Main Goals From Previous Script:: Blue Narration

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The audio correlating to this script has a level of improvisation in it, for the sake of making my

performance, feel a little more human, and less of a robotic.

Main goals from previous script:

 Shorten story as much as possible.
 3 minutes or less.
 Make the film flow better.

 [A1] = Act 1
 [A2] = Act 2
 [A3] = Act 3
 Blue = Narration
 Orange = Camera action
 Purple = Information
Story Shell
1. An island is shown, representing a normal life. [A1]
2. My island is then introduced. [A1]
3. I’m introduced, and Asperger’s is explained. [A1]
4. I talk about my loneliness, due to my Asperger’s. [A1]
5. My nan is spoken about to introduce the unicycle.
6. I obtained the unicycle. [A2]
7. I throw the unicycle away, only for it to loop around the mountain and knock me over. [A2]
8. I attempt to get on the unicycle, x3 [3]
9. The water level gets so low, the floor can now be walked upon. [A2]
10. A storm starts in the distance, representing the future. (This is a transition.) [A3]
11. I explain about I don’t know what can happen for the future. [A3]
12. I cycle towards the storm, saying hopefully people will watch my journey. [A3]
13. Animation Credits. [A3]
Story Kernel

Act 1
The animation starts with text saying:
“The contents of this film are an interpretation of the world around me. Its how I define my Aspergers
and my experience around it, every opinion is unique and special, hopefully including mine.”

Camera fades from black to a shot of the sun

T- “If you had to picture your life as a little island, how would you picture it?

Camera pans down to view an island.

T- “A small pile of sand, a sunbed, maybe even a palm tree or two?” Maybe you even have a few bits
memorabilia with you, like your skateboard! Which doesn’t work in sand, why on earth would you
bring a skateboard to a beach, it’s all just sand?”

As items are being described, they appear on screen, palm trees rise from the ground, beach chairs
fall from the sky, as does the skateboard.

Camera shakes around as if to indicate the camera man is refocusing on the topic.

T- “Anyhoo!”

The camera slowly rotates around to reveal another island, then there is a slight zoom.

T- “My island, is a little different. Its not a bad island, but its just different. My island is built
differently, like me! I’m wired differently, my Asperger’s, long story short, makes me think and act in
a unique way.”

I walk out from behind the rock (My digital representation of myself walks out.), towards the edge of
the beach, and I sit down by the water’s edge.

The camera loosely follows me.

T- “Now this is all fine and dandy, you’d probably think I’d just be a little bit silly or a bit eccentric,

I wave to a boat that is far away, but isn’t within shot of the camera, but due to my reaction and
sound, the boat is implied. A far-off voice shouts some form of insult, then a coconut is thrown at my

Camera has slight shake.

T- “Nope! It turns out I do have a bit of a drawback, being social is very difficult for me”

Laughter plays off in the distance.

T- “It’s hard to be yourself when the world you live in, defines you as ‘different’, I don’t feel like I’m
different, but apparently I just am somehow. I got bullied, a lot as a kid because of this, but I did still
want friends, I wanted to talk and interact with people, but I couldn’t”

At the end of this paragraph, another coconut is thrown at my head, so instead of just throwing it
back at them, I punch the coconut into the ground, and beat up the coconut.

T- “The super sucky thing is, I really wanted friends, I really wanted company, but because of who I
was, I was a very lonely person.”

After I’m done having a ‘Moment’, A storm rumbles in the distance and colour fades from the

The camera snaps from being on this side on view, to a frontal view of myself.

You can see in the face all the emotion draining out of it, I then hear a sound behind me, and I run
towards the other side of the island.

T- “It sounds silly, but I’d even get excited about the thought of people coming to my island”

The camera then pops back into the side view of myself.

The Submarine Scope takes one look at me.

The camera then zooms out to anticipate something.

The submarine then vanishes underneath the waves.

You can visually see I’m disheartened.

T- “And I know it sounds silly, but this was a period of my life where solitude kept me company more
than actual people.”

