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General Formatting and Presentation

Note: After receiving final draft and okay from supervisor in email, the students will send
one hard copy of the software at university address. Please contact your supervisor before
sending hard copy and taking prints.

The Thesis should be formatted using American Psychological Association (APA) style.

  Paper Size: A4 size (8.3 x 11.7 inches).

  Title page: As per sample on next page.

  Margins: One inch on top, bottom, and right. 1.5 inch on left.

  Font Size and Type: 12-pt. Times New Roman font.

 Headings and Subheadings: Font size 14-pt (Bold) , center and title case for main
headings and 12-pt (Bold) for subheadings, Times New Roman Font.




 Line Spacing: Double-space throughout the document, including the title page, body of
 the document, references and appendixes, if any.

 Spacing after Punctuation: Space once after commas, colons, and semicolons within
 sentences.

 Alignment: The entire text must be aligned to the left side of page. In MS Word, select
 the entire text. On the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” group, click “Align text left”.

  Paragraph Indentation: 5 spaces (Press “tab” while beginning each new paragraph).

 Pagination: The page number appears one inch from the right edge of the paper on
 the top margin of every page.

 Table Heading: “Table 1” is typed flush left above the table caption.

 Table Caption: “Sample of the study” is typed flush left and italic, above the table
 without any space.

 Figure Caption: “Figure 1.” is typed flush left with the border of the figure in italics on
 the first line below the figure.

 Plagiarism Check: The supervisor shall report the similarity index of the proposal
using TURNITIN software. The similarity index should be below 20%.

 Content list will be without any dotted lines.

Content page number
Introduction (14) bold 3
Subheading (12) bold 5

Reference example:
For article reference

Azer, S. A. (2005). The qualities of a good teacher: How can they be acquired and
sustained? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.

For book reference:

Carr, D. (2000). Professionalism and Ethics in Teaching. NY, Routledge

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