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Pluto in 6th House

*You can become obsessed with your health, self-improvement and personal
development. The psychological elements of disease interest you, and you may endlessly
psychoanalyze yourself and others.

Also, you may work compulsively and exhaust yourself through overwork. You can be a
tyrant with co-workers, and it may be easier for you to work in solitude.

#When you are busiest, you are also the most capable of transformation. Serving others
opens you to spiritual development, and working for yourself positions you on a
progressive path. Both are essential to effect positive change in your life. You develop
the capacity for change by using your will to push through difficult situations in the work
environment, or health problems.

^Pluto's energy in your 6th House prompts you to unlock the power you have to alter and
transform your own life through self-improvement. The quality of your life depends upon
the way you handle experiences which may seem to be beyond your control, like your
genetic heritage, or an illness, or the society within which you live. Taking care of your
health through finding the root of real healing power in your life is one of the most
crucial factors you must face. Completely surrendering control of your life to the will and
direction of others will leave you feeling disconnected to yourself. You can find the right
healers, helpers and supporters, but first you must acknowledge the part you play in these

Pluto in 7th House

*Emotional intensity, compulsive attraction, and a sense of fate or destiny characterize

your one-to-one relationships. It's as if you simply cannot have light, superficial
relationships; they are inevitably profound, intense experiences which reveal your depths
to you. You may be drawn to powerful, charismatic, willful people that challenge, thwart,
and ultimately evoke your own power and strengths. Your marriage is likely to be the
arena for your greatest growth.

#Your keen awareness of others is integral to how you make changes. When you focus on
yourself, you can get stuck, but when you focus on significant people in your life, your
energy flows more smoothly. You find the juice of compassion in the exchange of energy
with others. Then you handle changes with greater equanimity.
^Pluto's energy in your 7th House brings direct power struggles within cooperative
relationships and partnerships. You may resist the idea of a functional partnership
because you do not want to give up control. Or you may attract a partner who
overwhelms you with his power when you do not trust your own ability to direct your
life. You cannot escape power issues. One way or another, you must realize that you
really do have the power to direct your own life and to reflect your power in a positive
sense. Until you finally exercise that power, you can be caught in an endless game of
transforming yourself to fit your partner's needs or finding that you are never what you
want to be. Try looking in the mirror. The woman looking back at you is important.

Mars conjunct Pluto

Alternate, short interpretations: *You have a very active and fertile imagination and your
ambitions are never strictly mundane, practical, and concrete. You have a strong desire to
act out your fantasies, dreams, visions, and ideals. Artistic creation, drama, or other areas
in which you can express yourself imaginatively are excellent for you. Ordinary life
seems drab and uninteresting to you, and you need to have some big dream or something
larger than your own narrow personal interests to live for. Sometimes you may be
confused about exactly how and where to direct your energy and often drift along rather
than making clear decisions about what you want. You have a passive side and at times
lack the will power, physical energy, strength, and the fighting spirit to achieve your

#At some point in your life you may feel that the gods or goddesses step in to impose
changes on you. What you make of these moments determines your spiritual future.
Generally, whatever effort you make will be well worth your time.

Some Famous People with Mars conjunct Pluto: Kevin Kline

Your tremendous sexual/emotional energy needs to be consciously directed and channeled

toward meaningful goals. It would help to align your personal will and desires with a higher will or
more universal purpose. Without such a commitment, you can wander from one experience or the
fulfillment of one desire to the next, dissipating your energy and losing your sense of self. This
aspect signifies a potential for tremendous evolutionary development, growth and creativity,
through the transmutation of your lower nature into your higher. You have a great natural capacity
for Kundalini yoga, for example.

You probably resent or want to change external restrictions, or even limitations in yourself
or your personal reality. You may wish to control or manipulate others, or to be controlled and
manipulated by others, or experience obsessive or hypnotic sexual attractions. There may have
been a very difficult and painful experience in a previous life, such as rape, incest or violence. If
so, it's purpose is to externalize and objectify aspects of your own desire nature that need to be
looked at and dealt with.

In general, you have the capacity for total self-transformation or self-destruction, and may
alternate between these poles. You have a relentless drive to get at the heart of things, whatever
is under the surface or behind the scenes. This pursuit of the hidden or the secret makes you a
good researcher or investigator. Emotionally you are hot stuff, rushing into areas and handling
subject matter that others would never come near. Vulnerable issues, sensitive areas of the self,
and psychology are the first places that you head, and can amount to an obsession with you.
Others may find you too intense to be around, for you can put them through a lot of changes.

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