Sources of Oxygen Contamination in SAW - Eager

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Sources of Weld Metal

Oxygen Contamination During

Submerged Arc Welding
The oxygen level of submerged arc w e l d metal is controlled
by SiOzdecomposition in most acidic fluxes whereas the
oxygen level of basic fluxes is controlled by the oxygen potential
of the slag as determined by the FeO content of the slag.


ABSTRACT. Thermodynamic calcula- metal reactions. In turn, the as- 2. Total slag chemistry after weld-
tions have been made for several sumption that these reactions are ing.
possible rate controlling slag-metal controlling, makes it possible to 3. Weld metal chemistry.
reactions involving oxygen. The re- formulate semi-quantitative rules for It is also useful or even necessary to
sults, coupled with experimental data, the selection of flux compositions and have:
suggest probable mechanisms of weld sheds further light on the overall 4. Welding electrode chemistry.
metal oxygen contamination and pro- mechanisms of weld metal oxygen 5. Base metal chemistry.
vide guidelines for design and selec- contamination. 6. Percent dilution.
tion of welding consumables. It is 7. Ratio of slag weight to weight of
further shown that fluxes w i t h basic- Previous Work weld metal deposited.
ities greater than those currently being 8. Operating conditions, viz., weld
produced should not provide signifi- The literature on slag-metal reac- current, voltage, travel speed, cooling
cant reductions in weld metal oxygen tions in welding is limited, w i t h the rate, etc.
content and may i n fact be harmful. majority of the studies having been
performed on high FeO and high acid Such data permit numerous calcula-
fl~xes,~ both
- ~ of which result in high tions which aid in determining the
Introduction controlling reactions during sub-
weld metal oxygen content, w i t h
Ever increasing concern for the frac- resultant l o w toughness. It has been merged arc welding.
ture toughness of weldments has led recognized for over 15 years that high N o single source could be found
to recent investigations of weld metal flux basicity will reduce oxygen levels which provided all of the above data;
oxygen content. These investigations and improve t o u g h n e s ~ .Recently,
~~~ however, one paper, by Tuliani et a//
have shown that oxygen content there has been an effort to achieve was conspicuous i n the abundance of
decreases as flux basicity in~reases.~J even higher flux basicities in hopes of data presented, and half of the experi-
The explanation for this trend is by n o further improving toughness. mental data used in this paper are
means obvious when one considers Much of the experimental data taken from that work. Sufficient data
that the oxygen potential of these reported in the literature i s insufficient on four other welds were found i n a
fluxes is not a uniform function of flux for meaningful thermodynamic calcu- paper by Garland and Kirkwood.'
basicity. In fact, for equivalent FeO lations. The minimum data required Information on five additional welds i s
contents, the oxygen potential reaches involve: shown in Table 1, and was supplied
a maximum at the value of basicity from the files of a commercial firm.
1. Total flux chemistry before weld- The basicity index used in this paper
index for which oxygen content is a
ing. is given by:
minimum. Such a trend i s surprising to
say the least. Bl = [CaO+MgO+BaO+SrO+
In an effort to understand the mech-
anism of weld metal oxygen contami- Paper to be presented at the AWS 59th
nation, thermodynamic calculations Annual Meeting in New Orleans during
have been performed for several possi- April 3-7, 1978.
ble slag-metal reactions. The result of
these calculations, coupled with avail-
T. W. EAGAR is Assistant Professor of Mate- -
(MnO + FeO)]/ [ S O 2 +
rials Engineering, Department of Materials
able experimental data provides an Science and Engineering, Massachusetts
explanation of the observed phenom- Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massa-
ena in terms of rate controlling slag- chusetts.


which is identical with the equation
given by Tuliani et a/,2 and later used Table 1.-Weld Metal, Slag and Flux Chemistries for Five Submerged Arc Weldments A to
E Using Commercial Fluxes
by other^,^-^ except for the omission of
CaFz as a basic component of the flux.
