Naı Ve Theories of Causal Force and Compression of Elapsed Time Judgments

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Naı̈ve Theories of Causal Force and Compression of Elapsed

Time Judgments

David Faro Ann L. McGill and Reid Hastie

London Business School University of Chicago

Recent research has shown that when people perceive a causal relation between 2 events, they
“compress” the intervening elapsed time. The present work shows that a naı̈ve mechanical–physical
conception of causality, in which causal forces are believed to dissipate over time, underlies the estimates
of shorter elapsed time. Being primed with alternative, nondissipative causal mechanisms and having the
cognitive capacity to consider such mechanisms moderates the compression effect. The studies rule out
similarity, mnemonic association, and anchoring as alternative accounts for the effect. Taken together,
the findings support the hypothesis that causal cognition plays a major role in judgments of elapsed time.
The implications of the compression effect on the timing of future actions, persistence, and causal
learning are discussed.

Keywords: causal reasoning, causal attribution, time estimation, lay theories, persistence

How much time might have elapsed between the launch of an causal connection (Haggard, Clark, & Kalogeras, 2002; see also
economic program and the emergence of an economy from reces- Buehner & Humphreys, 2009; Eagleman & Holcombe, 2002;
sion, between joining a dating service and finding someone you Moore, Lagnado, Deal, & Haggard, 2009; Wohlschlager, Haggard,
want to marry, or between giving your child a tough lecture about Gesierich, & Prinz, 2003). In both cases, on a historical and on a
trying harder in school and seeing an effect on his or her perfor- short time scale, judgments of causally linked events typically
mance? Recent research has shown that people subjectively bind resulted in an underestimation of the actual interval (Faro et al.,
such cause– effect events in time and “compress” the time elapsed 2005; Haggard et al., 2002).
between them. Hence, for instance, if a parent believes that the The tendency to bind past causes and effects in time and, as a
tough lecture was the reason for an improvement in the child’s result, to underestimate the time that transpired between them may
performance, the parent would estimate the interval to be shorter. have several consequences. If people bind past causes and effects
Several behavioral studies have established that people judge the in time, they might expect more rapid effects in the future. Sup-
time elapsed between pairs of historical events to be shorter when pose the parent wants to time the tough and somewhat unpleasant
they perceive the events to be causally linked than when people do lecture to the child to have maximum impact before upcoming
not perceive them to be so (Faro, Leclerc, & Hastie, 2005). final exams. If the parent underestimates the amount of time the
Similar effects occur on a shorter time scale. For example, in lecture might take to have impact, he or she may delay giving it
another study, when participants intentionally made a movement until it is potentially too late (see also Buehler, Griffin, & Ross,
that appeared to cause a sound, they thought the events were closer
1994; Roy, Christenfeld, & McKenzie, 2005). Further, if the parent
together than when the two events occurred with no apparent
expects a rapid effect that does not materialize, he or she might
revert to the same course of action, which the child perceives as
badgering. The tendency to bind causes and effects too closely in
David Faro, London Business School, London, United Kingdom; Ann time may also affect attributions of causality. Assume, as sug-
L. McGill, and Reid Hastie, Booth School of Business, University of gested, that the parent delays giving the tough lecture until it is too
Chicago. late for it to really have an effect, but a short time later, the child
Financial support for this work was provided by the Centre for Market- shows a marked improvement in schoolwork. The parent might
ing at the London Business School and the Kilts Center for Marketing at attribute that improvement to the lecture instead of another, per-
the Booth School of Business, University of Chicago. We thank Dan haps more plausible cause (e.g., the child’s discovering that a
Bartels, Simona Botti, Katherine Burson, Dan Goldstein, Monika Heller,
higher grade point average is rewarded by the school with off-
Joshua Klayman, France Leclerc, Ben Rottman, and George Wu for helpful
comments on this research. campus privileges).
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to David Why do people bind causes and effects in time? Is the percep-
Faro, London Business School, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4SA, United tion of causality really the factor producing this effect, and if so,
Kingdom. E-mail: what underlies this tendency? The empirical research on this
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2010, Vol. 98, No. 5, 683–701
© 2010 American Psychological Association 0022-3514/10/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0019261


phenomenon, for judgments of both historical events and motor lose their force over time (cf. Gilbert, Pinel, Wilson, Blumberg, &
movements, has been largely limited to documenting its existence. Wheatley, 1998). The compression in estimates of cause– effect
In this article, we explore why the effect occurs by identifying intervals can be muted or reversed if alternative (nondissipative)
some of its underlying cognitive mediators. First, we argue that causal mechanisms are salient when time intervals are estimated.
estimates for cause– effect intervals depend on a person’s beliefs However, the mechanical–physical, dissipative view of causation
about specific types of causal mechanisms presumed to link the appears to act as the default and to result in a general tendency to
events. Second, we propose that the general tendency to bind provide shorter time estimates for causal intervals.
causally related events in time is driven by the dominant role that
concepts of mechanical–physical causation play in human cogni-
tion (Lewin, 1935; Talmy, 1988). Mechanical–physical causality The Role of Time in Causal Inference
involves people’s perceptions and inferences about whether and
how, for instance, the movement of one object leads to the move- Time plays a central role in causal inference (Einhorn & Hog-
ment of a second object. We focus in particular on the naı̈ve arth, 1986; Hume, 1938; Lagnado & Sloman, 2004; Lagnado,
physics concepts of force and momentum (McCloskey, 1983). We Waldmann, Hagmayer, & Sloman, 2007). For example, when
hypothesize that when people believe two events are causally several variables are intercorrelated, temporal order tends to dom-
related, they bind the two events in time because they believe most inate strength of correlation when people infer causal relation in a
causal forces, similar to physical forces, dissipate over time. system of events (Lagnado & Sloman, 2006). Beyond the basic
Why do we claim that the mechanical–physical metaphor and a assumption of temporal precedence, people also expect a cause to
dissipative view of causal forces dominate causal thinking and drive be proximate in time to the effect. Michotte’s (1963) studies
the shorter time estimates? Researchers have speculated that inten- showed that temporal proximity plays a key role in adults’ imme-
tional control of physical objects in the immediate environment is the diate perceptions of phenomenological causality. Participants
root metaphor from which more sophisticated but commonsense
watched an animation of a billiard ball coming in contact with
notions of causality develop (Leslie, 1984; Leslie & Keeble, 1987;
another ball and the second ball starting to move in the same
Piaget, 1955; White, 1988a). Thus, an infant’s first experiences of
direction as the first. Their reports of the launching effect—the
causality involve his or her motor movements followed by move-
perception that the first ball caused the movement of the second—
ments and noises from nearby objects. An alternative interpretation,
which also supports the notion that mechanical–physical causality is decreased as the time gap between the first ball touching the
fundamental, suggests that phenomenal visual impressions of causal- second and the second one moving increased (Scholl & Tremoulet,
ity (Michotte, 1963) are the source of early causal intuitions (Leslie, 2000). Temporal proximity also affects judgments of causal
1988). In naı̈ve mechanical–physics, the force of actions and move- strength in the more conceptual causal induction paradigm. In this
ments is perceived to dissipate with the passage of time (McCloskey, research, people infer causality between events on the basis of
1983). Belief in and experience of dissipative forces is, hence, an statistical contingencies. For example, in one study, participants
integral part of early perception of causality. We suggest this funda- pressed a button on a personal computer keyboard and then saw a
mental belief underlies the temporal binding of cause– effect events. picture of a flute playing on the screen (J. R. Anderson & Sheu,
When people believe one event caused another, they bind the two in 1995). Ratings of causal strength decreased as the time interval
time because they feel the force imparted by the cause would other- separating the events increased (J. R. Anderson & Sheu, 1995;
wise dissipate before having impact. Shanks, Pearson, & Dickinson, 1989). In a similar vein, a person’s
However, although the physical–mechanical, dissipative con- own thought is perceived to be a cause of his or her action if that
ception of causation is primary and dominates much of causal thought precedes the action closely in time (Wegner & Wheatley,
reasoning, it is not the only way people can think about causation 1999). Finally, in legal cases, liability decreases with the temporal
(C. A. Anderson & Lindsay, 1998). In some contexts, the salient interval between a negative, harmful event and the actions of a
conceptual model of causation may involve forces that are, for defendant who allegedly caused the harm (Johnson & Drobny,
instance, perceived as building up over time (Einhorn & Hogarth, 1985).
1986; Sterman, 2002). Under such conditions, the tendency to bind Although these findings show close temporal proximity is a key
causally related events in time may be reduced or reversed. This
component in causal inference, there are important exceptions to
implies that the tendency to compress estimates of time between
this generalization. For example, if a person thinks advertising
causally related events will not be universal but will depend on the
works through a gradual diffusion process but sales go up the day
salient mental model of causation.
after an ad is placed, the increase in sales will not be causally
First, we review the literature on the use of time as a cue to
causality. Then, we propose a typology of naı̈ve causal mecha- attributed to the advertisement because the time gap is too short
nisms with different trajectories of force over time, along with (Einhorn & Hogarth, 1986). Similar qualifications apply to the
predictions about how each will affect time estimates. We test findings of experimental studies of causal induction. For example,
these predictions by manipulating the salience of different naı̈ve when people have a reason to expect a delay between cause and
causal mechanisms. Our findings show that differences in esti- effect, judgments of causal strength for temporally distant events
mates of time depend on the type of causal process participants are not diminished (Buehner & May, 2003). Further, identical
attribute to the events. Compression occurs when participants contingency information can result in different judgments of cau-
consider causal forces they believe dissipate over time. Hence, for sality, depending on the temporal assumptions people have about
instance, they are more prone to underestimate the time between the cause– effect events prior to observing the events (Hagmayer &
events involving emotions because they tend to think emotions Waldmann, 2002).

