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The future with « will », « be

going to » and present tenses

Look at these different
ways of talking about
the future: Fill in the sentences using the correct future form

I think they’ll get

married, don’t you?
I’m thirsty. I think I .......…………….................... (make) some tea .

The film.............................………….........(start) at half past seven.

David. “You’ve left the oven on.”

Linda. “Oh, sorry ! I ...............(go) and switch it off.”

I ................. …………….........(not/watch) the next programme, I

want to finish my book.

They say they’re going
Alice and Simon .....................(spend) six weeks in the States.
to get married one
of these days. It’s Bob’s birthday tomorrow and we .................... (have) a party.

Look at those black clouds! It ........................ (rain).

I don’t think I ..............………………..........(do) any work tonight. I’m

too tired.

You’ve got so much to do, let me help you ! I....................

………........(peel) the potatoes if you like.

They’re getting married ................................(you/do) anything this evening ?

on Saturday.
What time ............…………………...........(the train/leave) ?

I................ (meet) Wendy at four o’clock at the station.

..................................(they/go) to Joan’s party next week ?

I ................................. (pay) you back next month. I promise !

We ...................................(have) a party tomorrow. Would you

The ceremony starts like to come?

at 3 p.m. John .............................. (go) to London next month.

Julie: “ ...................... (Daniel/apply) for the job? “

David: “ Yes, I think he is. “

She ............................. (be) on holiday in August, won’t she?

Paul: There’s someone at the door!

Janet: Don’t worry, I ................................(go).

............................... (he/go) to the restaurant this evening?


1. I’m thirsty. I think I’ll make some tea .

2. The film starts at half past seven.

3. David. “You’ve left the oven on.”

Linda. “Oh, sorry ! I’ll go and switch it off.”

4. I’m not going to watch the next programme, I want to finish my book.

5. Alice and Simon are spending/are going to spend six weeks in the States.

6. It’s Bob’s birthday tomorrow and we’re going to have/ we’re having a party.

7. Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

8. I don’t think I’ll do any work tonight. I’m too tired.

9. You’ve got so much to do, let me help you ! I’ll peel the potatoes if you like.

10. Are you doing anything this evening ?

11. What time does the train leave ?

12. I’m meeting Wendy at four o’clock at the station.

13. Are they going to Joan’s party next week ?

14. I’ll pay you back next month. I promise!

15. We’re having a party tomorrow. Would you like to come?

16. John’s going to London next month.

17. Julie: “ Is Daniel going to apply for the job? “

David: “Yes, I think he is. “

18. She’ll be on holiday in August, won’t she?

19. Paul: There’s someone at the door!

Janet: Don’t worry, I’ll go!

20. Is he going to the restaurant this evening?

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