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Turing patterns with pentagonal symmetry

J. L. Aragón
Instituto de Fı́sica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 1-1010, Querétaro 76000, Mexico

M. Torres
Instituto de Fı́sica Aplicada, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas, Serrano 144, 28006 Madrid, Spain

D. Gil
Departamento de Paleontologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad Complutense, Ciudad Universitaria,
28040 Madrid, Spain

R. A. Barrio
Instituto de Fı́sica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 20-364, México 01000, Distrito Federal, Mexico

P. K. Maini
Centre for Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Institute, Oxford University, 24-29 St. Giles, Oxford OX1 3LB, United Kingdom
共Received 3 November 2001; revised manuscript received 28 January 2002; published 16 May 2002兲
We explore numerically the formation of Turing patterns in a confined circular domain with small aspect
ratio. Our results show that stable fivefold patterns are formed over a well defined range of disk sizes, offering
a possible mechanism for inducing the fivefold symmetry observed in early development of regular echinoids.
Using this pattern as a seed, more complex biological structures can be mimicked, such as the pigmentation
pattern of sea urchins and the plate arrangements of the calyxes of primitive camerate crinoids.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.65.051913 PACS number共s兲: 87.10.⫹e, 71.23.An, 73.20.At

I. INTRODUCTION pentagonal seed is formed and used as a source of morpho-

gen in a larger disk, as one might assume that in a biological
The occurrence of pentagonally symmetric organisms has system there is the possibility that a certain pattern 共stable or
been largely surveyed and studied in detail 关1,2兴. For ex- not兲 can be frozen at a stage of development 共calcified or
ample, a pentagonal pattern is the basic pattern of the echi- biologically differentiated兲 and may serve as a seed for fu-
noderm skeletons. Some radiolarians and diatoms also pro- ture development. These patterns compare notably well with
vide notable examples of pentagonal patterns. However, the pigmentation pattern of Toxopneustes pileolus and, in a
most mathematical models for biological pattern formation different context, still in the phylum of echinoderms, with
exhibit hexagonal patterns 关3– 6兴 and the issue of selecting the plate arrangements of the calyxes of primitive camerate
and stabilizing fivefold symmetric patterns has not been ad- crinoids 关2兴. All these results lead us to consider morphogen-
dressed in these models. esis as a step by step process in the sense that once a pattern
Motivated by the de novo appearance of pentagonal sym- is generated and biologically consolidated, it can serve as a
metry in the rudiment disk during the early development of seed for the next step. It also reinforces the importance of
regular echinoid larval forms 共echinopluteous兲 关7兴, we care- transient or unstable patterns in biological systems 关8兴.
fully explore the formation of radially symmetric patterns
using a Turing system solved on a confined circular domain II. THE MODEL
with size comparable with the characteristic wavelength,
starting from random initial conditions. Since under this as- In all biological models there remain uncertainties about
pect ratio the boundary controls the symmetry of the pattern, the mechanisms behind pattern formation: the study of ge-
the radius of the disk 共or the curvature of the circle兲 can be netics alone cannot provide us with such mechanisms. Per-
considered as the relevant parameter. Taking into account the haps the most extensively studied mechanism for self-
wavelength of the Turing equations, we may expect a pen- organized biological pattern formation is the Turing
tagonal pattern if system parameters and disk radius are ad- instability 关9–11兴 and we focus our attention on this mecha-
equately tuned, such that a central plus several marginal nism. Albeit the molecular details are still unknown, the Tur-
peaks are possible. We address this problem by studying nu- ing model has been shown to exhibit pigment patterns con-
merically the Turing modes confined in a small size disk. As sistent with those observed in some mammals 关12兴, seashells
we shall show, the frustration induced by small disk radius 关13兴, and marine fishes 关14 –18兴. Curved geometries have
reduces the usual hexagonal symmetry of the pattern, to pro- also been introduced to model microscopic organisms such
duce pentagonally symmetric pattern. We also show that they as radiolarians 关19兴 and patterns on the hard wings of lady
are stable and, under large spatial homogeneities in the initial beetles 关20兴. Recently, it has been found that morphogens
conditions, they appear over a well defined range of disk 共the name given by Turing to the chemicals in prepattern
sizes. We also simulated numerically the situation when a models兲 do exist 关21兴, but experimental evidence that mor-

1063-651X/2002/65共5兲/051913共9兲/$20.00 65 051913-1 ©2002 The American Physical Society


phogen patterns are set up by a Turing mechanism is yet to

be found.
Turing equations describe the temporal development of
the concentrations of two chemicals, U and V, that diffuse at
different rates, D U and D V , and react according to the non-
linear functions f and g,

⫽D U ⵜ 2 U⫹ f 共 U,V 兲 ,

⫽D V ⵜ 2 V⫹g 共 U,V 兲 .