A Temporal Typology of Naı̈ve Causal Processes However, people also learn about other types of causes with
different temporal implications. The force of some causes builds
As the preceding review suggests, people expect certain rela- over time. People speak of “snowball” effects in which a small
tions between causal strength and time elapsed between the oc- problem grows into a larger one. “A stitch in time saves nine”
currence of two events. Although close temporal proximity is reflects the understanding that a small tear can grow to a big one
typically expected for two events to be seen as causally related, the if not dealt with right way. In particular, people learn quite early in
specific inference may depend on the mechanism by which the life that many biological processes involve patterns of accumula-
cause is believed to lead to the effect (Einhorn & Hogarth, 1986). tion and growth that physical objects and artifacts do not embody.
One recurring mechanism notion that features in how people Children as young as 3 years old are able to understand that
reason about the workings of physical causal processes is force animals grow larger with time, and older children allow for a rather
over time (McCloskey, 1983). Physical forces tend to and are dramatic change in size and shape (Rosengren, Gelman, Kalish, &
believed to diminish over time: Kinetic forces are lessened through McCormick, 1991). Similarly, most people know how the force of
friction, and sound and light waves dissipate. More generally, a planted seed increases as it grows, how illnesses may grow more
mechanical–physical causality is associated with temporally de- severe if not treated, and how small outbreaks of a disease may
scending trajectories (Michotte, 1963; Morris, Sheldon, Ames, & swell to an epidemic (Rottman & Ahn, 2009). Further, recent
Young, 2007). Dissipative causes, in which the force of the cause studies following Michotte’s (1963) launching effect paradigm
degrades with time, are common and, as noted, are the first causal have revealed that when there is delayed acceleration of the second
relations to be understood by children. It is important to note that object, observers describe the causal relation in terms of biological
concepts such as dissipating force and momentum from animacy (Tremoulet & Feldman, 2000). In general, animacy, as
mechanical–physical causality metaphorically serve to understand opposed to inanimate mechanics, is associated with ascending
other relations, including some social interactions and events (Hei- trajectories (Heider & Simmel, 1944; Michotte, 1963; Morris et
der, 1944; Markman & Guenther, 2007; Talmy, 1988). For in- al., 2007; Rosengren et al., 1991).
stance, people tend to describe downtrends in the stock market in It is typically more difficult, even for well-educated adults, to
terms of mechanical metaphors (e.g., the stock slid, dropped, reason about accumulative causal processes (Cronin, Gonzalez, &
plummeted; Andreassen, 1987; Morris et al., 2007). Similarly, Sterman, 2009; Einhorn & Hogarth, 1986; Sterman, 2002; White,
people may believe that social factors (e.g., an actor’s thoughts or 1998b, 1999). Perhaps this is why people exhibit a default reliance
emotions, other people’s comments or actions) behave much like on close temporal proximity as a cue to causality (Sterman, 2002).
However, accumulative forces may, at least metaphorically, fea-
physical forces, starting strong in potential impact but dissipating
ture in people’s lay conceptions of causation. People speak of
with time (Markman & Guenther, 2007).
others being “eaten up” by envy as if the emotion were a wasting
We suggest this dominant tendency to view the force of causes
disease. Fashions and opinions are sometimes described in epi-
as dissipative underlies the binding of causally related events in
demic terms (e.g., viral). A small idea may gestate, grow, and burst
time. To explicate this point, consider the phenomenon of dis-
out. Hence, just as the metaphor of physical causation may influ-
placement (Freyd & Finke, 1984). In the original studies with this
ence judgments of social causal processes, so, too, might the
paradigm, observers see a moving target on a screen. The target
metaphor of biological causation. If a mechanical–physical, dissi-
then disappears and observers are asked to indicate its last location
pative view of causes underlies the temporal binding of causally
on the screen. They usually report it traveling farther than it
related events then when a biological metaphor is salient— or,
actually did (Freyd & Finke, 1984). More important for the present more generally, when people perceive the causal process to in-
research, later studies have shown that when the target’s move- volve accumulating strength—people are unlikely to compress
ment is triggered by another object, it is remembered as having time; they may instead judge that the two events occurred with
traveled less far on the screen (Hubbard, Blessum, & Ruppel, greater temporal delay between them.
2001). This appears to occur because observers perceive the force Finally, people may believe some causal factors exert a rela-
imparted from the object into the target to dissipate over time. tively constant force over time. In everyday language we often
Hence, when the target’s movement is caused by another object, refer to these factors as enabling conditions. Usually, they operate
the distance it is perceived to have traveled contracts. in conjunction with other necessary conditions and are not per-
We propose that just as the notion of dissipating force makes ceived as precipitating events because they do not change states
people remember the visual target traveled less far in space, it may before the effect is observed. (Philosophers and statisticians often
also make people bind cause– effect events in time. The reasoning do not label stable enabling conditions as proper causes because
is similar: Because the force imparted from the cause is thought to they prefer to attribute causal relations only to pairs of events
dissipate over time, for that force to have led to the effect, only where a change in one event 关variable兴 precedes a change in
short time must have elapsed. Hence, the binding of causally another event 关variable兴.) The presence of oxygen for fire, for
related events in time is an extension of the mechanical–physical instance, is seen as a necessary, stable enabling condition. Again,
theory of causation in which forces degrade over time. Much past people may use the metaphor of such causal dynamics to account
work suggests this mechanical–physical view is people’s default for social events, particularly in comparing across people instead
approach to causation (Keil, Levin, Richman, & Gutheil, 1999). of over time (McGill, 1989). For example, people may believe that
Therefore, when dissipative causes are salient or when people others’ stable personality traits render them more or less prone to
think of generic, unspecified causal relations or opt for the easiest problems with alcohol or to stress-related outbursts. Similarly,
interpretation, they will bind causes and effects in time and tend to people often speak of an “accident waiting to happen.” In the case
underestimate the interval. of stable causes, time is weakly associated with causal force, if at

all. As a consequence, when people estimate a time interval on the a type of causal process. The dissipative-cause manipulations
basis of a stable causal relation, they may not compress or expand should result in shorter or qualitatively the same estimates as a
estimates of the time. control. The second type of analyses is based on within-
To summarize, we suggest causes can be broadly categorized in participants, across-items correlations between time estimates and
terms of the force associated with each type: dissipative, accumu- ratings of perceived causality. Dissipative causal processes imply
lative, and stable. We further suggest that the theory and associated a negative relation between these variables—the stronger the
belief a person holds about how causal force varies over time will causal relation, the shorter the time. We predict our manipulations
determine the impact of causation on time estimates. For example, of the availability of alternative causal processes will reduce or
in perceiving a causal relation between giving a tough lecture to a reverse this negative relation.
child and seeing an improvement in his or her schoolwork, a parent
might bind the two events in time if he or she views the lecture as Study 1: Ruling Out Similarity and Mnemonic
a physical force that “strikes” the child and causes a reaction that Association
might dissipate as time elapses. The parent might give longer
estimates if he or she thinks of the first, potentially causal event as A recent demonstration of the compression effect relied on
a biological force that grows, eventually inciting the child to participants’ estimates of elapsed time between pairs of historical
action. Finally, we suggest that the dissipative view of causes, as events (Faro et al., 2005). Estimates were shorter when a given pair
rooted in mechanical–physical causation, is the dominant view of of events was perceived to be causally linked than when not.
causal relations and results in a general tendency to bind causally Similarly, causally related pairs were judged to be closer in time
related events in time. than equidistant noncausal pairs. Although these findings are con-
Of course, this typology of causal processes— dissipative, ac- sistent with the assertion that time estimates depend on causal
cumulative, or stable—and the domain metaphors we proposed beliefs, two other factors naturally confounded with causality—
have limitations and exceptions. For example, people may know of similarity and mnemonic association— could account for these
physical processes that accumulate force (e.g., tectonic plates) and results.
of biological forces that lose momentum (e.g., an infected individ- People expect causes and effects to be similar to each other on
ual’s contagiousness). Although prior research shows that domain dimensions such as size, magnitude, and appearance (Einhorn &
metaphors such as mechanical physics and biology can affect Hogarth, 1986; Gilovich & Savitsky, 1996; Golonka & Estes,
judgments in other contexts, we do not, for instance, propose that 2009; LeBoeuf & Norton, 2007). For instance, many people have
when people think of causal relations in the social world, they a hard time believing the HIV virus, which led to a worldwide
think only in terms of Hume’s billiard balls or Newton’s cradle. epidemic of a potentially fatal disease, is itself fairly weak, much
Nonetheless, we believe our general typology and metaphors cover weaker than the virus that causes the common cold (Rozin &
many beliefs people have about causal processes and about pro- Nemeroff, 2002). It is possible that in previous studies showing
files of causal force over time. compression, time estimates between events perceived to be caus-
ally related were shorter, compared with causally unrelated events,
Overview of the Experiments and Predictions because participants thought the related events were similar to
each other (Morewedge, Preston, & Wegner, 2007). Hence, they
We report five experiments that explore the role of participants’ might also believe the events occurred at similar times. This
beliefs about causal processes in shaping their judgments of time. The account predicts that increasing the perceived similarity between
purpose of the first study is to establish that causal beliefs per se— two events, independent of the strength of the causal link, would
and not naturally confounded variables—produce the time- result in shorter elapsed time estimates.
compression effect. The first study tests and rules out two factors, A second possible confound in prior studies is mnemonic asso-
mnemonic association and similarity between events, as possible ciation. Causally related events are more likely to bring each other
sources of the effect. Once we show that causality is at the heart of to mind, and it could that be strong mnemonic associations drive
the effect, in subsequent studies we manipulate the specific con- the shorter time estimates between such events. Recent research
tents of participants’ causal mechanism beliefs and examine the has shown that ease of recall or feelings of conceptual fluency can
effects on time estimates. In Studies 2 and 3, we rely on partici- affect duration and elapsed time estimates (Raghubir & Menon,
pants’ intuitions and beliefs about the progression of causal force 2005; Whittlesea, 1993; Xu & Schwarz, 2005; see also Menon,
over time in different domains to manipulate the salient causal 1993). In one study, events that were easier to recall were judged
process. In Study 4, we hold domain constant and manipulate to have occurred more recently (Xu & Schwarz, 2005). Partici-
salient beliefs about causal processes by exposing participants to pants seemed to reason that it is generally harder to recall events
different trajectories of a causal force in an unrelated task. In Study in the distant past than to recall events in the recent past. There-
5, we manipulate cognitive load, making it more or less difficult to fore, they inferred that events easier to remember must have
consider alternative, more complex types of causal processes. occurred more recently. Similarly, if one event easily brings an-
In each study, participants estimate time elapsed between sev- other to mind, as causes and effects do, participants might feel the
eral pairs of historical events. We present two focal analyses. The two occurred close together in time. This account suggests the
first is an analysis of time estimates across participants in different shorter time estimates are driven by mnemonic association (which
conditions. We predict that the accumulative-cause and stable- results in ease of recall or fluency) rather than by the causal
cause manipulations will result in longer time estimates than will relation between the events. Pairs of events should, therefore, be
the dissipative-cause manipulation and a control in which no judged to have occurred closer in time if their strength of associ-
information, priming, or other manipulation is presented to trigger ation is increased. Study 1 contrasts these alternative accounts with