''Weld letter designation
Equation (1) represents the practice,
common in steelmaking literature and A B C D E
verified by at least t w o separate stud- Weld Metal Chemistry
I of assuming CaF, as a neutral
C 19 .I 8 22 .I 8 19
component in slags. In welding, a Mn 1.21 94 1.02 80 I .06
trend toward a slight decrease in CaFs Si 25 38 20 49 12
level after flux usage may be most 0"" ( P P ~ ) 270 544 208 536 2.01
likely attributed to the reaction: Flux/Slag Chemistry
SiO, 41.0/39.2 40.1/37.4 33.9/33.1 54.1 /49.4 12.9/11.9
Al,0, 1.3/1.4 6.1/6.3 4.9/5 3 4.8/4 3 18.1/18.2
TiO, -/- 16.2A5.8 3.7/3.7 -/- 0.6/0.6
This reaction is known to proceed FeO 0.4/1.9 1.0/3.9 0.4/0.9 0.2/3.5 2.2/2.4
rapidly,12 and i s a much more impor- MnO 4.0/4.5 11.5/12.2 0.3/1,3 0.3/2.0 0.3/1.2
CaO 46.2/44.7 18.9/18.2 46.8/46.2 27.5/27.6 10.2/8.1
tant source of fluorine loss than the CaF, -/- 4.5/4.3 6.6/6.4 3.9/3.7 26.7/26.8
reduction of CaF2 by Si to form SiF, as
MgO 1.0/1.8 1.4/1.4 2.0/1.7 9.6/9.6 28.2/28.4
has been suggested by others2 Equa- Total, 93.9/93.5 99.7/99.5 98.6/98.6 100.4/100.1 99.2/97.6
tion (2) also represents an important Bl-eq ( I ) 1.18/- 0.52/- 1.29/- 0.66/- 1.78/-
reason for the use of dry welding BI-Tuliani et aI2 1.18/- 0.6,'- 1.4/- 0.7/- 3.01 7 -
fluxes,,as HF formation poses a serious
("Base metal and electrode compositions are not available but were uniform for each weld. Welding was single pass using
health hazard when fluoride fluxes 'ire DCE P.
used. "Oxygen analysis determined by neutron activation
The trend toward decreasing weld
metal oxygen level w i t h increasing ly, this trend contradicts the trend It is seen in Fig. 2, that the FeO
basicity is not altered by the use of which would be expected when one activity has a pronounced peak at a
equation (1) rather than Tuliani's considers only the oxygen potential of basicity = 2, which corresponds t o the
formula, but is shifted in value slightly the flux, which is determined by the orthosilicate composition in- the
as is shown in Fig. 1. The available data activity of FeO in the flux. SiOj - CaO system.
appear to fit either index equally well;
however, it i s felt that the basicity
index represented by equation (1) is o Tuliani et al. (Ref. 2)
preferable as i t is supported by ther-
A Garland et aI. (Ref. I 1
modynamic measurements. If the ac-
tivity of SiOz is not altered by addition a C o m m e r c i a l data (Table I )
of CaF2 to steelmaking slags, there is
n o reason to presume that it should be
altered in welding fluxes.

Sources of Weld Metal Oxygen

High toughness steel plates are
either fully killed or at least semi-killed
to maintain base metal oxygen levels
below approximately 100 ppm. Many
welding electrodes formulated for
high toughness applications are va-
cuum melted for an oxygen content
which is also below 100 p p ~ n yet, ~ the
very lowest weld metal oxygen levels
are approximately 200-300 ppm.
The excess oxygen content, above
the base metal or electrode oxygen
contents, must come from either one
or both of t w o sources, i.e., the
surrounding atmosphere or decompo-
sition of oxide components in the flux.