We take the model introduced by Barrio et al. 关17兴, ob-

tained by observing that, in general, there is a stationary
uniform solution (U c ,V c ), given by the zeros of f and g. FIG. 1. Variation of dispersion relation, from Eq. 共2兲, for differ-
Functions are then expanded around this point in a Taylor ent parameter values. The continuous line corresponds to ␣
series, neglecting terms of order higher than cubic. The spe- ⫽0.899, ␤ ⫽⫺0.91, D⫽0.516, and ␦ ⫽0.01 011, to enhance the
cific system we consider is mode k 51⫽6.41 562. The dotted line corresponds to the same pa-
rameters as in the previous case but with ␦ ⫽0.00 845 to enhance
⳵u the mode k 03⫽7.01 558. Finally, the dashed line corresponds to the
⫽D ␦ ⵜ 2 u⫹ ␣ u 共 1⫺r 1 v 2 兲 ⫹ v共 1⫺r 2 u 兲 , 共1a兲 same mode k 03 , but obtained with parameter values ␣ ⫽0.2334,
␤ ⫽⫺0.95, D⫽0.12, and ␦ ⫽0.01 011.
⳵t 冉
⫽ ␦ ⵜ 2 v ⫹ ␤ v 1⫹
␤ 冊
u v ⫹u 共 ␥ ⫹r 2 v 兲 , 共1b兲
f U ⫹g V ⬍0⇒ ␣ ⫹ ␤ ⬍0,

where u⫽U⫺U c , v ⫽V⫺V c , D U ⫽D, and D V ⫽1. The

quantity ␦ conveniently gives the size of the system, and the f U g V ⫺ f V g U ⬎0⇒ ␣ 共 ␤ ⫹1 兲 ⬎0,
particular arrangement of the coefficients obeys conservation
rules in these chemicals. There are two interaction param- D U g V ⫹D V f U ⬎0⇒ ␦ 共 D ␤ ⫹ ␣ 兲 ⬎0,
eters r 1 and r 2 that, in Cartesian coordinates, control the
formation of stripe or spot patterns, respectively 关17兴.
We investigate patterns in a two-dimensional disk with 共 D U g V ⫹D V f U 兲 2 ⫺4D U D V 共 f U g V ⫺ f V g U 兲 ⬎0
zero-flux boundary conditions, namely,
⇒ 共 D ␤ ⫹ ␣ 兲 2 ⫺4D ␣ 共 ␤ ⫹1 兲 ⬎0, 共3兲
n•“u 共 r, ␪ 兲 ⫽n•“ v共 r, ␪ 兲 ⫽0,
where subscripts in f and g denote differentiation.
for all ␪ 苸 关 0,2 ␲ ), with r at the boundary of the disk with At the onset of instability, a good approximation of the
unit outward normal n. We then, in the linear regime, look critical wave vector is given by the minimum of the left part
for solutions of the form 共in the usual way兲 of the last inequality in Eq. 共3兲, namely,

u⫽u 0 exp共 ␭t 兲 兺m C m J m共 kr 兲 exp共 im ␪ 兲 ,

k 2c ⫽
2D U D V

␦ 冉
D V f U ⫹D U g V 1 ␣ ⫹D ␤
, 冊 共4兲

v ⫽ v 0 exp共 ␭t 兲 兺m D m J m共 kr 兲 exp共 im ␪ 兲 , where k⫽k mn ⫽ ␬ mn a; ␬ mn is the nth zero of the derivative

of the Bessel function J m ⬘ and a is the radius of the disk.
where C m and D m are constants and J m are Bessel functions Observe that this equation implies that once (a, ␣ , ␤ ,D) are
of mth order of the first kind. By substituting these solutions fixed, one could select a pattern of a given radial symmetry
in the linearized version of Eq. 共1兲 we obtain that the disper- by varying ␦ . Alternatively, solving Eq. 共4兲 for ␦ , one could
sion relation is given by the solutions of tune the other parameters to satisfy the condition k⫽ ␬ mn /a
for a given symmetry m.
␭ 2 ⫹ 关共 1⫹D 兲 ␦ ␬ 2 ⫺ ␤ ⫺ ␣ 兴 ␭⫹ 关共 D ␦ ␬ 2 ⫺D ␤ ⫺ ␣ 兲 ␦ ␬ 2
In Fig. 1 we show the dispersion relation, from Eq. 共2兲,
⫹ ␣ 共 ␤ ⫹1 兲兴 ⫽0. 共2兲 for a selection of different parameter values in the appropri-
ate parameter domain defined by Eq. 共3兲. The parameters
In order to keep the solutions as simple as possible, we en- were chosen to enhance mode k 51⫽ ␬ 51⫽6.41 562 共in what
forced (0,0) to be the only spatially uniform steady state by follows, we shall consider a unitary disk, a⫽1), according to
setting ␣ ⫽⫺ ␥ 关17兴. The following conditions must be sat- Eq. 共4兲, and mode k 03⫽ ␬ 03⫽7.01 558 was enhanced using
isfied for diffusion-driven instability 关10,17兴: two different sets of parameter values.


