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English test 5th grade


Date: ________________ List number _____ Score: _______/ ____

Teacher: Michelle Quezada R.

I. Classify the following food and drinks according to the weather.

Orange juice – tea – ice cream – soup – coffee - salad

Sunny day Rainy day

II. Look at the pictures and describe what Peter and Anne are wearing.

Peter is wearing

Anne is wearing
III. Look at the picture. Identify and circle the items that people may
need for a sunny day like this.

IV. How often do these situations happen in each city?

a) It rains in Arica: ________________________________

b) It snows in Easter Island : _________________________
c) It is sunny in Santiago: ____________________________
d) It is cloudy in Valparaíso: __________________________
e) It rains in Chiloé: _________________________________

V. Write and draw the seanson of year.

___________ ___________

___________ _____________

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