the proposition that the perception of causal relation between the Predictions
events underlies the shorter time estimates.
If similarity drives shorter time estimates, the similarity-
explanation task should shorten time estimates to the extent that it
Method increases perceived similarity. If mnemonic association drives
shorter time estimates, manipulations increasing strength of asso-
Participants. For $8 each, 118 University of Chicago students ciation should result in shorter time estimates. Both the similarity-
participated in a 30-min experiment on knowledge of historical and causality-explanation manipulations are expected to increase
events. strength of association for all pair types and should result in shorter
Procedure and design. The design was a 3 (pair type: causal time estimates. If, however, causality is responsible for the shorter
versus same domain [noncausal] versus different domain [non- time estimates, only the causality explanation task should result in
causal], manipulated within subjects) ⫻ 3 (explanation task: cau- shorter time estimates, and only for pair types for which partici-
sality explanation versus similarity explanation versus no expla- pants can construct plausible causal explanations. We expected
nation, manipulated between subjects) mixed design. that finding such explanations would be easier for the same-
Pair type. The study had three types of pairs: causal, same domain and causal pairs.
domain, and different domain. Causal pairs consisted of events
causally related to each other (e.g., Russians launch the first
satellite that circles the earth [Sputnik]—American astronauts
landing on the moon.). The same-domain pairs consisted of events Causality and similarity measures. An analysis of variance
from the same subject domain but not causally related in an (ANOVA) on the causality ratings showed a main effect of pair
obvious way (e.g., launch of first weather satellite by United States type (Mcausal ⫽ 67.45; Msame domain ⫽ 45.64; Mdifferent domain ⫽
of America—American and Soviet spacecrafts dock in orbit, 13.22), F(2, 154) ⫽ 422.09, p ⬍ .001. The effect of the causality-
cooperating for the first time). The different-domain pairs con- explanation task was also significant (M causality ⫽ 44.28;
sisted of two events selected from different domains and not Mno explanation ⫽ 39.87), F(1, 77) ⫽ 4.59, p ⬍ .05. The interaction
causally related (e.g., Kennedy elected, the youngest [and first of pair type and explanation was not significant. However, con-
Catholic] president—Federal Express begins operations). For each trasts indicated that as expected, trying to find a causal explanation
matched set of causal, same-domain pairs, and different-domain significantly increased causality ratings for the same-domain pairs
pairs, the actual elapsed time and years of occurrence were ap- (Mcausality ⫽ 48.86; Mno explanation ⫽ 42.33), F(1, 77) ⫽ 4.09, p ⬍
proximately the same (see Appendix A for full list of event pairs). .05.1 The effects of causal explanation for the causal and different-
Participants estimated intervals of time between events for 12 pairs domain pairs were not significant. We suspect that causal expla-
of each type. The actual elapsed time between events in each pair nation did not significantly increase causality ratings for the causal
ranged from 3 years to 34 years. The different pair types were pairs because of a potential ceiling effect; these pairs were already
judged highly causally related. Participants likely were not able to
presented in a mixed order, and two different orders of pair
find convincing causal explanations for the different-domain pairs.
presentation were used.
An ANOVA on the similarity ratings showed a main effect of
Explanation task. The experiment also involved a written
pair type (Mcausal ⫽ 7.75; Msame domain ⫽ 6.61; Mdifferent domain ⫽
explanation task that took place prior to time estimates. This
3.04), F(2, 154) ⫽ 403.70, p ⬍ .001. The effect of the similarity-
manipulation had three levels: causality explanation, similarity
explanation task was marginally significant, resulting in greater
explanation, and no explanation. Prior to estimating time between perceived similarity compared with the no-explanation condition
each pair, participants in the causality-explanation condition wrote (Msimilarity ⫽ 6.04; Mno explanation ⫽ 5.57), F(1, 77) ⫽ 2.94, p ⬍
an explanation of how the two events might be causally related. .10. The interaction of pair type and explanation was not signifi-
Participants in the similarity-explanation condition provided a cant.
written explanation of how the events might be similar to each Time estimates. The main dependent measure for time esti-
other. Participants in the no-explanation condition did not provide mates used in the analyses of variance across the studies is signed-
any written explanation. order-of-magnitude-error (SOME; Brown, 2002; Brown & Siegler,
Dependent measures. Participants estimated the number of 1992, 1993; Nickerson, 1981). SOME was computed for each
years that elapsed between the events for each pair. The time estimate according to the following formula (where the estimate
judgment task took place after the explanation task for each pair. was 0, the constant 1 was added to the estimate):
After the explanations and time judgments for all pairs were
completed, participants completed a surprise cued-recall task. This SOME ⫽ log 10 共estimate/actual 兲
task was intended to measure the strength of mnemonic association
Taking the ratio of estimate to actual elapsed time normalizes
for the event pairs. Participants viewed only the first event in each
the data over a range of possible responses spanning several orders
pair and were asked to recall the event previously paired with this
of magnitude and allows for averaging across event pairs that vary
cue event. Following the cued-recall task, participants in the
in terms of actual time (Brown & Siegler, 1992, 1993). Taking the
causal-explanation and no-explanation conditions rated the degree log of the ratio helps to equate order-of-magnitude underestimates
to which the events were causally related (on a 0 –100 scale). with order-of-magnitude overestimates. Smaller SOMEs imply
Participants in the similarity-explanation and no-explanation con-
ditions rated the degree to which the events in each pair were
similar to each other (on a 1–11 scale). All statistical tests reported in this article are two-tailed.

shorter time estimates, and SOMEs below zero imply underesti- (F ⬍ 1). The similarity-explanation task did not significantly af-
mation of actual time. fect time estimates for any pair type. The compression effect is
In Study 1, 82 of 4,284 estimates (about 2%) were identified as therefore replicated— greater perceived causality results in shorter
outliers and were excluded from further analysis (a similar pro- time estimates. Greater perceived similarity does not appear to
portion of outliers was found in subsequent studies and excluded result in shorter time estimates.
from the analysis). The order of presentation of the pairs did not The effects across the different pair types and explanation
significantly affect estimates. Figure 1A shows the mean SOMEs treatments are the main focus of this study. However, the data also
as a function of pair type and explanation. An ANOVA revealed a show underestimation relative to actual time. For instance, back
main effect of pair type on time estimates, F(2, 230) ⫽ 79.67, p ⬍ transforming the mean SOME for the causal pairs in the no-
.05. We did not observe a main effect of explanation manipulation, explanation condition yields a (geometric) mean of .58, suggesting
F(2, 115) ⫽ 1.90, p ⬎ .15. The interaction of pair type and participants are underestimating time for these pairs by about 40%.
explanation was significant, F(4, 230) ⫽ 5.12, p ⬍ .05. For the The underestimation is greater on causal explanation.
causal-pairs, time estimates in the causality-explanation condition Cued recall. We next examined the effects of pair type and
were shorter than were those in the no-explanation condition, F(1, explanation on strength of mnemonic association as measured by
115) ⫽ 6.86, p ⬍ .05. The same was true for the same-domain cued recall. We calculated the proportion of items recalled correctly
pairs, F(1, 115) ⫽ 4.31, p ⬍ .05. By contrast, for the different- by each participant for each pair type in each of the explanation
domain pairs, time estimates in the causality-explanation condition conditions. Figure 1B shows the mean correct recall proportions as a
were not different from those in the no-explanation condition function of pair type and explanation. An ANOVA with the correct
recall proportion as the dependent variable indicated a main effect of
pair type, F(2, 230) ⫽ 143.15, p ⬍ .005. The analysis also revealed
A 0
a main effect of explanation, F(2, 115) ⫽ 11.29, p ⬍ .005. The
interaction of pair type and explanation, driven by the greater impact
of the explanation tasks on the different-domain pairs, was also
significant, F(4, 230) ⫽ 11.50, p ⬍ .005. However, there were no
-0.1 significant differences in cued recall between the causality- and
Time Estimates (SOME)

similarity-explanation conditions for any pair type. Essentially, both

explanation tasks resulted in the same increase in cued recall, but as
-0.2 noted earlier, only the causal explanation had an effect on time
Correlations between time estimates and causality ratings.
No explanation For each participant, we calculated the correlation between time
Similarity explanation
estimates and causality ratings across the 36 pairs judged. To
Causality explanation
examine the effect of the explanation manipulation, these correla-
tions were entered to an ANOVA after a Fisher transformation (the
Different-domain Same-domain Causal reported correlations are back-transformed). The mean correlation
Pair Type was stronger and more negative in the causality-explanation con-
dition than in the no-explanation condition (␳causality ⫽ ⫺.19;
B 90
␳no-explanation ⫽ ⫺.12), F(1, 77) ⫽ 4.84, p ⬍ .05.
Correlations between estimates and actual time differences.
The SOME measure reflects over- and underestimation relative to
actual time. The correlations between time estimates and actual
elapsed time, calculated within participants and across the 36 pairs,
reflect instead whether participants were able to distinguish be-
Correct Recall %

tween far-apart and close-together pairs of events. Overall, these

correlations were weak but positive. Hence, participants tended to
respond with relatively short time estimates when actual elapsed
time is short and relatively long time estimates when actual
elapsed time is long. An ANOVA on the Fisher-transformed
40 Causality explanation
correlations revealed no main effect of explanation (␳causality ⫽
Similarity explanation
No explanation
.13; ␳similarity ⫽ .16; ␳no explanation ⫽ .16; F ⬍ 1).

