Muppala - Podcasting and Its Use in Enhancing Course Content

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Podcasting and its use in enhancing course


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Jogesh K. Muppala and Chan Kin Kong
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clearwater Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
{muppala, oswin}

ABSTRACT audio and music clips relevant to the course, or

Podcasting has recently seen rapid expansion as a means interviews.
of delivering audio content to listeners. In this paper we
report our experience with the use of podcasting as a In this paper we describe our experience with the use of
means of delivering online recorded audio of classroom podcasting as a means of delivering the recorded audio of
lectures to enhance the course materials. We achieved this course lectures. The lectures were recorded while being
with minimal institutional and infrastructure support in delivered in the traditional classroom setting. The
contrast to other such studies reported in the literature. recorded audio was made available through a podcast that
We believe that podcasting will see rapid adoption in the students could subscribe. This enables them to
higher education sector. Thus our experience sharing is automatically download the lecture audio and listen to the
intended to provide an example of how the new lectures at their convenience either using an audio (MP3)
technology can be adopted in teaching and learning. player or a PC. All this was achieved with a single faculty
member‟s personal initiative. We received no institutional
KEY WORDS support for our effort other than funding for conducting
podcasting, e-learning, education, Web 2.0 research and IT facilities to deploy the new technologies
for use in our course.
1. Introduction
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews
Podcasting [11] has emerged as the premier push some of the related work that has appeared in the
technology for delivering online audio content. Listeners literature. Section 3 provides the details of our project.
interested in automatically receiving updated content Section 4 reflects on the students‟ opinions. Finally we
subscribe to the podcast. Whenever new content becomes give our conclusions in Section 5.
available, it is unobtrusively delivered to the users
without their explicit involvement by using podcatcher 2. Related Work
software like iTunes [9] or Juice [10]. By podcasting, we
do not mean just putting audio content online. The Podcasting as a new e-learning technology has attracted
advantage of podcasting is in its ability to automatically attention in the academia in the recent past. One of the
deliver content to listeners without their explicit earliest reports detailing the potential of podcasting was
intervention. Of particular interest to us in this paper is by Clark and Walsh [4]. They give detailed analysis of
the use of podcasting to enhance the course contents. why listening is a good way of learning. They point out
the virtues of auditory learning and delineate the
Increasing availability of sophisticated and inexpensive advantages of using an audio device as a means of
audio recording and processing technologies has made it delivering learning content. A recent report by Morales
easy for individuals to produce and make available audio and Moses [11] examines podcasting in detail. In
content online. The ubiquitous PC with its ability to particular, they survey the podcasting arena, give reasons
capture audio makes this process very convenient. In why this is a good medium of deliver, point out the
addition, the increasing prevalence of audio (MP3) advantages and shortcomings of this technology. They
players with audio recording capability makes this also speculate on the future evolution of this technology
process even more convenient. Once the content is and its application in higher education. Chan and Lee [2]
captured, it can easily be made available online for report on the use of podcasting in an information
download in a few simple steps. This has significantly technology course. They do a comprehensive survey of
contributed to the growth of individuals making a large the advantages and disadvantages of the use of audio in
amount of audio content available through podcasts. learning. They give a comprehensive background on the
Podcasting has also found increasing application in the use of audio as an aid in the learning process from the
higher education environment for many different purposes tape recording era to the (now) podcasting era.
including making available lecture audio recordings,
Hartigan et al. [7] describe the use of podcasting by the 3. Podcasting In Our Course
students to contribute audio content to the courses.
Brittain et al. [1] adopt the formative evaluation strategy In this section we describe how we employed podcasting
