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Hydrochloric Acid’s concentration and

its effect on Hydrogen Gas produced

when reacting with Magnesium
Research Question
What effect does the concentration of hydrochloric acid have on the amount of hydrogen gas
produced when the solution reacts with magnesium? In this experiment, magnesium ribbon will be
placed into a HCl (aq) and water solution in a test tube where the gas pressure of the sealed test tube will
be measured.

Background Information
In this lab, the effect of the concentration of hydrochloric acid on hydrogen gas produced when
the diluted acid reacts with magnesium was being measured. When hydrochloric acid (HCl (aq) ) and
magnesium (Mg) react, it is a type of single displacement reaction which follows the general equation:
A + BC → B + AC. This reaction, which is also an example of an oxidation-reduction reaction can be
modelled by the balanced equation:
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g).1
(Sullivan, 2012) When the reactants, hydrochloric acid and magnesium came into contact, they produced
magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. This occurs because the magnesium is more reactive than the
hydrogen so the magnesium displaces the hydrogen in the chloride compound. The magnesium is
oxidized, losing two electrons and the hydrogen transforms from an H+ ion to H2 gas when the electrons
from the magnesium are transferred to it.2 (Nez, 2015)

The effect of the concentration of hydrochloric acid was being measured. The concentration of
the hydrochloric acid was manipulated using dilution. Since concentration is one of the factors of the
collision theory. The collision theory is a theory used to predict the rates of chemical reactions,
particularly for gases. The collision theory is based on the assumption that in order for a reaction to
occur, it is necessary for the reactant molecules to collide with one another.3 (The Editors of
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2018) The collision theory states that if more collisions occur, there is an

Sullivan, R. (2012). Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid | Chem Demos. Retrieved from
Nez, T. (2015, November 19). In detail, exactly what happens when Mg reacts with HCl? Retrieved from
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2018). Collision Theory | Definition & Explanation. In Encyclopedia Britannica.
Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/science/collision-theory-chemistry
increased chance that a reaction occurs. The reaction rate which the collision theory predicts is affected
by multiple factors including surface area, temperature, the use of a catalyst, and concentration. The
dependent variable, the pressure produced by the hydrogen gas was affected by the collision theory as
when more reactions occur in a shorter period of time, more hydrogen gas was produced.

If the concentration of the hydrochloric acid is increased, then then the amount of hydrogen gas
produced/the gas pressure will increase. This is because, according to the collision theory, an increased
concentration results in the frequency of collisions increasing. This increased frequency of collisions
will result in more successful collisions, thus resulting in more hydrogen gas being produced.

Independent Variable
The independent variable is the concentration of the hydrochloric acid. For this experiment, 25
trials were conducted, 5 for each of the following concentrations of HCl (aq).

1. 0 mL HCl (aq), 5 mL H2O

2. 1 mL HCl (aq), 4 mL H2O
3. 2 mL HCl (aq), 3 mL H2O
4. 3 mL HCl (aq), 2 mL H2O
5. 4 mL HCl (aq), 1 mL H2O
These values have been chosen because having the HCl(aq) at 5 mL allows the reaction to occur while
not using an excessive amount of materials. The first increment which used 0 mL of HCl(aq) and 5 mL of
H2O is the control trial. The amount of the hydrochloric acid was then increased by 1 mL and the
amount of the H2O in the concentration was decreased by 1 mL for every trial after. These increments of
20% provided results that evidently provided evidence towards answering the research question and
provided enough data to see clear differences in between the data gained from different increments.
Dependent Variable
The dependent variable is the amount of hydrogen gas produced/the gas pressure of the test tube.
This was measured using a gas pressure sensor. A stopper was placed onto the test tube immediately
after placing the magnesium into the hydrochloric acid. The stopper has 2 holes, on either side which
allowed a gas pressure sensor to be inserted and measure the gas pressure of the test tube. The gas
pressure sensor was attached to a wireless Vernier receiver which transmitted the data to the Vernier
Graphical Analysis app where the data was recorded.

Control Variable
The constant group in the experiment is trial 1. Since the experiment is determining the effect of
hydrochloric acid concentration on the amount of hydrogen gas produced, this trial used no hydrochloric
acid, instead using 5 mL of H2O.