20 Discussion
Different-domain Same-domain Causal
Study 1 replicates the time-compression effect. Greater perceived
Pair Type
causality resulted in shorter time estimates. There was also a negative
Figure 1. A: Mean time estimates (SOME) and standard errors as a correlation between time estimates and causality ratings within par-
function of pair type and explanation in Study 1. B: Mean correct recall ticipants, and it was stronger and more negative when participants
proportion as a function of pair type and explanation in Study 1. SOME thought about causality. The main purpose of Study 1 was to examine
(signed-order-of-magnitude-error) ⫽ log10 (estimate/actual). whether perceived causality truly underlies the shorter time estimates

or whether time compression is the result of similarity or associations on history knowledge. As part of this task, they were asked to
between the to-be-judged events. The results show that perceived judge the time between pairs of historical events. Eight of the
similarity cannot account for the shorter time estimates. The causal pairs used in Study 1 were used in this study. We also
similarity-explanation task increased perceived similarity but did not include noncausal pairs in the design (the same-domain pairs from
affect time estimates. In contrast, however, the causality-explanation Study 1). The purpose here is to ascertain that our manipulation
task did shorten time estimates, and this effect occurred only for pairs triggers different types of causal processes rather than merely
for which a plausible causal story could be constructed, the causal and short- versus long-interval magnitudes on which participants might
same-domain pairs. anchor. If the effects on time estimates are driven by anchoring,
The results of the cued-recall task also argue against the mnemonic our manipulation should have an effect on both types of pairs. That
association account. Both explanation tasks increased association is, if considering physical versus biological processes triggers
strength as measured by cued recall. However, strengthened associa-
short versus long time intervals, then this effect should persist
tion did not result in shorter time estimates. In fact, the pattern of
when judging any time intervals. If, however, the manipulation
results for time estimates and cued recall show a dissociation of these
triggers different ways of thinking about the causal processes, it
two variables (see Figure 1). Although the causal-explanation task
increased association strength for all pair types, it shortened time should have an effect only on the causal pairs. Two presentation
estimates only for the causal and same-domain pairs, those that orders for the event pairs were used.
participants could causally link. Strengthening association for pairs Dependent measures. As in Study 1, participants estimated
that could not be causally linked did not shorten time estimates. the number of years that elapsed between the events for each pair.
Taken together, the results of Study 1 strengthen the claim that After participants completed time estimation task for all pairs, they
inferring a causal link is necessary to produce the time-compression were asked to rate the strength of the causal relation between the
effect. We next delve more deeply into what about perceived causality events in each pair (on a 0 –100 scale).
results in time compression. In the following studies, we manipulate
the specific contents of participants’ causal mechanism beliefs and
measure time estimates. In Study 2, we prime two core domains in Results
causal cognition, mechanical–physics, and biology, prior to a time Time estimates. The order of presentation did not signifi-
estimation task for historical events (Inagaki & Hatano, 2004). We cantly affect time estimates. As in Study 1, the analysis was
expect that being primed with mechanical–physical processes will conducted on the SOME measure. Figure 2 shows the mean SOME
evoke thoughts about causes that, like kinetic force, dissipate over as a function of pair type and causal process. The ANOVA showed
time and result in shorter time estimates. In contrast, we expect that
a main effect of pair type, F(1, 70) ⫽ 79.87, p ⬍ .001. There was
being primed with biological processes will trigger a view of causes
also a significant main effect of causal process, F(1, 70) ⫽ 4.69,
that build up over time and result in longer time estimates.
p ⬍ .05. These effects were qualified by a marginally significant
interaction of pair type and causal process, F(1, 70) ⫽ 3.65, p ⫽
Study 2: Priming Physical Versus Biological Causal .06. For the causal pairs, time judgments in the physics-prime
Processes condition were significantly shorter than were those in the biology-
prime condition, F(1, 70) ⫽ 8.86, p ⬍ .01. The causal process
Participants. For $3 each, 74 University of Chicago students
participated in a 15-min experiment on general knowledge.
Procedure and design. The design was a 2 (causal process 0.2
primed: physics versus biology, manipulated between subjects) ⫻
2 (pair type: causal versus noncausal, manipulated between sub- 0.1
jects) design.
Causal process priming. Prior to making any time estimates,
Time Estimates (SOME)

participants completed a physics or biology knowledge test. As
part of this task, participants were asked to elaborate on the causal
mechanisms of three physical phenomena or three biological phe-
nomena. In the physics-prime condition, participants were asked to
provide a brief, written explanation of how a baseball that is -0.2
pitched goes over a fence, how a rock thrown into water capsizes Biology-prime
a toy boat, and how a driver that hits the brakes of a car on icy road -0.3
hits a tree. In the biology-prime condition, participants were asked
to provide a brief, written explanation of how a caterpillar turns
into a butterfly, how a person who starts smoking contracts lung Non-causal Causal
disease, and how a tree produces fruit. The purpose of this ma-
Pair Type
nipulation was to make physical or biological causality salient in
participants’ minds prior to making time estimates. Figure 2. Mean time estimates and standard errors (SOME) as a function
Pair type. After providing written explanations for the three of pair type and causal process prime in Study 2. SOME (signed-order-of-
physical or biological phenomena, participants took part in a task magnitude-error) ⫽ log10 (estimate/actual).

manipulation did not affect time estimates for the noncausal pairs Finally, the manipulation of causal process type had an effect on
(F ⬍ 1). time estimates only for the causal pairs. This manipulation did not
Correlations between time estimates and causality ratings. have an effect on the time estimates for the noncausal pairs, suggest-
As in Study 1, we calculated the correlation between time esti- ing that our manipulation did not prime short or long time intervals on
mates and causality ratings across the pairs judged by each par- which participants anchored in the time estimation task.
ticipant. To examine the effect of the manipulations, we entered In Study 2, we relied on participants’ preexperimental beliefs about
these correlations into an ANOVA after a Fisher transformation. the progression of causal processes in two core scientific domains. In
This analysis yielded a marginally significant interaction effect of Study 3, we manipulate participants’ beliefs concerning social causal
pair type and causal process, F(1, 70) ⫽ 3.28, p ⫽ .07. For the processes (Brickman, Ryan, & Wortman, 1975). We suggest that the
causal pairs, the mean correlation between estimates and causality same pair of events may be linked through different aspects of the
ratings was stronger and more negative in the physics condition people involved in the events. For instance, the Russians’ launch of
than in the biology condition (␳physcis ⫽ ⫺.34; ␳biology ⫽ ⫺.02), Sputnik may be linked to American astronauts landing on the moon
F(1, 70) ⫽ 4.52, p ⬍ .05. The difference between the mean by evoking the various emotions experienced by the people involved.
correlations for the participants judging the noncausal pairs was Emotions such as joy, pride, and fear may be relevant in this case. On
not significant (␳physcis ⫽ ⫺.15; ␳biology ⫽ ⫺.23; F ⬍ 1). the other hand, these same events could be linked by evoking the traits
Correlations between estimates and actual time differences. associated with the people involved, perhaps determination, stubborn-
As before, we supplement the SOME results with the sensitivity ness, and courage in this case. We expect that relative to traits,
correlations. An ANOVA on the Fisher-transformed correlations emotions would tend to be viewed as dissipating over time (an
between estimates and actual time differences revealed main ef- assumption we verify with collateral ratings). Thus, if participants
fects of pair type and causal process. The mean correlation be- believe emotions are responsible for the causal relation, they would
tween estimates and actual elapsed time was larger for the non- judge that the events occurred relatively close in time. However,
causal pairs than for the causal pairs (␳noncausal ⫽ .52; ␳causal ⫽ evoking trait explanations is instead expected to result in a temporally
.08), F(1, 70) ⫽ 30.15, p ⬍ .01. Hence, estimates of participants stable view of causality because traits are typically perceived to be
judging noncausal pairs were more sensitive to actual time than relatively stable over people’s life spans (Ross, 1989). Therefore,
were estimates of participants judging causal pairs. In addition, considering traits as responsible for the causal link should result in
participants exposed to physical processes exhibited greater sen- longer time estimates.
sitivity than did those exposed to biological processes (␳physics ⫽ Although this is our main prediction, we note that emotions, and
.38; ␳biology ⫽ .23), F(1, 70) ⫽ 4.45, p ⬍ .05. perhaps traits, may in some situations be associated with different
time profiles (Gilbert et al., 1998; Igou, 2004; Labroo & Mukho-
padhyay, 2009; Ross, 1989). There may also be individual differ-
Discussion ences in people’s implicit theories about the progression of these
factors over time (Ross, 1989). To the extent that there is such
In Study 2, we manipulated dissipative and accumulating causal variation, it should be reflected in time estimates.
mechanisms by priming either physical or biological causal processes
prior to the time judgment task. The results indicate that when phys- Study 3: Manipulating Emotion and Trait Causal
ical causal processes are salient to participants, time estimates for
subsequently judged causal intervals are shorter than when biological
processes are salient. Hence, time estimates for causal time intervals
depend on the type of causal process that is salient during judgment. Method
When we ran this study, we did not include a control condition in Participants. In return for course credit, 121 University of
which no causal process was primed. However, in Study 1, partici- Michigan students participated in a 15-min experiment on judg-
pants from the same university population made estimates for the ment and decision making.
same eight causal pairs used in this study without being exposed to Procedure and design. One factor, causal process type, was
any prime or to any manipulation. Comparing the mean estimates of manipulated between subjects with three levels: actor emotion,
these participants (Mno prime ⫽ ⫺.24) with the mean estimates in actor trait, and control.
physics (Mphysics ⫽ ⫺.28) and biology (Mbiology ⫽ ⫺.14) conditions Participants estimated time between each of 12 causally related
shows that the biology prime resulted in significantly longer esti- pairs of historical events, the same as those used in Study 1. In the first
mates, F(1, 76) ⫽ 4.07, p ⬍ .05. This supports our prediction that stage of the task, participants in the actor-emotion condition were
being primed with causality can result in longer estimates of time asked to designate emotions associated with actors in the events that
relative to control, providing the causal process primed is accumula- would help explain how the first events could be causally related to
tive. The physics prime resulted in estimates that were statistically not the second events. The list of emotions provided included pride,
different from the control ( p ⬎ .30). passion, joy, hope, envy, anger, guilt, and terror. Participants in the
In Study 1, the mean within-participants correlations between actor-trait condition were asked to choose trait characteristics associ-
time estimates and causality judgments were negative across con- ated with actors in the events that would help explain how the first
ditions, and additional focus on (nonspecific) causality resulted in event could be causally related to the second. The list of traits
a stronger negative correlation. The correlations in Study 2 were provided included courage, aggressiveness, charisma, arrogance, loy-
also negative overall. However, as predicted, being primed with alty, open-mindedness, selfishness, and shortsightedness. Because the
biological causal processes dampened the negative relation be- historical events potentially involved multiple actors, participants
tween estimates and causality ratings. were allowed to select more than one emotion or one trait from the