to evaluate the use of appropriate technology to meet the in our course to deliver lecture audio. We give the
students‟ need for access to lecture recordings. They technical details of our usage here. Our experience
concluded that lecture audio content made available to sharing here is to illustrate how a single instructor with
students through podcasting is the best solution. Similarly minimal institutional support can easily implement the
Osswald [12] describes the use of podcasting to engage use of these new technologies in their teaching. This is in
his students in course content. Many universities contrast to university wide initiatives reported earlier.
[8][17][14][13][16] have deployed institution-wide
infrastructure to provide podcasting and elearning support The course lectures were recorded while being delivered
for their instructors including automated recording and in the traditional classroom setting. We used a simple
upload of audio and podcast of the lecture audio. Many of MP3 player (a Samsung Yepp YP-T6 MP3 player) to
these initiatives require the setting up of large IT record the audio during the lecture. The quality of the
infrastructure together with dedicated IT support staff. recorded audio was quite clear and acceptable to the
Apple is offering support for the use of podcasting in students. This player records the audio in WAV format
universities through its iTunesU program [9]. (32 Kbps mono audio). Thereafter the recorded WAV
audio was converted to MP3 format. The typical MP3 file
One question that begs examining in detail is why size was about 15 Mb for a one hour of audio. We found
auditory learning is a useful approach. Gardner‟s theory it quite convenient to use a simple MP3 player to record
of multiple intelligences [6] divides the way people learn the lecture audio. This freed us from the necessity to
into eight categories: musical, rhythmic, spatial, install special hardware in the lecture room to record
mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and natural. audio. The quality of the audio recordings thus obtained
Audio definitely addresses many of these intelligences. A was clear and acceptable to the students.
related issue is the three learning styles: visual, auditory
and kinesthetic. See for example [18]. Indeed, auditory The audio files were made available online either for
learning is recognized as one of the most basic forms of download directly from a website, or through a podcast
learning and predates the written form of communication. that students could subscribe using their favorite
Auditory learners learn best through verbal lectures, podcatcher software [9][10]. This enables them to
discussions, talking things through and listening to what automatically download the lecture audio and listen to the
others have to say [11]. Similarly Durbridge [5] lectures at their convenience either using a MP3 player or
comments on the advantage of audio for learning. In his a PC. Post-processing of the recorded audio and making it
words, the spoken word can influence both cognition available online took about 15 minutes. Podcasting
(adding clarity and meaning) and motivation (by provided us with an excellent cost-effective and scalable
conveying directly a sense of the person creating those method to deliver the lecture audio to the students.
words), as compared to written text.
For podcasting the audio files, our department web server
Another distinct advantage of podcast audio is the time- which hosts our course web pages was sufficient.
shifting ability that it affords to the listeners. Users are no Podcasting required the setting up and editing of a simple
longer restricted by time and space in terms of their XML (extended markup language) file containing the
learning activity [4]. Auditory learning is the most podcast information. We accomplished this by directly
“portable” form of learning, and can be used anytime, editing the file because we were familiar with XML
anywhere. This indeed if well-harnessed can prove syntax. Whenever a new audio file was uploaded, the
extremely beneficial to learners. podcast XML file was edited to add in the information
pertaining to the audio file. For those unfamiliar with
Morales and Moses [11] point out that podcasting is not a XML, several free podcasting tools are available which
means of replacing in-class lectures. They emphasize that can be used to set up and manage a podcast. A review of
recording an in-class lecture without giving due the steps involved in arranging the podcast is shown in
consideration to the visual cues that are delivered in class Fig. 1 below.
may result in an incomplete learning experience to the
students. This observation can indeed be corroborated by
our own experience with recording in-class lecture audio
as we will discuss later.