It i s primarily this latter source w i t h
which this paper is concerned, al-
fhough it is argued, later in the paper,
that atmospheric contamination may
be a significant factor, particularly in
the more basic fluxes. 0 I 2 3
The general trend of the weld metal
oxygen content as a function of flux BASICITY INDEX
basicity is shown in Fig. 1b. It i s seen Fig. 1-Weld metal oxygen content as a function of flux basicity. The top curve i s
that the oxygen level decreases mon- graphed using Tuliani's equation for flux basicity which includes CaF, as a basic
otonically up to a basicity of 1.25 and is component in the flux. The bottom graph represents the same experimentaldata
constant at approximately 250 ppm plotted against a basicity index which treats C a b as a neutral component-
from thereon. As mentioned previous- eq (1)
in higher weld metal oxygen and slag cracking. However, with current References
FeO levels than would otherwise be trends toward lower carbon steels, Si
1. Garland, J. G., and Kirkwood, P. R.,
expected. levels might be effectively increased "Towards Improved Submerged Arc Weld
It is interesting to note that in the without either reducing toughness or Metal Toughness," Metal Construction and
alternate process of electroslag weld- exceeding acceptable carbon equiv- British Welding journal, May and June
ing using fluxes free of Si02, both alents. 1975.
highly basic and highly acidic, the Many current specifications do not 2. Tuliani, S. S., Boniszewski, T., and
weld metal oxygen levels are never allow this freedom in alloy design. A Eaton, N. F., "Notch Toughness of Com-
greater than 100 ppm.'Such levels are limited number of experiments have mercial Submerged Arc Weld Metal,"
been performed which confirm the Welding and Metal Fabrication, Aug. 1969,
characteristic of Si-Mn deoxidation
p. 327.
practice and suggest that the FeO conclusion that higher Si in the base
3. Christensen, N., and Chipman, J.,
content of the slag must be low, even metal does not harm metal tough- "Slag-Metal Interaction in Arc Welding,"
though the same slag is molten for a nesZo WRC Bulletin, No. 15, January 1953.
much longer period of time than is 4. Belton,G. R., Moore,T. J., and Tankins,
characteristic of submerged arc weld- Conclusion E. S., "Slag-Metal Reactions in Submerged-
ing. Arc Welding," Welding journal, 42(7), July
Again, such data suggest that the In conclusion, the suggested model 1963, Research Suppl., p. 289-s.
higher oxygen levels experienced in for oxygen contamination of sub- 5. Kubli, R. A,, and Sharav, W. B., "Ad-
merged arc weld metal implies the vancements in Submerged-Arc Welding of
submerged arc welding may not be
following: High Impact Steels," Welding journal,
explained solely in terms of the rele-
1. The oxygen level of submerged 40(11), November 1961, Research Suppl.,
vant slag-metal reactions. An external p. 497-5
source of oxygen contamination arc weld metal is controlled by SiO,
6. Lewis, W. J., Faulkner, G . E., and Riep-
should be considered as a significant decomposition in most l o w FeO acidic pel, P. J., "Flux and Filler-Wire Devel-
factor i n submerged arc welding. fluxes; 2000 C (3632 F) represents an opments for Submerged-Arc Welding HY-
effective equilibrium temperature. 80 Steel," Welding journal, 40(8), August
Discussion 2. The oxygen level of basic fluxes is 1961, Research Suppl., p. 337-s.
controlled by the oxygen potential of 7, Vaidya, V., Coulter, W., and Graville, B.
The general form of the weld metal the slag which is determined by the A,, "Methods to Improve the Impact Prop-
oxygen level vs. flux composition FeO content of the slag; the reaction erties of Electro-Slag Welds," Welding &
cannot be represented by a single Metal Fabrication, June 1976, p. 345.
curve does not follow the oxygen
8. Renwick, B. G., and Patchett, B. M.
potential of the flux directly, due t o effective equilibrium reaction temper-
"Operating Characteristics of the Sub-
the rapid dissolution of S i 0 2 in acidic ature. merged Arc Process," \Welding journal,
fluxes. It thus may be possible to 3. Basic slags may exhibit excessive 55(3), March 1976, Research Suppl.,
formulate acidic fluxes which are low FeO and M n O contents due t o atmo- p. 69-s.
