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Statement from the Ontario PC Party regarding executive election of Sunday, November 18, 2018.

Thanks for reaching out to us.

We are confident in the integrity of the results of the most recent executive election held at the 2018 PC
Convention in Toronto. The entire election process from start to finish included input from both
Presidential candidates and their teams.

During the voting, it is important to note that scrutineers representing both Presidential candidates
oversaw the process of verifying eligible voters and, all other aspects of the election including the count.

At any given time during the voting, scrutineers outnumbered election officials at the polls. No concerns
were raised at the time with the process, nor did any candidate representative appeal the integrity of
our method.

We are confident that the results of the election are sound and correct due to the many precautions
taken by election officials and, due to the oversight provided by scrutineers selected by the Presidential
candidates themselves.

Our party is proud to operate an open, fair and, transparent election process. We are thankful for our
many volunteers, supported by party staff, who gave their time to ensure the 2018 PC convention was

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