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Met-L-Chek ®

© 2011


A Few More Thoughts On the submission of an MSDS for

The Evolution of each product.
Penetrant Specifications
Water tolerance of water washable
penetrants was added to the list of
The past two issues of the PEN- fluorescence is measured with the
qualification requirements.
ETRANT PROFESSOR have con- spotmeter.
centrated on the historical path of
The ability of emulsifiers to con-
the relevant qualifying documents Originally, the flash point of prod-
tinue to perform after they had been
and the journey to develop a method ucts was merely required to be test-
contaminated with penetrant was
of measuring absolute sensitivity. ed and reported. Since then, OSHA
While these have been extremely and other regulations have limited
important in the creation of a uni- the flash point of materials to be
Water suspendible and water sol-
form system of qualification, prog- used in open tanks to 200°F.
uble developers appeared upon
ress was also being made in other
the scene, and bioresistance crite-
areas besides sensitivity measure- Corrosion tests were initially only
ria were added to the qualification
ment. performed on magnesium and
specification. Hydrophilic emulsi-
aluminum at relatively low tem-
fiers were developed and added to
We previously pointed out that an perature. Now steel, titanium, and
the specification.
important contribution to the mea- nickel have been added to the list,
surement of sensitivity was the de- and the temperature range has been
Black light intensity criteria were
velopment of the spotmeter. While extended, reflecting the demands on
added, and penetrants were required
this found its place measuring sen- the materials used in modern jet en-
to have stable indications under
sitivity, it also became important in gines.
conditions of temperature and also
the measurement of background flu-
exposure to UV-A.
orescence. The first edition of the Toxicity has always been an impor-
MILSPEC merely stated that after tant subject, and the initial testing
water washing, the penetrants “shall was not insignificant. This morphed
leave no residual fluorescence”. The into a system whereby manufactur-
test relied upon sandblasted panels ers were required to submit their
and eyeball examination. Now, of formulations to the Air Force for
course, the test is still carried out on toxicological approval. Later this
sandblasted panels, but the residual requirement was changed to require
Met-L-Chek Company, 1639 Euclid Street, Santa Monica, California, 90404, U.S.A.
Phone: 310- 450-1111 Fax 310-452-4046 Email: Web:
ASTM Spring Meeting

The annual Spring meeting of

ASTM Committee E-07 was held
in Plantation, Florida, and the main
subject continued to be UV-A (or
black light) sources.

Questions about the use of new

LED powered lights had surfaced in
the past meetings, and these discus- 2011
sions continued. At the core of the
Chlorinated solvent removers came
discussions is the fact that while the perhaps plus or minus up to 5 nano-
and then went, as they were found
conventional mercury bulbs have an meters. The Fall meeting of the
to be ozone depleting substances.
output that is a function of the mer- committee will continue this dis-
cury, and therefore varies little from cussion.
So, to sort of put it in context, initial-
the prescribed 365 nanometer wave
ly one could qualify a penetrant if a
length, LEDs can be made to pro-
cracked aluminum block showed in-
duce outputs with wave lengths that
dications under black light illumina-
are different.
tion with unmeasured intensity, and
the indications were judged to be
The question that is being addressed
adequate in intensity and contrast.
is how to be assured that the output
Now, the test is performed on low
from an LED source provides ad- Occasionally, we at Met-L-Chek
cycle fatigue cracked specimens,
equate excitation of penetrant indi- like to brag a bit about who is us-
the indications are measured with
cations for inspection. Two sugges- ing our products. We are happy to
a spotmeter under controlled black
tions are under consideration. The add Tesla Motors to that list. Tesla
light intensity, and the background
first is that the wavelength of the is making a fully electric car that is
is also measured and held to a high
LED lights needs to be checked for very fast. Here in Los Angeles we
standard. One is also assured that
a value that will be specified as sat- occasionally see one. They are qui-
the indications will not fade in the
isfactory, and the second is that the et, quick, and it is easy to mistake
drying oven or under prolonged ex-
output strength needs to be checked one for a Lotus, because the basic
posure to the black light, that the
against the specification. In the dis- body and structural design is that of
materials are non corrosive, not
cussions, the question of whether or a Lotus.
ozone depleting, and have reason-
not the present mercury bulb lights
able bioresistance. And it has only
also needed to have their wave
taken a bit more than 50 years!
lengths checked, or whether such
a requirement would be limited to
LED lights. Because of the phys-
ics governing the wave length of the
mercury lights, the suggestion is to
limit the frequency check to LED
is an occasional publication lights.
of Met-L-Chek®. The Penetrant
To receive it, In the meantime, some laboratory Professor
call or Email work is underway to test the effect
Beverly Clarke.
of wavelengths close to, but not
identical to 365 nanometers. It is
likely that a spread will be allowed,

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