in S i 0 2 1 7 and which could achieve l o w spheric contamination caused by in- 9. Thomas, R. D., "Submerged-Arc Weld-
weld metal oxygen levels with result- creased slag fluidity. ing of HSLA Steels for Low-Temperature
ing increases i n toughness. Such fluxes 4. The flux basicity index i s only an Service," Metal Progress, April 1977, p. 30.
would most probably be based o n indirect measure of the oxygen level of 10. Sommerville, I. D., and Kay, D.A. R.,
TiO, and/or A120,. the weld metal. The correlation should 'Activity Determinations in the
CaF2- CaO - SiO, System at 145Q°C, Met-
As has been suggested by Palm,18 more properly be drawn between
allurgical Transactions, Vol. 2, June 1971,
and as i s shown i n Fig. 3, higher base oxygen level and SiO, and/or FeO p. 1727.
metal Si levels inhibit the dissolution activity in the slag. 11. Hsu Yuan-Sun, et a/., Acta Met.,
of S i 0 2and aid in reducing weld metal 5. It is preferable to treat CaF2 as a Sinica, 1964, Vol. 7, pp. 24-31.
oxygen content in acidic fluxes. Speci- neutral component when calculating 12. Hawkins, R. J., Meherali, S. G., and
fications for base metal Si levels are flux basicity. Davies, M. W., "Activities, Sulphide Capaci-
currently limited to approximately 6. The M n O and FeO content of the ties and Phase Equilibria in CaFa-Based
0.5% Si maximum, because Si has a flux become more critical the higher Slags," 11.51, August 1971, p. 646.
reputation for lowering weld metal the flux basicity. 13. McGannon, H. E., ed., The Making,
Shaping and Treating of Steel, 9th Edition,
toughness. These specifications 7. More complete data are needed
U.S. Steel, 1971.
should be re-examined t o determine in order to determine which slag metal 14. Jackson, C. E., "Fluxes and Slags in
the true effect of Si on weld metal reactions are controlling weld metal Welding," WRC Bulletin, No. 190, Dec.,
toughness. If the Si in the weld metal oxygen level. 1973.
comes from decomposed SiOz, then 8. Welding process variables such as 15. Wright, J. K., and Elliott, J. F., "Reac-
high Si weld metals would not be current voltage, travel speed and cool- tions Kinetics During the Solidification of
expected to be tough, due to concur- ing rate have a potential effect o n Steels," Proceedings Conf. on Continuous
rent oxygen contamination. However, weld metal oxygen level through Casting, AIME, Feb., 1973, Chicago, Ill,
if the weld metal Si content i s derived control of atmospheric contamination 16. Christensen, N., "Spatial Distribution
of Manganese, Silicon, Chromium and
from the base plate and welding elec- and time of reaction.
Oxygen in Submerged-Arc Weld Deposits,"
trode, it would not be nearly as 9. Higher Si levels in the base plate Report AD-602138, March 1964.
harmful to toughness, and in some or electrode may be effective in 17. Coless, T. L., "New Low-Silica Com-
cases may be beneficial.18-20 improving weld metal toughness un- positions for Submerged-Arc Welding,"
Previous results, using acidic fluxes der certain conditions, and Welding lournal, Feb., 1965, Research
only, which showed a correlation of Si 10. When welding very l o w carbon Suppl., p. 72-5.
weld metal content with decreased steels with high basicity fluxes, high 18. Palm, J. H., "How Fluxes Determine
toughness, may in fact not have recog- silicon welding electrodes should be the Metallurgical Properties of Submerged
nized the possibly more important used t o suppress CO gas formation. Arc Welds," Welding journal, 44 (7), July
correlation of oxygen content with 1972, Research Suppl., p. 358-s.
19. Abramowitz, P., and Moll, R. A,, "Sili-
toughness in these weldments. Cer- Acknowledgment con-Carbon Interaction and Its Effect on
tainly the acceptable Si content of the the Notch Toughness of Mild Steel,"
base metal i s important, i n that the The author wishes to express his apprecia- Metallurgical Transactions, Vol. 1, June
carbon equivalent must be maintained tion to Professor T.B. King for several 1970, p. 1773.
below an acceptable level to prevent helpful discussions concerning this work. 20. Eagar, T. W., Unpublished Research.