Control of Variables
● The temperature of the room in which the experiment is being held in. This variable was kept
constant as the room was at room temperature throughout all the trials.
● The equipment used in the experiment. This variable was kept constant as the equipment and
quantities of the materials did not change.
● The humidity of the room the experiment is being held in. Since humidity affects air pressure,
this was also kept constant as the windows were closed and the temperature remained constant.
● The size of the test tubes used. This was kept constant by using the same type of test tubes for
every trial.
● The volume of the diluted hydrochloric acid is constant. ( 5 ml ± 0.5 ml)
● The amount of time that the reaction occurs in is constant. (60 sec ± 0.5 sec)
● The quantity of magnesium used is constant (1 cm ± 0.05 cm)
● The temperature of the hydrochloric acid is constant. This will be controlled as the reactants will
be at room temperature.
● The surface area of the magnesium ribbon is constant. This was kept constant as the width
remained constant and the length was cut to 1 cm for each trial.
● 25 cm of Magnesium Ribbon (± 1.25 cm)
● 75 mL Spring Water ( ± 0.15 ml)
● 50 mL Hydrochloric Acid (± 0.15 ml)
● 5 Test Tubes
● 1 Test Tube Rack
● 2 100 ml Beakers – clean, not cracked/damaged (20 – 100 ml, ± 5 ml)
● 1 Gas Pressure Sensor – clean, functioning
● 1 Wireless Vernier Receiver – not an electrical hazard, function (± 0.005 kPa)
● 2 10 ml Syringes (1 – 10 ml, ± 0.5 ml)
● 1 30 cm Ruler ( 0 - 30 cm, ± 0.05 cm)
● 1 Pair of Scissors
● 1 iPhone 6s Plus
● 1 Stopper

1. Used a syringe to measure and pour 75 ml of spring water into a 100 ml beaker as seen in figure
2. Used the other syringe to measure and pour 50 ml of hydrochloric acid into a 100 ml beaker as
seen in figure 1.
3. Used the ruler and scissors to cut out a 25 pieces of 1 cm magnesium ribbon.
4. Used the syringes to measure and insert 5 mL of spring water into a test tube in the test tube
5. Connected iPhone to the wireless Vernier receiver.
6. Prepared the gas pressure sensor by attaching it to the wireless Vernier receiver and inputting the
sensor into the stopper as seen in figure 1.
7. Ensured that the gas pressure sensor’s sensor was zeroed to remove the variable of atmospheric
8. Dropped the 1 cm magnesium ribbon into the diluted hydrochloric acid.
9. Started the timer on the Vernier Graphical Analysis app.
10. Inserted the stopper with the gas pressure sensor attached into the top of the test tube as seen in
figure 1.
11. Recorded gas pressure after 60 seconds.
12. Took the stopper off.
13. Washed the test tube and discarded the hydrochloric acid. (Solid magnesium ribbon was thrown
into the garbage)
14. Repeated steps 4 - 13 four times.
15. Repeated steps 5 - 14 with 1 mL HCl (aq) and 4 mL H2O, 2 mL HCl (aq) and 3 mL H2O, 3 mL HCl
(aq) and 2 mL H2O, and 4 mL HCl (aq) and 1 mL H2O.

Figure 1: Diagram of experimental setup

Raw Data
Table I: Gas pressure created by the hydrogen gas in the test tube

Mass/concentration of the The gas pressure of the test tube after one minute
diluted hydrochloric acid

HCl (aq) (mL) H2O (mL) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5
(+/- 0.5mL) (+/- (+/- 0.005 (+/- 0.005 (+/- 0.005 (+/- 0.005 (+/- 0.05
0.5mL) kPa) kPa) kPa) kPa) kPa)

0 5 3.41 1.91 3.35 3.37 3.19

1 4 11.63 12.87 9.23 10.84 11.21

2 3 41.40 42.98 38.47 39.23 41.02

3 2 60.20 66.06 62.49 64.43 63.45

4 1 62.28 68.48 68.04 68.32 67.79

Table II: Observations throughout the trials

Mass/concentration of the Observations

diluted hydrochloric acid
HCl (aq) H2O (mL)
(mL) (+/- (+/- 0.5mL)

0 5 When 5 ml of H2O was used and 0 ml of HCl (aq) was used in the
dilute hydrochloric acid, nothing visible occurred and the
magnesium ribbon did not seem to have shrunk in size.

1 4 When 1 ml of HCl (aq) was used and 4 ml of H2O was used in the
dilute hydrochloric acid, nothing visible occurred and the
magnesium ribbon seemed to have shrunk a little bit in size.

2 3 When 2 ml of HCl (aq) was used and 3 ml of H2O was used in the
dilute hydrochloric acid, visible changes started to occur. Bubbles of
hydrogen gas are seen forming while the HCl (aq) and Mg react as
seen in Appendix A. Vapour is seen forming on the walls of the tube
as seen in Appendix A. The magnesium is barely or no longer visible
after one minute in the hydrochloric acid.