T- “Sometimes, even going months, without either speaking, or having people talk to me.”

There is a slow transition of me on one side of the island, to me sitting on the other, still having a
side on view.

I sit there in solitude for a little bit.

Screen fades to black.

Act 2

The screen is black

T- “Now I know this may seem a little off topic, but I’d like to talk a little bit about my Nan.”

There is then a thumping noise, like wood.

The screen then snaps into a view of a close-up of my eyes.

T- “I’ve always had a special relationship with my Nan, she’s like a second mum.”

The camera then quickly snaps to another shot a shot of me a bit further away, but the crate is still
out of view.

I quickly sit up.

T- “And I have no idea why, completely out of the blue”

I look puzzled.

The camera snaps to a view of the box.

The camera then snaps again to where the crate can be seen, with me opening it.

I open the crate and the unicycle is inside.

The Camera then tracks my face as I react to the unicycle.

T- “She just got me a unicycle, its a one wheeled bike, I don’t really know why she got the unicycle
and at first, I wasn’t really fussed about it, I ignored it.”

Camera tracks the unicycle.

I throw the unicycle over my head behind me. It lands on top of the rock only to roll down the it. The
camera follows the unicycle when its thrown.

T- “But after a while.”

Camera changes to a rear shot of me walking away towards the pier.

T- “And some encouragement.”

It then flies back at me, pummelling me into the ground.

Camera changes to a close up view of my face, but you can still see the unicycle in the distance.

T- “I gave it a go.”

You can see curiosity in my face as I look at the unicycle.

The camera then fades to a side shot of me standing on my island.

T- “And I very quickly realised that there are a lot of parallels between my Asperger’s and my
unicycle, basically, the more I practise my Asperger’s and/or unicycling the easier it is to control, so
for example when riding the unicycle, I found that I fail.”

I get on the unicycle, only to fall off

T- “And I failed, failed and failed a lot until something clicked, until I had learnt something.”

Rapid Camera Changes x3

As I say this line, quick shot of me go by of me getting hurt. Until I begin to seem more positive.

T- “And because of that, its very similar to my aspergers, I want to improve how I control it, so I just
keep trying and trying.”

You can visually see me getting better.

Act 3

The camera then slowly fades into becoming a short of the horizon.

T- “However”

A rumbling sound can be heard in the distance.

T- “This little island which I’ve shown is only a part of a much bigger world, and at some point I need
to join that world.”

The shot zooms over the landscape, eventually stopping on the floor on my island.

The camera shakes, and slowly zooms out.

T- “I was always told from a young age by most of my peers that because of my Asperger’s, I would
never be able to amount to anything.”

My foot and unicycle hit the floor.

Camera zoom stops, when my foot & wheel hit the floor.

T-“If only they could see me now, how far I’ve come, and how far I might go.”

Camera then cuts to a shot of me from the front, then quickly snaps to an even further away shot of
me on my island.

I then mount the unicycle, and ride towards the storm.

T- “It’s yet to happen, the future is uncertain, inevitable, and absolutely terrifying, but eventually, it
will happen.”

Camera then tracks me as I move forward.

A bolt of lightning strikes the ground near me.

T- “It’s a bit like going into a big storm, you don’t know if your going to get wet, cold, hit by lightning,
thrown around by a tornado.”

Lightning can be heard, and a sense of dread is implied.

T- “But this world, this challenge, It’s also incredibly exciting, so like my Asperger’s, and my

Camera shakes and continues to track me.

Another lightning bolt hits the ground, I weave to avoid it.

T- “I need to find a balance within myself, and the world around me.”
Another larger Lightning Bolt hits the ground, I hop to avoid the bolt.

T-“And if I can do that, I’ll happily ride into this eye storm, the future.”

The camera then snaps to a rear shot of me, just to emphasize how big the storm is.

A massive lightning strike begins to form.

Camera then changes to a short of the front of me, to show my face.

T- “This balance, this story, is mine, and I can’t wait to see how it ends.”

The screen goes white, then black.

T- “And hopefully you can see me succeed too!”


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