lists. In the control condition, participants did not make any explicit previous two studies, the mean within-participants correlations
choices related to causal relations. between time estimates and causality ratings were negative in all
Dependent measures. After each emotion or trait selection, conditions. Somewhat counter to our initial intuitions, the mean
participants made a time estimate for that pair. They were free to correlation was weakest in the actor-emotion condition. This, we
use a time unit of their choice. Finally, after the choice task and suggest, may be due to the different lay beliefs people may hold
time estimate, participants were asked to judge the degree to which about the impact of emotions over time (Igou, 2004; Labroo &
they thought the two events were causally related (on a 0 –100 Mukhopadhyay, 2009; Mukhopadhyay & Johar, 2005). Further
scale). These tasks were repeated in this order for each of the 12 examination showed although emotion-trend scores were on aver-
pairs. Two presentation orders for the event pairs were used. age smaller than trait-trend scores, there was greater variability
To measure the beliefs participants held about emotions or traits in emotion-trend scores and the maximum and minimum val-
and the progression of their impact over time, we asked them to ues reached both ends of the scale (Minimumemotion ⫽ ⫺15;
rate the degree to which each emotion or trait in the lists dissipated, Maximumemotion ⫽ 12; Minimumtrait ⫽ ⫺7; Maximumtrait ⫽ 16).
was stable, or accumulated in force over time. Participants made If participants hold different, sometimes opposing views about
the ratings on ⫺3 (⫽ decreases) to ⫹3 (⫽ increases) scale, with the manner in which emotions impact over time, the correlation
0 (⫽ stable) as the midpoint. These ratings were collected after all between time estimates and causality may, too, depend on
choice tasks, time estimates, and causality ratings were completed. emotion-trend scores. For participants who viewed the impact of
emotions as dissipating over time, the correlation between time
Results and causality should tend to be more negative. In contrast, for
participants who view the impact of an emotion as accumulating
Time estimates. As before, the order of presentation did not over time, correlations should tend to be positive or not as nega-
significantly affect time estimates. An ANOVA on the SOME mea- tive. Supporting this account, in the actor-emotion condition there
sure yielded a main effect of causal process, F(2, 118) ⫽ 8.46, p ⬍ was a significant, positive correlation between emotion-trend
.05. Explanations involving actor emotions resulted in the shortest scores and the Fisher-transformed correlations between time and
time estimates, followed by the control condition and then actor-trait causality (␳ ⫽ .31, p ⬍ .05). Trait-trend scores in the actor-trait
explanations (Table 1). As predicted, time estimates in the actor- condition were not significantly related to the correlations between
emotion condition were significantly shorter than were those in estimates and causality ratings (␳ ⫽ ⫺.10, p ⬎ .50).
the actor-trait condition, F(1, 118) ⫽ 8.20, p ⬍ .005. Estimates in Correlations between estimates and actual time differences.
the actor-emotion condition were also significantly shorter than An ANOVA on the Fisher-transformed correlations between esti-
were those in the control condition, F(1, 118) ⫽ 5.47, p ⬍ .05. mates and actual time differences did not reveal a significant effect
Time estimates in the actor-trait were marginally longer than were of the causal process manipulation (␳emotion ⫽ ⫺.07; ␳trait ⫽ ⫺.06;
those in the control condition, F(1, 118) ⫽ 3.07, p ⫽ .08. ␳control ⫽ ⫺.02), F(2, 118) ⬍ 1, ns.
For each participant in the actor-emotion condition, we con-
structed an emotion-trend score by summing up his or her ratings
of the eight emotions. We did the same for the eight traits for Discussion
participants in the actor-trait condition. As expected, trend scores The results of this study show considering different types of
were smaller in the actor-emotion condition than in the actor-trait social-causal processes can affect estimates of elapsed time be-
condition (Memotion ⫽ ⫺.02; Mtrait ⫽ 5.37; t ⫽ ⫺3.99, p ⬍ .01). tween two events. Focusing on actor emotions to explain the causal
Emotion-trend scores were positively correlated with time esti- relation resulted in shorter time estimates than focusing on actor
mates (␳ ⫽ .33, p ⬍ .05). Hence, viewing the impact of emotions traits. Relative to a control condition, where no specific type of
as dissipating over time was associated with shorter time estimates. causal process was evoked, focusing on dissipative causal forces
The trait-trend scores were not related to the time estimates in the (emotions) resulted in compression. Focusing on alternative causal
actor-trait condition (␳ ⫽ ⫺.18, p ⬎ .25). mechanisms, stable ones (traits) in this case, resulted in marginally
Correlations between time estimates and causality ratings. longer time estimates. The positive correlation between emotion-
As before, we calculated the correlations between estimates and trend scores and time estimates in the actor-emotion condition
causality ratings across the 12 pairs judged by each participant and suggests that time estimates are driven by the theory people hold
used the Fisher-transformed values in the analysis. There was not about the specific causal process underlying that relation.
a significant main effect of causal process (␳emotion ⫽ ⫺.35; The within-persons negative correlation between time estimates
␳trait ⫽ ⫺.39; ␳control ⫽ ⫺.46), F(2, 118) ⫽ 1.20, ns. As in the and causality ratings, observed in Studies 1 and 2, obtained in this
study as well. In Study 2, the negative correlation between time
Table 1 and causality was significantly weaker when biological processes
Mean Time Estimates (SOME) as a Function of Causal Process were primed. Similarly, in this study, for participants who tended
Type (Study 3) to view emotions as less dissipative (or perhaps accumulative) in
impact over time, the correlations between time and causality were
Emotion Trait Control less negative. Consequently, there was a positive correlation be-
tween emotion-trend scores and the within-persons correlations
Causal process M SD M SD M SD between time and causality. Thus, the relation between time and
Time estimates ⫺0.97 0.40 ⫺0.63 0.33 ⫺0.78 0.35
causality depends on the theory people hold about the specific
causal process underlying that relation. Unlike in Study 2, we did
Note. SOME ⫽ signed-order-of-magnitude-error. not find that making alternative causes, stable in this case, more