CO formation

Fig. 5-The equilibrium concentration of
MnO at 2000 C i n MnO-SiOs-CaO slags as a
function of basicity index assuming 0.5, 1.0
and 1.5% Mn in the metal pool and an
oxygen concentration as shown in Fig. 1 (b).
Activities of MnO at 2000 C estimated from
.05 10 .I5 the data in M ~ G a n n o n ' ~
Fig. 4-The weld metal silicon content required to suppress CO gas formation amounts in more acidic fluxes.
(one atmosphere) as a function of weld metal carbon content for various
fractions solid-after Wright and E l l i ~ t t ' ~
The Oxygen Balance

An oxygen balance may be applied

Using the above assumptions we following reaction on our flux-weld metal-slag system
find that the weld metal oxygen level such that SiO, dissolved in the weld
i s controlled by the SiO, activity in metal produces oxygen which may be
acid fluxes (Bl < 1.25) and is a strong found as either weld metal oxygen or
function of basicity. The oxygen level log K = - -12,810 -5.65
increased M n O and FeO in the slag. If
is controlled by the FeO activity in the T
this occurs, we find an excess of
more basic fluxes, where the activity of does not proceed to c ~ m p l e t i o n . ~ , ~oxygen
~ in the final weld metal-slag
SiO, becomes negligible, and is effec- Indeed, the experimental data indicate system when compared with the start-
tively independent of basicity. These that the M n O reaction i s the most ing weld metal-flux system.
assumptions and conclusions are con- sluggish of all the reactions yet consid- In this analysis we assume that SiO.,,
firmed by the experimental data. ered. It i s only possible, therefore, to FeO and M n O are the only reactive
predict the direction in which the components in the flux (a reasonable
The CO Reaction reaction will proceed for a given flux- assumption since virtually no Al, Ca,
If we consider the reaction: weld metal combination. Mg, Ti, Na, or K is found in the final
If we assume a weld metal oxygen weld metal). The balance is difficult to
level as shown in Fig. I b , we may determine accurately since no specific
calculate the equilibrium M n O con- data are available from weldments
tent of the slag for a given [%Mn] in where percent dilution, weld metal-
the weld metal as a function of to-slag weight ratio and electrode,
we find that for. weld metal carbon basicity, as is shown in Fig, 5. If the flux, base metal, slag and weld metal
levels around O.IO%C, the CO reaction %MnO in the flux is less than the chemistries, are given. However, using
would predict oxygen levels some- equilibrium value, reaction (6) will the electrode, flux, base plate, slag and
what below those actually observed. proceed from left to right and will weld metal chemistries of Tuliani et aI2
Such an equilibrium would result in have a deoxidizing effect upon the and estimating that anywhere from Vs
reduction of weld metal carbon level weld metal. If the initial M n O to Y2 pound of flux is consumed per
and evolution of CO gas with resultant concentration in the flux i s greater pound of weld metal8 and assuming
porosity in the weld metal. However, than the equilibrium value, M n O will 50% dilution in the weld, we find that
Wright and Elliott" have shown that Si be dissolved in the weld metal and will oxygen is generally in great excess,
is effective in suppressing formation of become a source of oxygen, and the particularly in the more basic fluxes.
CO gas-Fig. 4. Thus CO porosity i s not assumption that the SiO, and FeO The conclusion is that oxygen must
a problem in most weld metals, where reactions alone are controlling weld be entering the weldment from the
the Si content is above 0.10%. It should metal oxygen content becomes inval- surrounding atmosphere, and that this
be noted, however, that highly basic id. contamination is probably more se-
fluxes do reduce the weld metal Fortunately, for all but one of the vere under basic fluxes. Qualitatively,
silicon levels to very low values which data available, the M n O reaction this atmospheric contamination might
may permit CO gas evolution. For this proceeds from left to right and be expected to be more severe when
reason, care should be taken when contributes to deoxidation of the weld welding under the basic fluxes since
welding low carbon steels with highly metal.-This fact is in reasonable agree- these fluxes are generally more fluid A
basic fluxes, i.e., basicity greater than ment with the predictions of Fig. 5. than high SiO, fluxes.13This increased
An important conclusion that may fluidity may allow the slag cover to
be reached from Fig. 5 is that the M n O flow away from the molten weld pool
content should be reduced as far as under the forces of the arc plasma jet.
