily practice, however,
ABC in radiotherapy ● Y. LIEVENS, W. VAN DEN BOGAERT, and K. KESTELOOT 535

one should be aware of the potentially imbedded distortions opment phase, once installed, its daily use should not re-
related to the specificity of the model’s design. To estimate the quire too much time and effort.
importance of the distortions on the results, sensitivity analyses A periodic (e.g., yearly) checkup should be performed to
such as the ones described should be performed explicating adapt the model to the changed input parameters. Most of
how different options will have an impact on the costs. these (the number of resources and their costs, the volume
and types of products) are available in guidelines and/or
routinely recorded within most institutions. The time esti-
Is the routine use of ABC practically achievable? mates per activity may be more difficult to collect, but
The baseline results and described simulations illustrate should not vary much from year to year. Moreover, standard
that the use of an ABC model for RT allows one to solve time estimates, available within the department for appoint-
questions on departmental activity and product costs. It ment planning purposes, may be used instead of in-depth
provides a tool to evaluate the cost implications related to interviews.
capital investments or changes in practice patterns. This Finally, in the Leuven approach, a rather high level of
knowledge can support the department in planning and detail was chosen, because the aim was to generate very
controlling the costs of the services it provides (e.g., by detailed product costs (21). Within each specific depart-
reducing or eliminating nonessential activities of [nonprof- ment, however, different choices can be made about the
itable] treatments or by adjusting the product mix). desired accuracy. The less crucial the level of detail, the
Although such a complex cost calculation program may lower the workload associated with the data collection nec-
be demanding in time and resource costs during the devel- essary for the routine use of such an ABC program.

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