salient significantly dampens the negative correlation between Next, participants were presented with an historical event on the
time and causality. We suspect that rating perceived causality after computer screen (Russians launch the first satellite that circles the
each time estimate may have cued participants to the default earth [Sputnik]). For this event, they were asked to indicate which of
negative relation between these two variables. four options is analogous to customers’ brand awareness in relation to
To manipulate dissipative, accumulative, and stable processes, in the previous event. The four options included one that could plau-
Studies 2 and 3 we relied on participants’ beliefs about causes in sibly be affected by the historical event (Russians’ determination
different scientific domains and about different social explanations. to make progress in social sciences; Americans’ determination to
By changing domains, or types of causal explanation, our manipula- make progress in the space race; Americans’ determination to
tions might have evoked not only different trajectories of causal force, make progress in social sciences; Russians’ determination to make
as intended, but also different interval lengths. Perhaps events from progress in agricultural sciences.).
physics or events explained by emotions typically take a short time to In the initial scenario, the effect on brand awareness was triggered
transpire, and anchoring on such short intervals resulted in shorter by sending the samples, and this effect followed a certain trajectory
time estimates relative to the other conditions. The results for the over time. In the next stage, when asked which factor is analogous to
noncausal pairs in Study 2 argued against this possibility. However, a brand awareness, participants were therefore implicitly asked to
more direct control for this explanation would be to manipulate the choose a factor that could be triggered by the historical event pre-
salient causal process while holding domain constant. In Study 4,
sented to them. Thinking about an analogous causal mechanism for
prior to making time estimates, we expose participants to a causal
the historical event was expected to evoke the specific type of causal
event from a given domain. To manipulate the salient trajectory of
process and trajectory previously considered.
causal force, we use an event that could have dissipating, stable, or
Dependent measures. After making their choice, participants
accumulating impact over time.
were presented with a second historical event, the designated effect
of the first historical event (American astronauts landing on the
Study 4: Manipulating Causal Processes Holding moon). They were asked to estimate the amount of time that
Domain Constant elapsed between the first historical event and the historical event
presented after the choice task. They provided time estimates in a
time unit of their choice. Then they were asked to rate the extent
Method to which they thought the two historical events were causally
Participants. Eighty-five University of London students par- related (on a 0 –100 scale). Participants went through these steps
ticipated in a 15-min experiment in return for the equivalent of for a second pair of historical events (“The U.S. government health
U.S.$6 each. authorities determine that smoking is hazardous to health” and “In
Procedure and design. One factor, causal process type, was a move coined ‘Marlboro Friday,’ the tobacco company Philip
manipulated between participants and had four levels, dissipating, Morris announces plans to cut the price of its flagship Marlboro
accumulating, stable, and control. brand.”). Two orders of event presentation were used. Finally,
Filler tasks. Prior to the focal time estimation task, partici- participants were asked to write a few sentences about why they
pants took part in a sequence of filler analogical reasoning tasks on thought the options they chose for the first historical events were
a computer. In one of the filler tasks, for example, they saw related analogous to customers’ brand awareness and why they thought
pairs of words (e.g., poverty: money) followed by five other pairs they might follow a similar temporal trajectory.
of words (wealth: gold; hunger: food; car: driver; cook: stove;
butcher: knife). They were asked to find the pair that best ex-
presses a relation similar to that expressed in the original pair. In Results
a second filler task, for instance, they saw an argument (e.g., All
Time estimates. The order of presentation of the two events
German cars are safe. Dale drives a German car, so his car is safe.).
did not significantly affect time estimates. The mean time esti-
They were then asked to choose from a list of five arguments the
mates (SOME) for each of the two items are given on Table 2. For
one that most closely resembles the logic of the original argument.
The filler tasks were identical across conditions. the Sputnik pair, contrasts indicated participants in the dissipating-
Causal process type. In the focal task, participants were asked cause condition gave significantly shorter time estimates than did
to identify analogous elements between two events. The first event those in the accumulating-cause condition, F(1, 81) ⫽ 4.54 p ⬍
described a manager of a company who sent samples to key .05, and marginally shorter estimates than those in the stable-cause
customers. Participants were then presented with information condition, F(1, 81) ⫽ 3.69, p ⬍ .06. Estimates in the control
about the impact of this action on brand awareness (Zauberman, condition were marginally shorter than were those in the
Levav, Diehl, & Bhargave, 2010). In the dissipating-cause condi- accumulating-cause condition, F(1, 81) ⫽ 3.25, p ⬍ .08, and not
tion, a figure showed the impact of sending the samples on different from those in the dissipating-cause and stable-cause con-
customer awareness was strong at the outset but diminished over ditions. We observed a similar pattern for the Marlboro pair:
time. In the accumulating-cause condition, the figure showed the Contrasts indicated participants in the dissipating-cause condition
impact was weak at the outset but built up over time. In the stable gave significantly shorter time estimates than did those in the
condition, the figure showed a relatively constant impact. Finally, accumulating-cause condition, F(1, 81) ⫽ 5.07, p ⬍ .05; estimates
in the control condition, participants only read that this action in the dissipating-cause condition were not different from those in
affected brand awareness but were not shown any figure (see the stable-cause condition. Estimates in the control condition were
Appendix B). significantly shorter than those in the accumulating-cause condi-

Table 2
Mean Time Estimates (SOME) as a Function of Causal Process Type (Study 4)

Dissipating Accumulating Stable Control

Causal process M SD M SD M SD M SD

Sputnik ⫺0.70 0.49 ⫺0.38 0.40 ⫺0.41 0.49 ⫺0.64 0.49

Marlboro ⫺2.14 0.69 ⫺1.65 0.68 ⫺1.94 0.79 ⫺2.14 0.64

Note. SOME ⫽ signed-order-of-magnitude-error.

tion, F(1, 81) ⫽ 5.63, p ⬍ .05, and not different than those in the 3, and 4. Therefore, under limited cognitive resources we should
dissipating-cause and stable-cause conditions.2 observe even shorter time estimates for causal intervals.
Explanations. We next report some of the participants’ re-
sponses when asked to explain why they picked the option paralleling Study 5: Manipulating Cognitive Load
customers’ brand awareness. In responding about the Sputnik event,
participants in the dissipating-cause condition wrote explanations Method
such as, “At first the Americans would be jealous of the Russian
success, and their determination would be great. Over time they Participants. One hundred sixteen University of London stu-
would become less bothered, especially if the Russians were not dents participated in a 20-min experiment for the equivalent of
making much further progress”; “Initially the shock generated by the $7.50 each.
event is likely to make it appear as a magnified threat. Over time, Procedure and design. The design was a 2 (pair type: causal
however, new events will capture the imagination of politicians and versus noncausal, manipulated within subjects) ⫻ 2 (cognitive load:
the masses, so that the Sputnik no longer appears as an immediate high versus low, manipulated between subjects) mixed design.
danger.” Participants were told that social and technological changes
In contrast, participants in the accumulating-cause condition have led to increased levels of multitasking (e.g., text messaging
wrote, “Americans would be spurred on by the achievement of the while watching TV, driving while talking on the phone, etc.),
Russians even though initial dismay/shock/negative emotion could making it important to study how people concentrate on multiple
possibly cause hindrance in the beginning”; “Americans might simultaneous tasks. They were told this study, presented on a
want to keep up with the progress made by the Russians when they computer, involved memorization and multitasking. Participants
launched Sputnik, thus, as time goes by, there might be a height- were asked to estimate in years the elapsed time between 24 pairs
ened determination to make progress in the ‘space race.’” of historical events while memorizing strings of letters. Half of the
Finally, participants in the stable-cause condition wrote explana- events were the causal pairs, and the other half were noncausal.
tions of the following type: “More research and technological ad- The latter were included in the design to test whether cognitive
vances may increase the base of knowledge, but the determination to load may affect time estimates in general rather than moderate the
make progress will likely remain constant”; “Once they have entered time-compression effect, as we suggest. Two presentation orders
the space race, their determination to remain at par with the counter- for the event pairs were used.
part is not going to diminish over a period of time and, therefore, can Half the participants completed the time estimation task
be assumed to be constant.” (See Appendix C for other excerpts.) while holding two letters in memory (low load), whereas the
other half completed time estimation while holding a string of
Discussion eight letters in memory (high load; Gilbert & Hixon, 1991; Shiv
& Fedorikhin, 1999). Participants were asked to memorize
In this study, we used a manipulation of causal-process type strings of letters, rather than numbers, to avoid numerical
holding domain constant. The results show again that thinking of anchoring effects. Each time a participant completed six esti-
dissipating, stable, or accumulative causal processes during judg- mates, he or she was asked to report the string of letters and was
ment affects participants’ time estimates. In Studies 2, 3, and 4, we given a new string of letters to memorize. After participants
manipulated the salience of alternative causal-process types and completed the time estimation task for all 24 pairs, they were
measured the effects of these manipulations on time estimates. In asked to rate the strength of the causal relation between the
the next study, we put some participants under high cognitive load
while making time estimates. If, as we suggest, dissipating causes
are the default and drive binding of causal events in time and if Because participants in this study made judgments for only two event
making alternative causal processes more salient reduces or re- pairs, we could not calculate any within-participants correlations between
verses this tendency then cognitive load should exacerbate it. time estimates and causality ratings. We examined the across-participants
correlations. They reveal patterns largely consistent with our predictions.
Presumably, under cognitive load, participants would be more
For the Sputnik pair, the correlations were ␳dissipating ⫽ ⫺.46, p ⬍ .05;
likely to adopt the default mechanical–physical view of causation, ␳accumulating ⫽ .41, p ⬍ .06; ␳stable ⫽ ⫺.07, ns; ␳control ⫽ ⫺.49, p ⬍ .05. For
which is familiar and easy to reason by (Fletcher, Danilovics, the Marlboro pair, these were ␳dissipating ⫽ ⫺.44, p ⬍ .05; ␳accumulating ⫽
Fernandez, Peterson, & Reeder, 1986; Schlottmann, 1999). They .51, p ⬍ .05; ␳stable ⫽ ⫺.30, ns; ␳control ⫽ ⫺.16, ns. However, we suggest
would be even less likely to consider alternative causal mecha- that the within-persons correlations between time estimates and causality
nisms, such as those we experimentally manipulated in Studies 2, ratings are easier to interpret.