According to [11] for podcasting to become popular,

several challenges including rights management,
production and maintenance of the content, integration
with learning management systems, and end-user
experience need to be addressed.
4. Experience and Reflections The students‟ expectations are higher because of the
capabilities of the device on which they listen to the
We used student surveys as a method of understanding lecture, in this case a PC. In addition some students
the students‟ response to the use of new technologies in preferred video recording rather than audio, again
education. In particular we were interested in better seemingly related to the use of PC. We are not sure
understanding how students used the lecture audio whether this is related to the fact that the students in
available through podcast in their own learning process. A our class were computer science/engineering majors
survey was conducted at the beginning of the course to and hence spent a significantly higher time in front of
better understand students‟ familiarity with podcasting a computer. This is an issue that we will investigate
and the availability and usage of portable media players further.
among them. An end-of-semester survey was carried out Many students prefer to listen to the lecture as a way
to better understand the students‟ experience with podcast of reviewing the materials covered in the class. This
during the semester. provided them additional reinforcement for their
understanding of concepts as they could always
Student response to the use of these new technologies was revisit our lectures and review the materials that they
very encouraging. Podcast audio of lectures was found difficult to understand the first time around.
enthusiastically received by the students. Several The students found this to be very useful especially
interesting patterns and observations were made based on when they were reviewing the materials for
the students‟ surveys. We summarize some of the examinations. Further evidence corroborating this
observations below: fact is that most students mentioned that more often
Close to 70% of the students downloaded and they listened to the audio just before examinations.
listened to the lecture audio. Most of the time they Students also expressed the opinion that the
listened to each recording once. availability of the recorded audio gives them the
Typically the lecture audio was about 1.25 hours confidence that they can always review a difficult
long. Most students downloaded and listened to only concept again just in case they do not understand it in
about 5-20 minutes of the audio. They often listened the first time. This also takes pressure off of them
to only the portion of the audio that was specifically from having to take detailed notes during the lecture
of interest to them, rather than the whole lecture. This which might detract their attention from the lecture.
seems to be mainly to review the hard-to-follow parts Opinions have been expressed by many educators
of the lecture and review the material. that the availability of lecture audio or video may
Surprisingly most students listened to the lecture encourage students to skip classes. In our own
audio on their personal computers (80%) rather than experience, this effect was not that perceptible. There
portable audio devices. This is in contrast to was an insignificant drop in class attendance.
observations in other places where portable devices Students themselves seem to express the opinion that
seem to be the favored listening option. Our surveys the availability of lecture audio does not seem to have
did indicate the prevalence of portable media players, any major impact on their decision to attend or skip
especially MP3 players among the students. However lectures. While the availability of the lecture audio
most of them considered them as entertainment does take the pressure off of them especially if they
devices and did not envisage them as being useful in occasionally miss a lecture, but it does not seem to
education. promote absenteeism. The students seem to value the
The above point leads to an interesting related in-class interaction and classroom dynamics a lot
observation. Many students found that listening to the more and see it as a valuable component of their
complete lecture audio was not useful. Instead they learning experience.
wished to review only a part of the audio. On a One of the major points being mentioned in favour of
portable audio device, fast forwarding and rewinding podcasting and making available lecture audio is the
functions are not supported, and hence they are not fact that students who are non-native English
conducive to this mode of listening. A PC, on the speakers would definitely find it beneficial. They
other hand, enables us to select and listen to only a may not be able to keep up with the pace of the
portion of the audio. This seems to support the reason lecturer's teaching in English. Our university offers
for students favoring the PC as the listening device. an excellent experimenting ground for this theory.
Another related observation was that students found Tertiary (university) education is taught exclusively
