Petunjuk Umum: Interstellar Movie Review

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Petunjuk Umum

1. Tulislah lebih dahulu Nomor dan Nama Peserta pada Lembar Jawaban yang tersedia.
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawab.
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kuramg jelas, rusak atau
jumlah soal kurang.
4. Dahulukan soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.
5. Beri tanda silang (X) pada salah satu huruf yang dianggap benar pada lembar
6. Apabila anda ingin mengubah pilihan jawaban, beri garis mendatar pada jawaban
yang salah ( X) kemudian silang (X) pada pilihan yang anda anggap benar.
7. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
8. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu

A. Choose the best answer by crossing a,b,c,d,or e!

Text 1
This text to answer question no 1 to 3

Interstellar Movie Review

On the one hand, Iwas impressed with Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar. It was an
epic movie with wonderful visuals that attempted to bring tough astrophysics to a general
audience. It was an opportunity to showcase real interstellar science in the public domain.
However, the Dark Knight Rises director’s space adventure failed to deliver, even though
I was trying to see past its scientific shortfalls.
The story begins in the future on a dying Earth. There’s no time for space
exploration, life on Earth is all about fighting disease, hunger and crippling climate
change. The message is clear: if we stop exploring, we die. In Interstellar’s future we
stopped lookig at the stars and we paid the ultimate price.
Matthew McConaughey’s acting was as to be expeted; deep, emotional and well
executed, as was Anne Hathaway’s character, Amelia Brand. In General, the casting and
everyone’s acting was good. It was a movie with all the right elements.
Interstellar missed the opportunity to display brilliant science fiction and that’s
why I’m annoyed. It had potency, but that potential was squandered unnecessarily.

1. What is the message of Interstellar’s movie?

a. We will die if we stop breathing.
b. We will fail if we are not willing to work hard.
c. We will die if we stop looking at the stars.
d. We will be sick if we continue exploring.
e. We will die if we cease exploring.

2. The maian idea of pharagraph two is.........

a. Life on Earth
b. A dying Earth
c. The message of the movie
d. The Earth in future times

e. The synopsis of the movie

3. According to the reviewer, the movie had a potency of an excellent science

fiction, bu it was ........
a. Explored
b. Thought
c. Wasted
d. Required
e. Maintained

Text 2
This text to answer question no 4 to 6

Dear Emma,

I’d like to inform you that the meeting which should be held at 11 this morning is
cancelled. Gery, our chairperson, must go to Yogyakarta to visit his father who has been
hospitaized. We will reschedule the meeting as sson as Gery returns from Yogyakarta.


4. What is the purpose of the message?

a. To invite Emma to attend the meeting.
b. To ask Emma to go to Yogyakarta.
c. To inform Emma that Gery’s father has been hospitalized.
d. To reschedule the meeting.
e. To inform Emma about the cancellation of a meeting.

5. What will Toni and his friend do after Gery returns?

a. to elect a new a chairperson
b. to go to Yogyakarta
c. to visit Gery’s father
d. to cancel a meeting
e. to plan another meeting

6. Who sent the letter?

a. Emma
b. Gery’s father
c. Toni
d. Gery
e. The chairperson

Text 3
This text to answer question no 7 to 12

The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk

A Mouse who always lived on the land, by an unlucky chance, formed an intimate
acquaintance with a Frog, who lived for the most part in the water.

One day, the Frog was intent on mischief. He tied the foot of the Mouse tightly to his
own. Thus joined together, the Frog led his friend the Mouse to the meadow where they
usually searched for food. After this, he gradually led him toward the pond in which he

lived, until reaching the banks of the water, he suddenly jumped in, dragging the Mouse
with him.

The Frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a
good deed. The unhappy Mouse was soon sputtered and drowned in the water, and his
poor dead body floating about on the surface. A Hawk observed the floating Mouse from
the sky, and dove down and grabbed it with his talons, carrying it back to his nest. The
Frog, being still fastened to the leg of the Mouse, was also carried off a prisoner, and was
eaten by the Hawk.