The M n O Reaction
practical in basic fluxes, while M n O The jet in turn causes entrainment of
Christensen has found that the may be tolerated in significant air within the arc cavity which results
Initial Si content
/ in weld m e t a l

Fig. 2-The activity coefficient of a dilute
solution of FeO in oxide fluxes as a function
of basicity-plotted from data taken from

A comparison of Figs. 1 and 2 and

Table 1 shows that the oxygen content
of weld metal is not a simple function
of the oxygen potential of the flux,
even when variations in slag FeO
content are taken into account. This
conclusion leads to a consideration of
other possible slag-metal reactions
which might control weld metal oxy-
gen content.

The SiO, Reaction

Belton et aI4 have shown that, for a
wide variety of acid fluxes, the weld
metal silicon content can be repre-
sented by the following reaction:

I 2 3
Fig. 3-Dissolved oxygen equilibrium a t 2000 Cas a function of basicity index in
SiOa- CaO and Si02-CaO-FeOslags over Fe-Si melts. S i 0 , equilibrium data from
Belton, e t FeO equilibrium data from McGannonI3

trend it is necessary to consider other Fig. 3 illustrates the direction in which

if a reaction temperature of 2000 C reactions which control oxygen con- the FeO reaction i s expected to
(3632 F) i s chosen for equilibrium. tent under these fluxes. proceed. For slags with a basicity
If the FeO content is less than lo%, greater than 1.25 and greater than 1%
this relationship also provides a mea- The FeO Reaction FeO, the FeO reaction should proceed
sure of the weld metal oxygen content. from right to left and would be
It should be noted that the effective Figure 3 also shows the weld metal expected to be a source of weld metal
reaction temperature of 2000 C (3632 oxygen equilibrium at 2000 C (3632 F)
oxygen. For basicities less than 1.25, a
to be expected from the following
F) is in agreement with other measure- reaction represented by the sum of the
ments of the weld pool tempera- reaction:
SiOa and FeO reactions i s expected,
ture.14 with the dissolution of SiO, in the
It appears that for acid slags, at least, weld pool representing a fast step and
reaction (3) may be considered to the absorption of FeO by the flux
approach equilibrium during welding. 6372 representing a slower step.
log K = --2.73
Using this assumption, the oxygen T Combining the above reactions pro-
content of weld metal in equilibrium vides a reasonable explanation for the
with Si02- CaO slags at 2000 C (3632 The peak in FeO activity at 81 ^ 2, variation of weld metal oxygen as
F) of varying basicity is plotted in Fig. shown in Fig. 2, is evident, as well as a shown in Fig. 1. The assumptions used
3. A family of curves is generated to tendency for relatively low levels of are:
account for the initial silicon content FeO to provide oxygen to the weld 1. That the effective reaction tern-
of the weld metal. Clearly the higher metal no matter how large the basicity perature in the weld pool is 2000 C
activity of SiO, in the more acidic index. (3632 F).
fluxes may explain the high dissolved It is not suggested that the FeO 2. That the SiO, reaction is fast and
oxygen contents found in welds made reaction achieves equilibrium at 2000 proceeds to completion.
under these fluxes. Reaction (3) does C (3632 F) during welding; in fact, the 3. That the FeO reaction provides
not, however, explain the relatively experimental data indicate that this an upper limit on the expected oxygen
constant weld metal oxygen level for reaction does not reach equilibrium." levels for the more basic fluxes, but
the basic fluxes. fn order to explain this It is important to note, however, that does not achieve equilibrium.

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