it difficult to find the specific location within the in English. However most of the students entering the
audio file which corresponds to a particular slide university here have received their schooling mostly
used in the lecture presentation. Thus they preferred in their mother tongue. They do find some difficulty
some kind of indexing or synchronization of the in adjusting to being taught in English. Very often the
audio file with the PowerPoint presentation. This students' command over English is not very good.
kind of synchronization cannot be provided on a Added to this, they are now faced with being taught
portable media player. But, this is possible on a PC. in English by faculty members who hail from all over
the world, some of whom are not necessarily native
English speakers. With recorded audio, they get to Improvement (CLI) through teaching innovation”
listen to the lectures again to fill in the parts they research project..
found difficult to follow in the first place.
An interesting point made by Morales and Moses References
[11] about making lecture audio available by [1] S. Brittain, P. Glowacki, J. V. Ittersum, and L.
recording in-class lecture audio was that many of the Johnson, Podcasting Lectures, EDUCAUSE
visual elements of the in-class lecture cannot be Quarterly, No. 3, 2006, pp. 24-31.
captured. Indeed this was clearly observed in our own [2] A. Chan and M. J.W. Lee, An MP3 a day keeps the
experience. This point was brought home by some worries away, Good Practice in Practice.
interesting student comments in our surveys which Proceedings of the Student Experience Conference,
we quote here: “Avoid using „this‟ words when D. HR Spennemann & L. Burr (eds), Sep. 2005.
describing something. A listener does not know what Wagga Wagga, NSW. pp. 59–71.
you are talking about”, “As instructor may draw or [3] Chan Kin Kong, Enhancing Course Content through
write something on the white board, which might not Lecture Recordings and New Web Technologies,
be found in the lecture notes. The instructor can M.Phil Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and
include some description of the item in the Engineering, HKUST, Hong Kong, July 2007.
recording”, “It may be better if we can always refer [4] D. Clark and S. Walsh, iPod-Learning, Epic Group
to diagrams drawn on the board, which part of the Plc., White Paper, 2004.
recorded MP3 refers to it. We suggest taking photos [5] N. Durbridge, Media in Course Design, No. 9, Audio
of the diagram and making it available online.” Cassettes, The Role of Technology in Distance
Indeed these bring out the limitations of the audio Education, Kent, UK: Croom Helm, 1984.
format. However, all is not lost as long as we can [6] H. Gardner, Frames of Mind: The theory of multiple
provide the supplementary material in a form that intelligences, New York: Basic Books, 1983.
students can print and use in conjunction with the [7] T. Hartigan, J. Hill, S. Lewis-Faupel and A.
audio. Indeed when we make the lecture notes Springsteen, iPods and Podcasting: Too Cool for
available online, we can make references to the School? Proc. NERCOMP 2006.
specific page numbers within the lecture notes while [8] iLecture system:
delivering the lecture. While this requires some [9] iTunes U at Apple:
adaptation on part of the instructor, it will be a
beneficial change. [10] Juice, Cross-platform podcatcher,
Our survey of the students‟ opinions, attitudes and
listening habits indeed helped us to better understand their [11] C. Morales and J. S. Moses, Podcasting: Recording,
needs and gave us suggestions about possible managing, and delivering the classroom experience,
improvements that could be effected in the future. Many EDUCAUSE Evolving Technologies Committee
of these observations lend additional point of validity to 2006 Report, 2006,
similar observations of educators elsewhere. Some of our
findings were quite surprising and not necessarily in =DEC0604.
conformance with the observations elsewhere. Detailed [12] T. Osswald and T. Dugdale, Podcasting: Portable
discussions on our observations can be found in [3]. Knowledge for New Opportunities in Teaching and
3. Conclusion
In this paper we reviewed the use of podcasting as a [13] Podcasting at University of Wisconsin-Madison:
means of delivering recorded lecture audio to our
students. Several interesting observations regarding our n/.
own experiences and the students‟ opinions on the use of [14] Purdue University Boilercast:
the new technologies are presented in the paper. Our
experience offers one point of reference for academics [15] The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, 7 Things You
interested in using these new technologies. With more Should Know About Podcasting,
experience gathered worldwide and sharing of such
experiences, we can better promote the use of new [16] The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, DukeCapture:
technologies to enhance higher education. Automated Classroom Lecture Recording,
Acknowledgements [17] Webcast.Berkeley:
[18] Wikipedia, Learning Styles,
The authors wish to acknowledge the support received
from the HKUST Center for Enhanced Learning and
Teaching through their “Continuous Learning and

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