7. Where did the Mouse and the Frog live?

a. They lived on the land
b. They lived in the water
c. They lived above the tree
d. The Mouse lived in the water and the Frog lived on the land
e. The Mouse lived on the land and the Frog lived in the water

8. How did the Mouse die?

a. He was tied on the Frog’s leg
b. He drowned in the water
c. He floated about on the surface of the water
d. He was eaten by the Hawk
e. He was imprisoned by the Hawk

9. How was the end of the Frog’s life?

a. He was fastened on the Mouse’s foot
b. He drowned in the water
c. He was eaten by the Hawk
d. He was eaten by the Mouse
e. He became the prisoner of the Hawk

10. What do you learn from this story?

a. We can make friend with everybody
b. We should choose our friend carefully
c. Do not play in the river if do you do not want to get drowned
d. Practice swimming if you do not want to get drowned
e. Do not play with animals

11. The unhappy Mouse was soon sputtered and drowned in the water. The antonym
of the underline word is ….
a. Floating
b. Sink
c. Diving
d. Swimming
e. Jumping

12. He tied the foot of the Mouse tightly to his own. The underline word refers to ….
a. The Frog
b. The Mouse
c. The Hawk
d. The Frog and the Mouse
e. The Mouse and the Hawk

Text 4
This text to answer question no 13 to 15


It is possible to find mosquitoes in almost every part of the world: except in the
places where it is extremely cold or very dry.During summer, it is almost certain that you
can find many mosquitoes near swamps,pounds and lakes.
Mosquitoes have an interesting life cycle. First, the female mosquito has to bite a
person or animal in order to get some blood. She needs it before she can lay her eggs.
Second, she flies to an area of water and deposits her eggs in the water. In few days the
eggs open and the baby mosquitoes, called larvae, come out. In short time, they will
matureand fly away.
It is interesting to note that only the female will bite forblood. She has a special
mouthwhich can go intoan animal’s skin or a person’s skin. On the other hand, the male
mosqitocan only drink plant juice wthhis mouth.

13. Why does the female mosqito bite a person or animal?

a. The personor animalis not protected
b. Sheneed some blood for flying
c. She need blood to lay her eggs
d. The person or animal has much blood
e. She requires some blood to be mature

14. The second paragraph is about

a. The life cycle of the mosquitoes
b. The function of the female mosquito
c. The function of bloodto mosquito
d. The female mosquitoes’s life
e. Baby mosquitoes called larvae

15. From the text above we know that ...

a. Mosquitoescan live in extremely cold place
b. Female mosquitoes drink plant juice
c. The larvae will mature in a long time
d. The male mosquito need blood
e. The male mosquito do not bite people or animal

Text 5
This text to answer question no 16 to 18

One morning, I went to school on foot, as usual. I walked (1)..... as it was still
early. There were many (2)....... which were dangerous for riders, due to the heavy rain
last night. Suddenly, a motorcyclist passed by at medium speed. She tired to avoid a
puddle, but lost her balanceand fell from her motorcycle. Taking pity, I approached her
and saw her condition. Fortunately, she was not seriously injured. I took iodine from my
bag and applied it to her wound. The woman (3)....... me and offered me a ride, but I
refused. Do you know what happened later in my class? The woman who I had helped
was my new teacher!

16. a. Slowly
b. hurriedly
c. reluctantly
d. hesitantly

e. carefully

17. a. sand
b. asphalt
c. ashes
d. leaves
e. puddles

18. a. apologised
b. forced
c. thanked
d. urged
e. blamed

Text 6
This text to answer question no 19 to 21

People generally use drugs for positive reasons but there are some people who
use drugs for recreation. Recreational drugs,eventhough illegal inmost countries,
are commonly found in manyplaces devoted to entertainment such as
discotheques or pubs. Some people use drugs such as marijuana and cocaine for
relaxation, but recreational drugs use can lead to serious drugs problem.
Other people use drugs for different purposes, Some athlets, for example,
consciously take drugs commonly known as steroids to boost their performance.
Generally, this is not a crime, but the use of such drugs can disqualify athletes.
World renowned Canadian spinter, Ben Johnson, was accused of taking drugs
during the Olympics. This charge was proven by means of a blood test
administered after the games. There are many other sports figures who have taken
drugs for similar purposes. Can you name athletes you know who have taken
drugs ?
People have different views concerning the benefit of recreational drug use.
What one person may think is wrong about the use of certain drugs may be
considered acceptable to another.

19. Where are recreational drugs commonly found ?

a. In some places
b. In the Olympics
c. In many countries
d. In recreational places
e. In discotheques and pubs

20. Why do some athletes use drugs ?

a. To relax after a competition
b. To boost their performance
c. To make them popular
d. To disqualify them
e. To make them happy

21. According to the text, ..........

a. The use of drugs should be banned
b. Using drugs in considered a crime for athletes
c. Using drugs is common and legal for athletes
d. It is good to use drugs in discotheques
e. People have different opinions about drugs use

Text 7
This text is to answer question no 22 to 26

Mobile Phones : Good or Bad?