FIG. 3. Value of the pattern symmetry axis versus ␦ ⫺1/2, which

is proportional to the radius of the disk, for simulations with param-
eter values ␣ ⫽0.899, ␤ ⫽⫺0.91, D⫽0.516, a⫽1, and r 1 ⫽r 2
⫽0.2. The dashed lines represent noncentrosymmetric sixfold pat-
terns. Onefold symmetry axis corresponds to mixed symmetries.
Below ␦ ⫺1/2⫽9.66, noncentrosymmetric patterns with four or less
spots are obtained and for ␦ ⫺1/2⬎18.25 hexagonal patterns with
defects are generated. Starting from ␦ ⫽0.001 ( ␦ ⫺1/2⫽31.623) pat-
terns were obtained by increasing ␦ by 0.0001 and, in each case, we
used 36⫻106 time iterations to converge, with a time step of ⌬t
⫽1⫻10⫺4 .
FIG. 2. Series of symmetries obtained in a disk with zero-flux
boundary conditions. The values of ␦ are 共a兲 0.01 011, 共b兲 0.0075,
geometry to solve the Turing equations allows us to generate
共c兲 0.0055, 共d兲 0.0065, and 共e兲 0.0037. These correspond to select-
a fivefold pattern.
ing modes k 51 , k 61 , k 71 , k 32 , and k 52 , respectively.
The appearance of the central spot in some of the patterns
in Fig. 2 may seem strange at first sight. In particular,
J 5 (k 51r) is zero at the origin and Fig. 2共a兲 shows nonzero
III. NUMERICALLY COMPUTED STEADY-STATE values there. We should, however, note that the linear analy-
PATTERNS sis predicts modes under the linear regime, while the final
solution depends also on the nonlinear terms and it is ex-
Equations 共1兲 are solved in polar coordinates in a unitary pected that, besides monomodes, nonlinear coupling of dif-
disk (a⫽1) by a simple Euler method as described in detail ferent modes may appear. In Appendix B we perform a
in Appendix A. The calculations reported here were carried modal decomposition of a pentagonal pattern to confirm this
out using grid parameters M ⫽34, N⫽68, ⌬r⫽1/34, and possibility.
⌬ ␪ ⫽2 ␲ /68. The parameter values 共kept fixed in all our Since in Appendix A we obtain only necessary conditions
simulations兲 are ␣ ⫽0.899, ␤ ⫽⫺0.91, and D⫽0.516. We for numerical stability, we performed a number of simula-
used 16⫻106 time iterations to converge, with a time step of tions with different step sizes 共in time and space兲 in order to
⌬t⫽1⫻10⫺4 , which fulfills the necessary condition for nu- verify that the solution does not change under these condi-
merical stability 共A9兲. The system was always initialized us- tions. In Figs. 4共a兲 and 4共b兲, we show the pentagonal pattern
ing random fluctuations (⫾0.5) around the steady state obtained with the same parameters as in Fig. 2共a兲 but with
U 0i, j ⫽0 and V 0i, j ⫽0, for all i, j. The seed of the random smaller time steps, namely, 5⫻10⫺5 and 1⫻10⫺5 , respec-
generator was set to the CPU time of the computer. tively. In Fig. 4共c兲 we changed the spatial step size to M
⫽N⫽68, with ⌬t⫽2⫻10⫺5 . Finally, in Fig. 4共d兲, a plot of
In Fig. 2, examples of patterns obtained with parameter
the convergence factor ␴ for the simulations in Figs. 4共a兲 and
values r 1 ⫽r 2 ⫽0.2, to produce a spot pattern 关17兴, are
4共b兲 is shown.
shown. The values of ␦ correspond to increasing the size of In the range of disk sizes where we obtain pentagonally
the domain and, according to Eq. 共4兲, different symmetries symmetric solutions, other admissible modes are possible
are selected. The convergence to steady state of the pattern and we found that under several different runs, with different
was estimated by means of the quantity ␴ ⫽ 兺 i, j (U ni, j initial conditions, it was possible to obtain these modes 共but
⫺U n⫺1 2
i, j ) , at each time step. A typical value of this quantity only if we reduce the amplitude of the random fluctuations in
in all our calculations is 1⫻10⫺6 . In Fig. 3 a graph of the the initial conditions兲. This problem of multiple stable
pattern symmetry axis value versus ␦ is shown. It can be steady-state solutions has been one of the main criticisms of
seen that hexagonal and pentagonal patterns are more fre- the Turing model as a plausible explanation for robust pat-
quent and the pentagonal pattern is generated in a range of ␦ tern formation. It has been shown that using different types
about 16% of the explored radius. The use of the circular of boundary conditions 关22兴 or employing domain growth