3 2 When 3 ml of HCl (aq) was used and 2 ml of H2O was used in the
dilute hydrochloric acid, visible changes become more prominent.
Bubbles of hydrogen gas form more often and quicker than before.
Vapour is visible on the walls of the test tube. The magnesium
dissolves after one minute in the hydrochloric acid in all 5 trials.

4 1 When 4 ml of HCl (aq) was used and 1 ml of H2O was used in the
dilute hydrochloric acid, all of the previous changes occur but earlier
than before. Bubbles of hydrogen gas are seen forming almost
instantly as the magnesium and hydrochloric acid react. Vapour
covers the walls of the test tube and the magnesium is dissolved in
all 5 trials after a minute.

Processed Data
Sample Calculation for 5 ml of H2O (gas pressure): (Trial 1 + Trial 2 + Trial 3 + Trial 4 + Trial 5) / 5 =
(3.41+1.91+3.35+3.37+3.19) / 5 = 3.05. See Appendix B for more calculations

Table III: Average gas pressure of the test tube after one minute

Mass/concentration of the diluted hydrochloric acid Average gas pressure of the test tube
after one minute (+/- 0.25 kPa)

HCl (aq) (mL) (+/- 0.5mL) H2O (mL)

(+/- 0.5mL)

0 5 3.05

1 4 11.16

2 3 40.62

3 2 63.33

4 1 66.98
Figure 2: Average gas pressure of the test tube after one minute


As seen in Table II, Table III, and Figure 2, the data collected from this lab indicates that as the
concentration of the dilute hydrochloric acid increased, the amount of hydrogen has/the average gas
pressure of the tube increased as well. These results were expected due to the collision theory stating
that if more collisions occur, there is an increased chance that a reaction occurs. The reaction rate which
the collision theory predicts is affected by multiple factors, one of which being concentration. This
means that since more reactions are occuring due to an increased concentration, more hydrogen gas was
produced and the average gas pressure of the test tube was increased. These results supported my
hypothesis as the data shows that as the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the dilute hydrochloric
acid increases, the average gas pressure increases as well.
At first, the average gas pressure grew exponentially from the 3.05 kPa average gas pressure
achieved by using only water, which jumps to an 11.16 kPa average gas pressure when 1 ml of HCl (aq)
and 4 ml of H2O is used. This then jumps to a 40.62 kPa average gas pressure when 2 ml of HCl (aq) and
3 ml of H2O are used. After this point, however, the average gas pressure starts to slow down slightly.
The 40.62 kPa average gas pressure rises to a 63.33 kPa average gas pressure when 3 ml of HCl and 2
ml of H2O are used and then again to an 66.98 kPa average gas pressure when only 1 ml of H2O is used
and 4 ml of HCl (aq) is used. As the lab only measures the effect of up to 4 ml of HCl (aq) and 1 ml of H2O
and does not use larger quantities of HCl (aq) and magnesium, it was not possible to see if the average gas
pressure would continue to grow slower or stop growing at all. Based off the data collected however, it
would be safe to assume that the average kPa would slow down in growth as the data shows that it starts
slowing down, but also because once the magnesium dissolves, the amount hydrogen gas that can be
produced drops drastically.

Although many variables were accounted for, there were still sources of error present. One of the
sources of error is that after the magnesium was dropped into the dilute HCl (aq), it took a few seconds to
get the stopper on the test tube. Although this would not cause a huge discrepancy in the results, it still
affects the data as all the hydrogen gas produced in the time it took to put the stopper on would escape
the test tube. This is an important source of error since the amount of time it took to put the stopper on
the test tube varied from trial to trial as well. This could be solved by waiting a set period of time after
the magnesium was dropped in the HCl (aq) to put the stopper on to ensure it does not vary from trial to
trial. Another method to avoid this source of error would be to put the magnesium on the wall of the test
tube and tilt the test tube so it does not fall into the HCl (aq), put the stopper on and then return it to an
upright position. Another source of error is human error. Differences in how far into the test tube the
stopper was pushed, resulted in different amounts of gas being leaked throughout the trials which caused
some of the gas to be leaked resulting in a lower gas pressure. This is very difficult to avoid but it can be
regulated to ensure the discrepancy between how far in the stopper is pushed into the test tube in the
multiple trials is low. A way to keep the discrepancy level low would be to have the same person
pushing in the stoppers as they would know the relative amount of force to use on the stopper every
A similar lab investigation was conducted by Stephanie Chun.4 (Chun, 2010) The investigation
by Stephanie Chun measured the effect of the hydrochloric acid concentration on the rate of reaction
between magnesium and hydrochloric acid. This investigation involves the same independent variable,