Everywhere you go nowadays, you see people using mobile phones. From
school children to the people, you see them talking in the supermarket, on trains,
in the street, everywhere!
So what are the advantages of mobile phone?
First of all, they are very convenient because you can phone from nearly
anywhere. Another advantage is that they are reallu useful in emergency
For example, if you are alone in yourcar and it breaks down, you can get
help quickly. In addition, you can also use your mobile to text your friends or
connect to the Net.
However, there are disadvantages such as the cost. Mobile phone calls
cost more than normal calls. Futhermore, it can be annoying if you are on train or
a bus, and you have to listen to someone else’s boring conversation. It happens
because people can contact you anywhere, at any time, unless you switch you
phone off!
In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I
feel mobile phones are a good thing because they give us more freedom and make
communication easier.

22. What is the text about?

a. The advantages and disadvantages of having mobile phones

b. The reason why people have a mobile phone
c. How people communicate nowadays
d. How people use their mobile phones
e. Mobile phones call cost

23. Why do people prefer using mobile phones to home based telephones?

a. It has cheaper calls cost than the normal ones

b. They can use it almost anywhere
c. Mobile phones let them free to talk in public places
d. Mobile phones are cheap
e. They can afford it

24. Wich of the following is NOT TRUE about the text?

a. Sometimes someone disturb other people when she/he make conversations in
a bus
b. Communicating using a mobile phone may cause traffic accidents
c. People can use mobile phones to connect to the internet
d. Not many people usemobile phones recently
e. Mobile phones ease us to communicate

25. “..... because they give us more freedom and make communication easier. “ (Last
paragraph) they refers to...
a. The readers
b. The advantages of mobile phones
c. The readers and the writer
d. Emergency situation
e. Mobile phones

26. “Another advantages is that they are really useful in emergency situations.”
(Paragraph 2)
The similar meaning of the underlined word is .....

a. Important
b. Busy
c. Critical
d. Spare
e. Impossible

Text 8
This text to answer no 27 to 29

Expending wholesaler of stationary and office equipment requires :
A responsible accountant for director to run smoothly the company finance will good
salary and good working condition for good applicant.
Apply with curriculum Vitae to :
Mrs. Barton
Office Equipment World & Efficiency Work. PO Box 36 Whistle Woods UK

27. In Which section would you likely read the ad?

a. Company sale
b. Office equipment
c. Job Vacancy
d. Entertainment Guide
e. Stationary and Office
28. What position is offered in the advertisement?
a. Salesman
b. Wholesaler
c. Accountant
d. Office Staff
e. Director assistant

29. Apply with curriculum Vitae to Mrs. Barton. What is the information should the
applicant include in it?
a. Experience in managing the company
b. A statement of salary wanted
c. A prove of knowing about stationary
d. A statement of responsibility
e. A statement of education and work experience

Text 9
This Text for questions no 30 to 31

Organic food is a food produced naturally, without chemical substances. People

tend to consume organic food because it is superior compared to non organic one.
Organic food is healthier because they are free of chemical sunstances which
harm our bodies’health. It is also more nutritious than non organic food. The
nutrition remains in the food because it is free from chemical substances that can
decrease nutrition. Moreover, organic farming using organic fertilizers to manure
plants is friendly for the enviroment and maintains soil fertile.

Organic food is quality because it is healthier and more nutritious. Organic
farming is friendly for the environment too.

30. What is organic food?

a. Food processed traditionally
b. Food which maintains nutrition
c. Food processed in a modern way
d. Food containing chemical substances
e. Food produced without chemical substances

31. Why should people consume organic food?

a. It is easily cultivated
b. It uses chemical fertilizer
c. It is sold at affordable prices
d. It is healthier and more nutritious
e. It contains substances which harm health

Text 10
This Text for questions no 32 to 34

In the middle of a bright day, I had an appointment with my friend for lunch. I
drove along the main road at a reasonable speed.
About fify metres before the crossroads, a pedestrian who was walking on the
pavement suddenly ran across the road in front of my car. I was so suprised that I
braked as hard as I could. I really panicked and I had to swerve to avoid the
pedestrian. I crashed into a car which was parked by the side of the road.
Fortunately, the pedestrian wasn’t injured, but I had a bad cut on my face because
my head hit the wind screen. I didn’t wear my seat belt.
Then, an ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital where I had to have five
stitches and rested foe a few hours. There was a lot of damage to my car; the wind
screen was broken and the bodywork was badly damaged. Later, I was interviewed
by the police at the hospital.