shown 关26兴. Much of the rest of larval growth consists of the

formation and lengthening of podial buds maintaining the
pentagonal symmetry of the initial lobes. These five podial
buds play a major role, by migration from pole to pole, dur-
ing the embryological skeletal development of regular echi-
noids in the framework of the axial-extraxial theory 关27兴.
Thus, the symmetry of the adult echinoid is set in this initial
stage of development and, for this purpose, the first relevant
event is the formation of a pentagonal pattern in the rudiment
that dictates the radial symmetry of future development.
Regarding ratios and relative sizes, the realistic diagrams
in Figs. 5共a兲 and 5共b兲 compare notably well with Fig. 2共a兲
with the exception of the central spot in the latter. In Fig.
5共c兲 we show a simulation with the same parameters as in
Fig. 2共a兲 but the factors that control the formation of stripes
or spots were changed to r 1 ⫽5 and r 2 ⫽3. Generally, spots
are more robust and pronounced than stripes 关17兴; actually,
stripes are only formed for very small values of r 2 . In the
simulation of Fig. 5共c兲, the factor favoring stripes is high,
they do not form because r 2 is not small. The net result is a
FIG. 4. Simulations of the pentagonal pattern with the same sort of modulation of amplitudes such that the central spot of
parameters as in Fig. 2共a兲 but with different spatial and temporal the pentagon, albeit present, has a very low amplitude.
step sizes. 共a兲 ⌬t⫽5⫻10⫺5 , 共b兲 1⫻10⫺5 , 共c兲 M ⫽N⫽68, and ⌬t
Notice that taking into account how the symmetry of the
⫽2⫻10⫺5 , and 共d兲 plot of the convergence factor ␴ for the simu-
patterns are selected, from a genetic point of view, the pen-
lations in 共a兲, with continuous line, and 共b兲 with dashed line.
tagonal symmetry of the adult echinoid can be efficiently
encoded using two basic parameters as highly condensed in-
关23兴 it is possible 共at least on a one-dimensional domain兲 to structions: the radius of the rudiment disk 共or the cell num-
increase greatly the robustness of certain modes. ber兲 and the characteristic wavelength of the morphogens.
Let us now consider the case when a given pattern is used
IV. PATTERNS OF SEA URCHINS as source of morphogens in a larger disk. That is, we simu-
late the influence of an initially frozen pattern in a domain
Selecting the symmetry of the Turing pattern by means of where a pattern forming reaction takes place. This has been
the disk radius may be relevant for capturing the essence of used to simulate the imposition of some directional prefer-
the de novo appearance of the five primary podia during the ence onto the pattern formed, by means of a pattern of dif-
early development of regular echinoid larval forms. At the ferentiated cells 关28 –30兴. We first consider the pentagonal
first stages of larval growth, these animals develop five buds structure shown in Fig. 2共a兲 implanted as a source of mor-
of primary podia in a disk called imaginal rudiment, rudi- phogens in a disk of larger size. The procedure is as follows.
ment disk, or just rudiment 关7,24,25兴. These five buds point The spots of the pentagonal structure shown in Fig. 2共a兲,
to the vertices of a slightly distorted pentagon and give rise generated in a disk of radius r 共proportional to 1/冑␦ r , with
to the radially symmetric adult. In Figs. 5共a兲 and 5共b兲, sche- ␦ r ⫽0.01 011), is implanted in a larger disk of radius R⬎r
matic diagrams of the realistic arrangement of the five pri- 共proportional to 1/冑␦ R , with ␦ R ⫽0.0006), and its amplitude
mary podia in the rudiment of Eucidaris thouarsi and scaled such that the maximum equals 1. The system is then
Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis sea urchin larvae are initialized with the previous pentagonal pattern as a seed at
the center and U 0i, j ⫽V 0i, j ⫽0 in the area not occupied by the
spots of the pentagonal seed. These spots are considered a
source of morphogen in such a way that their size is main-
tained fixed and the value of the morphogen is set to 1 dur-
ing all time steps. In Fig. 6共a兲 we show the pattern that re-
sults after 800 000 iterations 共before reaching steady state兲.
The pattern compares notably well with the pigmentation
pattern of the common Indo-Pacific sea urchin species Tox-
opneustes pileolus 共Alphonso urchin兲, shown in Fig. 6共b兲,
FIG. 5. Schematic diagrams showing the realistic arrangement and it may be considered as a frozen pattern when the animal
of the five primary podia in the rudiment of 共a兲 Eucidaris thouarsi reaches adulthood. The similarities between the simulated
larvae 共taken from Fig. 2 of Ref. 关7兴兲 and 共b兲 Strongylocentrotus pattern and the real biological pattern are supported by the
droebachiensis sea urchin larvae 关taken from Fig. 2共f兲 of Ref. 关25兴兴. coherence between the pigmentation pattern and the morpho-
共c兲 Numerical calculation of the pentagonal pattern with the same logical structure of the urchin test 关as seen in Fig. 6共b兲兴,
parameters as in Fig. 2共a兲 but with the factors that control the for- suggesting that both pigmentation and skeleton formation
mation of stripes or spots changed to r 1 ⫽5 and r 2 ⫽3. were simultaneous during the growth process.


FIG. 6. 共a兲 Transient pattern 共after 800 000兲 iterations obtained

with ␦ ⫽0.0006 using a pentagonal seed as described in the text
with the remaining parameter values as in Fig. 2. 共b兲 Toxopneustes
pileolus sea urchin 共taken from echinoid website of The Natural
History Museum of London, designed by A. Smith兲.