Chun, S. (2011, March 21). Rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid using vernier pressure sensor.
Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/wkkok1957/rate-of-reaction-between-magnesium-and-hydrochoric-acid-using-
the concentration of the hydrochloric acid but it has a different dependent variable, instead measuring
the rate of reaction compared to the amount of hydrogen gas/the gas pressure of the test tube which this
lab measures. Regardless of this, both investigations provide results which point to the same conclusion.
Through Chun’s lab, the results show that an increase in the concentration of the hydrochloric acid
results in an increased rate of reaction between the hydrochloric acid and magnesium. Chun’s lab shows
that when the hydrochloric acid concentration or its molarity is 0.05, the average rate of reaction is
0.04148 kPa s-1. This increased when the molarity of the HCl (aq) was 0.1, having an average rate of
reaction of 0.06150 kPa s-1, and increased even more when the molarity of the HCl (aq) was 0.2, having
an average rate of reaction of 0.1357 kPa s-1. When the molarity of the HCl (aq) was 0.4, the average rate
of reaction was 0.2727 kPa s-1 and when the molarity of the HCl (aq) was 0.8, the average rate of reaction
was 0.8836. The results, although they do not explicitly show that the amount of hydrogen gas produced
increases with an increase of HCl (aq) concentration, they do support the hypothesis of this lab indirectly.
The lab’s results show that an increased concentration results in an increased rate of reaction. This does
support the hypothesis as when the reaction occurs, it produced hydrogen gas and if the reactions are
occurring more frequently when the HCl (aq) concentration is higher, it means that more hydrogen gas is
produced when the HCl (aq) concentration is higher.

This lab has many strengths and few limitations. The experimental design was a strength,
overall. The experiment itself is a strength, as the effect of the concentration of HCl (aq) is clearly visible
when measuring the amount of hydrogen gas produced. Another strength of the lab is that all the
important variables which could have had an effect on the lab wer controlled. As the results were
measured using a gas pressure sensor using correct preparation, there is a low chance that the results are
incorrect. The results are also accurate due to the fact that 5 trials occured for each of the different levels
of concentration to ensure the data is accurate. A limitation and flaw in the procedure is that once the
magnesium is dropped into the HCl (aq), there is a loss of hydrogen gas as the gas that is formed during
the time the stopper is put on, some gas escapes due to a reflex reaction. This lab’s procedure could have
been improved in a few ways. Firstly, if the magnesium was put onto the wall of a tilted test tube, it
allows the opportunity to put the stopper on without losing hydrogen gas. Another improvement to the
reaction is the using smaller increments of HCl (aq) concentration as the magnesium completely dissolves
when 4 ml of HCl (aq) is used and sometimes when 3 ml of HCl (aq) is used.

The hypothesis was proven to be valid and the method that was used is valid, with expected and
hypothesised results. As the concentration of the dilute HCl (aq) increases, the average gas pressure
increases as well. The the average gas pressure grew exponentially from a 3.05 kPa average gas pressure
achieved in trial 1, to an 11.16 kPa average gas pressure in trial 2, to a 40.62 kPa average gas pressure in
trial 3. After this point, however, the average gas pressure starts to slow down slightly. The 40.62 kPa
average gas pressure rises to a 63.33 kPa average gas average in trial 4 and then again to an 66.98 kPa
average gas pressure in trial 5.
Appendix A: An image of bubbles forming and vapour on the walls after
the HCl and Magnesium reacts
Appendix B: Calculations for Processed Data

Equation = (average gas pressure in trial 1 + average gas pressure in trial 2 + average gas pressure in
trial 3 + average gas pressure in trial 4 + average gas pressure in trial 5) / 5

0 ml of HCl: (3.41+1.91+3.35+3.37+3.19) / 5 = 3.05.

1 ml of HCl = (11.63+12.87+9.23+10.84+11.21) / 5 = 11.16

2 ml of HCl = 6 g = (41.40+42.98+38.47+39.23+41.02) / 5 = 40.62

3 ml of HCl = g = (60.20+66.06+62.49+64.43+63.45) / 5 = 63.33

4 ml of HCl = g = (62.28+68.48+68.04+68.32+67.79) / 5 = 66.98

Reference List

Chun, S. (2011, March 21). Rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid using vernier

pressure sensor. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/wkkok1957/rate-of-reaction-


The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2018). Collision Theory | Definition & Explanation.

In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/science/collision-


Nez, T. (2015, November 19). In detail, exactly what happens when Mg reacts with HCl? Retrieved

from https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/detail-exactly-what-happens-when-mg-reacts-


Sullivan, R. (2012). Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid | Chem Demos. Retrieved from


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