32. What is the main idea of pharagraph 2?

a. Where the accident happened
b. When the accident happened
c. How the accident happened
d. Why the accident happened
e. Who were involved in the accident

33. While the writer was driving, suddenly ............

a. A pedestrian hit his car

b. A pedestrian ran into his car
c. A pedestrian greeted him
d. A pedestrian ran across the road
e. A pedestrian crossed the road

34. From the text we can conclude that ..........

a. The pedestrian was careless
b. The writer broke traffic rules
c. The writer drove his/her car fast
d. The witness helped the victims
e. The writer helped the injured pedestrian

Text 11
This Text for questions no 35 to 36

Do you like shopping? Want to get cheap price?

Come and enjoy our discount at Mega Store. It’s from July 20 to July 31,2016. The
discount is up to 75% for clothes and food. So, don’t miss it!

35. What is the kind of the monologue above?

a. Announcement
b. Message
c. Advertisement of a product
d. Review text
e. Procedure text

36. What does it offer?

a. A new store
b. Special discount
c. A movement of a store
d. Some new products
e. Clothes and food

37. Man : That looks like a very bad cut. How did it happen?
Woman: It happened when I was slicing onions, hurriedly.
What happened to the woman?
a. She cut her finger quite badly
b. She wasn’t given any help
c. She was crying while slicing onions
d. She sliced the onions hurriedly
e. She was going to make rice fried

38. Arya ; I’ve just got back to work after being hospitalized for a week.

Ana ; …….
a. You should work harder then

b. Aren’t you sad?
c. How were you doing there?
d. You’d better work half a day for now
e. You should stay in the hospital

39 . Mr. Rusli ; When will your daughter finish her study?

Mr. Boy ; I hope she will have graduated by September next year.
What does Mr. Boy mean?
a. He doesn’t know anything
b. He will graduate next year
c. His daughter hasn’t graduated yet
d. His daughter didn’t graduate
e. His daughter had graduated last year

40. X ; Do you promise to take care of the cat if you get one?

Y ; Yes, I do
The dialogue above expresses….
a. promise
b. accusing
c. complaint
d. regret
e. asking someone to do something

41. Ayu ; Look what you have done to this book! It’s torn. How could it be?

Denias ; ----------------------------. I didn’t do that.

a. Are accusing me of stealing the book?
b. I should bring the accused here.
c. Are accusing me of tearing the book?
d. I know who do that.
e. I have no idea who do that

42. Virga ; What do you think of the regulationto wear a standard helmet?

Andy ; ----------------------------. The regulation is made for safety.

a. I strongly disagree with the regulation.
b. I’m standing in a position to support the regulation

c. I’m in opposition to the regulation.

d. That might be true, but I disagree with that.
e. I should say that I disagree with that

43. Man : Excuse me, Ma’am. Can I have a bunch of spinach, please?
Woman : Sure. Anything else?
Man : No, thanks.
Woman : Where do you think the speakers are?

a. In a florist
b. In a grocery
c. In a fruit salad
d. In a boutique
e. In a greengrocery

44. He acts as if he------English properly.

a. Know

b. Knew
c. Knows
d. had known
e. were knowing

45. My father wishes I hadn’t gone to the cinema, means……

a. I’m going to the cinema

b. I went to the cinema
c. I would go to the cinema
d. I didn’t go to the cinema
e. I haven’t gone to the cinema

46. Girl : Dad, I’m so sorry. I dropped your glasses from the table and they
Man : It’s okay, dear. I will get them repaired at an optician this afternoon.
Girl : I do regret my carelessness, Dad.
Man : You must be careful next time.
What is the main going to do?
a. Drop the glasses
b. Invite an optician
c. Break the glasses
d. Get the glasses repaired
e. Repair his glasses by herself

47. Woman : How was my performance, Sir?

Man : It was excellent! You really pushed yourself to the limit
Woman : Do you think I’ll win?
Man : Certainly. You sang perfectly. I’m really proud of you. You
deserve to win.
What did the woman do?

a. She read a song book

b. She taught how to sing well
c. She performed a lyrical drama
d. She learned how to sing well
e. She took part in a singing contest

48. Man : How was your badminton competition?

Woman : Thank God. I received a gold medal.
Man : ........
What is the best response?
a. I don’t think so
b. Congratulations!
c. I am sorry to hear that
d. I am going to see the competition
e. That’s a pity

49. I will have my secretary .......... an appoinment with Mr. Setiawan for next week.
a. Makes
b. Made
c. Make
d. To make

e. Making

50. The girl behaved as though she ....... mad.

a. Were going
b. Was going
c. Had gone
d. Has gone
e. Will go



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