In a second simulation we let the pattern of Fig. 6共a兲 reach

stability (6⫻106 time iterations兲. The final pattern is shown
in Fig. 8共a兲 and it consists of a nearly twinned pentagonal
structure. The disk size used in the simulation ( ␦ R
⫽0.0006) is large enough to obtain a hexagonal pattern, but
in this case it has to couple with the pentagonal seed and the
best way to do this is to generate a twinned structure formed
by a central pentagon surrounded by distorted hexagons.
This result can be related to another important and primi-
tive taxonomic group of echinoderms: the crinoids 关31兴. In
Fig. 7 we show the typical plate diagrams of 11 calyxes of
camerate crinoid fossils that we have studied 关2,32兴. An in-
teresting fact is that all these structures are variations of a
fundamental arrangement that is a twinned pentagonal struc-
ture. This can be made evident as follows. By using the FIG. 7. Typical plate diagrams of camerate crinoids: 共a兲 Ar-
numerical approach described elsewhere 关2兴, we digitalize chaeocrinus microbasalis, 共b兲 Condylocrinus verrucosus, 共c兲 Deo-
each plate diagram codifying the result using a binary sys- crinus asperatus, 共d兲 Diamenocrinus jouani, 共e兲 Hercocrinus el-
tem: black 共1兲 and the white background 共0兲. Next, we ex- egans, 共f兲 Kyreocrinus constellatus, 共g兲 Opsiocrinus mariana, 共h兲
pand this binary function as a truncated Fourier-Bessel series Ortsaecrinus cocae, 共i兲 Rhodocrinites kirbyi, 共j兲 Sphaerotocrinus
with real coefficients 关2兴 so that a plate arrangement can be ornatus, and 共k兲 Thylacocrinus vannioti.
described by the plate model function
4 C 0 ⫽0.25, C 5 ⫽0.09, C 10⫽⫺0.42, C 15⫽⫺0.04, C 20⫽0.45,
S 5 ⫽0.36, S 10⫽⫺0.1, S 15⫽⫺0.28, and S 20⫽0.26, which
T 共 r, ␪ 兲 ⫽ 兺
J 5n 共 kr 兲关 C 5n cos共 5n ␪ 兲 ⫹S 5n sin共 5n ␪ 兲兴 ,
compare well with the averaged coefficients of the fossil spe-
共5兲 cies. This good match is better appreciated if we reproduce
the image using these coefficients and Eq. 共5兲. The resulting
where r and ␪ are polar coordinates and k is the wave num-
ber 关2兴. The values of C and S were calculated for the 11
fossil species shown in Fig. 7 and it turns out that all struc-
tures are quite similar 关2兴. An average structure can be ob-
tained by taking the mean of the calculated constants C
and S of the 11 species studied, giving C 0 ⫽0.25, C 5
⫽0.05, C 10⫽⫺0.45, C 15⫽0.02, C 20⫽0.48, S 5 ⫽0.47, S 10
⫽⫺0.02, S 15⫽⫺0.46, and S 20⫽0.05. Notably, this undula-
tory average structure is an almost perfect fivefold twinned
structure, as shown in Fig. 8共c兲, which compares well with
the twinned Turing structure that results from our simulation, FIG. 8. 共a兲 Final steady-state pattern of the simulation shown in
and is shown in Fig. 8共a兲. Fig. 6共a兲 after 6⫻106 time iterations. 共b兲 Pattern obtained using Eq.
In order to compare both patterns in a more proper way, 共5兲 and the coefficients of the Fourier-Bessel analysis of 共a兲. 共c兲
the simulated structure of Fig. 8共a兲 was transformed to a Average twinned structure of the arrangement of plates of camerate
black and white image and the Fourier-Bessel analysis gives crinoids.



We have explored numerically the formation of Turing

patterns in a circular domain with size comparable with the
characteristic wavelength. Our results show that, under large
spatial homogeneities in the initial random conditions, pen-
tagonal patterns appear and are stable over a well defined
range of disk sizes 共about 16% of the explored radius兲. Some
real biological examples of pentagonal patterns in regular
echinoids and criuoids are presented. Our results may offer a
possible mechanism for inducing the fivefold symmetry ob-
served in early development of these animals. By assuming
that in a biological system a certain pattern can be calcified
or biologically differentiated at a stage of development, we
also simulate pigmentation patterns in sea urchin shells by
using sources of morphogens implanted in a disk. Finally, the
importance of a transient or an unstable pattern in biological
systems is reinforced.
FIG. 9. Schematic plate arrangement of Pycnocrinus dyeri fossil
crinoid. Plates are indicated by thick white lines. Circles indicate ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the center of the plates and form a lattice of ridges decorating the
We thank J. P. Adrados for help with figure preparation.
plates. This lattice 共drawn with thin white lines兲 is a twinned pen-
Part of this work was financially supported by the Royal
tagonal structure formed by distorted hexagons with a pentagon at
the center. The inset shows a schematic diagram of the calyx or cup
Society Leverhulme Trust 共P.K.M.兲. One of us 共J.L.A.兲 ac-
of Pycnocrinus dyeri adult form from where the plate diagram was knowledges financial support from DGAPA-UNAM through
obtained. Grant No. IN-108199.


pattern is shown in Fig. 8共b兲. Both undulatory patterns 共av-
eraged and mimicked兲 are pentagonal twinned structures By using subscripts to denote differentiation, in polar co-
with the property that the sides of the central pentagon are ordinates the Laplacian reads
also sides of antinode hexagons surrounding this pentagon.
Our Turing model thus captures the essence of these 1 1
ⵜ 2 ⫽ ⳵ rr ⫹ ⳵ ␪␪ ⫹ ⳵ .
structures that evolution has explored in crinoids, which are r2 r r
fluctuations of a basic pentagonal twinned structure. This
average structure is a simple and predictable geometrical pat- The system 共1兲 is then