events in each pair (on a 0 –100 scale). This task was not subject start of an economy in recession and events such as giving a child
to a manipulation of cognitive load. a tough lecture about schoolwork and seeing an effect on his or her
performance. People tend to give shorter estimates of the time
Results and Discussion between such events than if they had not perceived a causal link
between them. Their perception of causality binds the events
Time estimates. Order of presentation did not affect time together in time. However, the degree of temporal binding appears
estimates. Figure 3 presents the mean time estimates (SOME) as a to be conditioned by the specific type of causal forces they believe
function of pair type and cognitive load. The data were analyzed in are connecting the two events. When people view causation
an ANOVA with pair type as a within-subjects factor and cogni- through a mechanical–physical lens, where causes are believed to
tive load as a between-subjects factor. This analysis revealed a have dissipative force, the cause and effect are “pulled together.”
main effect of pair type, F(1, 114) ⫽ 50.93, p ⬍ .005. The main However, when they imagine the two events are connected by
effect for cognitive load was not significant F(1, 114) ⫽ 1.76, p ⬎ accumulative forces such as those in the biological world, the
.20. There was a significant interaction of pair type and cognitive binding is reduced and the events may be pushed apart.
load, F(1, 114) ⫽ 4.28, p ⬍ .05. For the causal pairs, high-load Study 1 replicates the compression effect and rules out two alter-
participants gave significantly shorter time estimates than did native accounts, similarity and mnemonic associations between two
low-load participants, F(1, 114) ⫽ 4.45, p ⬍ .05. The difference events. The results support the interpretation that causality is the
was not significant for the noncausal pairs (F ⬍ 1). Hence, as effective relation producing compression in time estimates. Subse-
predicted, time estimates were even shorter for causal processes quent studies show elapsed time estimates for causally related events
when participants were under cognitive load. The effect of cogni- depend on beliefs about the specific types of causal mechanisms
tive load was seen only for the causal pairs, suggesting that the linking these events. In every study, priming dissipative causes results
manipulation affects causality and how it interacts with time, in judgments of time similar to control or compressed relative to
rather than general estimation of time. control. In contrast, in Study 2, a control, no-mechanism-primed
Correlations between time estimates and causality ratings. condition was not included in the experimental design, but compari-
As before, we calculated the within-subjects correlation between sons with Study 1, which had identical to-be-judged materials and
time estimates and causality ratings across the 24 pairs. The main sampling from the same participant population, suggest priming bio-
effect of cognitive load on the Fisher-transformed correlations was logical processes increases interval estimates compared with a con-
not significant (␳high-load ⫽ ⫺.22; ␳low-load ⫽ ⫺.26; F ⬍ 1). trol. In Study 3, when we primed traits as the type of causal link
Hence, contrary to expectations, the correlation between estimates between the to-be-judged events, time estimates are again (margin-
and causality ratings was not affected by cognitive load. ally) longer than in the control condition. In Study 4, when we primed
Correlations between estimates and actual time differences. an accumulating process, we again obtain longer time estimates than
An ANOVA on the Fisher-transformed correlations between esti- in the control condition. Hence, there are repeated observations of
mates and actual time differences did not reveal a reliable effect of differences between putative accumulating or stable processes and a
cognitive load. (␳high-load ⫽ .16; ␳low-load ⫽ .15; F ⬍ 1). control condition, suggesting that evoking these alternative processes
can expand time estimates. These findings support the interpretation
General Discussion that the availability of alternate causal processes and the specific
contents of these processes influence the impact of causation on time
Summary and Related Issues estimates.
Across the studies, the within-persons correlations between time
We started the article by asking about the time elapsed between estimates and causality ratings tended to be negative. However,
events such as the launch of an economic program and the jump these negative correlations were damped when accumulative
causes were made salient. One could argue that positive correla-
tions would be expected between time and causality when accu-
0.05 mulative causes are salient. We agree and suspect that overriding
the default, negative relation between these two variables may
Time Estimates (SOME)

have been hindered by the two specific aspects of our studies: The
judgment of a large number of events pairs consecutively and the
ratings of causality sometime right after time estimates. Both of
these factors might have cued participants into the default and
familiar (negative) relation between these variables.
-0.15 Low-load Longer time estimates following the priming of nondissipative
High-load causes and the muted negative association between time and causality
reflect the flexibility of our cognitive system to imagine mechanisms
with different temporal relations between cause and effect (Ahn,
Non-causal Causal Kalish, Medin, & Gelman, 1995; Buehner & May, 2003; Hagmayer
Pair Type
& Waldmann, 2002). Nonetheless, our results consistently demon-
strate the dominance of mechanical–physical causality and the notion
Figure 3. Mean time estimates and standard errors (SOME) as a function of dissipative causes. The default effect of perceived causality is to
of pair type and cognitive load in Study 5. SOME (signed-order-of- bind events in time. First, causal pairs are systematically judged to be
magnitude-error) ⫽ log10 (estimate/actual). closer in time than noncausal ones. Second, considering nonspecific

causal relations results in shorter time estimates and in stronger instances must have taken only a short time. This research may thus
negative time-causality correlations; the same happens when priming suggests another reason for impatience and lack of persistence, one
dissipative causes. Finally, under cognitive load, which presumably that is rooted in people’s memory for elapsed time between past
leads people to opt for default, familiar notions of causality, time actions and outcomes (see also Buehler et al., 1994; Kivetz, Urmin-
estimates for cause– effect events are even shorter. Overall, these sky, & Zheng, 2006; Morwitz, 1997; Roy et al., 2005; Vohs &
results show beliefs about causal mechanisms are the underlying Schmeichel, 2003; Zauberman & Lynch, 2005).
mediator of the compression effect, and the dominant belief is con- The tendency to bind causes and effect in time may also reinforce
sistent with mechanical–physical causation. the role temporal proximity plays in causal cognition (Einhorn &
Our explanation for the temporal binding effect concerns per- Hogarth, 1986). As noted, close temporal proximity between cause
ceptions of causal forces and their trajectory over time rather than and effect is an important, if somewhat simplistic, cue for causality:
perceptions of short or long delay. In Studies 2 and 4, we ad- When we experience food poisoning, our default, first inclination is to
dressed the possibility that our manipulations evoked concepts of think it must be due to the last thing we ate, and when our spouse
short and long delay rather than dissipative, stable, and accumu- seems upset, we tend to think it must be something we said or did
lative forces, as we intended. In Study 3, measures of trajectory recently. There may be several reasons for the dominance of this cue
over time predicted time estimates and the within-persons corre- to causality. Temporally proximate causes and effects are the first we
lations between time and causality. The notions of force over time learn. In addition, proximate causes may come to mind more easily
and delay are related (Sterman, 2002). Accumulative processes than more distant ones. The compression effect we examined suggests
often imply hidden processes in which there may be no visible another reason: Even when causes and effects are not very near in
effect of the causal process until after a long delay. Temporal time, we experience them as if they are (Haggard et al., 2002) or
contiguity and dissipation of force are often experienced jointly; remember them as if they were (Faro et al., 2005).
when one billiard ball hits another, cause and effect are in close Marsh and Ahn (2009) made a related point in a recent article on
proximity, but the observer also witnesses dissipative force as the how people learn and interpret ambiguous causal relations. Suppose a
second billiard ball comes to a halt (Hubbard et al., 2001). None- person tries a new energy drink and, after some time, feels invigo-
theless, when people think about causal relations, as our partici- rated. The temporal distance between these events introduces some
pants did in the studies, notions of mechanism naturally arise (Ahn ambiguity. Looking back, the person might ponder the effects of the
et al., 1995). We believe causal mechanisms with different force drink but notice no change in energy because the effect was perhaps
trajectories drive the time estimates we observed in our studies. at a large temporal distance. Similarly, the person might wonder what
To trigger different causal mechanisms, we have relied on the caused him or her to feel so energetic but not identify the drink as a
extensive literature supporting the claim that people develop the- candidate explanation, again because it was outside a plausible tem-
ories about different causal mechanisms in specific domains of poral window (Marsh & Ahn, 2009). However, if the person believes
knowledge (Inagaki & Hatano, 2004; Tenenbaum, Griffiths, & or wants to believe that the drink gives energy, he may bind the events
Kemp, 2006). The effects of specific mental models of causation in time and bring them to a subjective distance sufficiently close to
have been demonstrated in studies of causal induction (Hagmayer code them as cause and effect. This may occur even when there is in
& Waldmann, 2007; Tenenbaum et al., 2006; Waldmann, fact a large temporal gap between them that potentially precludes an
Holyoak, & Fratianne, 1995; Waldmann, 1996) and in category actual causal relation. Marsh and Ahn (2009) illustrated this ability to
learning and induction tasks (Danks, 2005; Rehder, 2003; Rehder assimilate ambiguous events as causes and effects and noted that
& Hastie, 2001). Our research is thus related to other phenomena temporal binding is one mechanism that enables such assimilation to
that involve relying on causal mechanisms to make judgments occur. Long elapsed time between cause and effect is typically a
such as frequency (Kahneman, 1982), choice (Sloman & Hag- limiting factor for the emergence of causal beliefs. Binding causally
mayer, 2006), and legal decisions (Hastie & Pennington, 2000; related events in time allows people to form and hold causal beliefs
Pennington & Hastie, 1991). that might otherwise conflict with the temporal proximity cue for
causality (Einhorn & Hogarth, 1986).
Implications The main focus of the present research is on the effects of different
naı̈ve mechanisms of causation on judgments of elapsed time. A
The tendency to bind causes and effect in time and, as a result, related question, important for practical purposes, is how accurate the
underestimate the intervening time can affect decisions that depend on estimates are relative to actual elapsed time. Whether a primed mech-
assessment of time-to-effect. As we depicted back in the opening anism of causation makes estimates more or less accurate depends in
example, people might be prone to underestimate how long lecturing part on whether they were accurate, overestimated, or underestimated
a child about schoolwork takes to have an effect on his or her prior to any intervention. Past research on duration judgments sug-
performance, and as study 5 suggests, they might do so, especially if gests one important determinant of interval over- and underestimation
they are busy thinking about something else. As a result, people might is actual interval length. Short intervals tend to be overestimated,
delay talking to the child until it is potentially too late and, in the whereas long intervals tend to be underestimated (Loftus, Schooler,
absence of rapid results, might repeat the same action or resort to Boone, & Kline, 1987; Roy & Christenfeld, 2008; Vierordt, 1968;
another one without allowing sufficient time for the original one Yarmey, 1990). Another factor that may affect accuracy is response
to have an effect. In a similar vein, people may expect politicians to scale. For instance, in Studies 3 and 4, many participants made
deliver quick solutions to the economic downturn, feel ready to take estimates in months, not years, as participants were instructed to do in
part in a challenging sport competition only a short time after exer- the other studies. The pattern of predictions with respect to manipu-
cising in the gym, or lose patience in the ability of their children’s lated causal mechanisms held, but participants underestimated the
teachers to improve reading skills—in part because they think past actual intervals to a greater degree in those studies.