冉 冊
tern that evolution may have occupied in the morphospace of
early crinoid skeletons. Hence, this is another example that 1 1
corroborates the claim of the more general work by Thomas u t ⫽D ␦ u rr ⫹ u ␪␪ ⫹ u r ⫹ ␣ u 共 1⫺r 1 v 2 兲 ⫹ v共 1⫺r 2 u 兲 ,
r2 r
et al. 关33兴, where it is established that viable design elements
available for animals, to use as skeletons, have been fully 共A1a兲

冉 冊 冉 冊
exploited in early ages. Evidently, evolution also tried the
twinned structure itself, as can be seen in Fig. 9, where the 1 1 ␣r1
v t ⫽ ␦ v rr ⫹ v ␪␪ ⫹ v r ⫹ ␤ v 1⫹ u v ⫹u 共 ␥ ⫹r 2 v 兲 ,
schematic plate arrangement of Pycnocrinus dyeri camerate r 2 r ␤
crinoid fossil 关31,32兴 is shown. In the figure, plates are indi- 共A1b兲
cated by thick white lines. The centers of the plates are in-
dicated by circles and form a lattice of ridges decorating the with zero-flux boundary conditions u r ⫽ v r ⫽0 at the bound-
plates. Observe that this lattice 共drawn with thin white lines兲 ary of the disk (r⫽a).
is a twinned pentagonal structure formed by distorted hexa- We use the simple Euler 共forward difference兲 approxima-
gons with a pentagon at the center, quite similar to the ones tion to approximate u t , u r , v t , v r , and central differences to
shown in Fig. 8. Notice also that plates constitute the Dirich- approximate u rr , u ␪␪ , v rr , and v ␪␪ . Using equally spaced
let domains of the lattice of ridges 关34兴. This plate arrange- points along r, ␪ , and t we thus denote r i ⫽(⌬r)/2⫹i⌬r,
ment is also observed in Glyptocrinus decadactylus camerate ␪ j ⫽ j⌬ ␪ , and t n ⫽n⌬t, where i⫽0,1, . . . ,M , j
crinoid fossil 关31,32兴. ⫽0,1, . . . ,N, ⌬r⫽1/M , and ⌬ ␪ ⫽2 ␲ /N. We start from r
The plate arrangement shown in Fig. 9 was directly ob- ⫽(⌬r)/2 in order to avoid the singularity of the Laplacian at
tained from the calyx or cup of the published images of fossil the origin. The center of the disk is obtained by using bound-
crinoids 关31,32兴. A schematic diagram of the calyx is shown ary conditions such that central points are joined in pairs
in the inset of Fig. 9; the stem of the fossil is represented by separated by ␪ ⫽ ␲ /2, that is,
the three white lines at the bottom of the figure and white
filled circles indicate the starting point of the arms. U 共 r 0⫺1 , ␪ j ,t n 兲 ⫽U 共 r 0 , ␪ j⫹N/2 ,t n 兲 ,


for j⫽0,1, . . . ,(N/2)⫺1, and D ␦ ⌬t

i, j ⫽U i, j ⫹
U n⫹1 ⫺2U (i, j) ⫹U (i⫺1,j) 兲
n n n n
共 U (i⫹1,j)
U 共 r 0⫺1 , ␪ j ,t n 兲 ⫽U 共 r 0 , ␪ j⫺N/2 ,t n 兲 , 共 ⌬r 兲 2

D ␦ ⌬t
for j⫽N/2, . . . ,N. ⫹ n
共 U (i, j⫹1) ⫺2U (i, j) ⫹U (i, j⫺1) 兲
n n
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2
j) and V (i, j) denote U(r i , ␪ j ,t n ) and V(r i , ␪ j ,t n ),
n n
If U (i,
respectively, we then solve D ␦ ⌬t n
⫹ 共 U (i⫹1,j) ⫺U (i, j) 兲 ⫹ ␣ ⌬tU (i, j) . 共A4兲
n n
r i ⌬r
D ␦ ⌬t
i, j ⫽U i, j ⫹
U n⫹1 ⫺2U (i, j) ⫹U (i⫺1,j) 兲
n n n n
共 U (i⫹1,j)
共 ⌬r 兲 2 The truncation errors arise from the Taylor series expan-
sions used to approximate derivatives
D ␦ ⌬t
⫹ n
共 U (i, j⫹1) ⫺2U (i, j) ⫹U (i, j⫺1) 兲
n n
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2 i, j ⫺U i, j
U n⫹1 n
⫽u t ⫹ u 共␰兲 共 t⭐ ␰ ⭐t⫹⌬t 兲
D ␦ ⌬t n ⌬t 2 tt
⫹ 共 U (i⫹1,j) ⫺U (i, j) 兲 ⫹⌬t 关 ␣ U (i, j) ⫹V (i, j)
n n n
r i ⌬r
⫺ ␣ r 1 U (i,
j) 共 V (i, j) 兲 ⫺r 2 U (i, j) V (i, j) 兴 ,
n 2 n n
U i⫹1,j ⫺2U ni, j ⫹U i⫺1,j

␦ ⌬t 共 ⌬r 兲 2
i, j ⫽V i, j ⫹
V n⫹1 ⫺2V (i, j) ⫹V (i⫺1,j) 兲
n n n n
共 V (i⫹1,j)
共 ⌬r 兲 2
共 ⌬r 兲 2
⫽u rr ⫹ u 共 ␰ 兲共 r⫺⌬r⭐ ␰ ⭐r⫹⌬r 兲 ,
␦ ⌬t 12 rrrr
⫹ n
共 V (i, j⫹1) ⫺2V (i, j) ⫹V (i, j⫺1) 兲
n n
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2
with similar expressions for u r and u ␪␪ .
␦ ⌬t From these equations, we can calculate the truncation er-
⫹ ⫺V (i, j) 兲 ⫹⌬t 关 ␤ V (i, j) ⫺ ␣ U (i, j)
n n n n
共 V (i⫹1,j)
r i ⌬r ror introduced by the finite-difference discretization of Eq.
⫹ ␣ r 1 ⌬tU (i,
j) 共 V (i, j) 兲 ⫹r 2 ⌬tU (i, j) V (i, j) 兴 ,
n 2 n n
⌬t 共 ⌬r 兲 2
with zero-flux boundary conditions T ni, j ⫽ u tt 共 r i , ␪ j , ␨ i jn 兲 ⫹ u 共 ␯ , ␪ ,t 兲
2 12 rrrr i jn j n

U nM ⫹1,j ⫽U nM , j , n
U i,N⫹1 ⫽U i,N
, 共 ⌬␪ 兲2 ⌬r
⫹ u ␪␪␪␪ 共 r i , ␰ i jn ,t n 兲 ⫹ u rr 共 ␹ i jn , ␪ j ,t n 兲 ,
12 2
V nM ⫹1,j ⫽V nM , j , n
V i,N⫹1 ⫽V i,N
which is O(⌬t)⫹O(⌬r 2 )⫹O(⌬ ␪ 2 )⫹O(⌬r). By assuming
As initial conditions we use random small fluctuations that the involved derivatives are bounded, the truncation er-
around the steady state U 0i, j ⫽0 and V 0i, j ⫽0, for all i, j. ror goes to zero as ⌬t, ⌬r, and ⌬ ␪ go to zero. Consequently,
Given the nonlinear terms in Eqs. 共A2兲 a rigorous analysis the numerical method is consistent with the partial differen-
of the stability of the difference scheme is not an easy task. tial equation 共A3a兲.
In practice, however, since important sources of instability To determine when the method is stable, we find the equa-
are the higher-order terms 关35兴, necessary conditions and a tion satisfied by the error e⫽U⫺u. By definition of the trun-
good estimation of ⌬t are obtained by investigating the con- cation error, the exact solution u satisfies
sistency and stability of Eqs. 共A2兲 as if they were uncoupled.
Thus, we consider the equations D ␦ ⌬t
i, j ⫽u i, j ⫹
u n⫹1 ⫺2u (i, j) ⫹u (i⫺1,j) 兲
n n n n
共 u (i⫹1,j)

冉 冊
共 ⌬r 兲 2
1 1
u t ⫽D ␦ u rr ⫹ u ␪␪ ⫹ u ⫹ ␣ u, 共A3a兲 D ␦ ⌬t
r2 r r
⫹ n
共 u (i, j⫹1) ⫺2u (i, j) ⫹u (i, j⫺1) 兲
n n
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2

v t ⫽ ␦ v rr ⫹
r 冊
v ␪␪ ⫹ v r ⫹ ␤ v . 共A3b兲 ⫹
D ␦ ⌬t n
r i ⌬r (i⫹1,j)
⫺u (i,
j) 兲 ⫹ ␣ ⌬tu (i, j) ⫹⌬tT i, j .
n n

As above, the finite-difference discretization of Eq. 共A3a兲 By substracting Eq. 共A4兲 from this equation, after grouping
is common terms, we obtain


e (i, 冉
j) ⫽ 1⫺2
D ␦ ⌬t
共 ⌬r 兲 2
D ␦ ⌬t
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2

D ␦ ⌬t
r i ⌬r
⫹ ␣ ⌬t e (i,
TABLE I. Normalized magnitudes of the coefficients for the
Fourier-Bessel decomposition of the pattern in Fig. 4共c兲.

冉 冊 冉 冊
m/n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
D ␦ ⌬t
D ␦ ⌬t n D ␦ ⌬t n
⫹ ⫹ e ⫹ e (i⫺1,j) 0 0.372 0.021 1.000 0.058 0.013 0.004 0.015
共 ⌬r 兲 2 r i ⌬r (i⫹1,j)
共 ⌬r 兲 2 1 0.003 0.006 0.012 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.000

⫹ 冉 D ␦ ⌬t
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2 冊 n
e (i, j⫹1) ⫹ 冉 冊 D ␦ ⌬t
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2
e (i, j⫺1) ⫺⌬tT i, j .
共A5兲 5 0.594 0.057 0.012 0.017 0.014 0.011 0.011
6 0.002 0.008 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001
If we define T max⫽max兩T (i,j)
兩 and E n ⫽max兩e(i,j)
兩, for 1⭐i 7 0.002 0.007 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001
⭐M and 0⭐ j⭐N, from Eq. 共A5兲 we get

兩 e (i,

j) 兩 ⭐ 1⫺2
D ␦ ⌬t
共 ⌬r 兲 2
D ␦ ⌬t
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2