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Appendix A

Events Used in Studies 1–5

The list of event pairs in Table A1 were used in Study 1. (The domain pairs, the actual elapsed times and years of occurrence were
remaining studies had a subset of these pairs). Participants saw one event approximately the same. The event pairs were mixed for pair type, and
pair at a time. For each matched set of causal, noncausal, and different- two different orders of presentation were used across the studies.
Table A1
Events in Studies 1–5

Historical event pairs Type Year Elapsed time in years

Set 1
The U.S. surgeon general determines that smoking is hazardous to health. 1 1964 29
In a move coined “Marlboro Friday,” Philip Morris announces plans to cut the price of its flagship Marlboro
brand. 1993
Country ad campaign begins featuring the slogan, “Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country.” 2 1964 30
McDonald’s bans smoking in all 11,000 of its restaurants. 1994
The first Wal-Mart opens. 3 1962 34
AOL goes to flat-rate pricing. 1996
Set 2
The term AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is used for the first time. 1 1982 3
The popular slimming product, Ayds, using the slogan “Get Ayds and lose weight” is withdrawn from the
market. 1985
The Gay Men’s Health Crisis is opened in New York City. 2 1982 3
Rock Hudson, film star, dies of AIDS. 1985
MTV debuts. 3 1981 5
The space shuttle Challenger explosion kills its crew. 1986
Set 3
Microsoft is chosen by IBM to create the operating system for its first personal computer. 1 1980 11
The Federal Trade Commission begins to investigate claims Microsoft monopolizes the market for personal
computer operating systems. 1991

Table A1 (continued)

Historical event pairs Type Year Elapsed time in years

Wayne Ratliff develops dBase II, the first version of a personal computer database program. 2 1980 11
Berners-Lee writes the initial prototype for the World Wide Web. 1991
The U.S. government bails out auto manufacturer Chrysler. 3 1981 9
The Simpsons television program debuts. 1990
Set 4
Assembly of the ARPANET begins at University of California–Los Angeles and Stanford, marking the
beginning of the Internet. 1 1969 3
E-mail is invented by Ray Tomlinson. 1972
Bell Labs releases the first version of the UNIX operating system. 2 1969 3
Nolan Bushnell founds Atari–manufacturer of the first game-oriented personal computer system. 1972
The Woodstock Music Festival takes place. 3 1969 4
Cohen and Boyer pioneer recombinant DNA techniques. 1973
Set 5
“Come Alive! You’re in the Pepsi Generation” ad campaign by Pepsi kicks off the cola wars. 1 1963 22
Coca-Cola introduces the New Coke. 1985
Patio Diet Cola is replaced by the first Diet Pepsi-Cola. 2 1964 21
Coca-Cola USA becomes the founding sponsor of Hands Across America, an initiative for public awareness
of hunger and homelessness. 1985
The United States enters Vietnam. 3 1965 19
AT&T is dismantled, and the Baby Bells are created. 1984
Set 6
A scientific expedition discovers and photographs remains of the wreck of the Titanic at a depth of 12,460
feet on the ocean floor. 1 1985 12
James Cameron’s film Titanic is released. 1997
The U.S. Congress moves to make the Titanic an international memorial. 2 1987 14
Amid widespread controversy, Americans David Leibowitz and Kimberley Miller are married inside a deep
sea submersible at the gravesite of the Titanic. 2001
The Beatles’s John Lennon is murdered. 3 1980 15
Netscape, a popular non-Microsoft browser, goes public. 1995
Set 7
Mikhail Gorbachev, the leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, begins the Perestroika policy of
liberalization. 1 1985 6
The Soviet Communist Party is disbanded, signifying the end of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a
political state. 1991
Soviet Secretary General Andropov dies; Chernenko replaces him. 2 1984 7
Leningrad is renamed St. Petersburg. 1991
The Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster occurs. 3 1986 6
Earth summit is held in Rio, Brazil, where the Convention on Protection of Species and Habitat is signed. 1992
Set 8
Adolph Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf, in which he discusses the “Jewish problem” in Germany and Europe, is
published. 1 1925 8
The first concentration camp is built in Germany. 1933
Germany is admitted to the League of Nations. 2 1926 8
Austrian chancellor Dollfuss is assassinated by the Nazis. 1934
Charles Lindbergh flies solo across the Atlantic. 3 1927 6
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”: U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt launches the New
Deal. 1933

(Appendices continue)

Table A1 (continued)

Historical event pairs Type Year Elapsed time in years

Set 9
Young Turks revolt in the Ottoman Empire, bringing ideas of modernism and liberalism. 1 1908 18
Polygamy is abolished in Turkey. 1926
The Assembly declares Turkey a republic with Kemal Ataturk as president. 2 1915 23
Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, dies in Istanbul. 1938
The San Francisco earthquake occurs. 3 1906 25
The Empire State Building opens. 1931
Set 10
The state of Israel is founded and is recognized by the United Nations. 1 1948 25
Saudi Arabia, Libya, and other Arab states proclaim an embargo on oil exports to the United States. 1973
The Dead Sea Scrolls, a source on the history of Judaism and the origins of Christianity, are discovered in a
cave in Israel. 2 1947 25
Terrorists kill 12 Israeli athletes at the Olympic Games in Munich. 1972
The transistor is invented at Bell Labs. 3 1947
Roe v. Wade legalizes abortion in the United States. 1973
Set 11
Szilard, Teller, and Einstein compose a letter to President Roosevelt, advising him of the prospect of creating
a weapon with uranium to start a nuclear chain reaction. 1 1939 6
The first nuclear bomb is detonated at Trinity Site in the New Mexico desert. 1945
The first successful helicopter flight takes place in the United States. 2 1940 7
The first supersonic flight takes place in the United States. 1947
The movie Casablanca is released. 3 1942 7
The National Basketball Association (Tenenbaum et al., 2006) is formed. 1949
Set 12
Russians launch the first satellite that circles the earth (Sputnik). 1 1957 12
American astronaut Neil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the moon. 1969
The first weather satellite, Tiros I, is launched by the United States. 2 1960 14
The United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics cooperate on the Apollo-Soyuz test project,
during which American and Soviet spacecrafts dock in orbit. 1974
John F. Kennedy is elected, the youngest (and first Catholic) president. 3 1960 13
Federal Express begins operations. 1973

Note. Type 1 ⫽ causal pairs; Type 2 ⫽ noncausal pairs (called same-domain pairs in Study 1); Type 3 ⫽ different-domain pairs.

Appendix B

Figure B1 Presented to Participants in Study 4

Figure B1. Figures presented to participants in the dissipating, stable, and accumulating conditions in Study 4.

Appendix C

Sample Explanations in Study 4

Dissipating-Cause Explanations Americans began to realize about the importance of the space race.
They didn’t want to be lagged behind.”
“At first, the Americans would be jealous of the Russian success
“The Americans would want to be better than the Russians in
and their determination would be great. Over time they would
everything to show that they are the bigger and better world power.
become less bothered, especially if the Russians were not making
Therefore, after the Russians launched their satellite, the Ameri-
much further progress.”
cans would work harder and harder.”
“Scientists would be keen to find ways, such as ways to orbit the
“Due to the competitive nature of the cold war era, knowing that
earth, but if not enough funds and resources . . . research may run
they were behind in the space race would increase American’s
cold. Citizens would like the idea initially, but with media adver-
interest in it.”
tising pros and cons of embarking such ideas . . . may disinterest
“Americans might want to keep up with the progress made by
citizens to approve of idea and funds/resources spent elsewhere.”
the Russians when they launched Sputnik, thus as time goes by,
“Initially the shock generated by the event is likely to make it
there might be a heightened determination to make progress in the
appear as a magnified threat. Over time, however, new events will
‘space race’.”
capture the imagination of politicians and the masses, so that the
“As they would be spurred by the first event and this effect will
Sputnik no longer appears as an immediate danger.”
increase over time.”
“The initial result of the Russians launching the first satellite “As time went on, the Americans would want to beat the
during the space race of the Cold War would lead to an initial Russians more and more in the space race.”
determination in the Americans to progress and beat the Russians
in the space race as matter of national pride.” Stable-Cause Explanations
“As with customer brand awareness, as time moves on, this
“Determination to make progress in the space race is constant.
event will be less influential (as would the giving of a free sample).
More research and technological advances may increase the base
The Americans would not continue to be influenced so greatly by
of knowledge, but the determination to make progress will likely
this historical event as other historical events took its place.”
remain constant.”
Accumulating-Cause Explanations “More research and technological advances may increase the
base of knowledge, but the determination to make progress will
“Americans would be spurred on by the achievement of the likely remain constant.”
Russians even though initial dismay/shock/negative emotion could “Once they have entered the space race, their determination to
possibly cause a hindrance in the beginning.” remain at par with the counterpart is not going to diminish over a
“At first, the Americans might not feel as if the Russians are a period of time and, therefore, can be assumed to be constant.”
competitor in the ‘space race.’ However after the launch of Sput- “The Americans would want to beat the Russians in the space
nik, the Russians have shown themselves to be capable of com- race so their determination would be maintained by competition.”
peting in this race, thus, the pressure for the American to make
progress would have increased over time.” Received October 17, 2007
“Because a sense of competitiveness between Russia and Amer- Revision received January 7, 2010
ica would increase over time. In the event of Russia’s satellite, Accepted January 9, 2010 䡲

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