D ␦ ⌬t
r i ⌬r
⫹ ␣ ⌬t E n 冏 Equations 共A7b兲 and 共A8b兲 can be written in a more trans-
parent way if we take into account that, since we are avoid-
ing the origin r⫽0, min(ri)⫽r0⫽(⌬r/2). By substituting this

⫹ 冏 D ␦ ⌬t
共 ⌬r 兲 2

r i ⌬r 冏 冏 冏 冏
D ␦ ⌬t n D ␦ ⌬t n
E ⫹
共 ⌬r 兲 2
E ⫹ 2
D ␦ ⌬t
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2
En 冏 into Eqs. 共A7b兲 and 共A8b兲 and rearranging the terms we

⫹⌬tT max . 共A6兲 1

⌬t⭐ , 共A9a兲
The absolute value sign can be removed provided that all the 4D ␦ 4D ␦

terms under absolute value sign are nonnegative. Since D 共 ⌬r 兲 2 ⌬r 共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2
⬎0 and ␦ ⬎0, we assume that

␣ ⭓0, 共A7a兲 1
⌬t⭐ , 共A9b兲
4␦ 4␦
D ␦ ⌬t D ␦ ⌬t D ␦ ⌬t ⫹ ⫹兩␤兩
1⭓2 ⫹2 ⫹ , 共A7b兲 共 ⌬r 兲 2 ⌬r 共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2
共 ⌬r 兲 2
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2 r i ⌬r

so that, after removing absolute value signs in Eq. 共A6兲 and respectively. Both inequalities provide necessary conditions
simplifying, we obtain for the stability of Eq. 共A2兲.
The values used in all our calculations are D⫽0.516,
⌬r⫽1/34, ⌬ ␪ ⫽2 ␲ /68, and ␤ ⫽⫺0.91. Thus by consider-
兩 e (i, j) 兩 ⭐E ⫹ ␣ ⌬tE ⫹⌬tT max⫽ 共 1⫹ ␣ ⌬t 兲 E ⫹⌬tT max . ing, for example, the value of ␦ to obtain the pentagonal
n⫹1 n n n

It can be proved 共see, for instance, theorem 1.2.1 of Ref.

关35兴兲 that the above sequence of inequalities with nonnega-
tive numbers is equivalent to
␣ n⌬t
兩 e (i,
j) 兩 ⭐e 共 E 0 ⫹n⌬tT max兲 ⫽e ␣ n⌬t n⌬tT max ,

where we used the fact that E 0 ⫽0. Thus, as a fixed value of

t n , the error goes to zero as T max→0, and Eq. 共A4兲 is stable
under the assumptions 共A7兲.
The above stability analysis is also valid for the discreti-
zation of Eq. 共A3b兲, with the only difference that if ␣ ⭓0
关assumption 共A7a兲兴, then, according to the first condition in
Eq. 共3兲 ␤ is negative ( ␤ ⭐⫺ ␣ ) 关17兴. Thus, the discretization
of Eq. 共A3b兲 is stable under the assumptions

␤ ⭐0, 共A8a兲

␦ ⌬t ␦ ⌬t ␦ ⌬t
1⭓2 ⫹2 ⫹ ⫹ 兩 ␤ 兩 ⌬t. 共A8b兲 FIG. 10. Reconstructed image using the complex coefficients
共 ⌬r 兲 2
r i共 ⌬ ␪ 兲 2 r i ⌬r tabulated in Table I and Eq. 共B1兲.


pattern in Fig. 2共a兲 ( ␦ ⫽0.01 011) we get ⌬t⭐0.009 326 and 2

k mn
⌬t⭐0.004 791, respectively. C mn ⫽
␲ 关共 k mn a 兲 2 ⫺m 2 兴关 J m 共 k mn a 兲兴 2


The principal modes involved in the Turing patterns simu-

⫻ 冕冕
a 2␲

u 共 r, ␪ 兲 rJ m 共 k mn r 兲 e ⫺im ␪ d ␪ dr.

lated in this work can be revealed by means of a modal By examining the magnitude 兩 C mn 兩 of these coefficients, we
decomposition. In particular, the solution of Eqs. 共1兲, u(r, ␪ ), can determine the principal modes of the function u(r, ␪ ).
can be expanded in a Fourier-Bessel series as We performed the Fourier-Bessel decomposition of the
pattern in Fig. 4共c兲. In Table I, the normalized magnitudes
⬁ ⬁ 兩 C mn 兩 for m⫽0,1, . . . ,7 and n⫽1,2, . . . ,7, are tabulated. It
can be seen that the more relevant modes are 共03兲, 共51兲, and
u 共 r, ␪ 兲 ⫽ 兺 兺
m⫽0 n⫽1
C mn J m 共 k mn r 兲 e im ␪ , 共B1兲
共01兲. Since J 0 is nonzero at the origin, the enhancement of
modes k 03 and k 01 account for the central spot in the pen-
tagonal pattern.
where k mn ⫽ ␬ mn /a, as defined in Sec. II. In order to verify our result, we use the obtained 共com-
Using the orthonormality and completeness of plex兲 coefficients, to reconstruct the pattern using Eq. 共B1兲.
J m (k mn r)e im ␪ , the complex coefficients C mn are given by The result is shown in Fig. 10.

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